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Curriculum Vitae

Full name:
Nguyen Duc Thang
40/8 Lu Gia Street, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City
Fone number: 0902 699 663
Date of Birth: 29-9-1986

Working experience:
1. From 8/2014 to 12/2014: Online Marketing at Forbes Vit Nam |
2. From 4/2014 to 8/2014: Online Marketing at Microlink Vit Nam
Managing and developing ecommerce website selling dietary
supplement from USA.
Building and training a content marketing team of 10 people.
3. From 6/2013 to present: Freelancing in the field of Social Media and Content Marketing.
Manage and creating content for the fan page of Saigon Centre Belly Dance :
Reconstructing and improve website:
Achievements :
Increasing the number of page likes and interaction rate up to nearly 100 % after less than 1
year by creating unique and juicy content. The fan page of Saigon Belly Dance has been
developed since 2008 , reaching more than 6,000 like after 5 years of existence before it was
turned over to me.
Bringing the websites to the top 3 of Google search result pages with
the key words relevant to dancing, especially are the subjects taught by the center, by creating
unique content, after 2 months of construction and improvement.
Reference to some other fan pages I developed:
Personal fan page sharing about Social Media :
The first and best fan page about swimming on Facebook :
4. From 2/2013 till 5/2014: Running my own e-Commerce Business at

Building website . Doing SEO the website.

Doing Content Marketing for all the products on the website.
Conducting Google Adwords and Facebook Ad campaigns.
Promote products on the e-commerce channels:,, ......
Managing products, orders and delivery.
Customer Consulting.

5. From 21/6/2012 till 2/2013: Online Media Executive at FPT Online, joining eClick
Adnetwork project ( )
Media Management (ad placements) and developing media channels as well as buying floating
popup ad placements on high-traffic websites to sell for advertisers through eClicks
adnetwork system.
Negotiating with Publisher (Websites) to buy ad placements with competitive prices.
6. From 21/9/2011 till 21/6/2012: Online Marketing Executive at and

Set up, monitor and report Google Adwords Campaigns.

Set up, monitor and report Facebook Ads Campaigns.
Banner booking (Media buy)
Social Media: Set up Fan Page and conduct Facebook Contests through fan
Email Marketing
Analyse and report Google Analytics statistics of and
Conduct Online Campaigns for Online Pr and Sale Targets on and

7. From 9/2010 till 9/2011: Online Media Executive at Ambient Digital Marketing
( )

Media Management (ad placements) and developing media channels as well as buying floating
popup ad placements on high-traffic websites to sell for advertisers through Ambients
adnetwork system.
Negotiating with Publisher (Websites) to buy ad placements with competitive prices. Some
important and big publisher accounts, such as,,,,

Achievement: Together with publishing team, we have leveraged ambient to the leading
adnetwork in Vietnam within 1 year.
8. From 6/2010 till now: Blogger at

Researching about Social Media, community building and Facebook Marketing

Content development and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


Mrthang.nets Google Page Rank has leveraged from 0 to 3 after 1 year. Monthly Traffic:
nearly 24,000 lt truy cp (Visits), over 35,000 Page Views and 20,000 Unique Visitors. listed after 1.5 years.

9. From 11/2009 till 8/2010: Co-ordinator for Zing Help Project ( of VNG Corp.
Being in responsible of developing strategies and content of a community and charity website,
belonging to the Vietnam Internet Foundation (VNIF), founded by VNG Corp.
Freelancer in Digital Marketing and Web Design.
10. From 10/2007 till 8/2010: Management Trainee and Business Development Executive of
KinderWorld Kindergarten and Private School JSC Vietnam (Singaporian Company)

Doing market research and working with local authorities and real estate developers to expand
KinderWorlds Campus network.
Project Management.

Achievement: being promoted up to Business Development Executive after 8 months of working.

