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What an amazing time

everyone had at aerobics

on Saturday. The Spring
Challenge is a great time
for more students to
become involved in our
aerobics program and
have the chance to
perform in front of a large
I would like to thank
Candice Nyman and
Jacinta Kemp for their
buzz at school this
was certainly contagious!!
Roxy and Madison, the
head judge from School
Aerobics, visited our
school on Tuesday. They
spoke to the aerobics
students and conducted
workshops throughout the
day. Roxy spoke about
the culture that Launching
Place Primary promotes
in the broader
Aerobics Spring Challenge
Thursday Thoughts
L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l
Issue 34
Newsletter Date 23rd October 2014
Important Dates:
Book Club due
Grades 3-6
Prep Transition
Prep Transition
Melbourne Cup Day
(Student Free Day)
Launch Cup Day
Grades Prep-2 Junior
School Council 7pm
Student Absent
Hot Line Number
5964 7783
efforts, not just this week,
but throughout the year.
Their never ending drive,
support and great
coaching skills are
appreciated by all. A
huge thank you must also
be afforded to Fiona Boek
and everyone who worked
very hard to ensure that
the Spring Challenge day
ran smoothly. It was
great to see the excited
I was appointed as
Principal of Launching
Place to commence in the
last week of October
2013. How quickly that
time has flown! I would
like to take the
opportunity to thank our
school community for
their support in my role as
Principal over the past 12
months. I have been made
to feel part of the
community since day one.
I have been amazed by
Our senior Junior School
Council members will
present the video they
have produced about or
school. Other students
will talk about learning
and what works well for
It is an exciting time
leading into the
development of our 2015-
2018 Strategic Plan.
Principal Reflection
the passion and dedication
of staff who keep the
children as the central
focus of all that we do. It
makes my job so much
We are currently
undertaking our school
Peer Review, setting our
direction for the next four
years. Our Review Day is
November 7
. A range of
community members will
be involved in the day.
Page 2
Thursday Thoughts
Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email
ABN 96 199 518 803
Cont from page 1

We are regularly focussing on safe
practices within the school and
putting the responsibility back on the
students. We believe that students no
right from wrong and that behaviour
is a choice. This poster Do the Right
ThingEven When No-one is
Looking is a great message.
The area near the staff carpark is a
concern at present.
1. Children walking through the car
park rather than using the paths.
2. Using the carpark as a play area
while waiting to be picked up.
Safe Practice
3. Climbing the garden walls or
walking through garden areas.
We have asked children to wait in the
gazebo area in the top pick up spot.
Can you please reinforce these safety
issues at home.
We also request that parents dropping
children off children use the
designated car parking spaces, not
the staff car park driveway. Staff are
on duty until 3:45pm in the afternoon
which can allow for a staggered pick
up time. With limited parking
available, please be considerate of the
need for everyone to be able to access
the available parking spaces.
community. This is evident in the
number of students involved in, as
well as the inclusive nature of the
program provided. We were thrilled
to share our great school with them
Preparations have begun for Grade
six graduation. Information will be
sent home on a regular basis and
your children will be kept informed
of developments as they occur. The
year six students are also preparing
for the next phase of their education.
It is an exciting time for them with
many changes occurring as they
progress through to Secondary
College. Discuss the transition with
your child in a positive way to
ensure that the transition is a smooth
one. Should you have any concerns
please speak to your childs teacher
at the school. The DEECD portal
below may also provide some useful
Is Your Child Starting Secondary
School Next Year?
Parents of our grade
6 students will tell
you that it doesnt
seem that long ago
that their child was
starting school. The
primary years seem
to fly by and our grade sixes are
already three weeks into their final
term of primary school.
Grade Six Graduation
Secondary school can be a daunting
thought for not only our students but
parents as well. There are many
questions which Im sure you have,
which are not fully answered at
information nights and orientation
The Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development have
developed an informative site which
provides hints and tips on how to
support your child through the
transition to secondary school.
During the school term you will
receive emails that will include tips,
Page 3
Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development endorsement.
advice and information on
supporting your child to make the
transition from primary to secondary
school. Recent articles have
included Preparing for next Year,
Homework and Stepping up to
Secondary School. To receive
articles please subscribe to Beyond
Primary at:
Cont from page 2
Narelle Messerle
Student Awards
Maths we have continued to look at
addition and subtraction and have
worked on the problem solving
strategy guess and check. We have
started creating our PowerPoint on
states of matter.
Grade 5/6: We did lots of Maths this
week and revised division and
rounding in our Maths groups. We
have completed some light
experiments and explored the
difference between transparent,
translucent and opaque. Looking
forward to Orienteering on Friday.
Principal: A week of activities
across the school with more than 70
students involved in Aerobics. It
was great to see our Littlies Grade
2 students in their first competition.
Out Preps loved their excursion to
Casey Safety Village. We have a
group of grade 5/6 students who are
regularly going to Bens Shed. Our
VYV group shared Whats
happening through the radio
broadcast. What a week!!!
School Captains Report
Prep: We had such a great week.
Preps went on an excursion the the
Casey Safety Village. We learn how
to Stop, Drop and Roll, staying
safe in fires and how to tell if its
safe to open doors in fires. We rode
air bikes around a fake town
learning to stop at train crossings,
zebra crossings and traffic lights.
Well done on wonderful behaviour
Grade 1/2: In 1/2 this week we have
looked at inferring, cross checking
and word endings. In Writing we
have looked at speech bubbles. In
Maths, we finished our
multiplication math groups and we
also looked at temperature. Were
getting really good at solving
problems and drawing pictures to
match. In Integrated studies, we
looked at world climates and created
our own weather chart.
Grade 3/4: In 3/4 this week we have
introduced Junk Drawer writing, as
part or our writers notebook. In
Grade Prep F/A Zac F
Juliet P
Semina H

Grade Prep K Summer D
Andrew B

Grade 1/2 B Jett A

Grade 1/2 K Chelsey H

Grade 1/2 N Anelise McC
Emily B

Grade 1/2 S Lloyd B
Chelsea S

Grade 3/4 F Erin S

Grade 3/4 M Will C
Jack R

Grade 3/4 N Casey McC

Grade 3/4 S James D
Vysal K

Page 4
Thursday Thoughts

Unfortunately due to
manufactures cost Juicies are now
$1.00 each, we have three flavours
Tropical, Wildberry and
If you send your child/rens lunch
order on an envelope, please include
10 in the order for the cost of a
paper bag.
30th Peta R, Rochelle & Drew T,
Janine K and who ever want
to help

6th Kylie K, Sue C, Janine K
13th Jodie D, Jaimie C, Paul T

I have a date in November that need
volunteers to help in canteen please.
If they are unable to be filled,
unfortunately I will be force to close
on those dates. If you are able to help
please leave your name and phone
no. and the Thursday you are
available at the office.

A reminder
that Launch
Cup Lunch
Orders need
to be
returned by
Any ordered after that date will not
be filled .

Public Notices
Kristys Cleaning for all
your domestic cleaning
needs for a cleaner home,
experienced with an eye
for detail.
Please call Kristy on
0417 597 356
Public Notices
Page 5
Term 4
Our transition sessions for Term 4
are for children enrolled to start Prep
at our school in 2015. If your child
is going to be attending LPPS as a
Prep next year but their enrolment is
not yet complete, they are also
invited to attend these sessions. Also,
if you know of anyone who is
planning on sending their Prep child
here next year, could you please pass
on the details of these sessions to
We look forward to getting to know
our 2015 Preps better during these
sessions and are excited that these
children will commencing their
school life with us next year.

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