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Heavens literal path..

A, b, c and d, each one a different letter come before the vowel e. F, g, hi, jk,
lm, no, then p. Q r s, t. U, v and finally to finish it w x y and a, Z!

The human alphabet, it's really rather cute. That literal clue to meaning that
without which, we'd be mute. That without which, there can be no such dispute.
Catagoric to expression, catalystic to our root. Symbiotic in its reason,
embryonically astute. Simply put, cute. So literally determined for our inner soul
to shoot, to scoot, to escape in all before itself passing pleasure in pursuit.
Loving opportunity perchance to self compute. Perfect in its Intellect, the taming
of our brute.

I really don't know too well the alphabetic or even symbolic literal structures of
non English speaking peoples system of literal expression and so can only speak of
this subject based on my present sense of logical reasoning, figured out
accordingly by an ever growing sense of my own literally English mode of being and
thought, but I feel anyway that quite irrespective of any difference between
origination and manifestation of literal structure, the Universal Law of
Expression simply demands we humanly find a method by which we can so speak of our
true inner being and that that compulsion alone is the common denominator within
and out of ALL language. We have a driven intent to create and entertain
ourselves. To challenge ourselves, to lose and to find ourselves. To expose and
expand ourselves. To be all we could be in attempts to be free so that Living can
see, how to get there. Of course we've created many other methods of human
expression such as music, art, drama, dance, humour, science, politics, religion,
war etc, but none can be ackowledged in a human sense without word to voice and
appreciate it.

The human alphabet in whatever form or structure it takes is quite simply the key
to our Grand and Heavenly opening, but it's a key which we'll never get to use
until we realise that the keyhole to stick it in isn't above, below, behind or in
front of us. It's In us. Apart from nature, everything and I mean EVERYTHING, that
is now in existence that we touch, taste, feel, hear and see and thus express,
EVERYTHING, was created by us, from within us. And I do mean US, every man and
woman in death or in life that ever lived or died has contributed their own tiny
little peice of personal Creation into what presently we now know of, as the world
in which we live. Every single human being, yes, including all of you lot reading
this right now. The world is now as we all together created it. We ARE, exactly as
we think and as exactly as we thought it, it became a done deal for Creation to
invent before us a material reflection of our purely personal intent. We feel that
certain feeling, we want that certain thing. We strain our brain in mental pain
for thought so ought to sing and as purely as we asked of it so purely, does it

But do be careful what you think for, for creation will obey you implicitly as you
ask of it. It cares not for reason to live, it simply does. The good, bad, the
indifferent and of course as we all know the downright ugly! It doesn't care,
Creation! It doesn't give a flying fuck in fact. It is to do if told to act,
simple as. Creation creates in spite of us, but our spite has surely spoiled what
in essence is unspoilable. Until perhaps we realise that Creation simply is and we
are its owner. We tell it what to do, programme its purpose and it obediently
complies. What kind of owner you are reflects the direct nature of your personally
contributed creation into life. Fact is, because so many of us have such a
personally percieved sense of individual negativity it's logically inevitable that
that has to reflect itself in any or all of our life creations. Which in a
nutshell means that if you think shitty shitey thought, then all you're ever going
to get for real in life is a shitty shitey lot, of what you ask for. Fact of the
Universal Law of Attraction and that not one single person alive could ever
dispute. It's common sense really. The more shit you've got going on in your head,
the worse your life is, simple logic. What you think you get, end of.

We've created remarkable invention and result to overcome the challenge of our
Earthly environment, fact. But you all know it's another well known fact that as
well as all the good stuff, we've created equally if not more now, just as much
bad. We can reflect on evolutionary moral grounds if we want to about things like
war, murder, rape, greed, famine, genocide, mans inhumanity to man or any I've
failed to mention. But what's the point it's done and all said and done it's still
creation however you look at it. Just because it's bad doesn't make it any less
creative. It met a needful desire that our Earthly environment placed within us,
if that was perceived as bad or negative then our unevolved and fearful thinking
responded in kind. How else could or would it?

We've made a right balls up of loads of it as we know, but the truth is, 'It was
all done' as the immortal Kenny Everett used to say quite a lot, 'in the best
pooooooooooooosssssssssssible taste!'.

