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3.1 LMl - 3: WaLercourse polluLlon .................................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 SLormwaLer quanLlLy ............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1.2 SLormwaLer quallLy ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.3 LffecLs of good sLormwaLer deslgn and LreaLmenL ............................................................................... 8
3.2 LMl - 6: ulscharge Lo sewer ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 LMl - 7: LlghL polluLlon ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 LMl - 9: 8oller and generaLor emlsslons .................................................................................................... 12
7. #((&=->'56)65 52'36,- .................................................................................................................... 0/
4.1 Cfflce Lool ................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu ....................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2 LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.3 LMl - 3: 8eflgeranL leaks ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.4 LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.3 LMl - 8: Leglonella............................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 ubllc & educaLlon bulldlng Lool ................................................................................................................. 13
4.2.1 LMl - 8: Leglonella............................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.2 LMl - 11: ALmospherlc deLerloraLlon avoldance ................................................................................. 14
4.3 8eLall cenLre Lool ........................................................................................................................................ 14
4.3.1 LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu ....................................................................................................... 14
4.3.2 LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.3 LMl - 3: 8eflgeranL leaks ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.4 LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.3 LMl - 8: Leglonella............................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.6 LMl - 10: klLchen exhausL emlsslons .................................................................................................. 13
4.4 MulLl unlL resldenLlal Lool ........................................................................................................................... 13

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

4.3.1 LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu ....................................................................................................... 13
4.3.2 LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW ..................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.3 LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu .......................................................................................................................... 16
?. *2'36, ,$%&'- ............................................................................................................................... 0@
3.1 Cfflce Lool ................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 ubllc & educaLlon bulldlng Lool ................................................................................................................. 16
3.3 8eLall cenLre Lool ........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.4 MulLl unlL resldenLlal Lool ........................................................................................................................... 17

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

!" $%&'()*+&,(%
1he credlLs ln Lhe Lmlsslons caLegory LargeL Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of a developmenL's emlsslons
or subsLances emlLLed from Lhe slLe (excludlng greenhouse gas emlsslons whlch are dealL wlLh ln Lhe
Lnergy caLegory). 1he Creen SLar SA raLlng Lools LargeL emlsslons lncludlng and relaLlng Lo
waLercourse polluLlon, llghL polluLlon, ozone depleLlon and sewerage.
ln Lhls module, you wlll:
undersLand how and why Lhe Lmlsslons caLegory ls measured
Learn abouL Lhe core credlLs LhaL make up Lhe Lmlsslons caLegory
8e lnLroduced Lo Lhe Lool-speclflc credlLs ln Lhe Lmlsslons caLegory
!" !"#$$#%&$ !"#$%&'(
1radlLlonally ln SouLh Afrlca, sLormwaLer has been LransporLed separaLely from sewerage. unllke
sewerage lL recelves llLLle, lf any, LreaLmenL and ls channelled as rapldly as posslble from wlLhln urban
areas Lo Lhe nearesL waLerway, whlch has caused lncreased polluLlon Lo waLercourses and rlsk of
floodlng. 1he necesslLy Lo deal wlLh boLh Lhe quanLlLy and quallLy of runoff ls now recognlsed, as well
as beneflLs from capLurlng and recycllng sLormwaLer.
LlghL Lravelllng up lnLo Lhe nlghL sky ls also seen as a form of polluLlon, lL can dlsrupL Lhe hablLs of
mlgraLory specles, causlng ma[or lmpacLs upon overall blodlverslLy. LlghL polluLlon mlghL also dlsrupL
blologlcal rhyLhms and lnLerfere wlLh Lhe behavlour of nocLurnal anlmals and lnsecLs.
SubsLances such as Chlorofluorocarbons (ClCs) as well as Pydrochloroflourocarbons (PClCs), used as
refrlgeranLs and ln Lhe manufacLure of lnsulaLlon maLerlals, depleLe Lhe ozone layer when emlLLed Lo
. Long-Lerm damage Lo Lhe LarLh's sLraLospherlc ozone layer wlll expose llvlng organlsms
Lo harmful radlaLlon from Lhe sun.
!" $%&' (!"#$%&
1he core credlLs for Lhe Lmlsslons caLegory are:

