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Weekly Assembly

11 August 2008


Assalamualaikum and very good morning ,

To our headmaster, Tn Haji Naziruddin bin Hj. Hambali,
Senior Assistant for Admisnistration, Puan Siti Hawa Ahmad,
Senior Assistant for Students Affair, Puan Arabaayah Mat Jam,
Senior Assistant for Cocurricular, Puan Norasiah Yahya,
Guru Cemerlang, Encik Abdul Rahim Mohd Salleh, beloved teacher and friends.
Alhamdulillah, and praise to Allah upon His deed, we are gathered here today.

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Wan Mohd Hazim and Maisarah Hanim are

honoured to be the master of ceremony for today assembly.

Let us call upon Syahmi Haziq b. Osmera, to recite the doa. Hopefully, our assembly today will
be gratitude and blessed by Allah the Almighty. (tunggu habis doa baru cakap than kyou)
Thank you Syahmi Haziq.
Without further delay, I would like to call upon Puan Norhayati to lead us to sing 3 songs, which
are our National Anthem, our state song and schools song. It will be please if everyone could
stand up to show our respect and love to our school, state and country.
(tunggu habis nyanyian baru cakap thankyou)
Thank you.

For attention, the teachers on duty for this week are, Puan Hanisah Abdul Rahman and

Encik Azhar Mohd Hashim. Dear friends, if there are any problem encountered pleased refer to
our duty teachers. Insyaallah, we will put an effort to solve it.
To carry on the ceremony, I would like to call Pn. Hanisah Abdul Rahman to give some
information about TKRS.

Thank you very much.

Upon request, I would like to call upon,

(tunggu habis baru cakap thank you)
Thank you.

Before ending the ceremony, with honour I would like to invite our headmaster, Tuan Haji

Naziruddin bin Haji Hambali to give his speech and advices.

(tunggu habis ucapan baru cakap thank you)
Thank you sirhopefully your advices will open up our mind and aware of what is happening
around us.
Thank you, teachers and friends. Seems that it is the end of today ceremony. Let us pray to
Allah , that we will be guided with His lights to lead us through the dark and to end of the path
with iman and dignity. Insyaallah. I am Wan Mohd hazim and my friend Maisara Hanim, would
like to apologize if there is anything not pleased.
Prefects are requested to take their positions. Friends, please stand up and straighten your
lines. (tunggu semua bangun baru ucap thank you)
Thank you.

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