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~Meeting Minutes~


Call to Order
Jen Benzing called to order the meeting of West Manheim PTO at 6:36pm.


Roll Call
The following persons were present Jen Benzing, President; Robyn Nicholson, Vice President; Mandi
Peltzer, Secretary; Stephanie Jennings, Treasurer; Principal, Brian Cromer; Teachers, Erica OBrien and
Kim Cherry. Nine parents were also in attendance.


Principals Report
Mr. Cromer started the meeting by thanking the PTO for the One District, One Book donation. There was
a lot of positive feedback from the teachers, parents and the community. The West Manheim Police
Department also participated and donated a bike for the writing piece prize. The police department
wants everyone to know that they did not use tax payer money for the gift/donation.
Family Fun Night was a huge success, one of the largest turn outs we have had. Mr. Cromer thanked
everyone on the committee for helping.
The next few weeks the teachers will be collecting information and data on the students to prepare for
the end of the second trimester.
The Bricks for Kids assembly was a great hands-on event for the students. In March, there will be an
after school program offered to the students, this would be an additional fee for parents.


Current Events Update

a. Winter Book FairFair-The sales in checks totaled $5860.17, we sold over $6700. Having the book fair
open on Family Fun night raised another $800. Next book fair we will need to adjust the number of
students to shopping at one time. For our next book fair we need to remember to adjust the
wording on the Grandparents Day gift certificates: Grandparents can purchase an amount for their
grandkids to spend at the book fair.
b. Family Fun NightNight- We had a large family turnout with our tropical theme this year. We had a motion made




by Nicole to raise the Family Fun Night budget by $200. We voted all in favor and the new budget is set at
BingoBingo-March 6th- We will need help with setup at 4:30 and tear down afterwards, we have asked the key
club for their help as well. Raffle donations are coming in and we are checking for extra supplies in the PTO
closet to use for event. John Paul is working on the gambling license. There is a sign-up sheet in the cafeteria
for the teachers; we are looking for an announcer.
Yearbook SaleSale- Feb 9th- 27th- Hillary has posted a link to the PTO and West Manheim Parents Facebook
pages for anyone to upload photos of events from this current school year. Pictures can also be emailed to
Hillary at The PTO pays for each 5th grader to receive a soft cover yearbook; parents
can pay the difference for any add-ons.

General Events Update (Fundraising)



Market DayDay Chair Stephanie Jennings- Last months profit: $71.59. We have now switched to presale
option only; parents can order and pay online then pick up on delivery date. This may be our last year for this
fundraiser, due to the amount of work it takes to run it.
Box TopsTops Co-Chairs Mandi Peltzer and Stephanie Jennings- Our next collection date is March 27th. We
should be receiving a check in April for $1586.70.

c. Campbells Labels


Treasurers Report
a. Account balance- as of 2/10/15 is $48,365.86. We still need to pay for One District, One Book and we
also need our refund for the 5th grade field trip which we paid in full.


New BusinessBusinessa.



Teacher Appreciation- During the first week in May, we will need volunteers to help with breakfast on Monday
morning, lunch on Wednesday afternoon and ice cream sundaes on Friday. We would also like parent
volunteers to make little gifts for the teachers and support staff to be placed in their mailboxes each morning.
Pinterest is a great resource.
Scholarship- Pam Curley will be taking over as Chair of this committee.
Carnival- End of May- Chairperson(s) needed for this event. If no one steps up we will have to end this event.
Other items- We have decided to donate a Keurig machine for the teachers using Race for Education money,
their other machine does not work. Mrs. Fisher has asked for money to renew the subscription to PEBBLE GO,
an online resource for k-3 students. The cost is $995 to renew. We have added that to the library Race for
Education total.

Jen Benzing adjourned the meeting at 7:35pm

Minutes submitted by Mandi Peltzer

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