Chlorofluorocarbons, Ozone Hole Watch,

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

LMl - 3: WaLercourse polluLlon
LMl - 6: ulscharge Lo sewer
LMl - 7: LlghL polluLlon
LMl - 9: 8oller and generaLor emlsslons
<.0 8A1 " ?B C$,'25(42-' >(&&4,6(+
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse developmenLs LhaL mlnlmlse sLormwaLer run-off
Lo, and Lhe polluLlon of, naLural waLercourses and weLlands.
SLormwaLer ln SouLh Afrlca has LradlLlonally been channelled away from slLes as rapldly as posslble Lo
Lhe nearesL waLercourse, weLland or coasLllne wlLhouL much conslderaLlon for quallLy. 1he necesslLy
Lo deal wlLh boLh Lhe quanLlLy and quallLy of runoff ls now recognlsed Lhrough Lhe encouragemenL of
groundwaLer recharge Lhrough lnfllLraLlon, and for sLorage and reuse of runoff.
3.1.1 SLormwaLer quanLlLy
lrom an ecosysLem perspecLlve lL ls Lhe hlgh frequency of smaller floods LhaL cause Lhe mosL
cumulaLlve damage. ln lLs naLural sLaLe, a landscape wlll absorb Lhe ralnfall from normal ralnfall and
mlnor sLorm evenLs. 1he hlgh surface area of Lhe leaves of Lrees, shrubs and grasses holds a large
percenLage of a llghL raln shower before Lhe ralnfall even reaches Lhe soll. CfLen Lhls molsLure on Lhe
leaves wlll evaporaLe before Lhe nexL shower.
uurlng heavler or longer ralnfall evenLs once Lhe leave's surfaces are saLuraLed, Lhe ralnwaLer beglns
Lo soak lnLo Lhe soll. 1he amounL of ralnfall LhaL wlll soak lnLo Lhe soll depends on how deep lL ls and
lLs sLrucLure (clay Lo sandy). 1he waLer ln Lhe soll wlll be drawn up and losL Lhrough evaporaLlon and
evapoLransplraLlon. 1he remalnlng waLer wlll conLlnue Lo percolaLe downwards Lo recharge Lhe waLer
Lable or deeper sLlll Lo recharge aqulfers. 1he ground waLer, once lL reaches an lmpermeable layer,
wlll move laLerally Lo re-emerge as a seep elLher on Lhe hlllslde or ad[acenL Lo Lhe waLer course where
lL slowly and conLlnuously dlscharges lnLo Lhe waLercourse. 1he vegeLaLlon along Lhe waLercourses
whlch proLecLs Lhe soll agalnsL eroslon has adapLed Lo Lhese condlLlons.
Cnly afLer a number of showers ln close successlon or a perlod of exLended ralnfall wlll Lhe soll reach
saLuraLlon polnL and wlll excess ralnfall move across Lhe surface as runoff. 1he surface runoff ls
consLanLly dlspersed and Lhe energy dlsslpaLed by Lhe vegeLaLlon cover unLll lL reaches Lhe