Seriously though, we have fucked up for sure in a lot of ways, but when you think
about it, we none of us ever did it on purpose. Well, some might of done and many
no doubt did, but I know for a fact that most of us didn't so there. So the way
that I look it is, you can't blame me for something I didn't know that I did. How
was I supposed to know that I'd only been given the most Supremely Powerful tool
in all of Universal existence and with a brain the size of a pea to use it! We
didn't even get instructions with it for fucks sake! That's like putting a budgie
in a space rocket and telling it to fly it. I mean come on get real. No offence
meant but, if someone up there on a much higher plane IS listening to this, you
can't punish me for something I didn't know I done. Don't ask me how, but I know
somehow that there's a Universal Law that exists that backs me up in this. I mean
it seems logical to me, now. You do, you don't realise, you can't feel what you've
done. You be but don't see, never walk always run. You are what you are and as
always by far, somehow you knew it was never enough. You change, re-arrange,
disassemble apart. You implode to explode with intent of new start and from there
you deserve to be judged. Well that's my honestly felt theory about it all, but
what do I know. Don't know anything, but somehow I feel everything and I'm
decidedly assured, somehow, that I will be protected by the very Laws of Universal
existence itself. So, and of course with the very greatest of sincere respect
meant, I say the following,

And I don't care if fucking God Almighty itself stood right before me now
demanding of me to justify my Earthly existence, I swear it to god I'd tell, IT,

'Look mate, with the greatest respect meant and all that, I know I did some
seriously bad shit in my time for which I'm utterly ashamed and shameful of, but
the one and only thing I can say in all and total honesty of my heart is that when
I did each and every one of them, I truly never knew just how truly bad in effect
they would creatively be. How could such inept being as I am understand
Omnipotence itself? The Pure and First Cause of Life itself? Creation, or god as
we like to minutely refer. How the fuck can you have honestly expected ME to know
how to use something like that! I mean be honest about it mate, if you had to live
down there on that fucking Earth with the size of pea brain you gave me, trust me,
you'd make loads of fuck ups as well. You can't, no matter who you are, deny that!
You gave me a pea brain and put me on a planet that tried to fucking kill me from
the getgo. How did you expect me to react eh? I got scared for my life and I did
as perceived the value of my Earthly existence react. It might have been mostly
wrong but it felt right at the time. I mean fucking hell, I'm no expert or
anything but I think I can safely assume, from the few history lessons I listened
to, that we weren't in existence very long before knowing that nearly everything
else on Earth could or wanted to kill us. Even worse than that, we immediately it
seemed wanted to kill each other. Fear ruled us from the offski and as you can no
doubt surely see, now, millions of years later, its evolutionary command is
unanimously and logically accepted as world reality. We felt fear and all we had
to oppose it was our naturally percieved reactive ability. Problem is though, fear
took an instant grip and strangled to near closure the source of our Creative
saviours true potential, until effectively all we could depend on feeling from it
was nothing. So we did as fear demanded of us and cut ourselves off completely
from source until eventually we soon forgot our true selves.

And so mate, not only did I not know the power of the Creative ability I was
given, I didn't even know I had it nor least of all the right to misuse it! You
cannot in all honesty blame me for any of that. I accept without fear of any
retribution my own mistakes and wrong doings, but from that point forward I was on
my way back to where I'd been lost from and I'd less and less make the same
mistakes in the process of my future. That's all I ever could possibly have done
anyway when you think about it! I evolved to survive in the environment I was born
into, wasn't my fault it was an environment grown imbalanced by dependence on
fear. I did all I could humanly do at any given point of my hopelessly human life
and if that in your eyes is wrong, then do what it is you do next. I've learned
from my mistakes mate, what else do you honestly want me to do?'

What else could I honestly say?

Truth is I created to the best or worst of myself without ever truly knowing
anything about it and although individually my creations would seem rather
insignificant in isolation, considering almost every other individual on the
planet made their equivalent contributions in much less the same negative fashions
as myself, then collectively, WE ALL of us together created the miracle of life we
now live in, in all of its beautiful and ugly gory detail, FACT.

