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Huckleberry Finn

Stage 2


Before reading activities (page 44)

Activity 1 before reading

Before reAding chApter 5

1 No 2 Yes 3 No 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 Yes 7 No

Encourage students to speculate and to make

guesses but do not tell them the answers. They will
find out as they read that the yes answers are 1, 3
and 7.

Activity 2 before reading

Do not give the answers to this activity but

encourage students to speculate and to make
guesses. They will find out as they read that the
yes answers are 2, 4
and 5.

chApter 5 while reading


While Reading
chApter 1 while reading


$6,000 each.
Because he got drunk and moved around a lot.
Because he had to wear new clothes and be good.
The Widow Douglass sister.
Rob and kill people.
Because they never robbed people and never killed
Miss Watson.
Because he didnt want his father to get it.
To get a drink.
A long way up the river, to a hut in the woods.



Where . . .? In St Petersburg.
Who . . .? Toms Aunt Polly.
Why . . .? Because he thought that he was dead.
Who . . .? His brother Sid.
Why . . .? Because it was too easy.
Where . . .? In a hut outside the house. / Why . . .?
Because he was a runaway slave and the
Phelpses wanted $300.
Why . . .? Because people always did that in books.
Why . . .? Because he had a bullet in his leg.
Why . . .? Because before Miss Watson died, she
wrote that she wanted Jim to be a free
Who . . .? Hucks father.

After Reading

chApter 2 while reading

Activity 1 after reading

The correct order is: 2, 4, 8, 6, 3, 1, 7, 5

When I came back from town, the door of the hut was
broken. I went inside and saw blood on the floor, and
there was an axe in the corner. I think that someone
came to the hut and killed Huck with the axe, because
there was blood and hair on it. Then they pulled his
body along the ground to the river.

chApter 3 while reading

1 T
2 F The woman in the little house didnt know
3 T
4 F If someone catches Jim, they will get three
hundred dollars.
5 T
6 T
7 F The steamboat hit the raft.
8 T
9 F The raft didnt break up when the steamboat hit
10 F Jim and Huck decided to leave at once.

Activity 2 after reading

river: canoe, fish, raft, steamboat, swim, water

adventure: bullet, gang, kill, robbers, shoot, steal
Activity 3 after reading

The picture goes on page 15.

1 Huck
2 Jim
3 The body of a dead man (Hucks father)
Lines from the text on page 15 would make
suitable captions, for example:
Dont look at his face, Huck, said Jim.
I didnt want to see the dead mans face, so I didnt

chApter 4 while reading

1 Two men (the Duke and the King) to Huck and Jim
2 The young man to Huck and Jim
3 The King to Huck and Jim

oxford bookworms library stage 2


huckleberry finn

Oxford University Press


Huck to Jim
A boy to Huck
A woman (Mrs Phelps) to Huck
The woman (Mrs Phelps) to her husband (Mr Phelps)

activities answers

Before Reading

Activity 4 after reading

Activity 6 after reading

Possible sentences:
Huck was clever because he made people think that
he was dead.
Tom was crazy because he wanted someone to shoot
Jim was brave because he stayed with Tom when
Tom was shot.
Miss Watson was kind because she wanted Jim to be
a free man.
Mr and Mrs Phelps were stupid because they
believed Tom and Huck.
The King and the Duke were dangerous because they
were always drunk.

activities answers

3 Tom: Now, listen to this. Jim is locked up in a hut.

We must get him out.
9 Huck: How are we going to do that?
11 Tom: Well dig a hole under the wall of the hut.
7 Huck: But the Phelpses will see us.
2 Tom: No, they wont. Well do it at night.
12 Huck: Jim will hear us, wont he?
4 Tom: Yes, but well tell him our plan. I know
hell be pleased. But we must make it really
dangerous, like in a book.
10 Huck: What do people do in books?
5 Tom: They write secret letters.
1 Huck: Letters? But what will we write in our
13 Tom: Well write that a gang of slave-thieves wants
to steal Jim and get the money. Then theyll try
to stop us. Perhaps theyll shoot us. Wont that
be exciting?
8 Huck: Very exciting. But how will we escape if
theyre shooting at us?
6 Tom: We can run to the river, get into the canoe,
and go to Spanish Island to get the raft.
Activity 5 after reading

Oxford University Press

Possible sentences:
1 Jim didnt tell Huck that his father was dead.
2 Huck told the woman in the little house that his
name was Sarah Williams / Mary Williams /
Sarah Mary Williams.
3 The Duke told Huck and Jim that his grandfather
was the son of the Duke of Bridgewater.
4 The King told Huck and Jim that he was the first
son of the King of France.
5 Huck didnt tell Jim that the King and the Duke
werent really a king and a duke.
6 Huck told the Duke and the King that Jim belonged
to his uncle.
7 Huck told the people in the big old house that his
name was George Jackson.
8 Huck didnt tell Mrs Phelps that he wasnt Tom
9 Tom didnt tell Huck that Jim was a free man.

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huckleberry finn

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