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It basically start a new account, but somehow skip the level to 35, and i got 57

5 crystal in total, so we can summon several 75 cystals.

Start a new account from level 1
Start a new game (from reset or new account), and follow tutorial until you rega
in full control of the game. After we get 3 monsters (fairy, hellhound and vagab
ond), and your level still 1:
1. switch to IGG and search: 536870912 (a few hundreds results will found)
2. back to SW, get the challenge achievement until level up 2
3. switch back to IGG, search: 1073741824 (should be 2 values left)
4. Save both values, then select the 1st one >> go to memory
5. Scroll down 10 address below, the value should be the same (1073741824), save
that address
6. Scroll down some more, look for value 2 (as your level is 2), save the addres
7. Back to search tab, select 2nd value >> go to memory
8. Scroll down 10 address below, save the address
9. Another scroll down a bit, search for value 2 (similar as step 6), save the a
Checkpoint: you should have 6 addresses saved.
10. Lock all saved address, and change 1st and 2nd value to : 1744830464 (this i
s level 35 verify value)
11. Back to SW, the game will tell you to restart and an error message will occu
12. Switch back to IGG, change both 2 last values (the 2 value) to 35
13. Change the 2 middle address, 1st one to : 1755996265 and 2nd to : 1744830464
14. Back to SW, press OK for the error message, the game will restart, continue
loading, and there you go, your level should be 35, and several achievement will
PS : After gathering the crystals, and summon all of them, i restart the game, a
nd my level is back to level 5. But all monsters summoned and remaining crystal
still there.
Don't ask me if this lead to ban, use for your consideration, and please don't c
omplain if your account is banned.
We search for new methods here, and i just do some sharing.
If it's working, all credits goes to the Chinese guy (don't even know his name)

your mana should be lower than the price of the monster you are buying
Originally Posted by Repako View Post
I'll now explain the magic shop hack again for those who dont know how to do it.
- Open the magic shop hack, u need to be at magic shop interface.
- Open IGG or Gameplayer
- Go back to SW, remember that u r at magic shop interface, look for the price o
f 1 monster that u wanna buy, then search the amount on IGG/ Gameplayer.
- Edit the adress found on IGG/ Gameplayer to 1.
- Exit the magic shop and re-open it.
- Now the price of that monster repriced at 1 mana.
- Buy it, and It will say that U dont have enough mana. Keep buying this as much
as u want.
- Exit the IGG/ Gameplayer, then exit SW.
- Open SW again and u will see the monster in your inventory.
U can use the monsters in the magic shop for power up monster, or elvolve, or le
vel up skills.
Thats all I know guys, enjoy playing, and please backread this topic for whateve
r u guys want to know before asking something.

griffon AI nya jelek, klo auto ngaco urutan jalan nya..

jd kurang bagus taro di def, lbh bagus buat support attack..
di tagih di grup line pada minta guide griffon wind..
oke sedikit guide cara pake utk yg blm pernah pake griffon wind/bernard buat atk
1. stat spd wajib diatas 160
2. bawa bernard ketika attack arena, jgn taro di def, krn udh di jelasin diatas,
AI nya masih jelek, klo auto jalan nya suka ngaco

3. ketika atk bawa bernard dgn spd 160++, otomatis bernard pasti jalan paling pe
rtama, langsung buff spd & atk gauge
4. krn dpt buff spd, semua momon ally kita pasti jalan pertama sblm musuh jalan,
dgn catatan spd momon kita yg lain 110++
5. ketika dpt jalan, harus bs kill 1 attacker/healer musuh sblm musuh jalan
6. squad musuh sisa 3, tp musuh blm jg jalan, ini sama aja 3 vs 4, menguntungkan
bgt buat kita..
7. setelah semua squad kita jalan, griffon bakal jalan lg sblm musuh bisa jalan
(ini fix, krn spd griffon over, 160++ & lg kondisi buff spd)
8. ketika dpt jalan lg, pake skill 2 armor break+weapon break, incer musuh ele w
ind/water yg ente pikir attack nya paling sakit, contoh: incer lushen(joker wind
9. lushen udh kena weapon break+armor break, otomatis attack AOE skill 3 nya bak
alan geli, dan def nya udh ancur..
10. musuh mulai jalan, dgn cuma modal 3 momon + 1 attacker yg udh kena debuff we
apon break, mustahil squad kita bakal rata ketika musuh udh dpt giliran jalan
11. kita jalan, incer momon attscker musuh yg udh kena armor break bernard, seka
li colek jg modar..
12. sisa 2 momon musuh, momon kita masih 4 atau minimal 3
13. happy bully..bully..
biar musuh bener2 ga ada kesempatan jalan, bawa slyph water sekalian & jadiin le
ader slyph water nya..
dan ketika bawa bernard buat atk, 3 momon lg wajib momon attacker/nuker/damage d
jgn sekali2 bawa healer 1 tim sama bernard, bakalan ga guna, krn kita main speed
, kill fast, win fast, no waste time, remember enemy tower is still alive..
sekali lg guide tsb ttp tergantung 3 momon attacker ente, klo 3 momon attacker e
nte loyo-loyo & ga bs manfaatin kesempatan kroyok duluan ya tetep aja kalah..
Griffon Wind/Bernard
- buff spd & atk gauge all ally dgn cooldown yg rendah
- debuff armor break+weapon break dgn cooldown yg sangat rendah
- lumayan tebel, bisa nahan beberapa atk dr momon fire..
- up skill gampang, ga perlu devilmon, krn griffon itu momon pure *3 yg mudah di
- bahan awk ga susah2 amat
- build rune simple
- AI masih jelek, klo auto/buat def jalan nya bakalan ga berurutan
- ga ada skill attack AOE kaya griffon fire
- bentuk nya jelek, ga keren
- attack nya geli

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