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A treatment for a feature film screenplay


Josh Lindsay, Kurt Perry, James Kurn

December 2014

The Present.
Great Wyrley village.
A fair night in the village of Great Wyrley where a
MYSTERIOUS MAN approaches a door. The surrounding
atmosphere is gloomy and there is a strong sense of
tension in the air.
The house the man is approaching is unspectacular
but still hosts a strange and dreary presence with
its general appearance.
The mystery man has relatively short brown hair and
is equipped with an industry standard police
uniform. Despite appearing as a police officer it is
clearly apparent there is something unusual about
his character which is somewhat unnerving.
He knocks the door and stands firmly at the foot of
the entrance eagerly awaiting his response. Shortly
after the door opens to reveal our second character,
The mystery man explains briefly about a recent
murder in the area and fact he is looking for
witnesses in the local area. As he does this he
flashes his police badge to Aiden to attempt to
prove his legitimacy.
Aiden is convinced by the officers story and
invites him into the house. They continue generally
talking about the situation. As they talk on a voice
is heard from upstairs which exclaims Aiden, whos
that youre talking to? This voice is of SAMUEL
RHODES, Aidens brother.
Aiden is unaware of Samuels past life as a criminal
and so shouts back Its the police!
They move to enter the kitchen and a loose voice,
Samuels, is overheard in the background exclaiming
displeasure that they have been able to enter the
house so easily. This suggests to the audience that
Samuel doesnt want authorities anywhere near him
for an unstated reason.

Aiden now looks uneasy after hearing Samuels

concerns followed by a fast pan past a knife pallet.
Aidens concern escalates drastically and he
enquires the officer demandingly to reveal why he is
really at the house. A close-up of the officers
face is then shown with a menacing grin and an
impending laugh.
A fast cut back to the pallet reveals that one of
the knives has been removed followed by a cut back
to the officer who now holds the absent knife.
Another fast paced cut to Aidens face looking
terrified as the background music now reaches its
peak of its crescendo.
The pace is then promptly lowered to a much calmer,
slower pacing. The audience sees Samuel for the
first time physically as he is gradually making his
way down the stairs.
Before reaching the base of the staircase he
languidly peers over the handrail with notable
hesitation. There is short pause before he
eventually says the words aaAiden with strong
The pacing of the scene is then increased
dramatically as the audience is presented with a
shot of someones hand falling down, coated in a
rich layer of blood.
As the hand falls a cut will occur revealing the
title of the film Retribution whilst intense music
gradually dies down in the background.

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