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

waLercourse or weLland. uamage Lo vegeLaLlon on Lhe slopes and along Lhe waLercourse ls usually
llmlLed and can recover beLween excesslve sLorm evenLs. ln naLural condlLlons lL ls normally only Lhe
lnfrequenL large flood evenLs LhaL cause exLenslve damage Lo vegeLaLlon and soll. 1he vegeLaLlon
recovers ln Lhe years beLween Lhese evenLs.
ln developed areas Lhe scenarlo changes. 8alnfall ls collecLed on lmpervlous surfaces, roofs, roads and
parklng areas and ls lmmedlaLely concenLraLed lnLo sLormwaLer plpes or surface channels. 1here ls no
vegeLaLlon Lo absorb Lhe llghL showers, Lhe surface ls lmpermeable and Lhere ls no lnfllLraLlon lnLo Lhe
soll. 8unoff ls channelled Lo Lhe nearesL waLercourse ln a concenLraLed sLream of hlgh-energy waLer.
1hls means LhaL every ralnfall evenL resulLs ln a flood whlch resulLs ln damage Lo vegeLaLlon along Lhe
waLercourse and soll eroslon. When every ralnfall evenL resulLs ln a damaglng flood Lhe vegeLaLlon
wlLhln Lhe waLercourse has no Llme Lo recover and lL ls sysLemaLlcally removed and Lhe exposed soll
erodes. 1hls damage ls evldenL for some dlsLance below Lhe sLorm waLer dlscharge polnL unLll Lhe
vegeLaLlon along Lhe waLercourse evenLually dlsslpaLes Lhe energy.
1he resulL of frequenL mlnor and ma[or floods along Lhe waLercourse ls excesslve ongolng scourlng of
Lhe base of Lhe waLercourse Lo form eroslon gullles and deeply-lnclsed waLercourses. 1he waLer Lable
elLher slde of Lhe waLercourse drops Lo Lhe lower level of Lhe waLercourse and deprlves Lhe rlparlan
vegeLaLlon along Lhe banks of Lhe necessary waLer, whlch ls Lhen replaced by LerresLrlal vegeLaLlon.
1he deeper cross secLlon of Lhe channels wlLh no vegeLaLlon Lo dlsslpaLe Lhe energy of Lhe sLorm
waLer means LhaL sLorm waLer ls furLher acceleraLed and does more damage furLher downsLream.
3.1.2 SLormwaLer quallLy
1he conLamlnanLs ln sLormwaLer can be grouped accordlng Lo Lhelr waLer quallLy lmpacLs:
D6&-E :2'$-' $+3 -42)$5,$+,-B 8ubber from Lyres and oll and grease washed from road
surfaces, domesLlc and lndusLrlal slLes, plus surfacLanLs from deLergenLs used for
washlng vehlcles, maLerlals or surfaces are common sources of Loxlc polluLanLs ln
F6,,'2B 1hls lncludes organlc wasLe maLLer, paper, clgareLLe buds, plasLlcs, glass, meLal
and oLher packaglng maLerlals from paved areas ln urban caLchmenLs.
#(,$& -4->'+3'3 -(&63-B Suspended sollds have Lwo maln consLlLuenLs: organlc,
prlmarlly from sewage, and lnorganlc, prlmarlly from surface runoff. 1urbldlLy from

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

suspended sollds reduces llghL peneLraLlon ln waLer, affecLlng Lhe growLh of aquaLlc
planLs. When sllLs and clays seLLle, Lhey may smoLher boLLom dwelllng organlsms and
dlsrupL Lhelr hablLaLs. Slnce meLals, phosphorus and varlous organlcs are adsorbed and
LransporLed wlLh Lhese parLlcles, sedlmenL deposlLs may lead Lo a slow release of
Loxlns and nuLrlenLs ln Lhe waLerway.
G4,26'+,-B oLenLlal sources of nuLrlenLs are:
o Sewage overflows,
o lndusLrlal dlscharges,
o Anlmal wasLes,
o lerLlllsers,
o uomesLlc deLergenLs, and
o SepLlc Lank seepage.
Lxcesslve amounLs of nuLrlenLs, such as nlLrogen and phosphorous, can promoLe rapld growLh of
aquaLlc planLs, lncludlng Loxlc and non-Loxlc algae. 1hls excesslve growLh and oxygen depleLlon can
cause flsh and aquaLlc organlsms Lo dle.
DH;:'+=3'9$+36+: 9$,'26$&-B Sources of oxygen-demandlng maLerlals are
blodegradable organlc debrls, such as decomposlng food and garden wasLes, and Lhe
organlc maLerlal conLalned ln sewerage. 8lologlcal and chemlcal oxygen-depleLlng
subsLances can cause waLer-borne dlseases and presenL serlous healLh rlsks.
A652(=(2:$+6-9-B 8acLerla and vlruses found ln soll and decaylng vegeLaLlon, and
faecal bacLerla from sewer overflows, sepLlc Lank seepage and anlmal wasLe, are
common conLamlnanLs ln sLormwaLer afLer heavy raln. aLhogens and mlcro-
organlsms, lncludlng bacLerla, vlruses and faecal collforms, cause waLer-borne dlseases.
1hese can presenL serlous healLh rlsks from cholera, Lyphold, lnfecLlous hepaLlLls and a
range of gasLrolnLesLlnal dlseases.
#(H65 (2:$+65-B 1hese lnclude garden pesLlcldes, lndusLrlal chemlcals and landflll
leachaLe. 1hey may cause long-Lerm ecologlcal damage and LhreaLen human healLh.

