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48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
2 - 5 September 2015
Leiden Universit !entre for Linguisti"s #LU!L$% Leiden
*he So"ietas Linguisti"a +uropaea and the Universit of Leiden invite ou to submit abstra"ts
for (or,shop% poster or general session papers for the ne-t annual meeting)
SLE meetings provide a forum for high-.ualit linguisti" resear"h from all #sub$domains of
linguisti"s) *he up"oming edition of the SLE meeting (ill also host a round table of e-perts
to dis"uss topi"s of spe"ial linguisti" interest) *he SLE 2015 round table bears the title
/0ntera"tion and Linguisti" Stru"ture1)
Marianne Mithun #Universit of !alifornia at Santa 2arbara% presidential address$
Marian 3lamer #Leiden Universit$
0an 4oberts #Universit of !ambridge$
4ound *able /0ntera"tion and Linguisti" Stru"ture1&
Mira Ariel #*el Aviv Universit$
4i""ardo 5usaroli #Aarhus Universit$
6743S879 94797SALS) *he deadline for the submission of workshop proposals is 25
:ovember 2014) *he address for submission is sle;ugr)es) :otifi"ation of
a""eptan"e're<e"tion (ill be b 15 =e"ember 2014) After a (or,shop proposal has been
a""epted% the "onvenors (ill be re.uested to invite their parti"ipants to submit their full
abstra"ts b 15 >anuar 2015 #see instru"tions belo($) *hese full abstra"ts (ill be evaluated
individuall b the S"ientifi" !ommittee and the "onvenors)
6or,shop proposals should "ontain&
#i$ a des"ription of the topi"% in"luding the resear"h .uestions to be addressed #ma-)
1000 (ords$)
#ii$ a #provisional$ list of (or,shop parti"ipants and their provisional abstra"ts #ma-)
?00 (ords per abstra"t$)
6or,shop "onvenors are en"ouraged to distribute an open "all for papers on the LinguistList
#announ"e our !59 as a session of SLE 2015$ and other fora in 7"tober and :ovember
Sin"e (e (ant "onferen"e parti"ipants to be able to attend individual (or,shop presentations%
SLE (or,shops have to be "ompatible (ith the main "onferen"e s"hedule) *his means that
the format of the (or,shops must be organi@ed around ?0 minute slots #20 min) presentation%
10 min) dis"ussion$) 6or,shops ideall "ontain 10 or 15 slots #"orresponding to 1 or 1)5
das$) +a"h (or,shop ideall "omprises&
1) an introdu"tor paper b the "onvenor#s$ or b a ,e-note spea,er% (hi"h
summari@es previous resear"h% spe"ifies the approa"h#es$ to be ta,en and sets the
s"ope of the papers to be presented)
2) eight papers #1 da$ or thirteen papers #1)5 da$)
?) a slot for a final dis"ussion on the topi"s "overed b the papers% methodologi"al
issues and .uestions for future resear"h)
5urther details "an be dis"ussed (ith the SL+ !onferen"e Manager)
A+:+4AL S+SS07: 9A9+4S% 97S*+4S A:= 6743S879 9A9+4S) Submission of
abstra"ts opens on 20 7"tober 2014) *he deadline for all abstra"ts is 15 >anuar 2015)
:otifi"ation of a""eptan"e (ill be given b ?1 Mar"h 2015)
Abstra"ts are submitted via +as"hair #https&''eas"hair)org'"onferen"es'B"onfCsle2015$)
*he should be inserted in the Dabstra"tE bo- and also uploaded as an atta"hment #onl 6ord%