And yet, we're still so blindly dumb to look outward and away from ourselves in
the search for the truths to all of our human questions. Don't get me wrong, I
ain't slagging anyone off if that's what it sounds like! No way would I, I was as
dumb for most of my life as most of you dumb lot are right now that are reading
this. When I say dumb, please don't assume that I mean it in a personally
offensive manner, I don't. I just know now that no matter how remarkable a species
of being we've proven creatively to be since time began, we're equally so and in
far more measure creatively dumb in our lack of potential human expression, it's a
well unknown fact.

We all of us, each and every single human being in existence own the most powerful
possession in Universal dimension. Imagination. Deny it if you dare, I don't care,
it's true nontheless and it shows your despair, of a need to believe in a 'truth'
that's not there. It's not there, anywhere. You so want to believe it, but believe
it so rare. So contrare, extraordinaire, that such concept of 'Size' means you'll
NEVER, compare. You can never compare, so you shut off your mind and you don't
even go there. A logical sequence in the human growth process, to be fair. But the
truth is you've broken down and the growth process halted. You are, what's known
in the trade, as living your life in your Personal Purgotory. You're either stuck
in your past or you're glued to your spot and if one things for sure, then I'll
say where you're not. I'll tell you for nothing as it's true you've forgot. You
forgot, you forgot, you forget. That the place where you are is well short by and

If we don't abide by the pure and natural laws of natures natural process it's
hardly surprising that our growth would be unnaturally stunted. We honestly
believe ourselves to be 'Seperate' apart and somehow outside of natures natural
laws. How the fuck did we ever dare to become so ineptly stupid in our so called
'Genius'. Nothing in Universal existance is outside of those laws, ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING, like ever. Including and especially us, for the truly remarkable reason
that we are the one and only species of being on Earth that can Create exactly
what it thinks and believes in. I'm no expert but even I know that such miraculous
power of Creative potential should have been seriously studied and learned first
before letting us loose with it all. It'd be like giving a spoiled two year old a
machine gun and all his nursery mates a packet of sweets. Make no serious wonder
the world is as shite as we nearly all percieve it to be and THAT, nobody can
deny. The one and only reason the world has been created the way it is now, is
because we as a species evolved to disobey the rules and so that what's happening
now is purely a material manifestation of the negative consequences of that
process. You cannot change nor even less touch the Fundamental Laws of Universal
Existance. Don't ask me how I know this I just know for FACT that it's true. It's
seems logical to me that such Law would demand to be Absolute for anticipation of
such creature as us being allowed to control it. Fucking hell, we can't even
control our own existence never mind one far the Superior to that.

We'll forever want our lives to be 'better', it's our Creative and Naturally
Inclined Conclusion. But in our superficial dimension we'll only ever be
superficially challenged and that, even before we know it, will never satisfy such
hungry and ravenous a beast as Creation itself. The Miracle Concept, itself. We
are in ourselves such Miracle Concept with Power of Miracle Creation in our
ownership, it's scientifically, philosophically, theologically and historically
provable. Why will no fucker believe it? We're walking Miracles to the Making of
such Lives for the taking. Oh if only we'd know, strecth our minds for to grow,
bring our darkness to glow, cause perception to show, that a Miracle are you and
it's fact, this is truly so.

Whether we believe that or not though, individually, makes not one iota of
difference to the brutal truths of its reality. Though I defy anyone on this Earth
to tell me that we as a species of being are not without question of doubt a
Miracle in the constant making! I truly defy anyone! And even if in our forward
compulsion to create, we create an end to our mortal expression on Earth, we will
do so only when our imaginations outgrow their superficial confinements. In other
words, this world won't end as we fear it may. It won't, trust me. It might seem
that way right now, as doom and gloom combine to mate, remind us of their fearful
state. Where love should be is only hate, where we are small and 'THEY' are great.
And we wait, still we wait, still we wait, still we wait. Will we wait to be late
for our very last date?

