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100 Ways To

Kill Your Business

Sandra Wise
Sandra Wise
100 Ways To Kill Your Business
Copyrig! " #01$ %y Sandra Wise
Li&ense 'o!es
Tis eBoo( is Li&ensed )or your personal en*oy+en! only, Tis eBoo( +ay no! %e &opied or
resold !o o!er people, I as( !a! i) you -ould li(e !o sare !is %oo( -i! ano!er person. please
pur&ase an addi!ional &opy )or ea& re&ipien!, Tan( you )or respe&!ing !e ard -or( o) !is
Tis %oo( -as &rea!ed %y !e 1ie-s and e2perien&e o) !e au!or !o edu&a!e and in)or+ !e
audien&e in su&&ess)ul %usiness +anage+en!,
3 por!ion o) !e pro&eeds )ro+ e1ery pur&ase o) !is %oo( are dona!ed !o !e 4I5 64eading Is
5unda+en!al7 )ounda!ion,
A! !e age o) nine. I &a+e o+e )ro+ s&ool one day !o +y +o+ -o -asn8! sure i) se
sould %e proud o) +e. or ground +e, Se ad re&ei1ed a &all )ro+ 9rs, Hall 6!e prin&ipal7 -o
-as in)or+ed )ro+ +y )our! grade !ea&er !a! I ad %een gi1en de!en!ion )or selling pi&!ures
!a! I ad dre-. !o +y )ello- &lass+a!es, By !e !i+e !a! +y !ea&er s&olded +e )or %rea(ing a
s&ool poli&y !a! I -asn8! a-are e2is!ed. I ad already +ade ele1en dollars in !ree days )ro+
selling !e pi&!ures !o +y &lass+a!es. a! only a :uar!er )or ea&,
I8ll ne1er )orge! !e )eelings o) )ear and an2ie!y I ad !e day +y dad pulled our &ar in
)ron! o) !e lo&al Wendy8s res!auran! on +y )i)!een! %ir!day, He !urned !o +e and said ;Dont
come out unless you have a job< and I -al(ed ou! -i! +y )irs! par! !i+e e+ploy+en! posi!ion,
Ta! alone !aug! +e de!er+ina!ion and &on)iden&e in %usiness e!i&s. no! !o +en!ion
o1er&o+ing )ear,
Ha1ing -or(ed 1ery ard )or e1ery!ing I81e o-ned. I gre- a respe&! )or !e possessions
in li)e no +a!!er o- grea! or s+all, Tere -ere +any -ords o) -isdo+ +y dad guided +e -i!
-en i! &a+e !o %usiness. %u! !e ad1i&e e ga1e +e o) ;Dont have a boss, you be the boss<
s!and ou! !o +e +ore !an any o!er,
I ad +y )irs! e2perien&e -i! en!repreneursip a! !e age o) nine!een -en I -as in1i!ed
!o +y &ousins ouse )or an in=o+e produ&!s par!y, 3! )irs! I ad no idea -a! -as going on nor
!a! a %usiness li(e !is ad e1en e2is!ed and %eing only nine!een I &ould only guess 1ery li!!le
!ings -i! -a! !e !er+ >par!y8 -as in re)eren&e !o,
To +y surprise I -as edu&a!ed a%ou! -a! a Par!y Planner or Independen! Business
Consul!an! -as all a%ou!, So a)!er !rying +y and a! %eing a 1arie!y o) pro)essions 6in&luding
Ban( Teller and 4e!ail 9anager7 I de&ided I -ould !a(e a leap and e2perien&e !e li)e as an
Independen! Consul!an! +ysel),
Li!!le did I (no- !a! si2 years la!er I -ould )ind +ysel) guiding o!er &onsul!an!s -i! !e
e2perien&e I ad learned pre1iously in &ollege and as a s+all %usiness o-ner, Today +y
ou!rea& as e2panded in!o leading no! only Consul!an!s )or a! o+e par!ies. %u! s+all
%usiness o-ners ou!side o) !e o+e as -ell,
Troug -ri!ing ar!i&les and %logs on !e in!erne! as -ell as !raining %usiness o-ners
!roug e2er&ises in !eir %usiness se!!ing )a&e !o )a&e. I de&ided !o e2pand +y audien&e )ur!er
and edu&a!e in!erna!ionally !roug &rea!ing !e guide ;100 Ways To Kill Your Business<,
I personally in1i!e you !o use !is %oo( as a guide !o elp %e!!er your %usiness and
pro)essional li)es!yle %y reading !roug !e +os! &o++on one undred -ays !a! I a1e )ound
!o %e !e +os! dread)ul !o %usiness o-ners e1ery-ere. %y !eir 1ery o-n pro)essional
Tis %oo( -as -ri!!en in dedi&a!ion !o e1ery en!repreneur -o !oo( !e )irs! s!ep !o rea& long
!er+ )inan&ial su&&ess, 9ay you rea& your goals and su&&eed al-ays in your drea+s,
Every expert is nothing more than a beginner who continues to strive for success. -S.Wise
Chapter 1 Your Priorities
Par! 1 Ta(e Carge ?) Your Business
Par! # Be 3 5riend. 'o! 3 Boss
Par! $ Un%alan&ed Li)e Coi&es
Par! @ 'o 3&!ion ?n Your ?p!ions
Par! A De)aul! ?) Pride In Produ&!s 3nd Ser1i&es
Par! B Ignore Your E1alua!ions
Par! C 3 Dor+an! Pro)essional I+age
Par! D 31oid 4eearsing
Par! E Don8! Dis&ipline Yoursel)
Par! 10 Don8! Wri!e Do-n Foals
Par! 11 31oid 4esear&
Par! 1# Bla&( and Wi!e Lies
Chapter 2 Dedication
Par! 1$ La&( o) Kno-ledge
Par! 1@ Your >B0 Se&ond8 Co++er&ial
Par! 1A Loss ?) 9o!i1a!ion
Par! 1B Te Hidden 9ar(e!
Par! 1C 3 To2i& Business Par!ner
Par! 1D Dependa%le 3nd Pun&!ual
Par! 1E Wi!olding ?n Your Word
Par! #0 'o Tra&( 4e&ord ?) Progression
Par! #1 Ina&!i1i!y ?) Curren! E1en!s
Par! ## Ignoring 'e- 4esponsi%ili!ies
Chapter 3 Organization
Par! #$ Leaping Wi!ou! 3 Plan
Par! #@ Te UnorganiGed S&edule
Par! #A ?%s&ured Con&ep! ?) Ti+e
Par! #B Ca!as!ropi& En1iron+en!
Par! #C Blogging Is 5or Boredo+
Par! #D 9isused 4esour&es
Par! #E Te 'ega!i1e Co+pany Pro)ile
Par! $0 4e+aining ?rganiGed
Chapter 4 Customer Service
Par! $1 3ssu+ing Tey 3ren8! In!eres!ed
Par! $# Trea! Your Business Li(e 3 Farage Sale
Par! $$ Ignore Te Spe&ial Trea!+en!
Par! $@ 'o! 4e&ogniGing Po!en!ial Cus!o+ers
Par! $A 31oiding Hues!ions
Par! $B Te Cus!o+er Is 3l-ays 4ig!
Par! $C 'o Cus!o+er Lis!
Par! $D 9ar(e!ing To Te Wrong 3udien&e
Par! $E Ignoring Your Di1erse Cus!o+er Base
Par! @0 E2pe&!ing Te Cus!o+er To Co+e To You
Par! @1 'o >Try Be)ore You Buy8 ?p!ion
Par! @# 'o! Paying 3!!en!ion To Cus!o+ers 'eeds
Par! @$ 'o! Doing Your 4esear& Can Hur! Your Business
Chapter 5 Distraction
Par! @@ E1eryday Dis!ra&!ions
Par! @A Proa&!i1e In Pro&ras!ina!ion
Par! @B Co+pli&a!ion ?1er Si+pli)i&a!ion
Par! @C Your Li)e S!ory
Par! @D Dis&ourage+en! By La&( ?) ?1ernig! Su&&ess
Chapter 6 Reutta!s "nd Reputation
Par! @E Personal Li)e Sur)a&es In So&ial 9edia
Par! A0 Handling 4e*e&!ion 'ega!i1ely
Par! A1 ?))ensi1e 9ar(e!ing S!ra!egies
Par! A# Ignoring Te Bad 4e1ie-s
Par! A$ 'o! 3&(no-ledging Te Food 4e1ie-s
Par! A@ 4e)le&!i1e 3&!ions
Par! AA Using Wea( 4e%u!!als
Par! AB Handling Hesi!an&y Inappropria!ely
Par! AC E+o!ional 4ea&!ion To 5ailure
Par! AD 'ega!i1e 3ssis!an! 4epresen!a!ion
Chapter # Resources
Par! AE Wrong 9edia 5or Te Wrong Si!ua!ions
Par! B0 3&&ep!ing Cons!ru&!i1e Cri!i&is+
Par! B1 9issing Te Li!!le Tings
Par! B# Food 'eig%or Bad 'eig%or Poli&y
Par! B$ 'o 4e&ogni!ion ?) Your Suppor! Sys!e+
Par! B@ Ignoring Your Pos! 3 Day
Par! BA Ignoran&e ?) So&ial 9edia Bene)i!s
Par! BB Ina&!i1i!y ?) So&ial 9edia Froups 3nd 5oru+s
Par! BC Pride ?1er 9en!orsip
Par! BD 'o%ody Kno-s Wa! You Do
Par! BE 4ea&!i1e In 'e!-or(ing
Par! C0 La&( ?) Sponsorsip
Chapter $ C!osing %he Dea!
Par! C1 Te Dis&oun! Danger
Par! C# 'o In1i!a!ion To 4e!urn
Par! C$ 5orge!!ing Te >3s( Tree Ti+es8 4ule
Par! C@ Unappealing Presen!a!ions
Par! CA La&( ?) Ier%al Co++uni&a!ion
Par! CB S!a!e+en!s Cus!o+ers Can8! 4e)use
Par! CC La&( ?) Kno-ledge 3%ou! Te Co+pe!i!ion
Par! CD 3%sen&e ?) Po-er Words
Par! CE 5ollo- Up De)i&ien&y
Par! D0 4e&ogniGe Te Buyer
Par! D1 3 Ia&an! >Wai!ing Fa+e S!ra!egy8
Chapter & Your 'a( O) "ttraction
Par! D# Li1ing ?u!side ?) Te Se&re!
Par! D$ Depri1a!ion ?) 3 Posi!i1e ?u!loo(
Par! D@ Te >Tir!y Se&ond8 We%si!e 4ule
Par! DA Your Presen!a!ion ?) Your Wor!
Par! DB 5aul!y Co+pensa!ion
Par! DC Use ?) 'ega!i1e Body Language
Par! DD Sor!age ?) Sel) Pride
Par! DE 9en!al Heal! 9a!!ers
Par! E0 Ca1ing To Your 5ears
Par! E1 Hiding Your 3&&o+plis+en!s
Par! E# Pla&ing %la+e 3nd 4ea&!i1e Bea1ior
Chapter 1* +nvestments , -conomics
Par! E$ Ignoring In1es!ors
Par! E@ To Hide ?r 'o! To Hide 5ro+ Un&le Sa+
Par! EA De!ri+en!al In1es!+en! Spending
Par! EB Curren! E&ono+i&s 3nd Your Business
Par! EC E2pe&!ing Payo)) Wi!ou! Proper In1es!+en!s
Par! ED Insu))i&ien! Wisdo+ In Cul!ural E&ono+i&s
Par! EE Pessi+is!i& 5inan&ial 4esponsi%ili!y
Par! 100 4esis!an! E2plora!ion ?) In1es!+en!s
Chapter 11 -.ercises "nd /aits
Crea!ing Posi!i1e Ha%i!s
Te Si2 9on! E1alua!ion
Sel) Dis&ipline Pra&!i&e E2er&ises
9edia Pra&!i&es
5our Ways To 9ain!ain Inspira!ion
"uthor0s 1ote
"out %he "uthor
Tell the negative committee that meets in your head, to sit down and shut up.
3"nn 4rad)ord
Chapter 1 Your Priorities
You -an! !o o-n a %usiness or you &urren!ly do. !a!8s a-eso+eJ Bu! -ere does you
dedi&a!ion !o your %usiness re+ainK Your %usiness sould %e a !op priori!y a+ongs! a -ell
%alan&ed li)es!yle, Tere are +any par!s !o running a %usiness !a! you sould (eep in +ind
su& as i) your par!ner is really a rig! )i! !o (eep !e -eels running s+oo!ly, I!8s good !o a1e
)un and en*oy your %usiness. %u! i!8s +ore i+por!an! !o de1elop a le1el o) i+por!an&e -i! i!,
Su& is. o- you priori!iGe !e )a&!ors in -i& (eeps your %usiness running s+oo!ly !o-ard
!e le1el o) su&&ess you are -an!ing !o a&ie1e,
Part 1 %a2e Charge O) Your 4usiness
Ha1e you )ound yoursel) -an!ing !o !a(e +ore &on!rol o1er your %usiness and i!8s )u!ureK
3re you see(ing ne- -ays !o +a(e i! gro-K 9ay%e you are *us! si+ply ready !o !a(e &arge o)
your )inan&es and gi1e your )u!ure +ore s!a%ili!yK
Ta(ing &arge o) your %usiness is !e )irs! s!ep !o !e su&&ess o) all !ese :ues!ions,
Tere are +any people -o are -illing !o spend !e res! o) !eir li1es -or(ing )or so+eone else,
Bu! -y %e one o) !e+ -en you &an si+ply %e&o+e one o) !e+K
Do no! le! !e su&&ess o) o!ers slo- you do-n or in!i+ida!e you, E1en i) you are a
person -o is &urren!ly -or(ing under !e super1ision o) ano!er and %eginning your %usiness
)ro+ !e ground up. i!8s no! !oo la!e !o ge! in %e!!er &on!rol o) your %usiness and +a(e i! -or(,
5irs! you need !o %elie1e and a&(no-ledge !a! i! is possi%le !o ge! yoursel) ou! o) !e
&orpora!e e1eryday grind and e2&el in!o -a! you -ere +ean! !o do in li)e= +anage your o-n
%usiness, 3&&ep! !a! you are ready !o !a(e on !e &allenges ne&essary !o +a(e !is drea+
&o+e !rue, 'o- is !e !i+e )or you !a(e your %usiness !o a le1el i! asn8! %een= a%o1e and
?nly you &an !a(e &arge o) !e &urren! si!ua!ions, E1alua!e !e+. )ind solu!ions and
!en a&! upon !e+, 4edis&o1er !e +o!i1a!ion !a! e2is!ed -en !e %usiness -as &rea!ed,
Ta! lig! %ul% !a! -as sining )ro+ a%o1e your ead a! )irs! idea o) !is %usiness. ad i!8s glo-
)or a reasonJ
There is never just one thing that leads to success for anyone. I feel it always a
combination of passion, dedication, hard work, and being in the right place at the
right time.
-auren !onrad
Part 2 4e " 5riend6 1ot " 4oss
I!8s no! un&o++on )or +any %usiness o-ners !o +a(e !is pri+e +is!a(eL !rea!ing !eir
e+ployees as )riends ins!ead o) *us! !a!, You do no! +anage your )riends in a personal se!!ing
and !ere)ore !ey -ould no! !a(e you seriously in a pro)essional se!!ing. unless !ere -as !o %e
a %lun! unders!anding in !e -or(pla&e, Ho-e1er iring an e+ployee and %e&o+ing !eir )riend
in !e -or(pla&e is a&!ually +ore dangerous,
Wy is i! +ore dangerous !o ire an e+ployee and %e&o+e )riends ra!er !an iring a
)riend -i! -o+ you a1e a is!ory -i!K You a1e already &rea!ed a )ounda!ion -i! a )riend
and !ere)ore i) so+e!ing nega!i1e -ere !o appen or &ange -ere !e )riend -ould no longer
%e -or(ing )or you in !e %usiness. !e )ounda!ion is -a! -ould elp (eep !e personal
rela!ionsip ali1e,
Hiring so+eone ne- and !en &rea!ing a personal rela!ionsip -i! !e+ ou!side o)
%usiness allo-s )or +any dangers, Tere is no pre1ious is!ory )or !e !-o o) you !o )all %a&( on
i) so+e!ing -ere !o &ange in !e -or(pla&e -ere !ey -ould no longer %e -or(ing )or you,
3lso. o- is one going !o !a(e you seriously as a +anager i) you are &rea!ing a personal
Tere needs !o %e s!andards in order !o %e !a(en seriously, Tis is no! a sugges!ion !o
%e de+anding and &on!rolling in any nega!i1e -ay, I! is o-e1er !e en&ourage+en! you need
!o &rea!e !e pro)essional rela!ionsip !a! needs !o e2is!,
ou are the boss, you are the owner an! it is your responsibility to act as so.
By %e&o+ing )riends -i! so+eone -o -or( -i!. opens doors )or ne- pro%le+s su&
as easy )orgi1eness o) serious si!ua!ions !a! &ould %e o1erloo(ed -en !ey sould no! %e and
la&( o) &on&en!ra!ion on goals o) !e %usiness, You sould re+ain )o&used on !e )u!ure o) !e
%usiness and %e !e leader in re+inding your !ea+ o) !e sa+e,
Part 3 7na!anced 'i)e Choices
Wen you8re a %usiness o-ner. you learn a lo! o) !ings a%ou! li)e i!sel), ?ne o) !ose is
!e %alan&e !a! you need !o &rea!e %e!-een %usiness and personal li)e, Tere is a )ine line
%e!-een %usiness and pleasure and -i!ou! a &orre&! %alan&e. you -ill no! )ind !e pea&e or
appiness !a! uni1erse olds )or you,
You si+ply &anno! depend on one o) !e !-o !o &o+ple!ely )ul)ill you, 3s a u+an i! is
-i!in your na!ure !o a1e %o!, 3ny %usiness o-ner -an!s no!ing +ore !an su&&ess )or !eir
%usiness. %u! you -ill %e se!!ing yoursel) up )or )ailure i) you are no! &rea!ing a %alan&e o)
pleasure %e!-een your personal li)e and your pro)essional,
Wi!ou! lo1e. e+o!ion. na!ure and unders!anding you &anno! si+ply a1e !e inspira!ion
or dri1e needed !o %e a posi!i1e leader in an e&ono+y !a! as seen +ore do-n)alls !an
up%ringing in !e pas! de&ade,
Ha1e you e1er no!i&ed !a! !e grea!es! o) leaders -ere +en and -o+en o) su&&ess=
inside and ou!side o) !e -or(pla&eK Po!os o) )a+ily and na!ure surround !eir o))i&e spa&e,
Wy is !isK Si+ply %e&ause no! only do you need !e lo1e and e+o!ion )ro+ !e personal
aspe&!. %u! !e suppor! as -ell, You +ay %e surrounded %y !ose -o suppor! you and no!
e1en realiGe i! %e&ause you8re !oo engaged in your &areer !o no!i&e,
'o! only &an !is ur! you in a spiri!ual and e+o!ional +anner. %u! all -or( and no play
&an also &rea!e une2pe&!ed eal! pro%le+s, By no! ge!!ing !e appropria!e a+oun! o) res!.
pysi&al e2er&ise and eal!y ea!ing a%i!s needed you -ill no! %e a%le !o per)or+ your *o%
)un&!ion !o !e %es! o) your a%ili!y,
Your pysi&ian appoin!+en!s and pi&ni&s -i! )a+ily are *us! as i+por!an! as !e +ee!ing
!a! -ill %e a-ai!ing you on 9onday +orning, Do no! lose sig! o) one o) !e !-o sides %y
e2&using i! -i! !e o!er, In li)e !ese sides %alan&e ea&o!er ou!, You &anno! %e su&&ess)ul in
ei!er. -i!ou! !e o!er su&&eeding as -ell,
Part 4 1o "ction On Your Options
5ro+ !e !i+e you are &rea!ed. you are gi1en +any op!ions, You learn de&ision +a(ing
s(ills a! a 1ery young age, 3s you ge! older. !e de&ision +a(ing s(ills gro- -i! !e iger
&o+ple2i!y o) !e pro%le+, 3lso as your gro- you %egin !o unders!and pro&ras!ina!ion and gain
a %e!!er unders!anding o) op!ions, So -a! appens i) you a&! on ei!er o) !eseK
Don8! le! pro&ras!ina!ion %e&o+e an e2&use )or poor %usiness e!i&, Tere are +any
reasons -y so+eone -ould a&! on !is. depression %eing a 1alid reason= %u! unli(e depression
6-i& is an illness !a! sould %e !rea!ed %y a +edi&al pro)essional7 !ere are +any o!er
reasons -y pro&ras!ina!ion is ine2&usa%le,
Tere are +any op!ions -en running a %usiness, I! is up !o you !o a&! on !e+, You are
!e &on!rolling )a&!or in !e %usiness. !e )inal de&ision +a(er, Te %usiness8 )u!ure depends on
your )inal say in ea& &oi&e, I! is up !o you !o a&! on e1ery op!ion !a! &rosses your %usiness8
We!er !e )inal de&ision is a yay or nay. i! sould %e in !e %es! in!eres! o) your
&o+pany, I) you aren8! !a(ing a&!ions on all o) your op!ions. you &ould grea!ly %e +issing ou! on
uge oppor!uni!ies !a! &ould &ange your %usiness8 )u!ure,
Tis &an %e a gra1e +is!a(e )or a s+all %usiness, Ignoring !e op!ions !o in1es! in si+ple
+ar(e!ing s!ra!egies su& as +on!ly 5a&e%oo( 3d1er!ise+en!s or &oosing !o op! ou! o)
&rea!ing a Pin!eres! page )or your %usiness are !-o e2a+ples o) op!ions !a! e1ery %usiness
sould %e &onsidering, By &oosing no! !o par!i&ipa!e in !ese op!ions. you are going !o gain a
+u& larger audien&e in so&ial +edia a! 1ery slo-er pa&e !an you &ould a1e i) you ad
&osen !o a&! upon i! !o %egin -i!, You +ay also no! e1er re&ei1e !a! audien&e a! all %y
&oosing no! !o,
Part 5 De)au!t O) Pride +n Products "nd Services
You8re !al(ing -i! a %usiness o-ner a%ou! !eir produ&!s and ser1i&es, Te
&on1ersa!ion see+s !o %e going -ell un!il you ge! !e :uali!y o) !e pur&ase, Suddenly !e
o-ner %egins !o !urn !e &on1ersa!ion in!o a nega!i1e ran! a%ou! !e ser1i&es are &learly no! up
!o par and !e produ&!s are )aul!y, Do you &on!inue !o &lose your in!eres! in !eir %usiness -i! a
dealK ?r do you (indly !an( !e o-ner and -is i+ !e %es! o) lu&( -ile (eeping your
in!eres! open )or %usiness else-ereK
I) you8re any!ing li(e +ysel). you8d de)ini!ely do !e la!!er, Cus!o+ers -ill +os! li(ely %e
!urned o)) %y your la&( o) pride in your produ&!s and ser1i&es, You +ay %e doing *us! as !is
%usiness o-ner did -i!ou! e1en realiGing i!, Wen is !e las! !i+e your role played !o ear
yoursel) !al( a%ou! your %usinessK
Pra&!i&e your %usiness role playing s(ills a! leas! on&e a -ee(, You8ll %e surprised o-
o)!en your +ood &an &ange, Di))eren! )a&!ors in li)e &an &rea!e di))eren! e+o!ions. as -e are
only u+an, Your purpose +ay no! %e !o say any!ing nega!i1e !a! -ould dri1e a &us!o+er
a-ay. %u! i! &an appen,
Wy sell so+e!ing !a! you a1e no in!eres! or %elie) inK I) you &anno! a1e a %elie) or
&on1in&e yoursel) -y you sould use !a! produ&! or ser1i&e. !en you &learly need !o re!in(
your role in !a! %usiness,
3! !is poin! you +ay %e re!in(ing your pro&ess a%ou! presen!ing your produ&!s and
ser1i&es !o your &us!o+ers. or re!in(ing a%ou! your )ai! in your %usiness o1erall, So+e
:ues!ions you +ay -an! !o as( yoursel) during !is pro&ess are !e )ollo-ing:
M Do I. or -ould I. use -a! I sellK
M Do I !in( posi!i1ely a%ou! -a! I sellK
M 3+ I &o+)or!a%le enoug !o sell i! !e appropria!e audien&eK
M Wa! are !e posi!i1e )eelings I ge! )ro+ selling !ese produ&!sNser1i&esK
M Do I a1e or use !ese !ings in +y o-n o+eK
M I) I don8! use !e+ no-. -ould I in !e )u!ureK I) no!. -y no!K
M Do I s+ile during +y &on1ersa!ions -en dis&ussing -a! +y %usiness o))ersK
M Is !ere e2&i!e+en! in +y 1oi&e -en I spea( a%ou! I a+ sellingK
Part 6 +gnore Your -va!uations
E1en i) you !in( you are on !e rig! pa! !o su&&ess. you s!ill need !o e1alua!e your
o1erall si!ua!ion, I sugges! !a! you do !is a! leas! e1ery si2 +on!s, 3ny!ing less !an si2
+on!s isn8! ne&essary as you need !o %uild !e &us!o+er %ase and !a(e +any o!er )inan&ial
si!ua!ions in!o &onsidera!ion 6su& as your %usiness8 3&&oun!s 4e&ei1a%le and !e &urren!
e&ono+i& si!ua!ion7,
Wen -as !e las! !i+e you ga1e yoursel) and your %usiness an e1alua!ionK I) your
ans-er !o !is is any!ing %u! re&en!ly. !en -as!e no !i+e o!er !an doing i! no-J
Wi!ou! an e1alua!ion you are +ore li(ely !o o1erloo( +is!a(es !a! &ould a1e %een
pre1en!ed or sould %e pre1en!ed in !e )u!ure, Tere are +is!a(es !a! you +ay no! e1en
realiGe !a! a1e o&&urred and unless you are open !o an e1alua!ion you -ill no! %e a%le !o see
!e+ &learly,
3ny!i+e you are doing an e1alua!ion. you need !o re+ain open +inded and re+e+%er !o
use e1ery ans-er as no!ing +ore !an &ons!ru&!i1e &ri!i&is+, You -ill -as!e +ore !i+e le!!ing
your pride ge! in !e -ay %y %e&o+ing upse! -i! yoursel). your e+ployees or your %usiness i)
you !a(e !e nega!i1e !oo personally, You +us! re+e+%er !a! e1ery!ing in li)e is no!ing +ore
!an a learning pro&ess and i! is o- you rea&! !o e1ery si!ua!ion !a! +a(es !e di))eren&e,
Part # " Dormant Pro)essiona! +mage
In a -orld -i! ig e2pe&!an&y and a large a+oun! o) &o+pe!i!ion. i+age really is
e1ery!ing, Depending on -a! you8re o))ering depends largely on -a! !e &us!o+er e2pe&!s o)
you, You -ouldn8! e2pe&! a +e&ani& !o %e spar(ly &lean in &risp %usiness a!!ire. no- -ould
youK ?) &ourse no!, Te !ypi&al +e&ani& is (no-n !o %e dir!y !o so+e e2!en! -i! rags or !ools
in and and (no-ledge o) !e 1ei&le,
'o- !a! you a1e !e general idea. !in( )or a +o+en! a%ou! -a! i! is !a! your
%usiness is represen!ing, Ho- -ould you e2pe&! so+eone in your soes !o %e presen!ed i) you
-ere !e &us!o+erK Te ans-ers are no- loud and &lear !o you,
You -an! !o dress !o i+press and )i! !e i+age o) -a! i! is you8re selling, I) you8re selling
ig dollar produ&!s or are in !e posi!ion -ere you are -an!ing !o re&rui! )or a do-nline. !e
+os! i+por!an! !ing you &an do is dress -i! ig in!en!ions, Lea1e !e ea1y +a(eup and
%lue *eans )or da!e nig!, 5ine *e-elry and %usiness a!!ire -ill do *us! )ine !o lea1e !e
i+pression !a! your %usiness is &li+%ing !o ne- pea(s 6-e!er you are *us! ge!!ing !o !a!
poin! or no!. !is is !e i+pression !a! you -an! !o lea1e7,
Tis also in&ludes po!os as -ell, Using s!ree! i+ages o) yoursel) +ay -or( )or so+e.
depending on !e audien&e you are -an!ing !o %ring in, Ho-e1er i) you are see(ing )or a group
o) ig s!andard eli!es. dress appropria!ely and +a(e sure your po!os are ig :uali!y, Tey
sould %e eye &a!&ing and lea1e a las!ing i+pression,
Soun!s a little tric"y, # "now. $ut it wor"s an! it wor"s well. Dress to impress is the "ey
to success.
Part $ "void Rehearsing
Ha1e you e1er %een !old !a! you a1e a na!ural !alen! )or %usinessK Ho- a%ou! )or
pu%li& spea(ingK E1en i) you )eel you do or a1e %een !old !a! you a1e a na!ural !alen! )or
!ese. !is is s!ill no e2&use )or no! reearsing,
Tis is espe&ially i+por!an! i) you are in 9ar(e!ing or any posi!ion !a! in1ol1es
Leadersip and 9anage+en!, 5orge! !e !ings you learned in s&ool. ;Ous! pi&!ure !e
audien&e na(ed< !ey8d say, Ta! +ay s!ill elp you. !oo, Ho-e1er -a!8s really i+por!an! is no!
only %eing edu&a!ed a%ou! !e su%*e&! you8re !al(ing a%ou!. %u! also !e &on)iden&e in your 1oi&e
and a&!ions,
Consu+ers li(e dogs &an s+ell )ear a +ile a-ay, Te %lun! ones! !ru! is !a! one o)
!-o !ings &an appen -i! !is: Tey +ay ei!er !ry !o su&(er you in!o pro1iding )ree produ&!s
or ser1i&es or T-o !ey -ill %e !urned a-ay a! !e la&( o) pro)essionalis+,
Ous! as I said in !e )irs! Par! o) Cap!er ?ne. you need !o !a(e &arge o) your %usiness
and o) your si!ua!ion, 'o one else is going !o do i! )or you, I sugges! !o %egin %y pra&!i&ing in any
-ay !a! you +ay )eel &o+)or!a%le, I) i! is -i! a )a+ily +e+%er or )riend. ano!er e+ployee. in
)ron! o) a +irror or re&ording a 1ideo o) yoursel). !en so %e i!,
Don8! esi!a!e !o +a(e &anges as you are reearsing, I!8s %e!!er !o +a(e +is!a(es and
&orre&! !e+ no- during reearsal !an dis&o1er !an la!er -en you are in )ron! o) your
audien&e, You sould also !a(e !is !i+e !o e2plore all o) your op!ions and any :ues!ions !a!
+ay &o+e your -ay %y !e &onsu+er, I) you &an8! !in( o) any!ing ou!side o) your &o+)or!
Gone and as( so+eone else !o &o+e up -i! :ues!ions !ey -ould -an! !o as( i) !ey -ere in
!e &onsu+ers soes,
Ta(e !e reearsal as seriously as i) you -ere in )ron! o) !e &onsu+er !rying !o &lose !e
deal, I!8s o(ay !o pra&!i&e -i! people -o are no! !e &onsu+er. %u! i) !ey don8! elp you %y
as(ing serious :ues!ions and gi1ing serious responses !o your presen!a!ion. !en you need !o
s!op and re+ind !e+ !o do so or o!er +eans o) elp, Tis is your %usiness. no! a s&ool play
reearsal and sould %e !a(en seriously,
Part & Don0t Discip!ine Yourse!)
"iscipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
-#im $ohn
I! !a(es a !re+endous a+oun! o) e))or! !o a1e !e &ourage !o dis&ipline o!ers in !e
-or(pla&e. so you &an only i+age !e a+oun! i! !a(es !o dis&ipline yoursel) 6unless you8re
already doing i!7, Sel) dis&ipline is a learned pra&!i&e, I! +ay !a(e days or -ee(s )or you !o %e
a%le !o )ind !a! groo1e -ere you a%le !o +oni!or yoursel) and -ip your +indse! in!o proper
-or( sape,
Wen you8re !e %oss. i! is e2!re+ely i+por!an! !a! you do pra&!i&e dis&ipline -i!
yoursel), Wi!ou! dis&ipline. you &ould end up rea&!ing in re%elling +anners -i!ou! (no-ing you
are a&!ually doing so, By !is I +ean. you &ould )ind yoursel) doing !ings su& as dis!ra&!ing
you )ro+ your -or(,
I!8s no! un&o++on )or a %usiness o-ner !o la&( !e &apa%ili!y o) sel) &on!rol and
dis&ipline, You +ay !in( you a1e i! under &on!rol. %u! you +ay )ind di))eren! !roug a sel)
So what are some ways that you can !iscipline yourself without putting such things such
as your moo! an! confi!ence at ris"%
Te ans-er !o !a! :ues!ion is )airly si+ple in a lo! o) -ays, 5irs! and )ore+os! !a! you
sould !e !ings you are -illing !o !a(e a-ay )ro+ yoursel) as goals and +o!i1a!ion, Ous! li(e a
&ild -o -an!s an allo-an&e )or doing &ores. you +us! see yoursel) also as an e+ployee !o
your %usiness, 9a(e sure !o !a(e a-ay !ings !a! you -ill long )or and +iss, Don8! gi1e
yoursel) any lee-ay !o sla&( on your dis&ipline,
I) i! elps. pos! !e+ -ere !ey &an %e seen, I) 1a&a!ions are -a! you -ill %e +issing
+os! i) you don8! +ee! &er!ain goals. pos! po!os o) !e pla&es so !a! you &an 1isi%ly see -a! i!
is you are -or(ing !o-ard, I) you do no! +a(e your goals or do !ings !a! you a1e &allenged
yoursel) no! !o do. !a(e !ose !ings a-ay,
Part 1* Don0t 8rite Do(n 9oa!s
I) you really -an! !o (ill your +o!i1a!ion. si+ply don8! -ri!e do-n your goals, Ho-e1er. i)
you are -an!ing !o +ain!ain )o&used and on !e rig! !ra&( !en yes. %y all +eans -ri!e do-n
your goals -ere you &an 1isually see !e+J
So you a1e goals. e1eryone does, Bu! o- +any o) us a&!ually rea& -a! -e s!ri1e
)orK Ta(e )or e2a+ple your 'e- Years 4esolu!ions, 9y %es! guess is !a! you81e )orgo!!en your
already, You %usiness goals sould %e !a(en +u& +ore seriously, Tis isn8! a%ou! *ogging
!-i&e a day )or )i1e -ee(s. !is is a%ou! rea&ing your drea+s and +a(ing your %usiness !e
su&&ess i! deser1es !o %e,
Broad&as! your goals. %y -ord o) +ou! or so&ial +edia, Te +ore you +a(e your
audien&e a-are o) your goals. !e +ore you -ill e2pand !e grea!er &an&e o) %eing re+inded
a%ou! !e+, Tis -ill gi1e you a lo! less roo+ !o sla&( -en i! &o+es !o rea&ing -a! you really
-an! +os!,
Wen a &ild -an!s !o do so+e!ing ne- and e2&i!ing. !ey81e no need !o -ri!e do-n
!eir goal, Bu! !ey do. !roug pi&!ures !ey dra- !ey e2press !eir goals, Tey drea+ a%ou!