rtf or )odt formats$) 0f the "ontain spe"ial "hara"ters% please also send a 9=5 version to
sle;ugr)es )
Abstra"ts should "learl state resear"h .uestions% approa"h% method% data and #e-pe"ted$
results) *he should not "ontain the names of the presenters% nor their affiliations or
addresses% or an other information that ma reveal their authorship) *he should not e-"eed
500 (ords #e-"luding referen"es$) 7nl referen"es mentioned in the te-t ma be listed)
Abstra"ts should have the same title as the entr submitted via +as"hair) !he", the final
abstra"t "arefull and note that the version of the abstra"t ou upload (ill be the version
eventuall used for the 2oo, of Abstra"ts)
Laout re.uirements for abstra"ts&
Abstra"ts must be single-spa"ed and full <ustified) *he standard font (ill be !alibri% si@e
*he margins (ill be 2)54 top'bottom and 1)F1 left'right #Moderate in MS 6ord$)
4eferen"es (ill have a hanging indent of 1)2G "m)
6hereas general session papers "an deal (ith an topi" in linguisti"s% (or,shop papers
should ta,e into a""ount the topi" of the (or,shop proposal% and are usuall pre-sele"ted b
the (or,shop "onvenors)
SU2M0**0:A MUL*09L+ 9A9+4S) 7ne person ma submit a single-authored abstra"t% a
single-authored abstra"t and a "o-authored one #not as first author$% or t(o "o-authored
abstra"ts #onl one as first author$) :ote that ,enote papers (ithin (or,shops "ount as
ordinar papers) 9resentations (ill be ma-imall 20 minutes% allo(ing 10 minutes for
dis"ussion and room "hanges)
More information about "onferen"e submissions "an be found here)
SL+ meetings "omprise a poster session for both senior and <unior resear"hers) 0n order to
foster intera"tion% all other sessions (ill be suspended during the poster session) 9osters ma
remain available during the rest of the "onferen"e) *he ma-imum si@e of the poster is 1)10 m
#verti"al$ - 1 m #hori@ontal$) 5or more information about ho( to ma,e a good poster% "li",
Workshop proposals "ontain the names of the (or,shop "onvenors and (or,shop parti"ipants
and (ill be evaluated and ran,ed b the 5 offi"ers of the SL+ S"ientifi" !ommittee)
All abstracts (ill be revie(ed anonmousl b three referees) 6or,shop abstra"ts re"eive
t(o evaluations b S"ientifi" !ommittee members and one b the (or,shop "onvenors)
Abstra"ts submitted to the general session and to the poster session (ill be evaluated b three
members of the S"ientifi" !ommittee) *he threshold for a""eptan"e is the same for general
session% poster and (or,shop abstra"ts) *he a""eptan"e of a paper depends on the .ualit of
the abstra"t)
*here (ill be a pri@e for the best oral presentation b a 9h= student% a pri@e for the best oral
presentation b a postdo" and a pri@e for the best poster #see SL+ 201? and SL+ 2014
5or "urrent purposes% 9h=-students are students that have not "ompleted their 9h= before the
"onferen"e) 9ostdo"s have "ompleted their 9h= not earlier than >anuar 2012) A nominated
paper ma be "o-authoredH in that "ase the nominee (ill be the first author)
Appli"ants are invited to mar, the option referring to the pri@e (hen the register their
