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Changing / restructuring the elements of a job making it more motivating for the performer.
Enhancing motivational potential of a job by altering core job dimensions. If employees
suffer from over-routinization of their work, one alternative is job rotation (also called cross-
training), or the periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another with similar skill
requirements at the same organizational level. Employers should exercise flexibility when
managing change in order to handle the challenges and opportunities brought about with the
presence of a multi-generation workforce. Apart from re-assessing policies and processes, job
scopes should also be re-evaluated, and redesigned to accommodate the needs of both
employers and employees.
For instance, managers at Apex Precision Technologies a custom machine shop in Indiana
continually train workers on all of the companys equipment so they can be moved around in
response to the requirements of incoming orders. During the 2001 recession, Cleveland based
Lincoln Electric moved some salaried workers to hourly clerical jobs and rotated production
workers among various machines. The manufacturer of welding and cutting parts was able to
minimize layoffs because of its commitment to continual cross training and moving workers
wherever theyre needed.
Job Enrichment expands jobs by increasing the degree to which the worker controls the
planning, execution, and evaluation of the work. An enriched job organizes tasks to allow the
worker to do a complete activity, increases the employees freedom and independence,
increases responsibility, and provides feedback so individuals can assess and correct their
own performance.

Some newer versions of job enrichment concentrate specifically on improving the
meaningfulness of work. One method is to relate employee experiences to customer
outcomes, by providing employees with stories from customers who benefited from the
companys product and services. Another method for improving the meaningfulness of work
is providing employees with mutual assistance programs. Employees who can help each other
directly through their work come to see themselves, and the organizations for which they
work, in more positive, pro-social terms. This, in turn, can increase employee affective
Many organizations provide job enrichment through cross-training to learn new skills, and
through job rotation to perform new tasks in another position. Employees typically work with
managers to set job enrichment goals, identify desired competencies, and find appropriate
Some recent evidences suggests job enrichment works best when it compensates for poor
feedback and reward system. Work design may also not affect everyone on the same way.
One recent study showed employees with a higher performance for challenging work
experienced larger reductions in stress following job redesign than individuals who did not
prefer challenging work.
Therefore, the purpose of job redesigning is to identify the task significance and skill variety
available in the organization and reallocating the job-related tasks and responsibilities
according to the specific skills possessed by an employee.

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