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It was a beautiful sunny morning.

Nelly was very emotioned and excited, because at her age of eleven she was going to school for the
first time. It was very difficult to find a suitable school for her; because of her disability many schools had refused to admit her. Being
stuck to wheelchair, she could not even dream of having friends.
For four years watching at the window at the 1st September and seeing cheerful faces of school beginners, she had tears in her eyes.
She prayed to happen a miracle, which would help her to take off the chair.
Suddenly she heard Mothers voice:
-Darling, come, please, into the living room!
Nelly became scared, because she had often heard on TV news, that many parents abandoned their disabled children and sent them to
an asylum... She has overcome her fear and came into the living room with a smiling face.
There was a man and a woman, discussing with her parents
-You say, she wasnt admitted in any school in Chisinau? But it is illegal! Every child, no matter, what problems does he have, has the
right to education!
-Good morning, dear guests! said Nelly.
-What a lovely girl! Is she your daughter?
-Yes, but she will not manage without us in any school.
-She will not need your help at school!
-What do you mean?
-I mean that she will be taken to school by our bus and assisted by a volunteer! He will help her doing lessons! After school she will be
brought to a Day Care Center, where she will have different activities, including doing homework, kinetotherapy and many other. But if
we dont want to miss the first bell, we should hurry!..
When Nelly entered the classroom, she saw a few words upon the blackboard... There was written with big letters: ,,I WANT! I CAN! I
Nelly felt that the emptiness in her soul had disappeared... For the first time in her life she felt that she was a personality and could led
a full normal life...
Since then every morning, looking at the mirror, Nelly said to heself:

1. moderately cold; neither warm nor cold.
2. imparting a sensation of coolness: a cool breeze.
3. permitting relief from heat: a cool dress.
4. not excited; calm: remained cool in the face of disaster.
5. not hasty; deliberate: a cool and calculated action.
6. lacking in interest or enthusiasm: a cool reply to an invitation.
7. lacking in cordiality: a cool reception.
8. calmly audacious or impudent: a cool lie.
9. unresponsive; indifferent: cool to his passionate advances.
10. Informal. not exaggerated or qualified: a cool million dollars.
11. (of colors) having green, blue, or violet predominating.
12. Slang.
a. great; excellent.
b. highly skilled; adept: cool maneuvers on the parallel bars.
c. socially adept: It's not cool to arrive at a party too early.
adj. cooler, coolest
1. Neither warm nor very cold; moderately cold: fresh, cool water; a cool autumn evening.
2. Giving or suggesting relief from heat: a cool breeze; a cool blouse.
3. Marked by calm self-control: a cool negotiator.
4. Marked by indifference, disdain, or dislike; unfriendly or unresponsive: a cool greeting; was cool to the idea of higher taxes.
5. Of, relating to, or characteristic of colors, such as blue and green, that produce the impression of coolness.
6. Slang
a. Excellent; first-rate: has a cool sports car; had a cool time at the party.
b. Acceptable; satisfactory: It's cool if you don't want to talk about it.
7. Slang Entire; full: worth a cool million.
Informal In a casual manner; nonchalantly: play it cool.
v. cooled, cooling, cools
1. To make less warm.
2. To make less ardent, intense, or zealous: problems that soon cooled my enthusiasm for the project.
3. Physics To reduce the molecular or kinetic energy of (an object).
1. To become less warm: took a dip to cool off.
2. To become calmer: needed time for tempers to cool.
1. A cool place, part, or time: the cool of early morning.
2. The state or quality of being cool.
3. Composure; poise: "Our release marked a victory. The nation had kept its cool" (Moorhead Kennedy).
cool it Slang
1. To calm down; relax.

