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Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Good morning.
The honorable general manager of Semesta school, Mr. iskandar Mulia
The honorable principal of Semesta senior high school, Mr. Ahmad Nurani
The honorable principal of Semesta junior high school , Mrs. Irham Niarsih
The distinguished teachers and my beloved friends.

let's express our gratitude to Allah SWT for all blessings He has given, so that we can present in this morning
assembly with healthy and safe condition.

Distinguished guests and friends, I am Fawwaz Alif Putra Hidayanto, and I will be hosting the event this
morning. With respect to time, we will start the event soon. But before that, I would like to remind everybody to
stay muted and open the camera.

This morning assembly will be conducted as these following agenda:

The first will be opening, the second one is listening to our national anthem Indonesia Raya and march of
Semesta school, the next one is students pledge reading by Rangga Dwi Rahardian. After that, this event will
be continued with motivation speech by Arric Putra Dinata, school announcement by Mr. Jumiko, pray
that will be led by Aqiel Aryasatya Maheswara, and closing.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s open this morning assembly by saying “basmallah” together.

Proceeding to the next agenda, listening to our national anthem Indonesia Raya and march of Semesta school,
please keep sitting still.
Continuing the next agenda, students pledge reading by Rangga Dwi Rahardian. Rangga, it’s all
Thanks for Rangga for leading us to read the students pledge, We hope that we can keep those pledges as our
best commitment to study at Semesta School.
Dear attendees, there will be a motivation speech from the representative of XI-B class that will be
delivered by Arric Putra Dinata. To my friend Arric, the floor is yours.
A very encouraging speech and we hope that it become a real motivation for us to learn and grow
together. Ladies and gentlemen, let me invite Mr. Jumiko to share us school announcement and information. To
Mr. Jumiko, we belong to you.

Thank you to Mr. Jumiko, and for further information, we can contact our homeroom teachers for
more details.
ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the end of the event. Before we close this morning assembly,
let's pray together to make our days more bless full. This prayer will be led by my friend, Aqiel Aryasatya
Maheswara. To Aqiel, please.

distungished audience, we arrived at the end of the event, I apologize for the mistakes that were made.
Happy learning, and see you on top. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ,
On behalf of SMP-SMA Semesta students, I will keep my pledge that I will not lie, I will not cheat, and
I will respect others as my gratitude to God Almighty. May Allah accept and grant our promises.

Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin.
Wassholaatu wassalaamu’ala asyrofil ambiyaa ’iwalmursaliin, wa’ala aalihi washohbihi ajma’iin
ammaa ba’du
O Allah, our Lord
By Your permission we are here, bowing our heads to pray to You, so that this “morning assembly”
will run well and smoothly.
O Allah The Most Gracious,
Please bestow your guidance, bestow on us, compassion, understanding, mutual respect for one
another. Give sincerity and patience to the teachers in educating us.
O Allah our Merciful God,
Please give us all family of SMP-SMA Semesta, faith and piety, valuable knowledge, so that it
becomes a charity, and useful for the homeland, nation, and religion. Please make us honest people,
have noble character, and be devoted to our parents and teachers.
O Allah, the Most Forgiving
Please forgive all our sins, the sins of our parents, our teachers’ and the sins of our heroes. We depend
on You only, we ask for help and there is no power without your permission, so please accept our

Allahumma Inniy As-aluka ‘ilman naafi’an, wa rizqon thoyyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqobbalan...

Rabbanaa aatinaa fiddunyaa hasanah, wafil aakhirati hasanah waqinaa ‘adzaabannaar…
Subhaana rabbikaa rabbil ‘izzati ‘ammaa yashifuun, Wa salaamun ‘alal mursaliin, Wal hamdulillahi
rabbil ‘aalamiin…
Wassalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
The honorable general manager of Semesta school, Mr. iskandar Mulia
The honorable principal of Semesta senior high school, Mr. Ahmad Nurani
The honorable principal of Semesta junior high school , Mrs. Irham Niarsih
The distinguished teachers, and my beloved friends.

First of all, let’s express our gratitude to Allah SWT for all blessings given to us. And lets
deliver our Sholawat to prophet Muhammad (praise be upon him)
Ladies and gentlemen, in this very moment, let me share you my opinion about purpose on
learning. Learning is a mandatory activity for every student. Learning activities can be carried out at
school or done independently at home. Not only that, some students also choose institutions or tutoring
as additional activity schedules that are useful for improving their academic abilities.
Students do learning activities because they have several purposes. Most students study in
order to prepare themselves for various kinds of exams. They can be daily tests, midterm, end of
semester exams, and entrance exams to higher education.
Not only that, students learn because they can get more benefits. The ones who are
knowledgeable, they know more things and insights that can be applied in everyday life. It is said that
learning activities will always provide many benefits for everyone.
Learning can also improve logical abilities and skills in making life decisions. In this case,
intelligence that is continuously honed and developed through learning activities always provides
various benefits for life.

Ladies and gentlemen, here I invite myself and all my friends to have a purpose in our school.
Don't let the investment of our time, energy, thoughts and maybe our feelings do not provide real
benefits for us. While it is still at the beginning of the school year, I invite all my friends to set study
goals. By doing that, we can be more enthusiastic in participating the learning process and we can
measure the progress of our intelligence and character development.

It's never too late to start, but don't be late to get it started.
That's all I can say, sorry for all the shortcomings.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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