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You both like science.

Stranger: hi
You: hi there
You: where you from?
Stranger: Brasil
Stranger: u?
You: im from Phil
Stranger: Phil?
You: yah
You: ever heard of Filipino?
Stranger: ooh
Stranger: ok
Stranger: haha
Stranger: so
Stranger: are you involved with science?
You: back in highschool yeah
You: haha
Stranger: lol
Stranger: how old are you?
You: 23
You: is that old enough?
Stranger: just asking man
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i'm 20
You: oh younger
Stranger: ...

You: atleast ive made you younger though

Stranger: yep
Stranger: about what you want to talk?
You: anything under the sun
You: haha
Stranger: haha
Stranger: what time is there?
You: 8:22AM exactly
Stranger: here 22:22
Stranger: cool
You: so military
You: haha i have yet to subtract 12 on your 22:22
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: yeah
You: on a scale of red to yellow
You: with blur as average
You: how would you rate Interstellar movie?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i don't know
You: lol
You: have you seen it?
Stranger: actually, i never see this before
Stranger: lol
You: im sorry
You: haha
You: my bad

You: thought it quantum mechanics is science

Stranger: no problem
Stranger: my english is too bad
Stranger: i think i wrote something wrong
Stranger: haha
You: i tried to find something wrong
You: but nothing
You: maybe mine is bad
You: haha
Stranger: english isn't your mother language?
You: nope
You: Tagalog is
You: Tagalog/Filipino just same thing
Stranger: oooh
Stranger: i didn't know that
You: now you know
You: haha
Stranger: do you know what is my mother language?
You: Brasil?
You: hehe
You: nope
You: what?
Stranger: I'm brazilian guy so my mother language is...?
Stranger: haha
You: Portuguese?
Stranger: yes

Stranger: :)
You: nice
You: i actually googled it
You: haha
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: nice
You: i know some of spanish
Stranger: i don't
Stranger: haha
Stranger: but sometimes is similar
You: haha i thought portuguese is some of spanish
Stranger: no
Stranger: it's not
Stranger: lol
You: can you say some portuguese?
Stranger: ok, what you want me to say?
You: tell me you love me
You: lol
You: in portuguese man
Stranger: wtf dude
Stranger: haha
Stranger: something else
You: haha
You: ok
You: like "what is your name?"
Stranger: qual o seu nome?

Stranger: my name is Andr = meu nome Andr

Stranger: what else?
You: "i live in Brazil"
Stranger: really?
Stranger: which city?
Stranger: oooh
Stranger: hahah
You: haha
Stranger: eu moro no Brasil
Stranger: or
Stranger: eu vivo no Brasil
You: meu nome e Andre sounds more like its english version
You: sorry for that e i dont have special character for it
You: haha
Stranger: seriously?
You: yah
Stranger: haha
Stranger: ok man
You: ok one last
You: how do you say "Easy Taxi is awesome. Ride on!"
Stranger: i dont get it
Stranger: haha
Stranger: easy taxi?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: is a slang?
You: yah Easy Taxi is like an app

Stranger: or something
You: that people use to get a taxi cab
You: dont you have that in Brasil yet?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: that has
Stranger: in everywhere
Stranger: but i did not know that sentence
You: haha c'mon man
You: it's like a punch line
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: i will translate literal
You: please
You: haha
Stranger: but I did not understand what you mean
Stranger: lol
You: wait
You: haha
You: im saying that "Easy Taxi is awesome!"
You: like saying "Andre is awesome!"
Stranger: oooohhh
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: Easy Taxi impressionante, or Easy Taxi incrivel, or Easy Taxi foda !
Stranger: lol
You: thanks!
You: haha
You: how bout the "Ride on!"

You: or "Take a ride now fast!"

You: or "c'mon! take a ride now!"
Stranger: vamos l, ande agora! or faa um passeio agora! or Faa um passeio rapido agora!
Stranger: got it?
You: great!
You: really big help
You: haha
You: thanks
You: do you have facebook?
Stranger: you need to use that?
You: haha
You: will you give the password if i have to use your facebook?
You: joke
You: i mean
You: you're like a good man dude
Stranger: I talked about the translations What did
Stranger: haha
Stranger: you said:
Stranger: really big help
Stranger: haha
You: yah i said that
You: haha
Stranger: ok
Stranger: lol
You: sure i can use that translation
You: haha

Stranger: nevermind
Stranger: tell me your fb
You: so you'll look me up first?
You: haha
You: ok
You: ser.mykhailjoszef
You: did you find it?
Stranger: joszef?
You: yah
You: is that portuguese?
You: haha
Stranger: no
Stranger: your name
Stranger: haha
Stranger: from makati ?
You: perfect!
You: that's me
You: wazzup dude
Stranger: wait a second dude, my battery is running low
You: ahaha
You: ok
You: just add me up if you want
You: gtg
Stranger: ok i will
Stranger: i would like to train more my english
Stranger: do you have skype?

You: yes i do have skype

You: too
Stranger: tell me
Stranger: i will add
You: i have to check
Stranger: ok
You: gtg man
You: thanks!
You: salamat
You: haha
Stranger: what is gtg?
You: maraming salamat
Stranger: haha
You: gtg is "got to go"
Stranger: ooh
You: "maraming salamat" is "thank you very much" in Tagalog
Stranger: ooh
Stranger: awesome
Stranger: i'm waiting man
Stranger: i need to go

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