11. From 6/2008 till 9/2008:
Joined to organize the programme: University tour How to become an Excellent CEO ? of the
Pace Directors Institute with Mr Gian Tu Trung , the CEO and Chairman of the Management
Board of the Pace Vietnam Company as the main speaker - at 5 University in Ho Chi Minh city ( The
Economics University, the HUFLIT university, the International University, the Ton Duc Thang
University and Bach Khoa University).
The project manger of this programme: Ms Nguyen Thuy Uyen Phuong Marketing department of
the Pace Education and the founder of Tomato out-door school for children.
12. From 11/2006 till 6/2008: Content staff of the Vietnam Trade Links Trading Company
Limited Website:

Exploiting and collecting the Trading and Import Export Company information, especially the
companies having acivities in the E-commerce field.
Developing a B2B website of theVietnam Trade Links Company which helps the foreign and
domestic traders communicate and make transactions with each others.
Online transacting with the foreign and dosmetic Exporters and Importers.

Experience gained:

Knowledge about online Marketing and E-commerce.

Experience for developing an E-commerce website.

13. From 7/2006 till 11/2006: Sales Staff (Part time work) at the Innoviet travelling company

Limited -
Experience gained:
Communicating and persuasion skills with foreign travellers.
The best working achievement: The best Sale Staff with the highest individual revenue within the
first month. Together with the Sale Team, doubling the company revenue within the first month
applying for the job.
14. From October-2004 till 2008: Joined the VN8X organization The Forum of the 8X
Vietnamese Generation (

Leader for the External Relation group of VN8X

Leader of the Activ8x Club a Member of VN8X, specializing in stimulating cretiveness,
activness and providing realistic skills and knowledge for the youth through workshops and

Experience gained:

Leadership, TeamWork and Group Managing.

Communicating and Puclic Speaking Skill.
Experience of Social Working - Especially with Youngster.


1990 - 1995: Trung Trac Elementary School , Ward 15,District 11, Ho Chi Minh City.

1995 - 2000: Lu Gia Secondary School, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City.

2001- 2004: Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City.

2004 - 2008: The Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh city.

From March 3



-2006 till 12 April-2006:

Attended the External Relation Training Course organized by Center for Foreign Affair and
Laguage Training.

From October-2006 till February-2007:

Completed the Business Management Course organized by The Economy Falcuty of the
National Unversity.


From 26 June 2007 till the Present:

Attended the Sales and Marketing Director Course (SMD) 6 months- Organized by the
Economic University (HCM city) in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Development


Research (IDR). Graduated on 4 May 2008.


From 30 July 2007 till the Present:

Attended the CEO training Course 6 months- Organized by the Economic University (HCM
city) in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Development Research (IDR). Graduated

on 4 May 2008

Skills and Experience:

Foreign Language:
English: TOEFL 600 points Good Listening, Reading, Writing and Fluent Speaking. Confidently
Communcating with Foreigners. Did the jobs as the interpreters for companies.
Computer Knowledge:

Skilled in using Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel..)

Ability to effectively exploiting information from Internet.

Being passionate for online technology and having tendency for applying information
technology for boosting work effectiveness.

Personality: Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinker and Observer. Having ability to co-ordinate

the left and right cerebral hemispheres (50/50) in working and managing

Confident, humorous, sociable, active and enthusiatic.

Ability of stimulating inspiration for team members in a group.
Clever at negotiating, pesuading customers and business partners
Highly creative and having capability of logically analysing.
Interested in discovering new things as well as enjoying challenges.
Excellent at self-studying and adapting with new environment.
Optimistic and aware of solving problems with positive and logical ways
Discipline and persistent in work.
Hate the monotonousness, the fancies and arbitrariness ( even if it is the personality of my

Personal Concepts:

Think fast, speak slowly.

Speak less, listen more.
Dont judge people.

What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace Paulo Coeho

Hobby and Passion:

Loving the beauty, for beauty inspires living.

Favourite Colors: white and black.
Sports: Swimming, Gym & Fitness, Bowling.
Movies: Science fiction movies, action movies, detective movies and comedy.
Passion: to be the best bowler of Vietnam.
Business: Establishing an online shop selling and shipping sports accessories from US.
Favourite books: God Father, Wuthering Heights, Sherlock Holmes, 7 habits of higly
effective people - Stephen . R .Covey.
Favourite films: God Father, Band of Brothers and The Pacific Directed by Steven
Spielberg and Tom Hank.

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