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1.What did Athuallapa give as ransom to the Spaniards??


2.Ancient burial sites were constantly threatened by who?

- Grave robbers

3. As the empire fell mummies were taken to what city??

- Lima

4. Huaqueros= grave thieves

5. What did an Incan man wear && what was it called??

- a sort of poncho & it was called “Onka”

6. What did an Incan woman wear && what was it called?

- Similar to a poncho but longer and tied with a sash it was called “anacu”

7.What did the “Incas by privilege” wear?

- Tunics that were spun by women attendants from FINEST wool

8. Did the “Incas by privilege” wear his clothes more than once?
-NO he never wore the same one twice

9. The language of the Incas is what??

- Quechua

10.Clan of extended families living together and sharing land, animals and
crops is known as what type of social unit in the Inca empire?

11.What was the woman's work during this time?

- cooking spinning and raising children

12. If a woman was sterile what could the husband do?

- The man could LEAVE her =( for it

13.Since the baby is not named for the first two years what is it called?

14. When is a child given their permanent name?

- when they reach puberty

15. At 20 if the man had not yet chosen a woman what happened?
- a woman was chosen for him
16. When was the beginning of the Incan Empire?

17. Which emperor is known as “he who transforms the earth”?

- Patchacuti

18.What was the Incan Empire called?

- Tahuantinsuyu ( AKA Four Quarters of the world)

19. From which areas in south america did the Inca empire call theirs?
- Central Chile and southern Colombia

20. What year did Francisco Pizarro arrive to the Inca Empire?

21. What civilization is their Empire compared to ?

- Rome

22. Who found Machu Pichu and when did he first arrive to Peru?
Hiram Binghamton && on June 8, 1911

23. What is the capital city of the Incas?


24.How long did it take to build Sacasuahaman?

30 years

25.According to the chronicles what is Machu Pichu missing??

The granite stone alter shrine

26. What was Esparto Pampa?

The ruins of ghosts

27.What happened to the last Inca King?

- He was captured my the Spaniards and killed

28. What was the Inti Huatana?

A compass observatory and shrine

29. Who designed the forehead fringe red tassels that Inca rulers wore?
Manco Capac

30. Who was the Hercules of Inca legend?

Mayta Capac
31.Who was the first Inca EMPEROR?

32. Who is the sun god?


33. What types of gods did they worship?

Gods of nature ( sun, mountains, thunder, stars ect.)

34.What did the Inca people call themselves?

“ The Children of the Sun”

35. Who did the Incas believe could communicate with them through
dreams, omens and other signs??

36. When rulers died where did their mummies go?

They remained in their palaces

37.Where is Piciactah?

38. Who started the cult of the royal mummies?


39.Inter Rami= Festival of Sun

40. What happened on Inter Rami?

The dead were matched around the city and people praised them when
they passed by

41. Who held the fate of the living?

The dead; Lives of living reflected the dead

42.What are Panacas?

A group that was established by Patchacuti to serve imperial dead; they
organized estates for the dead

43. Who was the first Inca RULER?

- Manco Capac

44. When did Patchacuti die?

- 1471

45. Why was there a civil war that took place between the two brothers?
- it was a civil war over worshiping

46. What was the name of the peak where the maiden mummy was found?
- Mount Umpato

47. How did the victim become mummified?

- by sand and the harsh cold weather conditions

1. Patchacuti= FIRST emperor; might conqueror; created Inca Empire
2. Tupa Inca= 2nd emperor; farthest- ranging conqueror
3. Huyana Capac= ThiRd emperor; expanded empire north!
4. Huascar= 4th emperor; Overthrown by CIVIL WAR; Killed by 1/2 brother
5. Atahuallpa= Over threw his bro ^^;Captured & executed by Pizarro =(

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