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MCQ Questions Preliminary examination

All of these questions are based on what people remembered after exams SO IT CAN NOT
ON !""# but it is the onl$ wa$ to %et an idea about the sub&e'ts( matters and topi's $ou would
as)ed about*
1. For lower premolars, the purpose of inclining the handpiece lingually is to,
A. Avoid buccal pulp horn
B. Avoid lingual pulp horn
C. Remove unsupported enamel
D. Conserve lingual dentine
2. For an amalgam Restoration of weaened cusp you should,
A. reduce cusp by 2mm on a fat base for more resistance
B. reduce cusp by 2mm following the outline of the cusp
C. reduce 2mm for retention form
!. "efore #lling a class $ a%rasion ca&ity with '(C you should,
A. Clean with pumice, rubber cup, water and wea acid
B. Dry the cavity thoroughly before doing anything
C. Acid itch cavity then dry thoroughly
). *hich of the following statement a%out the defecti&e margins of amalgam
restoration is true+
A. !he larger the breadown, the greater the chance of decay.
,. -he retention Pin in an amalgam restoration should %e placed,
A. "arallel to the outer wall
B. "arallel to the long a#is of tooth
.. -he most common cause of failure of the (/0 1(nferior /ental 0er&e2 %loc is,
A. $n%ecting too low
B. $n%ecting too high
3. *hich one of the following are not used in water 4uoridation5
A. &n'2
B. (.2)* A"'
C. +2&i'2
D. Ca&i'2
,. -* &tannous fuoride
6. -he %est way to clean ca&ity %efore the placement of '(C is,
A. +2.2
B. "hosphoric Acid
C. "olyacrylic acid
7. -he most mineralised part of dentine is,
A. "eritubular dentine
18.9 ), year old patient awoe with swollen face, pu:ness around the eyes, and
oedema of the upper lip with redness and dryness. *hen he went to %ed he had
the swelling, pain or dental complaints. ;xamination shows se&eral deep silicate
restorations in the anterior teeth %ut examination is negati&e for caries, thermal
tests, percussion, palpation, pain, and periapical area of rarefaction. -he patient<s
temperature is normal. -he day %efore he had a series of gastrointestinal x=rays at
the local hospital and was gi&en a clean %ill of health. -he condition is5
A. Acute periapical abscess
B. Angioneurotic oedema
C. $nfectious mononucleosis
D. Acute ma#illary sinusitis
,. Acute apical periodontitis
11.(nternal resorption is,
A. Radiolucency over unaltered canal
B. /sually in a response to trauma
C. Radiopacity over unaltered canal
12.>n replantation of an a&ulsed tooth could see,
A. &urface resorption, e#ternal resorption
B. $nternal resorption
C. $nfammatory resorption
D. Replacement resorption
,. A, C and D
'. All of the above
1!.-he percentage of total dentine surface dentinal tu%ules mae in 8.,mm away
from pulp is,
A. 20*
B. 10*
1).-he ?unction %etween primary and secondary dentine is,
A. A reversal line
B. &harp curvature
C. A resting line
D. A reduction in the number of tubules
1,.*hat is the correct se@uence of e&ents
A. Di2erentiation of odontoblast, elongation of enamel epithelium, dentine formation then
enamel formation.
B. Di2erentiation of odontoblast, dentine formation then enamel formation, elongation of
enamel epithelium.
C. ,longation of enamel epithelium, di2erentiation of odontoblast, dentine formation then
enamel formation.
D. ,longation of enamel epithelium, di2erentiation of odontoblast, enamel formation then
dentin formation.
1..*hat is the se@uence from super#cial to the deepest in dentine caries+
A. 3one of bacterial penetration, demineralisation, sclerosis, reparative dentine
B. 3one of bacterial penetration, reparative dentine, demineralisation, sclerosis.
C. 3one of bacterial penetration, sclerosis, reparative dentine, demineralisation.
13.-he ner&e supply of the pulp is composed of which type of ner&e #%res+
A. A2erent 4 sympathetic
16.(n which direction does the palatal root of the upper #rst molar usually cur&e
A. 'acial 5 buccal5
B. 6ingual
C. 7esial
D. Distal
17.*hat is the common appearance of &ertical tooth fracture+
A. "erio abscess lie appearance
B. Displacement of fragments
28.*hich of the following would %e >0; possi%le indication for indirect pulp
A. 8here any further e#cavation of dentine would result in pulp e#posure.
B. Removal of caries has e#posed the pulp
C. 8hen carious lesion has %ust penetrated D,9
21.Following trauma to tooth, the next day there was no response to pulp tests you
A. Review again later
B. &tart endodontic treatment
C. ,#traction of tooth
22.*hat is the main purpose of performing pulp test on a recently traumatised
A. .btain baseline response
B. .btain accurate indication about pulp vitality
2!.*hat is the main function of ;/-9 in endodontics+
A. Decalci:cation of dentine
B. Cleaning debris from root canal
2).*hich is 0>- -RA; in relation to the prescription of ,mg or 18mg of diaBepam
for sedation+
A. "atient commonly complain of post operative headache
B. An acceptable level of an#iolytic action is obtained when the drug is given one hour
C. !here is a profound amnesic action and no side a2ects
D. Active metabolites can give a level of sedation up to - hours post operatively
,. As Ben;odia;epine the action can be reversed with 'luma;epil
2,.*hich of the following is -RA; in regards to high ris patient+
A. 0.(ml of blood from +epatitis B carrier is less infective than 0.(ml of blood from +$< patient
B. 0.(ml of blood from +epatitis B carrier is more infective than 0.(ml of blood from +$<
C. 6evel of virus are similar in the blood and saliva of +$< patient
D. 6evel of virus in the saliva is not signi:cant for +epatitis B patient
,. !he presence of +epatitis B core Antigen in the blood means that active disease is not
2..Cour employer in an attempt to update o:ce steriliBation proceduresD what
would you recommend as the ";E- method to &erify that steriliBation has
A. /se spore test daily
B. /se indicator strips in each load and colour change tape on each pacage
C. /se indicator strips daily and spore test weely
D. /se colour change tape daily and spore test monthly
,. /se colour change tape in each load and spore tests weely
23.9 ., year old woman arri&ed for dental therapy. -he answered @uestionnaire
shows that she is suGering from se&ere cirrhosis. -he pro%lem that can %e
anticipated in the routine dental therapy is5
A. ,#treme susceptibility to pain
B. !endency towards prolonged haemorrhage
C. Recurring oral infection
D. $ncreased tendency to syncope
,. Di=culty in achieving ade>uate local anaesthesia
26.Hoss of sensation in the lower lip may %e produced %y,
A. Bell?s palsy
B. !raumatic bone cyst
C. !rigeminal neuralgia
D. 'racture in the mandible :rst molar region
,. 6udwig?s angina
27.Patient recei&ed hea&y %low to the right %ody of the mandi%le sustaining a
fracture there. Cou should suspect a second fracture is most liely to %e present
A. &ymphysis region
B. 6eft body of the mandible
C. 6eft sub@condylar region
D. Right sub@condylar region
,. sub@condylar region
!8.Eigns and symptoms that commonly suggest cardiac failure in a patient %eing
assessed for oral surgery are,
A. ,levated temperature and nausea
B. "alpitations and malaise
C. Anle oedema and dyspnoea
D. ,rythema and pain
,. "allor and tremor
!1.9 cyst at the apex of an upper central incisor measuring 1 cm in diameter is
&isualiBed in radiograph and con#rmed %y aspiration %iopsyD which method of
treatment would you consider+FF
A. ,#traction of the central incisor and retrieving the cyst through the socet
B. ,#teriori;ing the cyst through the buccal bone and mucosa
C. 7aing a mucoperiosteal fap and removing the cyst through an opening made in the
alveolar bone, followed by tooth removal.
D. 7aing a mucoperiosteal fap and removing the cyst through an opening made in the
alveolar bone, followed by endodontic treatment.
,. Routine orthograde endodontic treatment followed by observation.
!2.9 persistent oroantral #stula for a 12 wees period following the extraction of a
maxillary #rst permanent molar is %est treated %y,
A. 'urther review and reassurance since it will most probably heal spontaneously
B. Antibiotic therapy and nasal decongestants
C. Curettage and dressing of the defect
D. ,#cision of the :stula and surgical closure
,. 7a#illary antral wash out and nasal antrostomy.
!!.-he most signi#cant #nding in clinical e&aluation of parotid mass may %e
A. 6ympha adenopathy
B. Aodular consistency
C. 'acial paralysis
D. &low progressive enlargement
,. Berostomia
!).9s far as surgical remo&al of wisdom teeth is concerned which of the following is
A. "rophylactic prescription of antibiotic reduces dramatically the chances of infection
B. Raising a lingual fap will increases the incidence of neurapra#ia but will reduce the
incidence of neurotmesis with respect to the lingual nerve
C. "rophylactic prescription of de#amethasone will dramatically reduces post operative
D. $nferior dental nerve in%ury is unliely since the nerve passes medial to the wisdom tooth
,. !he use of vasoconstrictors in local anaesthetics will increase the chances of infection.
!,.;ndogenous morphine lie su%stance which can control pain is nown as,FF
A. Bradyinins
B. "eptides
C. "rostaglandins
D. &erotonins
,. ,nephalins
!..Platelets play an important role in haemostasisD which of the following descri%es
this role+
A. !hey convert :brinogen to :brin
B. !hey agglutinate and plug small, ruptured vessels
C. !hey initiate :brinolysis in thrombosis
D. !hey supply :brin stabili;ing factors
,. !hey supply proconvertin for thromboplastin activation
!3.Euppuration is mainly the result of the com%ined action of four factorsD which of
the following is not one of these factors+
A. Aecrosis
B. "resence of lymphocytes
C. Collection of neutrophils
D. Accumulation of tissue fuid
,. Autolysis by proteolytic en;ymes
!6.*hich of the following lesions C900>- "; classi#ed as an intra=epithelial lesion+
A. +erpes simple# infections
B. "emphigus vulgaris
C. +erpangina
D. 6ichen planus
,. +and, foot and mouth disease
!7.(n regards to I($ infection, which of the following is the earliest #nding+
A. Caposi sarcoma on the palate
B. Reduced haemoglobin
C. $nfection with pneumocystic carinii
D. Reduction in white cells count
,. B cell lymphoma
)8.*hich of the following is 0>- CI9R9C-;R(E-(C of trigeminal neuralgia+FF
A. !he pain usually last for few seconds up to a minute in the early stages of the disease
B. !he pain is usually unilateral
C. "atient characteristically have sites on the sin that when stimulated precipitate an attac
of pain
D. An attac of pain is usually preceded by sweating in the region of the forehead
E. $t is a paro#ysmal in nature and may respond to the treatment with Carbama;epine
)1."enign migratory glossitis or 'eographic -ongue, manifests itself in the oral
ca&ity as,
A. $rregularly outlined areas of hypereratosis of the dorsal surface of the tongue
B. 'urrows outlined the dorsal surface radiating out from a central groove in the centre of the
C. 6oss DatrophyE of :liform papillae in multiple irregularly outlined areas
D. $rregularly outlined erythematous area of hyper trophic fungiform
,. A :brinous e#udate on the dorsal surface
'. Frooves D:ssuresE radiating from a central :ssure
F. $rregular area in the midline of the tongue
)2.*hich one of the following is true a%out oral hairy leuoplaia+
A. Associated with +$< virus infection and is commonly seen on the dorsal of the tongue
B. Associated with +$< virus infection and is commonly seen on the lateral side of the tongue
C. /sually caused by Candida species
D. Always associated with trauma to the lateral side of the tongue
,. Always associated with pernicious anaemia
)!.*hich of the following ha&e a tendency to recur if not treated+
A. Fiant cell granuloma
B. 6ipoma
C. 'ibrous epulis
D. +aematoma
,. "ulp polyps
))."asal cell carcinoma is characterised %y,
A. Rapid growth and metastasis
B. 6ocal cutaneous invasion
C. $nability to invade bone
D. "oor prognosis
,. Radiation resistance
'. Can not metastasise to the bone
),.Carcinoma of the tongue has a predilection for which of the following sites+FF
A. 6ateral border anteriorly
B. Anterior dorsal surface
C. "osterior dorsal surface
D. 6ateral border posteriorly
,. Ao preferred location
)..9 patient presents complaining of a stomach upset )6 hours after starting a
course of anti%iotic for oral infection, this is an example of,
A. !ype $ allergic reaction
B. Aervous disorder
C. &ide e2ect of the drug
D. !ype $< hypersensitivity reaction
,. "yloric stenosis
)3.-richloroacetic acid, a strong acid, has %een used %y dentists for chemical
cautery of hypertrophic tissue and aphthous ulcersD its mechanism of action is,
A. !hermodynamic action
B. Activation of tissue en;ymes
C. .smotic pressure
D. "rotein precipitation ""!
,. Aeutrali;ation
)6.*hich of the following ad&erse reaction of oral contracepti&es is the most
common and the most serious
A. +ypotension
B. +epatoto#icity
C. /terine neoplasia
D. !hromboembolism disorder
,. Decreased resistance to infection
)7.9 patient who has %een taing @uantities of aspirin might show increased post
operati&e %leeding %ecause aspirin inhi%its5FF
A. &ynthesis of thrombo#ane A2 and prevents platelet aggregation
B. &ynthesis of prostacyclin and prevents platelet aggregation
C. &ynthesis of prostaglandin and prevents production of blood platelets
D. !hrombin and prevents formation of the :brin networ
,. $ncrease the absorption of vitamin C and prevents synthesis of blood clotting factors
,8.9 patient who recently had a calculus remo&ed from the idney presented with
radiolucent area in the left maxilla with clinical e&idence of swelling. -he disease
that you would immediately suggest is,
A. Diabetes
B. !hyroto#icosis
C. +yperparathyroidism
D. .steoporosis
,. Adrenal insu=ciency
,1.-ypical features of /own<s syndrome JMongolismK do not include5
A. A multiple immunode:ciencies
B. &ever caries but minimal periodontal disease
C. &usceptibility to infections
D. 7ultiple missing teeth and malocclusion
,. +epatitis B carriage in institutionalised patients
,2.-he patient whom you are a%out to treat, states that he has $on *ille%rand<s
disease. *hich one of the following preoperati&e haematological analyses may
re4ect this disease5
A. Bleeding time and factor <$$$ level
B. Bleeding time and factor $B level
C. Bleeding time and factor B level
D. "latelet count
,. !hromboplastin generation time
,!.9 22 year old woman has acute gingi&al hypertrophy, spontaneous %leeding from
the gingi&a and complains of weaness and anorexia. Ier %lood analysis was as
follows5 I"L12gm, 0eutrophilsL78M, MonocytesL1M, PlateletsL2,8888,
*"CL188888, HymphocytesL7M, ;osinophilsL8M
-he most liely diagnosis is5
A. 7yelogenous leuaemia
B. $nfectious mononucleosis 5glandular fever5
C. !hrombocytopenic purpura
D. Fingivitis of local aetiological origin
E. "ernicious anaemia 5<itamin B(2 de:ciency5
,).-he tonsillar lymph node is situated at the le&el of,
A. Angle of the mandible
B. CG vertebrae
C. 9ugulodigastric crossing
D. Clavicle
,. 9ugulo@omohyoid crossing
,,.;xposure of the patient to ionising radiation when taing a radiograph is 0>-
R;/AC;/ %y5
A. !he use of fast :lm
B. !he addition of :ltration
C. Collimation of the beam
D. !he use of an open and lead lined cone
E. Decreasing the ilovoltage Cv"
,..N=ray #lms ha&e an emulsion on one or %oth side of a support material. -he
emulsion contains particles of,
A. &ilver nitrate crystal
B. 7etallic silver in gelatine
C. &ilver bromide in gelatine
D. &ilver nitrate in gelatine
,. "otassium bromide in gelatine
,3.-he in&erse E@uare Haw is concerned with intensity of radiation using type / #lm
of 288mm target to #lm distance, the exposure time was 8.2,s. *hat would %e the
exposure for the same situation with )88mm target to #lm distance+
A. 0.1s
B. (.0s
C. 2.0s
D. 0.21s
,. 0.(21s
,6.Cou wish to purchase a dental N ray machine and ha&e the choice %etween .8$p
and 38$p machines. *ith single change from .8$p to 38$p what would the
approximate aGects on exposure time+
A. Ao e2ect
B. +alf the time
C. Double
D. Huarter
,. !riple the time
,7.*hen no radiation shield is a&aila%le, the operator should stand out of the
primary x ray %eam and a distance from the patient<s head of at H;9E-5
A. 0.1 metres
B. ( metre
C. (.1 metres
D. 2 metres
,. ) metres
.8.-he o%turating material of choice for primary teeth following complete
pulpectomy is,
A. 3n phosphate cement and formcresol combination paste
B. Huic setting hydro#ide cement
C. 3inc o#ide and eugenol cement
D. Futta@percha
,. "olycarbo#ylate cement
.1.*hen primary molars are prepared for stainless steel crowns should the depth
for reduction of the proximal surface %e similar to the depth of the %uccal and
lingual surfaces+
A. IesJ reduction of all wall is similar for best retention
B. Ao, pro#imal reduction is greater to allow the crown to pass the contact area
C. Ao, the buccal surfaces has the greatest reduction to remove the cervical bulge
D. Ies, all undercuts are uniformly removed so that the steel crown can be seated
,. Ao, because of lateral constriction, the lingual surface needs greatest reduction
.2.6 years old child who has sustained a fracture of maxillary permanent central
incisor in which 2mm of the pulp is exposedD presents for treatment three hours
after in?ury. *hich of the following should %e considered+
A. Remove the surface (@2 mm of pulp tissue and place calcium hydro#ide
B. "lace calcium hydro#ide directly on the e#posed pulp
C. "ulpotomy using formocresol
D. "ulpectomy and immediate root :lling
,. "ulpectomy and ape#i:cation
.!.*hich primary teeth are H;9E- aGected with the nursing %ottle syndrome+
A. 7a#illary molars
B. 7a#illary and mandibular canines
C. 7andibular incisors
D. 7a#illary incisors
,. 7andibular molars
.).*hich of the following anomalies occurs during the initiation and proliferation
stages of tooth de&elopment
A. Amelogenesis imperfecta
B. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
C. ,namel hypoplasia
D. .ligodontia
,. Anylosis
.,.*hich is the right se@uence of the histological stages of tooth de&elopment+
A. $nitiation, proliferation, histodi2erentiation, morphodi2erentiation, minerali;ation
B. "roliferation, initiation, histodi2erentiation, morphodi2erentiation, minerali;ation
C. "roliferation, morphodi2erentiation, histodi2erentiation, minerali;ation
D. $nitiation, proliferation, morphodi2erentiation, histodi2erentiation, minerali;ation
...9 health . year old child presents with carious maxillary second primary molar
with a necrotic pulp. *hich treatment would %e preferred+
A. ,#traction
B. $ndirect pulp treatment
C. "ulpotomy
D. "ulpectomy
,. Antibiotic coverage
.3.-o produce a sta%le correction of an upper la%ial segment in lingual cross%iteD it
is essential to5
A. /se :#ed appliances
B. +ave ade>uate overbite
C. !reat during growth
D. /se posterior capping
,. $ncrease vertical dimension
.6. *hich of the following are typical conse@uence of dental crowdingD assuming
no primary teeth has %een lost prematurely+
A. .verlapping of lower incisors
B. "alatal displacement of upper canines
C. $mpaction of (1 and 21 between :rst premolars and :rst molars
D. 7esial tipping of (G and 2G
,. Rotation of (G and 2G
.7. -he lamina dura seen on periapical radiograph as5
A. /sual radiolucency between tooth root and surrounding bone as a thin white line.
B. Cribriform plate of bone maing the tooth socet
C. Dense crestal bone consistent with a healthy periodontal status
D. "attern of radiopa>ue lines in supporting alveolar bone
38. *hich of the following organisms are pathognomonic of acute necrotic
ulcerati&e gingi&itis+
A. &pirochaetes and fusobacterium &"
B. &pirochaetes and eienella corrodes
C. "olymorphs and lymphocytes
D. Actinobacillus actinomycetes comitans oral capnocytophaga
,. "orphyromonas gingivalis and prevotella intermedia
31. (n testing for mo%ility, which of the following statement is true5
A. +eavy pressure must sometimes be used to test mobility
B. .nly lateral mobility is signi:cant in diagnosis and treatment of chronic infammatory
periodontal disease
C. +yper mobility indicates that the tooth supporting structure have been weaened
D. During the periodontal e#amination each tooth should be tested individually for hyper
,. Reliance on radiograph is essential
32. *hich of the following is true regarding gingi&osis J/es@uamati&e gingi&itisK
A. $t is caused by hormononal imbalance
B. $s seen only at or after menopause
C. $s fre>uently caused by lichen planus
D. $s a variant pregnancy gingivitis
,. $s related to nutritional disturbance
3!. -he treatment of Hocalised Ou&enile Periodontitis is fre@uently supplemented
with tetracycline %ecause 4ora in&ol&ed is predominant5
A. Aerobic
B. &trictly anaerobic
C. 'acultative or microaerophilic
D. Resistant to other antibiotic
3). -he most accurate way to e&aluate the eGecti&eness of root planning is %y5
A. $nspect the root surface with an instrument for root smoothness
B. /se air for visual inspection
C. Activate a curette against root surface and listen for a high pitched sound which indicates a
smooth, hard surface.
D. ,valuate the soft tissue at the end of the appointment for a decrease oedema and bleeding
,. ,valuate the soft tissues (0 to (K days later.
3,. Pro%e pressure at the sulculus of pocet should not %e more than enough to5
A. 'eel the top of the crestal bone
B. Balance the pressure between fulcrum and grasp
C. De:ne the location of the apical and the calculus deposit
D. 'eel the coronal end of the attached tissues
,. 6imit the lateral pressure
3.. 9 curette may %e inserted to the le&el of the attached gingi&a with minimal
trauma to the tissues %ecause of5
A. +as a round base
B. $s easy to sharpen
C. +as rounded cutting edges
D. "rovides good tactile sensitivity
,. +as two cutting edges
33. -etracycline hydrochloride conditioning of root surface in periodontal surgery
is to5
A. &terilise the root surface
B. 7ay enhance binding of :bronectin and :broblast
C. Aids in re@mineralising the root surface
D. Assist the biding of lamina dura
,. "revents post operative infections
36. >f all the factors that increase the resistance of teeth to dental caries -I;
M>E- ;FF;C-($; is,
A. !he general nutrition of a child during the period of tooth formation
B. !he intae of fuoride during the period of enamel minerali;ation and maturation
C. "eriodic topical fuoride application by dental health care following tooth eruption
D. &u=cient intae of calcium and <itamin D during the period of enamel minerali;ation and
37. *hen the enamel of the tooth is exposed to preparation containing high
concentrations of 4uorideD the ma?or reaction is5
A. &odium fuoride
B. Calcium fuoride
C. &tannous fuoride
D. 'luoroapatite
68.Ee&eral approaches ha&e %een suggested to increase the #xation of
professionally applied topical 4uoride, which of the following statements (E
(0C>RR;C- regarding increasing the #xation+
A. $ncrease concentration of fuoride in solutions
B. Raise the "+ of the fuoride solution
C. $ncrease the e#posure time to topical fuoride
D. "re@treat the enamel with 0.1* phosphoric acid
,. /se A+K' rather than Aa' at a lower "+
61. "iopsy is least useful in the diagnosis of,
A. Feographic tongue
B. Aphthous ulcer
C. Cysts
D. Franuloma
,. 7yeloma
62. (n the inferior al&eolar %loc the needle goes through or close to which
A. Buccinator and superior constrictor
B. 7edial and lateral pterygoid
C. 7edial pterygoid and superior constrictor
D. !emporal and lateral pterygoid
,. !emporal and medial pterygoid
6!. -he extraction of maxillary deciduous molar in , years old childD you should
A. 7ostly towards the ape# pressure and some movement
B. Rotation
C. Distal pressure and movement
D. 6abial@lingual movement
6). *hat is the purpose of maing a record of protrusi&e relation and what
function does it ser&e after it is made+
A. !o register the condylar path and to ad%ust the inclination of the incisal guidance.
B. !o aid in determining the freeway space and to ad%ust the inclination of the incisal
C. !o register the condylar path and to ad%ust the condylar guides of the articulator so that
they are e>uivalent to the condylar paths of the patient.
D. !o aid in establishing the occlusal vertical dimension and to ad%ust the condylar guides of
the articulator so that they are e>uivalent to the condylar paths of the patient.
6,. the pulp horn most liely to %e exposed in the preparation of large ca&ity in
permanent molar tooth is,
A. 7esioL6ingual in upper :rst molars
B. 7esioLBuccal in upper :rst molars
C. DistoLbuccal in lower :rst molars
D. 7esioL6ingual in lower :rst molars
,. 7esio@ Buccal in lower :rst molar
6.. -he main factor controlling a decision to increase the occlusal height of teeth
for extensi&e oral reconstruction is whether,
A. !he inter occlusal distance will be physiologically acceptable after treatment
B. !here will be su=cient tooth bul in the abutment teeth for proper retention of the crowns
C. At least two third of the original alveolar process will remain for ade>uate periodontal
D. !he aesthetic appearance of the patient will improve su=ciently to warrant the planned
63. (n planning and construction of a cast metal partial denture the study cast,
A. facilitate the construction of custom5special trays
B. minimi;e the need for articulating
C. provide only limited information about inter ridge distance, which is best assessed clinically
D. can be used as a woring cast when duplicating facilities are not available
66. Periodontal damage to a%utment teeth of partial denture with distal
extension can %est %e a&oided %y,
A. Applying &tressbreaers
B. ,mploying bar clasps on all abutment teeth
C. 7aintaining tissue support of the distal e#tension
D. Clasping at least two teeth for each edentulous area
E. 7aintaining the clasp arms on all abutment teeth at the ideal degree of tension
67. *hich of these muscles may aGect the %orders of mandi%ular complete
A. 7entalis
B. 6ateral pterygoid
C. .rbicularis oris
D. 6evator angulioris
,. !emporal
78. Oaw relation of an edentulous patient has %een esta%lished. -he maxillary cast
has %een mounted on an articulator without a face %ow. Cou decide to increase
the occlusal &ertical dimension %y )mm this will necessitate,
A. .pening the articulator Kmm
B. A new centric relation to be recorded
C. A change in the condylar guide settings
D. An increase in the rest vertical dimension
71.Following extraction of the molar teethFF
A. !he ridge height is lost more from the ma#illa than from the mandible
B. !he ma#illary ridge will get more bone lost from the palatal aspect than the buccal
C. !he mandibular arch is relatively narrower than the ma#illary arch
D. Compared with the pre@resorption state, the mandibular ridge will lose more bone from the
lingual aspect than the buccal one.
