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Application Paper 1: Applying DMAIC Improvement Process (Quality, SPC and

DMAIC improvement process is a very common framework used in industry (both forprofit and not for-profit). Consider yourself a consultant who has been hired by Orlando
RV to help them become a quality driven company. This is the case you downloaded at
the start of the semester. Develop an improvement plan with an implementation
component for Orlando RV using the DMAIC improvement process. It is one thing to
recommend a plan, but just as important, you need to think about how to implement the
Your DMAIC and implementation plan should be detailed and specific. Orlando RVs
leadership is not familiar with the DMAIC improvement process so your paper should
anticipate questions that they may have. In other words, the answers to their questions
should be prevalent in your DMAIC and implementation plan. Your DMAIC and
implementation plan should answer questions pertaining to what you are doing, why you
are doing it, and how you intend to do it. This assignment is intended for you to practice
and show your ability in applying quality, SPC, and lean topics, concepts and tools.
As you work through this assignment, if you find that you want or need additional details
to proceed; make your own assumptions, state them clearly, explain why/how you made
them, and then proceed with your DMAIC and implementation plan. Common
statements by students include, more information is needed or more analysis is
needed or something similar. These are not acceptable answers. This assignment is
more about your thought process, and your ability to determine how and when to use the
concepts and tools from quality, SPC, and lean. Take a position and run with it.
Use 1.5 spacing, Times Roman, 12-point Font, and no more than 2 pages. You will be
graded on your writing skill (grammar, punctuation, formatting, professional look, etc.),
use of class concepts and tools, clarity, organization and focus. There is to be a level of
depth in your paper. Superficial or cursory overview papers are frowned upon. If you wait
until the last minute to write this paper, I am confident your paper will show that you
waited until the last minute. Lastly, I encourage you to use tables, heading, outline form,
and bullets as necessary (dont go overboard). These add greatly to the readability and
professional look of your papers.
Once the due date for this paper has passed, then your peer review papers will be
available for you to read and grade. Rubrics will be available for your use when grading
peer review papers. To find the peer reviews, you may have to click on assignments, past
assignments, write-up 1, then youll see the three papers for you to review.

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