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Coca-Cola is a soft beverage industrial-type soft drinks. Its dark color is due to the synthetic dye
called "caramel" present in it.
The drink owes its name to the fact that in its recipe are used, among other substances, extracted
from the kola nuts and extracts from the leaves of the coca plant, the latter deprived of toxic

Coca colas history

It all began one day in May of 1886 behind the house of John S. Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia.
Pemberton was a pharmacist who, like many then, called himself "doctor", although he never
found a trace of his medical degree. At the end of the war of the Independence of South
Pemberton, like other Georgians, he worked hard to rebuild his life after the defeat of the
Confederacy. For four years, Pemberton was in the hometown of Columbus, but in 1869, the
fervor of reconstruction attracted him to Atlanta.
Here he formed various companies, among which the most important was the Society Pemberton,
Iverson and Dennison. Later he founded the Pemberton Chemical Company. Among his many
medicines were extract Styllinger (a medicine for blood), "Gingerine", "Globe Flower Cough
Syrup", hair dye and "Triplex pills" for the liver. That was the golden age for medicines craft,
everything was lawful on the free market if you could convince people that the product cured
insomnia, did your hair grow or heal constipation.
On May 8, 1886, in the backyard at 107 Marietta Street, Pemberton prepared syrup for a new
tonic in a boiler brass. After that Saturday took his jug of syrup to the pharmacy Jacob, one of the
largest drug store in Atlanta. The bar where they served drinks and ice cream was run by Willis E.
Pemberton convinced Venable to mix a bit 'of the syrup with water and try it. The manager was
pleased and decided to sell it immediately. So that day of May, for the first time someone paid a
"nickel" (5 cents) for a glass of the preparation of Pemberton. In a few days he was chosen the
name of Elixir syrup and Coca Cola. Various members of the Society Pemberton took part in the
choice of the name: Pemberton himself, his partner Edward W. Holland, David D. Doe and the
secretary of the Company accounting, Frank M. Robinson. Precisely the latter had the idea to put
together the words "Coca" and "Cola", two of the ingredients of the tonic. He also suggested to
write the name in italic characters in "Spencer" which was the most prevalent form of writing
On 29 May 1886, the newspaper "Atlanta Daily Journal" had the honor of publishing the first ad
for Coca-Cola. In less than a month after its launch more than one company already was selling
Coca-Cola. Of course it was not as we know it today, was flat, smooth and was not fizzy. The
change had occurred accidentally in the morning of 15 November 1886. A gentleman named John

G. Wilkes had raised a little 'elbow the night before. He had woken up with a terrible headache
and had tried solievo in a pharmacy nearby. Pioche Coca-Cola was created and publicized by
Pemberton as a cure for headaches, Wilkes had sat at the counter and had asked in a low voice a
glass of Coca-Cola. The waiter accidentally mixed the syrup with carbonated water. The drink
pleased Wilkes and gave relief to his temples pounding. Since then it became customary to mix the
syrup Coke with sparkling water.
The Coca-Cola did not have a great commercial success under the direction of Pemberton. In the
first year were sold only 100 liters of syrup, enough for 3200 glasses. The sales yielded $ 50, but it
had been spent $ 73.96 for advertising.
The following year, sales increased dramatically and reached more than four liters. Despite
Pemberton was rightly convinced that he has a trump card, was ill in health and did not have the
necessary capital to promote his product.
In July 1887 Pemberton offered to his friend, George S. Lowndes, two-thirds of property rights on
the formula for Coca-Cola. Lowndes found the offer attractive, but was not interested in
personally to the sale of the syrup. He turned to an expert sales, Willis Venable, to see if he
wanted to get in the deal. Venable agreed, but there was one problem: he had no money for its
share of the purchase; Lowndes offered to lend money.
Venable began to produce Coca-Cola in his spare time; George Lowndes was not happy with the
result. Orders piled up because Venable was too busy to evading. Lowndes bought the part of
Venable December 14, 1887 and soon gave way to two-thirds of the company Woolfolk Walker
and her sister, Mrs. MC Dozier. Walker churches, subsequently, the help of two men.
One was Joseph Jacob, owner of the pharmacy where Jacob was still the equipment to produce
the syrup of Coca-Cola and the other was a successful pharmacist, Asa Griggs Candler.
The three became partners of a new company called Walker, Candler and Company. The April 14,
1888 bought the third part remained in Pemberton for the sum of $ 550. At this point, Walker and
her sister had two-thirds of the property of Coca-Cola and Candler third. On April 17, Candler
bought by brothers Walker a tall becoming the third largest owner. Pemberton died four months
later, on August 16, 1888.
Asa Griggs Candler The August 30, 1888 Asa Candler bought the property of Woolfolk Walker and
her sister for a thousand dollars. There is no doubt that Coca-Cola would not exist today if Asa
Candler there had not been involved. The real genius of Candler was in marketing, a skill that has
changed this medicine crafted from a simple tonic in a drink that is automatically put into the
shopping list. One may ask what he had seen Candler in this little known tonic that had sold just
4,000 liters in almost two years. The answer lies not in what he had seen or expected in the
product but in what he felt, that is very strong and constant headaches. Asa had had to live with
these headaches since he had been involved, as a child, in a terrible accident. His mother
described the disgrace in a letter to his daughter, Florence Candler Harris, 11 December 1862:

"My dear daughter, I know you're worried when you did not hear from us; I waited a bit 'of time
to have your letters but the mail has not arrived. The confederal government took over the
contract and now we receive your mail when it suits them send it to us. we're all fine except Asa.
and 'fell from a wagon load and the wheel fell on the head just above the ears grabs his head and
left very poor condition. Now is better, I think it's out of danger. In his state febrile would like to
see you. the first words he said were: "When my little sister? I will not see my dear sister Harris.
"Jessie oversaw the day and night without stopping. Although it can eat and sit not hear. The
nerves of his left eye were crushed and therefore can neither see nor hear from that side but it
can still blow the whistle. it 'a miracle he escaped death and is saved only by the grace of God, to
whom i give all my thanks, praise and honors sincerely and humbly. "
One of the purposes of Pemberton in creating the Coca-Cola was to find a cure for headaches.
During the first decade of its existence the Coca-Cola was considered a medicine. Candler himself
has advertised in 1890 as "The wonderful tonic for the brain and nerves. Remarkable therapeutic
agent." One that Asa had in mind was a promotional tactic classic. Gave 8 liters of syrup enough
for 256 doses if it was mixed with sparkling water, if the shopkeeper gave him the names of 128
people. Asa then sent a valid ticket for a glass of Coca-Cola for free to all these people. He was
sure that anyone who tried the drink would have wanted more. The shopkeeper would then have
had to sell 128 more doses. The fact that Asa has convinced his brother, a Methodist minister, to
sell its new product shows a fun aspect of his personality. Later he would drink Coca-Cola to
another brother, a judge, thus making him give his approval to the product, at least implicitly.
Candler began to deal with the Coca-Cola mostly because he saw a chance to gain. There was left
because the deal had become so profitable that could gradually leave the rest of its
pharmaceutical business. However they were initially attracted by the Coca-Cola because it
treated his headaches. Candler continued to believe strongly in the medicinal properties of his
drink for life, even if for different reasons, which included the Federal Government, it would
change the original formula.
Frank M. Robinson in 1886, invented the name Coca-Cola because the tonic of Pemberton
contained extracts much of the coca leaf as the cola nut. The coca leaf has no relationship and
should not be confused with cocoa beans from which we derive chocolate drinks. The kola nuts,
which are actually the seeds of an African tree instead of walnuts, contain the stimulant caffeine.
There is no doubt that caffeine was in the original formula for Coca-Cola and that there is still, with
the exception of caffeine-free versions, of course. The number one question is: "They were decocainizzate coca leaves?" The answer is yes and it is so de many decades.
What else is there in the Coca-Cola? Well this is a secret, hidden with more care of some of the
secrets of the Pentagon. A mystery is born in the last century about the formula of Coca-Cola. Only
relatively few people have been allowed to participate in the preparation of the formula for CocaCola and, of these, almost all know the ingredients only numerically; much of number 4, the
number 5 and so on. They do not know what they are really these substances, especially the more
secret ingredient, the 7X.