72. *hich of the following is a ma?or disad&antage to immediate complete
denture therapy,
A. !rauma to e#traction site
B. $ncreased the potential of infection
C. $mpossibility for anterior try in
D. ,#cessive resorption of residual ridge
7!. For dental caries to progress in dentine,
A. !he dentine must contain soluble collagen
B. ,namel must contain glycoproteins
C. Diet must contain simple carbohydrate
D. Diet must contain polysaccharides
,. "ulp must contain complement
7). Etreptococcus mutans utilise which su%tract to form dextran,
Refer to Boucher 7icrobiology
A. Flucose
B. 'ructose
C. &ucrose
D. Amylopectin
,. De#trans
7,. 9t %irth, some calci#ed dental tissues are presented,
A. All deciduous teeth and all permanent incisors
B. All deciduous teeth and permanent central incisors
C. All deciduous teeth and the :rst permanent molars
D. Deciduous teeth only
7.. which one of the following statement is correct,
A. !he remnants of Ameloblast contribute to the primary enamel cuticle
B. the last secretion of the odontoblast is cementum B
C. !he last secretion of the ameloblast is the ac>uired of enamel cuticle
D. !he remnants of odontoblast form the primary enamel cuticle
73. -he principle muscle responsi%le for the opening of the mouth is,
A. 7ylohyoid
B. Anterior temporal
C. "osterior temporal
D. Anterior belly of digastric
76.Hoss of tooth in mixed dentition aGects the
A. &ame >uadrant
B. !he relevant %aw
C. !he whole mouth
D. !he relevant >uadrant
77.*hat are the points that determine the facial line in cephalometric points, 1 -he
angle of the con&ex facial line25
A. Aasion, subnasale, pogonion
B. .rbital, sellaM
188. *hat is the main purpose of using Etress %reaers5
A. !o distribute the load between teeth and ridges
B. !o distribute the load between the clasps and the face end of the saddle
C. $t relieves the abutment tooth of occlusal loads that may e#ceed their physiologic strength
181. *hat is Miller<s theory a%out
A. Acidogenic micro@organism
B. "roteolytic
!he researcher name is 8. D. 7iller
182. -ooth under occlusal trauma shows
A. Bone resorption
B. Aecrosis of the pulp
C. +ypercementosis
D. !riangulation
,. All of the above
18!. *hich is more retenti&e form for anterior %ridge
A. N partial veneer crown
B. Class < inlay
C. "inlay <eneer
D. Class $$$ inlay with pins
18). *hat would not cause an airway o%struction
A. 6aryngeal muscles paralysis
B. 'le#ion of the nec
C. Airway obstruction
D. ,#tension of the nec
18,. 9s far as localised al&eolar osteitis is concernedD which one of the
following is true+
A. !he incidence in the mandible and ma#illa is similar
B. !he prophylactic prescription of antibiotics prior to e#traction reduces the incidence.
C. ,#cessive :brinolysis is the liely aetiology
D. "urulent e#udate must be seen for a diagnosis and irrigation is mandatory
,. 3inc o#ide eugenol and alvogyl dressing promote a rapid bone growth
18.. 9 patient with impacted canineD %y mo&ing the N ray tu%e distally the
canine mo&es distally tooD where do you expect the impacted canine5
A. 6abially impacted
B. "alatally impacted
183. 9 18 year old %oy presents with small greyish white lesion surrounded %y a
red halos on the soft palate and tonsillar pillars, small &esicles are found. Ie has
fe&er and pain in the ear. -he M>E- pro%a%le diagnosis is+
A. +erpangina
186. -he E09 angle on cephalogram, %est signi#es the relationship of,
A. 7andible to cranial base
B. 7a#illa to cranial base
C. 7a#illa to mandible
D. 7andible to porion
,. 7a#illa to 'ranfort plane
187. 9 child has sustained a traumatic exposure of primary central incisor, he
presents to you for treatment two days after the in?ury. *hich of the following
should %e considered+
A. "ulpotomy and CaD.+E2
B. "ulpotomy and formocresol
C. Direct pulp capping
D. "ulpectomy DRC!E
118. 6 years old child presents with all permanent incisors erupted, %ut yet only
three permanent #rst molars are erupted. >ral examination re&eals a large gingi&al
%ulge in the un=erupted permanent area. 9 panoramic radiograph shows the
al&eolar emergence of the un=erupted permanent #rst molar crown and three
fourth tooth de&elopments, there are no other radiographic a%normalities. -he
most appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan in such situation would %e5FF
A. Dentigerous cystJ surgical enucleation.
B. $diopathic failure of eruption, surgical soft tissues e#posure
C. Anylosis of the molar, removal of the :rst molar to allow the second one to erupt
into its place.
D. Anylosis of the molar, surgical soft tissues e#posure and lu#ation of the molar
,. $diopathic failure of eruption, surgical soft tissues e#posure and orthodontic
111. Patient presents with rapidly progressi&e root caries on many teeth. *hich of
the following la%oratory results would %e a possi%le indicator of this+
A. &timulated salivary secretion rate of (.1ml5min
B. &. mutans concentration of (0
C. A pla>ue sample containing 1* &. mutans
D. A lactobacilli concentration of (0
,. &alivary bu2ering "+ 1.1
112. *hich of the following is 0>- characteristic of /own<s syndrome+
A. Decreased neutrophil function
B. 7acroglossia
C. 7acrodontia
D. An increased susceptibility to periodontal disease
,. Congenitally missing teeth
11!. -he M>E- common carcinoma in the mouth is,
A. ,pidermoid carcinoma 5&>uamous Cell Carcinoma5
B. Carcinoma of the lips
11). 6 years old child presents with all permanent incisors erupted, %ut yet only
three permanent #rst molars are erupted. >ral examination re&eals a large
gingi&al %ulge in the un=erupted permanent area. 9 panoramic radiograph shows
the al&eolar emergence of the un=erupted permanent #rst molar crown and three
fourth tooth de&elopments, there are no other radiographic a%normalities. -he
most appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan in such situation would %e5
A. Dentigerous cystJ surgical enucleation.
B. $diopathic failure of eruption, surgical soft tissues e#posure
C. Anylosis of the molar, removal of the :rst molar to allow the second one to erupt into its
D. Anylosis of the molar, surgical soft tissues e#posure and lu#ation of the molar
,. $diopathic failure of eruption, surgical soft tissues e#posure and orthodontic traction.
11,. 12 years old child presents with symptoms of widespread gingi&itis with
%leeding and general malaise for se&eral wees. Iow would you manage this
A. "rescribe 7etronida;ole (00mg
B. 6ocally debride, give oral hygiene instruction and prescribe +2.2 mouth wash.
C. Five a prophyla#is with ultra sonic scaling
D. Refer for haematological screening
,. Advise for bed rest with supportive and palliative treatment
11.. *hat is the aGect of o:ce dental prophylaxis of regular six month
inter&als on children<s oral health+
A. Reduce caries incidence by appro#imately )0*
B. "rovide a long term improvement in oral hygiene
C. "rovide a short term improvement in oral hygiene
D. "revent gingivitis
,. Reduce the need for patient cooperation
113. Pla@ue is considered as an infection %ecause5
A. Antibiotic therapy prevents or stop its formation
B. $ndication of bacterial activity
C. $t is common to both animal and human
116. *hich of the following is true in relation to dental decay+
A. 'oods that re>uire vigorous mastication will increase salivary fow and reduce "+
B. !ooth brushing immediately after meals is most e2ective because demineralisation has
already started
C. 'ood that encourage the mastication will increase the number of lymphocytes in saliva and
thus reduce decay
D. <igorous mastication will increase pla>ue "+ and lead to reduce of decays
,. !he &tephan Curve describes an increase in "+ during a meal with resultant of
117. -he ";E- treatment for al&eolar a%scess5
A. ,ndontic treatment or e#traction
B. $ncision and drainage alone
C. ,#traction
D. ,ndodontic
128. (n de&eloping pla@ueD the adhesi&e polymer produced %y streptococcus mutans
is synthesis from5
A. Flucose
B. 'ructose
C. &ucrose
D. 6actose
,. Amylose
121. Fluoridation is the ad?ustment of the 4uoride content of a community
water supply to optimum le&els for caries pre&ention. *hich of the following
statement is correct+
A.!ooth decay declines by O0* to O1*
B. !ooth decay declines by K1* to 11*
C. Freater reduction in smooth surface caries from in pit and :ssures
D. 'luoridation increases vulnerability to osteoporosis
122. Clinical PProximal in some papersP caries on radiographs are seen5
A. &maller than the real one
B. 6arger than the real one
C. !he same si;e
12!. 9 cusp fracture immediate to Class (( inlay can %e detected %y,
A. +istory
B. <isually
C. Radiograph
D. "ercussion
,. !ouching the tip of the cusp 5 "ressure on the cusp5
12). Recession of gingi&a of se&eral anterior teeth caused %y exposure and softened
cementumD what would you do+
A. &crap the soften cementum and apply fuoride
B. &crap the soften cementum and use F$C
C. Class < amalgam
12,. Patient with class (( di&ision ((D the lateral incisor is missing. Cou want to mae a
#xed %ridge which of the following is suita%le5
A. Rocet bridge using central incisor as abutment
B. Cantilever using central incisor
C. 'i#ed bridge using the central incisor and bicuspid
12.. *hen repairing a fracture of lower complete denture. *hich statement is
A. &elf curing will distort the denture
B. Cold curing will not be strong enough because of small area of attachment
C. !here is a possibility of occlusal disharmony
123. (n regards to ;lectrical $italometer5
A. !o test recently erupted teeth
B. Chec response for an electrical stimulant
C. Reveal potential necrosis
126. *hen preparing class ((( for composite restorationD which situation acid itching
should %e placed5
A. Always should be performed to minimise marginal leaage
B. &hould not be performed because it might damage the ad%acent tooth
C. 8hen e#tra retention is re>uired
D. .nly in situations where cavity is shallow to avoid pulp irritation
127. (n which situation the translucency of a tooth is lost5
A. Death of the pulp
B. Complete calci:cation of pulp chamber
C. +yperaemia
D. "ulp stone
,. All of the above
1!8. *hich pin system has pro&en to %e the most retenti&e
A. &elf tapping threaded pin
B. 'riction pea pin
C. Cemented pin
1!1. Reconstructing the occlusal anatomy is %ased on5
A. 'unctional factors
B. Depth of restoration on a tooth
C. Aecessity to restore normal anatomy
1!2. Iow do you prepare 4oor of pulp cham%er in molars5
A. &wab and dry with cotton wool and e#cavate
B. /se round bur to fatten the foor
C. /nder cut walls
D. /se fat end :ssure bur to mae it levelled
1!!. *hen do you #nish campsite resin restorations5
A. $mmediately after curing
B. After 2K hours
C. A wee after placement
1!). *here CafQ au lait spots are seen5
A. <on 8illebrand?s disease
B. Reclinghausen
C. Aeuro:broma
1!,. $on *ille%rand disease is,
A. +aemophilic disease
B. Bacterial ,ndocarditis
C. Congenital cardiac disease
D. Rheumatic fever
1!.. *hat techni@ue is used in the extraction of permanent 1
A. Rotation movement
B. 6ingual movement
C. Buccal movement
1!3. /rugs contraindicated with Monoaminoxidas M9>
A. Barbiturates
B. "ethidine
C. 6ocal Anaesthesia with felypressin
D. Aarcotic analgetics
,. &alicylic acid
1!6. "low to mandi%le causing fracture in molar<s right side region, you expect a
second fracture of5
A. &ub condylar of right side
B. &ub@condylar of left side
C. 'racture of symphysis
1!7. *hat is the most common fracture of Class (( amalgam restorations5
A. $sthmus because of insu=cient depth
B. $nternal fracture
C. 7arginal ridge site
1)8. *hat is the ad&antage of composite o&er silicate resin5
A. 6ess shrinage
B. 6ess surface erosion
C. 6ess water absorption
D. All of the above
1)1. -he setting expansion of casting in&estment is approximately
A. 0 to 0.(*
B. 0.( to 0.1*
C. 0.1 to (*
D. (.( to (.G*
1)2. -he contraction of gold alloys on solidifying is approximately5
A. 0.1*
B. 2.1*
C. (.K0*
D. )*
1)!. -he un=polymeriBed monomer in Eelf=cured resin is approximately5FF
A. 0.1*
B. 2.1*
C. 1*
D. (0*
1)). 9 &olume shrinage of methyl meta cyrelate monomer when is polymeriBed5FF
A. (2*
B. (1*
C. (-*
D. 2(*
1),. -reatment of #%rous dysplasia consists of,
A. Resection
B. Complete e#cision if it a2ects small areaJ if it is large lesion, limited e#cision
surgery because of the cosmetic considerations.
C. $rradiation
D. ,#cision and removal of ad%acent teeth
,. Aone of the above
1).. -reatment of all of 'iant Cell lesion either sali&ary or multiple is,
A. 7arsupiali;ation
B. $n velation and pacing apPP
C. Cold wellPP
D. &urgical curettage
,. Aone of the above
1)3. >il or water on impression for treatment casts causes5
A. An increase of the >uality
B. Ao alteration
C. A decrease of the >uality
D. Bubbles on the cast
,. Aone of the above
1)6. *hat is Path of (nsertion
A. !he movement of the appliance from the points of initial contacts to path of :nal
rest position
B. !he movement of the appliance from the points of rest position until it is not in
contact with teeth
1)7. *hat is Path of Remo&al5
A. !he appliances movement from the rest position to the last contacts of its rigid
parts with the supporting teeth
B. !he movement of the appliance from the points of initial contacts to path of :nal
rest position
1,8. *hen correction preparation for re contouring of occlusal surface is to %e
applied. 'rinding only of the ad?usted surface5
A. &hould not be felt fat
B. Re>uire a fat crown
C. Re>uire no contact with ad%acent teeth
D. &hould be felt fat
,. Aone of the above
1,1. -o o%tain a desired pro?ection of occlusal loads, the 4oor of the occlusal rest
A. Be conve#
B. &lope from the marginal ridge towards ContactPP of abutment
C. &lope from ContactPP of abutment towards the marginal ridge
D. Be concave
,. Does not slope from the marginal ridge towards ContactPP of abutment
'. Aone of the above
1,2. -he transfer of stress %y -ensile 9ction employs -. reactionD a process that
within limit5
A. 'ails to promote bone growth
B. "romote bone growth and maintenance
C. 'ails to promote maintenance
D. Aone of the above
1,!. *hich of the following arrears C90 0>- %e determined %y sur&ey analysis of
partially edentulous cast+
A. Areas to be revealed as bloced out to properly locaPP Rigid parts of a frame wor
B. Areas to be shaped to properly locPP Rigid parts of framewor
C. Areas used for guideline planes
D. Areas used for retention
,. Areas used for support
'. Depth of rest seats
1,). (n partial dentures the guidelines 1'uiding Planes2 ser&e to5
A. Aids in balancing occlusion
B. Assure predictable clasp retention
C. 'orm right angle with the occlusal plane
D. ,liminate the necessity for precision attachment
,. ,liminate the necessity for a posterior clasp
1,,. Rough surface of porcelain PPorosityP is a result of5
A. 6ac of compression
B. &udden high temperature
1,.. -he most common failure in constructing porcelain to metal is5
A. $mproper metal framewor
B. Rapid heating
1,3. Prolong '(C<s setting time can %e achie&ed %y,
A. Cool down the slab
B. $ncrease the amount of distilled water
1,6. -he maxillary canine is missing. -he %est way for maing Cantile&er %ridge5
A. Both premolars
B. $ncisors and premolars
1,7. 9nte<s Haw5 /r. 9nte in 172. stated that,
A. Q!he combined pericemental area of the abutment teeth should be e>ual to or
greater in pericemental area than tooth or teeth to be replacedR
1.8. *hy would you decide to replace the anterior missing teeth for partial denture
using %ridge5
A. Aesthetic
B. .ver%et
C. .verbite
1.1. (n regards to 'old casting alloys which one is a&aila%le for %ridge
A. +ard alloy Q!ype $$$R
B. !ype $$
C. !ype $
1.2. Asing 4uoride in the root surface caries is to protect,
A. ,namel
B. Dentine and cementum
C. Cuticle
1.!. -he #rst thing to chec when patient comes complaining of pain under denture
A. .cclusion
B. &oft tissues changes
1.). Fo&ea Palatini, is a landmar to determine the posterior %onds of upper
A. "ost dam
B. 'langes
1.,. 9ttrition is,
A. "rocess of normal wear of teeth
B. 6ost of teeth substance as a result of chemical e#posure
1... Modulus of elasticity is de#ned as5
A. !he stress at the proportional limit
B. !he stress@strain ratio within the proportional limit
1.3. -issue conditioning material 5 JEilicon lining materialK
A. Are more resilient than plastic acrylic
B. Can minimise any bacterial colonies
1.6. -he most common cause of RC- 1Root Canal -reatment2 failure is5
A. !he canal not :lled completely D&hort obturationE
B. .ver :lled canals
1.7. -he position of cusps of maxillary #rst premolar during setting of teeth and on
occlusal &iew is positioned5FF
A. Distally
B. 7esially
C. Central buccolingually
138. Hateral canals are usually found5
A. !he middle of the root
B. 'ist third of the root close to the crown
C. !he apical third
131. -he cause of de&elopment of lateral canals is5
A. Cracs in +ertwig?s epithelial root sheath
132. -ransillumination is used to 5FF
A. !o :nd intrinsic tooth colouration
B. !o detect caries
C. "ulp@stones
D. +emorrhagic pulp
,. Calculus
13!. *hat is the common malignant lesion that occurs in the oral ca&ity5
A. Ameloblastoma
B. &>uamous cell carcinoma
C. .steosarcoma
13). Replantation of a&ulsed tooth 2 R hours after incidentD the most liely
diagnosis is,
A. ,#ternal resorption
B. $nternal resorption
C. "ulp stones
13,. -he emergency treatment for painless necrotic pulp is5
A. Drainage through canals
B. Aone
13.. Ewelling after RC- is mainly caused %y 1"eing ased as *hat is the most
fre@uent cause of pain which occurs se&eral days after o%turation2 too5
A. ,ntrapped Bacteria, or the presence of bacteria in the periapical region.
B. /nder :lling the root canal system
C. .ver :lled root canal
133. Iow do you treat dentine %efore applying '(C
A. Conditioner
B. "umice 4 water
136. -he #rst step in the treatment of erosion is5
A. "umice and water
B. &pray with Aa@bicarbonate
C. F$C
137. Sine=matic face %ow is used for recording Jto locateK
A. +inge movement DpositionE a#is
168. *hy do you polish the teeth %efore seating of partial dentures5
A. !o smooth the rough surface
B. !o minimise the retention of pla>ue
C. !o increase the adoptability of occlusal rests
161. -he contact %etween arti#cial and natural teeth in partial dentures5
A. &light touch in the balancing side
B. &hould not be in touch at all
162. Poly&inyl impression material are,
A. !he most stable
B. !he most resistant to heat
16!. -o remo&e the pulp tissue from narrow canal, you can use5
A. Barbed broach
B. &mall C@!ype :le
C. &mooth broach
D. Reamer
16). *ax patterns 9R; 0>- to %e left on the %ench for long time %ecause of,
A. Distortion
B. 6ost of elasticity
16,. -he undercut for Co%alt Chrome<s retenti&e arm clasp is,
A. 0.S1mm
B. 0.10mm
C. 0.21mm
16.. *hen sur&eying5
A. !ilt the cast
163. *hat statement is false5
A. Aot to survey when maing the crown
166. 'old clasp is more elastic than Co%alt Chrome, %ut Co=Chrome has high
modulus of elasticity
A. !he :rst statement is false the second is true
B. Both are true
C. !he :rst is true the second is false
D. Both are false
167. >&erdentures are %est used for,
A. Canines and premolars
B. "osterior teeth
178. *hat is main reason of ordering another Periapical radiograph of the same
A. !o disclose the other roots
B. !o observe tooth from di2erent angle
171. -he ideal length of RC- is,
A. At the ape#
B. As far as you can obturate
C. 0.1 t0 (.1 mm before the ape#
172. Retenti&e part of clasp position is,
A. Below the survey line.
B. Above survey line
C. As close as possible to the gingival margins
17!. -o minimiBe the load on free end saddle partial denture5
A. /se teeth with narrow Buccal@6ingual dimension
B. /se mucco@compressive impression
17). Retenti&e Clasps5
A. Alloy with high modulus of elasticity
B. Clasp arm is gingivally located
17,. (nternal resorption of RC usually
A. Asymptomatic
B. "ainful
17.. *hen doing pulpotomy with Formcresol, you will #nd5
A. Aecrosis
B. 7ummi:cation
173. Hedermix used in RC- to relie&e pain %ecause of,
A. Antibiotics
B. Corticosteroid
176. (n infected root canal, the two most common micro=organisms are5
A. &treptococcus and &taphylococcus
177. -he techni@ue of placing 'utta=Percha cones against the root canal walls
pro&iding space for additional 'utta Percha is termed5
A. 6ateral Condensation
B. .ne ma%or Futta "ercha point
C. 6aterally above condensed
288. (n periodontal mem%rane, what epithelial cells you can #nd5
A. ,pithelial rests of 7alaise
281. 9pplying hypertonic Fluid on the dentine the transmission of 4uid through
tu%ules will %e5
A. 'rom inside to outside
B. 'rom outside to inside
282. -ransmission of 4uid in dentinal tu%ules is %y5
A. +ydrodynamic pressure D.smoticE
B. 7echanical
28!. 'ate theory a%out pain control is5
A. .ne hypothesis of pain modulation is based upon the inhibitory@e#citatory
interaction of a2erent :bre synapses.
