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Pupils will be looking at examples of non-fiction texts and

understand how to read them differently to fiction texts. They
should become able to recognise and understand the uses of
contents and index pages, glossaries, headings and subheadings,
bullet points, diagrams, captions and questions.
Pupils will research information about metals, forces and animals
and practice writing notes. They will organise the notes then
write explanations, reports and leaflets, after practicing
verbally. Pupils will learn to write in the present tense, use
adverbial phrases and conjunctions.
Finally, we will study poetry and also how to write a persuasive
For a trial period until half term, pupils will be put in groups
across the 3 classes for a 4x weekly spelling lesson. This is to
boost the childrens spelling ability and allow each child to
receive 20 minutes a day direct teaching on their specific
targets. Spelling homework will be set.
Please carry on listening to your children read and asking them
questions to make sure they understand what they are reading.

Multiplication is a key aspect of learning this term. By the end
of Year 3, pupils are expected to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 6
times tables by heart. Pupils will be practicing these daily and
there will be a weekly challenge with rewards upon completing
each stage.
Another key target is for all Year 3 pupils to be able to tell the
time using analogue and digital clocks. We will start with Oclock
and half past before moving to minutes 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 past the
hour. When these are secure, pupils will look at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
minutes to the next hour, digital clocks and solving time
Handling money, being able to recognize coins, add amounts and
work out change would also be very beneficial.
Other topics are covered and will be reflected in that weeks
homework which is set on a Friday and should be handed in by



3J: Tuesday
3C: Monday and Wednesday
3M: Wednesday and Thursday

Mighty Metals
This topic has a strong science and DT theme and explores
forces and magnetism, metals and materials.
We will be exploring pushes, pulls, gravity, friction and
momentum. Pupils will be encouraged to use correct scientific
words for example that magnets attract and repel. Pupils will
learn where metals come from, the different types of metal
and their properties. Scientific concepts such as making
predictions, carrying out fair tests, recording results and
making predictions will be taught. They will have a chance to
build carts with an axel and design their own toy using magnets.
We will also be introducing coding in computing.

3J: Wednesday

3J: Monday
3C: Thursday

Miss Mabb- 3M
Miss Clarke 3C
Miss Jackson 3J
Mrs Lewis Teaching Assistant
Mrs Phillips- Teaching Assistant/
Learning Mentor
Mrs Griffiths Teaching Assistant
Mrs Barr Teaching Assistant
Miss Milnthorpe PPA cover
Mr Crees Forest School Teacher
Mrs Terry Forest School
Teaching Assistant
Tim Atkins Learning Mentor
Mrs Green SEN and Inclusion

Pupils will learn to name, describe and sort predators and prey,
producers, consumers and decomposers as well as herbivores
and carnivores. They will also learn about grouping vertebrates
and invertebrates and explore differences between predators
and parasites. They will learn to name parts of the skeleton
common to vertebrates. Pupils will also learn about parts of
plants and how they transport water. We will also look at
fossils and learn how they are formed.
Pupils will design and make models of their own devastating
predator by combining different animals. They will describe
why it is such a good predator and how and where it lives.

10.02.15: Parents Evening 4-6pm
12.02.15: Parents Evening 5-7pm
13.02.15: Break up for half term
23.02.15: Back to school
25.02.15 27.02.15: Year 3 Residential
27.03.15: Break up for Easter Holiday
14.04.15: Pupils back to school

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