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Reported Speech Worksheet

Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense by moving the reported verb one step back into the past when
1.I'm working in Dallas today. / He said he _____ work! in Dallas that day.
".I think he will win the election. / #he said she _____ think! he _____ win! the election.
$.%nna lives in &ondon. / Peter says %nna _____ live! in &ondon.
'.(y )ather is going to visit us ne*t week. / +rank said his )ather ______ visit! them the )ollowing week.
,.-hey bought a brand new (ercedes. / #he said they _____ buy! a brand new (ercedes.
/.I have worked at the company since 1001. / #he said she _____ work! at the company since 1001.
1.-hey are watching -2 at the moment. / #he said they _____ watch! -2 at that moment.
3.+rancis drives to work every day. / He said +rancis _____ drive! to work every day.
9.%lan thought about changing his 4ob last year. / %lan said that he _____ thought! about changing his 4ob the
previous year.
15.#usan is )lying to 6hicago tomorrow. / #usan said she _____ )ly! to 6hicago the ne*t day.
11.7eorge went to the hospital last night. / Peter said that 7eorge _____ go! to the hospital the preceding night.
1".I en4oy playing gol) on #aturdays. / 8en says that he _____ en4oy! playing gol) on #aturdays.
1$.I will change 4obs soon. / 9enni)er told me she _____ change! 4obs soon.
1'.+rank is getting married in 9uly. / %nna tells me that +rank ______ get married! in 9uly.
1,.:ctober is the best month o) the year. / -he teacher says that :ctober _____ be! the best month o) the year.
1/.#arah wants to buy a new house. / 9ack told me that his sister ______ want! to buy a new house.
11.-hey are working hard on the new pro4ect. / -he boss told me that they _____ work! hard on the new pro4ect.
13.;e've lived here )or ten years. / +rank told me that they _____ live! there )or ten years.
10.I take the subway to work every day. / 8en tells me he _____ take! the subway to work every day.
"5.%ngela prepared lamb )or dinner yesterday. / Peter told us that %ngela ______ prepare! lamb )or dinner the
day be)ore.
;hat is your )avorite sport and how long have you been playing/doing it<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .
;hat are your plans )or your ne*t vacation<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .
How long have you known your best )riend< 6an you give me a description o) him/her<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .
;hat kind o) music do you like< Have you always listened to that kind o) music<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .
;hat did you use to do when you were younger that you don't do anymore<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .
Do you have any predictions about the )uture<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .
6an you tell me what you do on a typical #aturday a)ternoon<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .
;hat were you doing yesterday at this time<
(y new classmate wanted to know/ asked me _______________________________________ .

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