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Jane Porter
Jane Porter


Jane Porter

The Argentine magnate Lucio Cruz do not hoped that call that would reunite him with
his wife after t anto time. Lucio was too Orgull passionate and powerful bear to a cep tar
coldness Ana ... and the fact had been living lives sep ara days.
But Ana suffered a partial memory loss and Lucio found that RET ed to be passionate and
Carin bear girl with whom he had escaped in another ti po em. I could not resist, even
knew I should. Just need a few weeks to divorce utside cash f ...
Unless one is reminded Ana to cre ...
What was the secret of his spouse to?


CFIA a beautiful, warm, clear afternoon. The blue sky shone like a whistle. Anabella
Galvn felt the caress of the sun on your skin. Des embroidered much happiness her
entire body radiated light.
This evening, Lucio, we left tonight, 'said a furtive smile. Finally the day has arrived.
I was so excited I could hardly contain himself.
Te excited about the idea that we escape together, 'said Lucio and pinched his nose. You're
a rebel, Ana.
Maybe. But I want to stay by your side and if hici ramos case of what people are saying,
we never per mitiran.
The gaucho nodded with a slow movement of the ca head. The hair, black and strong,
reaching to the hom bros. Normally what he always collected with a leather belt, but Ana
had withdrawn tie a minute earlier.
Are you sure your brother does not know that ...?
Dante is not even on the farm. It is in Bue We Aires. I was left in the care of her friend
meri cana, Daisy Ana thin eyebrows arched, darkened. And Daisy is very sweet, but too
Your brother will be furious jabbed Lucio.
Ana pressed against his chest and wrapped her arms.
Stop worrying he said. Everything will be fine.
They sat on a wall of whitewashed stone, slightly away from the bustle. He bent his head
and kissed Ana on the cheek, near the ear.
Not whispered want you to get hurt. No slumber tariat you something bad happened.
She laughed at his fears and snuggled against him.
Not will happen, Lucio.
Instantly fell silent as the breeze ruffled the hair Ana and played among its lea pos.
Anabella closed his eyes and savored the sweetness of that moment between the strong
arms of Lucio. In the future, everything would be perfect. They would always be together.
She, Lucio and baby. He could not forget the baby. Has would make everything possible.
He tightened his arms around the body of Ana. She brushed her earlobe with his mouth.
This is crazy, you know? he said, his deep voice.
Ana broke free of his grasp and faced Lucio, hands on the wall. He studied her expression.
The black eyes, dark eyebrows, a long nose and a sensual mouth. It was lovely, but that
charm was not the result of the symmetry of his features or his impo Figure nent. He had,
however, a dazzling be lleza interior. He could feel the fire in his eyes, po day feel their
energy. It was pure life. It was real.
Quite the opposite of people who populated his world.
It was diametrically opposed to his family.
Anabella swallowed, reached out and drew the outline of his features.
I love you, Lucio.
Lucio's black eyes were inflamed, animated by the desire and passion.

Not as much as I love you he replied.

The flame that burned in his eyes did not intimidate Ana. It made her feel better, free and
powerful. And so wished.
-Recorreremos The world at will, Lucio. We will have everything we want, we will see
everything and nothing will stop us.
You're a dreamer, do not you think? Lucius smiled and shook his head.
We'll have the world at our feet insisted, looking fiercely. We will have our son. Is there
anything else?
Lucio looked with his eyes the eyes of Ana. She sa BIA Lucio amused that passionate
outburst. Never did anything that inconvenienced her love. It was accepted as it was. And
Lucio Ana accepted for who she was.
I'm poor, Ana said slowly, spelling out the pa Labras, the intensely look. I can never give
you everything ...
-Do Not! -she he covered her mouth with his hand and silenced his speech.
Lucio's warm breath tickled her palm, but kept his hand.
I have your love, Lucio. That's all I've ever wanted and all I've ever needed. All my family
insists grant more importance to appearances, properties and status. You're the only
person who loves me well, as I am.
The fearsome expression softened Lucio. He removed his hand from her mouth while
kissing the palm mien after he did.
But, bold, I give you everything He pointed.
She snuggled a little more, inching until your thighs legs Lucio put pressure so that
practically sit on his lap.
'Love is everything said.
'And our son?
-asegur -will All our love.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to the cue l it from bronze skin. Had to tan easily,
thanks to its Spanish-Indian heritage, and she hoped his son come out to his father. He
wanted his child your see his black hair, black eyes and golden skin.
You're determined to have it all, right? said hoarsely before taking his face in his hands
and kissed her passionately.
He soaked it, absorbed its essence like air, light and water of life. Ana felt a shiver ran
through her body under the skin as a shock of pleasure. His mere contact is made without
burning, radiant and feminine tiera.
Your love Lucius whispered against her lips worth the effort.
She hugged him tightly, her face pressed against his chest. It was almost a miracle he had
Encon tered. Lucio was a gaucho. She, meanwhile, was the daughter of an earl. Perhaps
the flight provoke one scan give it, but it would be the best it could never happen to
You're smiling Lucio said, fingers intertwined two long black hair.
I wish we we we were now without jabbed per der smile.
I'll have a horse ready for you later. Ride rowing almost overnight.
She nodded, immersed in a bubble so big and bright happiness he felt he had swallowed
the sun. He lifted his head to look at him.
You think your family will like? he asked.
'I have no doubt.
She studied those black eyes, expression arro ghent. A noble and proud face. It could
have been a Spanish conquistador, an adventurer in search of the new world. And yet, it
belonged to her.
'I will always love you.
Initially, Lucio did not respond. Then his eyes darkened.
Only're seventeen he recalled. Forever pre involves very long time.

But the cautious tone of his answer amused Ana, who laughed and shook his head as warm
laughter danced between their bodies trembling vitality.
And tell me, Lucio Cruz, since when it has been afraid?

Chapter 1
Five years later ...

NABELLA, you take all morning standing by the window. Come sit. You have to be
rendered by now.
Anabella tensed, eyes are so dry and nosos you blink enough for you doliesen.
'I can not sit said. I hope the arrival of Lucio.
Maybe later a while ...
I do not care interrupted hoarsely, with my rada fixed on the snowy peaks of the Andes.
He had done quite cold in recent days, but this morning had dawned splendid. It seemed a
foretaste of spring.
He's coming to get me, he added. He promised.
But still we could get in with touch with him, madam, and you are still very weak 'said the
nurse tenderly. You must conce ern the opportunity to find it.
Anabella not answer. He closed his fist on the cor tina golden damask with trembling
fingers. She was very tired. Felt weakness in the legs, muscle fatigue, but missed her
terribly Lucio. It had been an eternity since the last time they had seen. But back to get
her. Lucio had never broken his word.
-HA Been sick, ma'am. You must rest and keeping forces continued the nurse in the same
patient tone that employ a nervous horse or hardly child. At least, sit down and eat
'I have replied hunger.
Anabella hated the maternal tone with her nurse employed. He did not need a person sees
lase about their health at all times. He had enough head to think for herself.
Sure did not give too many opportunities to make their own decisions.
Be installed in the house was an example. He had not wanted to stay there. The hospital
had been pretty tough, surrounded by the antiseptic atmosphere that filled every room
between the acrid smell of disinfectant, odorless cream hands of enfer mere and cotton
soaked in alcohol. But then they had moved to this enormous mausoleum in the middle of a
It was a huge fifth, solemn and full of anti antiquities. A house ready for big parties, the
muerzos elegant receptions company. Is tra taba another of the eccentricities of Dante.
Another waste of his immense fortune.
Quite the contrary that his beloved Lucio.