Fuck that man! I don't know about anyone else on this planet, but fuck that man! I
know for an absolute fact of Universal Law that I do indeed and without question
of doubt now, OWN, the most powerful form of life potential in all Universal
existence, Imagination. And because I began to believe in the unbelievable and
from the point when the unbelievable became undeniable in its truth, truly to all
who read this, a Miracle began to open itself before my very minds eye and for the
first time in my life I allowed myself subserviant to its beautiful dominance over
me. I became self obsessed with its unfolding before me. My Earthly human and tiny
taut sense of singular perception continued with a vengeance to remind me I was
going surely nowhere but nuts if I continued down this road of investigation. But
as terrified as I was of its implication I thought,

'Fuck it, it's never once hurt me yet. I've been hurt yeah, loads of times and
painful too. But that was my own personal payback pain that I needed from all the
bad shit I'd done, it was nothing to do with, 'IT'. It may have hinted that I had
to deal with and resolve the bad shit first before my forward momentum could be
initiated, but it always left the choice and decision to me. All I know now is
that every single time I got past and resolved a personal issue, it led me into
places of such unknown dimension of myself I hardly dared believe it possible. But
each and every single time my gamble paid off, the rewards I found were remarkable
and then every single time after I felt continually myself to grow, expand,
define, evolve and my Imagination NOW, knows no human boundary seriously. It broke
out and jumped right in to the great big Universal Universe and it ain't for no
one nor nobody ever to be confined again. For fucks sake, I know things only God
should! Go figure! I'm a thick council estate working class numpty that knows
nothing but what I failed to learn because of my environment and that's a fact.
How I would ever know things only God should, you'll have to ask my imagination
about. All I know is, don't fucking ask me! But I can't ever deny to myself how
true it all is, how real it all is. And still as I type this I'm struck
immediately by the true realisation that even as much as I've compelled my self
forward in its direction, I know my first footstep on its path has barely touched
its beginning. It's beyond and way past Incredible before it even starts. AND, I
know fine well what that means. Whether anyone else believes it or not is another
matter, but as far as I'm concerned all that matters is that I do and as I so
absolutely and utterly do, all that is left for me now to actually, do, is prove

No way is this world going to end before I've had my devine right and opportunity
to do just exactly that! I mean, some fucker has to prove there's an infinately
better creative alternative than the one we're in right now and as arrogantly
immense as I know that sounds, I don't give a flying fuck as to its gigantic
implication. Why the hell should I! I don't in fact need anyones permission to
tell the truth. I only ever need my own permission to promise my self diligent
attention to detail of difference between my personal version of it and that
version that when I honestly feel it, causes my entire human perceptive process to
collapse in a useless heap knowing its inately inept comparison. When I feel it, I
know it instantly, immediately, undeniably and without cause for pause. I know its
nature and don't ever dare to question of its purpose. Only do I know, its purpose
is Universally so much the greater than meagrely mine and in that one gigantic
fact alone will I submit without hesitation my own personal destiny to its
Devinely pure and natural implication. Creation was here way long before I ever
put in an appearance, in fact I wouldn't be here but for it. I just didn't realise
I was such an integral part of its process. But the fact is this, I was by the
very Laws of Universal life and existence, created. That is in itself the Miracle
concept proven. For what is life but a Miracle of Creation out of 'NOTHING'
itself? I can hear loads of you out there saying,

'I wasn't created out of 'Nothing', my mum and dad made me so that proves you
wrong matey, hah!'

Well ok then, matey! Who created your mum and dad? Your Grandad and your Granny
did eh! Of course they did, but who created them and all the other countless
Granny and Grandads before them dating right back to even before the Caveman days,
to Granny and Grandad oameba? To that First moment in Earths history, whenever it
was, that the Human Being became created in life from Absolute Nothingness itself.
Even a thick fucking council estate numpty like me can figure out that at some
point back in history the search for the responsible Granny and Grandad, ends.
That's undeniable and scientifically provable. It ends to discover its inevitable,
beginning. Life, 'US', from NOTHING to BEING in an instantly CREATED Moment.

And if by implication we are all of us thus living and breathing individual

Miracles, then surely you could stretch your mind perhaps just a little more to
consider that as surely as you are a Miracle concept, you are so to a Miracle
Creation simply dying, to Live.