28). 9ngioneurotic oedema,
A. "u=ness around the eyes, oedema of the upper lip with redness and dryness
B. Caused by several deep restorations in the anterior teeth
C. !here is no caries, negative thermal tests, negative percussion and negative
response to palpation
28,. (n melting gold, which part of 4ame we will use
A. Reduced ;one
B. .#idi;ing ;one
28.. -o increase the sta%ility of the lower denture,
A. !he occlusal plane should be below the tongue
B. !he occlusal plane should be above the tongue
C. !he lingual fanges should be concave
283. (f the in&estment is %urnout rapidly, what will happen5
A. Bac pressure porosity
B. Cracing of the investment
286. *hat is the /(E9/$90-9'; of gypsum dies5FF
A. 8ea edge strength and lac of surface details
B. Dimensional inaccuracy
287. >&erdenture ad&antage is,FF
A. "roprioceptors
218. (n electro surgery, the tissue may stic to the electrode %ecause of ,
A. !he current intensity is too high
B. !he current intensity is too low
211. Iy%rid composite resin is used in posterior teeth %ecause it5
A. Contains micro :lled
B. Better colour matching
212. -he %est way of getting good retention in full &eneer crown is %y,
A. !apering
B. 6ong path of insertion
21!. *rought metal is to %e,
A. 7arble
B. Huenched
C. &ub%ected 5undergone5 to cold treatment during processing DannealedE
21). *here do you use the 4oss as a guide to the ru%%er dam5
A. !hrough the contacts.
21,. (n young children what is the commonest #nding after dental complaint5
A. Acute periodontal abscess
B. Chronic periodontal abscess
C. Apical abscess
D. Chronic alveolar abscess
21.. (n periodontitis, the most common #nding is, 1Main feature of supra%ony
A. +ori;ontal bone resorption
B. <ertical bone resorption
C. Angular bone loss
213. Periodontitis occurs in,
A. Alveolar bone
B. "eriodontal membrane
C. Alveolar bone and gingiva
216. -he normal range of gingi&al depth 1;pithelial attachment2 in healthy mouth
A. (@2 mm
B. 0@) mm
C. 2@) mm
D. 0@1 mm
217. -he commonest elements which are found in periodontal mem%rane are5FF
A. 'ibroblast
B. ,pithelial cells
C. ,rythrocytes
D. <est cells of malaise
,. $nfammatory plasma cells and lymphocytes
228. -he term false pocet stands for,
A. $nfra bony pocet
B. 6oss of periodontal attachment
C. +yperplasia of the gum
221. *hat />;E 0>- pre&ent the calculus formation 1%uild up25
A. 7astication
B. !ooth shape
C. !ooth inclination and crowding
D. &alivary fow
,. .ral fora
222. Patient presents to you with remara%le resorption of gingi&ae around the
remaining teethD mainly around the lower %icuspid and anterior teeth. -he oral
hygiene is not good, some areas of cementum appears to %e soft. *hich of the
following would %e your preferred procedure5
A. &urface grinding followed by fuoride application
B. &urface grinding followed by F$C restorations
C. Class < cavity preparation for a F$C preparation
D. Cavity preparation for amalgam preparation
,. Application of fuoride without surface preparation
22!. *hich of the following is not useful for apical infection5
A. Chlorhe#idine
B. +2.2
C. ,D!A
D. ,thyl alcohol
,. ,ugenol
22). 9 child with fracture of tooth at the apical third of the root, what your #rst
decision would %e5
A. 8ait and recall after one month and observe for any necrotic or radiolucency
B. Root canal treatment
C. ,#traction
D. Apiectomy
22,. what is the #rst thing to consider when you get a patient with intruded 11 and
A. Replace intruded teeth in position
B. Advice patient about conse>uences
C. 6eave it and observe
D. B@ray
22.. ;lectrical pulp testing is least useful in Por does not detect in some papersP ,
A. !raumatised teeth
B. 9ust erupted teeth
C. 7ulti@rooted teeth
D. Capped teeth
,. Aecrotic pulp
223. -he palatal pulp horn of maxillary molars is located5
A. $n the pulpchamber under mesiolingual cusp
B. $n the pulpchamber opposite the mesio distal :ssure of the buccal cusp
C. /nder the disto lingual cusp
226. -he most characteristic allergic reaction to drugs is,
A. &in rush with swollen of lips and eyes
227. 9nti%iotic prophylaxis should %e used for patient with,
A. Diabetics
B. Rheumatic fever
2!8. *hich is not an eGect of 5
(. Eedation
((. ;xcitement
(((. 9nalgesia
($. Iypnosis
$. 'eneral anaesthesia
A. none of the above
B. All of the above
C. $ and $$
D. $$ and $$$
,. $, $< and <
2!1. >pioid analgesics reduce pain %y the release of which naturally appearing
A. &erotonin
B. +istamine
C. ,nephalins
2!2. -oxicity as a result of anaesthetic solution can %e seen more when5
A. $n%ection in supine position
B. $n%ection into vascular area
C. $n%ection without vasoconstrictors
D. $ntravenous in%ection
2!!. *hen taing Mono 9mino >xidase (nhi%itors JM9>(KD which are is contra
(. "ar%iturate
((. Hocal anaesthetic
(((. Pethidine
($. 9cetyl salicylic acid
A. All of the above
B. Aone of the above
C. $, $$ and $$$
D. $$, $$$ and $< Qchec H()S tooR
2!). *hich of the following may %e caused %y newly placed restoration which
interferes with the occlusion
A. Apical abscess
B. "ulpal necrosis
C. Apical periodontitis
2!,. -he most important factor in surgical remo&al of impacted teeth is,
A. Removal of enough bone
B. "reoperative assessment
C. !he fap design
D. !he use of general anaesthetic
2!.. -he most important indication of malignant lesions is5
A. "ain
B. "aresthesia
C. !eeth movement
D. !ooth resorption
2!3. Patient with lower denture and complaining of paresthesia of the lower lipD the
most common cause is,
A. "ressure on mental foramen
B. "ressure on the genioglossi 7ylohyoid muscles
2!6. -he ner&e supplies -MO is,
A. Auricula !emporal Aerve
B. Aerve to masseter
C. 'acial nerve
2!7. (n cleidocranial dysplasiaD which of the following would expect to #nd5
A. ,arly lose of primary teeth
B. 7ultiple un@erupted teeth and pseudo anodontia
2)8. Ani lateral swelling in the 4oor of the mouth occurs fre@uently with mealD what
is the possi%le diagnosis5
A. Ranula
B. &ub@mandibular sialolith
C. Cyst
D. 7ucocele

2)1. *hich two of the following conditions present as complete &esicles
A. "emphigus
B. +erpes simple#
C. Aphthous ulcer
,. ,rythema migrans
'. ,rythema multiforme
2)2. Seratotic lesion surrounded %y cold we% lie lines P*icham<s EtriaeP appears
as lace=lie networ on the %uccal mucosaD you diagnosis isFF
A. 6ichen "lanus
B. Ceratosis follicularis
C. 8hite sponge nevus
2)!. Iow would you treat /enture Etomatitis
A. !etracycline
B. &ystemic penicillin
C. Aystatin T
2)). *hat are the commonest congenitally missing teeth5
A. (2, 22
B. )1, K1
C. (1, 21
D. )), K)
2),. *hat is the percentage of leuoplaia that turn into cancer5FF
A. 1*@G*
B. (0*
C. 21*
2).. 9n oral prodromal signs of Ru%ella are5FF
A. 'ordyce?s spots
B. Copli spots
C. Feographic tongue
D. Aone of the above
2)3. *hich of the following conditions is not classi#ed as a white lesion5
A. 'ordyce?s granules
B. &moer?s eratosis
C. 6euoplaia
D. 6ichen planus
2)6. 9ngular cheilitis in edentulous patient with complete denture is a result of5
A. De:ciency of .. vitamin
B. 6ow vertical dimension
2)7. -he a%sence of lamina dura in radiograph is a feature of all of these except
A. "aget?s disease
B. +yperparathyroidism
C. 'ibrous dysplasia
D. .steogenesis imperfecta
,. +yperthyroidism
2,8. *hich is usually found when a systemic infection is present5
A. Regional lymph node
B. 'ever
C. Cellulitis
2,1. Iow would you diagnose a periapical a%scess5
A. "ain on percussion
B. "ain when eating hot food
C. "ain when eating cold food
D. !he thicness of periodontal ligament on B@Ray
2,2. /ia%etic patient with moist sin, moist mouth and wea pulseD what would you
A. Five glucose
B. Administer .2
C. Administer adrenaline
D. $n%ect insulin
2,!. Iow would you treat ;pidermoid Carcinoma5
A. ,#cision
B. ,#cision and e#traction of teeth
C. Radiation
D. &urgery and radiation
2,). (n which direction you would extract a deciduous upper molar5
A. Rotation
B. Buccally
C. 6ingually
2,,. (mpression without elastomer in custom tray has %een taen for crown
preparationD it will %e two days %efore impression gets to the la%oratory for
construction of the crown. *hich impression material is preferred+
A. "olyether
B. !hiool or meraptan rubber
C. Condensation silicone
D. <inyl polysilo#ane
2,.. 9 large amalgam core is to %e condensed around se&eral pins in a &ital molar
toothD what type of amalgam mix would you prefer5
A. A large mi# to ensure homogeneity
B. A large with e#tra mercury to give easier manipulative >ualities
C. &everal small mi#es, se>uentially triturated
D. &everal small mi#es with varying mercury5alloy ratios
,. A basic mi# to which additional mercury is added as needed
2,3. Micro=leaage at the attached enamel=composite resin interface is most liely
to %e due5
A. +ydrolysis of the :ller phase of the composite
B. +ydrolysis of the resin phase of the composite
C. Bacterial acid formation dissolving the enamel
D. &alivary pellicle growth at the interface
,. &etting contraction of the composite resin
2,6. -he optimum ca&osurface angle for occlusal amalgam surface is5
A. K1@G0U
B. S0@-1U
C. K1@-0U
D. O1@((0U
,. ()0@(10U
2,7. 9 ma?or diGerence %etween light cured and chemical cured composite is that
during setting or in function the light cures material tends to5
A. &eal the margins better and completely
B. ,#hibit less wear on time
C. /ndergo greater colour change
D. &hrin rapidly
,. "osses greater fracture toughness
2.8. (f the sealant of %onding agent is not placed on part of enamel that has %een
etched %y an acid solutionD you would expect5
A. Arrest of enamel carries by organic sulphides
B. !he enamel is to return to normal within S days
C. Continued enamel declassi:cation in the etched area
D. &light attrition of the opposing tooth
2.1. *hen restoring weaened cusps with dental amalgam you should consider5
A. 2mm reduction while forming a fattened surface
B. 2mm reduction while following the original contour of the cusps
C. Kmm reduction while forming a fattened surface
D. Kmm reduction while following the original contour of the surface
2.2. -he %ur should %e tilted lingually when preparing the occlusal surface of class ((
ca&ity on a mandi%ular #rst premolar in order to5
(. Remo&e unsupported enamel
((. Pre&ents encroachment on the %uccal pulp horn
(((. Pre&ents encroachment on the lingual pulp horn
($. Maintain dentinal support of the lingual cusp
A. $ and $$
B. $ and $$$
C. $$ and $<
D. $$$ and $<
,. $< only
2.!. (n radiographs, an incipient carious lesion limited to the end of the proximal
surface of posterior tooth appears as5
A. Radiopa>ue area
B. !riangle with ape# towards the tooth surface
C. 6arger in radiographs than actual lesion
D. All of the above
,. Aone of the above
2.). (n regards to car%ide %ursD the more num%er of cutting %lades and low speed
will result in5
A. 6ess e=cient cutting and a smoother surface
B. 6ess e=cient cutting and a rougher surface
C. 7ore e=cient cutting and a smoother surface
D. 7ore e=cient cutting and a rougher surface
2.,. For an onlay preparation during the restoration of a tooth, which one of the
following is the M>E- ;FF;C-($; means for &erifying ade@uate occlusal clearance
A. 8a# bite chew in
B. "roper depth cuts
C. <isual inspection
D. Articulating paper
2... Choose statement that correctly de#nes the term 9M9H'9M5
A. Amalgam is a metallic powder composed of silver, tin, copper and ;inc
B. Amalgam is an alloy of two more metals that have been dissolved in each other in
the molten state.
C. Amalgam is an alloy of two or more metals, one of them is mercury
D. Amalgam is a metallic substance in powder or tablet from that is mi#ed with
,. Amalgam is an alloy of two or more metals, one of them is tin
2.3. 9t which angle to the external surface of proximal ca&ity walls in a class ((
preparation for amalgam should %e #nished
A. An acute angle
B. An obtuse angle
C. A right angle
D. An angle of K1U
2.6. -eenager has swelling in&ol&ing his upper lip, the corner of his nose and a
region under his left eye. -he swollen area is soft, 4uctuant and pointed on the
la%ial plate under his lips on the left side. Iis %ody temperature is !7T. *hat is the
#rst thing you would do after taing history and temperature5
A. Refer him to physician
B. Anaesthetise all of the ma#illary left anterior teeth to provide instant relief
C. Five him an ice pac to be placed on the area to control the swelling
D. !ae radiograph and test vitality of his teeth
,. 8rite prescription for antibiotics and delay treatment until swelling is reduced
2.7. -he prognosis of tooth with apical resorption is 5
A. "oor
B. Food if ape# can be sealed
C. Dependant upon periapical surgery
D. Contingent upon systemic antibiotic therapy combined with treatment of the
238. -he term -A'";0++ is related to 5 1*hen used in connection with a master
'utta Percha cone in endodontics2
A. !ensile strength of the gutta percha
B. Consistency of gutta percha
C. &i;e of the cone
D. 'it of the cone in the apical ( or 2 mm
,. 6ength of the cone
231. (n root canal therapy it is generally accepted that the ideal root #lling,
A. &hould e#tend to the level of the ape# to minimi;e irritation
B. &hould e#tend slightly through the ape# to ensure a complete seal
C. &hould e#tend to the dento cemental %unction for healing
D. !he e#tension of the :lling is not critical
232. Mesio%uccal root of maxillary #rst molars M>E- C>MM>0HC ha&e5
A. .ne canal with one foreman
B. .ne or two canals with one foreman
C. !wo canals with one foreman
D. !wo canals with two foremen
23!. -he most common cause of porosity in porcelain ?acet crown is,
A. 7oisture contamination
B. ,#cessive :ring temperature
C. 'ailure to anneal the platinum matri#
D. ,#cessive condensation of the porcelain
,. $nade>uate condensation of the porcelain
23). -he main factor controlling a decision to increase the occlusal height of teeth
for extensi&e oral reconstruction is whether,
A. the inter occlusal distance will be physiologically acceptable after treatment
B. there will be su=cient tooth bul in the abutment teeth for proper retention of the
C. at least two third of the original alveolar process will remain for ade>uate
periodontal support
D. the aesthetic appearance of the patient will improve su=ciently to warrant the
planned reconstruction
23,. 9n ad&antage of metal=ceramic crowns, compared wit full ceramic
crowns for restoring anterior teeth is,
A. "alatal reduction may be of minimal thicness
B. .verall conservative for tooth structure
C. Ability to watch the appearance of ad%acent natural teeth
D. 6ess laboratory time
23.. (n cementing Maryland or Roche %ridges, the eGect is generally to,
A. 6ighten the colour of the teeth by the opacity of the cement
B. Daren the colour of the abutment by the presence of metal on the lingual
C. +ave no detrimental colour e2ect
D. Daren the abutment teeth by incisal metal coverage
233. -he minimal la%ial tooth reduction for satisfactory aesthetics with
porcelain fused to metal crown is,
A. (mm
B. !he full thicness of enamel
C. (.1 mm
D. 2.1mm
,. .ne third of the dentine thicness
236. -he gingi&al portion of natural tooth diGers in colour from the incisal
portion %ecause the 5
A. 6ighting angle is di2erent
B. Fingival and incisal portions have di2erent fuorescent >ualities
C. Fingival area has a dentine bacground
D. $ncident light is di2erent
237. (n %ridge wor, which of the followings terms is 0>- C>RR;C-5
A. A retainer could be a crown to which a bridge is attached to
B. A connector connects a pontic to a retainer or two retainers to each other
C. !he saddle is the area of the edentulous ridge over which the pontic will lie and
comes in contact with pontic
D. A pontic is an arti:cial tooth as part of a bridge
268. 9 crown casting with a chamfer margin #ts the dieD %ut in the mouth
the casting is open approximately 8.!mm. 9 satisfactory #t and accurate
physiological close of the gingi&al area of the crown can ";E- %e achie&ed %y5
A. +and burnishing
B. 7echanical burnishing
C. /sing :nishing burs and points to remove the enamel margins on the tooth
D. 7aing a new impression and remaing the crown
,. Relieving the inside of the occlusal surface of the casting to allow for further
261. *hen descri%ing a remo&a%le partial denture, the minor connector
refers to5FF
A. Rigid components anterior to the premolar teeth
B. 'le#ible components, in contrast to rigid ma%or connectors
C. &maller connectors which connect denture components to the ma%or connector
D. !he components of the denture base which provides reciprocation
262. -he means %y which one part of a partial denture framewor opposes
the action of the retainer in faction is5FF
A. !ripoding
B. Reciprocation
C. &tress breaing
D. $ndirect retention
26!. (n remo&a%le partial denture, the principle of an indirect retainer is
A. &tabilise against lateral movement
B. "revent settling of ma%or connectors
C. Restrict tissue movement at the distal e#tension base of the partial denture
D. 7inimise movement of the base away from the supporting tissue
26). /istortion or change in shape of a cast partial denture clasp during its
clinical use pro%a%ly indicates that the5
A. Ductility was too low
B. +ardness was too great
C. /ltimate tensile strength was too low
D. !ension temperature was too high
,. ,lastic limit was e#ceeded
26,. *hich of the following is true regarding preparation of custom tray for
elastomeric impression5
A. Adhesive is preferred over perforation
B. "erforation provides ade>uate retention
C. Adhesive is applied immediately before procedure
D. "erforations are not made in the area over the prepared tooth
26.. *hen a remo&a%le partial denture is terminally seated D the retenti&e clasps
tips should5
A. Apply retentive force into the body of the teeth
B. ,#ert no force
C. Be invisible
D. Resist tor>ue through the long a#is of the teeth
263. *hy do you construct a lower remo&a%le partial denture with lingual %ar5
A. $t is used when the space between raised foor, mouth and gingival margin is
B. "la>ue accumulation is less than lingual plate
C. &hould be mae thicer when short
266. -he Fo&ea Palatinae are5
A. 'oramina covering the lesser palatine nerves and vessels
B. 7orphologically related to the formation of the prema#illa
C. 6ocated on either sides of the midline close to the %unction of the hard and soft
D. Closely related to the rugae of the palate
267. *hich of following restoration material its strength is not eGected %y pins5
A. Amalgam
B. Composite resin
278. *hich one of following statement a%out >&erdenture is not correct5
A. Freater occlusal loads can be applied by the patient
B. Retention and stability are generally better than with conventional complete
C. Alveolar bone resorption is reduced
D. !he retained roots are covered by the denture thus protecting them from caries
and periodontal diseases
271. *hich of the following is a ma?or disad&antage to immediate complete
denture therapy5
A. !rauma to e#traction site
B. $ncreased the potential of infection
C. $mpossibility for anterior try in
D. ,#cessive resorption of residual ridge
272. "rown sin pigmentation does not occur in5
A. +yperparathyroidism
B. <on 8illebrand?s syndrome
27!. *hich statement ";E- prescri%e pla@ue5
A. $t is a soft :lm composed mainly of food debris and can not be rinsed o2 teeth
B. $t is a soft :lm composed mainly of food debris and can be rinsed o2 teeth
C. $t is a soft :lm composed mainly of none calci:ed bacteria and can not be rinsed
o2 the teeth
D. $t is a soft :lm composed mainly of de#tran and can not be rinsed o2 the teeth
,. $t is a soft :lm composed mainly of de#tran and can be rinsed o2 teeth.
27). -he gingi&ae of child is diagnosed on the %asis of all of these except of5
A. Contour of gingival papilla
B. &ulcus depth
C. Contour of Aasmyth membrane
D. !ight :lling of gingival collar
27,. *hich one of the following statement is correct,
A. !he remnants of Ameloblast contribute to the primary enamel cuticle
B. the last secretion of the odontoblast is cementum B
C. !he last secretion of the ameloblast is the ac>uired of enamel cuticle
D. !he remnants of odontoblast form the primary enamel cuticle
27.. (n regards to the glass of @uartB particles of #lling restorati&e resinD the
micro#ll resins tend to ha&e,
A. A higher coe=cient of thermal e#pansion and a higher crashing strength
B. A higher coe=cient of thermal e#pansion and a lower crashing strength
C. A lower coe=cient of thermal e#pansion and a higher crashing strength
D. A lower coe=cient of thermal e#pansion and a lower crashing strength
273. Mercury is dangerous when it turns into &apour form %ecause of,
A. $t is accumulative and cause liver poison
B. $t is accumulative and cause idney poison
C. $t induces neoplasia in the liver
D. $t is accumulative and cause brain poison
,. $t induces neoplasia in the brain
276. -he elastic limit may %e de#ned as the FF,
A. !he ma#imum stress under tension that can be induced without failure
B. !he ma#imum elongation under tension that can be measured before failure
C. !he minimum stress re>uired to induce permanent deformation of a structure
D. 7inimum stress in structure
,. 7a#imum strain that can be measured.
277. Ran the following impressions materials according to their 4exi%ility
A. AlginateV "olysulphideV &iliconeV 3inc .#ide ,ugenol
B. &iliconeV AlginateV "olysulphideV 3inc .#ide ,ugenol
C. AlginateV "olysulphideV 3inc .#ide ,ugenolV&ilicone
D. AlginateV &iliconeV "olysul:deV 3inc .#ide ,ugenol
,. AlginateV 3inc .#ide ,ugenolV &iliconeV "olysulphide
!88. /enture resin are usually a&aila%le as powder and li@uid that are mixed
to form a plastic doughD the powder is referred to as,FF
A. $nitiator
B. "olymer
C. $nhibitor
D. 7onomer
,. Dimer
!81. *hich one of the following is the ma?or disad&antage of stone dies used
for crown fa%rication,
A. !hey lac accurate reproduction of surface details
B. !heir overall dimensions are slightly smaller than the original impression
C. !he strength of the stone
D. !he ha;ard of aspiration of to#ic materials during trimming of the dies.
!82. 'lass (onomer Cement sets %ecause of,FF
A. Acid@Base reaction
B. Addition polymerisation reaction
C. Frowth of glass crystals
D. &lip plane locing
,. &olvent evaporation
!8!. -he articular surface of the normal temporomandi%ular ?oint are lined
A. A specially adapted, highly :brous tissue
B. +yaline cartilage
C. Chondroitin@G@phosphate
D. +ighly vesiculated tissues
!8). *hen all other remo&a%le partial denture consideration remains
unchangedD clasps constructed of which material can %e engage the deepest under
A. Chrome cobalt casts
B. Aicel chrome casts
C. 8rought stainless steel
D. 8rought gold
!8,. *hich one of the following types of pain is most liely to %e associated
with cranio mandi%ular disorders5
A. ,#acerbated pain by hot or cold food
B. Ceeps patient awae at night
C. Associated with muscle tenderness
D. Associated with trigger spots related to the trigeminal nerve
!8.. -he incisal guidance on the articulator is the5FF
A. 7echanical e>uivalent of hori;ontal and vertical overlap of upper and lower
B. 7echanical e>uivalent at the compensating curve
C. &ame as condylar guidance
D. ,stimated by the e>uationW $ncisal guidance X (5- of condylar guidance
!83. *hen immature permanent molars that ha&e %een treated with
Hedermix pulp capping, the most pro%a%le pathology is,
A. Chronic infammation of the pulp
B. Aecrosis of the pulp
!86. Child with rampant caries taing medicine with high @uantity of sugarD
the %est way to help pre&enting caries is,
A. Change sugar to sorbitol sweetener
B. Report the patient is having e#pectorant
C. Five him the syrup during sleep time
D. Five him inverted sugar
!87. Iow many ppm 1 Part Per Million2 of 4uoride are present in water
supply in case of temperate climate5FF
A. ( ppm
B. 2 ppm
C. - ppm
D. (.2 ppm
!18. -he diGerence %etween deciduous and permanent teeth are5
A. Deciduous teeth have a higher pulp horns and larger pulp chambers
B. Deciduous teeth have fatter contact areas
C. Deciduous teeth have thinner enamel surface
D. All of the above
!11. -he most resistant #lling materials to #ll class ($ ca&ities are5
A. Resins with silicone dio#ide D&i.2E
B. Resins with glass or >uart;
C. &ilico@phosphate
D. &ilicates
!12. *ith dentin %onding agent, you apply5
A. 'irst acid etching to dentine and then bonding agent
B. Bonding agent directly to dentine
C. Chelating agent D,D!AE and bonding agent
!1!. *hat is the %est way to apply aspiration %efore in?ection5
A. &hort, sharp pressure bacwards
B. "ressure for 2 to ) seconds
C. 6ong pressure
D. !urning the needle O0U between two aspirations
!1). -he method you will use to #ll root canal of maxillary lateral incisor is5
A. .ne ma%or Futta "ercha cone
B. 6aterally condensed
C. 6aterally above condensed
!1,. *hat controls the occlusion5FF++ Chec "oucher C./.
