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177,8## (7)

Cementing III Protecting Strrings of 177,8

mm (7'')

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Before cementing ensure in fulfillment of the

following preparation works:
- the drilling operation supervisor and cementing
specialist are to make calculations of cement
grouping volumes independently;
- to inform gas loggers and drilling mud engineer
about the expected water for tempering, cement
grouping and displaced volumes; mention from
which gauging tanks water will be taken for
tempering. Moreover, mention the forecasted
increase of volume in active tanks of head and tail
portions (of mud);
- wash out all lines at the wellhead. Measure and
write down the volume of lines from the cementing
installation to the rotor (derrick floor);
- check the absence of leaks in the water inlet line
for setting-up of the grouting. All valves on the
spurs from the line are to be closed and blocked;
- just before the beginning of cementing the driller
and gas logger are to register levels in all gauge
reservoirs (for each grouting).
Cementing of a boring casing of 177,8&& (7)
will be performed according to the double-stage
schedule with lifting of cement up to the wellhead:
Provide all participating parties to be
informed about the time of work performance
beginning, volume of loose materials, tempering
liquid and other parameters. The time spent for
informing of the personnel about the main
provisions ensure the successful fulfillment of
cementing works.
The drilling operation supervisor and
cementing specialties are to fulfill approving
calculations before the beginning of work
performance independently in relation to the
cement grouting volumes. Before cementing of the
casing a back-up analysis is to be executed
regarding the grouting mortar at barometric
conditions as well as gas penetration.
To inform gas loggers and drilling mud
engineer about the expected water for tempering,
cement grouping and displaced volumes; mention
from which gauging tanks water will be taken for
tempering. Moreover, mention the forecasted
increase of volume in working tanks.
To ensure that there is enough time

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.-$"( *0-6"0(+41(/01 %"&"'('2& #,0(+*#*&
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allowance throughout the work on cementing.

Wash out all lines at the rotor. Measure and
write down the volume of lines from the cementing
installation to the rotor (derrick floor).
Check the absence of leaks in the water inlet
line for setting-up of the grouting. All valves on the
spurs from the line are to be closed and blocked.
Just before the beginning of cementing the
driller and gas logger are to register levels in all
gauge reservoirs (for each grouting).
Screw on the circulating head, mount
cementing lines and press them to reach the
pressure at 1.5 times higher than the maximum
anticipated pressure during cementing.
Rinse well to the alignment parameters of
the solution to the values defined by the concept
and / or project, and prepare well for cementing the
Load the fluid injection, cement mortar,
overflush fluid in amounts corresponding to the
calculated parameters, carried out on actual data for
cementing the prime.
Run the top cementing plug in the hole.
Make sure that the plug came out of the circulating
head, and then displace cementing mortar with the
drilling mud.
At the end of displacement reduce the flow
rate, measure the fit of the plug as the pressure
increases on the 3-5Mpa (I!,) higher than
pressure injection. In the absence of identifiers of
the fit the plug to the float coupling, to pump a
maximum of 50% of the volume of cement
coloumn to "fit" plug. Vent the pressure from he
production string to check the cross flow.
To packer off and open sockets of the stage
cementing collar.
Rinse the well. Leave the well in the WOC
for a period of not less than 48 hours.
To rinse the well with drilling mud and
cement the casing annulus from the cement stage
collar to the wellhead.
Load the fluid injection and cement mortar.
Cementing the prime of the III - protecting string
177,8 mm diameter (7) is to fulfill with the
cementing mortar with a density of 1900 kg/m3
(1,90 sg). Cementing the second stage of the III protecting string 177,8 mm diameter (7) is to
fulfill with the cementing mortar with a density of
1650 kg/m3 (1,65 sg).
Reset the top cementing plug; pump the

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:,8-0("+,')1, 3#*<'*0() %"&"'('*8* ?,&'1.
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:,?,<,(/ 3#*$,+*<'-5 ;)$?*0(/ (.-#*+*9 #,0(+*#) )
:,?#2(/ %"&"'()#*+*<'2" *?',.
!#*+"0() EAD, *#)"'()#-10/ ', 07+,(2+,')"
*(*.#,''27 %"&"'('27 3#*. '* '" &"'"" 48 <.
K"&*'()#*+,(/ *.*#-$*+,')".
F*0(,+)(/ *(<"( 3* %"&"'()#*+,')5, ?*(*#29
$*4;"' 7#,')(/01 ', .-#*+*9.
!*04" 03-0?, ) ?#"34"')1 177,8&& (7) *.0,$'*9
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3#*()+*>*'(,''*9 04-;.*9, *#8,',&)

overflush fluid (drilling mud) and close cementing

To do the WOC, concerning the thickening
time of the cementing test but no less then 48 hours.
Dismantle equipment.
Draw up a report on the cementing, which
must be kept on "drilling".
After descending and mounting 177, 8 mm (7 ")
casing wellhead is equipped according to the
procedures and schemes trim defense, developed
and of approved drilling in the prescribed manner
by the Contractor and agreed with the customer,
blow out elimination service, departments of

Operations, fulfilling after cementing:

Align the production string in the rotor after
Check, if there are some cement pollutions
2*3(%1, 4'()(5&#1" 4(-0" 6"#"$%&'()*$&7:
of the blow out preventer and take measures to
*(%"'(#)#*+,(/ *.0,$'-5 ?*4*''- + #*(*#" 3*04" clean it;
Not to run the instrument in to the string
*?*'<,')1 %"&"'()#*+,')1;
3#*+"#)(/, '" :,8#1:'"'2 4) %"&"'(*& !CE )
until resistance power of the cement stone rich the
3#)'1(/ &"#2 3* "8* *<)0(?";
state no less then 1.5 MPa;
'" 03-0?,(/ )'0(#-&"'( + ?*4*''-, 3*?, '" .-$"( Accessories of the production string footage
$*0()8'-(, 3#*<'*0(/ %"&"'('*8* ?,&'1 '" &"'"" 1,5
is to drill with the tri-cone bit, and in the absence of
the PDC with the fan bottom bit to prevent
*0',0(?- '):, *.0,$'*9 ?*4*''2 04"$-"(
connection the impact stress to the string.
#,:.-#)+,(/ (#"7B,#*B"<'2& $*4*(*&, + 04-<,"
*(0-(0(+)1 PDC $*4*(*& 0* 0');"''*9 ',8#-:?*9 +*
):.";,')" 0**.6"')1 ?*4*''" -$,#'*9 ',8#-:?).

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