-a! i! is !ey are longing !o do, Tey !al( a%ou! !eir goal -i! o!ers, Paren!s o)!en re+ind
&ildren !a! !ey81e !al(ed a%ou! i! repea!edly in opes !o &ange !e su%*e&!,, %u! !a! is -ere
adul!s go -rong,
3dul!s &an learn a lo! )ro+ li!!le &ildren, Wa! are you really !ea&ing !a! &ild -en
you8re en&ouraging !e+ !o us and no! !o repea! !e+sel1esK You are dis&ouraging !eir
drea+s and !ea&ing !e+ !a! !eir goals are no! :ui!e as i+por!an! as !ey !in(, Could you
i+agine -a! !e -orld -ould %e li(e i) adul!s ad !e sa+e +o!i1a!ion as a &ild -o so
insis!en! on rea&ing !eir goalsK I! +ay *us! %e a +ore produ&!i1e plane!,
%ost achievers I know are people who have made a strong and deep dedication to
pursuing a particular goal. That dedication took a tremendous amount of effort.
-"onald #ohanson
Part 11 "void Research
We!er you8re ne- !o %eing an o-ner o) a %usiness or are a 1e!eran in your )ield.
resear& is so+e!ing !a! ne1er ge!s old, Do&!ors and !ea&ers ali(e use resear& e1ery single
day, Tey resear& day and nig! !o re+ain up !o da!e on !e la!es! in !eir )ield and !o edu&a!e
!e+sel1es a%ou! ne- dis&o1eries,
Todays -orld is &anging a! a 1ery )as! pa&e, 'e- &o+pe!i!ion is &rea!ed e1eryday. as
-ell as ne- produ&!s and ne- &lien!s loo(ing )or your ser1i&es, Produ&!s go in!o de)aul! and are
re&alled, Ii!a+ins and !e&nology &an %e upgraded &on!inuously, Wi!ou! resear&ing !e
!ings !a! a))e&! your %usiness. o- -ill you e1er %e a%le !o &ange and upgradeK
To gi1e your %usiness a ni&e and slo- dea!. a1oid resear& a! all possi%le, Ous! ignore
i! and !ell yoursel) !a! you don8! need !o do your o+e-or(, Bu! )or !ose -o a1e +ore
inspira!ion and dri1e !o +a(e your %usiness e2&el !o ne- and iger le1els. resear& dailyJ
Cus!o+ers are +ore li(ely !o &o+e %a&( )or your %usiness repea!edly i) you are
(no-ledgea%le a%ou! your )ield and all o) !e upda!es a1aila%le, You -ill also )ind your &us!o+er
%ase e2panding as you learn ne- -ays !o &o++uni&a!e -i! o!er &lien!s in!erna!ionally 1ia !e
in!erne!, 3ll o) !ese and +u& +ore are un)or!una!ely ignored %e&ause %usiness o-ners do no!
!a(e !e !i+e !o read a li!!le )ur!er in!o !eir )ield and !a(e !e !i+e !o learn so+e!ing ne-,
I) you8re a! a loss a%ou! -ere !o %egin. *us! !ype in!o any online sear& engine (ey-ords
in -a! you +ay need !o )ind ou! +ore a%ou! or as( a dire&!or i) you a1e one, Don8! %e
in!i+ida!ed %y ei!er, Bo! are easy !o use and are !ere a! your &on1enien&e !o elp as
Part 12 4!ac2 and 8hite 'ies
Using %la&( and -i!e lies &an %e !e per)e&! -ay !o earn dis!rus! in a &lien! or &us!o+er.
e1en your do-nline o) e+ployees, Bla&( and -i!e lies are all o) !e sa+e. no +a!!er o- you
*udge !e+, Tere is no lie !a! is %e!!er !an !e res!, 3 li!!le >-i!e lie8 &an easily sno-%all in!o
a >%la&( lie8 e1en i) !e in!en!ion -as !o ne1er lie a! all,
I) you8re )a+iliar -i! !e !er+ >&ar sales+an8 !en you (no- !a! !e par!i&ular !er+ in
%usiness !er+s is no! all posi!i1e 6in no o))ense !o !ose -o are in !e %usiness o) selling
1ei&les o) &ourse7, Fro-ing up I8d ear +y +o+ say ;You don8! -an! !o sound li(e a &ar
sales+an8 and %y !a! se +ean! no! !o s!re!& !e !ru! !o ge! your -ay -i! a &us!o+er or
Espe&ially in !e !i+es -e li1e !oday. !o spea( a lie !o ano!er person -ould %e a 1ery
ridi&ulous !ing !o do, Wi! a )e- &li&(s o) a s+ar!pone. in *us! se&onds a person &an loo( up
any!ing !ey -an! !o )ind ou! is !rue or )alse )ro+ !e in!erne! or so&ial +edia %y -ord o) +ou!,
Wa! good -ould i! do !o lie !o %egin -i!K
People in !e %usiness -orld lie )or +any reasons %u! )or one in par!i&ular. !o -in, To ge!
!eir -ay in a si!ua!ion, To sell -en !eir i!e+ or ser1i&e +ay %e )aul!y, Despi!e !e dire&!
reason. !e %usiness o-ner sould ne1er lie no +a!!er o- !e+p!ing i! is,
3no!er &o++on reason %usiness o-ners lie -en !ey souldn8!. is !o &o1er !eir
%usiness8 repu!a!ion, I on&e eard a %usiness o-ner +a(e !e &o++en! ;Well se -as a %ad
&us!o+er any-ay. se *us! ad a %ad a!!i!ude so I don8! &are -a! se says= er opinion really
doesn8! e1en +a!!er< and I -as appalled !o say !e leas!, You sould ne1er lie a%ou! a &us!o+er
%e&ause !ey ga1e you a %ad re1ie-,
Te +a!ure and pro)essional -ay !o andle !a! +a!!er -ould a1e %een !o re&ogniGe
!e pro%le+ and &rea!e a solu!ion !a! -ould %e posi!i1e )or %o! !e %usiness and !e
&us!o+er, Lying is no! o(ay pro)essionally no +a!!er -a! !e si!ua!ion en!ails,
In &on&lusion )or Cap!er 1 I -ill lea1e you -i! !is: ?nly you &an !a(e &arge o) your
%usiness8 )u!ure, You are !e (ey !o your %usiness8 su&&ess, 9any o-ners a1e !ried and )ailed.
%u! !ey a1e )ailed %e&ause !ey ga1e up on !eir op!ions and ga1e in !o )ailure, 'o one &an do
i! %u! you, 9is!a(es !a! &an see+ so si+ple &an lead !o a -ole ne- and +ay%e no! so posi!i1e
pa!, Tin( %e)ore you %egin. +ind +ap i) ne&essary. don8! lie. a&! in your posi!ion as !e %oss.
resear& as +u& as you &an and ne1er le! your goals slip !roug your )inger!ips,
Chapter 2 Dedication
3 %usiness is %orn !e se&ond you &rea!e !e idea !o o-n one, ?n&e i! appens. i!
i++edia!ely %egins !o %e&o+e real, Bu! -i!ou! dedi&a!ion. i! &an %e&o+e a dead end %e)ore i!
e1er sees i!8s %ir!, In !e -orld o) %usiness any!ing is possi%le as long as !e o-ner is
dedi&a!ed !o +a(ing i! appen,
Part 13 'ac2 o) :no(!edge
4esear& is no! !e sa+e as (no-ledge. %u! i! leads !o (no-ledge, By doing your
resear&. you a1e a ne- prospe&! o) your %usiness, You -ill %e&o+e +ore prepared )or !e
:ues!ions and pro%le+s !a! +ay lie aead, Your %usiness -ill !ri1e %e&ause o) !e ne- ideas
and dis&o1eries you gained !roug your (no-ledge,
Wen a &us!o+er as(s a :ues!ion !ey e2pe&! you !o already (no- !e ans-er, 3)!er all.
you are !e o-ner and e2per! in your )ield, 3l!oug you +ay la&( &reden!ials. you are s!ill
e2pe&!ed and &onsidered !o %e !e e2per!, 3s i) !ere isn8! enoug pressure already !o %e a
grea! %oss. rig!K 'o- you8re e2pe&!ed !o %e -ell edu&a!ed and pro1ide ans-ers on &o++andK
Te ans-er is. yes,
Te +ore you (no-. !e +ore your %usiness -ill gro-, In order !o edu&a!e yoursel) in a
posi!i1e -ay. re+e+%er !a! !e %usiness isn8! *us! your *o%= i! is your drea+, You &rea!ed i!. you
are dri1ing !e pa! and you are +a(ing i! gro-, Te appier you -ill %e -i! your %usiness !e
%e!!er you -ill %e -i! re!aining !e (no-ledge you -ill need,
9a(ing resear& a daily par! o) your li)e -ill gro- your (no-ledge li(e a &ild -o !a(e
i!s 1i!a+ins regularly, Be)ore you (no- i!. you -ill %e dis&ussing +ore )re:uen!ly -i! o!ers
-a! you81e learned and )ind yoursel) a&!ing on !ings !a! sould %e done,
I! is silly !o e2pe&! a &us!o+er !o *us! -an! your produ&!s and ser1i&es %e&ause !ey li(e
you. your %usiness or your produ&!s, Le!!ing your &onsu+er (no- !a! you are prepared )or !e
:ues!ions and (no- !e in)or+a!ion !ey need e1en %e)ore !ey as( -ill gi1e !e+ !e
&on)iden&e !a! you are !e person !ey need !o &o+e %a&( !o see !i+e and !i+e again,
&nd what, 'ocrates, is the food of the soul( 'urely, I said, knowledge is the food
of the soul. -)lato
Part 14 Your ;6* Second0 Commercia!
We!er on !e pone or )a&e !o )a&e. le!8s say you a1e a &lien! !a! is o%1iously
in!eres!ed %e&ause o) one si+ple )a&!. !ey a1en8! ung up or -al(ed a-ay, I! is your *o% !o
oo( !eir a!!en!ion in si2!y se&onds or less, Do you a1e your B0 se&ond &o++er&ial prepped
and ready )or a&!ionK Ha1e you reearsed i! !o per)e&!ionK 3re you a%le !o say i! -i!
&on)iden&e in your sleepK I) you8re no! drea+ing a%ou! your &o++er&ial. !en you8re no!
+o!i1a!ed enoug !o oo( !e &lien!,
Te )irs! s!ep. +ind+ap your &o++er&ial, Yes i! is only si2!y se&onds long. %u! -en you
are lis!ening !o yoursel) say i! ou!loud i! &an see+ li(e an e!erni!y, To a &us!o+er -o is
lis!ening in!en!ly !o -a! you a1e !o say. !is &an +ean your en!ire sale is on !e line, Dress
your &o++er&ial !o i+press and oo( !eir a!!en!ion so !a! you &an la!er &lose !e sale,
Your +ind+ap o) !e &o++er&ial sould in&lude !e -o. -a!. -en. -ere. o- and
-y a%ou! your o))er, I! needs !o %e si+ple as so+e!ing !a! sounds !oo &o+ple2 &an !urn !e
&lien! o)) %e)ore !ey e1en ge! s!ar!ed, 4e+e+%er also !a! >!oo good !o %e !rue8 +e!ods are
no! !e -ay !o oo( !e &lien! ei!er, Ins!ead. use )a&!s. +o!i1a!ion and e2perien&e in your
3lso. *us! as i) you -ere &losing !e deal re+e+%er !o use s!a!e+en!s !a! !e &lien!
&anno! re)use, Do no! %e&o+e a >%usiness o-ner %ully8 %y no! !a(ing no )or an ans-er. %u! use
dire&! s!a!e+en!s !a! do no! re:uire !e &lien! !o say !e -ord ;no<,
5or e2a+ple. -en spea(ing in your ini!ial si2!y se&ond &o++er&ial one +ig! say ;and
you &an pur&ase !is )or a )ee o) P#.000,00 !oday or in&re+en!s o) PB0,00 a +on!, Would you
li(e !o !ry i! ou!K< Tis par!i&ular :ues!ion lea1es !e &us!o+er -ide open )or a 1arie!y o)
nega!i1e ans-ers, You ga1e !e+ !o op!ion !o -al( a-ay or !in( a%ou! i! la!er,
31oid !ese :ues!ionsJ I) you )ind !a! you a1e :ues!ions si+ilar !o !is in your
&o++er&ial. &ange !e+ !o s!a!e+en!s !a! &an8! %e re)used, Ta(e !e a%o1e :ues!ion and
!urn i! in!o a s!a!e+en! su& as !is ;and you &an pur&ase !is )or a )ee o) P#.000,00 !oday or a!
your &on1enien&e PB0,00 a +on! %u! -e &an ge! !o !ose )ine de!ails la!er, 9y &lien!s are
al-ays eager !o ge! s!ar!ed -i! !e plan !a! )i!s !e+ %es!. so le!8s ge! you se! up so !a! -e
&an ge! i! going )or you !ooJ<
Do you see o- !a! endedK Tere -as no :ues!ion !a! &us!o+er -as a%le !o re)use, I!
-as a s!a!e+en! !a! dire&!ed !e &on1ersa!ion in!o !e 1ery ne2! s!ep o) !e pro&ess and
+o!i1a!ed !e &lien! !o ge! one s!ep &loser !o !e sale, Lea1e no roo+ in your si2!y se&ond
&o++er&ial )or re)usal,
5a&!s. S!a!e+en!s. 9o!i1a!ion and E2perien&e are !e (eys !o a su&&ess)ul &o++er&ial,
Part 15 'oss O) <otivation
)eople often say that motivation doesn*t last. +ell, neither does bathing - that*s
why we recommend it daily.
-,ig ,iglar
4e+aining +o!i1a!ed &an %e :ui!e !e !as( -en you are %usiness o-ner, You are )a&ed
-i! +any responsi%ili!ies e1ery day and nig!. -i& lea1es li!!le !i+e !o -orry a%ou! -y you
%egan !e %usiness in !e )irs! pla&e, Bu! %e)ore you gi1e up on your +o!i1a!ion. !ere are +any
!ings !a! you &an do sa1e your %usiness spiri!,
People andle s!ress in +any di))eren! -ays, S!ress &an o1er&o+e !e )eeling o)
+o!i1a!ion and e2&i!e+en!, Wen you are e2&i!ed a%ou! so+e!ing. you are +o!i1a!ed !o do i!,
Conne&!ing -i! na!ure and 1a&a!ion ge!a-ays are all -ays !a! people re+ain
+o!i1a!ed, 9ay%e !e (ey !o your su&&ess is 1olun!eering in your lo&al neig%orood sel!er
and reading !o &ildren a! !e lo&al li%rary, 9ay%e you re&ie1e your +o!i1a!ion )ro+ inspira!ion
+essages you see on so&ial +edia -e%si!es,
E1eryone e2plores and re&ei1es !eir +o!i1a!ion in di))eren! -ays, Don8! -as!e !i+e
*udging o!ers on o- !ey )ind !eirs, Ins!ead. )ind your o-n, De&ora!e your en1iron+en! -i!
a-ards !a! you a1e re&ei1ed !o re+ind yoursel) !a! you are a -or!y %usiness o-ner and are
per)e&!ly &apa%le o) gro-ing your %usiness !o ne- eig!s,
Tere are +any online )oru+s a1aila%le !a! you &an *oin or read !roug )ro+ people
li(e yoursel) !a! -ill elp en&ourage you !o s!ay +o!i1a!ed -i! !i+es in your %usiness are
!oug, 9ay%e you8d li(e so+e )a&e !o )a&e in!era&!ion. i) !is is !e &ase spend so+e !i+e -i!
)a+ily and )riends or )ind a lo&al %usiness suppor! group, I) one isn8! a1aila%le. !ry &rea!ing one
yoursel), You +ay %e surprised !o see o- )as! i! +ay gro- as !ere +ay %e o!ers in your
&o++uni!y -o are see(ing !e sa+e suppor! as you,
Part 16 %he /idden <ar2et
Wen )irs! &rea!ing your %usiness &oa&es -ill nor+ally poin! you in!o one par!i&ular
dire&!ion o) an audien&e, 3s your %usiness gro-s or i) you are *us! +o!i1a!ed )ro+ !e ge! go
enoug !o )ind a larger ou!rea&. you -ill need !o loo( ou!side o) !e %o2 )or !e idden +ar(e!,
Te idden +ar(e! is si+ply a group o) &onsu+ers or &lien!s -o are see(ing -a! you
a1e !o o))er. %u! you a1en8! !e+ and !ey a1en8! )ound you,, ye!, I! is your *o% !o ge! your
ser1i&es ou! !ere so !a! !ey &an %e!!er )ind your %usiness, Bu! don8! e2pe&! !e+ !o do all o)
!e see(ing. -i!ou! your -or( !o ad1er!ise !ey -on8! %e a%le !o )ind you a! all,
Tere are groups o) people -o are in need o) your ser1i&es !a! you +ay no! a1e
e1en &onsidered as a !ypi&al audien&e )or your %usiness, 5or e2a+ple. a1e you &onsidered
&ur&es )or your +ar(e!ing solu!ionsK 9e+%ers o) a religious group are al-ays see(ing ne-
+e+%ers and &an %e !e per)e&! audien&e )or you !o o))er your ser1i&es. e1en a! dis&oun!ed
pri&es, Te dis&oun!ed pri&es you o))er !o !e+ -ill +a(e up )or !e loss o) pay %y !e onora%le
repu!a!ion you re&ie1e )ro+ !e+ in !e long run. so don8! %e ran o)) %y !e idea o) loss o) pro)i!,
Wa!e1er i! is you are selling. !in( ou!side o) your %usiness audien&e %o2, S!op
)o&using on one par!i&ular audien&e and loo( around, Tere is a uge idden +ar(e! ou! !ere
!a! needs your ser1i&es, Don8! se!!le )or one -en !ere are so +any -ays !o o))er your
%usiness and re&ei1e pro)i!, You are in &on!rol o) !e ou!rea& you a1e and !e %usiness you
Part 1# " %o.ic 4usiness Partner
+hen I work, I work very hard. 'o I look to work with people who have that level
of dedication. &nd I depend on that from everyone. -rom the director to my crews
that I work with. -Tom !ruise
You are in &on!rol o) !e sur1i1al o) your %usiness. e1en i) i! is nega!i1ely a))e&!ed %y !e
+eans o) a %ad %usiness par!ner, Do no! esi!a!e !o +a(e &anges !o elp (eep !e %usiness
)ro+ dro-ning, Too o)!en I )ind !a! o-ners do no! s!ep up and !a(e !e ini!ia!i1e !ey need in
order !o +a(e !is appen, Ins!ead. !ey si+ply le! !e %usiness die %e&ause !ey do no! a1e
!e %a&(%one !o le! !e o!er %usiness par!ner go,
Ho- do you spy a %ad %usiness par!nerK Tere -ill %e !i+es -en you -ill si+ply )eel
)ooled %y !e posi!i1e and pro)essional !rai!s one posses -en you +a(e !e de&ision !o allo-
!e+ !o *oin ands -i! you, Ho-e1er you &an predi&! -en i! &ould %e po!en!ially !o2i& )or !e
%usiness %y -a!&ing )or a )e- !rai!s,
Te )irs! !rai! you -ill -an! !o -a!& )or is !eir %usiness e!i&, Wen you 1ie- !eir
is!ory o1erall. o- -ere !ey pro)essionallyK Tis -ill re)le&! !eir )u!ure e2is!en&e -i! you and
!e %usiness, Te poin! in a1ing a %usiness par!ner is )or posi!i1e gro-!. no! !o slo- you or
!e %usiness do-n in any -ay,
3re !ey a personal )riendK Tis is -a! you sould +ainly %e &on&erned -i!, I! is no!
re&o++ended %y +any pro)essionals !a! you +i2 %usiness -i! pleasure and )or good reason.
espe&ially -en i! &o+es !o so+e!ing as serious as your %usiness8 )inan&ial )u!ure, I) you a1e
a personal rela!ionsip -i! !e person ou!side o) -or(. you -ill )ind yoursel) %e&o+ing !oo
lenien! -i! +is!a(es and o1erloo( !e &onse:uen&es, Tese are no! responsi%ili!ies you sould
-illing !o !a(e on, You already a1e !e+ as a )riend. see( a pro)essional %usiness par!ner
Te ne2! is !eir dedi&a!ion )or !e %usiness and !eir s!ri1e )or su&&ess, Is i! on !e
sa+e le1el or iger !an your o-nK ?(ay. so !is po!en!ial %usiness par!ner is e2&i!ed !o -or(
-i! you, Ho- long do you predi&! !is e2&i!e+en! !o las!K You +us! %e-are o) !e !e+porary
e2&i!e+en! !a! &o+es -i! i++a!uri!y, Wa! I li(e !o &all !e ;Yay I a1e a &ool *o%< a!!i!ude, I!8s
grea! !o %e e2&i!ed a%ou! s!ar!ing a ne- *o%. %u! a pro)essional -ill also a1e !e dri1e !o %egin
You &an spo! !e pro)essional dri1e )or su&&ess a +ile a-ay. on&e you are )ully a-are o)
-a! i! is, I!8s a%ou! +ore !an *us! %ragging a%ou! !e ;&ool ne- *o%< you *us! go!. i!8s a%ou!
-an!ing !o see !e %usiness su&&eed. %eing e2&i!ed a%ou! !e %usiness and -or(ing are !o do
-a! i! !a(es !o ge! !ere,
So+e !rai!s !a! you +ay a1e a !o2i& %usiness par!ner in&lude:
1, You are &arrying +ore !an your sare o) !e load,
#, Your par!ner as ad &anges !o !eir personal li)e !a! are dra+a!i&ally a))e&!ing !eir
-or( e!i&,
$, Your %usiness par!ner as los! in!eres! in !e dri1e and su&&ess o) !e %usiness,
@, You a1e no!i&ed &anges in your par!ner !a! is a))e&!ing !e )inan&ial s!a%ili!y o) !e
A, You a1e +ore disagree+en!s !an agree+en!s -i! your par!ner,
I) %y no- you !in( you +ay a1e a %usiness par!ner !a! is slo-ing your %usiness do-n
and i!8s !i+e )or !e+ !o +o1e on. !ere are -ays !o do !is in a +a!ure and pro)essional -ay,
5irs! you need !o %e &o++i!!ed !o !e %usiness and se&ond !o yoursel),
I! is up !o you !o !a(e &o++and o) !e si!ua!ion, 'o one else is going !o do i! )or you, Le!
your dri1e )or !e su&&ess o) !e %usiness %e !e dri1e you need !o le! !e !o2i& %usiness par!ner
go, I!8s o(ay !o gi1e o!er op!ions and &an&es %u! (no- -en you do so !a! you are allo-ing
)or a larger !i+e )ra+e !a! -ill no! only slo- your %usiness do-n %u! &ould so- e2!re+e
losses during !is !i+e,
5irs! i) you a1e an agree+en! -i! your par!ner. you8ll need !o re1ie- i! )or legal
reasons, 'e2!. you8ll need !o e1alua!e your %usiness par!ner. *us! as i) you -ould i) you -ere
doing a personal e1alua!ion, Crea!e a &o+e up -i! a plan 6you &an use a +ind +ap7 )or !e
su&&ess o) !e %usiness and a plan !a! ei!er in&ludes. or does no! in&lude. your par!ner, 5o&us
on your goals )or !e %usiness, Prepare yoursel) )or !e ins!an&e !a! your par!ner de&ides !o
-al( a-ay or !a! you +ay need !o le! !e+ )ind !eir o-n -ay -i!ou! your %usiness,
Part 1$ Dependa!e "nd Punctua!
Being a %usiness o-ner is a uge responsi%ili!y. as -ell as a -onder)ul a&ie1e+en!
!a! you sould &arry pride in, You a1e !e a%ili!y !o +a(e or %rea( your %usiness, Business
o-ners are i&ons !o !ose -o are *us! %eginning in !is s!ruggling -orld, Cus!o+ers 1alue your
%usiness and loo( )or-ard !o re!urning !e %usiness !ey re&ei1e )ro+ you !i+e and again,
You are )a&ed -i! &allenges day and nig!, I) you are li(e +any o) !e o!er %usiness
o-ners around !e -orld. you li1e your )ears. s!resses and opes a%ou! your %usiness day and
nig!, 9ay%e e1en in your drea+s, You +us! %e dedi&a!ed !o your *o% in order !o (eep i! running
s+oo!ly and rea& !e le1el o) su&&ess your ear! desires,
In order !o do !ese !ings. you +us! a1e dis&ipline, 3nd -i! dis&ipline &o+es !e
a%ili!y !o %e dependa%le and pun&!ual, You +us! %e dependa%le !o a large a+oun! o) !ings,
Cus!o+ers. !i+e. your s&edule. your %usiness asso&ia!es. +ee!ings and +any +ore= !ey all
depend on one !ing. you, Tis is !e +os! i+por!an! par! a%ou! your sel) dis&ipline. %eing a
dependa%le sour&e !o your &o+pany,
You +us! %e dependa%le !o yoursel), I) you donQ!8 )ind yoursel) dependa%le. you
souldn8! e2pe&! anyone else !oo ei!er,
'e2! is your pun&!uali!y, 3llo- yoursel) plen!y o) !i+e during your %usy s&edule !o %e as
pun&!ual as possi%le, 3l-ays re+e+%er !a! i!8s +ore i+por!an! !o %e early !an e1en *us! a )e-
+inu!es la!e= !o e1ery!ingJ Being la!e &an %e&o+e a %ad a%i! i) you8re no! &are)ul, Tere -ill
%e ins!an&es in !i+e !a! you *us! &anno! elp !a! !rain or )uneral line !a! +ade you la!e !o your
+ee!ing. %u! i) you8re (no-n !o a1e a 1alid repu!a!ion )or %eing pro+p!. !ese -ill &learly %e
e2&usa%le -i!ou! de&lara!ion,
Part 1& 8ithho!ding On Your 8ord
We!er you !old your e+ployee !a! you -ould send !e+ an e+ail or re!urn a pone
&all !o a &us!o+er -i!in a &er!ain !i+e )ra+e. i! is up !o you li1e up !o your -ord, Bad -or( e!i&
&an (ill your %usiness %y you gi1ing i! a %ad repu!a!ion, You are your %usiness !ere)ore. your
repu!a!ion )inely de)ines !a! o) your %usiness as -ell,
9a(e sure you a posi!i1e a%ou! e1ery &o++i!+en! you +a(e %e)ore you say !e -ords,
Wi!olding on your -ord &an %e a 1ery dangerous !ing !o do, I) you ear !e -ords &o+e ou!
o) your +ou!. you8d %e!!er +a(e sure you8re &apa%le o) )ollo-ing !roug,
I) you8re a person -o as a repu!a!ion )or %eing )orge!)ul. don8! allo- !is !o %e an
e2&use, I) you do. you %e&o+e !oo &o+)or!a%le and use !is as a reason !o go %a&( on your
-ord= %u! a pro)essional -ill see rig! !roug !is and &us!o+ers a1e no pa!ien&e )or an o-ner
-o does no! li1e up !o -a! !ey say !ey -ill do,
Tere is si+ply !oo +u& &o+pe!i!ors in !e -orld !o sla&( on so+e!ing as serious as
no! doing -a! you say you -ill do, Be pro+p! -i! your pro+ises and don8! +a(e any !a! are
si+ply unrealis!i&, I) -a! you are dis&ussing see+s !oo )ar )e!&ed and ou! o) rea&. don8! +a(e
i! sound as i) i! -ill a&!ually appen i) i! &anno! %e done,
Trus! is +ore easily %ro(en !an i! is earned, Ho-e1er on&e you a1e !a! !rus! in a
&lien! or &us!o+er. in&luding your %usiness asso&ia!es. i! -ill )ore1er gro-, Wi& is -y i! is so
i+por!an! no! !o do any!ing !a! &ould po!en!ially %rea( i!, Te &onse:uen&es are )ar -orse )or
%rea(ing !a! !rus! !an !ey are i) you -ere !o %uild !a! rela!ionsip and ruin i! %e&ause you
&ouldn8! )ollo- !roug -i! your -ord,
Part 2* 1o %rac2 Record O) Progression
Trougou! your years as a %usiness o-ner you -ill see +any ups and do-ns, 3s a
u+an %eing. i!8s na!urally easier !o re+e+%er !e nega!i1e as -e see+ !o d-ell on !ings !a!
go -rong so !a! -e &an )i2 !e+. ra!er !an re+e+%ering all o) !e good, We are !aug! !o no!
%e o1er &on)iden! a%ou! our a&ie1e+en!s and ye! s!ri1e !o %e&o+e %e!!er !an -e e1er -ere,
Ho-e1er !o re+ain +o!i1a!ed you -ill need !o (eep a !ra&( re&ord o) progression,
3s a %usiness o-ner you (eep re&ord o) e1ery!ing )ro+ a&&oun!s paya%le !o your
a&&oun!s re&ei1a%le, Bu! -en &an you ones!ly say -as !e las! !i+e you (ep! !ra&( o) your
Te pre1ious year +ay a1e %een &onsidered a roug one )inan&ially. %u! i!8s s!ill
i+por!an! !o use i! in &o+parison, 3 !ra&( re&ord -ill so- you -ere !e do-n)alls lie, 9ay%e i!
-as during &er!ain par!s o) !e season, 3s you re1ie- !is. you -ill %e a%le !o see +ore &learly
-a! &anges need !o %e +ade in order !o +a(e !e )u!ure %rig!er )or your %usiness,
Part 21 +nactivit= O) Current -vents
Te -orld is &anging e1eryday and i!8s 1ery i+por!an! !a! as a %usiness o-ner you are
dedi&a!ed !o (eeping up -i! !e la!es! and %e&o+ing a&!i1e -en your &o++uni!y is in need,
Wen de1as!a!ion s!ri(es i! is your responsi%ili!y !o elp +a(e a di))eren&e, Be&ause o) your
posi!ion. i! is up !o you lead !e -ay no! only in your %usiness %u! in !e &o++uni!y as -ell,
3 per)e&! e2a+ple o) %usiness o-ners -o a1e &a+e !oge!er !o %e&o+e +ore a&!i1e
in !eir &o++uni!y are a group o) Par!y Planners -o &all !e+sel1es !e 9ia+i Ialley Par!y
Planners 6or 9,I,P,P,7 o) Spring)ield. ?io, Tey are a group o) s+all %usiness o-ners -o
a1e a +on!ly &ari!y !o elp a +e+%er o) !e &o++uni!y in )inan&ial need,
In !e pas! )is&al year !ey a1e raised o1er nine !ousand dollars )or +e+%ers o) !eir
&o++uni!y in &ari!y e))or!s, E1en !oug !is group is doing !is a! !eir o-n &onsen! and
&o+ple!ely ou!side o) %usiness e))or!s. )ro+ a %usiness perspe&!i1e !ey are also gaining
posi!i1e repu!a!ion and gro-ing populari!y )or !eir ea& indi1idual ser1i&es,
In o!er -ords. -ord -ill spread )as! a%ou! !e+ and !e posi!i1e !ings !ey are doing
)or !eir &o++uni!y, Wen so+eone -ill %e in need o) one o) !eir ser1i&es. !ey -ill %e !e )irs!
!o &o+e !o +ind %e&ause o) !e posi!i1e i+pa&! !ey a1e ad,
You +ay !in( o) !is as a %usiness ploy. -i& is a 1ery nega!i1e and &on&ei!ed -ay !o
see i!, I! is a %alan&e o) good )or !e &o++uni!y and good )or your %usiness, Te +ore you do
)or !ose in need. !e +ore posi!i1e +ar(e!ing you are doing )or your %usiness, Ins!ead o)
!in(ing o) i! as a ploy )or )ree +ar(e!ing. &ange your +indse! and unders!and !a! i! is si+ply
good (ar+a !a! -ill &o+e %a&( !o your %usiness )or your good deeds,
?!ers depend on you !o guide !e -ay, Be&o+e a&!i1e in disas!er relie) e))or!s or lo&al
&ari!ies !o elp your )ello- &o++uni!y +e+%ers, I) you aren8! sure -ere !o loo( !o %egin. *us!
as( o!ers in your &o++uni!y or loo( up your area on any sear& engine, Fe! your %usiness
asso&ia!es in1ol1ed as -ell, 9a(ing !is a !ea+ e))or! -ill elp %ring your %usiness &loser
!oge!er and &rea!e a %e!!er %ond )or !e &o+pany,
Part 22 +gnoring 1e( Responsii!ities
You81e %e&o+e &o+)or!a%le in your posi!ion and !ings are going s!eady, You a1enQ!
gi1en any &onsidera!ion !o !a(ing on any ne- responsi%ili!ies, 'e- responsi%ili!ies are si+ply
ou! o) !e e:ua!ion )or no-. so you8ll *us! ignore !e+ and le! !e+ se!!le )or ano!er day, Tese
are s!a!e+en!s o) laGiness and pro&ras!ina!ionJ I) you8re a 1i&!i+ o) !is nega!i1e +indse!. I
&allenge you !o %rea( a-ay )ro+ !is +adness no-,
3 grea! -ay )or you !o gro- pro)essionally is %y !a(ing yoursel) ou! o) !is &o+)or! Gone
and a&&ep!ing !e &allenges o) !a(ing on ne- responsi%ili!y, 5irs!. !al( !o your %usiness par!ner
and asso&ia!es, Tey +ay a1e so+e &rea!i1e ideas !a! !ey -ould li(e !o dis&uss -i! you,
You +ig! )ind !a! !ey a1e +ore in!eres! in !e %usiness !an you8d gi1en &onsidera!ion and
!a! !eir !oug!s +ay %e elp)ul !o you and !e %usiness o1erall,
3no!er grea! -ay is %y lis!ening !o your &us!o+ers and &lien!s, Sugges!ions )ro+ an
ou!side sour&e 6espe&ially !is audien&e7 al-ays elp -en i! &o+es !o &rea!ing a %e!!er
%usiness and pro)essional li)e,
3&:uire ne- (no-ledge -ene1er possi%le, I!8s i+por!an! !o s!ay on !op o) !e la!es!
