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... through Bertha Dudde

Teaching of re-incarnation is misguided....
The di!ine "as are eterna""# unchanging$ and a"" higher
de!e"o%ment in the %h#sica" as e"" as in the s%iritua" &ingdom
ta&es %"ace in accordance ith these "as. 'h#sica" and s%iritua"
creations of the most di!erse !ariet# e(ist. )nd their on"# %ur%ose
is to guide the s%irit hich is distant from God *ac& to +im.
,et e!er# stage of de!e"o%ment is as different as are the indi!idua"
creations. Thus the# i"" a"a#s *e inha*ited *# s%irits hose
degree of maturit# matches their nature.
There i"" a"a#s *e a %rogressi!e de!e"o%ment as "ong as the s%irit
mo!es through the %h#sica" creation in a com%u"sor# state....
+oe!er$ a standsti"" or dec"ine of de!e"o%ment can occur during
the fina" stage of the %h#sica" creation as human *eing.... *ut at
the end of human "ife the s%irit i"" irre!oca*"# enter the *e#ond
here no further %h#sica" creations e(ist.
But e!en in the s%iritua" rea"m a standsti"" or dec"ine can occur
*ecause the *eing retains its free i"" hich is$ hoe!er$
considera*"# ea&ened if it has on"# achie!ed a "o degree of
Similar to earthly life, higher development in the spiritual
realm also depends on activity, and this acti!it# is and has to
remain com%"ete"# am*iguous to %eo%"e on earth as the# cannot
com%rehend its significance *ut hich$ on the other hand$ de%ends
on earth"# creations.
-n effect$ %eo%"e *e"ie!e that e!er# acti!it# necessitates earth"#$ i.e.
%h#sica"$ creations. .onse/uent"# the# su%%ort the !ie that the
sou" i"" return to the rea"m here it former"# had neg"ected its
higher de!e"o%ment$ that it i"" return to earth to carr# on here it
had "eft off.... that it can re%eat its interru%ted %rogress of
de!e"o%ment an#time unti" fina" %erfection....
)nd this assum%tion "eads to a teaching hich does not com%"#
ith the truth *ut hich finds a%%ro!a" e!er#here and is therefore
ides%read.... to the teaching of re-incarnation on earth....
On"# fe %eo%"e understand the disastrous effects of this teaching
for humanit# if it is not dis%ro!ed and corrected. This teaching$ in a
a#$ o!erru"es the di!ine "a that$ in accordance ith the %"an of
di!ine isdom$ e!er#thing must advance if it ants to %rogress.
Re-incarnation on earth ou"d *e a regression for the sou"
a%%ro!ed *# God$ thus it ou"d com%"ete"# contradict the di!ine
"a hich commands and demonstrates consistent %rogress.
)"though the *eing itse"f can indeed !o"untari"# descend *ut God0s
i"" ou"d ne!er return it to a state hich it had a"read# o!ercome
once *efore. )nd it i"" ne!er *e %ermitted to ar*itrari"# re%eat a
course of action hich it had %re!ious"# fai"ed.
For it sti"" has thousands u%on thousands of o%%ortunities to
de!e"o% further *ut the# a"a#s ta&e %"ace on different creations
and under com%"ete"# different conditions....
1 'u*"ished *# friends of ne re!e"ations of God 1
-nformation$ don"oad of a"" trans"ated re!e"ations$ theme-*oo&"ets

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