The only advantage of the fifth was its proximity to the mountains. At least, from the
windows of his room, he saw the mountains. Lucio and mountains were synonymous in his
imagination. Lucio had grown in her skirts and her family still lived under the mountains.
'So Dante has called Lucio? he asked, fingers digging into the curtain.
I do not know The nurse left the folder, its steps re sounded on the floor and placed a
gentle hand on the shoulder of Anne. The count did not see me. Why not finish dressing?
His brother here soon. You do not want to meet him in her nightgown, right?
I do not want to see it.
Yesterday The nurse did not receive what he withdrew his hand.
That's my business, is not it? Ana felt a knot in my stomach.
You -It is his brother ...
'And since when is your business? -Anabella Turned from the window, arms folded across
his chest, and fixed his gaze to the nurse with ele gent white uniform, white stockings and
zue costs. And why are you here? I'm fine. No need care.
-I'm Sorry. His brother made that decision.
'And still ask me why I do not want to see it? he asked bitterly and took refuge in a chair in
a corner of the bedroom.
Dante, Dante, Dante. It was always something of Dante. Every time I ordered something,
people obeyed to please. But Dante did not know the whole truth.
He felt the itch of tears and buried her head, covering his face with his forearm. It was on
the brink of madness. Her nerves to the skin, felt emotionally upset and there was a
constant ringing in his head.
-still're Not dressed.
Ana stiffened upon hearing the voice pro substantiate male. He had already arrived. He
looked up and his eyes met ^ u brother as he entered the room. He wore a charcoal suit, a
shirt the same color and was no tie. He looked like a successful man, rich and
I did not know I had to get dressed to see you-with It Testo.
Count Dante Galvan looked at the nurse, who sa He rolled the room instantly. He waited
until the door closed.
What is it, Anabella? Lately you're enfa given to everyone.
I want to said Lucio and brandished fists cerra two in defiance.
No, you do not want corrected his brother with seve ridad-. Trust me, Ana, do not want to
-Te're Wrong! He tapped it with both fists bra upholstered armchair zos. The desire. I
want it. I miss ...
Her voice broke and shook his head, frustrated and angry. Not bear the grim expression of
Dante. His brother did not understand anything. I did not understand what sig nificaba
being denied the beloved.
'You you left, Anabella said Dante with voice neu work. It was your decision. You realized
you had no nothing in common. You realized you needed something different, something
that Lucio could not offer.
Stop! he shouted, eager to get involved in something warm to take off her cold and
nauseous. Just say menti ras. You try to confuse me. But this time do not go well. I
know the truth. Lucio wants me.
-That's Not the point, Ana!
'That is precisely the question insisted while chattering teeth.
Arms rubbed his hands to warm in an attempt to silence the voice weak and scared so
naba in his head. Lucio again, right? No Permi Tyrian to stay with Dante, right?
You're cold Dante walked, took the crimson blanket from the bed and covered her sister's
shoulders gently before taking the temperature-. You are've lada. You need rest, Ana.
You're exhausted.
'I can not afford She lifted her eyes to his brother, including tremors.

His expression was very hard, but her eyes do Rados shining. It may seem mad at her,
but I knew he loved her. And, despite their intimidation and repressive tactics, wanted the
best for her.
Dante, please find him. Echo much of me Lucio us. I have no appetite and I lost sleep.
Make Lucio back to me.
Again it was ringing mobile phone.
The small device, belt pinned Lucio Cruz, vibrated silent once more and spread a slight
tingling on his torso. The phone had rung constantly during the three hours that had per I
mained met with California Wine Advisory Committee and even now, the way of your car, all
pathway had not had time to read messages.
Lucio pulled the phone while heading to black Porsche convertible that had rented at the
airport in San Francisco, parked in the lot.
But before she could answer missed, I heard pas and turned. He recognized Nic colo
Dominici, president of the Committee approached. Niccolo, owner of the famous vineyards
of Napa Valley Dominici, had moderated the meeting.
Come and dine with us said Niccolo, shaded by a dark glasses. Maggie just tele fonearme.
He insisted to be invited and will not accept a negative. Needs some adult company.
Lucio gave a pretty smile. The mu jer Niccolo was beautiful and full of life. It looked like
his ex-wife, Anabella. Only, in his case, Maggie loved her husband.
Thanks for the invitation, but I work pen tooth ... He apologized, seriously.
You've worked all day Niccolo protested. Ne cesitas a nice dinner and some company. The
hote they are a little sad.
Lucio thought with some bitterness that, after all, staying in a hotel was less stressful than
their own home. He had lost his home. In the divorce settlement had been Anabella Ha
hacienda, the upper vineyard and Buenos Aires apartment. He had moved into a small
apartment, fairly new, in the center of Mendoza. It was a nice place in a luxury building. It
had one bedroom, elegant, bright, and magnificent views available so ber Los Andes. But
he had barely furnished. I had just purchased a bed, a table and a chair.
No need anything else. His stay in the city would be brief. Anabella lived in Mendoza,
surrounded by vi sitas. She hated that proximity. Too much had happened between them.
There had been dema TOO pain and disappointment.
Lucio noticed that Niccolo was watching mien after waiting for an answer.
I'm afraid that tonight would be of great help with honesty-said. In addition, three shoots
are waiting to be anxious to see you. Sure prefer that you focus on them.
Lucio children had met a week earlier, after arriving in California, and they were lovely.
Jared firstborn, was seven. It was just, strong and had deep blue eyes. Then came Leo,
five, brown as his father and emerald green eyes. And the small, Adriana, who only had
three years of abundant black, dimples and curls fond of mischief.
But it had not been easy to move in compa pany of Niccolo, Maggie and children. He had
felt in vidia life of his colleague, an Italian winemaker who had settled in northern
California. Lucio also longed descent, but Anabella not po day have children.
He felt, startled, Niccolo's hand on his shoulder.
Are you sure you do not want to join us? Yes, completely safe.
Lucio started the engine of the car. Just thought in flight. Niccolo had good intentions, but
Lu cio was not ready for a social event. There was tar given year, but had finally achieved
some do minium in the art of viticulture and wine elaborated now correct table. It was the
end of his tether. Say hello to your wife said my part. Tell ce naremos all together before
I leave.
Lucio drove fast. He crossed the road if nuosa wearing Vineyard Dominici Highway
speeding and clearly exceeded the limit set by law. But there was never respected the rules
I had never believed in them. His father said that rules were made for people who had no
discretion. The rules in the gaucho culture, were for those who needed a guideline. He did
not need a pattern.