!rends and de1elop+en!s in your )ield o) e2per!ise, ;Foogle 3ler!s< are a grea! -ay !o elp do
!is, Se! up your aler!s %y -a! is rele1an! !o your pro)ession, You -ill pi&( your sear& !er+s
and )ro+ !a! poin! on any ar!i&les !a! old !e !er+s spe&i)i& !o -a! you81e &osen -ill %e
upda!ed daily !o your e+ail,
En&ourage your )ello- e+ployees %y sending !ese e+ails ou! !o !e+ as -ell along
-i! any no!es and su++aries you +ay a1e, Bu! also re+e+%er !o %e prepared and edu&a!ed
a%ou! !e !opi& as you +ay en&oun!er so+e :ues!ions )ro+ your )or-arded in)or+a!ion,
Dedi&a!ion is %y )ar one o) !e +os! i+por!an! !rai!s o) %eing a %usiness o-ner, Wi!ou!
dedi&a!ion your %usiness is sure !o die a! a 1ery )as! and ard pa&e, You are !o!al &on!rol o1er
!a!, Wi! !e rig! (no-ledge. +o!i1a!ion and elp )ro+ par!ners and asso&ia!es you possess
all o) !e (eys and s(ills needed !o +a(e your %usiness run a! !op no!& per)or+an&e,
Chapter 3 Organization
I! is a%solu!ely ridi&ulous !o %egin a %usiness -i!ou! &learly a1ing a %usiness plan and
(no-ing -a! you8re doing, Wy in !e -orld -ould you open a &lo!ing s!ore and a1e no
&lo!ing ready !o %e ung and saleK Te ans-er is si+ple. %u! you +ay %e surprised a! o- )as!
people are so ready !o %egin a %usiness !a! !ey *u+p in -i! %o! )ee! -i!ou! a1ing a good
plan )irs!, ?rganiGa!ion also goes %eyond a %usiness plan, I! %egins -i! you, Being
disorganiGed no! only loo(s %ad %u! i! -ill ur! you la!er -en you &an8! )ind -a! is really
Part 23 'eaping 8ithout " P!an
I!8s a -onder)ul idea !o run your o-n %usiness, Crea!ing your o-n ours. -or(ing )ull
!i+e or par! !i+e as you -is, Being !e %oss ins!ead o) a1ing a %oss, In&o+e &o+ing in as
-or( !roug your day a! your o-n &on1enien&e, 3ll o) !ese !ings sound -onder)ul. %u! in
reali!y +os! %usiness pro)essionals unders!and !a! !is is no! al-ays !e &ase,
Te +is!a(e I81e seen +any %usiness +a(e is *u+ping in!o a %usiness -i!ou! a1ing a
se! plan on o- i! -ill a&!ually -or(, 3ll o) !e !ings +en!ioned pre1iously are and &an %e props
!o %eing a %usiness o-ner. %u! no! i) you don8! (no- -a! you are a&!ually going !o do,
I! !a(es a lo! o) ard -or(. long ours and dedi&a!ion !o prepare )or your ad1en!ure in
running a %usiness, Tere are +any gi++i&(s in !is -orld !o ge! you !o s!ar! a %usiness and
+ainly dedi&a!ed !o -o+en -o loo(ing !o -or( )ro+ o+e, Te %ene)i!s loo( so !e+p!ing !a!
!ey rarely no!i&e !e sar(s in !e -a!er %e)ore !ey !urn and say ;'o !an( you<,
Yes +any o) !e %usinesses o))er 1alid reasons on -y you sould %e&o+e a %usiness
o-ner. %u! do !ey o))er !e elp and a solid plan !o go -i! i! -en you %eginK Do no! depend
on so+eone else !o gi1e you a %usiness plan, Crea!e one yoursel), I) you are signing up as an
Independen! Consul!an! and are gi1en !e elp and au!ori!y )ro+ a Dire&!or. !en i! is o(ay !o
e2pe&! or re:ues! a %usiness plan, ?!er-ise. &rea!e one )or yoursel),
Use !e Wo. Wa!. Wen. Were. Ho- and Wy8s in your plan, Wri!e e1ery!ing do-n
and organiGe i! la!er, Crea!e a %inder a%ou! your )u!ure %usiness !o presen! !o yoursel) as a
re+inder and o!ers as you organiGe your plan,
E1en i) you are &urren!ly a %usiness o-ner -i! one already in progress. do !ese s!eps
)or !e )u!ure o) your %usiness, You -ill %e +ore en&ouraged i) you &an 1isually see !e
progress and goals )or !e %usiness !roug a %inder or pos!er,
Part 24 %he 7norganized Schedu!e
There cannot be a crisis ne.t week. %y schedule is already full.
-/enry &. 0issinger
3 %usy %usiness +eans a %usy s&edule, 9anaging your s&edule and ge!!ing i!
organiGed &an %e a !as( in i!sel), I! is o-e1er. so+e!ing !a! +us! %e done, By negle&!ing !e
organiGa!ion o) your e&!i& s&edule you &ould lose )u!ure %usiness &lien!s and no! !o +en!ion
a&&oun!s re&ei1a%le, You -ill also lose !e !rus! you need )or a good repu!a!ion, Be)ore you
de&ide !o le! !is go and gi1e up on your e&!i& s&edule. !a(e !ese !ings in!o &onsidera!ionJ
I! doesn8! !a(e superpo-ers !o (eep a s&edule organiGed. al!oug a !i+e !ra1el
+a&ine +ig! see+ !o elp in so+e o&&asions, Te )a&! is. i!8s si+ply i+possi%le !o )i!
e1ery!ing !a! needs !o %e done -ile running a %usiness in!o a !ypi&al nine !o )i1e %usiness
day, To !in( o!er-ise is *us! si+ply unrealis!i&, You &an o-e1er si+pli)y your plan %y
organiGing your daily s&edule,
Be)ore you %egin your day. e1alua!e your day, You +ay e1en do so a! !e %eginning o)
ea& -or( -ee(, Flan&e o1er your s&edule )or !e -ee( on a planner. -e!er %e a pysi&al
%oo( !a! you see in )ron! o) you and -ri!e in -i! a pen. +ar(er or pen&il or an online &alendar
su& as your Foogle Calendar, Wa! does !e %eginning o) ea& -or( day loo( li(eK Do you
-a(e up and si! do-n a! your des( only !o )ind yoursel) &o+ple!ely los! in !e &aosK ?r are you
!e person -o gra%s !e )irs! !ing o)) o) your To Do Lis! -i!ou! no!i&ing i!8s le1el o)
4e1ie- ea& !as(s le1el o) i+por!an&e and organiGe your +ee!ings a&&ording !o
i+por!an&e, 3d*us! ea& as i!8s ne&essary, 9a(e sure !o !a(e &are)ul &onsidera!ion !o !e
i+por!an! !as(s so !a! !ey are no! )orgo!!en !rougou! !e %usy day or -ee(,
Brea( your -or( day in!o %lo&(s o) i+por!an&e, 'e1er allo- yoursel) +ore !an )i)!een or
!ir!y +inu!es o) So&ial 9edia !i+e. e1en !oug i! &an %e %usiness rela!ed So&ial 9edia &an
%e&o+e a large dis!ra&!ion i) you8re no! &are)ul, S!ay a-ay )ro+ easy !as(s su& as &e&(ing
e+ail. replying !o T-ee!s and sur)ing !e -e% un!il your s&edule as %een organiGed, Tese
s+all !as(s !a! +ay see+ li(e !ey !a(e only se&onds !o &o+ple!e &an a&!ually !a(e up !o
nine!y +inu!es o) your !i+e -i!ou! you e1en realiGing i!,
Part 25 Oscured Concept O) %ime
Being la!e !o e1en!s and +ee!ings &an %e&o+e a %ad a%i! i) you8re no! &are)ul, I! &an
ruin your repu!a!ion. genera!e la&( o) !rus! in i+por!an! rela!ionsips and resul! in loss o)
%usiness deals, E1en so+e!ing as si+ple as %eing a )e- +inu!es !o e1ery +ee!ing -ill a1e a
nega!i1e long !er+ e))e&!, Tis sould %e a1oided a! all &os!,
Tere are -ays !a! you &an %e!!er prepare yoursel) !o elp pre1en! si!ua!ions li(e !ese
)ro+ o&&urring, 5irs! you sould o1eres!i+a!e your !i+e, I!8s %e!!er !o %e early or rig! on !i+e )or
all o) your +ee!ings and e1en!s ra!er !an !o %e la!e, Se! your &alendar )or !en +inu!es %e)ore
!e s&eduled !i+e so !a! you8ll %e in !e +indse! o) a&!ually %eing !ere early ra!er !an rig!
a! !e !i+e originally e2pe&!ed,
Se! your &lo&(s )or )i1e +inu!es aead, Tis -ill allo- )or !i+e !o ga!er yoursel) and
%elongings as -ell as !i+e )or !ra1el in &ase you sould a1e !o !a(e any une2pe&!ed de!ours,
Wen you are running early. you -ill %e +ore &al+ and ga!ered in your !oug!s, You &anno!
-or( produ&!i1ely and %e in a %usiness +indse! i) you are &on&erned -i! !i+e,
9any people are la!e %e&ause !ey si+ply do no! a1e !e !i+e in !eir s&edule !o do
e1ery!ing !a! needs !o %e done, Tis &an %e sol1ed %y si+ply no! doing as +u& and *us!
saying no, Wen you )igure ou! -a! !e priori!ies are and *us! do !ose. your s&edule -ill
%e&o+e a lo! +ore )ree and organiGed allo-ing )or %e!!er !i+e !o ge! you -ere you need !o %e
on !i+e,
Sel) a&(no-ledge+en! is !e +os! i+por!an! s!ep !o %eing on !i+e and &rea!ing a good
a%i! o) doing so, Wen you )igure ou! )or yoursel) !e -y8s o) your la!e !i+ing a%i!s. you -ill
%e a%le !o &orre&! !e+, Crea!e and organiGe your s&edule !e -ay you &oose !o li1e, Le! i!
re)le&! your li)e,
Part 26 Catastrophic -nvironment
Your o))i&e is your %usiness san&!uary, Te pla&e -ere you &an %e organiGed and ge!
all o) your -or( done in a )as! and produ&!i1e +anner, Ho-e1er -e8d all li(e )or !is !o %e !rue
and as good as i! sounds. -e (no- !a! i! *us! si+ply is no!, ?ur -or( en1iron+en! &an %e&o+e
:ui!e +essy and dull !rougou! our %usy -or( day and -e don8! al-ays a1e !e !i+e !o (eep i!
as !idy as -e8d li(e, Bu! !ere are -ays !o %a!!le !is +ess and &rea!e a %e!!er en1iron+en!,
Wen your o))i&e is a +ess. you -ill )ind yoursel) dis!ra&!ed, 'o! !o +en!ion you &ould
lose 1alua%le !ings !o your -or( day, You -ill )ind yoursel) spending +ore !i+e loo(ing )or an
i!e+ and possi%ly running la!e -ile doing so, Do you see o- !is +essy en1iron+en! &an
sno-%all in!o a &a!as!ropi& +ess )or your %usinessK
Begin -i! :ui&( a&&ess !o essen!ial i!e+s, ?rganiGe your area so !a! !e essen!ials
you -ill need are rig! -i!in rea&, Wile doing !is. &rea!e a spe&ial area !a! you -ill pla&e
!e days %elongings in so !a! you -ill no! %e sear&ing )or !e+. rig! %e)ore a +ee!ing,
3 %e!!er de&ora!ed -or( area -ill rela2 your +ind and gi1e you !e dri1e you need !o
a&!ually a1e !e -an! !o &o+e !o -or(, Hide your &a%les so !a! !ey aren8! seen, Ca%les &an
%e +essy and gi1e your +ind a sense o) e2!ra -or( !o &lean i! up, Hang pi&!ures and ar! o)
inspira!ion. as -ell as your a&&o+plis+en!s, 3dding li1e plan!s -ill elp !e o2ygen &ir&ula!e
!rougou! !e roo+ and +a(e your )eel as i) you are less li(e you are >&ooped up8 in an o))i&e
Wen i! &o+es !o !e&nology. &lean up your &lu!!er, Using progra+s su& as DropBo2
and SugarSyn& 6-i& are online progra+s !o elp sor! your i!e+s7 -ill elp you re+ain
organiGed -i! your )iles, 9a(e sure !a! you also au!o+a!e o) your opening and &losings !o !e
apps on your &o+pu!er, Tis -ill elp re+o1e any allo!!ed !i+e !a! isn8! ne&essary )ro+ your
-or( day,
Part 2# 4!ogging +s 5or 4oredom
The influence of blogging is overall a very positive force in the media.
-1arrett 1raff
I) you8re %usiness is no! already %logging. !en you sould &onsider doing so, Do no!
!in( o) %logging )or !ose -o are %ored or loo(ing )or re&ipes, Tere are %usiness o-ners -o
do no! 1alue !e i+por!an&e o) %logging. %u! sould, 9ay%e you8re a %usiness o-ner -o
doesn8! )eel li(e !ey a1e !e -ri!ing !alen! or !i+e !o pull i! o))K ?r you +ay )all under !e
&a!egory o) +any o!ers -o )eel li(e %logging -ill *us! no! %ring !e 1alue !o !e &o+pany )or
!e !i+e !a! i! !a(es !o do so,
Learn !o e+%ra&e !e po-er o) &on!en! )irs! and )ore+os!, Blogging isn8! only a%ou!
&a!&ing !e eye o) readers, I!8s a%ou! learning and edu&a!ing !e )a&!s !o o!ers, I!8s also a%ou!
%usiness, Tere are +any %ene)i!s !o your %usiness -en i! &o+es !o %logging,
5irs! !ere is !e %ene)i! o) s!aying up !o da!e -i! !e la!es! in !e&nology and re&alls )or
your %usiness8 produ&!s and ser1i&es, 'o! only are you in)or+ing your readers o) !is
in)or+a!ion. %u! you are also %eing )or&ed !o &rea!e a good a%i! o) (eeping up !o da!e -i!
!ese i+por!an! issues yoursel),
'e2! you -ill )ind !a! you -ill a1e an ans-er )or any :ues!ion regarding your %usiness
!a! &an %e !ro-n your -ay, In grade s&ool your !ea&ers +ay a1e as(ed you !o !a(e no!es
during presen!a!ions and le&!ures, Te poin! in !is -asn8! !o %ore you !o sleep. i! -as o-e1er
!a! -en you -ri!e so+e!ing do-n you are a%le !o a%sor% !e in)or+a!ion %e!!er,
You +ay also )ind !a! %y %logging you -ill %e&o+e a %e!!er !ea&er !o your &lien!s, Tis
is good espe&ially i) you are so+eone -o as a ard !i+e e2plaining a su%*e&!, By s!udying
and %logging your resear&. you -ill )ind !a! your pu%li& spea(ing -ill %e&o+e easier -i! e1ery
ar!i&le -ri!!en, You -ill also )ind !a! you &an &rea!e a &us!o+er poin! o) 1ie-. seeing +ore
&learly )ro+ !eir perspe&!i1e,
Tere -ill also %e o&&urren&es -ere your &o+pany -ill &o+e a&ross a lead !a! isn8!
:ui!e ready )or your &o+pany8s produ&!s or ser1i&es, 5a&! is !a! !e +ore !i+e you spend -i! a
&onsu+er !a! isn8! ready )or your ser1i&es. !a! is less !i+e you are !a(ing a-ay )ro+ a &lien!
-o is, Wi! !oday8s !e&nology. &o+panies are no- a%le !o !ra&( !e is!ory o) !eir leads as
)ar as !o -a! &on!en! !e &lien!s are 1ie-ing on !eir -e%si!e is &on&erned, Consolida!e all o)
your %log8s &on!en! -i! e1ery aspe&! o) your sales +e!od,
Part 2$ <isused Resources
In a per)e&! -orld %usinesses -ould ne1er a1e !o )a&e !e po!en!ial o) e+ployees. or
%usiness o-ners. &o++i!!ing )inan&ial )raud, I! does o-e1er appen and so+e!i+es -i!ou!
e1en !e purpose o) in!en!ion !o ur! !e %usiness. al!oug &o++on sense %egs !o di))er, Tis
is a )a&! !a! is un)or!una!ely all !oo &o++on in !e s+all %usiness -orld,
9isuse o) &o++on resour&es are dele!erious !o a %usiness -en a%used %y e+ployees
or i!8s o-n %usiness o-ner, Bri%ery. peddling %y in)luen&e and +anipula!ion o) pri&e di))eren&es
as -ell as )inan&ial s!a!e+en!s are all -ays !a! a &o+pany &an )a&e )inan&ial )raud,
Barnes R 'o%le. Yaoo and 3+aGon are all a+ong !e &o+panies -o a1e %een
a))e&!ed %y %usiness )raud, We!er you )all under !e )or!une )i1e=undred &a!egory or are a
s+all lo&al &o+pany o) only a )e- e+ployees. you +ay %e )a&ed -i! e+ployer )raud -e!er i!
%e )ro+ an ou!side sour&e or an e+ployee a&(er,
'o %usiness grea! or s+all. is i++une !o )raud, Ho-e1er !ere are -ays !a! you &an
pre1en! !is )ro+ appening !o yours, Co+pany loss )ro+ %usiness )raud in !e Uni!ed S!a!es
alone are e2pe&!ed !o es!i+a!e -ell o1er PA00 %illion annually in a&&ordan&e -i!
e+%eGGle+en! a&&oun!ing. !a! add up !o o1er P100 +illion in annual losses,
To a s+all %usiness o-ner !ese nu+%ers -ill see+ )airly ig and ou! o) rea& !o !eir
indi1idual &o+panies in&o+e, You +ay %e surprised !oug a! *us! o- ig !e a+oun!s &an
rea& -en i! &o+es !o -a! -as on&e a !rus!ed e+ployee. %usiness asso&ia!e or &us!o+er and
)raud, Te nu+%ers &an !riple rig! %e)ore your eyes and %e )a&ed -i! %an(rup!&y or e1en +ore
so !rou%le -i! !e I4S,
Tere are personali!y !rai!s you &an loo( )or !a! -ill elp you !o pre1en! %usiness )raud,
Te personali!y !rai!s +ay )all under !e )ollo-ing= su& as o1er &on)iden&e in sel) -or!.
e2aggera!ion in a&&o+plis+en!. pa!ologi&al lying and )ailure in a&&ep!ing responsi%ili!y o)
ones a&!ions,
Do+inan! !ypes o) )raud &o++i!!ed are e+%eGGle+en! o) )inan&e as -ell as !e)! o)
&o+pany proper!y, To elp pre1en! !ese )ro+ appening. %e sure !o (eep &lose eyes on
+isuse o) !ra1el e2penses. &o+pany proper!y and unau!oriGed use o) en!er!ain+en! e2penses
or &o+pany &redi! &ard usage, By !a(ing !e e2!ra !i+e !o +oni!or !ese !ings. you -ill possi%ly
sa1e your &o+panys )inan&ial )u!ure,
Part 2& %he 1egative Compan= Pro)i!e
Tin( a%ou! your resu+e )or a +o+en!, Wa! does i! in&ludeK Wen &rea!ing a resu+e.
I8+ sure you -ere &on&en!ra!ing on &ons!ru&!ing one !a! -as i+pressi1e and +ade !o s!and ou!
)ro+ !e res!, You sould !in( o) your &o+pany pro)ile *us! !e sa+e,
Ous! li(e your &o+pany8s repu!a!ion. your &o+pany pro)ile sould a&:uire !e sa+e
!rai!s= i! sould %e posi!i1e and in1i!ing )or !e &us!o+er !o re!urn !o your ser1i&es, Your
&o+pany pro)ile is -a! your &lien!s -ill see as a -ole )or your %usiness, Tis -ill in&lude your
&o+pany8s is!ory. i!8s nu+%er o) e+ployees. !e :uali!y o) !e e+ployees.. pas! and &urren!
su&&ess. !e &ondi!ion o) !e produ&!s and ser1i&es and !e organiGa!ional and +anage+en!
You +ay no! !in( !a! your &lien!s loo( a! all o) !ese !ings. %u! !ey do= as -ell as
po!en!ial e+ployees, I!8s no! un&o++on )or a *o% see(er !o e1alua!e a &o+pany %e)ore !ey are
&onsidered )or an in!er1ie-, Li(e your &us!o+ers. )u!ure e+ployees !a(e a &o+panys pro)ile in!o
ig &onsidera!ion %e)ore !ey &on!inue !o s!ri1e )or a long !er+ &o++i!+en!,
Te &o+pany pro)ile de!er+ines !e repu!a!ion. so !ry !o unders!and !is &learly so !a! i!
isn8! &on)used, I! is -i!in !e &o+pany8s pro)ile !a! olds !e po-er !o dire&! !e repu!a!ion.
e1en i) i! is already nega!i1e, 3 posi!i1e &o+pany pro)ile &an +ore :ui&(ly o1er&o+e and )i2 a
nega!i1e repu!a!ion. !an one -o as a pro)ile is!ory !a! is nega!i1e,
Tere are al-ays ne- &an&es arising !o )i2 your &o+pany pro)ile sould so+e!ing go
-rong, 'e- ad1er!ise+en!s. ne- +anage+en!. ne- s!a)). ne- e:uip+en! and upda!ed !raining
+a!erials are al-ays op!ions you &an !a(e !o &rea!e a %rig!er pro)essional is!ory, Te
)or!una!e !ing a%ou! repu!a!ion is !a! i! -on8! las! )ore1er i) you a&(no-ledge and )i2 i! rig!
a-ay, 3 &o+pany8s is!ory o-e1er -ill. %u! !e pro)ile &an %e ad*us!ed a! any !i+e,
Part 3* Remaining Organized
Fe!!ing organiGed and re+aining organiGed are !-o &o+ple!ely di))eren! and 1ery
i+por!an! !as(s, I!8s -onder)ul !o %e&o+e organiGed, I! gi1es us a sense o) re)res+en! and
&lari!y, Te )eeling -e a1e -ill ge! adrenaline going and suddenly -e %e&o+e +ore produ&!i1e,
Bu! %e)ore -e (no- i!. our -or(spa&e &an %e&o+e :ui!e disas!rous,
Wen your -or( spa&e as %e&o+e &a!a&lys+i&. our energy no longer )lo-s )reely and
our +ood %egins !o &ange, In re!urn our produ&!i1i!y slo-s !i+e as -ell as our !i+e %e&ause
-e !end !o lose i+por!an! i!e+s -e need. -i& &ould no! only slo- do-n our s&edule %u!
&ould &ause our +ood !o des&en! as -ell,
4e+aining organiGed needs !o %e&o+e a ne- par! o) li)e, Crea!e a dis&ipline !o elp !e
-or(spa&e a%ide as a &lean and produ&!i1e area, Use la%els. +ail%o2es. )ile &a%ine!s and +os!
i+por!an!ly !a(e !e !i+e !o use !e+,
I!8s %een said !a! e1ery o+e as !a! one spo! -ere all e2&essi1e i!e+s are !ro-n, I)
your s&edule only allo-s )or you !o organiGe your >&lu!!er pile8 on&e a -ee(. !en )i! i! in!o your
-or( day and do so, Sould you need !o ire so+eone !o elp you re+ain organiGed. do !a! as
-ell, 3 &lean o))i&e -ill no! only elp you s!ay produ&!i1e %u! i! -ill also gi1e you a sense o)
pride and a&&o+plis+en! and gi1e a good i+pression !o your &lien!s as -ell,
3 &a!alogued s&edule. de!ailed %usiness plan and &lean en1iron+en! a! are all a s+all
par! o) &rea!ing !e organiGed pro)essional li)es!yle !o (eep your en!usias+ and -or()lo-
s!eady, I! -ill !a(e de!er+ina!ion and )o&us !o re+ain organiGed. do don8! allo- nega!i1e
!oug!s !o slo- you do-n or &rea!e !oug!s !a! -ill s!op you )ro+ +ain!aining !e
organiGa!ion you need,
Chapter 4 Customer Service
Te old -i1es !ale !a! !e &us!o+er is al-ays rig! is par!ly !rue, Te &us!o+er is rig! in
a1ing !eir o-n opinion. and i! is *us! !a! )a&! !a! -ill %ring in old and ne- %usiness, You +us!
lis!en !o !eir &on&erns and unders!and o- -a! you8re selling -ill %ene)i! !e+, To realiGe !a!
al!oug you a1e a %usiness. i! is no! a%ou! you %u! a%ou! !e+ %e&ause -a! you8re selling is
)or !e+. is !e ul!i+a!e realiGa!ion as a %usiness o-ner,
Part 31 "ssuming %he= "ren0t +nterested
Wen you are +ar(e!ing your ser1i&es you are e2pe&!ed !o &on&en!ra!e on !e iges!
1olu+e o) audien&e !a! is e2pe&!ed !o -an! and need -a! you a1e !o o))er, You sould no!
o-e1er. )orge! a%ou! !e +inori!y -o you -ould no! e2pe&! -ould need !e+. %u! do, Tis is a
1ery &o++on +is!a(e !a! is o)!en +ade and in re!urn +any %usiness sales a1e %een los! -i!
!e -ind,
'o! e1eryone !in(s !o !al( a%ou! !eir %usiness. produ&!s or ser1i&es espe&ially -en
you8re a! an e1en! li(e a li!!le league ga+e )or e2a+ple, Se! !e +ind)ra+e )or yoursel) !a!
po!en!ial &us!o+ers are e1ery-ere, I) you a1e a %usiness rela!ed sir!. %ase%all &ap. %ag or
pen use !e+ and !a(e !e+ -i! you -ere1er you +ay go,
By doing !is. you are silen!ly ad1er!ising, Spea(ing a%ou! your %usiness -i!ou! e1er
a1ing !o say an a&!ual -ord, 3nd ye!. e1en !oug you are doing !ese !ings you +ay a1e
!e silen! &us!o+er -i& is in!eres!ed %u! says no!ing, 5or !is reason alone you +ay %e
losing ou! on a sale,
Do no! assu+e !a! !e people you are surrounded %y aren8! in!eres!ed in -a! your
%usiness as !o o))er *us! )or !e pre1ious reasons, Ous! %e&ause !ey don8! a&(no-ledge your
silen! ad1er!ise+en!s or don8! )all under !e &a!egory o) your !arge!ed audien&e. doesn8! +ean
!ey donQ!8 a1e a need )or your ser1i&es or (no- so+eone -o does,
E1en !oug grand+a +ay no! a1e a need )or your repu!a!ion +ar(e!ing. se +ay
a1e a neig%or -o *us! )i2ed er se-ing +a&ine and is in gra1e need o) so+e elp suppor!
)or !eir %usiness, Bu! o- -ill you (no- unless you e2plain your %usiness or si+ply as(K I!8s
si+ple. you -on8!,
Sould you &oose !o re+ain silen! and ne1er as( :ues!ions or assu+e !a! !e person
isn8! in!eres!ed. you -ill !en !a(e !e op!ion o) losing %usiness deals %e)ore !ey e1er ad !e
&an&e !o &lose= or %egin,
Part 32 %reat Your 4usiness 'i2e " 9arage Sa!e
Sould %e in !e %usiness -ere re!ail as !e upper and !o your su&&ess. ne1er !rea!
your i!e+s as i) you -ere os!ing a garage sale, You are running a %usiness and no! a sale in
)ron! o) your o+e, Unless you -is !o %e&o+e !e %usiness -i! !e repu!a!ion !a! is a
&o+ple!e -al(=o1er and la&( respe&! -i!in your &o++uni!y. you sould ne1er sell in re!ail in an
unpro)essional +anner,
You -ill no! earn !e respe&! you need as a %usiness o-ner %y running a %usiness as i)
i! olds no i+por!an&e, Carge !e proper !a2es. do no! %argain -i! your pri&es unless you
a1e s!ri&! pri&e +a!&ing poli&ies. ne1er pu! !e +oney in your po&(e! ins!ead o) a proper &as
dispenser and do no! !rea! any one &us!o+er +ore spe&ial !an !e res!,
'o! only -ill you %e opening yoursel) and %usiness up )or a %ad repu!a!ion. you -ill also
%e -el&o+ing !e dra+a and anguis o) %e&o+ing a 1i&!i+ o) ro%%ery, You &anno! e2pe&! !o %e
!a(en serious in any -ay i) you sould le! any &us!o+er pus you o1er -i! your %usiness,
4e+e+%er -en !o old your au!ori!y and al-ays !rea! your %usiness. li(e a %usiness,
3lso (eep in +ind !a! ru+ors spread li(e -ild)ire on a o! and dry day, By doing a )a1or )or one
&us!o+er. you -ill soon %e e2pe&!ed o) !a! %y +any, Word o) +ou! is %y )ar one o) !e
easies!. )as!es! and +os! un&on!rolled -ay o) ad1er!ising. and you don8! -an! nega!i1e pu%li&i!y
a! any &os!,
Part 33 +gnore %he Specia! %reatment
Wen you -ere a &ild. o- did i! +a(e you )eel !o re&ei1e a &ard in !e +ail s!a!ing you
&ould &o+e in )or a )ree i&e &rea+ or piGGa )or your %ir!dayK I) you -ere one o) !e lu&(y ones
-o go! one o) !ose. you (no- !a! !e )eeling -as a-eso+eJ I! +ade you )eel spe&ial and
ga1e your %ir!day !a! e2!ra (i&( o) appiness !o +a(e !e day e1en +ore grea!, Ho- a%ou!
!a(ing so+e ad1i&e )ro+ old s&ool pro)essionalsK I!8s !i+e !o do *us! !e sa+e )or your o-n
Do no! ge! so -rapped up in your -or( !a! you )orge! !o le! your &us!o+ers. and
po!en!ial &lien!s. *us! o- i+por!an! !eir %usiness is !o you, Ta(e !e !i+e !o personally !an(
!e+, You &an do !is %y sending !e+ a &ard ei!er pysi&ally !roug snail +ail or online. or
!rea!ing !e+ !o a gi)!, By doing !is. you are gi1ing !e+ !a! sa+e sense o) appre&ia!ion as !e
young &ild -o -as loo(ing )or-ard !o !a! )ree i&e &rea+ sundae,
I) you aren8! a%le !o do i! yoursel). a1e your e+ployees or assis!an! &rea!e a spe&ial
&alendar )or %usiness anni1ersaries and %ir!days !a! -ill re+ind you o) !ese i+por!an! da!es,
3no!er reason !o so- !e+ appre&ia!ion is a)!er a +ee!ing. e1en i) a deal as no! %een
&losed, Tis -ill %e )ound as respe&!)ul and you +ay %e re+e+%ered in !e )u!ure sould a
si!ua!ion arise -ere your ser1i&es are needed,
Part 34 1ot Recognizing Potentia! Customers
Te !i+id %usiness o-ner -ill %e !e one !o o1erloo( po!en!ial &lien!s, Do no! %e a)raid !o
lis!en and lis!en &o+ple!ely, Tere are (eys !a! -ill open !e door )or you !o %egin a %usiness
deal %u! i! is up !o you !o re&ogniGe !e+ and open !ose doors,
In e1er &asual &on1ersa!ion !ere are a! leas! !-o oppor!uni!ies )or you !o re&ogniGe
!ese &ues and &allenge !e+ -i! your !al(ing a%ou! your %usiness, Wen !al(ing !o so+eone
you (no- ou!side o) -or( or -i! -o+ you *us! +e!. le!8s say a! !e gy+. i!8s easy !o no! !in(
a%ou! your %usiness, 3l-ays s!ay in a %usiness +indse!,
Te !eenager you *us! spo(e -i! -ile s!anding in line )or !e roller &oas!er +ay %e
see(ing a par! !i+e *o% and is possess8 !e %asi& s(ills needed )or !e assis!an!s posi!ion you
a1e %een &onsidering iring )or, ?ppor!uni!ies )or you %usiness are e1ery-ere %u! i! is your
*o% !o re&ogniGe and u!iliGe !e+,
Tis is no! !e sa+e as assu+ing so+eone is no! in!eres!ed, By assu+ing !ey are no!
in!eres!ed you a1e already &onsidered !al(ing -i! !e+ a%ou! your pro)essional &areer and
op!ed ou! o) going any )ur!er -i! !e &on1ersa!ion, By no! re&ogniGing !e (ey-ords. you are
+issing !e oppor!uni!y !a! as already %een presen!ed !o you,
Try &allenging yoursel) %y -ri!ing do-n )i1e sen!en&es and )i1e (ey-ords !a! +ay >ring
a %ell8 -ile a1ing a &asual &on1ersa!ion, 3)!er you -ri!e !e+ do-n. don8! *us! si! !e+ aside,
4ole play -i! ano!er person so !a! you a1e pra&!i&e and -ill %e +ore a-are !e ne2! !i+e
you ear !e+,
Part 35 "voiding >uestions
'uccessful people ask better 2uestions, and as a result, they get better answers.
-Tony $obbins
I!8s ine1i!a%le !a! you are going !o %e )a&ed -i! :ues!ions !rougou! your pro)essional
&areer, You &an &oose !o )a&e !e+ and ans-er a%rup!ly. or you &an sy a-ay, Te o%1ious
ans-er is !a! you -an! !o ans-er all :ues!ions !o !e %es! o) your a%ili!y, 9ee! !e :ues!ions
ead on and -i! au!ori!y le! !e &us!o+er (no- !a! you are !e %es! in !e %usiness )or -a!
you do,
Ta! isn8! al-ays !e &ase o-e1er and !e )a&! is !a! &an a&!ually %e so+e!i+es ou! o)
your &on!rol, Tere -ill %e !i+es -en :ues!ions -ill arise !a! you -ill no! a1e an ans-er !o,
Bu! i! is no! o(ay !o si+ply a1oid !e+, Wi! (no-ledge and pra&!i&e !ere -ill no! %e a :ues!ion
you -ill no! %e a%le !o ans-er :ui&(ly and do+inan!ly,
You sould also no! %e a)raid !o as( :ues!ions, 'o +a!!er -a! you are selling. you
sould al-ays %e &urious and edu&a!ed a%ou! your &us!o+er, Te +ore you (no- a%ou! !e+
and -a! !ey are see(ing. !e %e!!er &an&e you -ill a1e a! +a!&ing !e+ -i! !e rig! )i! )or
your ser1i&es and &losing !e deal,
3l-ays re+e+%er !e -o. -a!. -en. -ere. -y and o- -en spea(ing -i! your
&lien!, Tere is no!ing -rong -i! as(ing :ues!ions. as :ues!ions -ill ge! you one s!ep &loser !o
-ere you need !o %e in your %usiness deal, Tere are +any &us!o+ers -ill as( :ues!ions in
re!urn su& as -y you need !o (no- !e ans-ers. %u! you si+ply reassure !e+ !a! i! is )or
%usiness purposes only,
3lso you sould ne1er a1e )ear -en i! &o+es !o as(ing :ues!ions !o your e+ployees
or your +en!ors, Your e+ployees a1e 1alua%le in)or+a!ion !a! you need !o pro!e&! and +a(e
your %usiness gro- and your +en!ors are !ere !o elp, Your +en!ors &anno! gi1e you !e
ans-ers you need unless you are -illing !o as(,
Part 36 %he Customer +s "!(a=s Right
Ba&( in !e days -en our grandparen!s -ere i(ing !en +iles in !e sno- !o ge! !o
s&ool. !e saying ;!e &us!o+er is al-ays rig!< +ay a1e %een 1ery li(ely !rue, ?r. li(e in
&urren! !i+es !oday i! 1ery -ell +ay no! a1e %een !rue %u! ra!er ye! a &on!ri1an&e !o +a(e
sure !a! !e &us!o+er re+ained sa!is)ied ou! o) )ear o) losing !eir ser1i&e= no +a!!er !e loss
)or !e &o+pany,
Te )a&! is !a! !e &us!o+er is no! al-ays rig!, 3l!oug !is isn8! so+e!ing !a!
sould %e announ&ed !o a &us!o+er sould !ere %e &on!ro1ersy. i! sould %e re+e+%ered,
Belie1e i! or no! !ere are going !o %e disones! &us!o+ers !a! -ill &ross your pa! during your
pro)essional &areer, Despera!e !i+es -ill &ause e1en !e earnes! o) &o++uni!y +e+%ers !o do
!ings !a! !ey -ould no! nor+al do as a par! o) sur1i1al,
E1en !oug i!8s o(ay !o &orre&! a si!ua!ion !o please a &lien!. you sould no! do so i) you
%elie1e !a! !e &lien! is one &learly -rong and !-o i! -ill ar+ your %usiness )inan&ially,
4e+e+%er !a! repu!a!ions are easily ad*us!ed -i! proper elp and %ea1ior so don8! allo- !is
s!op you )ro+ doing !e rig! !ing ei!er,
E1alua!e e1ery si!ua!ion and !a(e as +u& !i+e as needed, I) you &an )eel yoursel)
%e&o+ing !oo e+o!ionally &aug! up in a &on1ersa!ion. don8! esi!a!e !o !ell !e &us!o+er !a!