A. !eeth
B. Receptors in periodontal membrane
C. "roprioceptors
D. Aeuromuscular receptors
,. !79
'. All of the above
!1.. Iow would you extract !,+
A. Rotation
B. 6ingually
C. 6abially
!13. *hy the method of extracting lower 6<s %y directing the extraction
lingually is used5FF
A. Because of the roots direction
B. !hinner bone
C. 6ingual deviation
!16. *hat the maximum dose of 2M lignocaine without &asoconstrictors5FF
A. 1 ml
B. (0 ml
C. 10 ml
D. (00 ml
!17. *here do Maryland %ridges lose retention often5
A. Resin@metal
B. Resin enamel
C. Resin layer
!28. *hat is the function of gypsum=%inder in the in&estment5FF
A. &etting and hydroscopic
B. &trength and rigidity
!21. *here is the retenti&e position on tooth according to the sur&ey line5
A. Below the height of contour
B. Ae#t to gingival margins
!22. (n regards to distal free end saddleD what is -RA;5
A. 8ill re>uire relining more often than a denture supported with teeth
!2!. *hat are the most common errors when constructing partial denture5
A. $mproper survey
B. Bad positioning of the occlusal rests
C. $ncorrect design
!2). *hich periodontal pocets are e&ident on periapical x rays5
A. Buccal pocets
B. 6ingual pocets
C. 7esial pocets
D. Distal pocets
,. &inuous
!2,. *hat factor do you consider the most important when storing the
occlusal part of a tooth5
A. .cclusal anatomy
B. 'unction
!2.. 9ll dental pla@ue5FF
A. "roduce acid
B. "roduce caries
C. "roduce chelation
D. Aot necessarily produce acid
!23. -reatment of gangrenous tooth5
A. "ulp capping
B. Root canal therapy
C. "ulpotomy
!26. *hich material is not compati%le with composite resin5
A. 3inc .#ide and eugenol 3.,
B. CaD.+E2
C. Carbo#ylate
D. 3inc phosphate cement
!27. -ooth under occlusal trauma shows5
A. Bone resorption
B. Aecrosis of the pulp
C. +ypercementosis
D. !riangulation
,. All of the above
!!8. *hich drug is speci#c for -rigeminal 0euralgia5
A. Dia;epam
B. Carbama;epine D!egretolE
C. ,rgotamine
D. "henytoin
!!1. *hich 0er&e is anesthetised in anterior %order of ramus and 1 cm a%o&e
occlusal plane of lower posterior teeth5
A. 6ingual nerve
B. 6ong buccal nerve
!!2. (n an N rayD the mesio %uccal root of upper #rst molars is elongated which is
the result of5
A. 7esio angular hori;ontal
B. !oo big vertical angulation
C. !oo small vertical angulation
D. +igh angulation
!!!. *hich of the following is false in regards to Cleft=Palate+
A. 7ay be submucous
B. 7ore common in males than females
C. "redispose to speech defects, orthodontics problem and hearing loss
D. "atients are more liely to have cardiovascular defect than the general
!!). *hich of the following statement is correct for a periodontal disease5FF
A. !he :nger pressure is enough for mobility diagnosis
B. A communicable disease
C. B ray after intra alveolar surgery is su=cient for diagnosis healing
D. &ystemic diseases have no e2ects on it
,. 3o, paste will accelerate healing
!!,. -he ma?or cause of ?acet crown %reaage is,
A. $nclusion of platinum foil
B. /se of wea cementum
C. <oids of porcelain
D. "orcelain is thinner than (mm
!!.. Pontic replaces upper #rst molars in a %ridge should %e5
A. &lightly compress soft tissues
B. Be clear of soft tissues
C. 9ust in contact with soft tissues
!!3. Ha%ially displaced anterior tooth is restored with a gold core porcelain
?acet crown so that it is in line with the archD the crown will appears5
A. &hort
B. 6ong
C. Aarrow
D. 8ide
!!6. *hich is 0>- characteristics of canal #ling materials 1o%turation
A. !acy adhesive to walls
B. Radio opa>ue
C. Aot irritating
D. Huic in setting
!!7. -he %est location of pin in class (( inlay is,
A. 8here is the biggest thicness
B. 7esial and distal angle
C. Contact area
!)8. Class $ composite resin restorations can %e polished,
A. 2K hours after application
B. $mmediately after application
C. ) to K days
D. ) to K wees
,. Aot at all
!)1. Caries which is close to the pulp cham%erD on x rays you #nd dent in
dentD the right treatment is5
A. 3inc o#ide eugenol cement and amalgam
B. "ulpectomy
C. "ulpotomy
D. Calcium hydro#ide on pulp and amalgam
!)2. /ental pla@ue produces5
A. Chelation
B. Dental caries
C. Acids
!)!. -he main ad&antage of amalgam with high content of Cu is5
A. Better marginal sealing
B. 6ess corrosion
C. Better tensile strength
D. +igher and immediate compressive strength
!)). -he ma?or disad&antage of self=threaded pin is5
A. 'riction loced
B. !oo e#pensive
C. Aot all si;es available
D. 7ay cause tooth cracing
!),. (n which class of ca&ities do composite restorations show most
A. $
B. $$
C. $<
D. $$$
,. <
!).. Iow much space do you need to cap a weaened cusp with amalgam5
A. (mm
B. (.1mm
C. 2mm
D. 2.1mm
!)3. Apper premolar with M> ca&ityD what is important a%out the application
of the matrix %and5 1the @uestion has shown too as U.*hat is complicated %y2
A. !he mesial concavity of the root surface
B. &mall lingual pulp
C. +igh buccal pulp horn
D. +igh lingual pulp horn
,. Concavity of distal root surface
!)6. ;tching techni@ues are used always to5
A. minimise the leaage of restorations
B. for aesthetic considerations
!)7. E?ogren syndrome is characterised %y5
A. Dryness of the mouth
B. Dryness of the eyes
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. All of the above
!,8. Hong use of -etracycline is characterised %y5FF
A. Agranulocytosis
B. Candida Albicans
!,1. -he most common characteristic symptom of malignant tumours
occurring in lower ?aw is,
A. "ain
B. Bleeding
C. "araesthesia
!,2. *hy Class ($ gold can not %e used in ca&ity as a #lling material5
A. Can not be polished QburnishedR
B. !he corrosive properties
!,!. -he type of gold that used for dental %ridges is,
A. +ard (-*
B. !ype $< S1*
!,). (n regards to Partial dentures, how do you esta%lish relia%le &ertical
A. 8a# if the remaining teeth occlude
!,,. (n regards to indirect compare to direct wax techni@ue5FF
A. 6ow temperature solidifying point
B. +ard in room temperature
C. +igher fow in room temperature
!,.. (f amalgam gets contaminated with moisture, the most uncommon
result is5FF
A. Blister formation
B. "ost operative pain
C. &econdary caries
D. 6ower compressive strength
!,3. -he eGects of tooth remo&al in healthy indi&iduals can show as,
A. 6oss of contacts
B. &light tilting
C. "ocet formation
D. !79 problem
,. All of the above
!,6. *hich is not a malignant lesion5
A. 6euoplaia
B. ,rythema migrans 5Feographic tongue5
!,7. 9naesthesia 1 mm a%o&e last lower molars will anesthetise5
A. 6ingual Aerve
B. 6ong buccal nerve
!.8. Posterior superior al&eolar ner&e supplies5FF
A. -, S and G e#cept the mesio buccal root of G
B. -, S and G
!.1. patient complains of itching and &esicalis on the upper la%ium
J$ermillion regionK e&ery year, your diagnosis would %e5
A. +erpes simple#
B. Recurrent ulceration aphthae
C. $mpetigo
!.2. *hat is the typical feature of Hichen planus5FF
A. &mooth rete pegs
B. Band of lymphocytes infammation and hyper paraeratosis
C. $mmunofuorescence of li>ue:ed layer
!.!. /enture stomatitis is treated with,
A. Amphotencin
B. !etracycline lo;enges
C. 7ycostatin
!.). Paget<s disease shows in the early stages in ?aws5
A. Cotton wool
B. Fround glass
C. .range peel
D. Beaten copped
!.,. -he most serious complications which may occur from a%scess of max
canine is5
A. Cellulitis
B. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
C. 6acrimal duct stenosis
D. Damage to infra orbital nerves
!... 'ranulomas, cysts and chronic periapical a%scesses may mostly %e
diGerentiated %y 5
A. Radiographs
B. ,lectric pulp test
C. Biopsy
D. !hermal
!.3. -he most prominent feature of acute apical periodontitis is5
A. !enderness of tooth to pressure
B. ,#tra oral swelling
C. $ntermittent pain
!.6. Marsupialisation is a techni@ue used in the treatment of5
A. "ericoronitis
B. Cysts
C. Abscesses
!.7. /iagnosis of oral candidiasis JcandidosisK is ";E- con#rmed %y5
A. 7icroscopic e#amination of smears
B. Biopsy
C. Blood count
D. &erological e#am
!38. *hich anti%iotic administered in childhood may result in tooth discolouration5
A. "enicillin
B. !etracycline
C. &treptomycin
!31. 9melo%lastoma occurs M>E- fre@uently5
A. Aear the angle of the mandible
B. $n the ma#illa
C. At the mandibular symphysis
!32. 9 patient with long standing rheumatoid arthritis and a history of steroid
therapy, until a wee ago, he presents for multiple extractions. -he dentist should
consult the patient<s physician %ecause5
A. "atient is more susceptible to infection
B. "atient may have a suppressed adrenal corte#
C. "atient will need haematological evaluation
!3!. 9 patient whose hands fell warm and moist is M>E- liely to %e suGering
A. An#iety
B. Congestive cardiac failure
C. !hyroto#icosis
!3). 9n adult patient with a history of %acterial endocarditis re@uires prophylactic
administration of anti%iotic prior to remo&al of teeth. indicate the pre=operati&e
A. Amo#icillin 2 gram an hour before operation orally
B. "enicillin 210 mg orally si# hours before operation
C. !etracycline 210@100 mg orally 2 hours before treatment
!3,. 9 12 year old girl complains of sore mouth, she has painful cer&ical
lymphadenitis and a temperature of !7Tc, oral examination shows numerous yellow
grey lesions. *hat is the M>E- H(S;HC diagnosis5
A. 7easles
B. ,rythema multiform
C. +erpetic gingivostomatitis
D. &tevens@9ohnson syndrome
!3.. -he causati&e micro organism for Ierpetic gingi&ostomatitis is5
A. +erpes simple# bacteria
B. +erpes simple# virus
C. +erpes ;oster virus
D. Borrelia vincentii
!33. -o reduce the side eGects ris of local anaesthetic in?ectionsD you
should follow all of the following ;NC;P-5
A. Aspirate before in%ection
B. /se the smallest e2ective volume
C. /se the weaest e=cient percentage strength
D. $n%ect rapidly
!36. -he most potent &iricidal properties5 1another format of the same
answer5 (ndicate which of the following has &iricidal properties2
A. &odium hypochlorite
B. Chlorhe#idine
C. Flutaraldehyde
D. Alcohol S0*
,. Huaternary ammonium
!37. 9nti%iotics should %e used routinely to pre&ent infection arising from
oral surgery in patients suGering from all the following ;NC;P-5
A. Agranulocytosis
B. &ever uncontrolled diabetes
C. Aplastic anaemia
D. 7umps
,. 6euaemia
!68. 9t what rate is closed chest cardiac compression should %e in an
A. (2 times a minute
B. 2K times a minute
C. 10 times a minute
D. -0 times a minute
!61. 0itrous >xide J02>K is not used alone as a general anaesthetic agent
%ecause of5FF
A. Di=culties in maintaining an ade>uate .2 concentration
B. Adverse a2ects on liver
C. "oor analgesics a2ects
!62. Iow can a periodontal pocet %e recognised5FF
A. B@Ray
B. "eriodontal probe 5 Calibrated probe5
C. "eriodontal marer
D. Bitewing radiograph
,. &harp e#plorer
'. &tudy cast
!6!. -he #nal material you use for endodontically treated deciduous molars
A. Amalgam
B. F$C
C. Composite resin
D. 8rought base metal crown
!6). *hich type of cells does an a%scess contain5
A. 7ast cells
B. "olymorphonuclear leuocytes
C. ,osinophils
D. ,pithelial cells
!6,. -he presence of sulphur granules is diagnostic of5FF
A. Actinomycosis
B. Candidosis
C. <iral infection
D. Ceratocyte
!6.. (mmediate aim of dry socet treatment is to5FF
A. Avoid .steomyelitis
B. Control pain
!63. *hich is the H;9E- liely to cause Nerostomia5
A. &%ogren?s syndrome
B. ,motional reaction
C. Antidepressants drugs
D. &ubmandibular sialolith
!66. (ntact &esicles are M>E- liely to %e seen in5FF
A. +erpes simple# infection
B. .ral lichenoid reaction
C. Aphthous ulceration
D. "emphigus vulgaris
,. Cicatricial pemphigoid
!67. Painful sali&ary gland are M>E- liely to %e indicate to5FF
A. 7ucocele
B. 7umps
C. &%ogren?s syndrome
!78. 9 patient with an acetone odour would %e suspected suGering from5
A. +eart disease
B. 6iver damage
C. Diabetes
!71. Chronic in4ammatory periodontal disease originates in5
A. !he marginal gingiva
B. !he crystal alveolar bone
C. Cervical cementum
!72. *hich is the most important local factor in the aetiology of periodontal
A. .cclusal trauma
B. Calculus
C. Brushing habits
D. Coarse food
!7!. *hich of the following does state ";E- the morphology of periodontal
ligament #%res5
A. ,lastic
B. &triated
C. Aon striated
D. 6evity
,. 8avy
!7). *hich of the following is H;9E- to cause toxicity from local anaesthetic
A. $n%ecting in supine position
B. $n%ecting in vascular area
C. $n%ecting without a vasoconstrictor
D. $ntravenous in%ections
!7,. (f a child<s teeth do not formD this would M>E-HC aGects the growth
A. Alveolar bone
B. 8hole face
C. 7andible
D. 7a#illa
!7.. M>E- common conse@uence arising from premature extraction of
deciduous molar is5
A. 6oss of arch length
B. 6oss of speech sound
C. 6oss of facial contour
!73. 9fter the age of . years, the greatest increase in the siBe of the
mandi%le occurs5
A. At the symphysis
B. Between canines
C. Distal to the :rst molar
!76. *hich is present in 9ngel<s Class (( di&ision 2 malocclusion5
A. .pen bite
B. Retrusion of ma#illary central incisors
C. Reduced .ver%et
D. $ncreased overbite
!77. *hen in?ecting without &asoconstrictor, the maximum safe dose of 2M
lignocaine solution for 38Sg adult is5
A. 2.2ml
B. 22ml
)88. Ee&eral application has %een suggested to increase the eGecti&eness of
prophylactic application of topical 4uoride which include all ;NC;P-5
A. $ncrease 'luoride ions in solution Qincrease concentrationR
B. $ncrease "+ of fuoride
C. $ncrease e#posure time to topical fuoride
D. "re@treat enamel with 0.1* phosphoric acid
,. /se A+K' instead of Aa'
)81. *hich of the following ahs the highest sucrose content5
A. $ce cream
B. Canned %uice
C. Cough syrups
D. Breafast cereal
,. &weet potato
)82. -he amount of 4uoride re@uired to reduce caries according to age and
le&el of 4uoride in drining water. *hich of the following #gures is incorrectFF
A. ( year old child re>uires no fuoride when the fuoride in drining water is 0.)""7
B. ) years old child re>uires no fuoride when the fuoride in drining water is 0.S""7
C. G years old child re>uires (mg of fuoride when drining water containing 0.1mg
)8!. -he ma?or etiological factor responsi%le for Class (( di&ision 2
malocclusion in 9ngel<s classi#cation is5FF
A. !humb sucing
B. Frowth discrepancy
C. !ongue thrust habit
D. !ooth to %aw si;e discrepancy
,. &eletal cause DdiscrepancyE
)8). 9nylotic primary second molar in the mandi%le is not always a good
space maintainer %ecause of5
A. 7esial inclination of the (
permanent molar
B. $t does not eep up with the rest of occlusion
)8,. Preschool child has an intruded upper incisorD what would your
treatment %eFF
A. B@ray
B. "ut it bac in place and splint
C. Control bleeding and chec after a month
D. 7ae the patient comfortable without disturbing the tooth.
)8.. 9n upper deciduous molar has a caries exposure and on N ray the
corresponding 2
permanent premolar is a%sent. *hat treatment would you do to
the deciduous tooth5
A. "ulpotomy
B. ,ndodontic treatment
C. "ulp capping
)83. *here is the M>E- pro%a%le place of %one resorption after a deciduous
molar has a pulpal gangrene5
A. $nterradicular septum
B. !he periapical area
)86. Iow many pulp horns are presented in a typical mandi%ular deciduous
second molar5
A. 2
B. )
C. K
D. 1
)87. 9ll of the following are eratinised ;NC;P- of5
A. Crevicular epithelium
B. "alatal epithelium
C. Alveolar mucosa
D. 'ree gingiva
,. Attached gingiva
)18. -he M>E- cause of gingi&aD irritation is5
A. Calculus
B. "la>ue
C. Caries
D. Restorative material
)11. Iow can you impro&e the adhesion of a #ssure sealant5
A. Acid etching techni>ue
)12. -he ad&antage of using dental 4oss o&er ru%%er point interdentally5
A. Remove pla>ue and debris in interpro#imal surfaces
B. "olish
C. 7assage of the interdental papillae
D. Aid and recognise subgingivally
)1!. 9fter prophylactic treatment, you decide to change the 4ora to a non=
acidogenic %y changing the diet. Iow long does it tae to achie&e this change5
A. 'ew wees
B. &everal months or longer
)1). *hich one of the following is a non=calorie sweetener5
A. 7annitol
B. &accharin
C. Bylitol
)1,. . year old child who had a history of primary herpes simplex has got a
recurrent infection. *hat is the liely cause5
A. +erpes labialis
)1.. 9 newly placed restoration interferes with occlusion. *hat will %e the
periodontal response5
A. !hicening of the periodontal membrane
)13. (n class (( restoration, all of the following considered to occur as
pro%a%le causes of periodontal pro%lems except5
A. 'lat ridge
B. 'aulty or not proper contour
C. Aot properly polished restoration
D. Cervical wall is too deeply apical
,. .vere#tension of lining in cavity
)16. 9ngular type of %one resorption can %e seen more often in5FF
A. .cclusal traumatism
B. 'ood particles retention
C. "eriodontosis
D. All of the above
)17. *hat is the most important function of periodontal ligament5
A. Ceep teeth in the socet
B. "rotect alveolar bone
C. "rovide nutrition
)28. -he periodontal ligament in a teeth without use appear to %e5
A. Aarrow
B. 8ide
)21. *hich radiographic method would you use in assessing periodontal
conditions and lesions5
A. Bitewing
B. "eriapical
C. .cclusal
D. "anoramic
)22. *hat does CP(-0 stand for5
A. Community "eriodontal $nde# of !reatment needs
)2!. $ertical incision of mucoperiosteal 4ap should %e5
A. Always e#tending to the alveolar mucoperiosteal
B. Bisect the middle of gingival papillae
C. 7ust be at the right angle of the tooth
)2). 9pical migration of the epithelial attachment followed %y atrophy of
marginal gingi&a at the same le&el results in5
A. 'alse periodontal pocet
B. "eriodontal pocet recession
C. Fingival cleft
D. !rue pocet
)2,. Calculus attaches to teeth surface %y5FF
A. Ac>uired pellicle
B. $nterlocing to the crystals of the tooth
C. "enetrated into enamel and dentine
D. 7echanical interlocing
,. All of the above
)2.. -he width of normal periodontal ligament space is5
A. 0.21 to 0.1mm
B. (mm
)23. -he incision angle in 'ingi&ectomy is5
A. K1U to the tooth in an apical direction
)26. -he M>E- common place for initiation of gingi&itis is5
A. $nterdental papillae
B. !he free gingival ridge
C. !he attached gingiva
D. !he marginal gingiva
)27. *hich is the M>E- local factor in the aetiology of periodontal disease5
A. .cclusal trauma
B. Calculus
C. Brushing habits
D. Coarse food
)!8. (ncisi&e foramen when are superimposed o&er apex of root on radiograph may
%e mistaen to %e5
A. Cyst
B. Cementoma
C. .dontoma
)!1. *hich of the following factors can aGect the shape and siBe of the pulp canal5
A. Chemical irritation and caries
B. !rauma and function
C. Attrition, wear and aging of the patient
D. All of the above
)!2. Following a periodontal surgeryD periodontal dressing will5
A. +elp in tissue adoption
B. Decrease the patient?s discomfort
C. ,nhance the rate of healing
D. Control bleeding and maintain blood clot
)!!. *hat is the M>E- important role of sali&a in pre&enting dental caries5
A. Bu2ering action
)!). 9 patient comes with a lacto%acillus of more than 188888. what is your
A. Reduce sugar in diet
)!,. -he M>E- cariogenic sugar is5
A. &ucrose
)!.. Iow to detect the furcation in&ol&ement5
A. Radiolucent area radiographically
B. "robe in mesial distal and mid facial areas of suspected tooth
)!3. *hat is -RA; a%out topical 4uoride5FF
A. $t cooperates into pla>ue and resits acid demineralisation
B. 'luoride prophyla#is paste has been clinically proven to be more e2ective
preventing caries
)!6. *hich of the following is correct a%out 0itrous >xide 02>5
A. A2. has high analgesic property and low anastatic at its minimum anaesthetic
dose. Q6ow 7ACJ 7a# Anaesthetic ConcentrationR
B. Absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy
C. +as low blood di2usibility and result in hypo#ia
D. $t is good aesthetic and low 7AC
)!7. *hich is C>RR;C- a%out the Hingual 0er&e5
A. 6ingual nerve is anterior and medial to inferior alveolar nerve
))8. *hich local anaesthetic agent is preferred for a con#rmed hypersensiti&e
A. )* prilocaine with felypressin
B. 7epivacaine )* without vasoconstrictor YY
))1. -he M>E- common side eGects of local anaesthetic is a result of5
A. $ntravascular in%ection
B. +ypersensitivity
C. hypertension
))2. *hich is -RA; a%out disinfectant solution5FF
A. $t destroys all pathogenic micro organism including high resistant
B. $t reduces the number of micro organism to a non infective level
C. $t ills all pathogens but not spores.
))!. *hat to do with instruments after surgically treating a patient with con#rmed
diagnosis of hepatitis ",FF
A. &oa them in hypochlorite solution Q7iltonR
B. &terili;e, scrub and sterili;e
C. +andle them with two pairs of household rubber gloves
D. &crub them with iodine surgical solution
))). *hat is the mode of action of autocla&ing 1Moist sterilisation25
A. 7oist heat sterili;ation
B. "rotein denaturation
)),. 9ll of the following are re@uirements of an ade@uate mucosal periosteal
4ap except5FF
A. Base is wider than the free margin
B. 7ucous membrane is carefully separated from periosteum
C. Base containing blood supply
)).. -he #rst thing to do after surgical remo&al of impacted !
molar in the
mandi%le is5FF
A. Cold application from the outside
))3. 9 primary molar with relati&ely un=resor%ed roots encompassing the
permanent tooth %ud. *hat extraction techni@ue would you use to a&oid the
inad&ertent remo&al of a de&eloping %icuspid
A. &ection the tooth vertically and remove each root separately
))6. 9 young female patient presents with thro%%ing pain in the left lower
posterior ?aw with trismus and associated lymphadenopathy. *hat would %e your
A. !umour
B. "ericoronitis
))7. Patient presents to you with a history of local pain in the lower right
posterior region. (nsisting that you extract his lower teeth. -he teeth in @uestion
are &ital without any pathology. Cou diagnosis is5
A. .dontalgia
B. Referred pain
C. !rigeminal neuralgia
),8. *hich of the following are not supplied %y the mandi%ular di&ision of
A. Anterior part of digastric
B. 7asseter muscle
C. Buccinator
),1. !8 years old male complains of painless swelling in the %uccal mucosa.
(t has %een present for a%out six months. Ie admits 1playing with it2. Ie is
concerned %ecause this might represent cancer. -he %ase is narrowD the most liely
diagnosis is5
A. $rritation :broma
),2. 9 patient is complaining of an open sore on the %uccal mucosa. -he
lesion is painless, ulcerated, has indurated margins, 1., cm in diameter, co&ered %y
greyish=white exudate, enlarged lymph nodes and tender, negati&e tu%erculin test
and positi&e serology. -he diagnosis is5FF
A. Chancre 5"rimary lesion of syphilis5
),!. 9n old male presents complaining of ha&ing numerous white lesions in
the oral ca&ity within past few days. Prior to this the family physician prescri%ed
chlorite tetracycline for an upper respiratory infection, the patient is taing this
anti%iotic for the past two weesD lesions are relati&ely non=painful, slightly
ele&ated, adhere pla@ues on the lip mucosa, %uccal mucosa and the tongue. M>E-
H(S;HC to %e5
A. 7oniliasis 58hich is candidiasis5
),). Characteristic of E@uamous Cell Carcinoma5FF
A. 8hite sinned people
B. Alcoholic and smoers
C. $t reacts far simply to radiotherapy
),,. Iow can diGerentiate %etween a %enign epithelial tumour from a
carcinomatous one5
A. &oft papillomatous mass, not indurated or not :#ed 57ove freely5 and
),.. *hat is the characteristic feature of gingi&itis in 9(/E patient5FF
A. Red band on the free gingiva associated with platelet.
B. Correlating with other pathogenesis lesions of A$D& and does not resolve to
periodontal conventional treatment.
C. &ever pain
),3. -he characteristic feature of %asal cell carcinoma is5
A. Blood metastasis
B. Does not erode bone
C. $ntensive involvement 5 inveterately characteristic5
D. Radio resistant
),6. *hat is the signi#cance of erosi&e lichen planus5FF
A. +igh malignant potential
B. &ome malignant potential
),7. *here does the %one resorption show in a necrosis pulp of deciduous
A. At the root ape#
B. At the bifurcation
C. .n the buccal side of the tooth
D. .n the lingual side of the tooth
).8. -o extract upper deciduous molar, the mo&ement should %e5
A. Buccal :rst to move tooth
B. "alatal :rst to move tooth
C. Distal :rst to move tooth
D. Rotation movement
,. 'raction of the tooth
).1. 6 years old child, on examination you #nd 3, with carious exposure. >n N=ray
you #nd !, missing. Cour treatment is5
A. ,#traction of S1 allowing )G to move mesially
B. "ulpotomy on S1 and wait inde:nitely
C. ,#traction of S1 and place a :#ed space retainer to be replaced with :#ed bridge.
D. ,#traction of G1 and S1
).2. *hich of the following is true5
A. Antibiotics are useful in the treatment of periodontitis
B. !rauma from occlusion causes thicening of the marginal gingivae
C. "eriodontitis is the primary cause of teeth lost after the age of )1.
D. All periodontal pocets can be identi:ed by #@ray
,. "eriodontitis is the most common disease in the oral cavity
).!. Hongest lasting resin restorations are,
A. Class $
B. Class $$
C. Class $$$
D. Class $<
).). Pin Restoration with which material has the %est retention5
A. Amalgam
B. Fold inlay
C. Composite
D. Flass $onomer
).,. 9cute apical a%scess=emergency treatment5
A. .pen and drain for two days
B. Antibiotic and analgesic
C. Clean and 6edermi#
)... -MO dysfunction common symptom is,
A. Clicing
B. 6ocing
C. "ain in the muscles of mastication
).3. 'agging re4ex is caused %y5
A. !rigeminal nerve
B. Flossopharyngeal
C. 'acial nerve
D. Recurrent laryngeal
).6. *hich impression material should 0>- %e ept in water within on hour5
1in another paper was5 !8 mins %efore pouring2
A. "olyether
B. Condensation silicone
C. "olyvinyl silicone
).7. Iigh copper amalgam lasts longer than low copper amalgam %ecause
A. $ncreased compressive strength
B. $ncreased corrosion resistance
C. +igh creep
D. $ncreased tensile strength
,. Decreased setting e#pansion
)38. Porosity in acrylic dentures is caused %y,
A. Contraction porosity in thicest point of the denture
B. $nsu=cient pressure during fasing causes it
)31. -he shortest facial height is when5
A. !eeth are overlapped
B. !here is ma#imum cuspal interdigitation
)32. *hat is -RA; a%out &ertical dimension5
A. Does not change for the whole life
B. Decreases when head is tilted bac
C. $ncreases when a lower denture is placed in mouth
)3!. -he sterilisation of 'utta Percha is achie&ed %y5
A. +eat
B. Chemical sterilisation
C. 'lame
D. Boiling
,. Autoclave
)3). *hy would you cast gold in hot mould5FF
A. !o compensate for the e#pansion of investment.
)3,. (f temporary cementation is re@uired, which cement will you use5
A. 3.,
B. 3inc "olycarbo#ylate
C. F$C
)3.. (n the construction of an RP/, guiding planes are created %y,
A. "erpendicular to the occlusal plane
B. "arallel side towards the path of placement.
)33. *hen should pour polyether impression materials5
A. 8ithin 2K hours after taing impression
B. 8ithin )0 minutes after taing impression
C. &hould be stored dry and then poured
D. &hould be stored in humid place
)36. *hich of the following is a fre@uent cause of opa@ueness in a porcelain
?acet crown5
A. "orcelain layer is too thin over the opa>ue layer.
B. "orcelain layer is too thic
)37. *hich cement is less solu%le in the oral ca&ity5
A. "olycarbo#ylate
B. 3inc phosphate
C. &ilicate phosphate
D. F$C
)68. 9 patient with reasona%le oral hygiene has a small proximal caries on
the premolar. -he patient re@uests an aesthetic #lling. Cour preparation will %e5
A. &ame as amalgam with cavo@surface bevels
B. "ro#imal caries removal with occlusal 4 gingival bevels
)61. 9 gingi&ally extended chrome co%alt cast clasp5
A. Can e#tend 0.1 under the surveyor line
B. Can e#tend 0.21 under the surveyor line
C. 8ill resist deforming forces better compared to cast gold
)62. -he #rst molars are extracted in %oth arches5
A. !he bone resorption will be the same for both arches
B. Resorption is more on the palatal side of ma#illary molars
C. Resorption is more on lingual side of mandibular molars
D. !he ridge height resorbs more in ma#illa than mandible
)6!. -he use of nicel chromium in %ase plate should %e ?udiciously
considered %ecause5
A. A signi:cant number of females are allergic to nicel
B. A signi:cant number of female are allergic to chromium
C. A signi:cant number of males are allergic to nicel
)6). 9 se&en year old %oy fell of his %icycle 2 wees ago and %roe his
maxillary central incisor. -he pulp horn is &isi%le as a pin point. -he tooth is &ital.