abstra"t) 7n the basis of the ran,ing of the abstra"ts% the S"ientifi" !ommittee (ill set up an
internal shortlist (ith nominees for the pri@es)
Members of the +ditorial 2oard of Folia Linguistica (Historica) and the S"ientifi" !ommittee
(ill de"ide (ho (ill be a(arded the first pri@e #500 +uros$ in ea"h "ategor% as (ell as the
2nd and ?rd pri@es #a three-ear SL+ membership $)
25 :ovember 2014& deadline for submission of (or,shop proposals
15 =e"ember 2014& notifi"ation of (or,shop a""eptan"e
15 >anuar 2014& deadline for submission of all abstra"ts
?1 Mar"h 2015& notifi"ation of paper a""eptan"e
1 April 2015& earl bird registration starts
1 >une 2015& full fee registration starts
?0 >une 2015& "losing registration date for parti"ipants (ith a paper
15 August 2015& "losing registration date for parti"ipants (ithout a paper
9lease note that unregistered parti"ipants (ill be removed from the "onferen"e s"hedule on 1
4egistration (ill open on 1 April 2015) SLE meetings are member-onl "onferen"es) *hat is%
all parti"ipants (ith a paper in the program (ill have to be or be"ome members of the
Societas Linguistica Europaea) *he earl bird "onferen"e fee for members is 1G0 +uros)
*here (ill be a re"eption in the "it "entre #in"luded in the registration fee$% a "it (al, and a
"onferen"e dinner) 7n Saturda afternoon there (ill be a post-"onferen"e e-"ursion) 5urther
information (ill be given in the se"ond "ir"ular)
Leiden is easil a""essible b air% road and train) *he "it is lo"ated in the (estern part of *he
:etherlands% bet(een *he 8ague #the residen"e of the government and the houses of
parliament$ and Amsterdam #the "apital of the "ountr$) S"hiphol international airport is
bet(een Leiden and Amsterdam% about 20 minutes b "ar or 1G minutes b train from Leiden
!entral Station) *rains bet(een *he 8ague% Leiden and Amsterdam run fre.uentl #at least 4
times per hour$) *he ride from *he 8ague ta,es about 12 minutes% and about ?5 minutes from
!hair& +lisabeth Leiss #MIn"hen$
Members& 6erner Abraham #6ien J MIn"hen$% Ale-ander Adelaar #Melbourne$% 3arin
Ai<mer #Aothenburg$% Laura Alba->ue@ #U:+=% Madrid$% A@eb Amha #Leiden$% 9eter
Ar,adiev #Mos"o($% >Khanna 2ardal #2ergen$% Laleria A) 2elloro #MuerNtaro% MN-i"o$%
9aola 2enin"O #9adua$% Mar"ella 2ertu""elli #9isa$% 3asper 2oe #!openhagen$% 4onn
2oogaart #Leiden$% Anne !arlier #Lille$% Mi"hela !ennamo #:aples$% Auglielmo !in.ue
#Leni"e$% !on"ep"iKn !ompan !ompan #U:AM J Me-i"o$% 5ran"is"o >) !ortNs 4odrPgue@
#La Laguna$% =enis !reissels #Lon$% Mil !revels #Leiden$% 2ert !ornillie #Leuven$% MarPa
>osep !uen"a #Lalen"ia$% 8ubert !u",ens #Leuven$% 3ristin =avidse #Leuven$% Stuart =avis
#0ndiana$% 9hilippe =e 2rabanter #9aris$% 6alter =e Mulder #Ant(erp$% :i"ole =elbe".ue
#Leuven$% 9ierpaolo =i !arlo #SU:Q J :e( Qor,$% =agmar =iv<a, #Sheffield$% Lettie =orst
#Leiden$% 3atar@na =@iubals,a-3oRa"@, #9o@naS$% AndrNs +nri.ue-Arias #0lles 2alears$%
Marion +lenbaas #Leiden$% Li"toria +s"andell-Lidal #U:+=% Madrid$% MaRgor@ata 5abis@a,
#9o@naS$% *eresa 5anego #Santiago de !ompostela$% Tgmunt 5ra<@ngier #2oulder$% Antonio