!i+e -ill %e needed !o e2a+ine !e si!ua!ion )ur!er, Despi!e !e le1el o) )rus!ra!ion on !eir par!.
i!8s i+por!an! )or your %usiness8 )u!ure !a! you re+ain &al+. &ool and &olle&!ed and andle
e1ery si!ua!ion posi!i1e or nega!i1e in !e +os! pro)essional -ay as possi%le,
Part 3# 1o Customer 'ist
I) you do no! already a1e a &us!o+er lis!. i!8s i+por!an! !a! you %egin !o &rea!e one
!oday, In !e &ase !a! one doesn8! already e2is! )or you. i!8s %e&ause o) one reason= you are
si+ply no! as(ing, Don8! %e a)raid !o as( )or personal in)or+a!ion or &olla%ora!e !e in)or+a!ion
already pro1ided and add !e+ !o your &us!o+er %ase, Fro-ing a &us!o+er lis! is one o) !e
+os! i+por!an! !ings you &an do )or a %usiness,
Wi!ou! a1ing a &us!o+er lis! you are re)raining yoursel) )ro+ gro-ing your &us!o+er
%ase in !e )u!ure, You -on8! %e a%le !o &on!a&! !e+ )or spe&ials on !eir %ir!days or
anni1ersaries. )ollo- up -i! !e+ a)!er +ee!ings or ser1i&es are rendered. or !ou& %ase -i!
!e+ sould !ey de&ide !o )ollo- up -i! your )or ser1i&es la!er,
Te %asi&s !a! you sould (no- )or your &us!o+er lis! are as )ollo-s:
1, Teir na+e
#, Teir %usiness na+e 6i) a1aila%le7
$, Purpose o) +ee!ing -i! !e+ 6in&luding !i+eNda!e o) +ee!ing7
@, Ser1i&es !ey are in!eres!ed in
A, Pri&es es!i+a!ed or pri&e ad*us!+en!s !a! -ere +ade
B, Con!a&! in)or+a!ion
C, Con!ra&! de!ailsNre&eip! in)or+a!ion
D, 3ny addi!ional no!es ne&essary
Te &us!o+er lis! &an %e a paper lis! !a! you a1e pysi&ally s!ored in a )ire sa)e pla&e.
or 1ia your &o+pu!er or o!er ele&!roni&, Te +os! &o++on -ay !o s!ore a &us!o+er lis! in
&urren! !i+es -ould !o &rea!e an e2&el see! !roug a progra+ su& as in your Foogle
Part 3$ <ar2eting %o %he 8rong "udience
3 1ery &o++on +is!a(e +any %usiness o-ners +a(e is +ar(e!ing !o !e -rong
audien&e, 'e- %usiness o-ners are espe&ially sus&ep!i%le !o !is +is!a(e %e&ause !ey are
!rying !o +ar(e! !o e1eryone in order !o ge! !eir %usiness %oo+ing a! a 1ery )as! pa&e, 3l!oug
!ere is no!ing -rong -i! -an!ing !o see your %usiness a1e i++edia!e su&&ess. you +ay %e
pusing ou! +oney. !i+e and energy in all o) !e -rong pla&es. -i& &ould lead !o a loss o)
%usiness and a lo! o) disappoin!+en!,
Be)ore you go as(ing yoursel) !-en!y !i+es in !e +irror -ere you -en! -rong. !a(e
one !ing in!o &onsidera!ion -en )irs! s!ar!ing ou! or re)resing your %usiness +indse!. !e
)o&us on your !arge! audien&e, 3s( yoursel) !ese :ues!ions %e)ore you &oose -o spe&i)i&ally
-an! !o !arge! -i! !e +os! +ar(e!ing:
M Wo is in need o) -a! I a1e !o pro1ideK
M Wa! areas do !ey li1e in or a1e a %usiness inK
M Wa! +a(es +y produ&!sNser1i&es in!eres!ing !o !e+K
M I) I -ere !is audien&e. -y -ould I -an! !o pur&ase -a! I a1e !o sellK
M Ho- do I +ar(e! !o !is audien&e in !e iges! per)or+an&e )a&!orK 6So&ial 9edia. e!&,7
?n&e you a1e !e ans-ers !o !ese :ues!ions. you -ill !en %e a%le !o a1e a +u&
&learer unders!anding o) -a! !arge! audien&e is in !e +os! need o) -a! you a1e !o o))er,
Part 3& +gnoring Your Diverse Customer 4ase
?n&e you (no- -o your !arge! audien&e is. you &an %egin !o e2pand your +ar(e!ing !o
your di1erse &us!o+er %ase, 9any %usiness o-ners negle&! !o de)ine and re&ogniGe !is less
spo(en o) &a!egory o) &us!o+ers,
In !oday8s -orld i!8s al+os! ine1i!a%le !a! you -ill %e -or(ing in a +ul!i&ul!ural &us!o+er
ser1i&e en1iron+en!, Your a%ili!y !o +ar(e! your %usiness and deal -i! di))eren! %ea1iors )ro+
&us!o+ers -ill &learly %e &allenged, Tis is %e&ause you are +ore li(ely !o &o+e in &on!a&!
-i! people )ro+ di))eren! %elie)s. &ul!ures and %a&(grounds, You -ill en&oun!er pro%le+s
unless you &ange your le1el o) di1ersi!y ignoran&e,
Be&ause !is -orld is so di1erse in !ose !ree spe&i)i& -ays. %ea1iors -ill also 1ary, I!
is your responsi%ili!y !o send posi!i1e +essages !o your &us!o+ers !roug your a&!ions and
a!!i!ude, You +ay !in(. %u! aren8! all &us!o+ers !e sa+eK Te ans-er is a%solu!ely no!J Tere
are &ul!ures. people or %ea1iors !a! are ali(e, I) you are no! prepared !o +anage !e
di))eren&es. you are +ore li(ely !o e2perien&e poor &us!o+er ser1i&e. anger and in !e -ors!
&ase s&enario loss o) %usiness,
Part 4* -.pecting %he Customer %o Come %o You
The best customer service is if the customer doesn*t need to call you, doesn*t need
to talk to you. It just works. -#eff 3e4os
Wen running a %usiness i!8s i+por!an! !a! you +ar(e! yoursel) -ell, 3 )re:uen! +is!a(e
!a! +any %usiness o-ners +a(e 6no +a!!er o- long !ey81e %een in %usiness7 is allo-ing
!e+sel1es !o pro&ras!ina!e -ile !in(ing !a! !e &us!o+er -ill *us! &o+e !o !e+ as needed
)or produ&!s and ser1i&es, Bu! o- &an a &us!o+er &o+e !o you. i) !ey don8! (no- a%ou! youK
I!8s 1ery easy !o )orge! a%ou! a %usiness !a! isn8! -ell dressed in +ar(e!ing -i! a
popular repu!a!ion, 'o +a!!er o- +u& you !in( your %usiness is -or! &o+ing !o -en
needed. i) you8re no! !oug! o) a! leas! on&e a -ee(. !en you -ill surely no! ge! !e &us!o+er
!o &o+e !o you ins!ead o) !e &o+pe!i!ion -i!ou! so+e e))or!,
Te +ore e))or! you +a(e. !e %e!!er your &an&es -ill %e !o rea& !e &us!o+er and
grasp !eir %usiness, Don8! le! oppor!uni!y slip !roug your )ingers %e&ause you -ere !oo
&on)iden! in your %usiness !o pu! ou! !e e2!ra a!!e+p! !o rea& your !arge! audien&e,
4e+e+%er. your *o% resul!s -ill so- in !e -or( you pu! in!o your %usiness,
I! see+s 1ery una!!ra&!i1e !o a &us!o+er i) you +a(e no e))or! )or !eir a!!en!ion, Tey
-ill surely end up going !o a &o+pe!i!or -o !rea!s !e+ as i) !ey are !e nu+%er one priori!y.
in -i& !ey sould )eel !ey are, 5a&! is !a! !e &us!o+er is no! going !o &o+e !o you i) !ey
do no! !in( !a! !eir %usiness is un-an!ed a! your &o+pany,
In !e &ase !a! you !in( you are si+ply !oo %usy !o rea& ou! !o your &us!o+ers. +a(e
i! a priori!y !o &rea!e a lis! and de1o!e !ir!y +inu!es e1eryday !o your +ar(e!ing e))or!s !o !ose
you 1alue !o your %usiness, By !a(ing !is !i+e e1ery single day. you -ill see posi!i1e resul!s
a)!er !e )irs! !ir!y days,
I) you are no! seeing !e resul!s !a! sa!is)y you %y !a(ing !is !i+e allo-an&e. !en
&ange your ga+e plan and %egin again, 9a(e sure you do !is religiously and don8!
pro&ras!ina!e, Te &us!o+er -ill no! al-ays &o+e !o you and souldn8! %e e2pe&!ed !o you, i!8s
up !o you !o gro- your &us!o+er %ase %e&ause a)!er all. -i!ou! your &us!o+ers you -ould a1e
no need )or opes in %usiness gro-!,
Part 41 1o ;%r= 4e)ore You 4u=0 Option
9any &us!o+ers e2pe&! a >Try i! %e)ore you %uy i!8 op!ion %e)ore !ey &o++i! !o a
pur&ase, Tis isn8! re:uired )or e1ery %usiness and as a +a!!er o) )a&! I a1e )ound !a! )e-
o-ners in !e pas! a1e a&!ually op!ed ou! o) a1ing any (ind o) sale. &oupon or any!ing
re+o!ely )ree o))ered !o !eir &us!o+ers= as !ey )eel !is !a(es a-ay )ro+ !e 1alue o) -a!
!ey a1e !o o))er !roug !eir %usiness,
You sould ne1er )ear a-ay )ro+ !e !oug! o) gi1ing a-ay any!ing )or )ree,
Cus!o+ers are dra-n !o -a! !ey are o))ered and so+e are a&!ually )la!!ered %y !e !oug! o)
!e spe&ial s!a!us !ey )eel -en re&ei1ing so+e!ing o) 1alue, Tis isn8! a re:uire+en! )or your
%usiness as +eans. %u! &an elp you &rea!e a &us!o+er %ase espe&ially -en you are *us!
%eginning your ne- &areer as a %usiness o-ner,
So+e )ood )or !oug! is !o !in( o) a >!ry i! %e)ore you %uy i! op!ion8 as a -ay !o so-
&onsu+ers !a! you are &on)iden! in your produ&!s and ser1i&es, So &on)iden! !a! you a1e no
pro%le+ -i! gi1ing !e+ !e op!ion !o !a(e !e )irs! s!ep -i!ou! any &o++i!+en!, 9a(e sure
!a! i) you &oose !o go -i! !is op!ion and +a(e i! a1aila%le !o your &lien!s. no! !o +a(e i!
sound as i) you are despera!e )or !e sale ei!er,
I!8s o(ay !o %e auda&ious -i! your o))ers -i!ou! see+ing !oo &areless, Tere is no!ing
-orse !an a %usiness o-ner -o is so despera!e )or your %usiness !a! you are a&!ually
sunned a-ay )ro+ !e sale, Don8! le! !is appen !o your %usinessJ Be &on)iden! in your )ree
o))erings -i!ou! see+ing i+pe!uous,
Part 42 1ot Pa=ing "ttention %o Customers 1eeds
Cus!o+ers &an %e 1ery de+anding e1en in !e +os! silen! -ays, Tere are &ues you
+us! -a!& and lis!en )or -en i! &o+es !o your &lien! !a! -on8! al-ays %e re&ogniGa%le rig!
a-ay, 3! !i+es. you -ill a1e !o do-nrig! as( in order !o )ind ou! spe&i)i&ally -a! i! is !a! your
&us!o+er is e2pe&!ing )ro+ you and your %usiness,
I!8s no! un&o++on -en running a %usiness !o %e so -rapped up in your si2!y se&ond
&o++er&ial or -or(ing ard !o &lose a sale !a! you lose )o&us o) -a! !e &us!o+ers needs
are, Be&ause o) !ese reasons. i!8s 1ery i+por!an! !o )ind ou! -a! !ey are and (eep i! as your
)o&al poin!, E1en i) you are -or(ing -i! so+eone -o as &a+e dire&!ly )ro+ your !arge!ed
audien&e. you -ill soon )ind ou! !a! ea& indi1idual &onsu+er a1e !eir o-n spe&i)i& needs,
Tese needs &anno! %e ignored and i! is your *o% !o +a(e sure !a! !ey aren8!, 9ore
i+por!an!ly ne1er !ry !o &on1in&e !e &us!o+er !a! !eir needs are no! i+por!an! or !ry !o dire&!
!eir needs in!o ano!er dire&!ion unless you a1e 1alid reason !o )eel i! is a%solu!ely ne&essary
!o do so,
Your )o&us sould %e !o -or( -i! and around your &us!o+ers needs, Te produ&!s and
ser1i&es you are o))ering !o your &us!o+er a1e a purpose !o !e+. !o elp and pro1ide suppor!
!o !e+ in so+e -ay, I! -ill %ene)i! !e+ and so you need !o personaliGe !e ser1i&es !o !eir
o-n spe&i)i& needs )or !is reason, You -ill no! %e a%le !o )ul)ill !e needs o) your %usiness or
yoursel) i) you &anno! &o++i! !o !e &us!o+ers needs and &lose !e sale,
Part 43 1ot Doing Your Research Can /urt Your 4usiness
3s a %usiness o-ner !ere is a lo! o) resear& !a! you need !o do regularly !o ensure a
posi!i1e -or( )lo-, Wen -as !e las! !i+e you resear&ed -a! your &o+pe!i!ors are up !oK Do
!ey a1e sales on si+ilar produ&!s and ser1i&esK Ho- are !ey !rea!ing !eir &us!o+ers
di))eren!ly )ro+ -a! you &urren!ly do )or your o-nK
Co+pe!i!ors o-e1er are no! !e only !ing you need !o resear& )or you !e pro!e&!ion
o) your %usiness, Sa)e!y regula!ions. !a2 in)or+a!ion and re&alls are all 1ery i+por!an!
in)or+a!ion !a! needs !o %e -ell (no-n %y yoursel). your %usiness asso&ia!es and your
&us!o+ers, Say !ere -as a re&all on a produ&! and due !o la&( o) resear& your &o+pany
+issed !e no!i)i&a!ion, Wa! does !is say !o your &onsu+erK I! so-s irresponsi%ili!y on !e
%eal) o) you &o+pany and !is is no! so+e!ing you -an! your &o+pany !o represen!,
3no!er pri+e e2a+ple is i) a &us!o+er -ere !o &o+pare pri&es %e!-een your %usiness
and a &o+pe!i!or, I) you aren8! a-are o) -a! !e &o+pe!i!ion is up !o. o- -ill you (no- -ere
you sould s!and on !e issueK Pri&e +a!&ing is al-ays en&ouraged. o-e1er i) you a1e a
general la&( o) (no-ledge a &us!o+er -ill s+ell !a! rig! a-ay and %e !e+p!ed !o go !o a
%usiness -o as !e &on)iden&e o) (no-ing -a! is appening in !a! )ield o) %usiness,
You &an a1oid all o) !ese pro%le+s )ro+ appening or persis!ing %y si+ply doing a li!!le
resear& e1eryday and (eeping !ose you -or( -i! -ell a-are o) any &anges. !oo, Don8!
esi!a!e !o &allenge yoursel) a! leas! on&e e1ery -ee( !o ensure !a! you aren8! +issing ou!
any!ing i+por!an!, Te %e!!er resear& you do. !e %e!!er !e %usiness -ill )lo-,
Tere are +any &o++on +is!a(es !a! %usiness o-ners &an +a(e -en i! &o+es !o
&us!o+er ser1i&e sa!is)a&!ion, Te +os! i+por!an! !ing !o do is +a(e a las!ing i+pression -i!
!e &us!o+er !a! is posi!i1e and +a(es !e+ )eel li(e !ey are !e nu+%er &us!o+er !o !e
%usiness, 4e+ain )o&used on &us!o+er &are and s!ay up !o da!e -i! !e la!es!, Don8! le!
any!ing ne- slip !roug !e &ra&(s !a! &ould %e po!en!ially aGardous !o your %usiness or
&lien!s, Tey are !e +os! i+por!an! )or your %usiness. %e&ause -i!ou! !e+ you -ould no!
a1e a %usiness,
Chapter 5 Distraction
Dis!ra&!ion &o+es in +any )or+s %u! i! is o- you andle i! !a! +a(es !e di))eren&e,
Te sel) dis&ipline you possess is a lo! s!ronger !an you +ay i+agine, Fi1e yoursel) a li!!le
&redi! and %elie1e !a! you are !e one in &on!rol, ?n&e you a1e a&&ep!ed !is )a&!. you -ill %e
a%le !o %e!!er yoursel) and your -or( day -ill see+ +ore produ&!i1e,
Part 44 -ver=da= Distractions
Yes. you are a %usiness o-ner and so !a! +eans you are also u+an, E1ery u+an
as a personal li)e, Wi!ou! i! you -ould a1e no reason !o run a %usiness, You a1e a %usiness
!o suppor! !e li)e you -is !o li1e, Bu! -a! appens -en your personal li)e dis!ra&!s you )ro+
your %usiness li)eK
3s a paren! i! is ine1i!a%le !a! you -ill %e dis!ra&!ed )ro+ -or(, Tere is no!ing you &an
do a%ou! !e !i+es -en you are needed !o personal si!ua!ions. %u! !ere are !ings you &an do
!o pre1en! ordinary dis!ra&!ions,
Pones ringing a%ou! unne&essary &on1ersa!ions. so&ial +edia !e+p!a!ions !a! aren8!
%usiness rela!ed during your -or( day. e1en your surroundings +ay old i!e+s !a! &ould %e o)
dis!ra&!ion !o you= all o&&urren&es !a! -ill slo- your produ&!i1i!y and your sales, 4e+o1e !e
dis!ra&!ions !o !e %es! o) your a%ili!y so !a! you are a%le !o +ain!ain a solid )o&us on your
Pu! a-ay !e ga+es. !urn !e pones !o 1i%ra!e and only &e&( +essages -en i! is
a%solu!ely ne&essary, Spend no +ore !an !ir!y +inu!es on so&ial +edia and dedi&a!e a &er!ain
!i+e )ra+e !o &rea!ing your pos! a&!i1i!y )or !e +on!, I) so+e!ing is !e+p!ing you. pla&e i! in a
sa)e pla&e un!il your -or( day is !roug,
Tere are )e- !ings +ore i+por!an! !an your %usiness. and !a! in&ludes )a+ily and
e+ergen&ies, Tere -ill %e !ings !a! -ill appen !a! is si+ply ou! o) your &on!rol and e1ery
%usiness o-ner +us! realiGe !is as !ey -ill li1e !is )a&! !rougou! !eir &areer, Ho-e1er i! is
*us! as i+por!an! !o re+ain )o&used !o rea& your goals, Te +ore !i+e you gi1e in !o you
dis!ra&!ions. !e +ore !i+e you are !a(ing a-ay )ro+ your )inan&ial su&&ess,
Part 45 Proactive +n Procrastination
3 &er!ain )a&! a%ou! +any %usiness o-ners is !a! a! so+e poin! in !eir pro)essional
&areer !ey all !end !o )all under !e spell o) %e&o+ing proa&!i1e in pro&ras!ina!ion, I! doesn8!
+ean !ey are laGy or !a! !ey don8! &are a%ou! !eir %usiness. i! &ould +ean o-e1er !a! !ey
a1e *us! si+ply %e&a+e +u& !oo &o+)y in !eir posi!ion,
I +ysel) a+ e1en guil!y o) !is )a&!, Tere a1e %een !i+es -en I81e )el! +ysel) saying
!a! i! -as o(ay !o pu! o)) a pro*e&! )or la!er. un!il la!er a&!ually &a+e and !en !a! )eeling o) %rie)
)reedo+ and &o+)or! o) allo-ing !a! pro*e&! !o se!!le !urned in!o regre!, 9any lessons learned
!ere. I &an assure youJ
Ho-e1er !e di))eren&e %e!-een +y pas! si!ua!ions o) !e+porary pro&ras!ina!ion
+adness and !e reali!y o) a lo! o) o!er %usiness o-ners. is !a! I +anaged !o pull +ysel)
!roug i! and a+ no- a%le !o re&ogniGe !e sy+p!o+s o) -en i! %egins !o appen again=
!ere)ore %eing a%le !o pull +ysel) ou! o) i! and pre1en! any )u!ure pro&ras!ina!ion disas!ers )ro+
?!er %usiness o-ners o-e1er are no! :ui!e as -ise !o %e a%le !o re&ogniGe !e signs
and old !e -illpo-er !o s!op !e+sel1es )ro+ allo-ing i!, Tis is -ere !e proa&!i1e &a!egory
&o+es in!o play, Being a !e+porary pro&ras!ina!or is )orgi1a%le. as -e are only u+an and !e
)a&! is !a! i! -ill appen !o all o) us, Bu! as you8re reading !is and you %egin !o e1alua!e your
o-n si!ua!ion !o )ind !a! you do !is +ore !an *us! so+e!i+es %u! ra!er 1ery o)!en. !en you
are %eing a produ&!i1e pro&ras!ina!or,
3s a %usiness o-ner. i!8s i+por!an! !a! you realiGe !e dep! o) !e ris( you are !a(ing
%y re+aining proa&!i1e in pro&ras!ina!ion, Tis is your %usiness and no! a &ollege assign+en!,
E1en !oug &ollege assign+en!s are *us! as i+por!an!. you %usiness is your li)eline !o +a(ing
your drea+s &o+e !rue and pro1iding a li1ing )or yoursel) and your )a+ily, Ta! pro*e&! or
+ee!ing !a! you (no- sould appen or !a! you need !o prepare )or !a! you81e allo-ed !o
!a(e a %a&(sea! !o o!er !ings. is no! going !o allo- you !o pro&eed and +a(e any progression
un!il you do i! and +a(e i! appen,
Being a pro&ras!ina!or in pro)essionalis+ is no! a ga+e, I! is a )a&! o) li)e !a! seriously
ur! your %usiness, Your sel) dis&ipline and -ill are !o %la+e %e&ause you are !e one -o is
allo-ing i! !o appen, ?nly you &an &ange i!, Too +any !i+es I a1e seen %usiness o-ners
)ind e2&uses as !o -y i!8s o(ay !o le! a pro*e&!. pone &all or so+e!ing else i+por!an! !o !eir
%usiness +a(e i!8s -ay !o a la!er da!e on !e &alendar,
You a1e !o s!op -i! !e e2&uses, 4easons !o -ai! are &u!e -en you8re )i1e. %u! no! as
an adul! -o as drea+s !a! need !o &o+e !rue !o &rea!e a li)e o) -eal! and appiness,
Part 46 Comp!ication Over Simp!i)ication
0nowledge is a process of piling up facts5 wisdom lies in their simplification.
-%artin /enry -ischer
I a1e %een !old in !e pas! !a! I a+ a %usiness o-ner -o &o+pli&a!es !ings +ore
!an !ey need !o %e, I -ould personally %eg !o di))er and %elie1e !a! +y reasons are 1alid and
no! *us! e2&uses, 5or e2a+ple. I li(e !o loo( a! !e si!ua!ion as a -ole %e)ore any de&isions are
%eing +ade. %e&ause I -an! !e de&ision !o %e &lear. ones! and a1oida%le o) any
&o+pli&a!ions, E1en i) i!8s %uying !ras %ags in %ul( ins!ead o) s+aller pa&(s o) !-el1e,
?(ay. so on !a! no!e +ay%e I do !end !o o1erloo( :ui!e a %i! -i! +ore &o+pli&a!ion
!an si+pli)i&a!ion, Bu! I -ill !ell you !a! %y doing so. I ended up -i! !e %e!!er %uy, Su& &ases
as !ese are e2&ep!ional %e&ause !ey are posi!i1e and -ise %usiness de&isions, Tere are
si!ua!ions o-e1er !a! &an lead a %usiness o-ner !o o1er=&o+pli&a!ing !ings -i& &an ur!
!eir %usiness8 )u!ure,
3 per)e&! e2a+ple o) o1er &o+pli&a!ing !ings -ould %e a %usiness o-ner !a! I8d
-or(ed -i! -o already pu! !e+sel1es in !e +indse! !a! doing a !as( on so&ial +edia -as
*us! )ar +u& arder !an !ey8d e1er %e a%le !o deal -i! !e+sel1es, By pla&ing !e+sel1es in
!is nega!i1e +indse!. !ey %egan !o !a(e so+e!ing as si+ple as learning o- !o &li&( on !e
-ord ;re!-ee!< and ad &osen !o sa(e !eir ead in nega!i1e +anner and !une ou! -a! I ad
!o say, Tey -ere a%solu!ely de!er+ined no! !o learn su& a si+ple !as(. %e&ause !ey ad
&on1in&ed !e+sel1es !a! i! -as *us! +u& !oo ard !o do,
3no!er e2a+ple o) a %usiness o-ner -o !oo( a si+ple si!ua!ion and &o+pli&a!ed i!
-as one -o )ired an e+ployee %e&ause !ey go! a si+ple )ood order -rong, Tis e+ployee
-as i++edia!ely )ired a! !e %eginning o) a -or(day. and in !urn !e &o+pany los! an e+ployee
-o ad !e po!en!ial !o %ring in !ousands o) dollars o) sales )or !a! single day !o !e
%usiness, Do you see o- !a(ing so+e!ing 1ery si+ple &an ur! your %usiness !re+endously
%y si+ply o1er&o+pli&a!ing a si!ua!ionK
Te ne2! !i+e you are )a&ed -i! a si!ua!ion !a(e a +o+en! !o e1alua!e i! en!irely, I!8s
easy !o allo- your e+o!ions !o +a(e &ri!i&al de&isions )or you -i!ou! realiGing i!, I! is your *o% !o
re&ogniGe !is and pre1en! !a! )ro+ appening, Tose e+o!ions a1e !e a%ili!y !o elp or ruin
your %usiness. %u! you are in &on!rol o) !ose e+o!ions, You are !e one -o allo-s !e+ !o
o1er&o+pli&a!e !ings,
So re+e+%er !ese e2a+ples !e ne2! !i+e you are )eeling )rus!ra!ed. ur! and upse!
and !ell your e+o!ions !a! your &ri!i&al !in(ing -ill andle, Ta(e a )e- deep %rea!s and
re+e+%er !a! e1ery si!ua!ion &an %e andled appropria!ely, Be&ause i) you don8!. you +ay end
up losing ou! o) +ore !an *us! a )e- dollars on a %o2 o) !ras %ags,
Part 4# Your 'i)e Stor=
We81e all +e! !a! sales+an !a! !ries so ard !o &lose !e sale !a! !ey see+
despera!e )or +ore !an a sale. and +ay%e e1en a )riend, Tey %egin !o !ell you a%ou! o- !ey
go! in!o !e %usiness or o- -a! !ey8re selling as also elped !e+ in a si+ilar -ay, Tere
are +any &us!o+ers -o )ind !ese s!ories in!eres!ing and )ind !e+sel1es oo(ed in!o &losing
!e sale, Tere is o-e1er a )ine line %e!-een saring e2perien&e during a sale. and saring
your li)e s!ory,
3 si+ple rule )or +ar(e!ing is &onne&!ing -i! !e &us!o+er, Te %es! -ay !o &lose a
deal is %y %eing as real -i! !e &us!o+er as you &an, Bu! is gi1ing your li)e s!ory really
ne&essaryK 'o and as a +a!!er o) )a&!. i! &an e1en ur! you %y losing !e sale,
I a1e ad e2perien&e personally -i! &onsul!an!s -o are in dire&! sales. -ere !eir
*o% is !o personally &onne&! -i! !e &us!o+er, By &rea!ing a %usiness rela!ionsip -i! !e+.
!ey are a%le !o %e!!er sale !e produ&!s %e&ause !ey a1e ad personal e2perien&e -i! i!
!e+sel1es and a1e seen su&&ess)ul resul!s !a! !ey &an !es!i)y !oo, Tis is grea! and
&us!o+ers lo1e !is %e&ause e1ery salesperson needs !o %e a%le !o %elie1e in !e produ&!s !ey
are selling in order !o %e grea!,
Bu! !e si+ple !ru! a%ou! %usiness is !a! no! e1eryone -an!s !o ear a%ou! your pas! or
de!ailed e2perien&e, By !al(ing !oo +u&. you &an a&!ually pus !e &us!o+er a-ay, Tis +ay
see+ li(e a s+all !ing !o lose. %u! realiGe !a! is a po!en!ial sale !a! you are le!!ing -al( a-ay
%e&ause you are !rying !oo ard !o &lose !e dealJ Yes. !ere is su& a !ing as !rying !oo ard,
You a1e only a sor! a+oun! o) !i+e !o oo( !e &us!o+er -i! your in!rodu&!i1e &o++er&ial
and &lose on !e )ine de!ails la!er, Bu! %y !al(ing in de!ail )or o1er an e2!ensi1e a+oun! o) !i+e
a%ou! your o-n e2perien&es. you -ill lose !e+ in !oug! and &on1ersa!ion and open !e door
!o !e+ -al(ing a-ay )ro+ &losing !e sale,
Part 4$ Discouragement 4= 'ac2 O) Overnight Success
E2pe&! grea! !ings )ro+ your %usiness and pro)essional )u!ure. %e&ause re+aining
posi!i1e is !e only -ay !o +ain!ain a s!eady )o&us on your a&ie1ing your drea+s in your
&areer, 4ealiGe !oug !a! su&&ess does no! &o+e o1ernig!. a! leas! )or !e +a*ori!y o)
%usiness o-ners in !e Uni!ed S!a!es, Su&&ess &o+es )ro+ ard -or( and ne1er gi1ing up, I!
also &o+es )ro+ no! allo-ing yoursel) !o le! yoursel) ge! do-n -en su&&ess doesn8! &o+e as
easy as you !oug! i! -ould,
So you81e ad a %i! o) dis&ourage+en!, Te su&&ess you -ere e2pe&!ing didn8! &o+e as
)as! as you ad planned or oped i! -ould, You pu! yoursel) in!o a &o+)or! Gone o) e2pe&!ing
your %usiness !o %e&o+e a )or!une )i1e undred &o+pany o1ernig!. only !o dis&o1er !a! your
personal e2pe&!a!ions -eren8! +e! and you s!ill a1e !o -or( *us! as ard and +ay%e e1en
arder !e 1ery ne2! day, Wa! are you going !o doK
Well I8ll !ell you -a! you souldn8! do i) you don8! -an! !o (ill your %usiness, You
souldn8! allo- yoursel) !o %elie1e in su& ig e2pe&!a!ions )or o1ernig! su&&ess !a! you )all
in!o a depression and allo- your %usiness !o )all !o pie&es %enea! your )ee!, Ta! -ould %e a
1ery sel)is and i++a!ure !ing !o do, 3nd ye!. +any o) you reading !is (no- deep do-n !a!
a! so+e poin! you are e1en guil!y o) doing all o) *us! !a!,
I!8s +u& !oo easy !o !ell yoursel) !a! i!8s no! -or! i! !o !ry any+ore %e&ause you didn8!
+ee! !e ig s!andards !a! you %elie1ed you &ould a&ie1e, 4e+e+%er %e)ore you %egin !o
!ell yoursel) !a! i! isn8! -or! i!. !a! su&&ess does no! na!urally &o+e o1er nig!, I! &an !a(e
years o) dedi&a!ion and ard -or( !o progress, So unless you are prepared !o -a!& your
%usiness &ru+%le !o !e ground. &ange your +indse! and &on!inue !o -or( un!il you )inally
rea& !e le1el o) su&&ess you a1e so grea!)ully earned,
Pro&ras!ina!ion. o1er&o+pli&a!ing si+ple pro%le+s and de)ea!ing yoursel) -i!
disappoin!+en! are all sel)is a&!s !a! you are in !o!al &on!rol o1er, Wi!ou! !e sel) -ill !o ge!
!ese under &on!rol. you are allo-ing yoursel) !o s!eer your %usiness in a U=!urn )or a dangerous
pa! o) des!ru&!ion, Don8! %e !e %usiness o-ner !a! los! ope and allo-ed sel)is a&!s !o
disin!egra!e your %usiness !o dus! in !e -ind, Fe! a grasp on your %usiness8 )u!ure %y ge!!ing
your o-n e+o!ions and a&!ions in!o &on!rol and re+ain on !e posi!i1e road !o su&&ess. no
+a!!er o- long i! -ill gradually !a(e you !o do so,
Chapter 6 Reutta!s "nd Reputation
To andle !e nega!i1i!y !a! -ill &o+e -i! !e s!ory o) your %usiness. and i! -ill appen.
you -ill need !o unders!and and a&! -i! posi!i1e re%u!!als and a&(no-ledge all repu!a!ion !a!
+ay &o+e your -ay, Tere is no -ay around i!. and so you +us! learn !o andle s!ress)ul
si!ua!ions )or -en !ey o&&ur,
Part 4& Persona! 'i)e Sur)aces +n Socia! <edia
5a&e%oo(. Foogle Plus. T-i!!er and Pin!eres! are a+ong !e +os! popular -ays !a!
so&ial +edia &an lea( your personal li)e in!o !e eyes o) !e pu%li&, 3s a %usiness o-ner. you
li1e in !e pu%li& eye -e!er you +ay realiGe i!. or no!, Ous! %e&ause you &oose !o re+ain
ina&!i1e on so&ial +edia. does no! +ean !a! your repu!a!ion is no! ou! !ere,
Po!os and s!a!us pos!s are !e iges! -ays !a! -ord &an spread a%ou! you and your
&o+pany, Tere used !o %e a saying !a! no!ing -as )as!er !an !e speed o) lig!ning e2&ep!
