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^traid -f ^nei/cc ^>ou)li

FROM THE BOWiin all^

Apdo. Vostal 350

'JiermosiUo. Sonora Mexico

Career UiaJ from Uj5J\,

'^Vi haye a fxapp-^ Riofufa^ season

antf et^o^ Gotfs BCessings in tfie ^I^ew

Our Sonora churches are in their eleventh year

of area fellowship ("confratemidad") held the last
Sunday of each month. These have been a great
blessing in keeping our people united in their ef
forts to evangelize. Not all can attend, but atten
dance averages 80-100. Tlie host church prepares
the evening meal. Visitors from other states in
Mexico marvel at how united our church members

are, and we attribute much of this to our area pas

tors' elforts in keeping these meetings going. Vaca
tion Bible school is a joint effort of this group.
Area youth under the leadersliip of pastor Jesus

Vnaya's son, Eltas (Elijah), have made great strides

and are preparing choralnumbers for tlte December
meeting of their North-West Convention to be held

in Culiacan, Sinaloa. 500 miles south. They are buy

ing white sliirts and blouses and we expect to pur
chase dark pants and skirts. Tliey plan to bring back
the Bible Bowl trophy again. We now have a van

Good Bible classes lor all age groups, grand fel

lowship, and lots of freshly-caught fish, grilled

over the coals.

The North-West Me.xico area convention, an

outgrowth of the "Pacific Convention" we be
gan in the i950's, is held each October. We man

aged to send six delegates. It's difficult for young

adults to get time offfrom work, so mostly older
ones are those able to go. Great attendance by
the host congregations in Mexicali, Baja Calitomia. Interesting classes and lots of good food.
Brother Anaya only had to stop and change the
points on his pickup (had to do more than that
on last year's ten-hour trip!),

.Anaya Gibson, Kathy's youngest, spent a

month here in the summer helping Becky's

brother-in-law in his veterinaiy clinic. Well skip

all the gory details andjust say she still wants to
be a veterinarian. Sister Erika was in Boston with

for them to travel in (we still owe $500). It has a her Aunt .Amy Gibson. Both are top high school

rebuilt motor and new tires. They have made sev

eral e.xcursions in it. including a trip to a mountain

community where a Calitonria church, unbeknownst

to us, built a church building. They play volleyball

in a church league, and thougli they don't always

win, they have lots ol ftin, and always a good Bible

We hold lamily camp each summer in rented

facilities at Kino Bay, 70 miles southwest on the

Gulf of California. Attendance averages 65-70.

students, as was their brother, Aaron, our 6' 4"

grandson, who attends Santa Clara University in


There are two new additions to the BowIin

family; Veva's Grecia (granddaughter) and

Colleen's Kay Lan (great-granddaughter). Col
leen isBob and Berta's middle daughter. We had
the privilege of attending and Genyhad the wed
ding ceremony of their youngest daughter, Car
rie. vShe married vShawn Draper, a young man

she's known since the seventh grade. The only


hitch was the soloist lost her CD. The church

Please inform us of any changes in your address.

decorations were all done by her mother, Berta,

A returned letter is wasted stamps^wasted money that

belongs to the Lord. The address change may be sent

and all the guests we heard commented on how at our address given in the letterhead or to;
lovely the arch and side decorations were. Shan
Mr. Charles Gurwell
Rt. I Box 632
non, Bob's oldest, works in electronics, where
Edde Pass, TX. 78852
Carrie's husband, Shawn, works. Colleen, an ac
countant, heads the office of a group of area pizza
Our forwarding agent is:
franchises and Jon, the caboose, is in middle
Ntrs. Jo Aime Hudson
school. Kathy, Dale, Erika and Anya drove over
15164 Country Hill Road

from Portland for the wedding.

to us

Poway, CA. 92064

We are celebrating our 50^ year on the Mexi

Once again, may you and yours enjoy a holiday

filled with joy and God's richest blessings.
versary (we were married July 20, 1945 in Los
can mission field. .AJso, our 52"'^ wedding anni

Angeles, CA). Like most 20^ century families, May 1998 be prosperous for you as you do His will.
ours is scattered. However, it was more so when God bless you and keep you in His love.
Kathy was in Austria and later in Chile. Now she's

only five hours flying time away in the Portland,

OR area. Bob in Idaho and our foster daughter,
Kathy (Cata) Gurwell in Texas. Thi'ee are still

here in the city: Oscar, Veva and Becky. We have

fifreen grandchildren and fourteen great-grand
children. Beck\''s Oziel Da\id prett\' much stays
in first place in the English division of his bilin
gual, Spanish-English, grade. Oscar's oldest,
Oscar Jr., surprises liis Aunt Veva (ESL teacher)
with a hug and now and then at the University of

Kathy's husband. Dale Gibson, who orga

nized it all. has kept you up about Geneva's
progress, so you know that when she went back

for her six-month's checkuj) on her riaht hip re

placement she had to have the l^ knee replaced.
Seems tlus happens frevpueuily. All our family
join in sending our heartfelt thanks to you who
made these operations possible, not only for your
financial help, but for your prayers for the suc
cess of each operationboth of which went off
without complications. Geneva is recuperating at
Kathy's home, so she has her own nurse in atten

dance. Geneva plans to be back in Mexico for

Christmas, and we can hardly wait.
God bless you, our family weVe formed and
cemented with love during tliis last half centuiy.
Gerry and Geneva Bowlin

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