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Grant Foote

Mr. Hackney
English 101: Rhetoric
September 19, 2014
Statement of Scope for The Annotated Bibliography
Citizens always want to know what their government is doing, whether they are doing
simple things or the more private things, the citizens want to know. We never think that maybe
the government keeps secrets from us for us, we should think, would we want to know what
they are doing? There may be things that we dont want to know about. Citizens believe that
their government shouldnt keep things from them, maybe it is beneficial that the government
keeps some things to themselves.
This essay will explore possible reasons for why the government keeps secrets and
provide examples for the secrets that were kept. This paper will take those ideas and show why
the government would keep things secret on a broader spectrum. The government needs to
know that the information that they are giving to the public is right before they release it because
they dont want the wrong party accused or the wrong people being slandered. As well, they
dont want a mix up to ensue in which there is a chase for something that isnt even relevant to
the problem at hand. If the government didnt keep secrets from us I believe that there would be
more and more problems because there are some things that the citizens should not know that
the government knows.
The selected bibliography includes sources of different secrets that were given out to the
public to show that the government is doing something and they will give the information out
later. The Antara magazine articles, Jasper, and Shenon articles talk about secrets that the
government later give out to the public to show that they dont want to keep secrets from them,
but just want to make sure that they have the information right before publishing it. Together,
these sources provide information and examples of issues with the government keeping secrets
from its people and how it is beneficial for this to take place. The sources correlate with each
other by showing specific times in which the government has hidden things from their citizens.

Works Cited
Carter, Stephen L. "The Pakistan Distraction; We've heard a lot lately about
Pakistan's role in sowing chaos in Afghanistan. But as Stephen Carter
points out, there are others making mischief on the ground." Newsweek Web
Exclusives 23 Sept. 2011: n. pag. elibrary. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.
Carter's eye-opening article explores Americas involvement in Afghanistan
and exclaims that we are trying to keep some secrets from the public.
Specifically, he explains how the government of Afghanistan is too weak as
of right now and if we leave then the Taliban will quickly take over, the
American citizens don't know anything about this and just want the soldiers
to come home.
"GOVT HAS NOTHING TO HIDE IN BUYAT CASE." Antara 4 Aug. 2004: n. pag.
elibrary. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. The Antara magazine explains the Buyat
Case in the fact that the government wanted to make sure that the right
party was being accused before they showed anything to the public. The
magazine specifically exclaims that the company did the right thing in
keeping this until they knew that the right party was being accused because
if they didn't specifically know then a disaster would have ensued.
pag. elibrary. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. Antaras interesting article talks about
how the Indonesian government having to look into the missing journalist
and the cameraman that lost. The article specifically states the fact that
they didnt want to release to the public that the journalist was lost until
they were sure that they were captured. The evidence revealed made them
sure that the journalist was taken and needed to be taken into the
Jasper, William F. "Terror, Lies & Memos." New American 28 Nov. 2005: n.
pag. elibrary. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. Jasper's revealing article explains how
the OKC bombings and how there might have been a call to the FBI before the
bombings took place, warning them. The article specifically states that the
FBI's only excuse to not being able to stop anything was that at the time
there was no one there to take the call so they did not know about this
until after the fact, making the call void.
Shenon, Philip. "The spying game." New York Times 2 Apr. 2001: n. pag.
elibrary. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. Shenon's eye-opening article talks
about spying and whether the information that was spied on should ever be
released. the article specifically exclaims that even spies spy on each
other and they dont want to release the information to the public because
of the consequences between governments.

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