-ord o) +ou!, Well. no- !a! so&ial +edia e2is!s. -ord o) +ou! as !a(en i!8s rig!)ul pla&e !o
se&ond pla&e, 5as!er !an -e &an ge! !e -ords ou! o) our +ou!s. pi&!ures o) !e %ar%e:ue you
ad !e nig! %e)ore &an pos!ed )or !e en!ire -orld !o see, 3re po!os o) you seeing olding
signs saying ;Will -or( )or drin(s< a! a poolside so+e!ing !a! you -an! your pro)essional
repu!a!ion !o %e a))e&!ed %yK I8+ sure !e ans-er is no,
Pro!e&! yoursel) %y doing !-o 1ery i+por!an! !ings, 5irs! %e a&!i1e on so&ial +edia
-e!er you agree or disagree -i! !e i+por!an&e o) i!, Se! your pri1a&y se!!ings so !a! !ey
-ill only dire&!ly a))e&! you or your %usiness i) you gran! o!ers !e per+ission !o do so, Se&ond.
don8! do any!ing in pu%li& !a! you -ouldn8! %e &o+)or!a%le doing in your %usiness, You
represen! your %usiness and i!8s your responsi%ili!y !o a&! as su&,
Part 5* /and!ing Re?ection 1egative!=
Wen you8re a %usiness o-ner you +us! learn o- !o andle re*e&!ion pro)essionally,
Sa1e your anger )or la!er and +anage your replies -i! digni!y. %e&ause e1en !oug you are
%eing re*e&!ed no- your response !o !e si!ua!ion -ill lea1e a s!anding i+age !o !e person a! a
la!er !i+e in -i& !ey +ay &ange !eir +ind and &o+e %a&( !o you,
Words &an and do ur!. despi!e !e &ildood saying o) s!i&(s and s!ones, E1en as
adul!s -e &an say !ings !a! -ill spar( a %i! o) anger in us !a! -e +ay no! realiGe e2is!ed,
Keep your &oolJ Ho- you respond !o !e si!ua!ion -ill de!er+ine e2a&!ly -a! pa! your
%usiness8 )u!ure -ill !a(e,
Despi!e !e )a&! !a! your &us!o+er +ay re!urn a! a la!er da!e. your repu!a!ion is also a!
s!a(e, Ho- do you )eel -en you order )ood and i!8s )ar )ro+ edi%le or +issing i!e+sK You as(
!o a1e !e +is!a(e )i2ed and +ay e1en as( )or a re)und depending on !e dep! o) !e
si!ua!ion, Sould your -ai!er %e&o+e angry in re!urn -i! you. o- -ould you )eelK Would you
spread !e -ord a%ou! !e !erri%le ser1i&e and rude %ea1ior o) !e &us!o+er ser1i&eK
Keep !is in +ind and re+e+%er !o pu! yoursel) in !e pla&e o) !e &us!o+er, 'o!
e1eryone lies. !ey +ay no! a&!ually a1e !e +oney !o pu! !e plan in!o play or !ey +ay no!
need !e ser1i&e you are o))ering a! !e +o+en!. %u! !ey +ay la!er,
Part 51 O))ensive <ar2eting Strategies
3 +a*or no=no in +ar(e!ing no +a!!er -a! !e su%*e&!. is !a! you sould ne1er use
o))ensi1e +ar(e!ing !o ge! a &onsu+ers a!!en!ion, 3n a+a!uer -ould see a !ragedy as an
oppor!uni!y !o see( +ore &lien!s, Bu! &lien!s are no! -a! you -ill a&!ually ge! in re!urn,
Ta(e )or e2a+ple !e T-ee! on !e popular -e%si!e &alled ;T-i!!er< %y a &o+pany o) !e
na+e Epi&urious, Wen !ragedy s!ru&( %y &o-ardly %o+%ers in !e spring o) #01$ during !e
Bos!on 9ara!on. !ey i++edia!ely sen! ou! !-o !-ee!s -i!in !ir!y +inu!es o) ea& o!er using
-a! is (no-n as o))ensi1e +ar(e!ing,
Te T-ee!s %y Epi&urious said ;$oston, our hearts are with you. &eres a bowl of
brea"fast energy we coul! all use to start to!ay< -i! a lin( inser!ed !o !e +essage !o !a(e you
!o !e ad1er!ise+en!, Tis o) &ourse -as )ollo-ed %y T-i!!er +e+%ers -o replied -i! a!e
+essages -o -ere o))ended !a! !ey &ould use su& a orri%le !ragedy !o !a(e ad1an!age o)
+ar(e!ing purposes,
In re!urn. !e &o+pany dele!ed !ose !-ee!s 6%u! no! %e)ore +any people -ere a%le !o
s&reenso! i! )or sa)e(eeping and la!er pos!ing on !e in!erne! so no one -ould %e a%le !o )orge!7
and in re!urn sen! ou! T-ee! +essages saying ;We truly regret that our earlier foo! 'weets
seeme! insensitive. (ur hearts an! prayers are with the people of $oston<,
4epu!a!ions are ne1er :ui!e an easy )i2. espe&ially -en you pus !e li+i! su& as %y
using o))ensi1e +ar(e!ing, I!8s %es! !o sa1e yoursel) and &o+pany !e !rou%le %y a1oiding !is
s!ep a! all &os!, I) !is sould appen ou! o) your &on!rol. say a +ar(e!ing e+ployee sould do
so. !en %e :ui&( !o &orre&! !e +is!a(e and a1oid any nega!i1e ou!&o+es,
Part 52 +gnoring %he 4ad Revie(s
It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose
it. -3enjamin -ranklin
Tere -as a %usiness o-ner I spo(e -i! on&e a%ou! a %ad re1ie- e ad online, Te
&us!o+er le)! i+ a !erri%le re1ie- a%ou! !e ser1i&e se -as gi1en. saying !e o-ner -as rude
and !e ser1i&e -as )ar )ro+ up !o par, Wen I spo(e -i! !e o-ner a%ou! &orre&!ing !e
re1ie-. e s!a!ed !a! i! -as only one re1ie- and i) anyone sould as( i+ a%ou! i!. e -asn8!
-orried a%ou! i!,
Wen I as(ed i+ -y e -asn8! +ore -orried a%ou! o- !a! %ad re1ie- &ould a))e&!
i+. e si+ply s!a!ed !a! !e &us!o+er -as !rying !o rip i+ o)) and se -as !e rude one so
!ere)ore e didn8! !in( se -as -or! !e !i+e and e))or! %e&ause er re1ie- didn8! +a!!er
any-ay, He &onsidered is &o+pany -ell se! in !eir )inan&es and s!eady %usiness and !a!
so+eone so nega!i1e as er -ouldn8! a1e any a))e&! on a %usiness+an li(e i+sel),
3s a %usiness o-ner you need !o a&(no-ledge pu%li& re1ie-s -e!er nega!i1e or
posi!i1e in a pro)essional +anner, Ignoring !e %ad re1ie-s sends +essages !o !e &us!o+ers
!a! you old an a!!i!ude *us! as !is %usiness o-ner !a! I spo(e -i! did. you don8! &are,
By gi1ing !e i+pression !a! you don8! &are -a! o!ers !in( a%ou! your %usiness. also
sends ou! !e +essage !a! you don8! &are a%ou! your %usiness as a -ole, Wy -ould any
&us!o+er -an! !o &on!inue ser1i&e -i! so+eone -o doesn8! a1e a passion )or a su&&ess)ul
You sould +a(e sure !o a! leas! re&ogniGe !e %ad re1ie-s -i! a si+ple reply. -ile
+a(ing sure !a! i! isn8! so de)ensi1e !a! i! +a(es !e &us!o+er loo( li(e a orri%le person, Your
goal souldn8! %e !o pro1e !e &us!o+er gi1ing !e %ad re1ie- !o %e a &on ar!is!. %u! ra!er !o
a&(no-ledge -a! appened and gi1e a 1ery %rie) e2plana!ion -i! a solu!ion on o- !o de)use
!e si!ua!ion in a posi!i1e +anner,
Part 53 1ot "c2no(!edging %he 9ood Revie(s
I!8s a grea! )eeling !o (no- !a! your %usiness. e+ployee or yoursel) as re&ei1ed a
posi!i1e re1ie-, 3ny!i+e you re&ei1e one. you sould +a(e sure !o a&(no-ledge i!, Tere -ill
al-ays %e %o!. nega!i1e and posi!i1e re1ie-s. %u! +a(e sure !a! you aren8! o1erloo(ing !e
posi!i1e ones and only replying !o !e nega!i1e ones,
Ho- does i! +a(e you )eel -en you gi1e so+eone a grea! re1ie- or pa! on !e %a&( )or
a *o% -ell doneK I! :ui!e possi%ly +a(es you )eel *us! as good as !e person -o is on !e
re&ei1ing end, Ta! posi!i1i!y -ill spread li(e -ild)ire, ?n&e you a1e a&(no-ledged o- +u&
!a! posi!i1e re1ie- is appre&ia!ed. you -ill %e +ore li(ely !o re&ei1e +ore in !e )u!ure,
3 re1ie-. espe&ially online. is +ore no!i&ea%le -en i! as a reply )ro+ !e %usiness,
Don8! le! !e )o&us %e dri1en !o only !e nega!i1e re1ie-s %y replying !o spe&i)i&ally !e+,
Po!en!ial and e2is!ing &us!o+ers -ill read replies !o %o! nega!i1e and posi!i1e %e&ause !ey -ill
-an! !o see your rea&!ions %e!-een !e !-o, Te posi!i1e -ill %e +ore +e+ora%le %e&ause you
a&!ed appropria!ely !o !e nega!i1e re1ie-s,
'o! only -ill i! ar+ your %usiness dra+a!i&ally %y andling !e %ad re1ie-s in a
pro)essional +anner. i! -ill lea1e a las!ing nega!i1e i+pression o) you as a %usiness o-ner, You
&an de)use !e no!i&ea%le nega!i1e re1ie-s %y sending !e &on&en!ra!ion o) !e audien&e !o !e
posi!i1e re1ie-s, Do no! le! !e posi!i1e re1ie-s go !o -as!e. !ey are i+por!an! !o +ain!ain a
good %usiness s!anding )or your %usiness and yoursel)J
Part 54 Re)!ective "ctions
4e+ain di))eren! and don8! )all in!o a >+on(ey see +on(ey do8 +ode, Ous! %e&ause
ano!er %usiness o-ner is )lasing po!os o) i+sel) si!!ing on a %ea& all o1er so&ial +edia
and %ragging a%ou! su&&ess e +ay. or +ay no! a&!ually a1e. does no! +ean you a1e !o
)ollo- in !ose )oo!s!eps, Wen you &rea!ed your %usiness. you did a)!er s!udying !e
&o+pe!i!ion, Wa! did !ey do di))eren!K Wa! &an you do !a! -ill %e di))eren! !a! -ill -or(
Using re)le&!i1e a&!ions &an ur! your %usiness %e&ause &us!o+ers don8! -an! !o see
-a!8s already %een done, Tey -an! ne- and di))eren!. &rea!i1e and e2pe&! iger :uali!y, Use
your &rea!i1e +ind !o s!op )ro+ )alling in!o so+eone else8s s!ride,
Wen I )irs! %egan as a &onsul!an! -i! an a! o+e par!y %usiness. I -as gi1en a pro)i! o)
re&ei1ing 10S o) e1ery i!e+ I ad sold, Ten years ago !is -as :ui!e a deal &onsidering i! -asn8!
:ui!e as popular no- !o -or( )ro+ o+e as i! is !oday, I -as !rained under one o) !e s!a!es %es!
selling and -ell (no-n &onsul!an! a! !a! !i+e )or !e indus!ry,
3! a )airly )as! pa&e and -i! !e elp and guidan&e o) !e 1e!eran &onsul!an!s. I did 1ery
-ell, 3 )e- years la!er I +e! !e o-ner o) a &o+pe!i!i1e &o+pany, Ta(ing +e under er -ing
personally. se o))ered +e !e &an&e a! +a(ing +ore +oney pro1ided I &o+e -or( )or er
&o+pany, Belie1ing !a! !e produ&!s )ro+ er &o+pany -ere o) iger :uali!y and !e )a&! !a!
se dona!ed a per&en!age o) !e &o+pany pro)i!s )or %reas! &an&er a-areness. I de&ided !o !a(e
er up on er o))er,
'eedless !o say. +y de&ision in re+o1ing +ysel) )ro+ !e re)le&!i1e a&!ions o) !e )ello-
1e!erans -o ad !rained +e )ro+ !e o!er &o+pany and )ollo-ing +y ins!in&! in +y ne-
&areer &oi&e. I &a+e up -i! +y o-n op!ions !a! in !urn +ade +e %e&o+e !e ne- and o!
&o+pe!i!ion !o !e ladies -o ad !rained +e )or years,
Today I a+ s!ill 1ery &lose !o !e ladies as -e pu! our %usiness di))eren&e aside and
-or( !oge!er !o elp &rea!e a %e!!er en1iron+en! )or !e &o++uni!ies -e li1e in, E1en !oug I
&ose !o -al( a di))eren! pa! and &rea!e ne- -ays !o do %usiness )or +ysel). -e s!ill
&o++uni&a!e daily and pu! our %usiness pa! !o !e side, I do no! regre! a1ing &ose !o &rea!e
+y o-n %usiness !rail ins!ead o) )ollo-ing in !eir re)le&!i1e pa!&. )or i) I ad s!ayed !en I -ould
a1e ne1er e2perien&ed all o) !e !ings I a1e as a su&&ess)ul %usiness o-ner,
Part 55 7sing 8ea2 Reutta!s
Wen you8re selling so+e!ing. any!ing. you +us! )ind and pra&!i&e re%u!!als !a! -or(,
3 re%u!!al is si+ply a reply !o a nega!i1e rea&!ion, 3 -ea( re%u!!al is one !a! is usually a resul!
o) an e+o!ional rea&!ion !o !e si!ua!ion,
I on&e -or(ed !e+porarily -i! a !ele+ar(e!ing &o+pany -o sold +agaGines, Te +os!
su&&ess)ul e+ployees -ere one !e ones -o did !-o !ings rig!: Tey )irs! eld !e in!eres! o)
!e &us!o+er -i!in !e )irs! nine!y se&onds o) !e pone &all and se&ond. !ey andled !e
re%u!!als !o ea& reply appropria!ely,
Te e+ployees -ose re%u!!als -ere -ea( los! !e sale -en !ey -ere only +inu!es
)ro+ &losing, In !is par!i&ular &o+pany !e e+ployees -ere -ell !rained -i! !eir re%u!!als,
Tey -ere ea& gi1en a lis! o) re%u!!als !o s!udy so !a! !ey -ouldn8! a1e !o si)! !roug !e
papers !o )ind !e ans-er -en !e nega!i1e reply -as gi1en, Tey ad only !ree days !o
+e+oriGe ea& re%u!!al and -ere )ired i) !ey adn8! done so,
Te reason !ey -ere !er+ina!ed -i! !e la&( o) !e +e+oriGa!ion o) !e re%u!!als -as
%e&ause !e re%u!!al is one o) !e +os! i+por!an! par! o) !eir *o%, In !oday8s e&ono+y !ere are
!ree )a&!ors !a! &o+e in!o play -y people -ould no! -an! !o pur&ase !eir produ&!s:
M I!8s +u& !oo dangerous !o gi1e ou! your personal in)or+a!ion 1ia !e !elepone,
M Tere isn8! +u& need )or paper produ&!s -i! ne-s due !o !e in!erne!,
M Tey si+ply don8! a1e !e +oney,
So -en gi1en a nega!i1e rea&!ion. !e e+ployee -ould %e -ell ready !o andle i! -i!
pro)essionalis+ and a reply !a! -ould surely &lose !e deal, Tis &an appen in any %usiness.
i! doesn8! a1e !o %e o1er !e pone or %y selling +agaGines,
Do you a1e your re%u!!als ready i) re*e&!ion sould appenK I) no!. -ri!e !e+ do-n and
pra&!i&e !e+, Te )as!er and +ore pro)essional !e reply. !e +ore you -ill see+ edu&a!ed and
i! -ill %e lea1e li!!le roo+ )or ano!er re*e&!ion,
Part 56 /and!ing /esitanc= +nappropriate!=
Too o)!en I81e seen sales pro)essionals and %usiness o-ners +a(e !e +is!a(e o)
&on)using esi!an&y -i! denial o) a sale, Ous! %e&ause a &lien! is esi!an! a%ou! &on!inuing -i!
a sale or in1es!+en! does no! +ean !a! !ey are re)using !o &on!inue, Tey -ill o-e1er !urn
do-n and -al( a-ay )ro+ an o))er depending upon your a!!i!ude !o !eir inde&ision,
Being pa!ien! and -ai!ing )or a de&ision. espe&ially one !a! is so i+por!an! !o you
pro)essionally. &an %e ner1e -ra&(ing !o say !e leas!, I! doesn8! +a!!er i) you8re -ai!ing a! a
sales des( in a depar!+en! s!ore or pa&ing )or !e i+por!an! pone &all !o &o+e in. you need !o
re+e+%er !a! !e esi!an&y doesn8! +ean any!ing nega!i1e= ye!,
Ha1e &on)iden&e -i!ou! sounding pusy during !e un&er!ain!y, ?ne o) !e %igges!
+is!a(es I81e seen Independen! Consul!an!s )or a! o+e par!ies do is %e&o+e !oo pusy a%ou!
a &us!o+er +a(ing a pur&ase a%ou! so+e!ing as si+ple as a (i!&en produ&!, Tis also goes
)or !eir par!ies as -ell,
I) you aren8! )a+iliar -i! &onsul!an!s -o do a! o+e par!ies. I -ill des&ri%e i! !o you
%rie)ly, Te &onsul!an! -or(s )or a &o+pany in -i& !ey sell !eir produ&!s and re&ei1e a
per&en!age o) !e pro)i! )ro+ ea& produ&! sold, 3s you see !eir in&o+e is solely %ased on
-a! !ey sell, Tey en&ourage o!ers !o os! par!ies in !eir o+e -ere !ey &an pysi&ally
so- !e produ&!s and spea( -i! !e+ personally !o +a(e pur&ases,
9any o) !e &onsul!an!s -o are ne- !o !e %usiness a1e a a%i! o) %e&o+ing !oo
pusy a! !e inde&isi1eness o) !eir &us!o+ers during !e !i+e o) &losing !e sale, Tey le! )ear
!a(e o1er and so+e o) !e+ a1ing e1en %e&a+e angry a! !e !oug! !ey +ay no! +a(e !e
'a!urally !e &us!o+er sees !eir rea&!ion and %e&o+e !urned a-ay )ro+ !e sale, Wi!
!a! appening. !e &onsul!an! !en %e&o+es &on)used -ondering -ere !ey -en! -rong and
+ay e1en %e&o+e angry -i! !e &us!o+er no! realiGing !a! !eir la&( o) pa!ien&e -as in !urn
-a! -as !e a&!ual &ause o) !e loss o) !e sale,
Part 5# -motiona! Reaction %o 5ai!ure
E+o!ion is no s!ranger !o any u+an %eing, I!8s a par! o) li)e and our &ara&!er o) -o
-e really are, 5eelings o) sadness. elplessness and anger are all a par! o) -a! -e +ay )eel as
-e e2perien&e nega!i1i!y and disappoin!+en!, I!8s no lie !a! a! so+e poin!s in our pro)essional
&areers. -e -ill all un)or!una!ely )eel !is -ay, I! is o-e1er o- -e andle !e si!ua!ion !a!
&rea!es !e ou!&o+e and +a(es !e di))eren&e,
Wen presen!ed -i! a nega!i1e si!ua!ion in our %usiness. i! is our rea&!ion !a!
&ons!i!u!es -e!er !e ending -ill %e posi!i1e or nega!i1e, Te )a&! is. you -ill %e !urned do-n,
You -ill %e !old no, You -ill a! so+e poin! a1e a &lien! or e+ployee -o !ries !o !a(e
ad1an!age o) you, You &anno! s!op !ese !ings )ro+ appening %u! you &an &on!rol your
Tere is no dou%! !a! your nega!i1e rea&!ion -ill only &ause +ore &on)li&!, Bu! do you
realiGe !e e2!en! o) -a! !e a)!er+a! &ould do !o your %usinessK I! &ould &ause a nega!i1e
repu!a!ion )as!er !an you +ay realiGe, 3 sno-%all e))e&! -ill !en resul! in loss o) &us!o+ers and
&os! you )u!ure %usiness, I!8s 1ery i+por!an! !a! you re+e+%er no! !o end as !e %oss -o los!
!eir !e+per !roug -ord o) +ou! o) !e &us!o+ers -o -ere a))e&!ed. no +a!!er -o -as
rig! or -rong in !e si!ua!ion,
S!op. e1alua!e and reply in a posi!i1e and pro)essional +anner, Wen you )eel yoursel)
under dis!ress. re+e+%er !e rules o) SE4= S!op. e1alua!e and reply, 4e+e+%er also !o no! le!
!e nega!i1e %ring your %usiness dri1e any lo-er !an i! souldn8! %e,
You +ay )ind yoursel) %e&o+ing dis!ressed %y !e loss o) a &losing. so -en !is
appens re+e+%er !e rules o) SE4 and pu! !e+ in pra&!i&e, 4eply posi!i1ely !o !e !urn=do-n
and +o1e on, Te +ore !i+e you spend d-elling on a loss. !a! is !i+e !a! you are losing on a
po!en!ial sale,
It*s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of
-3ill 1ates
Part 5$ 1egative "ssistant Representation
9any %usiness o-ners )ind !ey are in need o) an assis!an! !o &on!inue !o +a(e !e
-or( day run as s+oo! and produ&!i1e as possi%le, We!er you are -or(ing )ro+ personal
spa&e a! o+e -i! a 1ir!ual assis!an! or in an o))i&e -ere you in!era&! -i! &us!o+ers
pysi&ally on a daily %asis. i) you a1e an assis!an! !a! -or(s -i! your &lien!s !en your
assis!an! olds a 1ery i+por!an! responsi%ili!y= as do you as !e +anager,
I!8s 1ery i+por!an! !a! !e assis!an! unders!and &learly !a! !ey are represen!ing !e
%usiness as a -ole !o your &lien!s, Ha1e you e1er -al(ed in!o a %usiness. +ay%e a den!is!
o))i&e )or e2a+ple. only !o )ind !a! !ey ad+inis!ra!i1e assis!an!s -ere unpro)essionalK Ho- did
i! +a(e you )eelK
I) you aren8! sure -a! s!reng!s your assis!an! sould possess. &e&( ou! !e )ollo-ing
lis! o) -a! I &all ;%he %en Commandments o) Pro)essiona! "dministration<:
1, Tou sall +ain!ain a +a!ure a!!i!ude in all si!ua!ions,
#, Tou sall use appropria!e language -en spea(ing. !o anyone. any!i+e,
$, Ty ad+inis!ra!i1e represen!a!i1e sall lis!en &are)ully and pays &lose a!!en!ion !o de!ail.
no e2&uses,
@, 4e+ain organiGed e1en -en )a&ing s!ress)ul si!ua!ions,
A, Tou sal! dress pro)essionally a&&ording !o !e &o+pany8s rules o) %usiness a!!ire
sa1ing ;o!er )asion< )or personal use,
B, E1ery &us!o+er. +anager and e+ployee sall %e !rea!ed *us! as !ey are 1alued !o !e
C, Tou sall so- a posi!i1e a!!i!ude. !roug personali!y and %ody language,
D, 3l-ays re+aining %usiness )o&used. !ou sal! al-ays lea1e personal i!e+s su& as &ell
pones. personal e+ail and personal So&ial 9edia pla&ed ou! o) sig! un!il !e -or( day
is !roug as long as !ere is a +eans o) &o++uni&a!ion !roug !e %usiness )or
e+ergen&y si!ua!ions,
E, Tou -ill s!ri1e !o underpro+ise and o1erdeli1er !o a1oid +is&o++uni&a!ion and
10, Tou -ill al-ays spea( -i! pride a%ou! !e %usiness -ile on !e &lo&( and ou!side o)
-or(ing ours,
I &an re+e+%er a1ing an e2perien&e -ere I ad *us! ad surgery and +y pysi&ian
re!ired -i!ou! -arning, Wen I ad !o )ind ano!er pysi&ian )or +y pos!=surgery e2a+ina!ion. I
-en! !o one -ere !e assis!an!s *udged +e %y +y appearan&e and -ere e2!re+ely rude, Tey
e1en -en! so )ar as !o s&edule +e on a day -en !ey (ne- !e %usiness -as &losed,
'eedless !o say. I did )ind ano!er pysi&ian )or +y e2a+ina!ion. %u! no! a)!er I +ade i! a poin!
!o lea1e a %ad re1ie- and !urn !e ad+inis!ra!i1e assis!an!s in )or unpro)essional %ea1ior and
pla&ing +e in!o a posi!ion -ere +y eal! &ould a1e %een in danger,
Te sa+e a!!i!ude o) represen!a!ion goes )or an assis!an! -o -or(s -i! &lien!s 1ir!ually
or 1ia pone, 5a&e !o )a&e -i! &us!o+ers is no! !e only !i+e an assis!an! represen!s a
%usiness -i! !eir a&!ions, I! is *us! as i+por!an! !a! !ey +ain!ain a posi!i1e a!!i!ude in !eir
1o&al approa& as i) !ey -ere pysi&ally in )ron! o) !e &us!o+er,
3! so+e poin! in your adul! li)e. you +ay a1e %een on !e pone -i! so+eone
6peraps )or u!ili!y purposes7 and no!i&ed !a! !e person on !e o!er side o) !e line -as
any!ing %u! pro)essional and &aring a%ou! !e reason -y you &alled, I) your assis!an! &arries
!is sa+e nega!i1e a!!i!ude. -y sould you e2pe&! your &lien! !o &on!a&! you in !e )u!ureK
3s !e %usiness o-ner i! is your responsi%ili!y !o )ollo- up -i! &alls. in!er1ie-s and )a&e
!o )a&e in!era&!ion -i! your &lien!s and &us!o+ers !o +a(e sure !a! your assis!an! is
per)or+ing !eir *o% !o !op no!& per)or+an&e, 3ssis!an! represen!a!ion &an %e +a(e or %rea(
your %usiness i) no! +oni!ored responsi%ly,
So+e o) !e +os! i+por!an! par!s o) (eeping your %usiness a)loa! are your re%u!!als and
rea&!ions !o re)usal and !e repu!a!ion you &arry. -e!er i! %e good or %ad, You need !o +a(e
sure !a! you are a&!i1e and -ell prepared )or any o) !ese sould !ey o&&ur, 3 &us!o+er li(e a
-ild ani+al. as +any op!ions and &an s+ell an unedu&a!ed sales person li(e )ear a +ile a-ay,
9a(e sure your pra&!i&e your re%u!!als daily and a1oid pessi+is!i& a&!ions -ene1er possi%le,
Chapter # Resources
Your resour&es are !e ear!%ea! o) your %usiness, Tese are !e i!e+s you use !o
rea& your &us!o+ers and %ring in ne- %usiness as -ell as re1i1e !e old, Pysi&al
de+ons!ra!ions are no! !e only -ay !a! you -ill rea& su& an audien&e, You +us! learn !o %e
open -i! your +ind and a&&ep! as -ell as learn )ro+ !e re1ie-s o) !ose around you, Keeping
!e li!!le !ings in +ind -i! all o) !ese &on&ep!s are all resour&es !a! -ill (eep !e %lood
pu+ping !roug your %usiness !o (eep i! running produ&!i1ely in a s+oo! s!yle,
Part 5& 8rong <edia 5or %he 8rong Situations
3 puppy -i! sunglasses dri1ing a %rand ne- au!o+o%ile on a sunse! s!rip is no! only
&u!e %u! appealing and peraps +e+ora%le. rig!K Wen &rea!ing a +ar(e!ing sys!e+ )or your
produ&! or ser1i&e i!8s 1ery i+por!an! !o (eep your !arge! audien&e in +ind, By ai+ing !e -rong
+ar(e!ing !o !e opposing audien&e. you &ould &o+e a&ross as o))ensi1e,
Tis is a +a*or no=no in +ar(e!ingJ E1en -i!ou! +eaning !o &o+e a&ross as o))ensi1e.
you &ould and !is &ould de)ini!ely (ill your %usiness or e1en so &ause you !o )a&e a la-sui!,
Your audien&e doesn8! only in&lude -o you are selling !o. %u! also -o !ey %ring in!o
!e pi&!ure as -ell, Tin( a%ou! !e %ig pi&!ure ins!ead o) !e !arge! i!sel), Say you -ill %e
presen!ing a! a lo&al Pe& Ku&a e1en!, Your spee& -ill +os! li(ely %e si2 +inu!es and )or!y
se&onds= gi1e or !a(e !e lo&a!ion and e1en! de!ails, Te &us!o+ers you -ill %e see(ing !o sell
!o -ill %e in !e audien&e. %u! -o else -ill also %e !ereK
Peraps !ey -ill a1e !eir s+all &ildren -i! !e+K 9ay%e !eir grandparen!sK I) so.
re!in( your presen!a!ion and +a(e sure i!8s appropria!e )or all audien&es, Tis isn8! :ui!e as
ard !o do as you +ay !in(, 4e+e+%er you &on!rol your )rus!ra!ion and )ear and i! is possi%le
!o +a(e a presen!a!ion and +ar(e!ing !e&ni:ue !a! is +e+ora%le and appropria!e as long as
you re+e+%er !a! i! is a%ou! !e &us!o+ers needs ins!ead o) your o-n,
Ho- &an your produ&! or ser1i&e elp !e+K Wy do !ey need -a! i! is you are
sellingK I! is no! a%ou! you. i! is a%ou! o- your ser1i&es -ill +a(e !e+ %e!!er,
Part 6* "ccepting Constructive Criticism
?nly !e ard eaded and s!u%%orn +inds -ill +isunders!and !is par! o) Cap!er
Se1en, To %e&o+e su&&ess)ul. you need !o a&&ep! e1ery &o+pli&a!ed si!ua!ion and &o++en! as
&ons!ru&!i1e &ri!i&is+, Is i! %e!!er !o d-ell on !e nega!i1e or !o re&ogniGe !e pro%le+ and a&! on
!e solu!ionK
Te %es! re1enge is su&&ess and i! is possi%le, I do no! o-e1er %elie1e in using
su&&ess as re1enge, 4e1enge is a nega!i1e &on&ep! %u! )or +any i! is !e dri1e !ey need !o
(eep +o1ing !o-ard !eir su&&ess,
Wen you are gi1en a nega!i1e re1ie-. !a(e i! -i! s!ride, 4e+e+%er !o %rea!e and
analyGe, Your %rain &anno! !in( produ&!i1ely -i!ou! o2ygen, Your %lood -ill rise and your
!oug!s -ill %e&o+e &lu!!ered -i! nega!i1i!y, 4ead !roug e1ery nega!i1e &o++en! and !ell
yoursel) !a! !is is a +a!!er !a! -ill %e s!udied and sol1ed,
I! is your o-n &on&ep! o) !e si!ua!ion !a! -ill +a(e !e di))eren&e, Ous! %e&ause you
raise your 1oi&e or &on!inue !o !al( a%ou! !e si!ua!ion. does no! +a(e you &orre&!, Te %es! -ay
!o deal -i! any nega!i1e si!ua!ion is !o re+e+%er !a! i! is possi%le !o +a(e i! a possi%le
depending on o- you de&ide !o rea&! !o i!,
Part 61 <issing %he 'itt!e %hings
It*s the little details that are vital. ittle things make big things happen.
-#ohn +ooden
You +ay !in( you a1e i! all &o1ered, So&ial 9edia is under &on!rol. your presen!a!ions
are !op no!& and your &lien!ele are sa!is)ied, Bu! is e1ery!ing as good in !e %ig pi&!ure as i!
You +us! in!era&! -i! your so&ial +edia &onne&!ions a! leas! on&e a day. i!8s proper S9
e!i:ue!!e !o do so, Wi! !e possi%ili!ies -e a1e in !e&nology !oday. i!8s easier !an e1er !o do
so, 9a(e sure your pos!s are prepped and ready !o %e au!o+a!i&ally pos!ed )or !e -ee( and
e1en +on!, 5or e2a+ple +any -e%si!es su& as 5a&e%oo( o))ers o-ners o) 5an Page !e
a%ili!y !o &rea!e pos!s !a! -ill appear a! !e !i+e and da!e !a! you presele&!,
We%si!es su& as Hoo!esui!e allo- you !o &rea!e a pos! and send i! !o +ul!iple -e%si!es
a! !e sa+e !i+e. -i& is essen!ial )or so&ial +edia gurus -ose &us!o+er %ase is )ound )ro+
!ese si!es,
E1en !oug your &us!o+ers see+ sa!is)ied. !a! doesn8! +ean !a! you need !o -al(
a-ay and lea1e !e+ anging in !e &louds on !eir o-n, Your &us!o+ers are i+por!an! !o you
no +a!!er i) you are -or(ing )or !e+ in !e presen! !i+e or in !e pas!. or )u!ure, Fi)!s are
al-ays a ni&e -ay !o so- !a! you &are a%ou! !eir %usiness as -ell as appre&ia!e i!,
3 appy &us!o+er al-ays &o+es %a&( -en !ey (no- !ey are appre&ia!ed and a1e a
%usiness -o -ill a1e !eir %a&( sould !e !i+e &o+e -en !ey are in need,
3lso. you sould ne1er )orge! a%ou! !e )a+ily. )riends and o!er personal &onne&!ions
-o elped you ge! -ere you are !oday, We!er you are *us! %eginning or a1e %een
%usiness )or a de&ade. !ere are a group o) people -o a1e %een en&ouraging o) your su&&ess
and i!8s ne1er !oo la!e !o so- !e+ your appre&ia!ion,
Part 62 9ood 1eighor 4ad 1eighor Po!ic=
Cus!o+ers and personal &onne&!ions are no! !e only ones -o need and deser1e your
a!!en!ion, Be&o+ing a &o++uni!y leader or a&!i1is! is 1ery i+por!an!, You don!8 a1e !o %e a
)or!une )i1e undred &o+pany !o +a(e a di))eren&e, You &an %e so+e!ing as si+ple as a
Tir!y ?ne Consul!an! !o +a(e a uge di))eren&e in so+eone else8s li)e,
?n !e %usiness side o) %eing a good neig%or in your &o++uni!y. you -ill also elp ge!
your &o+panyQs na+e ou! !roug !e +ar(e!ing your -ill re&ei1e %y %e&o+ing a&!i1e,
Tere are +any !ings you &an do !o %e&o+e an a&!i1e par! in your &o++uni!y, 5or
e2a+ple. li%raries are al-ays -el&o+e !o &o++uni!y %usiness +e+%ers -o 1olun!eer !eir
!i+e !o !ea& s+all %usiness +ee!ings and read !o !e youngs!ers o) !e &o++uni!y, Tis is also
grea! )or pra&!i&e in pu%li& spea(ingJ
During !e olidays. os! a dri1e )or )ood and &oa!s )or &ildren and !e elderly, Your
&us!o+er ser1i&e in your &o++uni!y sould %e *us! as i+por!an! as !e +ee!ing you are os!ing
-i! your ne2! &lien!, Denying !e suppor! o) your &o++uni!y no! loo(s %ad on your %usiness.