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

Crganochlorlne pesLlcldes, herblcldes and lnsecLlcldes can be accumulaLed ln
organlsms and perslsL ln Lhe envlronmenL over long perlods.
#(H65 ,2$5' 9',$&-B lndusLrlal chemlcals can enLer sLormwaLer from a number of
sources lncludlng sewerage overflows, lllegal dumplng and accldenLal splllages. uusL
from brake and cluLch llnlngs of moLor vehlcles coupled wlLh wasLe from degradlng
roadways and waLer plpes can ln[ecL ammonla, hydrogen sulphlde and heavy meLals
(mercury, cadmlum, lead and zlnc) lnLo Lhe sLormwaLer sysLem.
3.1.3 LffecLs of good sLormwaLer deslgn and LreaLmenL
8ecenL research and demonsLraLlon pro[ecLs ln Lhe uSA have shown LhaL sLormwaLer can be explolLed
ln a cosL effecLlve and envlronmenLally senslLlve manner for new urban developmenLs. A well-
deslgned sLormwaLer sysLem wlll conLrol peak flows and reduce a varleLy of conLamlnanLs. ueslgns
LhaL reduce 1SS Lyplcally provlde addlLlonal waLer quallLy beneflLs, whlch are less easy Lo quanLlfy.
ln Lhls conLexL:
WaLer reclamaLlon can reduce poLable waLer demand conslderably,
roperly managed sLormwaLer flows can prevenL Lhe lncrease ln flood rlsk and
waLercourse eroslon Lyplcally caused by urbanlsaLlon and provlde lmporLanL flow
reLurn Lo sLreams, offseLLlng Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacL of upsLream waLer supply
dlverslons and reduclng Lhe need for cosLly ln-ground sLormwaLer lnfrasLrucLure,
1he enhanced use of naLural dralnage corrldors and depresslons can provlde open
space, landscaped and recreaLlonal areas and conservaLlon beneflLs lncreaslng Lhe
amenlLy of new urban developmenLs (mulLlple use corrldors), and
1reaLmenL of sLormwaLer closer Lo source mlnlmlses unconLrolled dlscharge of waLer
conLalnlng hlgh-suspended sollds, nuLrlenLs and organlc maLerlal.
ConLrol and LreaLmenL of sLormwaLer and surface runoff from developmenLs can be achleved Lhrough
a varleLy of Lechnologles and sLraLegles, lncludlng for example:
I',2(&E (6& $+3 -'369'+, $22'-,'2- can have dlfferenL deslgn and operaLlng dynamlcs,
ranglng from plaLe separaLors, Lo vorLex, swlrl and dynamlc separaLors. Such separaLors
are ofLen slLed ln car parks and oLher polnLs of hlgh Lrafflc denslLy,