Cour treatment will %e5
A. "ulpectomy
B. "lace calcium hydro#ide and :ll with composite resin
C. Calcium hydro#ide pulpotomy
)6,. /uring mouth preparation for RP/ on tooth ad?acent to edentulous
area. -here is dentine exposure5
A. Restoration is re>uired
B. "roceed with rest seat preparation and fabrication if involved area is not more
than 2mm
)6.. 9fter maing an impression to reline an RP/ the dentist notes that the
indirect retainers are not resting on the tooth. -o a&oid this what process should
ha&e undertaen initially5
A. As patient to bite :rmly while impression is setting
B. +old the metal base frame against the abutment tooth while setting
C. 'abricate new denture
D. Add impression material and close the gap
)63. *hich is the only dental tissue that lose its formati&e cells as it
A. ,namel
B. Dentine
C. "ulp
D. Cementum
)66. -he muscle responsi%le for maintaining the %olus of food while chewing
A. Buccinator
B. .rbicularis oris
)67. *hich muscle contracts during the tongue protrudes5
A. 7ylohyoid
B. Fenioglossus
C. Digastric
)78. *hich of the following is the most signi#cant factor regarding #ller in
composite for increased strength5
A. "article si;e (@) micron
B. &ub micron si;ed particles
C. +igh concentration of the :ller particles
)71. 9 patient has a small incisal fracture of the maxillary incisor. *hich is
the %est material to resist fracture at the acid etched tooth composite interface5
A. 7icro@:lled composite
B. +ybrid composite
C. F$C
D. &ilicate
)72. -he principal factor in&ol&ed in oral Para=function is related to5
A. "eriods of stress
B. .cclusal pre@maturities during mandibular closure
)7!. /uring manual palpation, the mucosa is thin in5
$. 7idline of the palate
$$. 7ylohyoid region
$$$. .ver torus palatinus
A. $, $$ and $$$
B. Aone of the above
C. $ and $$
D. $$ and $$$
)7). -he path of condyle during mandi%ular mo&ements depends on5
A. Articular eminence, meniscus5capsule of !79 and muscle attachments
)7,. *hile doing RC- you ga&e dressing with a paper point wetted
with..++...solution. -he patient arri&es the next day with se&ere pain. -here is no
swelling %ut the tooth is tender to percussion. Cou will5FF
A. Replace with similar dressing and prescribe antibiotic
B. Replace with corticosteroid past
C. Retrieve paper point surgically
D. Remove the dressing and leave for several days before replacing it.
,. "rovide incision and drainage
)7.. -he area of the posterior palatal seal includes which of the following5
A. Zleft[Zright[
B. +amular notch
)73. -he %est method of cleaning and toilet ca&ity5
A. Alcohol
B. Citric acid
C. 8ater
D. .rganic acid
)76. Ierpetic infection is an iatrogenic infection spreads %y the infected5
A. &erum
B. <esicle
C. <esicle fuid and saliva
)77. Periapical a%scess is diGerentiated from periodontal a%scess %y5
A. "ulpal radiology
B. +istory and vitality test
C. B@ray and history
,88. Cou may suspect poor reaction to %leeding if there is a history of5
A. Cirrhosis of liver
B. +ypertension
,81. Maxillary central incisor located palatally causes 5
A. "rolong stay of primary central incisor
B. &upernumerary teeth
,82. -oxicity of anaesthetic is assessed %y5
A. Dose which is given
B. "ercentage of solution
C. <asoconstrictions amount
,8!. Children %orn with cleft palate, microdontia and glossoptosis ha&e5
A. Christian disease
B. !renches@Collins &yndrome
C. "ierre@Robin &yndrome
,8). *hich of the following penicillin are readily destructed %y stomach acid5
A. 7ethicillin
B. Clo#acillin
C. "heno#y methyl
D. "enicillin F
,8,. *hat is not correct a%out Hong "uccal 0er&e5FF
A. "asses through two heads of pterygoids muscles
B. &upplies mucosa over lower and upper molars
C. &upplies the buccinator muscle
D. &upplies sin over buccinator
,8.. 02> excretes through5
A. /rine
B. 6ungs
,83. Radiopa@ue lesions are seen in5
A. 7ultiple myeloma
B. "aget?s disease
C. +yperparathyroidism
D. Chronic renal failure
,86. -he causati&e organism in localised ?u&enile periodontitis is 9ctinomyces
actinomycete comitans which is5FF
A. Fram positive facultative aerobic
B. Fram positive facultative anaerobic non@motile rod
C. Fram negative facultative anaerobic non@motile
,87. *hich of the following is 0>- signi#cant factor in determining &irulence of
a.a.++FF PP( thin a.a. stands for 9naero%ic "acteriaP
A. $t e2ects chemota#is
B. "roduces leuous to#ins
C. Destroys collagen
D. $t is immuno@suppressive
,18. /ensity of #lm is decreased %y increasing the 5
A. 7A
B. ,#posure time
C. Developing time
D. Rinsing time
,11. -he %est space maintainer is5
A. 6ingual holding arch
B. "ulpectomised primary tooth
C. Band and loop maintainer
,12. -he la%oratory #ndings in Paget<s disease show5
A. ,levated calcium, elevated phosphate, and elevated alaline phosphate.
B. Aormal calcium, normal phosphate and elevated alaline phosphate
C. Decreased calcium, increased phosphate and elevated alaline phosphate
D. $ncreased calcium, normal phosphate and decreased alaline phosphate
,. Aormal calcium, increased phosphate and elevated alaline phosphate
,1!. *hile gi&ing CPR which of the following is considered5
A. $t achieves )0* of cardiac output with G0 compressions per minute
B. $t achieves normal blood o#ygen levels with (2 reseparations per minute
C. Iou have to chec compression point by thumping before starting compression
D. Cardiac output has to be monitored regularly by checing radial pulse.
,1). 9 patient has de&eloped a se&er chest pain and di:culties in %reathing while
in the dental chair. Cour initial response is5
A. Administer glycerine trinitrate and monitor patient in upright position
B. "atient has an acute episode of angina as demonstrated by curve in ,CF
C. Ao treatment is re>uired until con:rmed as 7$ by ,CF
D. "atient has myocardial infarction as con:rmed by ,CF
,1,. >n inspection of lateral %oarder of the tongue at the %ase, which structure
would you expect to #nd5
A. 'iliform papillae
B. 'ungiform papillae
C. !aste buds
D. 6ymph nodes
,. Circumvallate papillae
,1.. /elayed eruptions of at least part of the dentition is a recognised feature in5FF
A. Dentino@Fenesis imperfecta
B. Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
C. Ricets
,13. *hich of the following is a radiographic feature of dentino=genesis
A. &mall pulp chambers and root canals, normal enamel
B. ,namel is missing but dentine formation is normal
C. ,namel and dentine show disturbances
D. "ulp is normal but dentine is abnormal
,16. 9 18 year old %oy presents with non=&ital, non=mo%ile tooth. -reatment is5
A. "ulpectomy with calcium hydro#ide
B. "ulpectomy with 3inc o#ide eugenol
C. "ulpotomy with formocresol
D. Ao treatment is re>uired if tooth is asymptomatic
,17. 9 patient suGers a %low to his maxillary central incisor without resulting in
fracture. -he pulp5
A. $mmediate necrosis
B. Becomes non@vital but only if treatment is delayed too long
C. Becomes non vital irrespective of treatment
D. Ao changes is seen later if fracture does not occur
,28. (n the case f malignant melanoma occurring intra orally, which of the
following is true5
A. /ncommon on the palate when occurs intra orally
B. &hould not biopsied, as this will increase metasis
C. !he 1 years survival rate is 20*
D. !he incidence of oral melanoma is the same as those on the sin
,. Commonly occurs intra orally
,21. Patient on anti=coagulant therapy re@uires an extraction to %e performed.
*hich of the following is 0>- true5FF
A. "ost operative bleeding can be reduced somehow by using trane#emic acid
B. "rothrombin values of at least 2.1 is re>uired to perform e#traction
C. $t taes at least - hours for heparin to tae a2ects
D. +eparin should be administered sub@cutaneous
,22. Community water 4uoridation M>E- eGecti&ely achie&es is5FF
A. O0@O1* reduction of caries
B. K1@11* reduction of caries
C. Reduces pit and :ssures caries more than smooth surfaces
D. Reduces smooth surfaces more than pit and :ssures
,2!. Patient presents with caries in many teeth. you will ad&ise that5
A. 'luoride toothpaste does not e2ectively prevent caries and topical fuoride is
,2). *hat is the primary consideration in pro&iding nutritionPdietary counselling to
a patient5
A. &ecure details of patient?s eating habits
B. +ave the patient to :ll in a diet survey
C. ,liminate sugar from diet
,2,. *hich of the following is true in regards to periapical cementoma5
A. !eeth are vital.
B. !eeth are not vital
,2.. *hich of the following is not a side eGects of lignocaine5
A. Angioneurotic oedema
B. Aervousness
,23. 9 physician refers a nine year old %oy to you to con#rm diagnosis. -he %oy
has a fe&er of )8TC and coughing. *hen you focus your light into his eyes he turns
away. (ntra=orally there are white spots surrounded %y red margins. -he disease
and lesions are5
A. 7easles and Copli?s spots
B. A+F& vesicles
,26. (n periodontal scalers and curettesD the %lade is formed %y which two
A. !wo lateral surfaces
B. 6ateral surface and face
C. 6ateral surface, face and shan
D. 6ateral surface, face, bac and shan
,27. *hich of the following is 0>- -RA; in regards to lateral periodontal cystFF
A. $t is more common in anterior region
B. $t occurs more in ma#illa than mandible
C. "robable origin is from dentigerous cyst which develops laterally
D. ,ncountered in the cuspid@premolar region of the mandible, derived from the
remnants of the dental lamina
,!8. Middles aged woman gi&es a history of intermittent unilateral pain in the su%
mandi%ular region, most pro%a%le cause is,
A. Calculus in the salivary duct resulting in sialolithiasis.
B. Ranula
C. Cyst
D. 7ucocele
,!1. *hat is -RA; in regards to %ranchial cyst5
A. &ituated on the anterior boarder of sternocleidomastoid muscle
,!2. /amagePin?ury to which ner&e causes dilation of pupils5
A. .culomotor
B. Ansa cervicalis
C. Abducens
,!!. 9fter an inferior al&eolar ner&e %locD the patient de&elops paralysis of eyelid,
upper lip and lower lip on that side. -his means that the H.9 was deposited in5
A. !he parotid gland
,!). 9spirin reduces pain %y which of the following mechanism5
A. $t is anti infammatory by the release of histamine
B. $t blocs the cyclo@o#ygenase pathway.
,!,. Patient with haemophilia presents which of the following #ndings5FF
A. $ncreased prothrombin time
B. $ncreased bleeding time
C. $ncreased clotting time
,!.. -he pulpal 4oor of the Class (( ca&ity for a mandi%ular #rst premolar should
A. "arallel to occlusal plane
B. "erpendicular to long a#is
C. !ilted lingually
,!3. Marginal leaage at the proximal gingi&al ca&osurface of a recently restored
class (( can %e caused %y5
$. $nsu=cient condensation
$$. 'irst pro#imal increment was too large
$$$. Aeglecting to wedge the matri#
$<. +and manipulation instead of mechanical
<. Debris contamination
A. $, $$, $$$
B. $$, $$$, $<
C. $, $$, <
D. Aone of the above
,. All of the above
,!6. *hat are the dangers of using air as a cooler during ca&ity cutting5
A. +ypersensitivity
B. .dontoblast is drawn into the tubule
,!7. (n RC- the ideal root #lling5
A. ,nds at the ape#
B. ,#tends beyond ape# to achieve a good seal
C. ,nds at the dentino@cemental %unction
,)8. *here is the narrowest part of the pulp5
A. At the radiographic ape#
B. At the dentino@enamel %unction
C. At the ori:ces
,)1. *hich of the following is M>E- useful in diGerentiating %etween apical
a%scess and periodontal5
A. "ercussion
B. <itality tests
C. Cold tests
D. +eat tests
,)2. *hat is the ideal length for a post in post=core in an endodontically treated
A. 25) of the tooth length
B. \ of the tooth length
C. (.1 times that of the crown
D. &ame as the anticipated crown
,)!. *hich is correct in regards to shade selection of crowns5
A. $t should be selected before starting preparation
B. Chroma is the lightness5darness of colours
C. <alue is the colour itself
D. +ue is the concentration of colours
,)). Iow many mg of 4uoride ions are o%tained from 2.2 mg ta%let of 0aF
A. 0.1mg
B. ( mg
C. (.1mg
D. (0mg
,),. Etrain is de#ned as 5FF
A. An e#ternal force
B. An internal force to oppose e#ternal load
C. Deformity opposed the applied load
,).. EiBe of pulp cham%er within the tooth is in4uenced %y5
A. Age
B. "arafunctional
C. +istory of the tooth 5abrasion, erosion, caries5
D. All of the above
,)3. Eelf polymerising acrylic resins diGers from heat cured resins %ecause they
A. +igher molecules weight
B. +igher content of residual monomers
,)6. -he ad&antage of #ring porcelain in &acuum5FF
A. Reduces si;e of air@bubbles incorporated thus decreasing porosity
B. Removes water before :ring, increasing the hardness of porcelain
C. &igni:cantly lowers :ring temperature
,)7. -he contraction J'aseousK porosity in inlays is related to5FF
A. .verheating of the alloy
B. 7olten gases
C. Diameter of the sprue
D. .verheating of investment
,,8. *here would you expect to #nd the Mylohyoid on relation to periphery of
complete denture5
A. 7andibular buccal in the midline
B. 7andibular lingual in the midline
C. 7andibular disto buccal area
,,1. Class $ lesion may originate5
A. $n lingual pits
B. $n buccal :ssures
C. "oor oral hygiene
,,2. Retention for occlusal amalgam ca&ity in premolars is ";E- pro&ided %y
A. &lightly undercutting of walls with inversed cone bur
B. 7esial and distal undercuts
C. Buccal and lingual undercuts
,,!. *hat is true in regards to lateral mandi%ular incisor
A. 20* have 2 canals with one foramen
B. 20* have 2 canals with two foramina
C. K0* have two canals with (0* ending in two foramina
D. K0* have two canals with only one ending in two foramina
,,). Eplinting the ad?acent teeth in #xed %ridge is primarily done to5
A. Distribute the occlusal load
B. Achieve better retention
,,,. Porcelain must not %e contaminated %y handling %etween which two stages5
A. "re@soldering and heat treatment
B. +eat treatment and opa>ue 5bae5 stages
C. .pa>ue and bis>ue stages
D. Bis>ue and gla;ing stages
,. 'irst opa>ue bae and second opa>ue bae
,,.. *hat is the relationship of the retenti&e portion of the partial dentures
retainers to the sur&ey line of a%utment5
A. Fingival 5Below5
B. .cclusal 5Above5
C. Ao relation
,,3. *hich of the following li@uids is not suita%le for prolonged immersion of
co%alt chrome partial dentures5
A. Alaline pero#idase
B. +ypochlorite solutions
C. &oap solutions
D. 8ater
,,6. /entures hyperplasia is generally attri%uted to5
A. "oor oral hygiene
B. Denture movement
,,7. (n complete dentures, chee %iting is most liely a result of5
A. Reduced .ver%et of posterior
B. $ncreased vertical dimension
C. !eeth have large cusp inclines
,.8. Resting face height in edentulous patients5
A. Decreases when head is tilted bac
B. $ncreases when lower denture is inserted
C. Does not change over time
,.1. 9la=-ragal line is5FF
A. !he line running from the tragus of the nose to ala of the ear
B. A guide used to orient the occlusal plane
C. "arallel to 'ranfurt hori;ontal plane
D. A guide to the occluding face height in complete denture.
,.2. /ecision to employ cusped or without cusps teeth is in4uenced %y5FF
A. Reverse .ver%et
B. !79 problems
C. Cranio mandibular seletal relationship
D. All the above
,.!. -he #rst forming micro%ial elements of pla@ue are5
A. Aerobic gram positive FT
B. Aerobic gram negative F@
C. Anaerobic gram negative F@
D. &pirochetes
,. Anaerobic gram positive FT
,.). ;xtracellular polysaccharides in pla@ue are formed %y5
A. Bacteria from sucrose
B. "recipitated from carbohydrate
C. "recipitated from glycoproteins
,.,. *hat is important re@uisite for #llers in dental composite restorati&e resins in
load %earing area5
A. &ub micro si;ed particles
B. +igh coe=cient of thermal e#pansion
C. +igh in content D+igh :llerE
,... Eensiti&ity to hot and cold foods soon after ca&ity preparation and placement
of '(C and composite resin in an upper incisor tooth is due to5
A. 7echanical trauma due to cavity preparation
B. Chemical
C. +eat from F$C settings
,.3. 9fter completing pulp extirpation, de%ridement and placing a dressingD apical
periodontitis is %ecause5
A. .ver instrumentation e#tending into periapical area
B. $rritation from chemicals used
C. ,ntrapped bacteria
D. .ne or any combination of the above
,.6. (t is desira%le to ma?or connectors of upper partial dentures to5FF
A. At least 1 mm away from the gingival margin
B. Cover the anterior palate
,.7. *hich of the following statements is true5
A. 6ast secretion of odontoblast forms cementum
B. 6ast secretion of odontoblast forms ac>uired enamel cuticle
C. Remnants of ameloblasts form primary enamel cuticle
D. Remnants of odontoblasts form primary enamel cuticle
,38. *hen you tries to seat a crown on tooth you #nd a discrepancy of 8.!mm at
the marginD you will5
A. Reduce inner surface of crown
B. Remae a new crown
C. &mooth the enamel at the margin
D. +and burnish crown margins
,31. (n regards to Chlorhexidine mouth wash5FF
A. $s anionic
B. /sed in 0.02* concentration
C. /sed in 0.(2 concentration
D. "enetrates the gingival crevice5pocet
,32. 'lycerine trinitrate gi&en to an angina patient acts %y5
A. Fives relief of pain by decreasing venous return
B. Decreases blood pressure and causes headache
,3!. *hich of the following is 0>- complication of radiation to head and nec
A. Berostomia
B. 7ucositis
C. $ncreased caries
D. +eightened taste sensation
,. $ncreased ris of osteomyelitis
,3). 9 female patient is diagnosed with 9ddison<s disease which of the following
does not con#rm this5
A. 8eaness, lassitude
B. Anore#ia, nauseas, fatigue
C. +ypotension
D. Bony e#pansion
,. Amenorrhea
,3,. *hich of the following conditions is not associated with periodontal
destruction in primary teeth5
A. Down?s syndrome
B. &teven 9ohnson?s syndrome
C. +ypophosphatasia
D. "apillon@6efebvre syndrome
,. Cyclic neutropenia
,3.. (n patient with exposed root surfaces5
A. As to use low abrasive dentifrices
B. $t is because of dental hypersensitivity
,33. *hich of the following is the %est index to e&aluate gingi&al health5
A. Fingival inde# by 6oe and &ilness
B. "eriodontal inde#
C. "eriodontal disease inde#
D. .+$@&
,36. (n sur&eyingD cali%ration of examiners data is important %ecause5
A. $t reduces the errors in gathered data.
,37. Patient is resistant to caries %ut has periodontal disease. (n this case, sucrose
in diet is important %ecause5
A. &ucrose is greatly involved in pla>ue development
B. &. mutans produces 6evans frictions which are used by periodontal pathogens
C. !he streptococcus mutans cannot survive with a continual supply of sucrose
D. ,#isting pla>ue must continue to get sucrose in order to grow
,68. Cariogenicity of Etreptococcus mutans is %ecause of the production of5
A. Flucans
B. 6evans
C. 'ructans
D. &ucrose
,61. 9 child consumes a toxic dose of 4uoride. Cou will5FF
A. $nduce vomiting
B. Fives a lot of fuids
C. Fives a lot of fuids and sodium bicarbonates
D. As patient not to eat for K1 minutes
,. Fives mil, calcium tablets or magnesium tablets
,62. Collimation is done to5
A. Reduces the si;e of the beam, so it is easy to visualise the central B ray.
B. Avoids unnecessary e#posure to radiation of surrounding tissues of the patient
,6!. (n N rays #ltration is used to5FF
A. Remove low energy B rays
B. Reduce e#posure time
C. Reduce si;e of the beam
,6). (n calculus formatio, the epitaxic concept is one of the theories. *hich of the
following is true5
A. 7ineralisation occurs when calcium and phosphate content is high
B. !he presence of matri# would start initiate formation of nucleus
C. !he amorphous materials would convert to calcium phosphate and hydro#y
,6,. 'emination is5FF
A. Division of single tooth, twining
B. 'usion of two or more crowns of teeth
C. 'usion of two or more roots
,6.. (n primary teeth, failure of CaJ>IK2 pulpotomy is M>E- liely to produce5FF
A. ,#ternal resorption
B. $nternal resorption
C. Aecrosis of the pulp
D. Anylosis
,63. 9 raised dot on N ray #lm is present to5
A. .rient e#posure side
B. Di2erentiate between left and right side
C. Dip during developing
,66. *hat does the #xes solution in de&eloping N rays do5
A. Removes une#posed silver halide crystals
B. Removes e#posed silver halide
C. 'i#es the developed :lm
,67. *hen the de&eloping solution is correctly mixed and x ray #lm is %eing
de&eloped for normal timeD %ut the solution is too warm, the outcome #lm will %e5
A. !oo light
B. !oo dar
C. 'ogged
,78. Saposi<s sarcoma5
A. &een on buccal mucosa in +$< as purple lesion
B. &een on palate of most +$< patient
C. &hould be biopsy
,71. *hat is characteristic feature seen in pyloric stenosis5FF
A. ,rosion of ma#illary central incisors
B. <omiting of undigested food
C. 6oss of appetite
D. 8eaness
,72. 9t %irth, the oral ca&ity usually contains5
A. &. mutans only
B. Ao micro organism
C. &. mutans and &. salivavis
D. 6actobacilli and &. mutans
,7!. -he papillae that are few in num%ers, associated with M>E- taste %uds,
associated with $on ;%ner<s glands are5FF
A. 'ungiform
B. Circumvallate
C. 'oliate
D. 'iliform
,7). (n class (( preparation it is di:cult to place the gingi&al seat when
preparation is extended too gingi&ally %ecause the5
A. ,namel rods are directed occlusally
B. 7ared cervical constriction
,7,. (n maxillo fracture, if intra cranial pressure increases5FF
A. $t is normal
B. !ypically associated with tachycardia
C. Associated with blood pressure
D. /sually subsides spontaneously
,. !ypically associated with constricted and un@reactive pupil
,7.. Moist heat steriliBation is achie&ed %y5
A. Denaturation of protein
,73. (n regards to "enBodiaBepines5
A. $ncreases R.,.7. sleep
B. +as a hangover e2ects because of active metabolism
C. $ncludes carbama;epine
D. Can be used safely on children as it achieves reliable e2ects
,76. *hich is 0>- C>RR;C- in regards to lingual ner&e5
A. $t is posterior and medial to the inferior alveolar nerve
B. $t passes close to the mandibular )
C. $t may be anaesthetised by the mandibular nerve bloc
D. $t provides supply to the lingual gingiva
,. &upplies anterior 25) of the tongue
,77. -he maxillary and mandi%ular teeth get their %lood supply from5FF
A. &eparate branches of &. "alatina artery
B. &eparate branches of ma#illary artery
C. Branches of ma#illary and mandibular arteries
.88. Iaemophilia is characterised with5FF
A. Daughters a2ected from their carriers fathers
B. "resents on QyR chromosome
C. +emarthrosis is common :nding
D. De:ciency of factor <$$
,. Aeutrophil defect
.81. (n minor oral surgery which is -RA; in regards to anti%iotic5
A. Amo#il is satisfactory against most oral infection
B. 7etronida;ole and Amo#il have the same penetrating power
C. $t is evident that it will reduce post operative swelling
.82. (n regards to third molars surgery5
A. 7a#imum swelling is seen after 2K@K- hours
B. "rophylactic antibiotic will reduce swelling
C. Antibiotic cover is compulsory
.8!. 9 ., year old patient needs extraction of ))D he has taen insulin in the
morning. *hat preoperati&e ad&ice you should gi&e5
A. !ae more sugar
B. 7aintain normal diet
C. Antibiotic 2 hours before
D. 7edication increases preoperatively
.8). Patient with prosthetic heart &al&e taing 3., mg warfarin. Ehe has++++.