Even now, despite the success, would be subject to that pattern. Nor would belong to the
exclusive soci ity of his aristocratic wife.
Lucio said the closed curve was coming and shifted gears, slowing until it exceeded the pe
I ger. Upon exiting the curve floored and flew in the straight section which crossed the land
between the hills dora days. Napa Valley benefited a climate vera I deny. The warm air,
the smell of baked earth and ripe fruit proved painfully familiar. Maybe it was too familiar.
But that short drive, fast and reckless, was just what I needed. Freedom. Space. Speed.
The race between the hills was like a gallop, bareback, riding a stallion. The danger
inflamed his senses and Lucio got excited while air whipped his face, the sun blazed on his
head and the hydro-grid clung to the asphalt.
The speed had managed to forget that per dido his only love.
The phone rang again when he reached his dwelling tion. He answered, hoping it was
Anabella. But was surprised by the voice of Dr. Dominguez.
Where have you been? he asked, voice amorti guada.
I've been meeting said while looking for the inte circuit- light.
I've been calling all morning, I left messages ... -the connection was severed and, soon,
the voice rea thought- danger has passed ... back immediately.
Danger? Where was the danger?
The sound was terrible. Lucio barely understood a few words. He closed the door and
crossed the room in search of greater coverage.
Stephen, I did not understand anything that has di cho. Could you repetrmelo, please?
Dr. Dominguez insisted, but still the in Lucio interferences and drew the curtains so that
trara a little light.
Not achieving understand you repeated Lucio, atemperado-. Tell me again. What happen?
What's happened?
What happened to him?
The fear seeped into her womb while empu jaba the glass door and out onto the balcony.
But there was no answer. The line had been cut.
What the hell was going on? What had he occu ror to Anabella? Lucio swore, he dialed
Dr. Dominguez but his phone rang before the end of the operation.
In that short time I had imagined a dozen tragedies.
What happened to Anabella? he asked imme I diately.
We think it is encephalitis bluntly replied the doctor.
-Encefalitis Repeated Lucio, who was not sure he had misunderstood the doctor, due to pro
problems on the line.
-It Is a viral infection. It's a sick ty very rare in Argentina and that has diffi state
diagnosis. Your wife has been very ill, but we believe it is out of danger and ... -Fuera
danger? Has been so serious? -The -asegur Encephalitis can be fatal after a brief pause.
'Have you been very serious? Lucio insisted, pleasant zante.
The doctor did not answer. Lucio closed his eyes and sacu He gave his head in disbelief.
Nobody had said. No one had called. He returned to feel like an intruder and that hurt her
soul. Perhaps he had married Anabella, but his family had never accepted. They had barely
tole rado their presence and, as soon as they knew that Ana would part, did everything in
his power to speed up the divorce process.
It was logical that their marriage would not have lasted mu cho. Everything had been
against it from the beginning. It's a disease that has a simple diagnostic -the doctor cleared
his throat. It starts as a cold and spreads very quickly. We had to do a lumbar puncture. A
scanner and MRI ...

'Of God's sake! interrupted Lucio, who just believed they had done all these tests without
decrselo-. When you thought you tell me my It poses the verge of death? Were going to
warn me to the funeral?
-and Came out of the coma.
Lucio mentally repeated these words and loosened by hand.
It was an induced coma he explained Dr. calmly. But he has recovered well and coma
worked. The swelling has subsided. With fiamos it is restored completely.
Lucio experienced an intense emotion. Had in coma produced. Anabella had undergone a
dream that might never have awakened and no one gave him a chance to say goodbye.
How dare they? How they had ex I cluded that?
I felt a strange mixture of anger, hatred, stabbing helplessness. Not accepting
powerlessness. It was typical of those who shunned the action.
It was not his case. But he lacked freedom of movi ment.
-The Point was the best option for controlling ata ques. That could have placed it on the
verge of death, 'said the doctor.
Lucio closed his eyes, unable to imagine Anabella so close to death. She was the most
important person in your life. He had loved Anna more than anyone else and had been
about to lose it forever.
But is safe jabbed.
Yes he assured her doctor, relieved. He is awake and lucid enough.
'And what did you call me? he asked with evi dente acrimony, aware that they had always
considered a gaucho, a farmer, a indiano-. You want to send a bouquet of flowers? Do you
expect pay the hospital bill? What do you expect me to do now?
We want your help to recover the memory. Lucio tensed. It took a moment to absorb the
latest information.
You said you already recovered. He's recovering -matiz the doctor. His body is strong,
but his head ... Has undergone a change of your consciousness for a period ... How long?
Three weeks' said Stephen. Lucio rubbed his temple. He felt a sharp pain ca head and
needed a few hours rest. He had to get his own strength.
'Have you been seriously ill for three manas?
'Actually, it's been a month. It started its re Congress of China. But the first week we
thought it was the flu. He suffered vomiting, had migraines. Lucio gritted his teeth and bit
his tongue to keep from saying something he might regret more later.
Now is better 'he assured her doctor. But it is confusing. I believe ... ... all you need at
your side.
She needed him?
Lucio almost laughed aloud. The good doctor does not know what he was talking about.
Anabella did not need it least. Was to xed point very clear that over the last year.
Lucio took off his black leather belt wearing in her hair. The thick hair fell over her
shoulders and rubbed his forehead with a tired hand. It was at out physically, mentally and
He could not go that way. I could not deal with issues that were no longer his concern.
Grapes, finance, export business were matters I do not motivated. It was a task, a obli
gation. But were his business?
And Ana. She was not his business.
Let's be clear. His family hired a lawyer for divorce. I never thought the day I was asked
to come back to his side.
'I can not speak on behalf of Marquita -re plained the doctor, referring to the mother of
Anabella, well preserved and fond of licor-. But Count has offered to send you your tickets.
I do not need that Count send me your tickets -with It Testo with clear distaste. I have
my own transport, thanks.
It was bound to emerge bitterness. Dante and he were not friends. And never get along.
His very presence made him sick.

'What do I tell the Count? asked the doctor.