%u! -rea(s a1o& on your -ell%eing and posi!i1e !in(ing,
Part 63 1o Recognition O) Your Support S=stem
?ne o) !e -ors! possi%le !ings you &ould do !o ur! your %usiness is !o ignore or no!
re&ogniGe !e suppor! sys!e+ !a! as elped guide you !o your su&&ess !oday, I!8s i+por!an! !o
%e su&&ess)ul. %u! i!8s e:ually i+por!an! !o %e gra!e)ul, Tere8s a reason -y you see your
+en!ors pos! on !eir !ele1ision so-s and so&ial +edia pos!s ads o) gra&iousness a%ou! !eir
)a+ily and )riends= !ey are pra&!i&ing good +anners and (ar+aJ
Wo -ould -an! !o &on!inue !o a1e your %a&(. i) you le)! !e+ in !e %lueK Ta(ing )ull
&redi! !o your su&&ess is +orally -rong and 1ery re&ogniGa%le, Ta! &lien! you are !rying !o sell
your ser1i&es !o +ay a1e eard )ro+ is grand+o!er -o eard )ro+ your aun! !a! you
a1en8! !an(ed your +o!er )or er elp during your dar(es! !i+es o) your %usiness,
Your &ildQs so&&er &oa& -as in!eres!ed in your produ&!s %u! i!8s going !o !a(e an e2!ra
+ile on your %eal) !o sell your s!o&(. %e&ause you aren8! 1ery a&!i1e in your &ild8s su&&ess on
!e )ield, Ho- you %ea1e personally !o your suppor! sys!e+ &an and -ill a))e&! you
Te -ord is ou! !ere -i!ou! you e1en realiGing i!. are you ready )or i!K
Part 64 +gnoring Your Post " Da=
Clien!s li(e !o %e a&!i1e -i! !eir %usinesses and produ&!s, ?n a !ypi&al day. you +ay
)ind !a! +any o) your &lien!s -ill read !roug so&ial +edia as i) !ey -ere reading !e Sunday
paper, I) you aren8! a&!i1e in so&ial +edia. !en you are doing i! -rong,
In order !o +a(e sure !a! you are re+aining a&!i1e. +a(e sure !a! you &rea!e a! leas!
one pos! a day and i) possi%le no +ore !an !ree, 9ore !an !ree &an !urn o)) !e +os!
sensi!i1e so&ial +edia &lien!ele, Ho-e1er. one pos! a day -ill (eep you a&!i1e enoug !o (eep
your &us!o+ers in!eres!ed,
Part 65 +gnorance O) Socia! <edia 4ene)its
'ocial media is not about the e.ploitation of technology but service to
-'imon %ainwaring
?ne o) !e -ors! !ings you &an do !o your %usiness is no! re&ogniGe !e i+pa&! !a!
so&ial +edia as on our e&ono+y !oday, Te easies! -ay !o !o &onne&! -i! o!ers is %y a
+ee!ing online. allo-ing your &us!o+ers !o sop online and lea1e !eir re1ie-s )or !e -orld !o
see 1ia !e in!erne!,
I) 5red 5lins!one -ere ali1e and real in !odays -orld. you &ould %e! ig !a! e -ould %e
a&!i1e in so&ial +edia )or is s!one age %usiness as -ell, Te )a&! is !a! -e -ere +ean! !o li1e
!e -ay -e do !oday, I! -as our des!iny !o use !e !e&nology -e &urren!ly a1e, 3nd i! only
(eeps e2panding,
?nly !e ignoran! -ill &on!inue !o ignore !e %ene)i!s !a! so&ial +edia olds )or
%usinesses !oday, 3 s+all %usiness o-ner &ould &oose !o pro)i! )ro+ selling produ&!s and
ser1i&es !o a &lien! in ano!er &oun!ry. *us! %e&ause o) !e a1aila%ili!y !e in!erne! o))ers, Ho-
a+aGing is !a!KJ
Part 66 +nactivit= O) Socia! <edia 9roups "nd 5orums
Increasingly, consumers don*t search for products and services. $ather, services
come to their attention via social media.
-6rik 7ualman
Crea!ing pos!s alone -ill no! (eep you &onne&!ed in !e -ay !a! you sould !o %e
su&&ess)ul in %usiness, 9a(e sure !a! you are !al(ing. in real !i+e. as a real person in groups
and )oru+s,
Ooin groups and )oru+s !a! are in your line o) )ield, Dis&uss %usiness !ips and gi1e
ad1i&e and +os! i+por!an!ly. don8! %e a)raid !o as( :ues!ions, Te +ore a&!i1e you are. !e
+ore your %usiness -ill %e re&ogniGed,
3lso. re+ain a&!i1e, Don8! !in( !a! *us! %e&ause you *oined !e group or ans-ered a
pos! !a! i! is !e end and all !a! you need !o do !o +a(e i! -or(, S!ay a&!i1e and !e
possi%ili!ies are endlessJ You +ay )ind yoursel) %e&o+ing a +en!or !o ano!er s+all %usiness
o-ner or e1en iring ne- e+ployees,
Part 6# Pride Over <entorship
4e&ogniGing your appre&ia!ion )or !e suppor! o!ers a1e gi1en and so-n you is
i+por!an!. %u! are you also lis!ening !o -a! !ey a1e !o sayK I) you aren8! &are)ul. pride &an
o1erride -a! !e -ise are !elling you !a! &ould %e 1ery i+por!an! !o your %usiness, Don8! le! !e
&ip on your soulder &loud your *udge+en! -en lis!ening !o a +en!or,
I!8s easy !o le! pride s!ri(e you and %lo&( your 1ision -en you %egin !o see su&&ess,
Ho-e1er no +a!!er o- su&&ess)ul you are or see+. you -ill al-ays need !e elp o) a +en!or,
I!8s o(ay !o lis!en !o ano!er person and re&ogniGe !eir 1ie-s, 3s a grea! +an in +y li)e on&e
said ;So+e!i+es you a1e !o -al( ou! o) a roo+. in order !o see -a!8s going on inside !e
Lis!en !o -a! your +en!ors a1e !o say and pu! !eir -ords in!o a&!ion, Ta(e e1ery -ord
)or &onsidera!ion, Cons!ru&!i1e &ri!i&is+ &anno! old agains! !e -ords o) a grea! +en!orJ
Part 6$ 1ood= :no(s 8hat You Do
So. you8re a s+all %usiness o-ner, Ta!8s a-eso+eJ Bu!. -a! is !a! you doK Wa! are
you sellingK Wo are you selling !oK Ho- are !e produ&!s and ser1i&es good )or !ose you are
see(ing !o sell !oK Ha1ing a %usiness is grea!. unless no one (no-s -a! i! is you do,
I) you !in( !a! o!ers around you (no- -a! i! is you do. as( !e+, I!8s as si+ple as
!a!, 9y daug!er in Kindergar!en -as as(ed -a! er +o++y did )or a li1ing and se replied
;Se -or(s )or Y=3=H=?=?<. in -i& a! !e !i+e I -as an a&!i1e &on!ri%u!ing -ri!er )or YaooJ
Bu! e1en a! !e young age o) )i1e. se ad a re&ogni!ion o) -a! i! -as !a! +o++y did,
'o-. i) you -ere !o as( +y +o+ se -ould !ell ;Sandy -or(s and -ri!es on !a! online !ing<, In
o!er -ords. se (no-s I8+ a -ri!er and &an do-nload %oo(s !o er e4eader. %u! doesn8! (no-
+u& +ore a%ou! !e in!erne! %esides !a!, 3nd !a!8s good enoug )or +eJ
3s( o!ers around you i) !ey (no- -a! i! is you do or are selling, You +ay surprised a!
!eir ans-ersJ Ous! %e&ause !ey suppor! you doesn8! +ean !ey a1e a &lue as !o -a! i! is
you8re doing,
So -y is i! so i+por!an! !ey (no- and unders!andK 5or e2a+ple. peraps you8re a
&o+pu!er !e&ni&ian, Your -or( +ay %e sla&(ing and you +ay %e in need o) ne- &lien!s, You
pos! in so&ial +edia ne!-or(s. ad1er!ise in your lo&al paper and pass ou! %usiness &ards, Bu!
!e ans-er +ay %e rig! under your rose &olored glasses= -ord o) +ou!, Wen one person
unders!ands -a! you8re doing. suddenly !eir neig%or. lo&al gro&er and %a%ysi!!er -ill (no-.
!oo, I! really is *us! !a! si+ple,
Part 6& Reactive +n 1et(or2ing
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
-/enry -ord
Ous! %e&ause you +ean -ell doesn8! +ean !a! a&!ion is !a(ing pla&e, You +ay a1e
+ean! !o +a(e !a! pos! in your so&ial +edia group. %u! didn8! ge! around !o doing so, Peraps
you -an!ed !o ans-er !a! re1ie- online %u! )orgo! a%ou! i!,
Don8! %e rea&!i1e in ne!-or(ing. %e&o+e proa&!i1eJ I! is your *o% and responsi%ili!y !o
-or( your ardes! and ans-er !ose replies and &o++en!s, Cus!o+ers are loo(ing !o ear )ro+
youJ Wen i! &o+es !o %usiness. i) i! +ig! %e i+por!an!= i! isJ
You re&ei1ed an in1i!a!ion !o a lo&al ne!-or(ing e1en! in your &o++uni!y %u! a1en8!
!a(en i! seriously enoug !o pu! i! in!o your &alendar and prepare %usiness &ards, Don8! ignore
!e in1i!a!ionsJ 'e!-or(ing in person &an go a lo! )ur!er !an you +ay %e gi1ing i! &redi! )or,
'o +a!!er o- )ar you s!ri1e in your %usiness8 )u!ure. +a(e sure !a! ne!-or(ing is one
o) !e (eys !a! you are !a(ing seriously on !e pa! !o su&&ess,
Part #* 'ac2 O) Sponsorship
'e1er %e a)raid !o as( )or elp in sponsorsip, 3! so+e poin!. e1ery %usiness is going !o
see( elp )inan&ially or 1ia a +en!or, Ous! %e&ause you are a %usiness o-ner doesn8! +ean you
a1e !o +a(e !e *ourney alone,
Peraps you8re loo(ing !o e2pand your %usiness %u! don8! a1e !e )inan&ial +eans !o do
so, Help is a1aila%leJ Don8! re+ain %lind !o !e )a&! !a! i! is o(ay !o see( elp -en i!8s needed,
Loo( up s&olarsips online )or your %usiness, Ooin in )oru+s and as( o!er o-ners li(e yoursel)
o- !ey -ere a%le !o rea& !eir si+ilar goals su& as your o-n,
Tere are also +any %usiness o-ners -o a1e rea&ed a le1el o) su&&ess !a! are
sa!is)a&!ory enoug !a! !ey are &o+)or!a%le and see(ing !o elp o!er o-ners su& as
yoursel), 5ind !e+J Crea!e por!)olios )or yoursel) and don8! le! !a! &ip on your soulder s!op
you )ro+ ge!!ing !e elp you and your %usiness8 )u!ure deser1e,
Being proa&!i1e in &o++uni!y a))airs and re&ogniGing your suppor! sys!e+ are only a )e-
o) !e -ays you &an (eep your %usiness ali1e, To assure and se&ure your %usiness8 )u!ure.
+a(e sure you !a! you are also su&&ess)ul in so&ial +edia as -ell, 9ore people sop online
!ese days and &e&( ou! re1ie-s %e)ore !ey &on!inue -i! !eir pur&ase !an e1er %e)ore,
Tell your pride !o !a(e a %a&( sea!. as( )or elp -en needed and +a(e sure !a! your +ind is
open !o &ons!ru&!i1e &ri!i&is+ and !e a%ili!ies so&ial +edia and ne!-or(ing as !o o))er,
Chapter $ C!osing %he Dea!
Te +os! i+por!an! s!ep in %usiness is &losing !e deal, ?n&e you a1e &losed !e deal.
i! is si+ply a *ourney !o and %eyond in su&&ess -i! your no- presen! &us!o+er, You81e passed
!e &o++er&ial !o oo( !e+ in and -or(ed !roug !e )ine de!ails !o +ee! !eir needs -i!
your produ&! or ser1i&e, 'o- i! is !i+e !o )inaliGe !e solu!ion and +o1e on !o +a(e sure !ey
are sa!is)ied, 3re you prepared and ready !o a1oid !e si!ua!ions !a! +ay pre1en! you )ro+
doing soK
Part #1 %he Discount Danger
Dis&oun!s on produ&!s and ser1i&es &an see+ li(e a -onder)ul -ay !o ge! pre1ious
&lien!s &o+ing %a&( and ne- &lien!s pi&(ing up !e pone, Ho-e1er i! &an also %e a 1ery
dangerous !as( !o your %usiness as -ell,
Depending on !e produ&! or ser1i&e you8re selling as -ell as !e s!a!us o) your
%usiness8 )inan&ial s!a!e. are all )a&!ors !a! sould %e !a(en in!o &onsidera!ion -en +a(ing !e
de&ision on -e!er or no! you sould o))er a ser1i&e a! a dis&oun!ed ra!e !o your &lien!s,
Selling a pair o) soes a! a &learan&e pri&e o) !en dollars is )ar di))eren! !an selling a
ser1i&e es!i+a!ed a! !ree !ousand a +on!, Wi! a1ing produ&!s !a! a1e %een si!!ing on
sel1es in in1en!ory )or o1er nine +on!s. you +ay -an! !o &onsider os!ing a sale !o ro!a!e !e
Bu! !a! isn8! e2a&!ly -ere !e danger lies, Wen you gi1e a personal dis&oun!. you
&rea!e a sno-%all e))e&! )or !e e2pe&!an&y o) o!er )u!ure dis&oun!s !o e+erge= no +a!!er -a!
i! is you are selling,
You +ay a1e gi1en !e neig%ors grand+o!er a dis&oun!. %u! no- !e nie&e o) !e
sa+e )a+ily is loo(ing )or !e sa+e (ind o) !rea!+en! and e2pe&!ing !e a dis&oun! as -ell, ?r
peraps !i+es are !oug and !ey li(e !o na!urally sa1e +oney. so !ey are going !o si+ply -ai!
un!il !e ne2! dis&oun! is o))ered %e)ore &on!inuing !o +a(e a pur&ase,
Wen o))ering dis&oun!s su& as !ese sor! sales. !is -ill ul!i+a!ely ur! your nor+al
e1eryday regular sales, To pre1en! !is )ro+ appening is si+ple, Ous! don8! do i!, ?))er
dis&oun!s )or spe&ial e1en!s and o&&asions su& as anni1ersaries or %ir!days -en i! is
appli&a%le espe&ially !o !e &us!o+er, Tis -ill relie1e any unne&essary &on)usion o) -en !ey
sould e2pe&! !e spe&ial o))ers and eli+ina!e o!ers )ro+ e2pe&!ing !e+ -en !ey are
un-el&o+e as -ell,
Part #2 1o +nvitation %o Return
3 grea! -ay !o +a(e sure a &us!o+er doesn8! re!urn your &all or &o+e %a&( )or ser1i&e in
!e )u!ure is %y no! doing one si+ple !ing. as(ing !e+ !o re!urn, Te )a&! is !a! +any
&us!o+ers -ill no! re!urn i) !ey are si+ply no! as(ed,
To you as a %usiness o-ner !is +ay sound silly. %u! i! isn8!, 3n in1i!a!ion !o re!urn ne1er
ur! anyone and as a +a!!er o) )a&! -i! !e rig! (ind o) !a&!i& -ill %e re+e+%ered la!er,
3 pos!&ard. si+ple !an( you and &o+e again -i! a &o++on laug o1er &on1ersa!ion
a%ou! a produ&! or a gi)! o) !an(s is so+e!i+es all !a! is needed )or a &us!o+er !o re+e+%er
!e de!ail o) your %usiness and &rea!e a -an! in !e+ !a! is needed )or !eir re!urn,
Wi!ou! in1i!ing !e+ !o re!urn you +ay %e gi1ing !e i+pression !a! !e %usiness is
done and no! needed on&e +ore, Un)or!una!ely !oo +any %usiness o-ners don8! realiGe !is
un!il i!8s !oo la!e and lose !e &us!o+er !o a &o+pe!ing %usiness la!er,
Part #3 5orgetting %he ;"s2 %hree %imes0 Ru!e
3s(ing !e &us!o+er !ree !i+es during a &on1ersa!ion is an i+por!an! !as( !a! +any
%usiness o-ners and !eir e+ployees o1erloo(, Tey do !is )or +any reasons in&luding !a!
!ey don8! -an! !o see+ >!oo pusy8, You -on8! i) you are a%le !o andle your -ords
appropria!ely, You -an! !o %e a%le !o as( !e+ !ree di))eren! !i+es -i!ou! &o+ing a&ross as
Wi!in !e &on1ersa!ion you -ill need !o ease !e :ues!ion !a! -ill lead you &loser !o !e
&losing o) !e deal, Tis :ues!ion -ill &onsis! o) -a!e1er !e si!ua!ion +ay %e, 5or e2a+ple you
+ay %e ready !o pro&eed on!o !e ne2! s!ep, 3! !i+es !e &us!o+er -ill -an! !o &on!inue -i!ou!
:ues!ions as(ed. %u! i) !ey don8! you need !o %e prepared -i! an ans-er or re%u!!al !a! -ill
guide !e+ %a&( in!o !e dire&!ion o) !e &losing,
I) you do no! as( !ree !i+es during !e &on1ersa!ion !e :ues!ions !a! -ill lead you
&loser !o !e ne2! s!ep o) &losing !e door. you -ill %e +issing oppor!uni!ies, 9any u+ans learn
a! a 1ery young age )ro+ repe!i!i1e %ea1ior and re1erse psy&ology, 3s adul!s. -e s!ill do so
e1en i) -e don8! realiGe i! %e&ause -e -ere !rained !o do so a! su& a young age,
5or e2a+ple lis!en !o a radio &o++er&ial, Ho- +any !i+es in !a! si2!y se&onds did you
ear !e+ say !e prase !a! !ey are -an!ing you !o re+e+%erK T-i&e. !ree !i+esK 9ay%e
you ear i! all o) !e !i+e and don8! e1en realiGe i!, Ta(e !e &orus o) a song as ano!er
e2a+ple, -a! is i! a%ou! !e song !a! you )ind yoursel) u++ing la!erK
Part #4 7nappea!ing Presentations
Presen!a!ions spea( 1olu+es )or your %usiness, Tese sould %e !a(en 1ery seriously
)or one si+ple reason. i) you &o+e a&ross as unprepared i! -ill ur! your %usiness -ill surely
su))er, Te +ore prepared you are. !e iger &an&e you -ill a1e a! &a!&ing !e &lien!s
a!!en!ion. -i& is e2a&!ly -a! you need !o doJ Ca!& i! and (eep i!J
Your goal is !o &lose !e sale and +a(e an i+pression, You &an do !is %y &rea!ing an
ou!s!anding presen!a!ion, 3 solid presen!a!ion !a! is in)or+a!i1e and en!er!aining -ill &ap!ure
!e +e+ory o) your &lien! !a! you need !o rea& your goal -e!er i! %e long !er+ or sor! !er+,
Don8! le! !e !oug! o) a grea! presen!a!ion s&are you, Spea(ing -i! your presen!a!ion
sould no! in!i+ida!e you, Pu! your +en!ors !o good use i) you )ind !a! you are in need o) elp
-i! pu!!ing !oge!er a presen!a!ion !a! -ill i+press and lea1e a las!ing i+pression,
9a(e sure !a! you -a!& your %ody language as -ell as 1er%al language -en os!ing
!e presen!a!ion, Te produ&!s and slides are no! !e only !ing !a! -ill sell your produ&!s and
ser1i&es, 3 grea! presen!a!ion is +ade up o) a use)ul )or+ula in&luding in)or+a!ion as -ell as
-a! !ey -ill per&ei1e )ro+ you,
'ega!i1e %ody language &an !urn your audien&e !o a di))eren! &ee( -i! you and !urn
o)) !eir a!!en!ion :ui&(ly !o -a!8s really i+por!an!. !e su%*e&! o) your presen!a!ion, 4e+e+%er
!a! -en spea(ing you are using language !a! is &lear and easy )or your !arge! audien&e !o
unders!and, You need !o o-n !e presen!a!ion -i! &on)iden&e,
Your &on)iden&e -ill so- !roug your -ords and i) you la&( !a! &on)iden&e you -ill
surely lose your audien&e as -ell as !e a%ili!y &lose !e sale,
Part #5 'ac2 O) @era! Communication
I &anno! e2press enoug o- i+por!an! i! is )or %usiness o-ners and !eir e+ployees !o
a1e &lear 1er%al &o++uni&a!ion %e!-een ea& o!er and !eir &us!o+ersJ La&( o) 1er%al
&o++uni&a!ion -ill ur! your %usiness !re+endously, Ha1e you e1er played !e ga+e
!eleponeK 9ay%e you did as a &ild,
Try !is e2er&ise -i! your e+ployees. &ildren or anyone else -o +ay %e around you,
Tere is so+e )un in !is ga+e. o-e1er I -an! you !o see !e resul!s )irs! and on o- la&( o)
&lear 1er%al &o++uni&a!ion &an %e&o+e &on)using and ar+)ul,
To %egin !is e2er&ise si+ply %egin -i! a prase, 3ny prase you -is, 5or e2a+ple
you &ould %egin -i! ;9y re)rigera!or is running only a! nig!,< Te ne2! person -ill pass i! on !o
!e ne2! and so on, Te 1ery las! person !o re&ei1e !is prase -ill !en repea! i! !o !e group
playing, Te +ore people a1e playing !is ga+e. !e %e!!er you -ill unders!and !e !rue
+eaning o) &lear 1er%al &o++uni&a!ion,
9a(e sure !a! -a! you are presen!ing !o your e+ployees and &us!o+ers is &lear, Be
&on)iden! in your -ords and as( i) !ey unders!and -a! i! is !a! you8re !al(ing a%ou!, 3s( i) !ey
a1e any :ues!ions and %e open !o any ans-ers !ey +ay gi1e you,
Do !is e2er&ise as +any !i+es as is needed, Do i! )or )un i) you -is, Bu! +os!
i+por!an!ly. learn )ro+ i!, Use prases !a! you -ould say nor+ally a! -or( and !en you +ay
see *us! o- +isunders!ood !e !er+s are pro&essed !roug your e+ployees, Tis -ill elp
you iden!i)y pro%le+s and &lear !e+ up so !a! !ey &an %e +ore produ&!i1e and &lear la!er,
Part #6 Statements Customers Can0t Re)use
3 +is!a(e +any %usiness o-ners and e+ployees +a(e are lea1ing &us!o+ers
s!a!e+en!s !a! are open ended )or re)usal, Yes you sould %e prepared -i! in!elligen!
re%u!!als. %u! i) you dire&! !e &on1ersa!ion -i! s!a!e+en!s !a! a &us!o+er si+ply &an8! re)use
!en re%u!!als -on8! %e ne&essary la!er= or a! any poin! a! all,
Be &are)ul -i! your -ords, ;Do you !in( you +ig! -an! !is dressK< is a grea! -ay )or
a &us!o+er !o easily &ange !eir +ind and is usually )ollo-ed %y !e+ re!rie1ing !e i!e+ %a&(
!o !e sel) -i! a ;I8ll (eep loo(ing !an(s< and !e loss o) a sale, Ins!ead o) !e open ended
:ues!ion !a! &an lead !o re)usal. !ry !o &o++en! in !is dire&!ion ;Ta! dress loo(s lo1ely on
you. I8d lo1e !o see you !ry i! on, Le! +e guide you !o !e dressing roo+ so !a! you &an also see
o- lo1ely i! -ill %e on you< and as you &an see. !ere is no :ues!ion or s!a!e+en! !a! !e
&us!o+er &an i++edia!ely address nega!i1ely,
I) you aren8! sure o- !o go a%ou! &rea!ing s!a!e+en!s and :ues!ions !a! a &us!o+er
&an8! re)use. pra&!i&e -i! !e elp o) ano!er person, You don8! need !o use a )ello- e+ployee
!o do !is e2er&ise, 3s a +a!!er o) )a&!. i! -ill elp i) you use a &ild or neig%or, So+eone -o
-ill %e &o+ple!ely ones! in !eir response,
Part ## 'ac2 O) :no(!edge "out %he Competition
!ompetition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer, but is the incentive
to progress. -/erbert /oover
So. you a1e a %usiness, Ta!8s a-eso+e. really i! is, Bu! so doesn8! your )riend. and
neig%or and !e guy do-n !e road, So -a! +a(es your %usiness +ore spe&ial and s!and ou!
)ro+ !e &o+pe!i!ionK
3s( yoursel) !e -o. -a!. -en. o- and -y8s o) !e &o+pe!i!ion, Can you e1en
%egin !o na+e !ree o) your &o+pe!i!ors in your areaK ?. !ey are !ere %u! do you (no- -o
!ey areK Be!s are ig !a! your &us!o+er does,
Cus!o+ers are -ise -en i! &o+es !o ge!!ing -a! !ey need and li1ing in !e -orld -e
do !oday. i! is easier !an e1er !o )ind -a! !ey -ill -an! !o ge! -i!ou! a1ing !o do +u& a! all,
Your *o% is !o %e a s!ep aead o) !e res!, Wa! is i! !a! you &an do !a! !e &o+pe!i!ion isn8!
-illing !o do in order !o %e !e !op o) !e lis! )or repu!a!ion a+ong your &onsu+ersK
Your produ&!s &an8! sell !e+sel1es no +a!!er -a! o!er &o+pany o-ners -ill !ell you,
Tey are &o+pany o-ners %e&ause !ey -or(ed !o ge! -ere !ey are, Wi! ard -or( and
dedi&a!ion in&luding. s!aying aead in !e ra&e o) !e &o+pe!i!ion,
Part #$ "sence O) Po(er 8ords
Wen selling any!ing you -ill -an! !o +a(e sure !a! you are using po-er -ords in your
:ues!ions and sen!en&es -en spea(ing -i! a &us!o+er, You -ill also -an! !o use &ons!ru&!i1e
po-er -ords -en andling e+ployees as -ell, I!8s grea! !o ser1e your &us!o+ers -i! (indness
and %e an unders!anding %oss. %u! i!8s also 1ery easy !o lose &on!rol -en you leas! e2pe&! i!
%e&ause you are la&(ing in use o) po-er -ords,
Po-er -ords are no! in!i+ida!ing and souldn8! !a! -ay, 3 )e- po-er -ords pu! in!o
prases !a! you &an pra&!i&e -i! in nor+al sen!en&es are Please. Tan( You. Le!8s !ry !is.
Le!8s +o1e along. 9o1ing on!o !e ne2! s!ep. We -ill. 3s soon as you pur&ase. Wen !is is
done. You -ill !en. Wen !is is pur&ased= and so on,
3 po-er -ord are -ords in a prase !a! are no! open ended or &anno! %e )ollo-ed %y
an ans-er. %e&ause i! is si+ply no! a :ues!ion %u! ra!er a s!a!e+en!, To say !e -ords 9ay%e.
Sould. Ho- a%ou!. Can -e are all -ords in prases !a! &an %e argued -i!, Tese are -ords
-i! prases !a! you sould s!ay a-ay )ro+,
Lis!en !o a &o++er&ial )or pur&asing !i&(e!s !o a &on&er! or %uying a ne- au!o+o%ile,
3re !ey using po-er -ords or open ended s!a!e+en!s !a! gi1e you !e &an&e !o re)useK
Part #& 5o!!o( 7p De)icienc=
Congra!ula!ions. you81e &losed !e dealJ 'o- -a! do you doK To !in( !a! !is is !e
end is a gra1e +is!a(e )or you %usiness, I) you -an! your %usiness !o -al( li(e a +indless
Go+%ie !en &o+ple!ely )orge! !o )ollo- up -i! your &us!o+er la!er, 5ollo- up de)i&ien&y is a
disease !a! -ill (ill your %usiness and sould %e !rea!ed -i! e2!re+e &areJ
3 si+ple !an( you -ill su))i&e, ?r +ay%e i! -as a large in1es!+en! so a gi)! %as(e! -ill
do, Ei!er -ay. i!8s i+por!an! !a! you so- your &us!o+er your appre&ia!ion )or !eir %usiness
a)!er !e deal is said and done, In1i!e !e+ !o &o+e %a&( is !e opening o) !e )ollo- up !a! you
sould pursue,
E+ails pos!&ards and pone &alls sould %e gi1en a! leas! !-o -ee(s a)!er a deal as
%een rea&ed, Wi!in !a! !i+e period your &us!o+er as enoug !i+e !o a1e e2perien&ed your
produ&! or ser1i&e and +ay %egin !e pro&ess o) eli+ina!ion in !eir +ind o) your e2is!en&e
-i!in !e %usiness, 4e+ind !e+ !a! you are s!ill a! !eir ser1i&e e1en a)!er !e )a&! o) &losing
!e deal. so -en !e o&&asion arises on&e +ore in !e )u!ure !ey -ill &o+e !o you again and
Part $* Recognize %he 4u=er
3s a %usiness &onsul!an! -o did in o+e par!ies )or -o+en. I used !o %e !old !e
prase !a! os!ing &o=ed par!ies -ere %e!!er !an os!ing par!ies !o sell produ&!s ra!er !an
*us! !o only -o+en. %e&ause al!oug !e -o+en -ere !e de&ision +a(ers o) !e sale !e +en
&arried !e +oney, 3! !i+es. !is -as only +os!ly !rue,
During !e olidays -en you -al( !roug a depar!+en! s!ore near !e !oy aisle. !a(e
no!e a! -o !e !e %uyer a&!ually is, Is i! !e paren! !railing along %eind !e &ildK ?r is i! !e
&ild -o *us! &an8! -ai! !o see i) !a! ra&e &ar !ey a1e !eir ear! se! on playing -i! -ill really
%e under !e !reeK
To %e a%le !o a1e a su&&ess)ul sale you -ill need !o re&ogniGe !e %uyer or as +any
s+all %usiness o-ners &all !e+. !e de&ision +a(er, I!8s no! so ard !o do on&e you !rain your
+ind !o pay a!!en!ion !o !e de!ails and in!s, Wo see+s +ore in!eres!ed in -a! i! is you8re
sellingK Wo is as(ing !e :ues!ionsK Wo is i! !ey say !ey -ill a1e !o &on)ide in %e)ore a
)inal de&ision on !e &losing is +adeK
You -ouldn8! gi1e your sales pi!& !o !e se&re!ary you *us! spo(e -i! on !e pone. se
isn8! !e de&ision +a(er, Her %oss o-e1er. -o o1ersees !e a&&oun!s paya%le is !e one you
-ill need !o +a(e your appoin!+en! -i!, Your !arge! audien&e and your de&ision +a(er are !e
ones you -ill need !o re&ogniGe and &on!a&!,
Part $1 " @acant ;8aiting 9ame Strateg=0
I!8s o(ay !o play !e -ai!ing ga+e -i! a &lien!, Ous! %e&ause !ey are %usy does no!
+ean !ey are no! in!eres!ed, I) !ey a1e spo(e -i! you and -ill &on!inue !o !e ne2! s!ep.
you8re in= don8! pus i!, Bu! %e prepared, Wa! sould you do i) i! appens !a! your &lien! as !o
res&eduleK Will you a1e a -ai!ing ga+e s!ra!egy !o o&&ur -en !is appensK
3 -ai!ing ga+e s!ra!egy isn8! really a ga+e, I! is o-e1er a plan )or you !o prepare !o
+a(e sure !a! !e &lien! (no-s you -ill %e !ere -en !ey are ready !o re!urn, Wa! do you
a1e planned !o do during !e !i+e in %e!-eenK
Peraps you -ill -an! !o &on!inue -or( or re1ie- your ne2! s!ep, 9ay%e !ere is
so+e!ing i+por!an! !a! you +issed. su& as a s+all de!ail %e)ore !e ne2! s!ep %egins, Use
!is !i+e -isely !o re1ie- your ne2! s!ep, Don8! pani& a! !e !oug! !a! your &lien! res&eduled.
ye! again, Ta(e i! as an oppor!uni!y !o %e!!er your ne2! presen!a!ion and so- !e+ !a! you are
glad !ey &are, Ta(e !eir si!ua!ion -i! &onsidera!ion and (indness and ge! ou! !e -ai!ing
ga+e s!ra!egy un!il !ey are ready !o soo!e your -orried +ind,
I!8s i+por!an! !o re+e+%er as a %usiness o-ner no! !o a1e open s!a!e+en!s !a! -ill
lead !o &on)usion or a nega!i1e ou!&o+e -i! your &us!o+ers or e+ployees, Clear
&o++uni&a!ion and po-er -ords are 1ery use)ul -i!ou! a1ing !o sound li(e a pri&( on !e *o%,
Don8! %e pusy a%ou! res&eduling and +a(e sure !a! you are prepared )or -en your &lien!
re!urns, 9os! i+por!an!ly re+ind your &lien! !a! !ey are a 1alue !o your %usiness and you are
ready )or -en !ey need your ser1i&es ne2!,
Chapter & Your 'a( O) "ttraction
E1ery!ing s!ar!s )ro+ an idea, Ta!8s -a! is grea! a%ou! !e +ind. i! is )ull o) &rea!i1i!y,
Espe&ially -en you are in !e rig! +indse!, 3 posi!i1e +ind is one !a! e2&els ideas +a(ing
!e+ no! only realis!i& %u! possi%le,
Dri1e and energy are !-o (ey &o+ponen!s !o +a(ing !ese ideas appen, Te )irs! s!ep
!o su&&ess is realiGing !a! anything is possible, 3 posi!i1e +indse! and !is realiGa!ion -ill elp
you no! only !roug your -or( day %u! also !o re+ain on !e rig! road !o rea& any goal you
sould %e rea&ing )or,
)eople are not la4y. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do
not inspire them. -Tony $obbins
Part $2 'iving Outside O) %he Secret
Te se&re! is ra!er si+ple. an an&ien! +indse! !a! i) you %elie1e your su&&ess is
appening you -ill li1e i! and i! -ill %e &rea!ed, 9any grea! +inds su& as To+as Oe))erson
a1e %elie1ed in !e Se&re!= -i& in !is day isn8! a&!ually a se&re! any+ore, Basi&ally you
&on!rol !e (ar+a around you,
'o- as &raGy as !is +ay sound. i! is as !rue as !e !under you ear or !e sun you see
sine, Wen you !in( nega!i1ely you -ill li1e ou!side o) !e se&re!, You -ill %e nega!i1e and
suddenly e1ery!ing around you -ill %e&o+e nega!i1e. !oo, Ta(e !e Frin& as a pri+e
e2a+ple, He &ose !o %e +isera%le and in !urn e1ery!ing around i+ %e&a+e +isera%le as
Wen e &ose !o %e&o+e posi!i1e and pu! a s+ile on is )a&e. e realiGed !a! li)e
-asn8! so %ad a)!er all, Ta! is !e po-er o) !e Se&re!,
Part $3 Deprivation O) " Positive Out!oo2
6very positive thought propels you in the direction of success8
-'cott -ord
You &oose your su&&ess and !e ou!&o+e o) !e )u!ure o) your %usiness and your
personal li)e, Tere is no one else in !is uni1erse -o &an or -ill do i! )or you, People -ill
en&ourage you. %u! !ey &anno! do i! )or you, You are !e sole &rea!or o) your su&&ess, I) you
%elie1e you -ill %e su&&ess)ul you -ill,
WyK Be&ause you -ill %e -illing !o -or( )or i! and you -on8! s!op un!il i! appens, Wen
you gi1e up. i! is !e de&ision you a1e +ade !o &ange your des!ina!ion !o su&&ess, You &anno!