Patient needs extraction. *hat is your management5
A. )g Amo#il, suture after surgical removal
B. )g Amo#il, suture when bleeding has stopped
C. Fentamycin5vancomycin cover, stop warfarin, give heparin and suture later
D. Ampicillin cover, stop warfarin, give heparin and suture later
,. Fentamycin5vancomycin cover, stop warfarin and suture later
.8,. Hoss of the gingi&al attachment is measured %etween5
A. C,9 to base of pocet
B. !op of the gingiva to the base
.8.. 9%sence of clearly de#ned crystal lamina dura is %ecause5
A. "athognomonic of periodontal disease
B. $ndicative of attachment loss
C. Associated with periodontal pocet
D. Commonly related to radiograph angulation
.83. 9 patient !3 year oldD with paroxysmal pain on the left eye that he thins is
related to his maxillary posterior teeth. -he pain comes in recurrent %ursts and
aggra&ated %y stress and alcohol. >ral exam is negati&e. -he pro%a%le diagnosis is5
A. 7igraine
B. Cluster headache
C. !rigeminal neuralgia
D. !emporal neuritis
.86. 9 mandi%ular permanent #rst molar had to %e extracted, this will aGect5
A. Ad%acent teeth
B. !eeth in the same >uadrant
C. Both arches the same side
D. 'ull mouth
.87. -he places for new erupted mandi%ular molars are created %y5
A. Resorption of anterior ramus and apposition posteriorly
B. Apposition of alveolar process
C. Apposition of inferior boarder of mandible
.18. 9 patient comes with a #rm, painless swelling of lower lo%e of parotid which
has grown progressi&ely for the past year. Ie complains of paresthesia for the past
2 wees. -his is most liely to %e5
A. "leomorphic adenoma
B. Carcinoma of the parotid
C. 6ymphoma of parotid
.11. *hat is the histopathology of the pathogenesis of the pla@ue following 21
days of pla@ue accumulate5
A. "rimarily in:ltrate of plasma cells
B. "rimarily in:ltrate of lymphocytes
C. $n:ltrate of plasma cells and early bone involvement
D. $n:ltrate of neutrophils
.12. *hat is (0C>RR;C- in I($ associated periodontitis5FF
A. "icture of AA/F superimposed with R""
B. &pontaneous bleeding interpro#imal
C. Depression of !K5!- lymphocytes
D. Deep "erio@pocets usually seen in advanced periodontitis
.1!. *hat is true in treating a patient with secondary herpes simplex5FF
A. Acyclovir inhibits viral transcription when applied in the prodromal phase
B. $do#uridine is better than acyclovir when applied topically
C. Antivirals are contra indicated in immuno@compromised patient
.1). -he M>E- common cause of gingi&al enlargement is5
A. +ereditary
B. Drug induced
C. "la>ue induced
D. 6euaemia
.1,. 9 1! year old has enlarged gingi&aeD gi&es a history of /ilantin sodium what is
you treatment5
A. .ral prophyla#is and gingivoplasty
B. .ral prophyla#is, scaling, root planning
C. &top medication
.1.. 9 patient has improperly formed /;O, reduction in siBe of pulp cham%er,
chipping and attrition of enamel that would M>E-HC %e5
A. 'luorosis
B. Amelogenesis imperfecta
C. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
.13. *hich is wrong in regards to Jwater ?et sprayK hydrotherapy5
A. Does not harm gingivae
B. Removes pla>ue
C. Removes re>uired pellicle
.16. 9nhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is characteristic %y5FF
A. +ypodontia or anodontia
.17. /uring extraction of maxillary third molar, the tu%erosity is fracturedD
howe&er, it remains in place attached to the mucoperiosteum. *hich of the
following procedures should %e employed5FF
A. Remove the tuberosity and suture
B. 6eave the tuberosity and stabili;e if re>uired
C. Remove the tuberosity and :ll the defect with Felfoam then suture.
D. $f fractured tuberosity is greater than 2 cm, leave in place and suture
.28. 9n incision %iopsy of an ulcerated and intruded clinically suspicious lesion in
,8 years old female re&eals chronic in4ammationD you would5FF
A. $nform the patient and her physician of your :ndings and instruct the patient to
return in si# months
B. &urgically e#cise the entire lesion since you now it is not malignant
C. Dismiss the patient with instructions for warm saline rinses for re@e#amination
D. Repeat the biopsy
.21. *hat is the M>E- common conse@uence of an allergic response to
A. &in rash QdermatitisR with swelling of lips and eyes
.22. Iow many time do you %reath in mouth to mouth resuscitation5
A. (0@(2 times a minute
B. K@G times a minute
.2!. *hat cause a reduce of pulmonary &entilation5
A. 6aryngeal muscle paralysis
B. Air way obstruction
.2). *hat would you do if the systole is ele&ated5FF
A. Calm down the patient
.2,. *hat would you do if the diastole is ele&ated5
A. $nvestigate systemic cause
.2.. *hich are non=calci#ed areas in the child<s cranium5
A. 'ontanelles
.23. Sopli<s spots are associated with one of the following5
A. <iral infection
B. Diabetes
C. 7easles
D. Rubella
,. Candidosis
.26. *hat is $on Recling hausen disease5
A. Aeuro:broma
B. Aecrosis of bone produced by ioni;ing radiation
.27. Iow do treat the cause of airway o%struction5
A. ,#tension of the nec
B. 'le#ion of the nec
.!8. Iow do prepare a patient with rheumatic fe&er %efore extraction5
A. G000000 units of ben;oyl penicillin
B. 2g Amo#icillin pre@operatively
.!1. *hich is H;9E- liely to cause %leeding after surgical operation5
A. Antibiotic therapy
B. "oor surgical techni>ues
C. Aspirin
D. Codeine
.!2. 9cute pyogenic %acteria infection may result in5FF
A. 6eucopoenia
B. Aeutropenia
C. 6euocytosis
D. 6ymphocytosis
,. ,osinophilia
.!!. Prophylactic administration of anti%iotic is indicated in patient %efore oral
surgery with5
A. +erpes simple#
B. 8hooping cough
C. Bacterial endocarditis
.!). >ral mucosa and sin pigmentation occurs in patient with5FF
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Addison?s disease
C. 7ultiple myeloma
D. &>uamous cell carcinoma
,. Bright?s disease
'. Cushing?s disease
.!,. Patient has fainted, the signs are, %lanched face, wea pulse, moist sin,
shallow respirationD your #rst management is5
A. ( ml adrenaline subcutaneously
B. 7outh to mouth respiration
C. Aitro glycerine sub lingually
D. Recumbent positionJ supine
.!.. -hrom%o cytopenic purpura would complicate surgery %y5
A. .edema
B. +aemorrhage
C. Acute infection
.!3. Patient who has *"C count of ?ust o&er 188888 is most liely suGering from5FF
A. 6eucopoenia
B. 6euaemia
C. "olycythemia
.!6. *hich of the following is -RA;5
A. Antibiotics are useful in the treatment of AA/F
B. !rauma of occlusal factors causes cleft or :brous thicening of marginal gingivae
C. All "erio pocets can be detected by # rays
D. "eriodontitis is the most common problem in teenage
,. "erio disease is a primary cause of loss of teeth after )1 years of age.
.!7. (n regards to the conditions where you ha&e to prescri%e anti%iotic prior to
dental treatment5
A. Rheumatic fever
B. &ub@acute bacterial endocarditis
C. By pass
D. <alve replacement
,. /ncontrolled diabetes
'. All of the above
.)8. Ierpangina is caused %y5
A. Co#sacie virus
.)1. -he main &itamin to synthesis prothrom%in is5
A. <itamin C
.)2. -he immediate concern in the management of facial trauma should %e5
A. &ecuring a blood units to replace any loss
B. 'i#ation of fractures
C. Checing the breath and insure a free airways
D. Aeurological consultation
.)!. *hat is 0>- 9 E('0 of neurological trauma5
A. ,#citement
B. &hoc
C. $mproper eye sight
D. 6eaning
,. &ever headache
'. <omiting
F. ,uphoria
+. 'i#ed dilated pupils
.)). 9 young patient presented with rheumatic fe&er and suspected allergy to
penicillin. -he anti%iotic of choice is5
A. Chloromycetin
B. &ulphonamide
C. Bu2ered penicillin
D. ,rythromycin
,. Achromycin
.),. Patient under treatment with corticosteroids may de&elop5
A. Adrenal suppression
.).. /isorder of steroid will result in5
A. Adrenal suppression
B. Delayed healing
C. .steoporosis
D. All of the above
.)3. ;sophagitis, herpes simplex, colitis during , wees. Cou will #nd the same
signs of5
A. 7ultiple myeloma
B. ,rythema multiforme
C. A$D&
.)6. *hat does not show in Cleidocranial dysplasia5FF
A. Defective formation of clavicles
B. Delayed closure of fontanelles
C. Retention of ma#illa
D. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth
,. Aone of the above
.)7. (n regards to Plummer=$incent syndrome or 1Paterson and Selly syndrome25
A. $ron de:ciency is a feature
B. Atrophic oral and gastric mucosa
C. Dysphagia and angular cheilitis
D. "redisposing oral cancer
,. All of the above
.,8. Eteam under pressure sterilisation is the %est method to ill microorganisms.
Iow does it wor5
A. Coagulation of plasma protein
B. Dehydration of DAA
.,1. Patient with morphine comaD what is the medication of choice to re&erse its
A. Bradyinin
B. ,pinephrine
C. Amphetamine
D. Aalo#one
.,2. *hy are streptococci resistant to penicillin5FF
A. !hey produce penicillinase.
.,!. *hen comparing the mesio distal length of second deciduous molar with the
length of 2
premolarD we will #nd the deciduous tooth is5
A. 6onger
B. &horter
C. Aear the same si;e
.,). Iow do you diagnose trigeminal neuralgia M>E- accurately5
A. +istory
.,,. Iow do you treat a child with se&ere $on *ille%rand<s disease5FF
A. 6ie a normal child
B. 6ie a diabetic child
C. 6ie a haemophilic child
.,.. -he Bygomatic process ser&es as5
A. .rigin of masseter muscle
B. .rigin of temporalis
C. "rotects parotid gland
D. $nsertion of lateral pterygoid
.,3. -reatment of patient with herpes simplex5FF
A. &ymptomatic treatment and acyclovir
B. $do#uridine
.,6. Painless %luish lump #lled with 4uid on the lipsD M>E- liely is5
A. &moer?s eratosis
B. &>uamous cell carcinoma
C. 7ucocele
D. 'ibroma
,. 'ibro@epithelial polyp
.,7. -he diagnosis of pemphigus &ulgaris is con#rmed %y5FF
A. !;anc cells
B. !est dose of corticosteroid
C. !est of anti body
D. +istological immunofuorescence
,. &erological test for auto antibody
..8. Paget<s disease under microscope shows5
A. 7osaic pattern
..1. 9melo%lastoma on x=rays shows as5
A. &oap bubbles
..2. 9nyloglossia is caused %y5
A. ,dentulous ridge
B. &hort lingual frenum
C. &hort labial frenum
..!. *hat is 0>- CI9R9C-;R(E-(C #nding in carcinoma of the mouth5
A. ,levation
B. 'i#ation
C. $nvasion
D. <errucoid appearance
,. "ain
..). "low to the mandi%le resulted in de&iation to the left on openingD x=rays show
unilateral fracture, where would you expect the fracture5FF
A. Aec of the left condyle
B. Aec of the right condyle
C. Body of the left condyle
D. Body or the right condyle
..,. Mar%le %one disorder is5FF
A. .steoporosis
B. .steopetrosis
.... (n regards to dentinogenesis imperfecta on x=rays, *hat is -RA;5
A. &hort and blunted roots
B. !he pulp canal is obliterated
C. Big pulp chamber, thin dentine and normal enamel
D. !ype $$$, characteristic shell teeth
,. All of the above
..3. ;xfoliati&e cytology will not help in the diagnosis of5
A. +erpes simple# infection
..6. -reatment of 9naphylactic shoc5
A. Adrenalin (mp $<
..7. -he treatment of angioneurotic oedema5
A. Anti histamine (0mg $<
B. Chlorphenamine maleate as "iriton by Allen
C. +ydrochloride 21 mg $7
D. Corticosteroid drugs or with adrenaline.
.38. Most congenitally missing teeth are5
A. 7andibular )
B. 7andibular 2
C. 7a#illary lateral incisor
.31. *hich of the following is secondary to immune de#ciency5
A. "seudo membrane de:ciency
B. +erpes simple#
C. &>uamous cell carcinoma
D. ,levated ,pstein bar viruses incidence
.32. >dontogenic cyst de&elop from the following structures except5
A. Reduced enamel epithelium of tooth crown
B. Dental lamina dura
C. ,pithelium trapped after sutures
D. +ertwig?s root sheath
.3!. -he de#nition of Heeway space is5
A. $t is the di2erence in mandibular width between C, D, , and ), K, 1
.3). (f the focal spot to #lm distance is increased from 28cm to )8cm, the intensity
of radiation is reduced %y5
A. \
B. ]
C. (5)
D. (51
.3,. *hich &itamin is not produced and stored in organisms5
A. <itamin C
.3.. -he initial priority in treatment of horiBontal fracture is5
A. "reservation of pulp
B. $mmobilisation
C. Root canal treatment
D. Calcium hydro#ide treatment
.33. Iealthy dental pulp responds to in?ury %y5
A. !he formation of reparative dentine at the pulpal surface corresponding to area of
.36. (n full denturesD porosity in the most thicest area is due to5FF
A. Faseous porosity
B. &hrinage porosity
.37. -he most common cause of fracture at the isthmus of class (( dental amalgam
restoration is5
A. Delayed e#pansion
B. $nade>uate depth at the isthmus area
C. $nade>uate width at the isthmus area
D. 7oisture contamination of the amalgam during placement
.68. -he de#nition of incompetent lips is5
A. 6ips can not close in rest position
.61. *hich drug may cause respiratory depression5
A. Barbiturate
.62. *hat is Iutchinsonian triad5
A. Combination of +utchinson?s teeth, interstitial eratitis and nerve deafness in
children with congenital syphilis.
.6!. For a , years old child who li&es in a 0>0 *9-;R FHA>R(/9-;/ are. *hat is
the recommended intae of 4uoride5
A. 0.21mg
B. 0.(0mg
C. 0.10mg
D. (.00mg
.6). 0itrous >xide in contraindicated in5
A. +eart disease
B. Asthma
C. 7ental retardant
D. &icle cell anaemia
.6,. 'reen stain on tooth surface is due to5FF
A. Chromogenic bacteria
.6.. Epread of infection 12, 22 is M>E- H(S;HC to %e5
A. 6abial
B. "alatal
.63. Einus tract is indication of5
A. Chronic lesion
.66. -he M>E- common tumour of the parotid is5
A. "leomorphic oedema
.67. *hat does 1/>A"H; "H(0/2 mean5
A. A ind of clinical study in which neither the participants nor the person
administering treatment now which treatment any particular sub%ect is receiving.
/sually the comparison is between an e#perimental drug and a placebo or
standard comparison treatment. !his method is believed to achieve the most
accuracy because neither the doctor nor the patient can a2ect the observed
results with their psychological bias.
.78. 9fter ) to 3 days, what type of cells you would #nd predominately in
A. 6euocytes
B. "lasma cells
.71. *hat the age of patient who has all incisors, some premolars and some
canine eruptedD note that no 2
molars showing5
A. - years
B. (( years
C. () years
D. (K years
.72. Patient with Class (( di& ( malocclusion has 90" of5
A. T2
B. @2
C. T-
D. @-
.7!. (n hairy tongue you will #nd5
A. ,longated :liform papillae
.7). *hich muscle has insertion in the pterygoid raphe5FF
A. &uperior constrictor of the pharyn#
B. 7iddle constrictor of the pharyn#
C. $nferior constrictor of the pharyn#
.7,. *hich micro=organisms in periapical lesion you would #nd microscopically5
A. Aerobes
B. Aerobes to mainly anaerobes
.7.. *hat is ;ER+ 1erythrocyte sedimentation rate2
A. A test that measures the rate at which red blood cells settle through a column of
li>uid. A non@speci:c inde# of infammation
.73. -he #rst thing to do when syncope occurs in apprehensi&e patient5
A. +ead should be lowered
.76. *hich of the following is staphylococcal infection5
A. &carlet fever
B. "ericarditis
C. "ancreatitis
D. Carbuncle
.77. *hat is -RA; a%out Chrome=Co%alt partial denture5
A. Ao immersion of dentures in hypochlorite
388. Patient with eruption cystD your treatment would %e5
A. .bservation, mostly it bursts spontaneously
381. -he expected age of patient with rapid progressi&e periodontitis5
A. Between (1 and 21 years of age
382. *hich of the following has pro&en to %e the M>E- important in community
pre&enti&e program5
A. Dental awareness of the community
B. $nstitution of oral hygiene measures
C. 8ater fuoridation
38!. -he water 4uoridation is 8.,ppmD what is the recommended supplemental
4uoride concentrations for ! year old child5
A. 0.21mg
B. 0.10mg
C. (.00mg
D. 0mg
38). Rhom%oid glossitis is5
A. Candidal infection
38,. -he image of x ray is too pale the M9(0 cause is5
A. .ld e#pired :lm
38.. -he %eam that goes from cathode to anode is consisted of5
A. ,lectrons
383. (n the mouth of new %orn %a%yD what sort of %acteria you expect to #nd5
A. Aone
386. -he transmission of R09 into /09 called5
A. !ranscription
387. Iow often a %itewing should %e taen for children5
A. ,very visit routinely
B. ,very year after parent?s permission
318. -o o%tain the M>E- accurate N rays of teethD the tooth #lm distance should %e
JClosePfarK as anatomical restriction will permit. *hat is -RA; in this regard5
A. !he paralleling techni>ue favours the bisecting techni>ue.
311. -he pregnancy enlargement of gingi&ae is a result of5
A. +ormonal disturbance
312. *hy do you gi&e atropine in general5FF
A. !o reduce the salivary secretion
31!. Pathogenic means5
A. "athological conditions of the disease
31). Periodontitis is usually se&ere in patient with5
A. Defective neutrophils
31,. Ialothane anaesthetic %y5
A. +epatoto#ic reaction
31.. Eedation in children can %e achie&ed %y5
A. Dia;epam
313. *hich lymph node is in&ol&ed in carcinoma of the lip5 1or the #rst metastasis
of carcinoma of lips2
A. &ubmental node
B. &ubmandibular node
316. *hich of the following could cause the o&erall cellular damage to %e greater5
A. !he speci:ed dose delivered all at once
B. !he same fatal dose given in divided smaller doses over a period of time
317. *hich of the following conditions would %e considered for anti%iotic
A. 7alignancy recently removed
B. Congenital valve heart disease
C. 'unctional heart murmur
328. 9ll of the following should %e considered for systemic anti%iotic except5
A. ,#traction of tooth with acute dento alveolar abscess
B. Aecrotic ulcerative gingivitis DA/FE unless it is acute.
C. ,#traction of )- or K- with acute pericoronitis
D. 'ull mouth e#traction for a patient with perio disease
321. -he tissue response to oral hygiene after periodontal treatment is ";E-
assessed %y5
A. Decrease in the tendency to bleed on probing
322. (n regards to MetronidaBole5FF
A. $t is e2ective for the treatment of A/F5A/F
32!. -he mode of act of drug may %e de#ned as5
A. +ow it produces its action
32). Class ((( ca&ity is 5
A. "ro#imal cavity slightly gingival to the contact area
32,. -erminal Iinge 9xis can %e o%tained %y5
A. 'ace bow
B. Cinematic face bow
C. Articulator
32.. (ncisal colour diGers from gingi&al colour in that the gingi&al part5
A. $s thicer that the incisal part
B. +as dentine bacground
323. 9l&eolar %one resorption is not seen in5
A. &teven@9ohnson syndrome D,rythema multiformeE
326. -he sil&er %romide crystals in x rays #lms after %eing expressed to radiation
A. 6atent image
327. -he %est radiograph for maxillary sinus is5
A. "A sull # ray
B. .ccipitomental radiograph
C. !own?s view
3!8. Fluoride in water community of )ppm will result in5
A. Ao mottling
B. 7ottling in almost all permanent teeth e#cept some molars
C. 7ottling in permanent premolars only
3!1. Iydrotherapy 1*ater Oet2 is used to5
A. Remove pellicle from tooth surface
B. Remove dental pla>ue
C. Causes no harm to gingiva
3!2. *hich of the following is not considered in the estimation of gingi&al index5
A. Aasmyth?s membrane
3!!. *hen examining intra orally %etween the side of the tongue and the lateral
%order of the mandi%le, you expect to5
A. "alpate the lymph nodes
B. "alpate the borders of the tongue
3!). "lac hairy tongue is M>E-HC seen in5
A. +$< patient
3!,. *hat is -RA; a%out water 4uoridation5
A. 8ill have no e2ects after the eruption of permanent teeth
3!.. *hen there is a fracture on condyle, the muscle responsi%le for ele&ation of
condyle is5
A. 6ateral pterygoid muscle
B. 7edial pterygoid muscle
C. 7asseter muscle
3!3. /entinogeneses imperfecta de&elops in5
A. $nitial stage
B. "roliferation stage
C. +istodi2erentiation stage
D. 7orphology stage
3!6. Compared to dental plaster all die stones5
A. Re>uire less gauging water
B. Re>uire more gauging water
C. Re>uire the same >uantity of gauging water
D. Are beta@hemihydrate
,. Aone of the above
3!7. -he M>E- eGecti&e manner to produce a hard surface on a cast is %y5
A. ,mploy as much water as possible on mi#ing
B. ,mploy as little water as possible on mi#ing
C. Adding 2* of bora# to the mi#
D. Adding calcium tetraborate
,. Aone of the above
3)8. *hen dry cast is immersed in water saturated with calcium sulphate5FF
A. !here is contraction
B. !here is negligible e#pansion
C. !here is de:nite e#pansion
D. !here is no change
,. Aone of the above
3)1. Fusion temperature of impression compound should occur5
A. Below mouth temperature
B. Above mouth temperature
C. As of the sin temperature
D. At the room temperature
,. Aone of the above
3)2. -he 4ow of the following percentage is allowa%le for impression compound
Jtype (K at the oral temp of !3V
A. G*
B. (0*
C. 2*
D. 20*
,. Aone of the above
3)!. -he disad&antage of heating the impression compound in a water %ath is5
A. $t may become brittle
B. $t may become grainy
C. 6ower moles with constituents are leached out
D. !he plasticity of the compound may be altered
,. All of the above
3)). 'enerally there is ++++ Binc oxide eugenol impression pastes %etween 4ow
A. 8oring time
B. Accelerator
C. &etting time
D. Composition
,. Aone of the above
3),. /ental impression material are hydrocolloids of5
A. !he emulsoid type
B. !he suspension type
C. !he sol type
D. !he get type
,. Aone of the above
3).. ;lastomers are5FF
A. +ydrophilic
B. +ydrophobic
C. 8ater@loving impression material
D. "otassium alginates
,. Aone of the above
3)3. -he polysul#de ru%%er impression material are5
A. Aot sensitive to temperature when curing
B. Huite sensitive to temperature when curing
C. 6ess sensitive to temperature than silicone rubber
D. !he same sensitivity to temperature as silicone rubber
,. Aone of the above
3)6. -he elastic properties of ru%%er impression material5
A. $mproves with time
B. Deteriorates with time
C. Deteriorates when e#posed to temperature
D. $mproves when e#posed to temperature
,. Aone of the above
3)7. -he eGect of temperature rise a%o&e 188VC on heat cured denture %ase
acrylic resins is5
A. "roduces porosity on the e#ternal portion of the resin.
B. "roduces porosity on the internal portion of the resin.
C. "roduces porosity on the surface of the resin.
D. "revents porosity on the interior of the resin
3,8. -he principle cause of failure of amalgam restoration is5
A. $mproperly prepared amalgam
B. $mproper cavity preparation
C. "erio involvement
D. "articles of amalgam
,. Aone of the above
3,1. Reduced occlusal area means5
A. 7ore fracture potential for amalgam
B. 6ess fracture potential for amalgam
C. "ulpal involvement
D. "erio involvement
,. Aone of the above
3,2. -he less mercury remaining in condensed amalgam5
A. !he stronger the restoration which contains fewer matri#es alloys and fewer voids
B. !he weaer the restoration is
C. !he more matri#es alloys
D. !he more voids
,. Aone of the above
3,!. Iigh copper amalgams are superior if5
A. Copper is available for a secondary reaction
B. Copper is not available for a secondary reaction
C. Copper is burnished
D. Copper is fractured
,. Aone of the above
3,). Concerning condensation of restorati&e gold5
A. $t may vary widely vary widely and has no infuence on the :nal restoration
B. !he degassing procedure is not important
C. $t is the Achilles heel of direct gold restoration
D. Clinical tech are more important than the physical properties of restorative gold
,. All of the above
3,,. (n regards to the enamel surface5
A. $t is a perfect substance for bonding
B. $t does not conform to the bonding re>uirements
C. $t is the most inorganic, rough part
D. $t is free from contamination and roughness
,. Aone of the above
3,.. 9cid conditioning of enamel and eroded dentine5
A. "rovides an none traumatic, conservative clinical approach to the bonding of
restorative material
B. $s traumatic approach to bonding materials
C. $s not safe and simple method of bonding
D. Bonding fails to produce a highly signi:cant retention and good marginal integrity
and clinical durability
,. Aone of the above
3,3. -he eGecti&eness of the acid etch is dependent on which of the following
A. 7aterial must be used to clean the surface of the tooth prior to etching
B. !he e2ectiveness of the itchant
C. !he chemical and physical nature of the tooth
D. !he area and surface of the enamel to be itched
3,6. Creep in amalgam is the greatest in5
A. 6ow copper lathe cut alloy
3,7. -he surface of enamel rods prisms in permanent teeth is5
A. "erpendicular to the outer surface of the tooth
B. "arallel to the outer surface of the tooth
C. "arallel to enamel contour
D. "arallel to enamel@dentine contour
3.8. 9ll of the following are properties of 4uoride except5
A. Crosses the placental barrier
B. $t deposits rapidly in bone
C. $t is e#creted rapidly by idneys
D. $t is bacteriostatic
,. $t produces e#trinsic tooth stain
3.1. 9 patient indicates that he taes methyldopa J9ldometK he is %eing pro%a%ly
treated for5
A. +ypertension
B. Angina pectoris
C. 7yocardial infection
3.2. 9 patient with history of angina suGers an attac while in the dental chair.