Tell him I'm packing up pointed mien after repressing his unease. I'll be there tomorrow,
first thing.
Perhaps his marriage had ended, but that did not change his feelings. Married or Divor
ated, Anabella always be his wife.
But tonight, on the plane, lying on the leather seat first class was confused. And her
feelings were not clear.
He tried to imagine Anabella sick, but could not. His wife was a strong woman, in every
sen mitted. It was spirited and independent. And nothing could pertur barla.
The strength of his wife, ironically, had pro vocado divorce.
She had forced. Lucio had opposed du ing months, but his resignation had only
strengthened the push of Anabella. His anger gave way to tears. And later, tears gave way
to silence.
They stopped talking. Never coincided in the same room and lost all communication. He
remembered the day when she asked what he wanted as a birthday gift and she sat at the
opposite end of the table, answered politely.
-The Divorce, please.
And with the same calm, at that moment, he accepted.
Later, sitting for signing documents, had hesitated. But the tears had flowed from the eyes
of Ana, had extended his hand in a gesture of s escrow for it to end the suffering of both.
Lucio took her hands in his, he saw the Lagri but in her beautiful eyes, trembling on his
lips and felt the hell fell on him. It was all over.
He had signed, had dated the document and had moved away in silence.
But, leaning on the seat of the plane, he thought he had not gone. She had ignored the
truth, had denied the reality, unable to face the fact that Anna could have its will so facili
With bloodshot eyes, Lucio swallowed. The airliner landed in Chile in the morning if
quently, where Lucio transhipped to another flight. He arrived in Mendoza about ten. A car
was WAITING willful misconduct. The driver, gaucho like him, did not offer nin guna
information and he did not ask.
Mendoza had been home only for four years. Lucio had bought the vineyard, the property
and business with a check. By then I had not heard of the wine world. I just knew it was
something res petable and demanded that the family of Ana.
But now, as the car zigzagged down the highway toward the hacienda located between the
hills, Lucio said that Ana had fallen gaucho.
The black car crossed the iron gates shoots das gold and took a private road leading to an
elegant two-story mansion, painted in color baricoque. Perhaps Argentina was a land of
vineyards, but the house was purely Italian. The first pro owners had come from Italy and
had imported all the wood, the crosspiece os and tiles.
Illuminated by the first rays of sun ma ana, chaired by a row of tall cypress trees, the old
mansion of over one hundred years and the arch of the main entrance featuring a magical
Lucio felt a stab in the heart. There was lle Ana ford there when it had become his wife.
Was the place I had thought would become a permanent home for them.
But things never go the way you expected, right?
'You me handle your luggage, sir? interrupted the service.
Lucio moodiness jerked off, he got out and straightened his coat. Would do exactly what I
No, Renaldo replied. I'll stay in my apar ment of the city.
Suddenly a cry was heard upstairs. He heard his repeated several times and looked at the
second floor name. The windows were open to let in the cool morning air. He looked to me
Anabella harbor, but saw nothing.
Seconds later the front door opened and a blow was there, breathless, at the threshold.

Anabella shouted Lucius, his green eyes filled with Gloss. You're back!

Chapter 2

UCIO was left with a blank mind, Parali ized. He stared at her, astonished to see the foot
of the stairs.
The doctor suggested that she was ill, fr gil. But shone bright green eyes and bri Llaban
as Colombian emeralds.
Are you all right? he asked.
She was barefoot and wore tight jeans, a white blouse and long raven hair falling loose
over her shoulders.
Now you're back, yes he answered.
Lucio repeated those words in his head. The sweet sound of his voice grave snuggled close
to her heart. He seemed delighted with her presence, unlike the woman who had last seen
two months ago, hours before his trip to Asia.
That Anabella, antiquarian by profession, was presented with a black dress, high heels and
ma LETAS red leather stacked at the door.
Had remained in the doorway for a while, quietly, carefully watching him. Then he had
feigned a smile.
Well, I already said, but his smile was not reflected in the brightness of her eyes.
-it's Over?
'That I replied with a slight nod, her hair.
'And that's what I've dec idido yourself? he asked, licking tndose for having appeared in
the house to despe Dirse, unable to contain himself.
He knew she hated her temper. He hated the pending issues still swarmed among them. His
smile faded ice with a sigh.
No, Lucio, have not taken any decision. It was a joint decision.
And, while the leather gloves he got ne gro, headed for the car with his head high and is
belta very upright figure.
And that was how Lucio had kept his memory. Cool, elegant, a woman of ice. And that
image did not correspond with the woman before him.
Where have you been, Lucio? he asked, his voice going cilante, staring at him.
-In A trip.
You said abandonaras never jabbed me, they are laughing off and brightness in their less
intense look.
-Decidimos ... Protested, confused.
-... Always be together interrupted Ana and finish.
His expression darkened a moment before that will force a new smile. Lucio felt his inner
struggle. He tried everything to flow between them without as sloths, but was hurt. And
Now I'm here said, perplexed but determined to protect her from the bad memories.
Everything will be fine.
But Anna was close to tears and looked my harbor, biting her lip.
It's too late 'said sadly.
'What do you mean?
Ana hunched his shoulders and shivered.
They've done terrible things, Lucio. Things that I dare not tell.

Lucio felt his heart failed. And then he remembered the doctor's advice. I had lost my
memory and was not herself.
He thought he certainly spoke of the disease. This is taba convinced that nobody had been
hurt. Maybe he did not like his family, but everyone adored Ana. Dante loved her dearly.
Of course you can tell me with Kindness said dad-. Tell me everything, as always.
At least, in a past time, there had been no secrets between them. But that had happened
was mu rights years.
'I said you wait in the coffee. I waited and Per, but did not show up. What happened? It
was very asus tada and then came the employees of my mother and I brought home.
Lucio did not know what to say.
They had only separated by force once and had been years ago. It was the darkest episode
her life.
She stepped back and put his hands in the pockets of jeans.
You know how it feels when you leave? Do you realize what that means being alone in the
middle of the night? -the stiff shoulders stretched cotton blouse outlined her nice figure for
bust promi nent, thin and full of curves. I felt complete mind. And I've been waiting since.
Waiting for you to come and meet me.
But Lucio was back. They had gathered over three and a half years ago, they had moved
and, later, they were married. But his happiness lasted very little. It had not worked the
first time and tam little had gone well at the second attempt. The passion and mutual
attraction had not passed the harsh reality. But it was old news. It was clear that no re
Cordaba anything since that terrible night five years ago.
You said you'd always be my side whispered, looking colrica-. I lied. You were not here
when I needed you.
Now I'm here.
His green eyes held the gaze of Lucio, is crutadores. Lips pressed tightly. Lucio did not know
what he was looking for, what craved. Are you going to stay? he finally asked. I'll stay as
long as that is your wish, 'said the air taken in their lungs.
I want you to stay forever. The innocence of his answer, that sincerity infan til, through the
heart of Lucio. He was torturing him and felt how he burned his chest.
A voice in his head reminded him that she had broken their relationship. She had filed for
divorce. And he had insisted.
But he thought that all that does not matter much, given the circumstances. At that
moment I needed his help. And that was all important.
She grabbed him by the lapels of his leather coat. Look at me commanded, his intense
green eyes fixed on the face of Lucio. Look me in the eye and promise me you'll stay.
I'll stay, Ana promised and kissed ter fineness its lustrous Melena. I promise.
Lucio realized that were still standing at the entrance of the estate, along with Renaldo. A
woman in a white uniform waited on the other side of the door. Everything was too public.
They had per dido privacy.
Can happen, Ana? he asked, lifting her chin to look at him to his face. Will you let me come
in, I take off my coat and I stay by your side?
Hannah's heart melted at the warm look of those black eyes. So I used to look in the past
and so he showed his love. There was passion and conviction. It was the same man who
was to lead her away.
Yes slid her hands in his, grateful to the contactors. Come in, but I must warn you. This
home is everything you hate.
I do not think it's as bad replied the voice aho gada.
She watched clenched lips. I knew Lucio preferred simple things and that you hacienda was
itchy and aristocratic lifestyle of the family vn Gal.
-Yes It is. Is overblown. It is full of Antiques des, gossip and artwork. But we need not stay
'And where will we go? she asked as guiding hand.