%la+e !a! on anyone else %u! yoursel), You are !e de&ision +a(er )or your o-n dri1e !o !e
)u!ure o) your %usiness and personal li)e,
To o-n up !o !is responsi%ili!y is !e ul!i+a!e !ra1el !o !e rig! pa! )or your )u!ure,
Don8! depend on anyone !o +a(e !is appen )or you, I) you really -an! !o &ange !e
en1iron+en! around you. &ange yoursel) )irs!, Do you -an! !o &ange !e -orldK Lea1e a
%e!!er -orld )or )u!ure genera!ionsK Ten %egin -i! yoursel) )irs!,
Part $4 %he ;%hirt= Second0 8esite Ru!e
3 -e%si!e is al+os! a ne&essi!y )or any %usiness !oday, I! is !e address and iden!i!y o)
-o your %usiness is, I) your &lien! is no! i+pressed -i!in !ir!y se&onds o) 1isi!ing your
-e%si!e. you &an al+os! guaran!ee !ey -ill +o1e on !o !e ne2!,
Wa! do you a1e on your -e%si!e !a! is appealing and !ells !e &us!o+er !a! -a! you
are selling as e2a&!ly -a! !ey are in need o)K You +ay !in( you (no-, 3s a +a!!er o) )a&!.
you +ay a1e e1en ans-ered !a! :ues!ion rig! o)) !e %a! -i! -a! you !in( is e2a&!ly rig!,
Bu! %elie1e +e -en I said. !in( again,
Don8! pay any a!!en!ion !o !e a+oun! o) 1isi!ors you81e ad -i!in a gi1en !i+e )ra+e,
Wi!ou! !e &us!o+ers &on!a&!ing you and pursuing a %usiness deal. !e nu+%er o) 1isi!ors )or
your -e%si!e +eans no!ing,
3s( ano!er par!y !o re1ie- your -e%si!e, 3s( o!er &us!o+ers -a! !ey !in( o) !eir
-e%si!e, 9en!ion i! -en youQre ou! in pu%li& and see -a! (ind o) rea&!ions you ge!, Bu! %ra&e
yoursel) %e&ause e1en !oug you %elie1e your -e%si!e is !op no!&. you +ay %e surprised a!
!e ans-ers you re&ei1e,
Part $5 Your Presentation O) Your 8orth
+hen your self-worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.
-%ark 9ictor /ansen
Ho- you 1ie- yoursel) in -or! is e2a&!ly o- your &us!o+ers -ill 1ie- you also, Wen I
-as doing !e a! o+e par!ies and selling produ&!s !o -o+en in !eir o+es. I -as !old !o dress
as i) you a1e !e +oney -e!er you do or no!, You so- your -or! !roug o- you presen!
yoursel), Ho- you )eel a%ou! yoursel) -ill elp you sell your de+ons!ra!ion,
Dress li(e a +illion dollars and you -ill )eel li(e a +illion dollars, Do !is e1ery single
day, Do !is -en you drop your &ildren o)) !o !eir s&ool in !e +orning, Dress !is -ay -en
going !o a )a+ily e1en!, Ha1e you e1er no!i&ed a di))eren&e in your a%ili!y !o -a(e up +ore
e))i&ien!ly -en you81e go!!en dressed. &o+%ed your air and !ied your soesK Ho- is i!
di))eren! )ro+ -en you are -earing s-ea! pan!s and dir!y so&(sK
You -ouldn8! gi1e a &lien! a %usiness &ard -i! a po!o o) you a)!er you81e *us! go! done
+o-ing your la-n. so don8! presen! yoursel) as !a! ei!er, E1en i) you a1e li!!le +oney. i!8s no!
i+possi%le !o +a(e yoursel) loo( and )eel *us! as you are -or!. a )or!une,
Te se&re! !o your su&&ess lies in your a%ili!y !o a&! as so, I) you 1ie- your su&&ess as
-or! li!!le. i! -ill so- !roug o- you andle yoursel), I) you see your su&&ess as -or!
!ousands o) dollars in pro)i!. you -ill dress and spea( !a! -ay as -ell, You &rea!e !e (ar+a
around you and &rea!e !e su&&ess !roug !e energy you old,
Part $6 5au!t= Compensation
Ho- are you !rea!ing yoursel) and your e+ployersK Ho- are you !rea!ing !ose -o
a1e elped you -i! your su&&ess %y inspira!ion and suppor!K Don8! )aul!y &o+pensa!ion %e
!e de+on -o dro-ns your %usinessJ Trea! yoursel) and o!er appropria!ely,
Ta(e a +o+en! !o re+e+%er -a! !e las! !ing -as !a! you81e done )or yoursel). your
e+ployees or lo1ed ones around you, Ho- long as i! %een sin&e you81e so-n your gra!i!udeK
I!8s i+por!an! !o !a(e &are o) yoursel) and !ose -o are i+por!an! !o your %usiness !roug
&o+pensa!ion !a! -ill +a(e i! -or! -ile !o so- you &are,
I!8s o(ay !o go on 1a&a!ion !a! is -ell deser1ed, I! is i+por!an! )or your personal li)e !o
do so, I) your personal li)e su))ers. you pro)essional li)e -ill surely )ollo- do-n !a! lonely
dra+a!i& pa!, Don8! le! !is appenJ You a1e !e po-er !o &ange !is, Don8! )all under !e
spell o) )aul!y &o+pensa!ion,
Part $# 7se O) 1egative 4od= 'anguage
Body language spea(s -i!ou! any -ords ne&essary, You +ay %e doing i! rig! no- as
you read !is %oo(, 3re your ar+s )olded or legs &rossedK I) so you +ay %e !in(ing !a! I a+
)ull o) &rap %y -ri!ing !is %oo( and !a! -a! I8+ guiding you -i! -on8! -or( )or you a! all, 3nd
i) so. !a! is )ine, Bu! *us! )or a +o+en!. pay a!!en!ion !o !e de)ea! !a! you are gi1ing yoursel)
%y re!rea!ing agains! +y -ords %y %eing nega!i1e, 'o- !a! you81e read !is paragrap. o-
as your %ody language &angedK
Peraps I81e s!ru&( a &ord and you8re no- si!!ing +ore up s!raig! !en you -ere
%e)ore, 3re your eyes +ore )o&used on !e -ords in )ron! o) youK ?!ers -ill %e !urned a-ay %y
nega!i1e %ody language, Tin( a%ou! o- you -ould )eel i) you -ere !o go in!o an in!er1ie- and
!e +anager %eind !e des( ne1er raised !eir eyes up )ro+ your resu+e and (ep! !eir ar+s
)olded as !ey spo(e !o you,
Would you )eel as i) you8d los! !e *o% %e)ore you e1en ad !e &an&e !o ge! s!ar!edK I
(no- I -ould )eel !a! -ay, E1en -en you are spea(ing on a pone or !e2!ing. e1en -en
you8re sending an e+ail, Type and !al( -i! a s+ile, Si! up s!raig! and !in( as i) !e person
-ere rig! in )ron! o) you, You +ay %e surprised a! yoursel) and -i! !e ou!&o+e o) !e
&on1ersa!ion or +essage -en you are done. *us! %y o- you &anged your %ody language,
Part $$ Shortage O) Se!) Pride
If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never 2uit, you*ll be
a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.
-)aul 3ryant
I!8s easy !o allo- yoursel) !o %ring your pride do-n !o a poin! -ere )eel as i) you sould
gi1e up, Bu! I8+ !elling you )ro+ +y o-n e2perien&e. no +a!!er o- long i! !a(es ne1er gi1e up
on your pro)essional drea+s, You are !e &rea!or o) !e drea+s and i! is up !o you !o +a(e
!e+ appen, I -as on&e surrounded %y people -o !old +e I -ould ne1er +a(e i! as a -ri!er, I
-as -as!ing +y !i+e, I sould ge! a ;real *o%< and s!op -i! !is i+aginary s!u)),
Hearing !ese !ings al+os! des!royed +y &on)iden&e, Bu! un)or!una!ely )or !e+. I -as
s+ar! enoug !o (no- %e!!er, Teir nega!i1e -ords and nas!y a!!i!udes only pused +e )ur!er
and ga1e +e a ne- dri1e !o -ri!e, I ignored !eir nega!i1i!y and (ep! -ri!ing, I -as soon
pu%lised )or !e )irs! !i+e as a Con!ri%u!or on !e -e%si!e Yaoo,&o+ and s:ueeled in )ron! o)
!e+ !e )irs! !i+e I sa- +y -ri!ing on !e in!erne!, 3l!oug !ey didn8! &ele%ra!e -i! +e. I
(ne- !is -as a ne- s!ep !o so+e!ing grea! in +y -ri!ing &areer,
People -ill pus you -i! !eir an!agonis!i& a!!i!udes. %u! i!8s up !o you !o re+ain solid
and no! le! i! a))e&! your sel) pride, Wa! -ould a1e appened ad I lis!ened !o !e+ and
%elie1ed -a! !ey -ere !elling +eK I surely -ouldn8! %e -ri!ing !o you rig! no-, In !urn. !ey
elped +e -i! +y %usiness. %e&ause I didn8! lis!en !o !e+ and !urned !eir -ords in!o !e
dri1e !o (eep going,
Part $& <enta! /ea!th <atters
Tere &a+e a poin! in +y o-n li)e !a! I )ound +ysel) +ore o)!en !an no!. s!aying in %ed
-i! li!!le energy !o do any!ing a! all, Wi! !e elp o) lo1ed ones. I rese! +y -ri!ing &areer and
)ound a ne- lo1e )or %usiness, Wi! a1ing gone !roug %rie) +o+en!s o) depression. i! +ade
+e realiGe o- %lessed I really a+ !o a1e !e a%ili!y and !alen! !o do -a! I really lo1e !o do.
Troug all o) !is I -as a%le !o unders!and !a! +en!al eal! really does +a!!er, You
&an %e&o+e depressed and no! e1en (no- i!, I!8s i+por!an! !o !a(e &are your +en!al eal!. *us!
as i! is your pysi&al eal!, Tey need !o go and in and, I) one is su))ering !e o!er surely
-ill. !oo, 3l!oug !a(ing &are o) one &an elp !e o!er. i!8s i+por!an! !o !a(e &are o) %o!, I
learned !e ard -ay !a! %y only !a(ing &are o) one and no! !e o!er. I -as a 1ery des!ru&!i1e
pa!= personally and pro)essionally,
Today I a1e progressed and a1e %e&a+e su&&ess)ul. in li)e. )a+ily. %usiness and lo1e,
By !a(ing &are o) +ysel) %o! pysi&ally and +en!ally. I a1e %een a%le !o rea& +y drea+s and
&rea!e ne- le1els o) su&&ession, 3ll o) -i& I a+ 1ery proud o),
I sa- )irs! and )or +ysel) -a! (ind o) !oll i! -ould !a(e on +y %usiness %y no! !a(ing
&are o) +y +en!al eal!, By no! s!opping !o en*oy !e li)e around +e. %y allo-ing !e nega!i1i!y
o) o!ers -o surrounded +e !o a))e&! +e and %y no! +edi!a!ing and (eeping a *ournal )or +y
o-n sel) +a!!ers. I -as ur!ing +ysel). +y )a+ily and +y pro)essional &areer,
I -asn8! a%le !o -ri!e. I didn8! )eel I ad !e -an! !o, Un!il one day +y %es! )riend soo(
+e ou! o) +y depression and sa! +e do-n a! er (i!&en !a%le re+inding +e !a! I &ould do
!is, By so-ing +e o- !o a1e )un -i! +y &areer and en&ouraging +e. I -as a%le !o
su&&eed and a1e )un -i! +y %usiness again, I a+ no- de!er+ined +ore !an e1er -i! a ne-
inspira!ion !a! I &an do !is and a1e e1en &rea!ed ne- and e2&i!ing goals )or +ysel),
I!8s a+aGing -a! a li!!le en&ourage+en! and realiGa!ion &an do -en you &ange your
!in(ing pro&ess, Your +en!al eal! really does +a!!er and i! &an a))e&! your %usiness i) you le!
i!, 4e+e+%er !o !a(e !i+e )or yoursel) and don8! +a(e any e2&uses as !o -y you souldn8!,
You &anno! +a(e appropria!e de&isions )or your pro)essional &areer i) your personal +indse!
isn8! )irs! se!, 3s !e saying goes. al-ays re+e+%er !o +a(e sure !o -a(e up and s+ell !e
Part &* Caving %o Your 5ears
-ears are nothing more than a state of mind.
-:apoleon /ill
To pu! i! %lun!ly. you are !e only one -o &on!rols your )ears, You are !e sour&e
%eind !e &on!rol o) your o-n e+o!ion, 5ear is no!ing +ore !an an o%s!a&le !o a %usiness
o-ner, You &an ei!er le! i! guide you. or you &an guide your %usiness !roug i!, Your %usiness
as no )ear. %u! you as a u+an %eing do,
5ear &an %e one o) !e +os! di))i&ul! e+o!ions !o resol1e, I! &an %e )ollo-ed %y an2ie!y.
s!ress and depression, Te e))e&!s !a! )ear &an !a(e on a person. &an %e a%solu!ely
e2aus!ing, I! is a )a&! !a! )ear &an lead a u+an %ody !o illnesses,
Te )ollo-ing are a )e- o) !e %asi& u+an )ears !a! e1eryone en&oun!ers a! so+e
poin! in li)e. and o- i! &an a))e&! you as a %usiness o-ner,
M Ha1ing )ear o) !e un(no-n: E1ery %usiness s!ar!s )ro+ s&ra!& and s!ruggles a! so+e
poin! on !e pa! !o su&&ess, I) e1ery %usiness o-ner le! !e )ear o) !e un(no-n )u!ure
allo- !e+ !o s!op )ro+ &on!inuing. !ere -ould %e no %usinesses le)! )or us !o pur&ase
M Te )ear o) )ailure: 'o one li(es !o )ail and so i! &o+es -i! %asi& u+an na!ure !a! -e
loo( a! )ailure in a 1ery nega!i1e -ay, 5ailure is going !o appen. a! so+e poin!. !o all
%usinesses, I! is your rea&!ion as !e o-ner on o- !e si!ua!ion is going !o %e andled,
You &an ei!er grasp !e si!ua!ion and !urn i! on a +ore posi!i1e pa!. or you &an li1e
-i! !e )ear o) )ailure and -a!& !e %usiness run !o !e ground,
M 5a&ing !e )ear o) re*e&!ion: Te )irs! ini!ial re*e&!ions &an %e !e -ors! )or a ne-
%usiness o-ner, I! &an )eel do-ngrading and +a(e you )eel as i) your e))or!s aren8! good
enoug, Wen !e !ru! is. re*e&!ion &an and -ill appen, Ous! li(e !e o!er )ears lis!ed
and ones !a! are no!. i! is your rea&!ions !o !e si!ua!ion !a! +a(e !e di))eren&e,
Part &1 /iding Your "ccomp!ishments
3 gloo+y roo+ -ill do your spiri! no *us!i&e i) i!8s no! de&ora!ed -i! a&&o+plis+en!s
and onors, We all a1e !ings -e are proud o). -e!er i! %e diplo+as. degrees. &er!i)i&a!es.
le!!ers and +ore, Wy ide !e+K
Brig!en your roo+ and your dri1e %y )ra+ing !ese su& a&&o+plis+en!s and proudly
anging !e+ -i!in 1ie-J Do no! le! your pride ge! in !e -ay o) doing so, You are no! )lasing
!e+ -idely !o o!ers. you are si+ply raising your a&&o+plis+en!s so !a! !ey &an %e grand
re+inders o) o- )ar you81e &a+e and -a! you are &apa%le o) a&ie1ing,
?n !e o!er and. your en1iron+en! isn8! !e only !ing !a! sould old %ragging rig!s
!o your a&ie1e+en!s, You sould also %e &ele%ra!ing !e+ %y -ord o) +ou! and your resu+e,
9os! %usiness a1e an online &o+pany pro)ile !a! spea(s a%ou! !eir !ea+ o) o-ners and
e+ployees, Wy ide -a! you81e -or(ed so ard !o a&ie1eK
I!8s no! *us! >%ragging8 -en you !ell o!ers a%ou! your su&&ess, 3s a +a!!er o) )a&!. you
sould %e !elling your &us!o+ers and &lien!s a%ou! !e pas! a&&o+plis+en!s )or se1eral
1, I! -ill gain a ne- &on)iden&e in you and your %usiness !a! is 1ery i+por!an! !o your
&us!o+ers and &lien!s,
#, Te a&ie1e+en!s you possess so- !e &o+pe!i!ion !a! you are e2perien&ed in your
$, I! is a %oos! )or your repu!a!ion and -ill elp you !o +ore :ui&(ly &ange nega!i1e
re1ie-s !o posi!i1e i) you old an ou!s!anding resu+e or %usiness is!ory,
@, You -ill %e a%le !o ire +ore relia%le )u!ure e+ployees i) !ey are &allenged -i! %eing
a par! o) a &o+pany -o as su& a &redi%le pas!,
Your a&ie1e+en!s -ill so- e2perien&e and prosperi!y !a! are 1ery i+por!an! )or your
%usiness8 )u!ure su&&ess, Tal( a%ou! !e+ proudly. so- !e+ o)) -isely and +ain!ain a
sa!is)a&!ion in (no-ing !a! your pro)i&ien&y -ill %e a posi!i1e guide )or your %usiness8 )u!ure,
Part &2 P!acing !ame "nd Reactive 4ehavior
5irs! you need !o realiGe !a! )ailure is going !o appen. and so i! -ill %e, I! is o- you
a&&ep! )ailure and andle i! -i! poise as -ell as &ons!ru&!i1e &ri!i&is+ !a! is (ey !o +o1ing
)or-ard !o-ard su&&ess, 3llo-ing )ailure !o de)ea! you -ill only &rea!e depression and deple!e
!e sel) &on)iden&e you need !o +a(e !e %usiness -a! i! needs !o %e. your drea+,
E2a+ine your pre1ious si!ua!ions !orougly in !e !i+es !a! you a1e )el! as i) your
%usiness or e1en!s in your %usiness a1e )ailed, Wa! -as saidK Wo -as !ereK Did you poin!
%la+e in any par!i&ular dire&!ionK Was !e pro%le+ sol1ed su))i&ien!lyK
Si!ua!ions +ay 1ary %u! o- you rea&! in a nega!i1e or posi!i1e -ay -ill depend on !e
ou!&o+e, Using rea&!i1e %ea1ior !o a nega!i1e si!ua!ion -ill only allo- !e La- o) 3!!ra&!ion !o
dra- +ore nega!i1e energy !o you and your %usiness in !e )u!ure, Tis is -y I &anno! s!ress
enoug !o +any %usiness o-ners !o loo( )or and &rea!e posi!i1i!y )ro+ e1ery si!ua!ion,
I) you are s!ri1ing )or su&&ess. do no! a&&ep! nega!i1e %ea1ior )ro+ yoursel) or o!ers,
Ins!ead. &rea!e a posi!i1e )ro+ !e pro%le+ and &on&en!ra!e on o- !o )or+ a solu!ion !a! -ill
%e %e!!er )or your %usiness,
Poin!ing )ingers a! any single person or )a&!or &an %e a -as!e o) !i+e e1en i) i! is &lear
-o or -a! is !o %la+e. no! !o +en!ion !is -ill dra- nega!i1e energy !o you in !e long run,
D-elling on !e nega!i1e pressure is a sure )ire !o (ill your %usiness a! a 1ery )as! pa&e,
E1alua!e !e si!ua!ion !o &rea!e a ne- and %e!!er ou!&o+e. no +a!!er -a! !e si!ua!ion +ay %e,
E2&ange !e rea&!i1e %ea1ior in yoursel) )or proa&!i1e %ea1iorL I! &an %e &anged, I!
-ill %e &anged, Tere -ill %e a +ore posi!i1e resul!, Bla+e is a -as!e o) !i+e, Tere is a
solu!ion and !e pro%le+ &an %e )i2ed,
5ailure is no! !e end o) !e road. gi1ing up o-e1er is, So+e!i+es !ings appen ou! o)
our &on!rol su& as a %urs! o) depre&ia!ion in !e e&ono+y, Tis o-e1er does no! +ean !a!
your drea+ as !o end,
Wen )a&ed -i! )ailure i!8s i+por!an! !o (eep your dri1e a)loa!, ?nly -e &an allo- )ailure
!o %lo- ou! our spar( o) passion )or our %usiness, ?n&e you realiGe you are in !o!al &on!rol o)
your %usiness8 )u!ure. )ailure -ill %e&o+e no!ing +ore !an a speed %u+p,
4e+e+%er !a! i!8s 1ery i+por!an! !o re-ard yoursel) -i! posi!i1e &o+pensa!ion and
also no! !o )orge! gra!i!ude !o !ose around you -o elped you a&&o+plis and ge! -ere you
are !oday in your su&&ess, Wen spea(ing in person or on !e pone. al-ays use posi!i1e %ody
language, I! +ay spea( silen!ly. %u! i! does spea( 1olu+es, Pla&ing %la+e -ill only &ause +ore
)ri&!ion, So ins!ead !ry !o e1alua!e e1ery si!ua!ion and )ind a posi!i1e solu!ion !o e1ery pro%le+,
You +ig! %e surprised a! o- +u& +ore produ&!i1e you -ill %e and +u& less !i+e -ill %e los!
!roug &on)li&! %y doing so,
Chapter 1* +nvestments , -conomics
4unning a %usiness is no! an easy !as( and anyone -o says !a! is si+ply no! !elling
!e -ole !ru!, Being a %usiness o-ner is !a(es a lo! o) ard -or(. energy and e))or! !a! in
-i& a! !i+es you -ill pu! )or! no! realiGing you e1en ad, Par! o) !is e))or! is (eeping a &lose
eye on !e e&ono+i&s surrounding your %usiness. as -ell as !e in1es!+en! de&isions you are
-illing !o ris( and +a(e !a! -ill )ur!er !e su&&ess o) your %usiness8 )u!ure,
Part &3 +gnoring +nvestors
I!8s i+por!an! !o +a(e -ise )inan&ial de&isions )or your %usiness. in&luding -o you
agree !o -or( -i! -en i! &o+es !o in1es!ing, I!8s no se&re! !a! as a u+an %eing -e desire !o
predi&! !e )u!ure. )or our %usiness and personal li1es. despi!e -a! !e uni1erse !ells us !o do
o!er-ise, Tis is -y -e learn upon o!ers -o are (no-n as e2per!s. !o elp &ease !is )ear
o) la&( o) &on!rol. espe&ially in our )inan&ial si!ua!ions !oday,
In order !o %egin -ise )inan&ial de&isions. you +us! )irs! &o+e !o !e realiGa!ion !a! )irs!
su&&ess in )inan&e does no! &o+e o1ernig! in !e +a*ori!y o) &ases and !a! se&ond -e
unders!and and a&(no-ledge !e reali!y o) *us! un&on!rolla%le i! a&!ually is !o us,
To ignore !e plans !a! are &rea!ed spe&i)i&ally )or you 6-e!er you &rea!e !e+
yoursel) or i!8s done %y a pro)essional in1es!or7 &ould %e de!ri+en!al !o your %usiness8 )u!ure,
Be)ore you +a(e +is!a(es !a! &ould old long !er+ e))e&!s. s!op and !orougly !in( !roug
your de&ision +a(ing, I) I -ere !o &oose !o sell i++edia!ely !roug an2ie!y or old on!o an
in1es!+en! !a! &ould resul! in a +oney=loss. a+ I doing !e rig! !ingK
Lis!en !o your in1es!ors and your gu! )eeling, Do no! +a(e !e +is!a(e o) !in(ing !a!
you are an in1es!ing genius -i! an in&redi%le in!elligen&e !a! doesn8! need !o !a(e !e ad1i&e
o) a pro)essional, Wen !e odds are in your )a1or and i! see+s !a! you81e +ade !e rig!
de&isions. i!8s easy !o >lose your ead8 a+ong !e su&&ess, Ous! %e&ause you are rea&ing
)inan&ial su&&ess !roug )inan&ial de&isions no- does +ean !o reser1e !e rig! !o s!a!e !i!le as
an in1es!ing guru and ignore !e pro)essionals -o are !ere !o elp guide you in !e rig!
Part &4 %o /ide Or 1ot %o /ide 5rom 7nc!e Sam
?ne o) !e +os! i++a!ure de&isions I a1e eard a %usiness o-ner +a(e during !e )irs!
&y&le o) !eir %usiness -as !a! !ey did no! need !o !a(e !a2es on !eir sales, I! +ay see+ li(e
a si+ple and nai1e s!a!e+en!. %u! you need !o %e 1ery &are)ul, Wen running a %usiness !ere
is no! !i+e !o -as!e -en i! &o+es !o !a(ing !a2es on !e i!e+s and ser1i&es you are selling,
E1ery %usiness +ay see+ slo- a! )irs!. 1ery )e- %usinesses a1e seen !eir su&&ess
o1er nig!, 3s a +a!!er o) )a&!. a general rule )or %usiness is !a! you sould ne1er e2pe&! i!
o1ernig! and no! !o !a(e i! )or gran!ed -en i! does appen,
5inan&ial )reedo+ )or a %usiness +ay !a(e any-ere %e!-een si2 +on!s !o !ree years
in !e Uni!ed S!a!es !ypi&ally, To e2pe&! any!ing in a lesser !i+e period is si+ply se!!ing
yoursel) up )or disappoin!+en! !a! is no! only unneeded %u! +ay e1en delay and !a(e a-ay
)ro+ !e energy and dri1e you need during !e e2!ended !i+e period o) su&&ess,
Te +os! i+por!an! )a&!or -en i! &o+es !o applying !a2es !o your %usinesses )inan&e. is
!o re+e+%er !a! !ere is no iding )ro+ Un&le Sa+, 5inan&ial su&&ess +ay &o+e :ui!e a %i!
)as!er !an you e2pe&!. so -a! -ill appen -en you rea& !a! poin!K
9any %usiness o-ners do no! realiGe or !a(e !e !i+e !o loo( a! !eir )inan&ial s!andpoin!
)ro+ all dire&!ions. &us!o+er %ase. u!ili!ies. !a2es. e+ployee &o+pensa!ion= and %e&ause !is is
so &ru&ial )or long !er+ su&&ess &an )ail !eir %usiness %e)ore !eir &o+pany e1en rea&es !a!
Don8! le! !is appen !o you, I) you aren8! sure a%ou! !e )ine de!ails on o- !o +oni!or
!e !a2es !a! sould %e eld %a&( )or your %usiness8 pro!e&!ion or &arged in e2&ange )or
produ&!s and ser1i&es. as( )or )ree lo&al ad1i&e )or any !a2 represen!a!i1e in your area, Tere
are +any produ&!s !a! you &an use yoursel) !a! -ill also elp +oni!or !ese areas su& as
Hui&(Boo(s )or e2a+ple,
#f you have not began the process of organi)ing your finances for next tax season, begin
to !o so to!ay*
Part &5 Detrimenta! +nvestment Spending
'ometimes your best investments are the ones you don*t make.
-"onald Trump
4unning a %usiness &an %e ris(y %usiness -i& is -y i! is 1ery i+por!an! !o -a!& o-
you are +a(ing your in1es!+en!s, So+e!ing !a! &an see+ li(e a grea! idea )or your %usiness.
&an :ui&(ly !urn in!o a des!ru&!i1e a&!ion )or long !er+ su&&ess, To so+e ris(ing a )e- dollars on
a &an&e !o -in !e lo!!ery see+s li(e a 1ery s+all in1es!+en!, Ho-e1er !o o!ers losing a )e-
+illion dollars on a &an&e !a! !e pri&e o) gold -ill drop in !e ne2! si2 +on!s see+s li(e a
ris( *us! a s+all, I! is your o-n per&ep!ion o) !e ris( -i! !e in1es!+en! !a! +a!!ers,
9ore !i+es !an no! !ere are in1es!+en!s !a! see+ as i) !ey a1e a grea!er &an&e
losing your in1es!ed +oney. !an !o )lip i! )or a posi!i1e re!urn, Tere is plen!y !o gain e1en -en
all our +indse! se!!les upon is o- +u& -e a1e !o lose, Espe&ially -en !i+es are on a
do-n-ard spiral. i! is arder !an e1er !o re+e+%er !a! -en i! &o+es !o in1es!ing. !ere is
a&!ually plen!y !o gain )ro+ !e rig! in1es!+en!s, I!8s a +a!!er o) -ill !o !a(e !e plunge !o )ind
To in1es! in -a! see+s legi! %u! is la!er un1eiled as a &on is !e +os! popular o) all ris(s
-en i! &o+es !o de!ri+en!al %usiness in1es!+en! spending, You &an only !ry !o predi&! !e
%ea1ior o) a &on ar!is! !o sa1e yoursel) !e )inan&ial !rou%les la!er. %u! !a! isn8! al-ays
guaran!eed ei!er,
9a(e sure !a! %e)ore you spend your in1es!+en!s !a! you a1e &o1ered all o) !e %asis
and are prepared in !e &ase o) loss, Ta(e e1ery aspe&! o) !e &urren! si!ua!ion in!o
&onsidera!ion and %e sure !a! e1en !oug !e long !er+ e))e&! +ay %e posi!i1e. in !e &ase
!a! any!ing nega!i1e sould o&&ur, I) your gu! ins!in&! is !elling you !a! !e spending &ould %e
any!ing !a! is un)a1ora%le !o !e %usiness8 )inan&ial )u!ure. -al( a-ay and *us! say no,
Part &6 Current -conomics "nd Your 4usiness
& study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy anything is last year.
-%arty &llen
Te &urren! e&ono+i& si!ua!ion plays a uge role in your %usiness despi!e o- your
&o+pany &urren!ly ran(s, Your &o+pany &ould %e &onsidered !op no!& )or &us!o+er ser1i&e
and your a&&oun!s re&ei1a%le %e +ore !an any lo&al &o+pe!i!ors, Bu! i) !e &urren! )inan&ial
s!a%ili!y in your area is la&(ing. !en your %usiness -ill surely su))er as -ell,
Si!ua!ions +ay o&&ur -ere &us!o+ers don8! a1e !e +oney !o spend so !ey -ill no!
%e a%le !o ge! your produ&!s or ser1i&es, ?n !e &on!rary. i) your ser1i&e is needed %ad enoug
!e &us!o+er -ill )ind a -ay !o ge! !e )unds !o pay )or -a! is needed, Tese are !ings you
need !o !a(e in!o &onsidera!ion i) !e )inan&ial !i+es in your !arge!ed area are loo(ing
Do no! gi1e up i) !e e&ono+y as !a(en a do-n-ard spiral, 3ll you sould do is si+ply
&ange your s!ra!egy, Fi1ing up on your +ar(e!ing or ope !a! &us!o+ers -ill &on!a&! you -ill
ruin your %usiness8 )u!ure :ui&(, Cange !e ga+e plan !o so+e!ing &rea!i1e, Use your
+ar(e!ing !ools in a di))eren! -ay. in su& a -ay !a! -ill %e +e+ora%le !o your audien&e and
&rea!e a -an! in !e+ )or -a! i! is you a1e !o o))er,
Wen a &ild sees an i&e &rea+ !ru&(. nor+ally !ey are playing and a1e no +oney in
and !o +a(e !e pur&ase, 3 &o++on sugges!ion in +ar(e!ing !e&ni:ue is !o -a!& a &ild in
as(ing -en !ey are see(ing so+e!ing !ey -an!, I) !ey -an! i! %ad enoug. !ey -ill as(
-i! persis!en&e un!il !ey )ind ou! o- !o ge! e2a&!ly -a! !ey -an!, Tis is a s!ra!egy you
need !o re+e+%er -en &rea!ing a plan !o genera!e a >-an!8 in your o-n &lien!,
3no!er +is!a(e !a! is +ono!onous a+ong %usiness o-ners is !a! -en !e e&ono+y
is doing 1ery -ell. !ey !end !o )orge! a%ou! !e spe&ial !rea!+en! and appre&ia!ion o) !eir
&us!o+ers and also do no! sear& )or ne-, Do no! ge! so &o+)or!a%le -i! your o-n &lien!ele
!a! you )orge! !o see( !e ne- ones -o are in need o) your produ&!s and ser1i&es. !oo,
Te spe&ial !rea!+en! and appre&ia!ion re-ards are 1ery i+por!an! )or &us!o+er ser1i&e.
no +a!!er o- !e nega!i1e or posi!i1e !e !arge!ed audien&es &o++uni!y is loo(ing )inan&ially,
I!8s 1ery i+por!an! !o le! your &urren! and possi%le )u!ure &us!o+ers (no- e2a&!ly o- +u&
!ey are a&(no-ledged %y you and your %usiness,
Part &# -.pecting Pa=o)) 8ithout Proper +nvestments
E2pe&!a!ion is !e easies! rou!e !o disappoin!+en!, Wen you e2pe&! !e leas!. you -ill
endure !e lesser o) de)ea!, 3 pro%a%le &ara&!eris!i& o) +any %usiness o-ners is !o %e&o+e
+ore e2&i!ed -i! !e e2pe&!an&y o) in1es!+en!s )or !eir &o+pany, Tis o-e1er &an !a(e a
!erri%le !urn )or !e %usiness o-ners dri1e and &on)iden&e i) !e in1es!+en! doesn8! appen !o
)ollo- !roug,
Tere a1e %een %usiness &onsul!an!s -o a1e s!a!ed !a! i! is no! -ise !o a1e a plan
B so !a! you &on&en!ra!e and re+ain )ai! in your plan 3, Ha1ing a plan B &an dis!ra&! you )ro+
a&ie1ing plan 3, Bu! o- !rue is !is in all aspe&!sK E2pe&!ing a grea! re!urn )ro+ an
in1es!+en! &an %e a dangerous !as( -i!ou! a plan B, Tis is %e&ause !e %usiness o-ner is
e2pe&!ing !e in1es!+en! !ey a1e +ade or so+eone else as +ade in!o !e %usiness. !o do
all o) !e -or(,
You +ay )eel li(e you81e %een se! )ree o) your disappoin!+en!. ner1ousness and any
)ear !a! you ad %e)ore !e in1es!+en! -as +ade, 3 %usiness o-ner -i! a realis!i& +indse!
