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Phrasal Verbs using Do

do up- make something look good. Melissa did up her makeup before
she went to the dance.
do (something) over- do again. You didn't get a good grade on the homework
assignment. You need to do it over.
do (someone) in- kill someone (real or imaginary). The robbers tried to steal my
money and then do me in.
do (someone) good- be good for someone. I know you don't want to learn Latin,
but it will do you good in the future.
do without (something)- live without something. We didn't bring enough money
to the store so we are going to have to do without the snacks.
do away with- stop having something. The school is going to do away with
uniforms. Nobody likes them.
do well for (oneself)- become successful. Danny has really done well for himself.
He owns 5 restaurants.

Check Your Understanding

Choose the best answer.
1. If you don't do your work right the first time, you have to ____________
2. The mafia __________ after he told the police about their plans.
3. My wife really _____________ the new bedroom. Before it was kind of ugly, but
now it's beautiful!
4. When you go camping in the woods you have to _________ electricity.
5. Sally started her own business and now makes a lot of money. She has really
_____________ herself.
6. My company ______________ a lot of paperwork when they realized it wasn't
helpful for business.
7. He's been pretty lazy lately. A little exercise will ____________. He'll feel a lot
better later.

Phrasal Verbs with Go

go off- to make a loud noise or to explode. My alarm clock went off at 7:00 a.m.
go over- to review. You should go over your homework before you give it to the
teacher. Make sure there are no mistakes.
go on- to happen. What is going on in China right now?
go with- to match, to be similar to. My shirt and pants are both blue. They go with
each other.
go out- (1) to stop working (machines or electrical things). The electricity went out
last night. I couldn't see anything.
go out- (2) to be a part of a social activity. Every weekend I go out with my
go along with- to agree with or follow. Tommy usually goes along with what I say.
He trusts me.
go by- to pass. Three hours went by. Or I will go by that old house.
Choose the correct answer. Check your answers below each sentence.
1. Lots of activities _____________ in the city at night.
2. If you want to get to the supermarket, __________the old school and turn right.
3. Marty is a very good boy. He doesn't ___________ the bad kids at school. He
doesn't like what they do.
4. The bomb will ____________ if you push the button.
5. One sock is red and the other is blue. They don't ___________ each other.
6. John likes to ___________ with his girlfriend on Saturday nights.
7. Before we make a presentation, we need to ___________ this business plan to
make sure everything is okay.
8. I hope my hair dryer doesn't __________ . It sounds bad but I really need to
use it.

Phrasal Verbs with Come

come out- to appear, to be seen. The newspaper comes out every Monday through
Friday. or The moon came out last night.
come around- to change one's mind, to change one's opinion, agree. My son
doesn't want to study in New Zealand, but I think he will come around to the idea if
he thinks about it for a while.
come down on- to scold or punish. Our boss really came down on us after we
made that mistake.
come up with- to produce or supply. I didn't think Joe had any money but
suddenly he came up with enough to buy a car.
come to (someone)- remember or recall. I didn't remember who she was and
suddenly it came to me. We went to high school together.
come about- to happen. You became the mayor of your city? Wow! How did that
come about?
come across- to find. Last night I came across my old photographs. I haven't seen
them in years.
come down with- to become sick. Oh that new disease is terrible. I hope I don't
come down with it.
Choose the best phrasal verb for the sentence. Check your answer by
clicking on the arrow below each sentence.
1. David ________________ a terrible cold.
2. I hope I _________ my sweater soon. I can't find it but I have to wear it tonight.
3. Alex couldn't remember where he put his keys. Then it suddenly ___________
him. He left them at the restaurant.
4. How did Microsoft ____________ ? It started when Bill Gates and...
5. Most magazines ____________ every month.
6. I wonder if the staff can ____________ a new idea for our project. I hope they
are creative enough to give us something good.
7. Their mother would always _____________ them when their behavior was bad.
She would hit them with a spoon.
8. Right now Ellen doesn't agree with me, but I think she will ____________ to my
way of thinking soon.

Phrasal Verbs with Get

get out- leave or move. I don't want you here. Get out of my way!
get over (something)- stop thinking about something. I can't get over how hard that test
get away with (something)- do something wrong without punishment. The bank
robbers got away with robbing the bank. The police never found them.
get on with (something)- continue with something. Listen everyone, it's time to stop
talking and get on with our class.
get around- way to go places. I get around by bicycle, but my brother gets around on
get around to (something)- finally do something. I finally got around to doing my
homework. I didn't do it for several days.
get along with- be friendly with. My neighbor and I get along very well. We talk
get by- have enough to survive. I have enough money to get by until next week.
get down to- become serious about. Dinner is finished and now it's time to get down to
Choose the correct answer. Check your answer by clicking on the arrow below the
1. Sheila can ________ on only one meal each day. She doesn't need any more.
2. Jimmy doesn't __________ his brother. They are always fighting or saying bad things to
each other.
3. Sarah had finished watching the video, so now it was time to __________ preparing her
presentation. She had stopped working on it and now it had to be finished.
4. Those little kids ___________ making a lot of noise because they are so cute. How can I
punish them?
5. The teacher told Joey to __________ of the classroom. He was causing problems and
the teacher wanted him to leave.
6. Children, it's time to stop playing around and finally ___________ studying.
7. Linda and James ____________ town in that little car. They are able to go everywhere.
8. Renee couldn't ___________ the death of her husband. In her mind she could see his
face and hear his voice.

9. I don't know when I can _____________ helping you. I have been really busy. But I
promise I will help you soon.

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