Ana wanted indifferent, light and frivolous. But in his heart he felt wild, prey to an
-Ana? he called tenderly.
I want to return said and closed fists. Nece site to return. Oh, Lucio, I have to get it back!
Who, Ana? He frowned and my Amusgo the radars. Who do you mean?
-The Baby.
'What baby?
-Our Said baby and clenched his fists against his chest, afraid.
Ana, no baby stroked her cheek with cautiously. You had an abortion. That is not true.
-Yup. We have no children insisted Lucio. Of course I do repeated, led by emotion. A child.
-Negrita, Listen ...
How do you podi forget? -and searched his ex pressing a sign, a light. Lucio, what
happened? You have to find it. You must rescue our child.
Lucio could not answer. I did not know how. He lowered his hand.
He thought it was worse than it had hinted doctor. How would face a situation?
Lucio gulped and tried to recover before the motion to the words of Ana. That woman was
not Anabella. It was impossible.
Can we sit? It -pidi with a slight groan, the husky voice. Let's find a place penum bra,
-Te Headache? Lucius came to imme diately.
He stroked the front of Ana with the tips of the two. It was cold, but the mere touch of his
fingers was enough to shiver.
He looked up and looked at the nurse, who appeared instantly.
The nurse is here ...
I'm fine, really. I just need to sit -asegur but cringed at the sound of his own voice and
arched shoulders.
Lucio could not bear to suffer. He took her hand. The pain was like a living presence that
would spread throughout his body. He noted that discomfort in your skin, your pulse and
your head.
He clinched his body in his arms and climbed the stairs to the bedroom.
'There must be something they can do, anything I can relive said as he entered the room
and placed her fragile figure on burgundy silk quilt.
I do not want anything said Anabella and turned on its side, the look in his dark eyes prey.
The I medicaments give me dream and now I can not allow melo. I have to think of
something ...
How going to do if head hurts so much? I have to do. I have to get ready to go get it.
Again returning to that gibberish. Lucio suppressed a sigh. I felt that I had entered a field cu
ered by dense fog. But I had to find a way out and a way to help.
He crossed the room, came to the window and drew the curtains so that light does not
'Better you? he asked when are spacious cia was darkened.
Much better said and smiled weakly, but his body conserving energy.
He resumed his position beside her and sat at the ca Becera bed. She pressed her face
against his thigh and knee covered hand.
Stay whispered, the laso body and relieving fatigue.
-of Course. 'Are not you angry?
Lucio thought he'd be exhausted. The disease had almost finished with it. It exhibited a
friendly, reassuring smile.
What reason would have to be angry? You have not done anything wrong.
But the baby ...
Her voice broke, shook his head and looked at him with fear, anxiety and painful
vulnerability. But there was something else in his eyes. Reflected confidence.

It seemed that the last five years had been eva porated and out, again, the same teenager
die cisiete years he had known, fully ENAMO harbor.
I Never be angry with you for the loss of baby hair looked away from her face. I promise
you, Ana.
She snuggled against him with tears in her eyes, grateful, and felt the warmth of his body
slowly crept into it.
'I can not believe you're here murmured and Lucio hand to her cheek as if it were a lifeline
in the middle of the ocean. It is a dream.
He sat beside her until Ana fell asleep peacefully. Then he went to the door, but could not
leave. He stood in the doorway of his room, in the dark, watching her sleep.
Just glimpsed the outline of her body in the dark. His face was as perfect as ever. Delicate,
somewhat upturned nose straight, strong chin, broad forehead, full mouth and bones sea
ed. But its beauty not thrilled. Feeling back, so close to her after so many months that he
had believed that he had overcome his absence has made Bia reborn emotion. And there
was also reborn desire. What the hell had happened between them? Why had gone all
Suddenly he felt annoyed at the disease and the weakness of Ana, offended by the fact that
she did not remember anything as he relived every moment.
He experienced anger, guilt, betrayal. He felt a terrible pain and loss because he had fought
for their marriage work. She had given thorough and yet, why had not gone well?
Above all, she missed Ana. Longed physical contact. I wanted to hug her, feel her against
his body and caress your skin. And also hurt that she had ended their relationship. He had
satisfied his appetite and was ready for your life to continue without him.
What kind of life would that be?
And what had become its existence?
He shook his head, left the room and closed the door carefully. The nurse was sitting in a
chair in front of his door, and looked at him. Everything all right? he asked. She's asleep,
'said Lucio. His eyes were tired, bloodshot. He lowered the esca leras, blinked and repressed
sadness, the ambiguity of their feelings. It was the best mo ment. And that was not the
best place.
Installed in the office of Ana, Lucio reviewed the correspondence, documents filed and dealt
with the backlog. He had forgotten the scale of business Ana. He was owner of a shop in
Bue Aires and one in Mendoza. The business of Mendoza was much more recent. Not going
so well as she had predicted. Lucio studied their accounts, aware that he had squeezed their
resources to li mite. It had sought successfully to prove to everyone that was no longer the
darling of the family, but a sophisticated antiques dealer, an au tntica skilled in the art.
He smiled and, leaning forward, took a slender table clock desk corner. I had never seen
before. It was turquoise, ivory and framed with a golden pendulum.
They knocked on the door. The housekeeper came in with a tray of food and lunch
deposited in a corner of the desk.
I know you have not eaten since his arrival said
Mary, the housekeeper, and pushed the tray toward him.
'I have answered hungry and stopped the clock on your site.
-The Lady brought that clock on his last trip gestured toward the good woman.
Lucio recalled the trip to China. He felt the urge to break into pieces. If Anabella had not
reco rrido the world in search of exotic antiques never have fallen ill.
He looked up at Mary. She was a woman of gada, grizzled, his late fifties. Lucio smiled
'How are you?
I'm fine, sir-he had been hired by Anabella after their wedding. But we missed.
It was nice to hear when he had spent the last six months convinced it was all expendable
Thank said.

-does Stay long? asked Mary.

He knew the answer. Remain as Anabella need your help.
Or until I decided to throw a second time.
That depends said, leaning back in his chair, rubbing his eyes dose.
His room is ready.
The room that had been banished when Anabella had decided he did not want compar tiese
his bed.
Thank -the woman turned and then Lucio in porated into his seat. Mary ...
Yes, sir? The woman turned.
Strange that already feel like an intruder. They had only gone a couple of months since he
had moved.
Do me know what I can do to help in the affairs of the house. I understand that the
situation is not ... Normal.
And what is normal, sir? -Mary Bowed ca beza-. I do not believe that normality exists. I
think life is.
Lucio was in the office when Mary knocked on the door, again two hours later. He had fallen
asleep, leaning back in his chair and hit him jump.
-Yup? he answered reluctantly, eyes bleary,
while the body's sleep barely shook.
The count is here announced Mara Galvn, who entered the room and pulled the empty
tray. It is waiting in the lounge.
Lucio ran his hand over his face. So the big brother had arrived. Galvn was clear that
Dante did not waste time.
She was tempted to tell Mary that it would receive in the office, but the framed photos of
Anabella on the table and shelves full of books of accounts conferred to stay taste too
intimate. It would be wiser to meet on neutral ground. He entered the room and found his
brother standing in the room with high crosspieces painted walls ENLU lished in cream and
imported Italian floor tile. The paintings dating back to the eighteenth century and the
exquisite antiques spoke of wealth, class and prestige.
Lucio watched Dante studied the room and briefly stopped at an Italian picture. It was a pai
sage where young maidens and cherubs jumps ban in the shade of a tree beside a lake.
You -Conoces the value of these paintings, right? Dante said and pointed to the painting.
This, in particular.
Lucio would have smiled if he had gathered the courage. Now that his world was sinking, is
this the Dante taba interested in weighing his fortune? Yes replied. When did you buy it?
insisted staring
on the canvas.
Before I married your sister said, leaving; clear she had purchased with their money rather
than with the fortunes of its political family.
Dante lifted his head and both Argentines ori very different gene, looked with open hostility.
I bought the farm full Lucius tio romp tension silence. The owner went through a rough
patch. I bought the land, the property and furnishings cash.
Never have commented how you earned your money Dante blinked and Lucio appreciated a
hint of doubt in his eyes.
I made my fortune in the game ...
And then I took all my earnings and invested here Lucio concluded.
You've gone from being a player to become vi ticultor? He cast one desaprobatorio- moan.
It is quite unlikely.
'Do I need any explanation, Earl. But I've always been a player. You ought to know. I would
not be here if I did not like risk.
You mean you would not have seduced my her mana ...

