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The hierarchy of ascended beings

As explained elsewhere, the material realm was created by beings in the realm ri
ght above us in vibration. Thus, these beings are what we normally call ascended
masters. The masters also use the name Ascended Host, and this refers to all bein
gs in all spheres above us. However, many of these beings do interact with us he
re on earth.
So from our vantage point, we can talk about several levels of the hierarchy tha
t exists in the sphere right above ours. Let us look at the most well-known:
Newly ascended masters
When a being ascends from the material world, it usually takes some time to expl
ore its new self-awareness and the spiritual realm to which it now has conscious
access. Yet some masters have already been involved with teaching human beings
before they ascended, so they may indeed immediately begin to fill a teaching po

The Chohans
As described elsewhere, there are seven spiritual rays, which are the basic ener
gy spectra from which the material universe is made. In order to walk the spirit
ual path and qualify for the ascension, we must attain mastery on all seven rays
. Thus, we can see the spiritual path as a structured process, where we learn fr
om each of the seven rays.
To facilitate this learning, each ray has several ascended masters who are seeki
ng to help us pass the initiations represented by their ray. The leaders of this
group of teachers is called the Chohan. Thus, each ray has a Chohan, who is kind
of like the headmaster of a particular school.
The Chohans normally present themselves as masculine or feminine. Not all chohan
s have a counterpart of the compimentary polarity. For example, a masculine choh
an may not have a feminine counterpart, either because the feminine counterpart
has not yet ascended or because it has moved on to other realms and is not direc
tly working with earth.

The Archangels
One branch of ascended beings who are not created to take embodiment is the ange
ls. Angels have many different assignments, but from our vantage point, the most
helpful is the angels assigned to helping us grow. These angels are also organi
zed according to the seven rays.
Groups of angels are often referred to as bands, and each band has a leader, with
the title of Archangel. Thus, there is an archangel for each of the seven rays. Th
e archangels are always masculine, but they also have feminine polarities, calle
d the Archeia. For example, the feminine polarity of Archangel Michael is Archeia

The Elohim

The material universe is created from the energies of the seven rays, and this i
s done by reducing the vibration of the rays by a certain factor. A mental bluep
rint is then superimposed upon this energy in order to form the basic structures
that make up the material universe.
The beings who initiated and oversee this process are often called the Elohim, but
they can also be called God and Goddesses. Again, there is a masculine/feminine p
olarity at this level. For example, the Elohim Hercules has a feminine polarity
named Amazonia.

The Central Sun

The highest level of ascended beings known to us is represented by two beings, c
alled Alpha and Omega. It is sometimes said that they reside in the Central Sun, b
ut this is not a physical sun in the material universe. It is a place in the spiri
tual realm.
As explained, there are six spheres above our level. Each sphere forms a hierarc
hical structure, somewhat comparable to a pyramid. In each sphere, there is a ce
ntral sun in which resides two beings, named Alpha and Omega. In the very first
sphere, there is the ultimate level of Alpha and Omega, namely the beings who ar
e direct expressions of the Creator.
However, it is important to understand that what is given here is a linear repre
sentation, and the linear mind is not capable of grasping the non-linear reality
of the spiritual realm. Thus, it is important not to place too great importance
on the words or their interpretation. To truly grasp the non-linear reality of
the spiritual realm, one must experience it directly.

Other titles in hierarchy:

Gods and Goddesses
Although the Elohim are sometimes called Gods and Goddesses, there are other asc
ended beings who have attained to the level represented by a God. For example, t
here is a Goddess of Liberty, a Goddess of Justice (Portia) and a Goddess of Mer
cy (Kuan Yin).
Solar Logoi
Each planetary system has a sun and each physical sun has a polarity of two sola
r hierarchs, who are making it possible for the sun to be the open door between
the material and the spiritual realm. If energy was not constantly streaming int
o a planetary system from the spiritual realm, no life would be possible in that
system. The hierarchs of our physical sun are named Helios and Vesta.
Lord of the World
For each planet, there is a being who holds the office of Lord of the World. Thi
s is a being with Buddhic attainment, meaning it has mastered space. Thus, this
being literally holds the spiritual balance for the earth to exist in space. The
Lord of the World for earth is Gautama Buddha.