The magic formula, jealously guarded as it is, has added an aura of mystery to the Coca-Cola for
many years. There has been much speculation about the various components, and competitors
have spent much time and money to try to reproduce it. L 'original, and still secret formula should
rest in the bottom of a safe in the Trust Company of Georgia in Atlanta. As a collector's item worth
perhaps two thousand US dollars.
Mark Pendergast during the making of his book "For God, Country and Coca-Cola. The
Unauthorized History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It" is inbatt
in what appeared to be a recipe for Coca-Cola, which is not reported no title except an X in the top
of the page. The section called "aroma" obviously corresponds to the formula of "7X", even if the
ingredients are only six (unless it also takes account of the alcohol).
Maybe later it was added as a seventh component vanilla. "Eph coco" means fluid extract of coca,
but the cola nuts are not mentioned; appears only caffeine citrate.
Pendergast asked a spokesman for the company what would happen if if he had published in his
book, the original formula with precise instructions. He grinned. "Mark," he said, "let's say that
this is your lucky day. I have a copy of that formula right here in my desk." He opened the drawer
and handed him the document. "Here you are. What are you going to do with it?". "Well, put it in
my book." "And then?". "Some might decide to go into business in competition with The Coca-Cola
Company". "And how would call their product?" "They could not call it Coca-Cola, because
citereste them in court say that it could be called Yum-Yum and may insinuate, without running
the risk of a trial, that the Yum-Yum is the true original formula for Coca-Cola." "Good. So? How
much would pay? How would distribute? As the pubblicizzerebbero? Do you understand what I
mean? It took over a hundred years and the amount of money spent to build the capital of this
brand. Without our economies of scale and our fantastic marketing system anyone trying to play
our product would not have possibilities and should set prices too high. Why would anyone
change and buy the Yum-Yum, which is just equal to Coca-Cola, but it costs more, when you can
procure it in every part of the world? ". Pendergast could not think of any response.

The famous logo of Coca-Cola was created with little attention in 1886 by the accounting
company, Frank Mason Robinson, who made only a few minor adjustments to the writing, using as
a base the character Spencerian Script, which at that time, the United States was among the most
common and used. Binds to this logo an urban legend that has spread quite rapidly in the world: it
seems that looking at the written Coca-Cola in the mirror is possible to interpret the image as a
sentence in Arabic that would bring a message against the Islamic culture, "No Mohammed, No
Mecca, no prayers. "
In reality it is unlikely that at the time of creating this logo, when there was still the multinational
The Coca-Cola Company and no one would have expected the worldwide success that the drink
would have received, previously thought to include a similar message inside the famous logo. The

Grand Mufti Sheik Nasser Farid Wassel, important religious figure Egyptian, commented these
facts by noting that this brand was written in Latin characters and Arabic over a century ago;
therefore, is a voice that has only damaged the multinational, with a sharp drop in sales recorded
in some Islamic countries .
For the 100th anniversary of Coca-Cola, was created in 1986 in Chile, on the side of a mountain,
the largest Coca-Cola logo in the world. Have been used about 70 000 bottles of Coca-Cola and the
writing is about 30 to 120 meters. In 2011 the writing was renewed for the 125th anniversary.

Coca-Cola is famous for special containers that make it easily distinguishable from other packs of
soft drinks; in particular, the frequent changes in the decoration of promotional cans in the
presence of events, such as Christmas or events sponsored by the drink, have made these
collectors' items. The bottles contour, appeared in 1916, have a special shape with a registered
trademark, probably inspired by the anatomical curves of the actress Mae West was wearing the
particular fitting gown said hobble skirt.

The design of the prototype was designed in 1915 by Earl R. Dean of the Root Glass Company of
Terre Haute, Indiana, who may have been inspired by the shape of a cocoa pod. The prototype
was discarded because it unsuitable for bottling machines; However inspired the shapes of the
bottle that ultimately went into production in 1916. Bottles similar first glass and then in PET, have
also been used by the competitor Pepsi, but significantly different from the form in order not to
violate the copyright of The Coca-Cola Corporation.

-The Coca-Cola Company is also famous for being the characteristic red color to the Santa Claus
costume, but in fact the legend of Santa Claus, whose beard was long and white, would have to
reconnect to St. Nicholas (protector of children), later became Santa Claus [21]. The costume of
Santa Claus would become red only after that, in the '30s, the company used it for its Christmas
advertising, and dressed him in black and red, just as the writing of his famous drink [22].
-At the 18th edition of the IG Nobel, the annual ceremony dedicated to science more bizarre
established in the scientific world, held by the magazine "Annals of Improbable Research" at the
University of Harvard US, recognition for chemistry in 2008, delivered by William Lipscomb (Nobel
Prize in Chemistry in 1976) went to two research groups, the first American and the other in
Taiwan, who have tried to figure out if Coca-Cola was an effective spermicide. What's unique, in
the scientific world, the two groups have obtained and demonstrated opposite results [23].
-The drink is mentioned in the song Bubbles Vasco Rossi.

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