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

J$+3 )6&,'2-, grassed swales and porous pavemenLs, can be effecLlve LreaLmenL
Lechnlques, especlally ln car parks, commerclal and lndusLrlal slLes. 8oof runoff, whlch
ls predomlnanLly clean, can be dlrecLly lnfllLraLed lnLo Lhe soll near a bulldlng by
connecLlng Lhe downplpe Lo a subsoll draln sysLem wlLh an overflow for large evenLs,
provldlng LhaL Lhere ls a 'flrsL flush' dlverLer or caLchmenL sysLem Lo fllLer ouL Lhe lnlLlal
flow of roof runoff,
JK$&'- are open, grass-llned channels LhaL recelve runoff from roads and oLher
lmpervlous surfaces. Small check dams can be added Lo slow veloclLles and lncrease
polluLanL removal, buL a sequence of swale secLlons wlLh proper growlng medlum and
planLlng ls necessary Lo properly fllLer and conflne polluLanLs,
I'29'$%&' >$L6+: 9$,'26$&-, such as porous asphalL or porous concreLe, are surfaces
LhaL mlmlc naLural lnfllLraLlon. ermeable surfaces can also be deslgned wlLh a Lurf cell
relnforcemenL sLrucLure or open-celled pavers, and concreLe or plasLlc grlds wlLh volds
LhaL are fllled wlLh Lopsoll, growlng medlum or aggregaLe Lo ensure LhaL vehlcle or fooL
Lrafflc can sLlll use Lhe area securely whllsL surfaces remaln permeable,
*(+-,245,'3 >(&&4,6(+ 5(+,2(& >(+3-, or weL deLenLlon baslns, are largely open waLer
bodles of several meLres ln depLh, mosqulLoes may become a problem lf Lhelr
prevenLlon or deLerrence ls noL facLored lnLo Lhe deslgn, and healLh and safeLy
regulaLlons musL be observed for depLhs of waLer ln publlcly-accesslble locaLlons,
*(+-,245,'3 K',&$+3- resemble local naLural weLlands and provlde a balanced and
producLlve ecosysLem. When a consLrucLed ecosysLem ls producLlve, lL means LhaL
Lhere ls a slgnlflcanL blomass of planLs and mlcroscoplc algae LhaL Lake up nuLrlenLs,
and provlde a hablLaL and food for anlmals. noLe LhaL blrds are ofLen aLLracLed Lo
consLrucLed weLlands and can Lhemselves lncrease Lhe nuLrlenL and paLhogen levels ln
Lhese sysLems. 1he problem can be llmlLed by ensurlng LhaL roosLlng slLes for large
flocks (such as cormoranLs and lbls) are noL lncorporaLed ln Lhe deslgn.
M$6+K$,'2 N$2L'-,6+: for on-slLe uses wlll help Lo aLLenuaLe peak flows,
M(() :$23'+- can absorb slgnlflcanL amounLs of ralnfall, helplng Lo aLLenuaLe peak
flows. Super-lmposed loads on Lhe roof sLrucLure, plus reLalned ralnwaLer, means LhaL
Lhe roof needs Lo be deslgned for Lhe exLra loadlng,

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

O6(=%$-6+- are planLed and shaded lnfllLraLlon baslns LhaL Lrap polluLed sLormwaLer.
1he basln surface appears 'dry' as lLs surface ls gravel and Lhere are no ponds for
mosqulLoes Lo breed. 1he blo-basln conLalns speclallsed weLland planLs LhaL acL upon
Lhe waLer polluLanLs ln much Lhe same way Lhey do ln naLural weLlands. Larger
deLalned polluLanL parLlcles seLLle ouL Lo allow Lhe naLural bacLerla processes Lo occur.
8lo-baslns are easler Lo malnLaln and manage Lhan consLrucLed weLlands, buL musL be
proLecLed from flne sedlmenL loads whlch could evenLually clog Lhe sysLem,
P':',$,'3 Q6&,'2 J,26>- RPQJS can also be used Lo help remove polluLanLs from
sLormwaLer, Lhese are sLrlps of grasses or planLs placed across sLormwaLer flow paLhs
whlch fllLer sLormwaLer runoff and mlnlmlse speed of sLormwaLer dlscharge by
encouraglng a longer, more wlndlng flow, especlally where sheeL flow raLher Lhan
concenLraLed flow ls lnLended, and,
Q&($,6+: ,2'$,9'+, -;-,'9- have rooLed, emergenL macrophyLes growlng on a floaLlng
arLlflclal maL on Lhe surface of Lhe waLer. 1hey are capable of survlvlng waLer depLh
flucLuaLlons LhaL Lyplcally occur ln sLormwaLer sysLems, wlLhouL Lhe rlsk of Lhe planLs
becomlng lnundaLed or deslccaLed and sLressed. 1he rooLs floaLlng beneaLh Lhe
sLrucLure supporL a dlverse mlcroblal populaLlon whlch alde upLake of dlssolved
All of Lhe above sLormwaLer LreaLmenL Lechnologles requlre careful and speclflc malnLenance sLeps Lo
be Laken ln order Lo ensure Lhelr ongolng efflcacy. lallure Lo underLake requlred malnLenance wlll
ulLlmaLely resulL ln more cosLly repalrs or even full replacemenL of Lhe sysLem.
Landscaplng also plays an lnLegral role ln Lhe deslgn of mosL sLormwaLer LreaLmenL sysLems, offerlng
opporLunlLles for Lhelr aesLheLlc lncorporaLlon ln Lhe surroundlng area. 1he use of parLlcular planLs
specles ls lmporLanL slnce some specles wlll be more effecLlve ln LreaLlng sLormwaLer and beLLer
sulLed for survlvlng Lhe amblenL condlLlons. Co-ordlnaLlon beLween sLormwaLer englneers,
landscapers and nurserles/growers ls advlsed Lo ensure LhaL Lhe requlred planLs are avallable for
planLlng aL Lhe correcL sLage ln Lhe pro[ecL.
ln Lhe D))65', M',$6& *'+,2', and I4%&65 T 8345$,6(+ O46&36+: Lools, Lhls credlL ls worLh ,N2'' >(6+,-.
ln Lhe A4&,6 U+6, M'-63'+,6$& Lool, Lhls credlL ls worLh )(42 >(6+,-.