-ill %e opposi!e, Ins!ead o) )eeling )ired up and se!!led a%ou! !e )u!ure. !ey -ill %e&o+e
ner1ous and &rea!e a )ollo- up plan !a! -ill %e sure !o se! !e pa&e !e )u!ure o) !e %usiness,
Ous! li(e an ani+al -o e2pe&!s !e o-ner !o gi1e i+ !e en!ire pla!e o) )ood and ge!s
disappoin!ed -en only a s+all por!ion is gi1en. a %usiness o-ner -o as no! %ra&ed i+sel)
)or !e %lunder o) an in1es!ing )all %a&( +ay )eel *us! !e sa+e, Wereas !e %usiness o-ner
-o -as preparing )or plan B is ready !o !a(e !e ne2! s!ep in!o a&!ion. sould any!ing nega!i1e
o&&ur, I!8s %es! !o re+ain prepared in &ases su& as !is -en your %usiness8 )u!ure is -al(ing a
)ine line !o su&&ess,
Tere -ill al-ays %e -ays !a! you &an gro- a %usiness a! a )as!er and +u& s!ronger
ra!e -ile s!ill (eeping your e2pe&!a!ions in in1es!ing lo-, I! is possi%le and sould %e done.
e1en i) !e &urren! e&ono+i& si!ua!ion see+s !o %e !a(ing a !urn )or !e -orse, I! is your *o% as a
%usiness o-ner !o &on!inue !o genera!e a iger re1enue -i!ou! !e relian&e o) an in1es!+en!.
-ile s!ill (eeping !e %usiness8 )inan&ial s!a%ili!y and )u!ure re+aining s!eady. in&luding e1ery
in1es!+en! you sould en&oun!er and endure,
Part &$ +nsu))icient 8isdom +n Cu!tura! -conomics
;/umanity today possesses sufficient economic, cultural and spiritual resources to
introduce a better global order.; - /ans 0ung
I!8s possi%le !a! you +ay %e la&(ing !e )o&us o) &a!ering !o your &us!o+er8s -an!s and
needs !roug &ul!ural di1ersi!y -i!in your %usiness, Wisdo+ and e2perien&e in &ul!ural
e&ono+i&s !ea& you o- !o pre1en! !is )ro+ appening, Cul!ural di1ersi!y is a 1ery i+por!an!
aspe&! in your o-n personal %usiness as -ell as pro)essional, I! is al+os! i+possi%le. no! !o
+en!ion uneard o). !o no! %e (no-ledgea%le o) your %usiness8 surroundings and &us!o+ers
needs !o +a(e your %usiness a su&&ess,
5irs! you a1e !o unders!and !a! i!8s i+por!an! !o re+e+%er no! !o +i2 your o-n &ul!ural
pra&!i&es and %elie)s in!o a si!ua!ion you +ay %e )a&ed -i! !a! in&ludes a &us!o+er, Sould
you do so. you +ay )ind yoursel) !o %e angry. &on)used. )rus!ra!ed and a! a loss o) a po!en!ial
Do no! group any par!i&ular &lien! in!o a group. !is -ill %e s!ereo!yping !e indi1idual and
you +ay )ind yoursel) )a&ed -i! dis&ri+ina!ion, Wen i! &o+es !o 1alues. unders!and !a! !ey
are o)!en !aug! in a +a*ori!y o) &ul!ures a! a 1ery young age, Tis doesn8! +ean !a! !ey are
rig! or -rong %e&ause !ey are di))eren! )ro+ your o-n or !aug! early. i! only +eans !a! !ey
di))er and are 1alued !o your po!en!ial &lien!. !ere)ore !ere is a need )or !eir personal 1alues
!o %e respe&!ed and sould %e !a(en in!o &onsidera!ion during your %usiness rela!ionsip,
4e+e+%er !o respe&! !e 1alues o) your &us!o+ers and !eir di1ersi!y, Be -ise and
re+e+%er !a! al!oug !ey are di))eren! in so+e -ay. !ey are s!ill 1alua%le !o your %usiness,
Wi!ou! !eir sale. you -ould no! a1e a %usiness !o pursue. sa1e and endure, Be +odes! o)
!eir indi1idual !oug!s and si!ua!ion. and re+e+%er !o respe&! !eir pri1a&y, Tis -ill a1e a
uge i+pa&! on !e ser1i&e you os! as a %usiness o-ner,
Part && Pessimistic 5inancia! Responsii!it=
3s an adul! you na!urally a1e a )inan&ial responsi%ili!y !o +ain!ain, Wi!ou! proper
)inan&ial responsi%ili!y. your -ell=li1ing -ill grea!ly su))er, E1en during !e rouges! !i+es. i!8s
i+por!an! !o +ain!ain posi!i1e in !e old saying. ;Were !ere8s a -ill. !ere8s a -ay< no +a!!er
o- )ar )e!&ed !e idea +ay %e in !e +ids! o) do-n)all,
Te !ru! is. you si+ply &anno! +o1e )or-ard i) you are &ons!an!ly !a(ing your !rain o)
!oug! in!o a nega!i1e dire&!ion, Do you )ind yoursel) o)!en saying ;I don8! (no- o- !o ge! ou!
o) !is +essK< or ;9y )inan&es are *us! so %ad. I don8! (no- -a! !o do<K Don8! pani&. you8re no!
alone, 3s a +a!!er o) )a&! !is -orld is )ull o) people -o are in need o) so+e assis!an&e, You
&an o-e1er &ange !ose un)a1ora%le !oug!s in!o posi!i1e ones %y saying ;I8+ no! sure o-
I &an )i2 !is pro%le+. %u! I a+ de!er+ined !o )igure i! ou!J<
'o +a!!er o- %ad !e )inan&ial si!ua!ion. you are and -ill %e a%le !o )igure i! ou! -i! !e
rig! elp and guidan&e, You +us! re+ain op!i+is!i& i) you are -illing and a1e !e -an! !o sa1e
your %usiness, I) %y !elling yoursel) !a! i!8s o(ay !o spend %usiness rela!ed )unds you surely
sould no! spend %e&ause in your o-n +ind you !in( !e %usiness -ill )ail soon. !en you8re
rig!= i! -ill,
Ho-e1er you are 1ie-ing your )inan&ial responsi%ili!y is e2a&!ly -a! &ourse your
%usiness -ill !a(e, You are !e guide in your o-n %usiness and !e )inan&ial responsi%ili!y you
old is !e ear!%ea! o) !e opera!ion, Te +en!ali!y you &urren!ly old -ill a))e&! your %usiness
long !er+,
I) a do&!or -ere !o !ell you !a! you need !o &ange your -ay o) li1ing !o pre1en! yoursel)
)ro+ ear! )ailure. you -ould do *us! !a!, You -ould %egin !o e2er&ise. +edi!a!e and !a(e any
pres&rip!ion +edi&a!ions needed in order !o &rea!e a eal!ier you, Ta! is e2a&!ly o- you need
!o 1ie- your )inan&ial si!ua!ion )or your %usiness,
In1es! )unds you re&ei1e !o &rea!e a iger )u!ure pro)i!, Do no! spend +ore !an -a!
you are a%le, 9ind your !a2 in)or+a!ion !rougou! your )is&al year, 3s( )or elp )ro+ a
pro)essional su& as an 3&&oun!an! -en needed, Cange your psy&e )ro+ nega!i1e !o
posi!i1e and (no- !a! any!ing is possi%le i) you pu! !e !i+e. e))or! and energy in!o -a! you
are s!ri1ing )or= !e li)e o) your %usiness,
Part 1** Resistant -.p!oration O) +nvestments
Tere are !-o &ildren -i! -a!er guns, ?ne o) !e &ildren runs ou! o) -a!er +u&
)as!er !an !e se&ond &ild, Wy is !isK Be&ause as &ild one -as !a(ing i!8s !i+e and only
s:uir!ing -a!er a! spe&i)i& i!e+s. &ild !-o -as s:uir!ing rando+ly in e2&i!e+en! a! a )as!er pa&e
-i!ou! gi1ing any spe&i)i& &onsidera!ion !o dire&!ion,
So as &ild one -as s!ill en*oying !e %ene)i!s o) soo!ing &osen !arge!s. &ild !-o s!ood
-i!ou! any -a!er le)! in !eir gun and ad no &oi&e %u! !o -a!& as &ild one reaped !e
re-ards o) spe&i)i& de&ision +a(ing,
To a pro)essional. !is %asi&ally +eans i) you are no! -ise in your de&ision +a(ing -i!
your )inan&es and in1es!+en!s. your %usiness &ould su))er se1ere &onse:uen&es and long !er+
losses !a! +ay e1en lead !o &losing !e doors !o !e %usiness or in -ors! &ase s&enario
I! is 1ery i+por!an! !a! a %usiness o-ner +a(es !e e2!ra e))or! !o e2plore all op!ions
%e)ore se!!ling in!o one in1es!or or pur&ase. e1en i) i! is so+e!ing as s+all as pur&asing
en1elopes in %ul(, Frea!er deals are e1ery-ere and )inan&ial de&isions need !o %e +ade
-isely no! +a!!er !e &os!,
Your )inan&ial de&isions -ill ul!i+a!ely +a(e or %rea( your %usiness, Ta(e e1ery
in1es!+en! -i! &are)ul &onsidera!ion and see( elp -en i!8s needed, E2plore your op!ions as
!ere are +any, Don8! deny your )inan&ial responsi%ili!y and re+ain posi!i1e no +a!!er !e
si!ua!ion, Keep your &urren! e&ono+i&al &o++uni!ies si!ua!ion in!o &onsidera!ion -en +a(ing
i+por!an! )inan&ial de&isions )or your %usiness, E1ery &oi&e you +a(e de!er+ines your
%usiness8 pa! and you sould re1ie- all o) your op!ions %e)ore !a(ing any i+por!an! s!eps,
Chapter 11 -.ercises "nd haits
Creating Positive Habits
WeQ1e eard !a! i!Qs eal!y !o %rea( %ad a%i!s, 'o! o)!en enoug are -e re+inded o-
eal!y i! is !a! -e also &rea!e good a%i!s, I -an! you !o pra&!i&e !e )ollo-ing e2er&ises. e1ery
day )or )i1e &onse&u!i1e %usiness days,
Ha1e so+e )un -i! !is and +a(e sure !a! e1eryday you ans-er ea& :ues!ion, 3! !e end o)
!e -ee(. re1ie- your ans-ers, Use your !oug!s a%ou! your ans-ers !o see o- youQ1e
progressed or o- you &an progress in your pro)essional li)e,
E1eryday your ans-ers -ill %e di))eren!= and !ey sould %eJ 3l!oug !e :ues!ions +ay see+
repe!i!i1e as youQre reading !roug !e+. you -ill &ange e1ery single day, 3s -ill your
%usiness. personal li)e and +ood, Do no! old any!ing %a&(, 3ns-er !ese :ues!ions open and
ones!ly, Sare !e+ -i! o!ers or (eep !e+ )or yoursel),

%his is a great (a= to train =our rain to create good haitsA
+#f you,! li"e to print this page for the exercise, feel free to !o so.-
1, Did you a1e %rea()as!K I) so. -a! did you ea!K I) no!. -y no!K
#, Wi! -a! sele&!ion o) -ords did you %egin your dayK Were !ey posi!i1e. i) no! -yK
$, Wa! o%s!a&les are you )a&ing !odayK
@, Ho- -ould you ra!e your sense o) u+orK
A, Wa! is your )ear o) !e dayK
B, Wa! do you no!i&e a%ou! your le1el o) energy !odayK
C, Wa! 1alues do you oldK
D, Wa! are your goalsK
E, Wa! a1e you done !o su&&eed in your personal li)e )or !odayK
10, Wa! is !e %es! par! o) your &areerK
The Six onth !valuation
E1ery si2 +on!s you sould e1alua!e your pro)essional &areer and -or(, Do no! *us!
e2pe&! su&&ess !o &o+e !o you )or !e -or( you81e done or a&&ep! !e e))or! you81e already
pla&ed, By doing an e1alua!ion o) yoursel) and -or( you -ill %e a%le !o &learly see -a!
i+pro1e+en!s need !o %e +ade,
I) you8re un&er!ain o- !o do *us! !is. &e&( ou! !e )ollo-ing 10 Hues!ions )or ea& !e
Business E1alua!ion and !e Sel) E1alua!ion, Be)ore you read !roug !e+. you +ay &onsider
prin!ing ea& :ues!ionnaire, Ho-e1er. you -ill -an! !o +a(e sure !o a1e paper and a
penNpen&il andy -en you are ready !o %egin,
3s you !ra1el !roug !e lis!. +a(e sure !o ans-er ea& :ues!ion ones!ly and
!orougly, Tis :ues!ionnaire is )or your o-n re&ords, Tis is !o i+pro1e your pro)ession, By
doing !is you +ay also )ind yoursel) :ues!ioning -e!er or no! !o pursue a di))eren! &areer
Bu! %e)ore +a(ing !is &on&lusion. re+e+%er !a! !e &ore purpose )or e1alua!ing
yoursel) is !o i+pro1e yoursel) and %usiness= so don8! gi1e up un!il you81e a&!ed on all op!ions,
Belo- are !-o :ues!ionnaires !a! you sould prin! and ans-er e1ery si2 +on!s, Te
)irs! is in !e &on&ern o) your %usiness8 &urren! and )u!ure si!ua!ion, Te se&ond :ues!ionnaire
)o&uses on you personally as a %usiness o-ner,
Wen )illing ou! !e :ues!ionnaires. +a(e sure !o %e &o+ple!ely ones! and )ollo-
!roug -i! ea& ans-er as e2!ensi1ely as possi%le, I) +ore roo+ is needed please use !e
%a&( o) !e paper you a1e prin!ed,
Tis e1alua!ion is )or your o-n re)eren&e. al!oug you +ay )eel )ree !o sare i! -i!
your e+ployees or any o!er o-ners o) !e &o+pany, I) you esi!a!e on any :ues!ion or )eel i!
doesn8! apply !o you and !e %usiness. please s(ip i! and +o1e on !o !e ne2! :ues!ion,
Be)ore you %egin ea& :ues!ionnaire. please prepare %y doing !e )ollo-ing:
4e (ise aout =our timeB 9a(e sure !a! you allo- yoursel) enoug !i+e !o ans-er ea&
:ues!ion appropria!ely, Do no! rus !roug !e :ues!ionnaire, Ta(e ea& :ues!ion seriously as
i! is prepara!ion )or a %e!!er )u!ure )or yoursel) and %usiness, Ti+e sugges!ion )or ea&
e1alua!ion is a! leas! !ir!y +inu!es, 9a(e sure !o %lo&( !is in!o your s&edule !o a1oid any
unne&essary in!errup!ions,
Remain honest and !eave )ear at the doorB Te only -ay !o !ruly per)or+ ade:ua!ely !roug
!e resul! o) an e1alua!ion is %y %eing &o+ple!ely ones! in all ans-ers, Do no! esi!a!e. as !is
is no! a graded s&ool e2a+, Te poin! in an e1alua!ion is !o pinpoin! onors and pro%le+s
spo!s )or i+pro1e+en!,
.emember, all professionals are amateurs who never gave up.
"usiness !valuation
4usiness -va!uation >uestionnaire
1, 8hat t=pe o) gro(th potentia! do + see )oresee in the )uture )or this usinessC
#, /ave =ou eva!uated a!! options to ma2e =our usiness success)u!C
$, +s the usiness in a so!id )inancia! p!aceC +) not6 (hat can e done to ma2e it soC
@, /ave =ou p!anned an= sa!es promotions )or the ne.t thirt= da=sC
A, /o( man= customers does the usiness current!= serveC Create a 3* da= goa!D
B, /o( does the current season )or the usiness compare to previousC
C, /ave =ou e.p!ored ne( (a=s to mar2et the usinessC +) so6 (hat are the=C
D, +s a!! o) the eEuipment up3to3date and do =ou have (hat is necessar=C
E, "re the companies (ages )or emp!o=ees updatedC
10, 8hat ene)its does the usiness o))er emp!o=ees Finc!uding o(nersGC
Sel# !valuation
Be)ore you %egin !e Sel) E1alua!ion. you +us! )irs! unders!and e2a&!ly -a! i! is so !a!
you -ill %e!!er unders!and your resul!s, 3 Sel) E1alua!ion is si+ply a !oug!=ou! and ones!
re1ie- %ased on your per)or+an&es )or pre1ious and &urren! -or( &ondi!ions. goal approa&
and an o1erall e1alua!ion o) *o% )un&!ionali!y,
4e+e+%er !o %e as !oroug and !rue in your ans-ers as possi%le, Tis e1alua!ion &an
%e )or your o-n personal re)eren&e or you +ay sare i! -i! a %usiness par!ner, I! is no!
sugges!ed !a! you allo- ano!er person !o -ri!e !is e1alua!ion )or you. as !is is &onsidered a
Sel) E1alua!ion +eaning you are !e one -o is re:uired !o ans-er. read and re1ie- !e
Te i+por!an&e o) a Sel) E1alua!ion is so !a! you &an &learly see resul!s o) pas! and
&urren! si!ua!ions and +a(e any &ri!i&al de&isions ne&essary %ased on !e resul!s, By pra&!i&ing
!e e1alua!ion regularly. you -ill %e +ore li(ely !o gain %e!!er goal se!!ing s(ills and &rea!e less
unpro)essional +is!a(es in !e )u!ure,
#f you arent going to ta"e yourself seriously, !ont expect anyone else to either.
E1en !oug !is is a sel) e1alua!ion. you need !o !a(e i! seriously, Lea1e !e slang
!er+s )or !e %a&(yard %on)ires and ans-er !e :ues!ions as seriously as you -ould -an! your
&lien!s !o 1ie- you, Use appropria!e language as ne&essary,
Se!) -va!uation >uestionnaire
1, 8hat standards and goa!s have + e.ce!!ed and metC 8hat ones have + )ai!ed to meetC
#, %he )o!!o(ing are three (a=s + can e more productive on m= ?oB

$, 8hat do + !i2e aout m= ?o mostC 'eastC
@, 8hat (or2 is eing per)ormed outside o) m= speci)ic ?oC
A, 8here do + see m=se!) pro)essiona!!= = the time + ne.t ta2e a Se!) -va!uationC
B, 8hat 2ind o) support do + e.pect )rom those + am surrounded =C
C, 8hat are the s2i!!s that + (ou!d !i2e to improveC
D, <= current three (ea2nesses in per)ormance areB
E, %(o s2i!!s + have previous!= !earned areB

10, %he )o!!o(ing is a paragraph Fat !east )our sentencesG on the current a!ance o) m=
pro)essiona! and persona! !i)e6 inc!uding ho( + spend m= time outside o) m= usinessD
Sel# $iscipline Practice !xercises
Too o)!en i!8s easy !o lose !ra&( o) your o-n sel) dis&ipline, Wi! !is &o+es )eelings o)
un&er!ain!y. de)ea! and depression, I) you aren8! a%le !o dis&ipline yoursel). -o else -illK
Do no! depend on o!ers !o lead !e li)e !a! is rig! )or you, You are in &on!rol o) !e li1ing !e
des!iny !a! a-ai!s you, ?nly you &an rea& !e goals !a! you se! )or yoursel), Te only -ay !o
do !ese !ings are !roug sel) dis&ipline,
I) you a1e )eelings o) dis!ress or are a %eginner in !e -orld o) &rea!ing a s!rong sel)
dis&iplinary sys!e+ !en you sould pra&!i&e !ese s!eps !o do *us! !ese !ings,
M Pra&!i&e prayerN+edi!a!ion daily, Doing !is &an elp you gain respe&! )or yoursel) and
surroundings, I! -ill gi1e a &en!er -i!in yoursel) !a! is 1ery i+por!an!, You -ill gain or
regain !e &on)iden&e needed !o s!ri1e +ore produ&!i1ely in your &areer and personal
M Ea! a eal!y %alan&ed die!, 4e+ain eal!y and s!ay a-ay )ro+ )oods li(e &o&ola!e.
&a))eine and sugars !a! produ&e &e+i&als !a! indu&e s!ress and depression, 3
regular die!. e2er&ise and +edi!a!ion -ill elp you &rea!e !e energy needed !a! you
+ay )eel sugar produ&es as a su%s!i!u!e,
M 4e+ain on s&edule, S!ay -i!in a s!ri&! s&edule and unders!and !a! o!ers in your
&ir&les -ill respe&! !is as !is is a par! o) your daily pro)essional rou!ine, ?nly ad*us! i) i!
is needed )or )a+ily e+ergen&ies. )a+ily !i+e. eal! reasons and %usiness rela!ed
M 4e-ard yoursel), I!8s o(ay !o gi1e yoursel) a re-ard -i! a *o% -ell done, Le! yoursel)
(no- !a! !e dedi&a!ion and ard -or( you81e produ&ed as paid o)) and you -ill %e
+ore passiona!e a%ou! &on!inuing !a! !i+e and !i+e again,
M Se! rules )or yoursel), I) !e -or( is no! produ&ed -i!in a &er!ain !i+e )ra+e. do no!
re-ard yoursel), Carry o1er !e -or( !a! is no! &o+ple!e or -or( o1er!i+e on your !i+e,
edia Practices
We!er in person or o1er so&ial +edia. &o++uni&a!ion is an e2!re+ely i+por!an! (ey !o (eep
your %usiness produ&!i1e, 9a(e sure !a! you are &o++uni&a!ing daily -i! your audien&e, In a
-orld -ere &o++uni&a!ion is +ade )as!er !an e1er. !is is no! so+e!ing !a! sould %e
DonQ! !a(e )or gran!ed !a! your &us!o+ers -ill re+ain in!eres!ed or re+e+%er your na+e and
produ&!s, 4ealiGe !a! running a %usiness as ne1er %een +ore de+anding or popular as i! is
!oday, 5or e1ery )i1e ouses you see in a !ypi&al 3+eri&an neig%or. a! leas! !ree o) !e+ old
a )a+ily !a! as an en!repreneur,
Belo- is a lis! o) -ays !a! you sould %e &o++uni&a!ing -i! your audien&e, I) you are no!
pra&!i&ing !ese )i1e o) !ese !ings daily. !en i!Qs no! !oo la!e !o ge! s!ar!edJ
1, So&ial 9edia: Hoo!sui!e is grea! )or &o++uni&a!ing -i! a large audien&e a! on&e
!roug -e%si!es su& as Lin(edIn. T-i!!er and 5a&e%oo(,
#, E+ail: I) you do no! already a1e one !en i! needs !o %e &rea!ed no-. an e+ail lis! )or
your &us!o+ers and po!en!ial audien&e, Send !e+ e+ails daily -i! i+por!an! %usiness
rela!ed in)or+a!ion !o (eep !e+ in)or+ed,
$, Calling: Tis does no! a1e !o %e +ade daily %u! &an %e s&eduled in !e appropria!e !o
your %usiness e!i:ue!!e,
@, Person !o person +ee!ings: 5a&e !o )a&e as %een +ade easier !an e1er -i! !e
!e&nology -e a1e &urren!ly, S(ype and Foogle Hangou!s are only !-o )or+s o)
&o++uni&a!ion !a! allo-s us !o &a! -i! our audien&e )a&e !o )a&e )reely e1en -en
-e are +iles apar!,
A, Snail=9ail: I!Qs ne1er !oo la!e !o send ou! !ose pos!&ards or %usiness )lyers, Yes. people
and %usinesses ali(e s!ill pay a!!en!ion !o !e+ %e)ore !ey i! !e re&y&ling %in,
%our &ays To aintain 'nspiration
I) you are s!ruggling !o re+ain in !e posi!i1e +indse! !a! any!ing is possi%le. don8! )re! and
de)ini!ely don8! !ry !o )or&e yoursel)= re+e+%er your -or( sould %e )un and inspire you. no! !ear
do-n your dri1e, Si+ply do e2er&ises !a! -ill elp %uild your dri1e,
Try !ese si+ple !ips !a! -ill elp you s!ay inspired. %u! re+e+%er !o pra&!i&e !e+ religiously:
M Pos! your a&&o+plis+en!s: Pu! !e+ ou! so !a! you &an 1isually see !e+ as daily
re+inders !a! you are &apa%le o) a&&o+plis+en!,
M 4e+ain organiGed: Ho- do you )eel -en you see a %rand ne- des( !a! you are
&onsidering pur&asingK You suddenly pi&!ure yoursel) -or(ing a! i! -i! all o) your
%elongings. do you no!K Crea!e an en1iron+en! !a! is organiGed, 'o! only -ill !is %ring
your spiri!s %u! i! -ill +a(e your -or( day %e s+oo!er as your %elongings -ill %e easier
!o )ind,
M Surround yoursel) -i! posi!i1e people: Too o)!en -e &an %e &aug! up in !e
surroundings o) o!ers -o %ring sado-s o) nega!i1i!y, Keeping yoursel) surrounded %y
posi!i1e people -ill en&ourage your spiri! !o su&&eed,
M Daily 4ou!ine: Tis is 1ery i+por!an! espe&ially )or en!repreneurs -o -or( )ro+ o+e,
S!ay -i! a rou!ine !a! in1ol1es +en!al eal! e2er&ises. pysi&al e2er&ises. :uali!y
)a+ily !i+e and a solid -or( pa&e,
AUTH!"# $T%
&n -a! -ays do you !in( you +ay %e (illing your %usinessK Sare your !oug!s -i!
+e and re&ei1e e1en +ore %usiness ad1i&e -ile en*oying in!er1ie-s )ro+ )ello- %usiness
o-ners li(e yoursel) %y signing up )or !e Wise=Tin(ing 'e-sle!!er a! ---,Wise=Tin(ing,&o+,
Te Bos!on 9ara!on Bo+%ings o) #01$ -ere %rie)ly +en!ioned in Cap!er Si2. Par!
5i)!y ?ne, I8d li(e !o !a(e !is +o+en! !o send +y !oug!s !o e1eryone -o -as un)or!una!ely
a))e&!ed %y !is orri%le and &o-ardly !ragedy,
3 por!ion o) !e pro&eeds )or !is %oo( is dona!ed !o !e 4I5 )ounda!ion 64eading Is
5unda+en!al7, Tis is a 1ery i+por!an! )ounda!ion !o !e au!or. as i! en&ourages &ildren all
o1er !e Uni!ed S!a!es !o a1e %oo(s in !eir o+es and read as o)!en as !eir ear! desires,
H%he SecretI Dire&!ed %y Dre- Herio!L Do&u+en!ary #00B
;R+5< Te 4eading Is 5unda+en!al !e larges! non=pro)i! organiGa!ion )or &ildren8s li!era&yL
;%he Charge< -ri!!en %y Brendon Bur&ardL Copyrig! " #01# %y Te Bur&ard Froup. LLC
;Customer Service S2i!!s )or Success< 4o%er! W, Lu&as 65our! Edi!ion7L Copyrig! " #00E
%y Te 9&Fra-=Hill Co+panies. In&,
;4usiness Communication< Har1ard Business Essen!ialsL Copyrig! " #00$ %y Har1ard
Business S&ool Pu%lising Corpora!ion
<D@DPDP, Con!a&! !e 9ia+i Ialley Par!y Planners 1ia in!er1ie- -i! S!a&y 5i!&=Cri!es %y
au!or Sandra Wise #01$
;%raged= +n 4ostonJ 8hat %he /e!! 8as -picurious %hin2ing< Brad Pillips
U9r9ediaTrainingL Copyrig! " #01$ ---,9r9ediaTraining,&o+
;/o( %o <a2e <i!!ions 8ith Your +deas< Dan S, KennedyL Copyrig! " 1EEB
/erein 4!og Her%einVCo+pany. In&, Copyrig! " #01$L 5raud s!a!is!i&s and pre1en!ion
;5 8a=s %o Stop 4eing 'ate< Penelope Trun( Copyrig! " #00C !!p:NN%log,penelope!run(,&o+
;"dministrative "ssistant0s "nd Secretar=0s /andoo2J 'hir! E!ition< Oa+es STro+an.
Ke1in Wilson. Oenni)er WausonL Copyrig! " #00D
;8ise3%hin2ing< %log %y -ri!er Sandra WiseL Wise=Tin(ing " #01$
>uotes pro1ided %y ---,%rainy:uo!e,&o+
&8d li(e !o personally !an( e1eryone )or !eir lo1e. suppor! and pa!ien&e during !e
pro&ess o) &rea!ing !is %oo(, 5irs! and )ore+os! +y &ildren. -o+ I81e learned so +u& )ro+
e1en as an adul!, I &ould no! i+agine +y li)e -i!ou! you, Tan( you )or so-ing +e !e !rue
+eaning o) appiness. lo1e and inspira!ion,
To Fod -o+ I %elie1e as guided +e !o -ere I a+ !oday, 9y %es! )riend Cris!ina Ball
-o inspired +e -en I -as !old I -ould ne1er +a(e a &areer o) +y -or( !roug -ri!ing and
!oge!er -i! er us%and. -o %o! elped +e during !e dar(es! o) !i+es. ga1e +y &ildren
and I ano!er &an&e !o &rea!e !e li)e -e a1e !oday, I8ll ne1er )orge! !e +o+en!s o) si!!ing a!
your (i!&en !a%le and !e laug!er -e sared as -e dis&ussed +y -or(,
4o% S&o!! 6!an( you >4o%er8 )or al-ays a1ing +y %a&(7 and is lo1ing )a+ily= is
-onder)ul sis!er Tris -o as %e&a+e a sis!er li(e +y o-n. is +o+ -oQs lo1ing soulders
elped &arry +e !roug !e s!ress and espe&ially is %eau!i)ul daug!er 6-ose lo1e and
en&ourage+en! is +ore !an I &ould e1er i+agine7 )or !eir un&ondi!ional lo1e and suppor!
during +y &on!rolled &aos o) -a! I &all -or(,
9y dad. To+ 3%ra+s. -o -i!ou! is guiding -ords and guidan&e o) -or( e!i& I -ould
no! %e a%le !o )a&e +y %usiness e))or!s -i!ou! !e %a&(%one e elped +e ge!, 9y +o+.
9ar!a Wrig!. -o as so-ed +e un&ondi!ional lo1e and -en! ou! o) er -ay during +y early
s&ool years !o elp +a(e +y -ri!ing drea+s a reali!y,
9y %ro!er 4o% 3%ra+s -o in!rodu&ed +e !o !e -orld o) pu%li&a!ion and elped
re+ind +e o) -a! I -as a&!ually &apa%le o) doing as a -ri!er,
To all o) !e %usiness o-ners -o a1e -or(ed -i! +e lending !eir e2per!ise o) !eir
o-n pro)essional s!ruggles, I gra!e)ully !an( you )or your !i+e and -is you !e a%solu!e %es! in
all o) your su&&ess,
Will Kenderdine )or is en&ouraging -ords during !is pro&ess and elp -i! !e
pu%li&i!y, 9os! o) all )or en&ouraging +y li+i!s %y dona!ing a por!ion o) !e pro&eeds !o
&ari!a%le e))or!s,
Te &ollege pro)essors and +anagers as -ell as +y in&redi%le do-nline o) &onsul!an!s
in !e pas! years -o a1e &allenged +e and so-n +e I8+ &apa%le !o e2&el li+i!s I -asn8!
e1en a-are e2is!ed, Espe&ially Dr, To+ 9arsall 6Dean o) S!uden! 3))airs CSCC7 -o
%roadened +y leadersip s(ills %y guiding. en&ouraging and %elie1ing in +e,
I8d li(e !o personally !an( Tanya 9asse -o !roug er %usiness ;Co+i& S!rip 9a+a<
as %e&a+e a )riend and +en!or !o +e !rougou! !is pro&ess, Be&ause o) er posi!i1e
en&ourage+en! personally and pro)essionally. se as elped (eep +y spar( )or su&&ess ali1e,
Tan(s 9a+a )or all o) your en&ourage+en!J
Tere is a group o) Independen! Consul!an!s in !e 9ia+i Ialley region o) ?io !a! I8d
li(e !o personally !an( )or !eir suppor! in !e &o++uni!y, Be&ause o) !e+. !ey a1e &rea!ed
a dri1e and inspira!ion !a! I ad no! seen so ali1e in !a! area, I8+ proud !a! !ey are -or(ing
so ard !o &on!inue !o +a(e +y o+e!o-n grea!,
Tis group o) Par!y Planners 6Independen! Business ?-ners7 (no-n as 9,I,P,P, 69ia+i
Ialley Par!y Planners7 a1e raised o1er PE.@00,00 in !e pas! #C +on!s !o elp +e+%ers o)
!e &o++uni!y in need, Tey are a pri+e e2a+ple o) o- %usiness o-ners all o1er !e -orld
&an elp +a(e i! a %e!!er pla&e !o li1e indeed, To )ind ou! o- !o &on!a&! !is group or &rea!e a
group si+ilar in your o-n area. please &on!a&! S!a&y Cri!es 1ia er e+ail a!
Toug !ere are +any o!ers !a! I &ould gladly pu! upon !is lis! o) gra&iousness. I -ill
end i! %y saying !an( you las!ly !o !ose -o !old +e I &ould no! do i!, To !ose -o le)! +e
during !e ard !i+es and used your ars -ords o) dis&ourage+en!, I! is %e&ause o) you !a! I
-as pused !o li+i!s !a! o1er e2&eeded any su&&ess I &ould %egin !o e2plain, Be&ause o) you I
learned a ne- le1el o) dri1e !a! I +ay no! a1e e2plored i) adn8! %een )or !ose o) you -o
&allenged +e -en you said !a! I -ould )ail,
Than' You
/hoto 0re!it $roa! Spectrum /hotography
"4O7% %/- "7%/OR
(orn in Spring)ield. ?io Sandra %egan )reelan&e -ri!ing a! age )i)!een, In er -ri!ing &areer.
se as pu%lised !ree sor! ro+an&e no1els and !e -o+an8s guide !o eal!y a%i!s. &ello
1y 2ame #s 1ommy &ave ou Seen 1y 1in!, 5ounder o) !e /enny /inchers 0lub on
Ca)e+o+,&o+ as -ell as a Con!ri%u!ing -ri!er o) )inan&e )or YaooJ. In&, er -or( also in&ludes
)reelan&e paren!ing ad1i&e )or Word?)9o+,&o+ as -ell as popular 9o++y Blogger o) ;1ommy
Writes $logs< and ;Wise 'hin"ing<, Sandra is &urren!ly s!udying )or er 9as!ers in Business and
-i! er e2perien&e as a %usiness o-ner as !rained +any en!repreneurs !roug %usiness
&onsul!ing s!ra!egies, Her pre1ious -or( in&ludes %usiness &onsul!ing le&!ures !roug !e
Pe&a Ku&a ?rganiGa!ion o) Frea!er Day!on and E1en! Planning as Hos! )or !e )irs! 3nnual
Clo!ing and Toy S-ap in !e sa+e region, Se &urren!ly resides in !e 9ia+i Ialley region o)
?io -i! er )a+ily,
5or :ues!ions. &o++en!s. %usiness &onsul!a!ion andNor !o s&edule o!er pu%li& rela!ions and
+edia dialogue. &on!a&! Sandra 1ia Wri!erSandraWiseUg+ail,&o+ or 1isi! ---,Wise=

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