With the immense creative potentials we have evolved and thus exhibited through
Earthly time and until this point of Now and Present day, we have undeniably
proven our uniquely Human potential for Creative Miracle of Pure and personal
Intent into material matter of Fact. We've Created EVERYTHING out of, NOTHING, it
was NOTHING and then it, WAS. We took it out of NOWHERE and we gave it human form.
We brought it from Oblivion so to guide us through the storm. We took it from our
abstract to create our human Norm. We needed Form, we needed Norm! We needed
confirmation of the Spirit we adorn. And so it was we find within, our outlet to
be born If that ain't a Miracle, matey, then NOTHING fucking is, boom boom.

But anyway, in any language, intent of human expression is and will always be the
Prime Cause of Soul to Create. The Creation of Perfect Human Environment, Heaven
on Earth. It's our Destiny from the moment we left its Broken Heart. A destiny I
now know from implicitly experienced sense of self Aliveness that will only ever
be glimpsed at through the literal looking glass of our literally created form of
human expression. Truly speaking, we longed intuitively for the knowledge that
sang from the depths of our Souls of our true belonging and so, in materially lost
desperation spent billions apon trillions of material money in creating the
material equipment to find it! Rockets into space, satellites into space and
beyond, super duper configured computer and Telescopes that see through the dark.
Fucking hell, I mean think about it! All that money spent and we're still today as
well and truly fucking clueless as we were at the start of it. It's a fact of
life. Ok, so we've discovered countless Miracle inventions and aids to human
comfort, entertainment and protection granted, but the Big Answers we want
answered more than any other,

'How was man created? Why are we here? Where did we come from? Do space Aliens
really exist or are we truly alone in the Universe? And finally, how much fucking
longer do we have to wait before GOD itself finally proves to us whether its real
or not?'

Those are the real answers we want and I don't know about you but I for one am
still waiting to be told if they do know. Truth is they might 'think' they know
and they surely do know much more than they're telling us, but whatever it is they
'think' they know, I can tell you for nothing it means, NOTHING, almost literally.
EVERYTHING that we've Created in the material outter world we live in is but a
minutely delivered and broken signal to announce the Arrival on Earth of Souls
Deliverance apon it. Simply put, what we've created on Earth in all of its
brilliant and ugly endevour since time began hasn't even nearly touched yet the
beginnings of our true and natural Creative Potentials. What we 'think' we know is
truly one dimensional in its paltry insignificance to what we're truly capable of.

Think about it! We've rarely if ever throughout the ages been allowed or
encouraged to create without fears influence behind it, or control, manipulation,
threat, violence, scarcity, Heavenly damnation etc etc etc. We've never been
allowed to Create with the full positive potential of our true capabilites. How
much evidence do we need of how potentially miraculous a species of being we are?
We see it every day but of course never really take the time to slow down and
watch it. Marvel at it, wonder at it, puzzle at it, fear it, appreciate it, simply
acknowledge it in all of its creatively miraculous human expression. I'm not even
going to bother listing specific examples, you each and every single one of you
are intelligent enough intuitively to know how true that is. You still might find
it hard to humanly believe but if one thing you know as well as I do, it's that
the majority of people on this planet if given their choice of what kind of world
they wanted to live in would choose I'm sure of it, an alternative world to the
one we've now created. Religious and cultural disharmony, global warming, climate
change, wars everywhere, more Holocausts, countries starving, disease epidmics,
third and first world poverty, record crime statistics, record debts, higher and
higher priced petrol, even higher and higher and higher priced fuel costs,
mortages, fuck sake I could literally go on for ever if it didn't depress me as I
did so. Need I really say anymore!

If that's the cost of life, I'm fucked if I'm ever going to pay another penny
toward it. I've said this before but I don't honestly mind saying it forever if I
have to, Fuck that man. I'm sick to fucking death of living in such a shitty
shitey world as the one we're in right now. All the rest of you can if you like,
continue to hide in the myriad of personal entertainment systems we've created to
escape it all. But the fact is as you all know and increasingly so, it's still
there everywhere with its menacing glare and you know for a fact it won't go. The
BAD SHIT has been Created and it's only ever getting BADDER by the day in its
intent for Creative Evolution. The longer we leave it unchecked, the BADDER it
bodes for all. It does.

BUT, for me at least, my life's accrued perception has shown me to believe that
ultimately, Good always fucks bad in the end. That astounding belief we own has
got us to where we are now without blowing our world up.

(To be concluded!)

James Roy.

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