Aar"Pa AKme@ #Al"alU$% MarPa del 9ilar Aar"Pa Mao #2as.ue !ountr$% 5ran"es"o Aardani
#Lienna$% Spi,e Aildea #7regon$% Alessandra Aiorgi #Leni"e$% MarPa de los Vngeles AKme@
Aon@Ule@ #Santiago de !ompostela$% 5ran"is"o Aon@Ulve@ #AlmerPa$% Stefan *h) Aries
#U!S2$% 3leanthes 3) Arohmann #!prus$% +va 8a<iWovU #9rague$% 2<Xrn 8ansen
#4egensburg$% Martin 8ilpert #:eu"hYtel$% 8ans 8enri"h 8o", #0llinois% Urbana-!hampaign$%
+ll 0fantidou #Athens$% >ohannes 3abate, #TIri"h$% Aunther 3altenbX", #6ien$% 9etar
3ehaov #*artu$% 7lga 3epins,a #Leiden$% Mi,hail 3issine #2ru-elles$% Seppo 3ittilZ
#8elsin,i$% Al(in 3loe,horst #Leiden$% Martin 3ohlberger #Leiden$% 2<Xrn 3Xhnlein
#Leiden$% LUs@lK 3omlKsi #9N"s$% 2ernd 3ortmann #5reiburg$% LPvia 3XrtvNless #3o[i"e$%
Aitte 3ristiansen #!omplutense% Madrid$% 3aren Lahousse #Leuven$% Meri Lar<avaara #*ur,u
J \bo$% 9ierre LarrivNe #!aen 2asse-:ormandie$% =avid Lasagabaster #Litoria$% MarPa Luisa
Le"umberri #Litoria-Aastei@$% MarPa 4osa Lloret #2ar"elona$% MarPa >osN LKpe@ !ouso
#Santiago de !ompostela$% Lu"Pa Loureiro-9orto #2aleari" 0slands$% Andre< Mal"hu,ov
#Main@$% 5ran"es"a Masini #2ologna$% 2elNn MNnde@-:aa #Santiago de !ompostela$% 8elle
Metslang #*artu$% Amina Mettou"hi #9aris$% 3atar@na Mie"ho(i"@-Mathiasen #9o@naS$%
Aabriele Mi[[P,ovU #:itra$% +dith Morav"si, #6is"onsin$% 8enri, 8]eg MIller
#!openhagen$% :i"ola Munaro #Leni"e$% 9ieter Mus,en #:i<megen$% :i"ole :au #9o@naS$%
>an :uts #Ant(erp$% Miren Lourdes 7^ederra #Litoria-Aastei@$% 9aola 9ietrandrea #4oma
000$% >osN 9into de Lima #Lisbon$% Lladimir 9lung<an #Mos"o($% !e"ilia 9oletto #5ran,furt$%
Lola 9ons 4odrPgue@ #Sevilla$% +ri" 4euland #Utre"ht$% :i"oletta 4omeo #:e( South 6ales$%
Anna 4oussou #9atras$% 5ran"is"o 4ui@ de Mendo@a #Logro^o$% !in@ia 4ussi #Austin$%
5ernando SUn"he@ Miret #Salaman"a$% Andrea Sans_ #0nsubria$% Stephan S"hmid #TIri"h$%
+lena Seoane-9osse #Ligo$% 9etra Sleeman #Amsterdam$% +lena Smirnova #8annover$% >ohn
!harles Smith #7-ford$% Augusto Soares da Silva #2raga$% Mario S.uartini #*orino$% =e<an
Stosi" #Artois$% !ristina SuUre@-AKme@ #0lles 2alears$% >armila *Urni,ovU #7lomou"$%
!atherine *ravis #!anberra$% Salvador Lalera #Aranada$% =orien Lan =e Mieroop #Leuven$%
>ohan van der Au(era #Ant(erp$% +ll Lan Aelderen #Ari@ona$% 8en, van 4iemsdi<,
#*ilburg$% Auido Landen 6ngaerd #2russels$% Arie Lerhagen #Leiden$% >ean-!hristophe
Lerstraete #Leuven$% Leti@ia Le@@osi #9erugia$% :igel Lin"ent #Man"hester$% >a".ueline
Lis"onti #Aenova$% 5erdinand von Mengden #2erlin$% S]ren 6i"hmann #+LA J Leip@ig$%
=omini.ue 6illems #Ahent$% Alena 6it@la",-Ma,arevi"h #TIri"h$% 4uth 6oda, #Lan"aster$%
5ernando T`^iga #2ern$)
!hair& Arie Lerhagen
Members& A@eb Amha% 4onn 2oogaart% Mil !revels% Lettie =orst% Marion +lenbaas% 7lga
3epins,a% Al(in 3loe,horst% Martin 3ohlberger)
*reasurer& =i, 2a,,er #Amsterdam$
!onferen"e Manager& Ana =Pa@-:egrillo #Aranada$
SLE 2013 L!"# O$%"&'('&% C))'**++
Anne 4ose 8aver,amp% !onferen"e Assistant
SLE C&,+$+&!+ M"&"%+$
Ana =Pa@-:egrillo

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