Not Lucius felt his character was going on, but remained calm with a smile. I would not be
here now, this afternoon, he did not believe that's a good opportunity for us.
-Una Chance? -what looked suspiciously. Do not you think seriously Rs you have any
hope of returning to her, right?
What I can say? He shrugged it. I am an optimist. I never give up. I always bet for us.
Lucio had said to insult him, but as soon as those words left his lips realized that believed in
them. He wanted a second chance. Perhaps God had offered a second oppor tunity for Ana
fell in love with him.
Dante's eyes narrowed and his expression became more grim. He walked to the window and
looked exte rior, staring at undulating vineyards in the distance. Lucio was silent a moment.
He watched and waited Dante his next move. He could afford it. It was all he had done in
recent weeks, the last months, years. Finally he turned and nodded in acknowledgment.
I suppose I should thank you for having presented Lucius chewed his tongue. The doctor
said you were in California.
You took forever to warn jabbed Lucio.
I waited until Ana claimed your presence -the my golden road of Dante opposed the dark
look of Lucio. Otherwise, I would have never called.
Lucio held his character with difficulty. He knew that a fight with his brother would add
nothing to Anabella. Needed to concentrate on the objective facts. I had to put the pieces of
the puzzle.
Was it as well as he came out of coma?
-Sufra Hallucinations before the doctor Do mnguez will induce a coma. The diagnosis could
have CERSE thanks to these hallucinations. Until then we all thought it was a simple cold.
You came to visit her then?
The housekeeper called me and came by plane. I called an ambulance when I arrived. I
knew it was something serious. He was feverish and very ill.
'And when was that? Was a month ago?
Despite their best intentions, Lucio failed to take the bitterness. I wanted to stay cool, calm.
But she had never forgiven Dante who had stayed away.
Yes, more or less Dante hesitated mien looking after the idneas- words. Now it is very re
cuperada. Perhaps not as you remember, but is much better than some weeks ago.
Lucio appreciated the deep concern of the count. Sa BIA Dante wanted to Anabella and
recalled the fall, five years ago when he had met Anna and her fa milia. At seventeen, in his
last year of insti tute, was a rebel and did not submit to the authority of his brother.
Dante and Anabella. They had been through everything, but being guided family.
I'm curious to know what is exac ately after this improvement Lucio asked slowly exhale air
between the teeth.
He's recovering muscle tone 'said the Count, puzzled. Each turn is stronger. But still suffers
from gaps in memory. You may have noticed.
Yes, of course nodded, unable to decide whether to laugh or Bia lie to mourn.
There was silence after his response and the expression of Dante turned cautious.
-what's Happened? How did you react when you got ...?
A Cry in the upstairs interrupted Dante and the sound bounced off coughing high walls of
the room. Dante was startled, but Lucio remained calm, unmoved. In the few hours he had
in the house had escu chado all kinds of noises.
'What the hell was that? Dante asked, staring at the I painted wooden cross bar in cream,
red and green.
'It was Anabella Lucio said calmly as he headed for the stairs.

Chapter 3

L Sound of footsteps on the stairs followed the chilling scream. Anabella, barefoot, jumped
the last two steps. Her hair and white blouse out.
What I want, Dante? What are you planning now? Dante back, perplexed, and raised his
hands to calm your little sister. I've come to see you.
And what else? he asked, factions marked as one ponytail became. Or do you think I do not
know what you want?
I do not pretend nothing's expression hardened his brother impatiently. I came here
because you've been sick and worried.
'I have not been sick Ana shook her with a contemptuous gesture of hands, encendidalook. I was just angry. Lucio missed, but now back to me. And no one can separate this
time. No, Dante. Neither you nor mother, nor his army merce nars.
You're exaggerating, Ana. I do not want to stay ale jada of ...
-Ana! Dante said, pale.
Do not say my name in that tone-the bri tears in his eyes Llaban. I do not want you to lead
me the word. Since the death of Tadeo you tried to control myself. Te month pass me my
smo to him, but I'm not Ta deo. I do not take drugs and do not drink. I'm just in love with
Lucio. But even that gets on your nerves.
That is not true, Ana.
Yes, Dante, yes jabbed his finger into the chest of her brother. You and mom. Always enter
ye have gotten. You have never left me alone. Why I can not aspire to something different
from other people?
His eyes were full of tears and looked at his brother d smelled, angry and confused. Dante
saved if lence and both were studied as enemies in the battlefield. No looked like brothers.
She lived anchored in the past. I had forgotten that Dante had become his best friend, with
If not you leave, Dante, I'll -Anabella threw his head back and wiped a tear. No I want to
stay in the same house as you.
'Of God's sake! Dante went to Lucio look impotent. It's crazy!
'It's not the same person who wears it makes a mana, right?
Not Dante replied.
'But it's the person that I found this morning.
Do not talk to him her arm -Anabella Lu CIO. You have nothing in common with him and
you can not trust your word.
All right, Ana.
No, it is not. He will try to get rid of you. He will do anything to ensure that keeps you away
Hush, girl Lucius stroked her cheek with pul gar-. All right. Add to your room and wait. I'll
take care of everything.
'And you will not abandon me? asked, clutching her arm.
-Do Not. It's a promise.
Quieter, Anabella went upstairs. But he stopped halfway, leaned on barandi lla and cast a
disdainful glance at his brother.
I know you -ret his brother. I know what pien sas.
Lucio had had enough. He went upstairs and picked her Anabella. Slumber no longer taba
more tension.
-Escapmonos Whispered in his ear, surrounding it with arms as his breath tickled her skin.
V monkeys tonight when everyone is asleep.