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

<./ 8A1 " @B V6-5N$2:' ,( -'K'2
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse developmenLs LhaL mlnlmlse dlscharge Lo Lhe
munlclpal sewerage sysLem.
WasLewaLer from bulldlngs places a slgnlflcanL demand on publlc lnfrasLrucLure and Lhe local
envlronmenL. lnadequaLely LreaLed wasLewaLer dlsposed Lo waLercourses can be a slgnlflcanL source
of polluLlon. As a resulL, wasLewaLer represenLs a polluLlng emlsslon from Lhe developmenLs and
mlnlmlsaLlon of Lhls emlsslon ls encouraged Lhrough Lhls credlL wlLh Lhe added beneflL of reduclng
hlgh demands on poLable waLer sources.
CnslLe LreaLmenL of black waLer and sewage ls posslble uslng a varleLy of measures and means.
1hls credlL ls worLh )6L' >(6+,-.
<.< 8A1 " WB F6:N, >(&&4,6(+
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse developmenLs LhaL mlnlmlse llghL polluLlon lnLo
Lhe nlghL sky.
LlghL Lravelllng up lnLo Lhe nlghL sky (sky glow) or spllllng on Lo nelghbourlng properLles ls a form of
polluLlon. LlghL polluLlon harms Lhe envlronmenL ln many ways:
LffecL on mlgraLory blrds: nocLurnal blrds use Lhe moon and sLars for navlgaLlon and
can become dlsorlenLaLed. ln Lhe uS blrds ofLen crash lnLo brllllanLly-llL broadcasL
Lowers or bulldlngs, or clrcle Lhem unLll Lhey drop from exhausLlon,
ulsrupLlng blologlcal rhyLhms and oLherwlse lnLerferlng wlLh Lhe behavlour of
nocLurnal anlmals and lnsecLs. 8oLh Lhls polnL and Lhe prevlous polnL lmpacL on Lhe
blgger plcLure, lf mlgraLory paLLerns are dlsLurbed and anlmal behavlor changes lL has a
knock on effecL onLo oLher ecosysLems. lor example, as a resulL of mlgraLory blrds noL
arrlvlng aL Lhelr desLlnaLlon some lnsecL specles become unmanageably large and ln
Lurn lmpacL on flora.
urban sky glow hlnders professlonal and amaLeur asLronomy and deprlves Lhe publlc of
lLs vlew of Lhe nlghL sky, and
AddlLlonal greenhouse gasses are emlLLed merely Lo llghL Lhe nlghL sky.

