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a severe bout of coughing
fresh blood
productive cough
mild fever
shortness of breath
vesicular sound
severely sick
moderate rales

II. Identifikasi Masalah

1. Mr. Y, a 40 year old, sailor, was admitted to hospital with hemiptoe. He complained that 6

hours ago he had a severe bout of coughing with fresh blood of about 2 glasses
2. Riwayat perjalanan penyakit
a. He also said that in the previous month he had had:
i. productive cough with a lot of phlegm,
ii. mild fever,
iii. loss of appetite,
iv. rapid loss of body weight (previous weight: 70 kg), and
v. shortness of breath.
b. Since a week ago, he felt his symptoms were worsening

3. Pemeriksaan fisik
a. General appearance: he looked severely sick and pale. Body height: 175 cm, body
weight: 55 kg, BP: 100/70 mmHg, HR: 112x/minute, RR: 36x/minute, temp 37,6
b. There was a tattoo on the chest and lymphadenopathy of the right neck, and
c. In chest auscultation there was an increase of vesicular sound at the right upper
lung with moderate rales
4. Pemeriksaan tambahan

a. Laboratory
i. Hb: 8,5 g%, WBC: 6000 L, ESR 65 mm/hr, Diff count: 0/3/2/75/15/5,
Acid fast bacilli: (-), HIV test (+), CD4 120/L
b. Radiology:
i. Chest radiograph showed infiltrate at right lower lung

III. Analisis Masalah

1. Mr. Y, a 40 year old, sailor, was admitted to hospital with hemiptoe. He complained that 6
hours ago he had a severe bout of coughing with fresh blood of about 2 glasses
a. Bagaimana anatomi, histologi paru (saluran pernafasan)? (shakty, ira)
b. Bagaimana fisiologi sistem pernafasan? (ira, devin)
c. Bagaimana hubungan usia, jenis kelamin, dan pekerjaan pada kasus? (nay, puput)
d. Bagaimana etiologi & klasifikasi hemoptoe? (monic, alia)
e. Bagaimana patofisiologi hemoptoe? (shakty, emil)
2. Riwayat perjalanan penyakit
a. He also said that in the previous month he had had:
i. productive cough with a lot of phlegm,
ii. mild fever,
iii. loss of appetite,
iv. rapid loss of body weight (previous weight: 70 kg), and
v. shortness of breath.
1. Bagaimana patofisiologi dari gejala-gejala diatas? (shakty, ira)
2. Bagaimana hubungan antar gejala? (devin, ratih)
b. Since a week ago, he felt his symptoms were worsening
1. Bagaimana patogenesis gejala sehingga menjadi semakin berat?
(audy, azan)
3. Pemeriksaan fisik
a. General appearance: he looked severely sick and pale. Body height: 175 cm, body
weight: 55 kg, BP: 100/70 mmHg, HR: 112x/minute, , RR: 36x/minute, temp 37,6
b. There was a tattoo on the chest and lymphadenopathy of the right neck, and
c. In chest auscultation there was an increase of vesicular sound at the right upper
lung with moderate rales
4. Pemeriksaan tambahan
a. Laboratory
ii. Hb: 8,5 g%, WBC: 6000 L, ESR 65 mm/hr, Diff count: 0/3/2/75/15/5,
Acid fast bacilli: (-), HIV test (+), CD4 120/L
b. Radiology:

iii. Chest radiograph showed infiltrate at right lower lung

a. Bagaimana hasil interpretasi pada :
- pemeriksaan fisik (devin, puput)
- pemeriksaan tambahan (azan, shakty)
b. bagaimana mekanisme abnormal dari hasil interpretasi:
- pemeriksaan fisik (ratih, devin)
- pemeriksaan tambahan(alek, emil)
5. Bagaimana hubungan antara TB dan HIV? (emil, ratih)
6. Apa hubungan BTA (-) dengan adanya infiltrate pada paru kanan bawah? (monic, alek)
7. bagaimana penegakan diagnosis? (monic, puput)
8. bagaimana DD? (monic, azan)
9. pemeriksaan tambahan apakah yang diperlukan? (ratih, ira)
10. apa diagnosis pada kasus? (semua)
11. stadium berapa HIV pada kasus ini? (emil, audy)
12. bagaimana penatalaksanaan pada kasus ini? (alek, alia)
13. bagaimana prognosis pada kasus ini? (nay, alia)
14. apa saja komplikasi yang timbul pada kasus ini? (nay, alek)
Mr. Y, 40 tahun, seorang pelaut, dicurigai TB paru dengan BTA (-) dan HIV (+)
Learning Issue
1. anatomi dan histologi sistem pernafasan (shakty, ira, devin)
2. Sistem imun (azan, monic, puput)
3. TB paru (alia, alek, nay)
4. HIV/AIDS (emil, audy, ratih)

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