2. To stop doing something.

cool (one's) heels Informal

cool {adj.} (dar i: cold)

rece {adj. m.}
cool (and collected)

calm (cu snge rece)

cool {adj.} (dar i: bleak, chilly, cold)

rece {adj. m./f.}
cool {adj.} (dar i: cold)
proaspt (rece) {adj. m.}
cool {adj.} (dar i: imperturbable, unruffled)
neturburat (imperturbabil) {adj. m.}
cool {adj.} (dar i: level-headed)
cumpanit (despre cineva) {adj. m.}
cool {adj.} [argou]
mito {adj. m./f.} [argou]
cool {adj.} (dar i: breezy, parky)
rcoros {adj. m.}
cool {adj.}
bestial {adj. m.} [argou]

cool {adj.} (dar i: level-headed)

ponderat {adj. m.}

cool {substantiv}
cool {substantiv}
beton {n} [argou]
cool {substantiv} (dar i: cold, indiference, coolness, freshness)
rceal {f}

cool {interjecie}
cool {interj.}
belea (mito) {interj.}

to cool {verb}
to cool [cooled|cooled] {vb.}
a rci {vt.}
to cool off

a se rci


Exemple de utilizare pentru "cool" n romn

Aceste propoziii provin din surse externe i este posibil s nu fie corecte. nu este responsabil de coninutul lor. Gseti mai multe informaii aici.
This seven-day cooling off period begins on the day when you receive your purchase.
Aceast perioad de reflecie ncepe cu ziua n care ai primit produsul.

So if you lose your Internet connection, you wont lose your workor your cool.
Prin urmare, dac pierdei conexiunea la internet, nu v vei pierde munca - sau rbdarea.

Because in these emotional times, we need some cool heads and clear information.
Pentru c n aceste momente tensionate, avem nevoie de mini clare i de informaii clare.

The efficient cooling channel directs heat away from your notebook.
Canalul de ventilare eficient direcioneaz cldura n afara notebook-ului.

Forty per cent of energy is used for heating and cooling buildings.
Patruzeci la sut din energie este utilizat pentru nclzirea i rcirea cldirilor.

Tempers therefore need to cool down so that voting can take place normally.
Prin urmare, spiritele trebuie temperate pentru ca procesul de votare s se desfoare normal.

And the apps that are included with Windows 8.1 Preview let you do a bunch of cool things.
Iar aplicaiile incluse n Windows 8.1 Preview v permit s facei o mulime de lucruri grozave.

It means that the consumer's cooling off period will be extended to 14 days throughout the Union.
i nseamn c perioada de reflecie a consumatorului va fi extins la 14 zile n ntreaga Uniune.

Now it has stopped increasing, and global cooling is predicted to continue over the years to come.
Acum nu mai crete, iar pentru anii ce urmeaz este anunat o rcire global continu.

The hotheads here must cool down, particularly the Greens.

Acum, spiritele temperamentale, n special verzii, trebuie s se calmeze.

Some members of the IPCC now even predict global cooling.
Unii membri ai IPCC prevd n prezent chiar rcirea global.

The seven-day cooling off period does not apply to:

Perioada de apte zile nu se aplic urmtoarelor produse:

Yes, we need to keep a cool head, Mr Schulz, but we also need to choose which side we are on.
ntr-adevr, trebuie s ne pstrm mintea limpede, dle Schulz, dar trebuie s alegem i de care parte suntem.

This year's Bilderberg conference, held in Spain in June, included a session on the dangers of global cooling.
Conferina Bilderberg inut n Spania n iunie a inclus o edin cu privire la pericolele rcirii globale.

It is now very important that we all keep a cool head and try and support Ireland while it is in difficulties.
Este foarte important s ne pstrm mintea limpede i s ncercm s sprijinim Irlanda n aceste momente dificile.

Let us bear that in mind, let us resist populist pressures and let us not lose our cool in the face of the crisis.
S inem cont de acest lucru, s rezistm presiunilor populiste i s nu ne pierdem calmul n faa crizei.

Sympathy and a cool head are, I believe, the two things which should guide our actions now.
Sunt de prere c gndirea limpede i compasiunea sunt cele dou lucruri care ar trebui s ne ghideze aciunile n prezent.

With a cool head, it is time to think about the possible measures that will need to be taken in the days and years to come.
Ca s fim realiti, este momentul s ne gndim la posibilele msuri care vor trebui luate n zilele i anii care vor urma.

Nevertheless, it is important to keep a cool head when addressing present and future energy challenges.
Cu toate acestea, este important s ne pstrm calmul atunci cnd abordm provocrile prezente i viitoare legate de energie.

Paint now comes with an easy-to-use ribbon for all the coolfeatures that you use the most.
Acum Paint este nsoit de o panglic uor de utilizat, pentru toate caracteristicile grozave pe care le utilizai cel mai des.

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