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
<.7 8A1 " XB O(6&'2 $+3 :'+'2$,(2 '96--6(+-
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe use of bollers and generaLors LhaL mlnlmlse
harmful emlsslons.
nlLrogen Cxldes (nCx) emlLLed from Lhe burnlng of fossll fuels conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe bulld-up of local
ozone levels and cause local polluLlon. 1hey may also conLrlbuLe Lo more wlde scale polluLlon
problems Lhrough deposlLlon ln Lhe form of acld raln. 1he ma[or conLrlbuLors Lo local emlsslons come
from LransporL (covered elsewhere ln Creen SLar SA), however boller planL and generaLors ln
bulldlngs do emlL subsLanLlal levels of nCx Lhrough normal operaLlon, and Lhese emlsslons can be
reduced Lhrough careful speclflcaLlon of sysLems.
WlLh an lncreaslng rellance expecLed on locally generaLed elecLrlclLy ln SouLh Afrlca ln Lhe shorL Lo
mld-Lerm, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL elecLrlc generaLors are selecLed Lo mlnlmlse harmful emlsslons Lo Lhe
use of malns elecLrlclLy ln bulldlngs also leads Lo nCx emlsslons aL fossll-fuelled power sLaLlons, and
due Lo Lhe percenLage of coal flred power sLaLlons, Lhese are qulLe hlgh ln SouLh Afrlca (averaged nCx
emlsslons 4300 mg/kWh from LSkCM annual reporL 2007).
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
!" $%%&=!"#$%&%$ $(#)%*!
1ool-speclflc credlLs are Lhe credlLs LhaL only apply Lo cerLaln Lools. 1he Lool-speclflc credlLs wlll be
dlvlded lnLo Lhelr Lools:
7.0 D))65' ,((&
1he followlng credlLs are Lool speclflc for Lhe Cfflce Lool:
LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu
LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW
LMl - 3: 8eflgeranL leaks
LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

LMl - 8: Leglonella
4.1.1 LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of refrlgeranLs and oLher gases LhaL
do noL conLrlbuLe Lo long-Lerm damage Lo Lhe LarLh's sLraLospherlc ozone layer.
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
4.1.2 LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of refrlgeranLs LhaL reduce Lhe
poLenLlal for lncreased global warmlng from Lhe emlsslon of refrlgeranLs Lo Lhe aLmosphere.
1hls credlL ls worLh ,K( >(6+,-.
4.1.3 LMl - 3: 8eflgeranL leaks
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse bulldlng sysLems deslgn LhaL mlnlmlses
envlronmenLal damage from refrlgeranL leaks.
1hls credlL ls worLh ,K( >(6+,-.
4.1.4 LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of lnsulanLs LhaL do noL conLrlbuLe
Lo long-Lerm damage Lo Lhe LarLh's sLraLospherlc ozone layer.
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
4.1.3 LMl - 8: Leglonella
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse bulldlng sysLems deslgn LhaL ellmlnaLe Lhe rlsk of
Leglonnalres' dlsease (Leglonellosls).
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
7./ I4%&65 T '345$,6(+ %46&36+: ,((&
1he followlng credlLs are Lool speclflc for Lhe ubllc & LducaLlon 8ulldlng Lool:
LMl - 8: Leglonella
LMl - 11: ALmospherlc deLerloraLlon avoldance

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

4.2.1 LMl - 8: Leglonella
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse bulldlng sysLems deslgn LhaL ellmlnaLe Lhe rlsk of
Leglonnalres' dlsease (Leglonellosls).
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
4.2.2 LMl - 11: ALmospherlc deLerloraLlon avoldance
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe avoldance of subsLances LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo
Lhe deLerloraLlon and long-Lerm alLeraLlon of Lhe LarLh's aLmosphere.
1hls credlL ls worLh -6H >(6+,-.
7.< M',$6& 5'+,2' ,((&
1he followlng credlLs are Lool speclflc for Lhe 8eLall CenLre Lool:
LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu
LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW
LMl - 3: 8eflgeranL leaks
LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu
LMl - 8: Leglonella
LMl - 10: ALmospherlc deLerloraLlon avoldance
4.3.1 LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of refrlgeranLs and oLher gases LhaL
do noL conLrlbuLe Lo long-Lerm damage Lo Lhe LarLh's sLraLospherlc ozone layer.
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
4.3.2 LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of refrlgeranLs LhaL reduce Lhe
poLenLlal for lncreased global warmlng from Lhe emlsslon of refrlgeranLs Lo Lhe aLmosphere.
1hls credlL ls worLh ,K( >(6+,-.