Lucio said nothing. He let her speak as she climbed the stairs. The world he lived so-OFF
certaba. Where was I? What was going through your head?
'I hurt, Lucio said Anne, clinging to his neck. I hear their conversations. They want to
separate us. They want to ensure that we do not meet. Whatever you do, do not trust
Dante. It's not your friend and will not be fair.
Lucio gritted his teeth, wishing it to end with that chatter. All this chatter nonsense head
was pounding. He was exposing old unhappy memories, memories of the night has Bia
received such a brutal beating he had taken you are in reset weeks and months stand.
Ana, no one can separate me from your side said gruffly as he walked into the bathroom
and bedroom and sat on the counter Ana marble ne thick-. Now we are together. And you
belong to me.
-Dante Not believe it! He leaned back until his back hit the wall mirror and fixed his eyes
moistened Lucio. Dante never accept that I can make my own decisions.
It seemed dwarfed on the counter and at the same time, full of life. It was like a beast in
She reached out and touched his temple. What remember the past? How much did? Ana,
where are you?
I'm here, Lucio said with hands trembled pink, bright green eyes.
Lucio thought it was all very strange. It was like a sci-fi. He lived two lives at once and it
was very uncomfortable.
'You have nothing to fear from Dante said quietly. And you do not have to worry about me.
I'm not so naive as before.
She slid forward and wrapped his body with legs, like a cat. He ran his hand over his thigh.
-Intentar buy it. Will offer anything because he wants far from me.
Lucio tensed as his fingers traced the li lines of his muscles. It was stimulating her body and
was excited at this very light touch. All that belongs to the past said. He tried to escape the
contact in your leg without hurting her. One thing was to settle again has hacienda to
provide emotional stability. And quite another, was to act as if they still were ... intimate.
But she did not take her hand and dug her nails into his pants, so Lucio felt the pressure
through tissue.
But do you believe me? -Yup.
-All Right. If this were not so, would have to punish -sua VIZO tone, more mocking, and
smiled with happiness that had seized her life years ago when they had dis fruity both
company- mutual. Maybe you punish anyway.
The mocking tone and pressure of the nails in the thigh were torture. It had been forever
since slightly m tima time they made love. And Anabella was the only woman he wanted
and had always wanted.
-These Said pleasures have to wait while repressing the urge to touch her, to draw her to
him, legs apart and join her.
No surprise was that she could turn that way. It was incorrigible and nobody could cope.
And he never wanted to resist his charms. How's your head?
Better. No longer hurts -arrastr nails until her buttocks before engaging the belt with his
fingers. You see, just needed you to come back to me. You have to stay with me. We
Lucio nodded as he studied his pale eyes and barely pink olive skin on the cheeks. They
belonged and felt a sudden impulse, desperate to regain its glorious past. Then life had
been very simple and had sense.
'Why do not shower and dress for dinner? he suggested, reticent about the desire to lay a
hand on her hip and be tempted by its curves.
Of course, the dinner She leaned forward and touched her breasts torso Lucio. Sounds
good. I'm starving.
But Lucio assumed that the wicked gleam that ilu undermined his green eyes yearned not
only an encore tec chips.

The excitement grew exponentially as she felt the firmness of those breasts over her body.
-Great. I have not eaten too much during the day said hoarsely, exhausted because of it
fuerzo-. Take a shower. Suit up and take your time. Then enjoy a nice dinner in the dining
room. He bent to besarl to the forehead, but she ro OED arm and slid forward until his body
went into full contact with his erection. Lu cio took a breath to feel her against his body.
She looked up, green eyes full of life, and sought to tie one hand that held her hair to the
nape of the neck. She felt his fingers through his hair and cold touch of his fingertips on her
neck. That caress unleashed a barrage full of desire that ran through her body. It was the
limit and it showed on the verge of climax.
No ... sighed proud, although his green eyes reflected irony and humor kiss me as if it was
flush my grandmother.
Lucio drowned in laughter. He stroked his forehead with his lips Ana, pushed his body firmly
and stepped back.
'I the pay she said, sitting upright on the counter.
Lucio laughed again. He could not help it. It was a com behavior peculiar to Anabella
experienced tremendous relief. He was sure he would recover.
I'm anxious replied before turning and diri but refer to main floor.
Dante had not left. He walked impatiently from one corner to another classroom when Lucio
went downstairs.
He's crazy Dante said at the foot of the stairs. He lost his head.
Lucio replied 'Not mad with joy as knotted hair.
His whole body was buzzing. He was hungry, excited and relieved. Beginning to understand
what had occu rrido. It had taken a while, but was beginning to bind everything together.
He had not lost his head. I had lost my memory.
-Anabella Has vuelt or repa said saba past while every conversation he had had with her
since her arrival-. And I think it is revi watching.
'Have you come back to the past? Dante seemed horrori zado-. But where? When?
'I'm not sure.
But do you think you have stepped back several years?
'Clearly that is installed at a point where he felt oppressed by you ...
-Nunca I was oppressive!
Lucio laughed without the slightest trace of humor. Dante is taba mocking.
You called the police to follow us. And your mother hired thugs who were about to kill me.
My mother just wanted to come home Anabella.
That's enough.
Dante sighed. Nape hair in a gesture of defeat mes. Nothing was easy. And there was
nothing masiado sense.
So you do not think you've lost your mind?
-Do Not. It just requires time and less pressure. And, fran cally, I think your views are more
harmful than anything else. You have to give him some space. It has to recover slowly, at
your pace.
I think your doctor is most capable of cidirlo.
You forget that the doctor works for me, Dante. Perhaps Ana is your sister, but my wife
jabbed Lucio.
'Your wife? He lifted his head. Is Divor ciated!
-The Divorce is not final.
But, according to law ...
-still Are married concluded Lucio. So you go back to being in charge, right? Dante said
after a long pause.
Lucio hated violence of his emotions. Want ba hit. Taking a deep breath, held his breath and
kept control.

He exhaled slowly. I needed to calm down. A verbal confrontation with Dante would add
nothing to Anabella. It was on the top floor and could entity rarse of things not suited to
-This Situation as little as I like you, Dante. Nor do I find it easy. I never wanted a divorce.
Anabella made that decision. And perhaps have forgotten this, but not me. I know your
feelings change rum and he was very unhappy with me.
-However Not remember any of that in these mo ments Dante Amusgo look. But remember
And what will happen until that day? From what I've seen, Anabella imagine that you are
madly in love with both.
In that case, I guess I'll have to follow the game-his smile faded.
'And I can do? Dante hid his intenci Nes-. Can you stay here and put yourself in the middle
of your fancy?
'I have no alternative he replied. -Claro Yes! Have another house, another life. You can
stay there-the earl turned and rubbed his eyes. Pre tendes take advantage of their disease.
Ga will try Narte their trust again. 'And that would be a crime?
Dante looked up and his cynical gaze collided with Lucio, but he did not blink. He had
committed to Anabella five years ago, three years before his wedding. His love was restless
at a ceremony and a contract.
Anabella loved the simple reason that exis aunt in the world.
Never been lived happily as you said Dante. He is in love with the image you project, a
romantic ideal. But that's not reality.
Those words were repeated at the head of Lucio. He stood very still, I hurt deep as the
sentence was based on his memory.
The statement Dante had been hard, hurtful and those words had hurt. But Lucio did not let
the pain reflected in his expression.
I'll call if said new tone neu tral-. I promise I'll let you know as soon as his health I jore a
But in the meantime, do you ask me to stay in my home?
Just ask You to grant him some time explained with minimal smile.
Following the departure of Dante, Lucio went into the kitchen and asked to serve dinner in
the small studio on the main floor instead of serving in the room Anabella. Then he went to
the bedroom to make absolutely sure that was fine.
-does Would go? he asked hopefully.
She was sitting at the foot of the bed, wrapped in a thick bath towel, wearing the wet hair
Lucio felt an immediate boost to her and, I admit nothing, suppressed it.
-HA Returned to Buenos Aires, back home and tra low.
-All Right. I do not like!
Ana, you adore said as he watched fixed mind, idly wondering where you've got the BIA.
What if you never re-established? And if ever recupe rase memory? What if not regained its
inde pendence?
But I did not think in those terms. He recalled that it was a young, strong and intelligent
woman. It recov Peraria, but it would take it easy.
'Dinner is ready he reported with apparent normali dad-. But you only wearing a towel.
Do not you think so romantic?
No, unless you're the couple in the bathroom mat.
Lucio was rewarded with a laugh. Anne slipped out of bed.
-The Truth is that I wanted to dress, but not encuen tro my clothes. You know where has
hidden my ma Dante leta?
It's in your closet, Ana pointed, perplexed.
Then he approached the huge wardrobe that faced the bathroom, turned on the light and
gestured bars full of clothes and shoes.