Prompt relief can %e anticipated in M>E- instances from5
A. .ral administration of short acting barbiturates
B. $ntra muscular administration of morphine sulphate
C. &ubcutaneous administration of epinephrine
D. &ublingual administration of glyceryl bi@nitrate
,. "utting the patient in upright position
3.!. Proximal caries on x rays appear5
A. &maller than clinically seen
B. 6arger than clinically seen
C. !he same
3.). -he lamina dura is a%sent in which condition5
A. <on Reclinghausen
B. "aget?s
C. "eriapical granuloma
3.,. Cou notice radiolucent area close to the apex of central incisor, on a second x
ray the radiolucent are mo&esD it is liely to %e5
A. Cyst
B. Abscess
C. Franuloma
D. $ncisive foramen
3... -reatment of >steoradionecrosis is5
A. Antibiotic coverage
B. Conservative treatment including antibiotic coverage and resection of %aw
C. Conservative treatment with se>uestrectomy
3.3. *idening of perio mem%rane can %e seen in5
A. .steosarcoma
B. &cleroderma
3.6. Hamina dura is actually5
A. Cortical bone
B. &pongy bone
C. $mmature bone
D. Cribriform plate perforated by nutrient carnally
3.7. "itewing x rays are taen to assist in the detection of caries 5FF
A. .cclusally
B. 6ingually
C. Buccally
D. Fingivally
,. $nterpro#imally
338. 9 periapical x ray of 11 and 12 region shows the &imen, 4oor of the nasal fossa
and the median palatine suture. -he other feature that can %e seen is5
A. 7a#illary sinus
B. $ncisive foramen
C. 3ygomatic process
D. 8all of ma#illary sinus
331. 9t the end of four years, the x rays re&eal calci#cation of5
A. All deciduous and :rst permanent molars
B. All permanent e#cept of )
C. All deciduous
D. All permanent
332. -he diagnosis of ortho cases is %y5
A. 7easurement of cranium si;e
B. Recording pro:le
C. !he relation of dentition and the %aw to the cranium
D. Determination of overbite si;e
,. Determination of %aw si;e
33!. Full mouth x ray sur&ey at %irth re&eals5
A. !en teeth are present
B. !wenty teeth are present
C. !wenty four teeth are present
D. !welve teeth are present
33). *hen adhesi&e is used with polysulphide impression material5
A. &hould be thin and dry
33,. *hen a pro%e penetrate %etween tooth and amalgam5
A. not always an indication of caries
33.. Re&ersi%le hydrocolloids impression material in comparison to alginate are5
A. Better for undercuts areas
333. Cou can increase the retention of Maryland %ridge %y5
A. $ncorporate mesh wor in wa# pattern
B. "erforation techni>ues in the metal cast
336. Maryland %ridges are made of5
A. Aicel chrome
337. (nitiation of curing process in self cure acrylic resin is achie&ed %y5FF
A. Ben;yl pero#ide
368. -he o%?ecti&e of pulp capping is to5
A. "reserve vitality of coronal pulp
B. "reserve vitality of entire pulp
C. "reserve vitality of radicular pulp
D. Regenerate a degenerated and necrotic pulp
,. Aone of the above
361. -he o%?ecti&e of pulpotomy is to5
A. "reserve vitality of coronal pulp
B. "reserve vitality of entire pulp
C. "reserve vitality of radicular pulp
D. Regenerate a degenerated and necrotic pulp
,. Aone of the above
362. *hat contra indicate pulp capping5
A. Accidental e#posure on vital young molars
B. 8hen infammation of radicular pulp is already present
C. 8hen roots are greatly curved and tortuous
D. 8hen anterior tooth is vital and immature with wide open apices
,. Aone of the above
36!. -ow successi&e negati&e cultures are5
A. Absolutely necessary for successful endodontic treatment
B. Aot always necessary for successful endodontic treatment
C. Aot >uestioned today as a dogmatic re>uirement in endodontics
D. /n>uestioningly it adhered for successful endodontic treatment
,. Aone of the above
36). *hat indicates for a periapical surgery5
A. 8here performing an endodontic treatment on e#isting root canal :lling may lead
to fracture of the root
B. 8hen root canal treatment is faulty
C. 8hen there is danger of involving other structures
D. 8hen the bony defect is so e#tensive that the edges of the incisors will collapse
,. Aone of the above
36,. (n regards to external resorption5FF
A. Continues after successful endo treatment
B. &tops in most cases following successful endodontic treatment
C. Continues only in mandibular incisors after successful endo treatment
D. &tops in ma#illary lateral incisors after successful endodontic treatment
,. Aone of the above
36.. -he concomitant perio=periapical lesion as the cause of endodontic failure5
A. Cannot be discovered prior to endo treatment
B. 7ay be discovered prior to endo treatment
C. $s most commonly found in ma#illary teeth
D. $s most commonly found in mandibular teeth
,. Aone of the above
363. N rays are used in endodontic treatment to5
A. Aid in the diagnosis of periapical hard tissue lesion
B. Determine the number, location, shape, si;e and direction of roots and root
C. Con:rm the length of root canals
D. ,valuate the ade>uacy of the complete root canal :lling
,. All of the above
366. -o achie&e optimum ca&ity preparation which of the following factors of
internal anatomy must %e considered5
A. .utline form
B. !he age and shape of pulp chamberJ in addition to the direction of individual root
C. $nternal e#ternal relationship
D. $ntra@coronal preparation
,. Aone of the above
367. (rrigation in root canal treatment, should %e undertaen at fre@uent inter&als
during instrumentation to5FF
A. Removes cementum falling from the canal
B. Remove no#ious material since it may be forced to the apical foramen resulting in
periapical infection
C. Destroy all micro organism in the canal
D. &top instruments from going beyond the apical foramen
,. Aone of the above
378. -he length of the tooth is esta%lished %y5
A. Food undistorted pre@operative # ray
B. Ade>uate coronal access to all canals
C. Ad%ustable endo millimetre ruler
D. De:nite repeatable plane of reference to anatomical landmar on tooth
,. All of the above
371. *hich of the following 'old casting alloys are a&aila%le5
A. 7edium alloy Q!ype $$R
B. +ard alloy Q!ype $$$R
C. ,#tra +ard alloy Q!ype $<R
D. All of the above
372. *hich of the following &arieties should %e made in the proximal occlusal ca&ity
preparation in deciduous teeth compared to permanent ones5
A. !he occlusal isthmus should be proportionally wider
B. !he occlusal lingual walls need not to be e#tended to self cleansing areas
C. $t is not necessary to include :ssures in the occlusal outline
D. !he lingual angle should be sharper
,. !he a#io pulpal line angle should not be bevelled
37!. 18 years old %oy looses permanent mandi%ular molarD what is aGected5
A. !eeth ad%acent to e#tracted teeth
B. !eeth on both arches on same side
C. !he remaining teeth in the mouth
D. !eeth directly opposite to the e#tracted tooth
,. !eeth on the same >uadrant
37). M>E- common conse@uence arising from premature extraction of deciduous
molars is5
A. 6oss of arch length
B. 6oss of speech sound
C. 6oss of facial contour
D. 6oss of vertical height
,. 6oss of free way space
37,. /uring teeth eruption, the reduced enamel epithelium merges with the oral
epithelium and conse@uentlyU.++++
A. Down growth of oral epithelium which replaces the reduced enamel epithelium
B. "roliferation of inner enamel epithelium
C. "roliferation of outer enamel epithelium
D. Down growth of oral epithelium which undermines the reduced enamel epithelium
,. Fradual transformation of the reduced enamel epithelium
37.. ;ssential for the diagnosis and treatment plan of orthodontics is5
A. Classi:cations
B. B rays
C. "laster models
373. 9s a general practitionerD you decide at an initial appointment that you can not
handle a child due to lac of co=operation. *hich of the following approaches would
seem to %e your alternati&e5
A. Refer child to pedodontist
B. &end child home until he5she has to co@operate
C. &chedule child for Feneral Anaesthetic session
376. -he most common reason to refer a child to a pedodontist is pro%lem with5
A. Rampant caries
B. Behaviour management
C. ,ndodontic treatments in primary teeth
D. &pace maintainers
377. 9 &ery @uic and wide separation of teeth causes5
A. Fingival infammation
B. <asodilation
C. 8ider spaces
D. Aecrosis of bone
688. 9 patient who has lost se&eral teeth in an otherwise healthy mouth, can get5
A. !79 dysfunction
B. Changes in the vertical dimension
C. Change in the interocclusal dimension
681. -he #nal deposition of amelo%last occurs5FF
A. "rimary enamel cuticle
B. &econdary enamel cuticle
C. Ac>uired enamel cuticle
D. Cementum
682. >ral epithelium fused with reduced epithelium to form5
A. 9unctional enamel epithelium
68!. -he increase of mandi%le a%out year , and . is mainly at5
A. Depth
B. 8idth
C. 6ength
68). 6 years child has a %adly %roen deciduous molar what is the %est material to
restore it5
A. Amalgam
B. Fold
C. Composite
D. F$C
68,. *hen tooth is twisted along its long axisD it is called5
A. 7esio version
B. Disto version
C. 6ingo version
D. !orsion
68.. 9 full x rays is recommended in children %y age of5FF
A. 2 years@ :rst visit
B. 2 years for uncooperative ids
C. )@1 years
683. -he percentage of malocclusion after early loss of deciduous teeth is5
A. G0*
686. 9 tooth is expected to erupt when root de&elopment is5
A. N of its full development
687. Crowding of anterior permanent teeth is directly aGected %y5
A. "remature loss of deciduous molars
618. Iawley appliances are used5FF
A. !o close midline diastema
B. 7aintain the normal relationship of the ad%acent teeth until the canine erupts
611. Ielical spring is used to5
A. ,ctopically erupting permanent molars
612. -he function of &arnish5
A. !o reduce initial marginal leaage Q&hort@term leaageR
B. !o prevent long term leaage
61!. -urner<s tooth is5FF
A. Due to infection of primary tooth
61). -he outcome of rapid wax %urn out is5
A. Cracing of the investment
B. Bac pressure porosity
61,. -he M9(0 purpose of %urnishing is5
A. !o help eliminating e#cess mercury
B. !o condense margins
C. "olishing of :lling
61.. *hat happen to etched composite after settings5
A. ,#pand
B. Contract
C. Contract and e#pand
D. ,#pand and contract
613. *hich of the following muscles ele&ates the lower lip5
A. .rbicularis oris
616. -he M>E- common cause for midline fracture is5
A. $mpact
B. 'atigue
617. -he function of face %ow is5
A. .rient ma#illa to !79
628. Iypoplasia as seen in x rays5FF
A. !hic enamel surface
B. !hin enamel surface
C. &ometimes large pulp chamber
D. Can not be detected on B rays
621. Function of matrix %and5
A. &ubstitute for the missing wall so ade>uate condensation forces can be applied
B. "ermit re@establishment of proper contact lines
C. Restrict e#trusion of amalgam and prevent formation of an QoverhangR
D. "rovide ade>uate physiological contour for the pro#imal surface
,. "rovide an acceptable surface te#ture to the pro#imal surface
'. All of the above
622. *hich composite is used in load %earing areas5FF
A. +ybrid composite
62!. -he palatal canal of maxillary molars is found Ander5
A. Disto lingual cusp
B. 7esio lingual cusp
62). >%turator in cleft palate plate is maintained %y5
A. Cohesion
B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Retention in the defect
D. "atient support it with the tongue
62,. (n a #xed mo&ea%le %ridge where should the mo&ea%le connectors 1non rigid2
%e placed5+++
A. Distal to anterior retainers
B. 7esial to posterior retainers
62.. *hat do expect after successful pulpectomy in the periapical area5
A. Apical foramen is closed by cementum calci:ed tissues
623. Frenum is consisted of what ind of tissues5
A. A fold of mucous membrane
626. *hat is the minimal la%ial reduction for porcelain metal crowns5
A. (mm
B. (.1mm
C. 0.1mm
627. *hat is the function of 4ux5
A. !o protect alloy from o#idation, and distribute metallic o#ides as they are formed
6!8. *hat is -RA;5
A. Boiling point of acrylic V boiling point of water
B. Boiling point of acrylic is similar to that of water
C. Boiling point of acrylic ^ boiling point of water
6!1. Porcelain %onded to metal is strongest5
A. $n compression
B. $n tension
6!2. *hat is the M>E- ad&erse reaction to lignocaine5
A. Drug interaction with patient?s medicines
B. $n%ecting into vein
C. +ypersensitivity
D. !o#icity
6!!. 9 27 year old lady presents with mandi%ular second molar associated with
radiolucency of 1 cm diameter and paraesthesia of mental ner&e. -here is no other
A. ,#traction and curettage
B. Root canal treatment and antibiotics
C. Blood test, e#traction and biopsy
D. ,#tract and pac with white head?s varnish
6!). Periodontitis is a disease that has5
A. A slow progression
B. Rapid progression
C. Cyclic or burst progression Qactive and inactive phasesR
D. $ntermittent progress
6!,. (n regards to apically displaced 4apD which is -RA;5
A. Does not preserve attached gingivae
B. Does not lengthen crown of tooth
C. $s a pocet elimination procedure
D. A 4 C
6!.. *hich is 0>- -RA; a%out occlusal trauma5
A. Cemental tears
B. Bone loss
C. 7obility
D. !rue pocet formation
,. Bleeding in periodontal ligament
6!3. *hich is the M>E- signi#cant clinical feature of periodontal disease5FF
A. Bleeding
B. !rue pocet formation and apical migration of attached gingiva
6!6. Iypodontia can %e seen in5
A. Cleidocranial dysplasia QdysostosisR
B. Down?s syndrome
C. "apillon le fever syndrome
D. Ricets
6!7. Iyperdontia can %e seen in5
A. Down?s syndrome
B. Cleidocranial dysplasia QdysostosisR
6)8. *hich of the following does not carry a ris of infection from hepatitis "
A. +Bs Ag antigens
B. +Bs Ag
C. +Be Ag
6)1. *hich is the M>E- conser&ati&e treatment for periodontal disease5
A. .ral hygiene, sub@gingival debridement, regular review and maintenance
B. &urgery, sub@gingival debridement, regular review and maintenance
C. .ral hygiene, sub@gingival debridement
6)2. Filter is used in x ray machine to5
A. Reduce e#posure time
B. Removes low energy # rays
6)!. 9 patient 6 years old has ! of #rst premolars erupted with swelling on the ridge
of the un=erupted premolar. N ray shows a fully de&eloped crown and W roots
de&elopment with no other pathology. *hat is your management5
A. Remove the dentigerous cyst
B. &oft tissues recision to allow eruption
C. &oft tissues recision accompanied with orthodontic appliance to help with
6)). Hoss of the #rst deciduous molar in 18 years old child re@uired5
A. Band and loop to maintain space
B. ,valuate the case radiographically and then decide whether space maintainer is
needed or not
C. Ao treatment
6),. Palatal root displaced into the antrum while extractingD what is your decision to
retrie&e it5
A. !hrough the alveolar
B. &urgical opening of canine fossa
C. Aasal antrostomy
6).. *hich one of the following is expansile lesion of ?aw %one5FF
A. .dontogenic eratocyte
B. Central haemangioma
C. Radicular cyst
D. .steomyelitis
6)3. -he M>E- fre@uent retained deciduous teeth in permanent dentition are5
A. /pper lateral incisors
B. /pper central incisors
C. 6ower central incisors
D. &econd lower molars
,. &econd upper molars
6)6. -he M>E- fre@uently synthesiBed su%stance %y Etreptococcus mutans is5
A. 6iven
B. 'ructose
C. Flucan
D. Flycogen
6)7. "enBodiaBepine and diaBepam in ,=18mg oral dose used for oral sedation in
dentistry />;E 0>- gi&e5
A. A good analgesic e2ect if given ( hour prior to dental sessions
B. 8ould be reversed by fuma;epil because it is a Ben;odia;epam
C. "ost operative headache
D. !here is a profound amnesic action and no side a2ects
6,8. Formcresol #xation is used in deciduous dentition in5
A. Aecrotic pulp
B. Carious e#posure
C. 7echanical e#posure
D. "eriapical disease
6,1. 9fter you ha&e successfully treated an 9ngle<s Class (( di&ision ( malocclusion.
-he ideal Class ( incisor relationship has %een produced and 1), 2) were extracted.
-he arches are now well aligned. *hat molar occlusion will there %e at the end of
treatment when all spaces are closed5
A. 'ull unit Class $$
B. \ unit class $$
C. Class $
D. \ unit Class $$$
,. 'ull unit Class $$$
6,2. -he tensile nodes are located at5
A. !he mandible angle
B. !he %ugular@digastric interaction
C. 7ylohyoideus intersection
D. $nternal carotid level
6,!. Ierpangina is the M>E- relia%le diagnosis is %y5FF
A. $mmunofuorescence
B. 7icroscopy
C. &erology
6,). Metallic Plato %acing the intra oral #lms are for5FF
A. Reduces the fe#ibility of :lms
B. Reduces patient e#posure to # rays
C. $ncreases the bending capacity of :lms
6,,. -he #xing time for dental x ray should %e5
A. 1 minutes at 20_C
B. At least (0 minutes
C. /ntil it clears up
D. 2 minutes at K0_C
6,.. -he de&eloping time for dental x ray should %e5
A. 1 minutes at 20_C
B. At least (0 minutes
C. /ntil it clears up
D. 2 minutes at K0_C
6,3. *hat is the range of the &isi%le light cure %eam5
A. (00@(20 nm
B. 200@)00 nm
C. K00@K)0 nm
D. KS0 nm or K10@100 nm
6,6. *hen is H;9E- re@uired gingi&al groo&e5
A. 8hen restoring with F$C for abrasion
B. 8hen restoring with F$C for root caries
C. 8hen restoring with F$C base and composite lamination
D. 8hen restoring with amalgam
6,7. Corrosion and discolouration of amalgam restorations is usually caused %y5
A. &ulphur o#ides
B. .#ygen
C. Chlorides
D. .ver trituration
6.8. *hen you #nd ditching in an amalgam #ling you would5
A. Replace the defective :ling
B. Repair defect with un:lled resins
6.1. *hat is the reason that pulp calci#ed after trauma5
A. !he intensity of the blow was too low to cause pulp death
6.2. *hich is -RA; in regards to the preparation of occlusal rests5
A. /se an inverted cone bur
B. /se a fat :ssure bur
C. "arallel to occlusal plane
D. At right angle to the long a#is of tooth
,. Aone of the above
6.!. Patient presents with fe&er of !7VC, pain, swelling of upper lip and nose.
Radiograph shows an enlargement of periodontal ligament space of 11 which has a
large restoration without a %ase. *hat would your treatment %e5
A. Recision and antibiotic
B. Antibiotic, analgesic followed by root canal treatment after remission of acute
C. Complete debridement of root canal, analgesic and antibiotic
D. Remove restoration, apply a sedative dressing with corticosteroids
6.). Cer&ical #nish line of full &eneer crown preparation should %e placed5
A. 9ust supragingival whenever is possible
B. According to the depth of gingival crevice
C. &ubgingival to reduce ability of recurrent caries
D. At the %unction of tooth and amalgam core
6.,. *hy do we itch enamel for composite restorations5
A. !o increase surface area
B. !o decrease surface area
C. Does not really change the surface area
D. $ncrease the chemical bonding capability
,. Decrease the chemical bonding capability
6... 9ll of the following are re@uirements of mucoperiosteal 4ap except of5
A. Base is wider than free margin
B. 7ucous membrane carefully separated from periosteum
C. Base has an ade>uate blood supply
D. 'lap wider than bony defect that will be present at conclusion of operation
,. 7ucoperiosteum is carefully separated from bone
6.3. *hich of the following will 0>- %e used in determination of &ertical dimension5
A. Aesthetic
B. "honetics
C. Fothic arch tracing
D. &wallowing
6.6. Xinc oxide impression material5
A. 7ay cause irritation to mucosa
B. $s a thermoplastic material
6.7. -he adhering of tissues on the surgical electrode usually means5
A. Current intensity is too high
B. Current intensity is too low
C. Dispersion plate not applied to patient
D. Aone of the above
638. Iow do remo&e the smear layer in root canal treatment5
A. /se of 0.1* hypochlorite sodium
B. +edstrom :le
C. ,D!A
631. *hy do you o&er pac amalgam5
A. !o ensure e#cess mercury reaches the surface
632. 9 lateral incisor la%ial to the arch needs to %e restored in normal alignment
with PFM retraction. Iow will the tooth appear5
A. !oo wide
B. !oo short
C. !o narrow
D. !o long
63!. *hich of the following is more prone to crac5
A. Buccal of lower molars
B. 6ingual of lower molars
C. 6ingual of upper molars
D. Buccal of upper molars
63). Flexi%ility of the retenti&e clasp arm depends on5
A. 6ength
B. Cross section
C. 7aterial
D. Degree of taper
,. All of the above
63,. (n &ital pulp therapyD what is the optimum depth for a pin hole in a tooth5
A. K@1mm
B. Appro#imately 2mm
C. 6ess than 2mm
D. (@(.1mm
63.. Proximal ca&osurface walls in Class (( preparation for the reception of an
amalgam. Ehould %e #nished at which angle to external surface5
A. Acute angle
B. Right angle
C. .btuse angle
D. K1 angle
633. *hy are three tripod mared on a cast %eing sur&eyed5
A. !o orient cast to articulator
B. !o orient cast to surveyor
C. !o provide guide planes
636. 9n irregular shaped &oid on surface of a gold cast would indicate that5
A. A fragment of investment had been carried into the mould
B. Air carried into mould
C. Burning out of wa# was inade>uate
D. !he powder5water ratio for the investment was too high
637. -he M9O>R disad&antage of 'utta Percha is5
A. &oluble in chloroform
B. !oo wea for narrow canals
668. *hat eGect do #ssure sealants ha&e on caries progression5
A. Reduces new caries and hamper the progress of freshly established caries
B. Reduces new caries and hamper the progress of e#isting caries
661. (n regards to connectors on denturesD which of the following is correct5
A. 7a%or connector should be rigid as possible
B. 7inor connector should engage undercuts
662. *hat control tooth or teeth should %e used when testing a suspected pulpally
in&ol&ed tooth5
A. Ad%acent tooth and contralateral teeth
B. Contralateral and opposing teeth
C. .pposing and ad%acent teeth
D. !est only suspected tooth5teeth
,. All of the above
66!. *hat is C>RR;C- in regards to periodontal surface area in mandi%ular teeth5
A. 'irst molarV :rst premolarV second premolar
B. CanineV :rst premolarV second premolar
C. CanineV lateral incisorV central incisor
66). Cast crown #ts on die %ut not on toothD discrepancy is a%out 8.!mm what would
you do5
A. Relieve cast from the inside
B. !ae a new impression and mae new crown
C. Burnish margins
D. /se thic mi# of cement
66,. (n regards to marginal leaage in amalgam5
A. !he wider the gap the better the chance of secondary caries
B. &eal the margin with :ssure sealant would prevent further breadown
C. &econdary caries may develop
66.. Pit and #ssure caries start at5
A. bottom of the :ssure
B. walls of the :ssure
663. *hat interferes with maxillary denture in posterior &esti%ular fold5
A. Coronoid process
B. Condyle
C. 7asseter muscle
666. (n regards to shadeD Chroma is5
A. Brightness
B. &aturation of hue
C. <alue
667. 9crylic self=cure special traysD how long should ha&e %een made prior taing
A. (2 hrs
B. $mmediately after fabricating it
C. After been left in water for an hour
D. 8ait for an hour before pouring
678. -he M9(0 C9AE; of gingi&itis in partial dentures patients is5
A. "lacement of dentures
B. "la>ue accumulation
671. Mo&a%le component of the non=rigid connector in a #xed %ridge is placed.
*hich of the following is -RA;5
A. &hould be placed on the longer retainer
B. 7esial drift causes unseating of the distally placed connector
672. *hen lateral incisor is lostD patient has Class (( /i&ision (( type with deep %ite.
