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Zipaquira, 16 of February of 2015

Dear Alexander:

I wanted to written this letter, in the I want recognize your unconditional friendship,
during the travel of our lives. It is grandiose know that you expect a friend, in the
difficult moments of the existence; I remember even the years of youth when only I
was and the support of a person was completely necessary. Among many people
that do part my environment, only you could count unconditionally; if something
important has taught me the existence, is that by many people that us accompany
and by a big large number of persons that we are giving handouts and supporting
sentences, finally with those available are very few of their.
Us lived experiences in the youth and part of the adulthood have significantly
enriched the tour so far live. The street from Manizales stored in his nostalgic
memories at two young what day after day and of hard way placed great effort to
overcome and help those in need.
Today is an important for I tell your thank you: thank you for the appreciation, the
respect and the words of support that strengthened me for progress, succeed and
who I am today; thank you for the laughter that served of incentive in the bitter
moments, where only disorientation and distress around my steps. Thank you for
that your family was my family when the mine was not. They thank you serve me
selflessly their hand and took me. Your father was my father, your brothers was my
brothers and you beam was and you will continue my better friend.

Your Friend: Carlos Arturo Holgun

gracias por las risas, que sirvieron de aliciente en los momentos amargos en los
que solo desorientacin y angustias rodeaban mis pasos. Gracias porque tu
familia ha sido mi familia cuando la ma no estaba. Ellos gracias a ti me brindaron
desinteresadamente su mano y me acogieron sin ningn inters ms que el de
servirme. Tu padre fu mi padre, tus hermanos fueron mis hermanos y tu has sido y
seguirs siendo mi mejor amigo.

He querido escribirte esta carta, en la que quiero reconocerte tu incondicional

amistad durante el recorrido de nuestras vidas. Es grandioso saber que se puede
contar con un amigo, en los momentos ms difciles de la existencia; recuerdo an
los aos de nuestra juventud cuando ms slo me encontraba y el apoyo de una
persona era totalmente necesaria. Entre muchas personas que hacan parte de mi
entorno, solo contigo poda contar de forma absoluta e incondicional; si hay algo
importante que me ha enseado la existencia, es que por mucha gente que nos
acompae y por un alto nmero de personas que nos estn entregando ddivas y
frases de apoyo, al fin con quienes se cuenta es con muy pocas de ellas.
Zipaquir, 16 de febrero de 2015

Nuestras experiencias vividas en la juventud y parte de la vida adulta, han

enriquecido de manera significativa el recorrido hasta hoy vivido. Las calles de
Manizales guardan entres sus nostlgicos recuerdos a dos jvenes que da tras
da y de forma ardua colocaban gran empeo en superarse y apoyar a quienes lo
necesitaran. Hoy es un da importante para decirte gracias: gracias por el cario,
el respeto y las palabras de apoyo que me fortalecieron para salir adelantes y ser
quien soy hoy;

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