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Create User: create a new user

syntex : create user <user name> ["user_description"] [password=<password>]

example: create user test "Test user" password=test
Show Users: Show all users
syntex : show users
example: show users
Delete user: delete the named user
syntax : delete user <user name>
example: delete user test
Create group: creates a new group of users. Initially the group is empty. You need to
add users in the group.
syntax : create group group_name "description"
example: create group Training "Training group"
Delete group: delete the named group
syntax : delete group <group name>
example: delete group training
Add member: Add one or more users to the group
syntax : add member <group name> <user name>, <user name> ...
example: add member training test
Set password: Set the password for the named user
syntax : set password <user-name> [password]
example: set password test 123
Grant admin : Grant the named global administrator permissions to the named user or
group. For a complete listing of global administrator permissions
syntax : grant admin user=<user name> | group=<group name> <admin_permissions>
example: grant admin user=test all
grant admin group=training all
Note: some admin permissions: all:- all admin permissions, change-connection:-delete
Connect: Connect the administrative tool to the server
syntax : connect tcp://<server name>:<port number>
example: connect tcp://server2000:7222
Disconnect: Disconnect the administrative tool from the server
syntax : disconnect
example: disconnect
create topic : Creates a topic with specified name and properties. Properties are listed in a
comma-separated list, as described in topics.conf . You can set the properties directly
in the topics.conf
or by means of the setprop topic command in the EMS Administrator Tool.

syntax : create topic <topic_name> <[properties]>

example: create topic t1
Show Topic : Shows the details for the specified topic
syntax : show topic <topic-name>
example: show topic t1
setprop topic : Set topic properties, overriding any existing properties
syntax : setprop topic <topic-name> <properties>
example: setprop topic t1 secure,sender_name
addprop topic : Adds properties to the topic. Property names are separated by commas
syntax : addprop topic <topic_name> <properties,...>
example: addprop topic t1 failsafe
Grant topic : Grants specified permissions to specified user or group on specified topic. Multiple
permissions are separated by commas.
Topic permissions are: subscribe, publish, durable, use_durable
Destination-level administrator permissions can also be granted with this command. The
following are administrator permissions
for topics are - view , create , delete, modify , purge
syntax : grant topic <topic-name> <user=name | group=name> <permissions>
Note: The best way to define permissions on topic is-open acl.conf and modify in the file
example: TOPIC=t1 USER=user1 PERM=publish,subscribe,view
purge topic : Purge all messages for all subscribers on the named topic
syntax : purge topic <topic-name>
example: purge topic t1
delete topic : delete specefic topic
syntax : delete topic <topic-name >
example: delete topic t1
create queue : Creates a queue with the specified name and properties. The possible queue
properties are described in
Destination Properties. Properties are listed in a comma-separated list, as described in
queues.conf. You can set the
properties directly in the queues.conf or by means of the setprop queue command in
the EMS Administrator Tool.
syntax : create queue <queue_name> <[properties]>
example: create queue q1
Show Queue : Shows the details for the specified queue
syntax : show queue <queue-name>
example: show queue q1
setprop queue : Set queue properties, overriding any existing properties. Any
properties on a topic that are not explicitly specified by this command are removed
syntax : setprop queue <queue-name> <properties>

example: setprop queue q1 secure,sender_name

addprop queue : Adds properties to the queue. Property names are separated by
syntax : addprop queue <topic_name> <properties,...>
example: addprop queue q1 failsafe
Grant queue : Grants specified permissions to specified user or group on specified
queue. Multiple permissions are separated by commas
Queue permissions are: receive, send, browse
Destination-level administrator permissions can also be granted with this command. The
following are administrator permissions
for queue are - view , create , delete, modify , purge
syntax : grant queue <queue-name> <user=name | group=name> <permissions>
Note: The best way to define permissions on queue is-open acl.conf and modify in the file
example: QUEUE=q1 USER=user1 PERM=receive,browse
purge queue : Purge all messages in the named queue
syntax : purge queue <queue-name>
example: purge queue q1
delete queue : delete specefic queue
syntax : delete queue <topic-name >
example: delete queue t1

Create durable : Creates s static durable subscriber

syntax : create durable <topic name> <durable name> [property,....,property]
example: create durable t1 durable1
Note: why durable: By default, subscribers only receive messages when they are active. If
messages arrive on the topic
when the subscriber is not available, the subscriber does not receive those messages.
The EMS APIs allow you to create durable subscribers to ensure that messages are received,
even if the message consumer
is not currently running. Messages for durable subscriptions are stored on the server as long as
durable subscribers exist
for the topic, or until the message expiration time for the message has been reached, or until the
storage limit has been
reached for the topic. Durable subscribers can receive messages from a durable subscription
even if the subscriber was not
available when the message was originally delivered.When an application restarts and recreates
a durable subscriber with the
same ID, all messages stored on the server for that topic are published to the durable subscriber.
Delete durable : Delete the named durable subscriber
syntax : delete durable <durable-name>
example: delete durable durable1
Show config: Shows the configuration parameters for the connected server

syntax : show config

Show consumer or show consumers: information about a specific consumer or all
syntax : show consumer <consumer id> or show consumers
example: show consumer 6 or show consmers
show connections : Show connections between clients and server
syntax: show connections [type=q|t|s] [host=hostname] [user=username] [version] [address]
[counts] [full]
example: show connections
show db : Print a summary of the servers databases
syntax : show db [sync|async]
example: show db

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