Planetary or Individual Christ

For each planet there is a being who holds the office of Christ. Regardless of t
he sectarian nature of the Christian religion, Christ is a universal word that sig
nifies oneness between the Creator and its creation. Thus, you can ascend only b
y attaining the Christ consciousness and overcoming the illusion of separation.
When Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father
save by me, he was not talking about his outer person but the Christ consciousne
ss. Currently, Jesus is holding the office of Planetary Christ for earth.
Cosmic Christ
For each planet, a master holds the office that represents the universal Christ
consciousness for that planet. Lord Maitreya holds this office for earth. He was
also the master depicted (in distorted and primitive form) as the God in the Gard
en of Eden. The reality behind the myth is that Lord Maitreya was and is the ove
rseer of the spiritual schoolroom (sometimes called a Mystery School) in which l
ifestreams are prepared to take embodiment on earth and deal with the initiation
s represented by the density of this realm.
World Teachers
These are beings who oversee the general progression of humankind s consciousness
and determines how to best teach people the universal lessons. They also determi
ne which new teachings are to be released, based on the progress (or lack of it)
in the collective consciousness. This office is currently held by Jesus and Kut
The Karmic Board, Lords of Karma
The ascended masters seek to teach us at two levels. One is that they give us sp
iritual teachings and encourage us to use them for self-observation, leading to
self-transcendence. The other is what is called the School of Hard Knocks, where t
hey allow us to experience the physical consequences of our state of consciousne
ss. This is what is popularly called bad karma.
Overseeing the karmic aspects of teaching is a board consisting of 8 ascended ma
sters. It is important to realize that despite the popular concept of bad karma, k
arma never has the purpose of punishing anyone. The purpose is only to teach tho
se who have made themselves unreachable for a spiritual teaching.
As a result, the Karmic Board can withhold the descent of a person s karma, if the
y estimate the person has learned or is close to learning the associated lesson.
On the other hand, they can also accelerate the descent of karma for a person,
who is in a negative spiral and is abusing other people.
The Karmic Board performs a very complex task of not only looking at each
dual lifestream embodied on earth but also looking at groups and humanity
hole. They determine who is allowed to take embodiment on earth, and they
mes decide that a certain lifestream has misused its opportunity and will
ger be allowed to embody here.

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The Karmic Board also teaches in a more direct way when we are in between embodi
ments. Along with other spiritual teachers, members of the Karmic Board help eac
h lifestream determine the specifics of its next embodiment, based on an evaluat
ion of which circumstances best help that lifestream learn its lessons and expre
ss its divine plan (the gift we came to bring).

The current members of the Karmic Board are: The Great Divine Director, The Godd
ess of Liberty, Pallas Athena, Nada, Portia (Goddess of Justice), Kuan Yin (Godd
ess of Mercy), Elohim Cyclopea and Vajrasattva.
Dhyani Buddhas
In traditional Buddhism, these are considered primordial Buddhas, meaning they hav
e never taken embodiment as did Gautama. There are six of these in the ascended
realm, and they each represent the anti-dote to a specific spiritual poison. By
invoking the Presence of the Dhyani Buddha, you receive help in transcending the
NOTE: In terms of all of the above positions in hierarchy, it is important to ke
ep in mind, that these are offices. As it is on earth, an office is held by a sp
ecific person, but that person can be replaced by another person over time. Thus
, the Archangel of the First Ray is an office and has throughout time been held
by various beings. The same is true for all other offices. In fact, as we ascend
, we have the potential to fill some of these offices. This might explain why va
rious spiritual teachings associate different names with these offices.

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