*hich of the following is contra indicated5
A. 'i#ed bridge with canine and central incisor as abutment
B. Aon@rigid connector with central incisor as abutment
67!. *hich is the neutral Bone5
A. !he ;one where displacing forces are neutral
B. !he ;one where buccal and lingual forces are balanced
67). *hat is the "ilaminar Xone5
A. 'ormed of, or having, two laminae, or thin plates. 8hich is the distal attachment
of superior hard lateral plate
67,. *hich of the following />;E 0>- cause depression of the mandi%le5
A. Contraction of lateral pterygoid
B. Contraction of temporalis
C. Contraction of the suprahyoid muscles
D. Contraction of the infrahyoid muscles
,. Rela#ation of all muscles so that the only forces on the mandible are the forces
against the gravity
67.. *hich of the following is the M>E- appropriate related to hardness5
A. !ungsten carbideV"orcelainV+uman enamelVacrylic
B. "orcelainV,namelV!ungsten carbideVamalgamVacrylic
C. "orcelainV,namelV!ungsten CarbideVAmalgamVAcrylic
673. Iow much would you reduce a cusp to %e replaced with amalgam onlay5
A. 2 mm to achieve a good retention form
B. 2mm to achieve a good resistance form
C. (mm
676. Iow long it would tae to notice signi#cant reduction in radiolucency after
#nishing a root #ling for a tooth with a periapical lesion5
A. G months
B. ( month
C. ) months
677. -he ma?or cause of mentalis muscle hyperacti&ity is5
A. Class $$ Division $
B. !ongue thrust
788. *hen treating a tooth with a non=&ital pulp with a #stula presentedD #stula
should %e treated %y5
A. &urgical incision
B. Antibiotic coverage
C. !he usual root canal procedures for non@vital teeth and no special procedures for
781. -o increase the setting time of phosphate cements you would5
A. /se a cold glass slab
782. 23 years old femaleD shows sudden oedematous rash and collapses after an
in?ection of %ar%iturates. Cour management is5
A. $.7. o.1ml of (W(000 adrenaline with o#ygen administration
78!. *hich of the following procedures will not achie&e steriliBation5
A. +ot air at (G0_C Q)20_'R for O0mins
B. Boiling water at (00_C Q2(0_'R for 2 hours
C. Autoclave at (2(_C Q210_'R under (1psi for 20 mins
D. Dry heat at (SS_C Q)10_'R for G0mins
,. All of the above will achieve sterilisation
78). ,8 years old man presented after a full mouth extraction complaining that he
1%led all night2. *hich of the following pre existing conditions could %e responsi%le
for the post operati&e %leeding5
A. Blood pressure reading of (-05((0
B. Fastric ulcer
C. ,levated prothrombin time
D. A 4 D are correct
,. Aone of the above
78,. Hong %one growth %y5
A. 7itosis in osteoblast
B. 7itosis of osteoblast
C. Appositional growth in cartilage epiphysis
D. $nterstitial growth in cartilage epiphysis
78.. *hat is -RA; in regards to oral lesions of reticular lichen planus5
A. Aever accompanied with sin lesions
B. Always accompanied with sin lesions
C. 6esions may present anywhere
D. 6esions may present on legs
,. 6esions may present on arms
783. "one graft method that has shown the greatest osteogenetic potential is5
A. 6ymphocytic bone graft
B. 'ree;e@dried bone graft
C. +elto;ygoPP 7arrow graft
D. Cortical bone graft
,. Cancellous bone graft
786. 9 patient states that for 9HM>E- a year now, she has had a ru%%ery, #rm,
painless nodule within the su%stance of parotid gland. -his M>E- liely is5
A. 7ucocele
B. 6ymph node
C. Benign mi#ed tumour
D. &>uamous cell carcinoma
,. &ialolith with encapsulations
787. -he %est method to radiate a speci#c area of the head is5
A. /se lead collimator
718. -he %est reading on radiograph to diagnose anylosis in deciduous molar is5
A. Density of lamina dura
711. *hich is 0>- CI9RC-;R(E-(C of dentinogenesis imperfecta5
A. Dentinal tubules are more than usual
712. Child with less than normal num%er of teeth, mandi%ular lateral incisor is larger
than usualD on x rays it shows with two roots and two roots canalsD your diagnosis
A. Dilaceration
B. Femination
C. 'usion
D. Concrescence
,. !aurodontism
71!. -he M>E- sta%le area to e&aluate the craniofacial growth is5
A. Aasal foor
B. Cranial vault
C. .cclusal plane
D. Aaso ma#illary comple#
,. Anterior cranial base
71). 3 years child with Class ( malocclusion, slight &ersion of maxillary Class (D
ade@uate arch length. *hat is your management5
A. .ral screen
B. +ead cap therapy
C. $nclined plane on mandibular anterior teeth
D. +awley plate
,. ,#pansion screw plate
71,. -ongue thrust with tongue to lip swallow is seen in5
A. $ncompetent lips
71.. Clinical indications of pathogenic chronic periodontitis5
A. 7obility
B. Dull pain on closing
C. "resence of true pocet
D. Apical migration of gingival epithelium
,. "resence of subgingival calculus
'. C, D 4 ,
713. -o pre&ent exposure of a ++++++ on a permanent rootD the dentist ";E-
approach for ele&ating 4ap is to use5
A. Double fap
B. &tripping procedure
C. 'ull thicness fap
D. Apically positioned fap
,. &plit thicness fap
716. *hat is -RA; in regards to primary occlusal trauma5
A. 7obility caused by e#cessive forces on normal periodontal ligament
717. (n ad&ance periodontitis with mared mo%ilityD teeth should %e splinted5
A. !o improve comfort and function
728. ;xamination re&eals area of gingi&al recession, exposed wide area of dental
roots. *hich is the procedure of choice to o%tain co&erage of the root surface5
A. 'ree gingival autograft
B. &ub@epithelial tissue graft
C. Apically positioned graft
D. 'ree gingival graft
,. 7odi:ed wide fap
721. *hat does contra indicate distal wedge in molars< area5
A. Distal futing
B. 6ong attached gingiva
C. &harply ascending ramus that limits space distal to molars
D. &upra bony pocets distal to molars
722. *hich of the following is not a property of Fluoride ion5
A. Crosses placental barrier
B. Deposits in bone
C. ,#cretes rapidly by idney
D. Bacteria static
,. "roduces e#trinsic tooth stain
72!. -wo conditions of enamel facilitate post erupti&e uptae of 4uoride element5
A. +yper mineralisation and surface dentine
B. &urface demineralisation and hypo mineralisation
C. Dental fuorosis and enamel opacities
72). (n regards to topically applied 4uoride 5
A. ,2ective in incorporated into dental pla>ue
B. $nhibits acid demineralisation of enamel
72,. Flexi%ility of the retenti&e clasp arm /oes not relate to5
A. 6ength
B. Cross section
C. 7aterial
D. Degree of taper
,. /nder cut area
72.. Protrusi&e mo&ement in wax5
A. Can not be perforated
723. H;9E- use of %lood count5
A. $nfectious mononuclears
726. -he F(RE- ad&antage of using 188888 rpm and o&er rotors is5
A. 6ess vibration on patient
727. Iow long it would tae to see the dentinal %ridge after direct pulp capping %y
using Calcium hydroxide5FF
A. G@- wees
B. K wees
C. G@- months
D. K months
7!8. -he >P-(MAM crown to root ratio for a%utment tooth is5FF
A. 2W)
B. (W(
7!1. *hat does contraindicate %ridge wors5
A. 6ong edentulous span which will lead to damage of abutments
7!2. ;lasticity of impression material will lead to ideally5
A. "revents distortion when impression is removed out of the mouth
7!!. Patient has %een coming to your clinic for se&eral times complaining a%out
soreness under the dentureD what would you do5
A. Chec occlusion of lower buccal cusps
7!). *hat is the diGerence %etween arcon and non arcon articulator5
A. $n arcon the condylar element is in the lower compartment
7!,. Purplish lesions on the %uccal mucosa that ha&e %een there since %irthD the
diagnosis is5
A. +aemangioma
7!.. ;le&ators are not used in5
A. Dividing third lower molars roots
7!3. *hat is contraindicated to the use of calcium hydroxide for pulp capping5
A. Accidental e#posure of pulp
B. Carious e#posure of pulp in otherwise asymptomatic tooth
C. Carious e#posure of pulp in tooth that has been painful for wees
7!6. Iow would you treat hyperaemia 1hyperaemic tooth25FF
A. 3inc .#ide and eugenol cement
B. Calcium hydro#ide
C. Corticosteroid paste
7!7. Patient comes to you complaining of pain in a tooth, the tooth is #lled with
composite long time agoD what would you do5
A. B ray, remove :lling and restore with temporarily :lling
7)8. Ase of inhalation general anaesthesia5
A. +alothane should not be less than 1*
B. .#ygen must not be less than )0*
7)1. "ilateral symmetrical swelling of the mandi%le of a child is liely to %e caused
A. Acromegaly
B. "aget?s disease
C. Fiant cell lesion
D. "rimordial cysts
,. Dental cysts
7)2. For #ssure and sealant treatment to %e a part of the primarily retenti&e care5
A. "lace sealant on teeth which are at high ris of caries
B. "lace sealant on newly erupted teeth
7)!. Periodontal pocet is measured %etween5
A. C,9 to base of pocet
B. !op of the gingiva to the base
7)). *hen you apply a pressure of 8.2,0 to measure pocet depth5
A. K mm indicates periodontitis
7),. *hich of the following elements is not found in normal periodontal
A. 'ibroblast
B. ,pithelial cells
C. ,rythrocytes
D. <est cells of malaise
,. $nfammatory plasma cells and lymphocytes
7).. *hich of the following situations mae periodontal disease more se&er5
A. ,nough pro#imal surface
B. !oo wide bucco lingual embrasure
C. 7issing pro#imal contacts
7)3. -he auxiliary occlusal rest on tooth for partial denture should %e placed5
A. Away from edentulous space
B. Ad%acent to edentulous space
C. Aear fulcrum line
D. Away from fulcrum line
7)6. 9 &ital tooth has a crown cemented to a pin retained amalgam coredD where
does failure occur5
A. Between crown and cement
B. Between core and cement
C. $n the crown and the root
D. $n the core and the margin preparation
7)7. *hich is 0>- a result of toxic dosage of local anaesthetic5
A. Angioneurotic oedema
B. +ypotension
C. Respiratory depression
D. +ypertension
7,8. Ewallowing will aid in the diagnosis of5
A. Branchial cyst
B. !hyroglossal duct cyst
C. Ranula
D. Retention cyst
,. Flobuloma#illary cyst
7,1. *hat is not true a%out to%acco smoing5
A. Redo# potential favours growth of anaerobic bacteria
B. $t is caries immuno@suppressive
C. $t is adrenergic
D. A2ects neutrophils and chemotactic factors
7,2. >n N ray you found the 'utta Percha cone extending 1mm %eyond the apex
without any symptomsD what would you do5
A. Remove restoration material until you are able to withdraw the Futta "ercha cone
B. Apiectomy
C. 6eave as is until any complications occur
7,!. >n N ray you found the cement of pre&ious root canal treatment is extending
1mm %eyond the apex without any symptomsD what would you do5
A. Remove restoration material and retreat
B. Apiectomy
C. 6eave as is until any complications occur
7,). *hat is the main purpose of using corticosteroids in pulpal o%turation
A. 'or their antibiotic action
B. 'or their antiinfammatory action
C. !o relief pulp pressure
7,,. *hat ner&e supplies upper #rst molars5
A. "osterior and mid superior alveolar nerveW
7,.. -he roughest surface on cut tooth structure5
A. Cross cut :ssures at ultra speed
7,3. -he main of damaged gingi&al tissues after placing ru%%er dam is5
A. !he distance between holes is big
B. !he distance between holes is small
C. !he punctured holes are too big in si;e
D. Aot using lubricant when placing rubber dams
7,6. -he ad&antage of using the lingual plate on lingual %ar is5
A. $t acts as indirect retention
7,7. Retention in precision attachment is achie&ed %y5
A. 'rictional resistance
7.8. Iow much under cut area a clasp arm should engage5FF
A. As much under the undercut as possible
B. Anywhere beyond the survey line
C. A predetermined amount of undercut
7.1. *hat is characteristic of #%rotic gingi&itis5
A. $s phenytoin induced gingivitis and only seen on intra lateral papilla
B. Can only be treated surgically
7.2. "one is characterised %y5FF
A. +aversian canal around bony canals
B. $rregularly arrayed tabullaePP
7.!. *hy we do not use porcelain in long span %ridge wors5
A. Because of the high casting shrinage of porcelain
7.). Cou ha&e patient with Class (( di&ision 2D which of the following is
A. Cantilever bridge
B. 7aryland bridge
7.,. Iow will co&er %uccal %icuspid for lower premolar when maing a metallic
porcelain crown5
A. Cover the occlusal and buccal cuspid by porcelain
B. Cover %ust buccal cuspid by porcelain
7... *hat is the main cause of %ilateral cheilosis5
A. &hort vertical dimension
B. <itamin B de:ciency
7.3. *hat sort of alloys do you use for %ridges5
A. Ductile
B. +ard
C. +igh sensitivity
7.6. *hat sort of material do you use for the fa%rication of Maryland %ridges5
A. &ingle phase materials
B. 7ulti phase materials
C. ,#tra hard
D. !he same as bonding martial
7.7. *hen the nec of the condyle is fracturedD what muscles determine the
mo&ement of the superior segment5
A. 6ateral pterygoid
B. 7edial pterygoid
C. !emporalis
D. 7ylohyoid
738. Patient with prosthetic heart &al&es, with (0R &alue of !.8D re@uires surgery,
what is the your management5
A. Five Amo#icillin or <ancomycin and suture carefully
B. &top warfarin, start heparin, carefully suture and give Amo#icillin or <ancomycin
C. &top warfarin, carefully suture and give Amo#icillin or <ancomycin
731. Chronic oral antral #stula for some time after the extraction of maxillary #rst
molar. *hat is your management5
A. &urgical closure
B. Anti@biotic and nasal decongestant
C. 8ash the antrum
732. Pigmented nae&us can undergo malignant5
A. Always
B. Aever
C. (0 to (1*
73!. -he M>E- common sites for s@uamous carcinoma in the oral ca&ity are5FF
A. "alate and gingivae
B. !ongue and foor of the mouth
C. !ongue and palate
73). 9 patient has painful lesions on her %uccal mucosa. "iopsy report shows
acantholysis and supra %asilareD your diagnosis is5
A. "emphigus vulgaris
B. Bulla lichen planus
C. ,rythema multiform
D. &ystemic lupus erythematosus
73,. >ral mucosal pigmentationD what is -RA;5
A. Commonly seen in ethnic groups
B. Commonly an amalgam tattoo
C. Commonly oral melanoma
D. Commonly melanotic naevus
73.. *hat ( -RA; in regards to osteogenesis imperfecta5
A. 7anifests with blue sclera
B. 7ay be associated with deafness
C. &e# lined disorder of bones that develop in cartilage
733. (ncrease which of the following will decrease density of radiograph5
A. 7illiampere
B. !ime
C. Cv" Cilovoltage
D. .b%ect@:lm distance
,. 'ocal spot@ob%ect distance
736. *hich of the following will increase sharpness5
A. 6arger focal spot
B. &maller focal spot
C. $ncrease ob%ect@:lm distance
737. -he M>E- common staphylococcal infections is5
A. A localised purulent infection of the sin
B. Di2use purulent infection of the sin
C. &taphylococcal osteomyelitis
D. $mpetigo
768. *hat is -RA; in regards to "asal Cell Carcinoma
A. 7etastases is common
B. ,rodes bone
C. 7ore common in oriental races
D. Cannot occur in oral mucosa according to de:nition
761. (n se&ere periodontitisD pro%e5
A. Fet stopped by calculus
B. Foes beyond connective tissues of %unctional epithelium
C. !ouches coronal end of %unctional epithelium
D. !ouches the middle of %unctional epithelium
,. !ouches sulcular epithelium
762. Characteristic of mucogingi&al in&ol&ement5
A. A pocet of more than K mm depth
B. .nly (mm of attached gingiva remains
C. "ocet e#tends to the mucogingival %unction
76!. -he role of 'uided -issue Regeneration '.-.R. is5
A. "revents apical migration of %unctional epithelium
B. Allow the growth of connective tissue in contact with surface
C. "revent apical migration of %unctional epithelium
D. "romote bone growth
76). -he critical pla@ue PI is5
A. G
B. 1.1
C. K
D. K.1
76,. *hen it is accepta%le for patient to hold radiographic #lm pacet in the
patient<s mouth5
A. "atient is very young and can not understand direction
B. "atient is physically handicapped and unable to hold the :lm
C. 'ilm should never be held by the dentist
D. !here is a lac of time and radiograph is essential
76.. Common cause of poor prognosis in a&ulsion replantation5
A. ,#ternal resorptive defects
763. Posterior &ital molar with core the %est material to restore it is5
A. Amalgam
766. -he function of incisor pin of an articulator5
A. +ori;ontal and vertical overlap
767. *hich of the following is important consideration when deciding whether to
design an upper partial denture without anterior 4ange5
A. !he amount of labial alveolar bone resorption
778. Xinc >xide and eugenol impression paste5
A. Can not be used in areas with undercuts
771. *hen restoring with composite resins, why do we do the ca&o surface
A. Aesthetic
772. (n regards to denture stomatitis5
A. Due to over growth of some normal commensal of oral cavity
77!. -he M>E- unfa&oura%le root fracture5
A. Cervical third
77). -he 'R;9-;E- relia%le #nding to con#rm a necrotic pulp is5
A. Area of radiolucency surrounding the ape# of tooth
77,. *hen preparing Class (( ca&ity, you notice a hard dar %rown spot on the
ad?acent tooth ?ust %elow the contact pointD M>E- H(S;HC it is,
A. Demineralised enamel
77.. *hen opening the mouthD in -MO area5
A. $nitial rotation followed by translation of condyle
773. (n ca&ity preparation 1mm %elow /;O what is seen5
A. 7ore dentinal tubules, some intertubular and peritubular
B. &ome dentinal tubules, more intertubular and less peritubular
C. 7ore peritubular, some intertubular and dentinal tubular
D. ,>ual amount of dentinal tubules, intertubular and peritubular
776. Pulp with multiple microa%scesses will cause e&entually5
A. Aecrosis
777. ;ndodontic therapy completed on tooth with periapical radiolucency. Mared
reduction in siBe of radiolucency is expected in approximately5
A. .ne year
1888. *ell constructed complete denture5
A. Aeeds little maintenance
B. 6ess than a wee for ad%ustment and total success
C. Adverse e2ects and decrease taste sensations
1881. -o pre&ent cer&ical resorption defects following %leaching5
A. Remove Futta "ercha at least 2mm below C,9 or above the crest of alveolar bone
and isolate
1882. *hich muscle acts on the disto lingual contour of lower denture5
A. 7entalis
B. 7asseter
C. 7ylohyoid
D. Buccinator
188!. -he M>E- common cur&ature of palatal root of maxillary #rst molar is5
A. Distal
B. 7esial
C. Buccal
D. "alatal
188). -he reason that endodontically treated teeth are wea is5
A. 6oss of blood supply
B. 6oss of coronal tissues
188,. ,6 years old male has had a .8 yo *M course of radiation gi&en for carcinoma
of tongue. Patient complains of pain associated with poor dentition. -he dental
management would %e5
A. $mmediate e#traction of any poor teeth under local anaesthetic with antibiotic
B. &egmental dental clearance and closure to eliminate problems
C. Ao dental treatment may be due to neuronic of neoplasms
D. Clearance of poor dentition followed by hyperbaric o#ygen treatment plus a
primary closure of wounds under antibiotic coverage
,. Ao e#traction as radionecrosis is an important se>uelae
188.. >n examination of composite restoration you #nd a dar attain5
A. Replace the composite
B. Repair with un:lled resin
C. Apply topical fuoride at the margin
1883. >ccasional sensiti&ity in a shallow class ( amalgam restoration after two days
would %e managed %y5
A. Replace old :ling immediately
B. .#ide 3inc and eugenol
C. /sing thicer mi# of cements
D. !ell patient the discomfort will disappear after K t oG wees
,. 6edermi#
1886. Pulp capping in mature tooth may %e followed %y5FF
A. "ulpalgia
B. $nternal resorption
C. +ypercalci:cation within root canals
D. All of the above
1887. -he M>E- common occurrence after direct pulp capping is5
A. &igns of reversible pulpitis
1818. *hen should not contaminate metallic framewor during fa%rication of
porcelain fused to metal crown5
A. Between bis>ue stage and gla;ing stage
B. Between preheat and opa>ue stages
C. Between opa>ue and bis>ue stages
D. Between one opa>ue and two opa>ue stages
1811. 1Pop oG2 of a porcelain &eneer from under the lying gold crown is due to5FF
A. !oo thic application of pure gold surface conditioner
B. Contamination at the porcelain metal interface
C. /nder :ring the opa>ue layer
D. All of the above
1812. 9ttrition in elderly, why do teeth maintain contact5
A. Building bone around the fundus of alveolar bone and deposition of cementum
B. $ncreased interocclusal distance
C. 'ormation of dentine
181!. -he M>E- liely factor contri%utes to tooth eruption is5FF
A. !he growing root
B. Bone growth
C. <ascular pressure
D. !he developing periodontal ligament
181). (nitial condylar guidance of 2, degree was wrong is changed to ), degree.
*hat changes will you mae to achie&e %alanced occlusion5
A. Decrease incisal guidance
B. Reduce cusps height
C. $ncrease compensate curve
181,. 'ood oral hygiene and 4uoridation is H;9E- useful in pre&enting caries of5
A. "it and :ssure
B. &mooth surface
C. $naccessible area
181.. Patient complains of sensiti&ityD on examination you found a composite
restoring a good ca&ity preparation without any secondary cariesD what is your
next step5
A. ,#tirpate the pulp that is obviously infamed
B. "lace 3., dressing to sedate the pulp
C. As patient to come bac in si# months
D. Repeat restoration
1813. *hat is the shape of occlusal rest5
A. &poon shape with rounded margin
1816. Regeneration periodontal surgery5
A. Regeneration of cementum
B. 6ong %unctional epithelium
1817. *hat is 0>- -RA; a%out gingi&itis5
A. 7obility
1828. *hy is the fre@uency of car%ohydrates intae more important @uantity5
A. 6ow number of streptococcus mutans
B. +etero formation is better at low sugar concentration
C. +omo formation is better at high sugar intae
D. Restricted di2usion of acid through pla>ue
1821. 'ingi&itis is not caused %y5
A. Diabetes
B. <iral infection
1822. -he elimination half life of /iaBepam is in the range of5
A. 2@1 hours
B. 1@(2 hours
C. (2@)0 hours
D. )0@K- hours
,. K-@OG hours
182!. Myxoedema occurs due to5FF
A. +ypersecretion of the thyroid
B. +ypersecretion of the adrenal
C. +yposecretion of thyroid@hypothyroidism
D. +yposecretion of the adrenal
182). Alcers, necrosis and plasma cells at the %asal mem%rane with atrophic thin
areas, reduced rete pegs will %e diagnosed as5
A. Des>uamative gingivitis
182,. *hich of the following is seen in %enign mucosal mem%rane pemphigoid5FF
A. !;anc cells
B. $ntraepithelial vesicles
C. +istopathology lie aphthous ulcer
D. &carring of the con%unctiva
182.. (n syphilis5
A. "rimary lesion is not contagious
B. .ral lesions are not seen in less than (*
C. &pirochetes disseminate in 2K hours
1823. *hich of the following is -RA; a%out syphilis5
A. !he spirochetes disseminate rapidly throughout the body within 2Khour after
B. Both the primary chancre and the secondary mucous patch stages of the disease
are highly infectious
C. .nly the lesions of the primary and secondary stages are contagious
D. All of the above
1826. *hich of the following is not true a%out warfarin,
A. $AR of ) is enough to start any e#traction
B. A2ects e#trinsic system and increases prothrombin time
C. +eparin can be given subcutaneously and acts rapidly
D. $t taes at least (2 hours for <itamin C to reverse the e2ects of coumarin
1827. Etaphylococcus aureus can cause which of the following
A. !hyroiditis
B. "ancreatitis
C. .steomyelitis
D. &carlatina
,. "neumonia
18!8. 9 18 year old child presents with crowding of the dentition and
desires correction. *hat your next step would %e5
A. "erform mi#ed dentition analysis
B. ,#tract the deciduous teeth
C. As the patient to come after the deciduous teeth fall o2 and complete
permanent dentition erupts
D. Apply a :#ed appliances
,. Review in yearly intervals
18!1. (n regards to paracetamol5
A. 6iver damage in mild overdose
18!2. (n regards to periapical lesions, what is -RA;5
A. Are predominantly anaerobic
B. 7ust be treated by antibiotics
C. 7ust always treated by surgery
D. Change fro aerobic into anaerobic
18!!. Patient with wea pulse, moist sin and dyspnoeaD what is the
#rst thing to do5
A. 7aintain airway and place in supine position
B. Five insulin in%ection
C. Administer o#ygen
D. $n%ect adrenaline
18!). Eingle retroclined upper incisor in 7 years old, space is su:cient. *hat is
your management5
A. Anterior inclined plane on mandibular teeth
B. Bite plane
C. ,#pansion screw
D. +awley appliance
18!,. -he angle of %lade for closed curettage is5FF
A. 6ess than )1 degree
B. 6ess than K1 degree
C. 6ess than O0 degree
D. 6ess than (00 degree
18!.. (n which of the following conditions &esiclesP%ullae are ne&er
seen prior to ulceration5
A. +&< (
B. Aphthous ulcer
C. "emphigus
18!3. Patient complains of #nger=lie growth on the lateral aspect of
the tongue. -he lesion is painless and of normal colour. -he M>E- PR>"9"H;
diagnosis is5
A. 'olate papillae
B. 'iliform papillae
C. Aeuro:broma
D. "apilloma
18!6. -hiamine is useful in5
A. Collagen synthesis
B. Clotting factor production
C. ,pithelial integrity
D. Cellular energy production
18!7. -opical 4uorides are M>E- %ene#cial when5
A. Directly applied on decalci:ed enamel
B. Applied after eruption
18)8. Child presented to you with sore throat, fe&er and ?oint swellingD
the M>E- pro%a%le diagnosis is5
A. Rheumatic fever
B. Rheumatic arthritis
C. .steoarthritis
18)1. ;nd product of amino acids meta%olism is5
A. /rea
B. /ric acid
C. Allantoin
18)2. Patient shows a lesion on the tongue ad?acent to sharp tooth.
Cou 1rounded oG2 the sharp area and recall patient after one month to see the
lesion turning smaller in siBe. *hat your next step would %e5
A. Ceep observing
B. "erform an e#cision biopsy
C. "rescribe Cenalog and .rabase
18)!. >n I($ patient which of the following (E 0>- R;C>'0(E;/5
A. &>uamous cell carcinoma
B. +$< gingivitis
C. .steosarcoma
D. ,#ternal lymphoma
,. Caposi sarcoma
18)). -he M>E- primary treatment of 90A' in I($ patient is5
A. "rescribe antibiotics
B. Debridement and antimicrobial rinses
C. Fingivoplasty
D. 'lap surgery
18),. 9 patient on dicoumarol treatment needs extraction. *hich of
the following is M>E- &alua%le in e&aluating surgical riss5
A. Clotting time
B. Bleeding time
C. "rothrombin time
D. &edimentation rate
,. Complete blood cell count
18).. (nfection with new %one formation is5
A. Farr?s osteomyelitis
B. Condensing osteitis
C. !orus
18)3. Cou want to place a post on an endodontically treated tooth which has a good
sil&er point 19g point2D there is no e&idence of failure of the pre&ious root #ling.
*hat would you do5
A. Remove and replace the Ag point with Futta "ercha before the post preparation.
18)6. -he placement of metal stops at a location remote to direct retainers to
increase retention is termed5
A. $ndirect retainers
18)7. -he hamular notch is important in full dentures construction %ecause it aids in
the setting position of the arti#cial teeth
A. 'irst statement is true, but the reason given is false
18,8. *hen setting up teeth for complete dentures ha&ing %ilateral %alanced
occlusion, separation of posterior teeth during protrusion is done %y5
A. $ncreasing the anterior posterior occlusal curve
B. Decreasing the angle orientation of the occlusal plane
18,1. *hen patient %ites in protrusion you notice that posterior teeth do not meet,
what would you do to sol&e this5
A. $ncrease the compensatory curve
B. Decrease the angle of the occlusal plane
18,2. -he M>E- common reason for full denture failure5
A. $nade>uate interocclusal clearance
18,!. 9 complaint of %urning tongue in an elderly female would %e a result of5
A. A systemic allergy
B. Allergy because of denture
C. "sychogenic
18,). (n posterior cross%ite situation which are the supporting cusps5
A. /pper buccal and lower lingual cusps
18,,. -he %ilaminar Bone in reference to -MO refers to5
A. !he upper and lower %oint spaces
B. !he distal attachments of the lateral pterygoid to the condyle
18,.. *hat is the M>E- C>MM>0 con#guration of the mesial %uccal canal of upper
#rst molar5FF
A. !wo canals and one foramina
18,3. *hat does 1EC0;R;E(E2 in prosthodontics mean5
A. 6oss of water and contraction
18,6. *hy would you in&est the wax pattern as soon as possi%le in an indirect inlay
A. 7inimise distortion
B. Avoid contraction
C. Avoid e#pansion
18,7. Apon palpation which of the following areas would %e found to ha&e o&erlying
$. 7idline of the palate
$$. 7ylohyoid ridge
$$$. 7ental foramen
$<. $ncisive foramen
<. !ori
A. $ and $$
B. $, $$, $$$
C. $, $$, <
D. Aone of the above
,. All of the above.
18.8. *hy do people with cleft palatePlip ha&e speech di:culties5
A. Di=culties in eeping the intraoral pressure.
H/,&!$.A& $A D./B!W

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