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

4.3.3 LMl - 3: 8eflgeranL leaks
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse bulldlng sysLems deslgn LhaL mlnlmlses
envlronmenLal damage from refrlgeranL leaks.
1hls credlL ls worLh ,K( >(6+,-.
4.3.4 LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of lnsulanLs LhaL do noL conLrlbuLe
Lo long-Lerm damage Lo Lhe LarLh's sLraLospherlc ozone layer.
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
4.3.3 LMl - 8: Leglonella
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse bulldlng sysLems deslgn LhaL ellmlnaLe Lhe rlsk of
Leglonnalres' dlsease (Leglonellosls).
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
4.3.6 LMl - 10: klLchen exhausL emlsslons
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and reward deslgns LhaL avold klLchen exhausL fumes belng
expelled dlrecLly lnLo ad[acenL spaces LhaL people occupy.
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
7.7 A4&,6 4+6, 2'-63'+,6$& ,((&
1he followlng credlLs are Lool speclflc for Lhe MulLl unlL 8esldenLlal Lool:
LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu
LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW
LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu
4.3.1 LMl - 1: 8eflgeranL/gaseous Cu
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of refrlgeranLs and oLher gases LhaL
do noL conLrlbuLe Lo long-Lerm damage Lo Lhe LarLh's sLraLospherlc ozone layer.
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

4.3.2 LMl - 2: 8eflgeranL CW
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of refrlgeranLs LhaL reduce Lhe
poLenLlal for lncreased global warmlng from Lhe emlsslon of refrlgeranLs Lo Lhe aLmosphere.
1hls credlL ls worLh ,K( >(6+,-.
4.3.3 LMl - 4: lnsulanL Cu
1he alm of Lhls credlL ls Lo encourage and recognlse Lhe selecLlon of lnsulanLs LhaL do noL conLrlbuLe
Lo long-Lerm damage Lo Lhe LarLh's sLraLospherlc ozone layer.
1hls credlL ls worLh (+' >(6+,.
!" $%&'() )*+,&-
?.0 D))65' ,((&
D))65' ,((& " 896--6(+- 5$,':(2;
Core credlLs: olnLs
LMl - 3 WaLercourse polluLlon 3
LMl - 6 ulscharge Lo sewer 3
LMl - 7 LlghL polluLlon 1
LMl - 9 8oller and generaLor emlsslons 1
1ool speclflc credlLs:
LMl - 1 8efrlgeranL/gaseous Cu 1
LMl - 2 8efrlgeranL CW 2
LMl - 3 8efrlgeranL leaks 2
LMl - 4 lnsulanL Cu 1
LMl - 8 Leglonella 1
1oLal polnLs avallable: 0W
?./ I4%&65 T '345$,6(+ %46&36+: ,((&
I4%&65 T 8345$,6(+ O46&36+: ,((& " 896--6(+- 5$,':(2;
Core credlLs: olnLs

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

LMl - 3 WaLercourse polluLlon 3
LMl - 6 ulscharge Lo sewer 3
LMl - 7 LlghL polluLlon 1
LMl - 9 8oller and generaLor emlsslons 1
1ool speclflc credlLs:
LMl - 8 Leglonella 1
LMl - 11 ALmospherlc deLerloraLlon avoldance 6
1oLal polnLs avallable: 0W
?.< M',$6& 5'+,2' ,((&
M',$6& *'+,2' ,((& " 896--6(+- 5$,':(2;
Core credlLs: olnLs
LMl - 3 WaLercourse polluLlon 3
LMl - 6 ulscharge Lo sewer 3
LMl - 7 LlghL polluLlon 1
LMl - 9 8oller and generaLor emlsslons 1
1ool speclflc credlLs:
LMl - 1 8efrlgeranL/gaseous Cu 1
LMl - 2 8efrlgeranL CW 2
LMl - 3 8efrlgeranL leaks 2
LMl - 4 lnsulanL Cu 1
LMl - 8 Leglonella 1
LMl - 10 klLchen exhausL emlsslons 1
1oLal polnLs avallable: 0Y
?.7 A4&,6 4+6, 2'-63'+,6$& ,((&
A4&,6 U+6, M'-63'+,6$& ,((& " 896--6(+- 5$,':(2;
Core credlLs: olnLs

Tel: 086 104 2272 Email: Website: www.

LMl - 3 WaLercourse polluLlon 4
LMl - 6 ulscharge Lo sewer 3
LMl - 7 LlghL polluLlon 1
LMl - 9 8oller and generaLor emlsslons 1
1ool speclflc credlLs:
LMl - 1 8efrlgeranL/gaseous Cu 1
LMl - 2 8efrlgeranL CW 2
LMl - 4 lnsulanL Cu 1
1oLal polnLs avallable: 0?

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