Ana looked. He frowned as with tuning the rows of suits, evening dresses, and more
It's very funny. Now, can you tell me where are my clothes? Will my blouses, my shoes and
my jeans?
Lucio was totally baffled.
She did not know. Recognized nothing of what he saw and did not understand that it was no
longer a teenager, but a woman. The last five years had elapsed ... at least in his mind.
Lucio felt enormous pressure on his chest. It would be a hard trance and did not know how
to face this situation ... how to interact with it. Lle had gado think it was a distant woman,
sofis ticada and autonomous. But now it was so bubbly and a bottle of sparkling wine.
He tried to focus on the present. Mo had to be slowly, step by step. Each crisis needed some
time before face the following problem. And at the time, wanted Anabella pants will queros.
He found some old clothes in the bottom drawer of the dresser. Anabella garments were no
longer used, but had not yet thrown.
Said, beaming Thank you, while some will chose queros and worn by many lavadossweatshirt. I'll be ready in a minute. Let's meet down?
Lucio agreed and when Anabella introduced in the room, fifteen minutes later, wearing dry
hair, makeup and lips painted pink.
Better? he asked mockingly.
Yes, I think Lucio nodded.
He wanted to smile but could not. They were too many memories, too many emotions. Ana
oozed dul zura and playfulness, innocence and bravery. It was the same girl he had fallen in
But that kind of feeling was very dangerous. I could not afford it and put everything that
emoci chaos nal. Anabella needed rational, logical support. It was necessary to keep calm
and control.
-Cenaremos Here said as they headed to the bi blioteca-. I thought we could sit by the
fireplace. It is very welcoming.
And very intimate She pointed her blushing.
Yes, he was right. But it was not the best time for that kind of intimacy. He waved the
comment of Ana and tried that was comfortable. Lunch was a month into his room and
Lucio hoped that this first dinner was a step in his recovery.
He barely spoke during dinner, but Ana emptied his plate with true desire. It had consisted
of a you pica Argentina food.
Thank God said as he settled into his chair. Authentic food.
What have you been eating so far? -pre GUNTO, full of curiosity.
Is not it funny? He shrugged and smiled, his teeth blanqusimos-. I do not remember. I
guess it would not be good. Otherwise, I would remember, right?
It's one way of looking.
Is there any other? he asked, smiling.
Lucio tensed and watched the light of the chime line dancing, shimmering, expressive face
on Anna-bella. She loved her laugh, her vitality and this playful inclination. Whenever
mocked him, felt the im pulse sit her on his lap, hug her and stay with her forever.
Lucius ... he asked suddenly darker.
'Yes, bold?
-still There remains the idea of getting married, right? said increasingly flustered as he
struggled with the words. You still want to marry me, would see dad?
There was so much innocence in her words ... for a mo ment, Lucio did not find an answer.
And then he thought he should appear honest and sincere. She deserved it.
Of course I want to marry you.
'Really? said, smiling and with a warmth inte rior that lit her green eyes.
Yes, of course.

Then let's do it soon. I want to do it right away He leaned forward. Tomorrow pa you read

Chapter 4

FTER dinner in the upstairs Lucio Anabella did not want to leave. He circled her waist with
both arms and clung to her body.
Stay with me whispered, his voice low and SEDUC tora.
'I can said with a half smile.
-why Not?
I'm tired nodded, knowing that only po day honest with her. I just returned from a long trip
and I need sleep.
You can stay in my room.
Not rest. And you, nor is stroked her cheek with his thumb. And you need as much rest as I
That is not true protested, but instantly yawned. Well, it's possible. But will you stay here?
You're not going to leave, right?
I'll stay here. I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay by your side.
Lucio's room was down the carpeted hallway. There was a narrow staircase outside his door.
It was designed for the service, but Lucio had used it in the months that had left the master
The sound of crying woke him. It was a sound apa gado, but heartbreaking.
It was beautiful Ana. He acknowledged mien crying after crossing the hall, but it was a
hoarse sob. It was given to crying, face buried in the pillow, and seemed genuinely
distressed. But where was born that penalty? Does the disease had rescued from oblivion
the death of his brother Thaddeus ... or perfidious extent of his father?
Lucio slept naked and only had changed into shorts.
Lucius said Anabella seeing him at the door of her bedroom.
He moved to the bed, sat down beside her and hugged her. She was trembling, cold.
Did you have a nightmare?
Not -entrechocaba teeth. It's much worse because it's not a dream.
Then what has been put in this state?
-and You know, Lucio -entrelaz fingers in her hand and tears spilled on the skin of Lu CIO.
You already know!
But I do not know ...
Yes, I know. And you must forgive me. Please tell me that you forgive me.
What was he thinking? What was in your head?
Ana, calm down, you alterndote no reason. There is nothing to forgive.
However, at the time, recalled last summer. And he went over in his head collects reports
two private detective.
Ana and another man. Ana, in the lobby of a hotel with another man. Had thought he was
having an affair. But it was not that. At least the detec tive had not provided any evidence
concludes nte. But he had cited that mysterious man in several goose sions and always had
been very reserved with regard to such appointments. I had never mentioned nor had
shared with him that part of his life.
He felt a burning in the stomach. I did not want to remember or think about it.
'I can not go on pretending-she pressed her for two once more. I can not forget. We have to
get our son.

So it was a dream, perhaps a nightmare. "Anyway, back to the history of drinking.

Ana, no children. There has never been so ...
-Estaba Pregnant! He replied angrily, his body tense, and led him away from his side. She
was pregnant. For that reason we were away together. We wanted to pro tect our son.
Yes, but you had a natural abortion -and, after the perfidious dida baby had been barren.
They had visited all the specialists they had been. They had undergone countless Prue bas.
But Anabella had never accepted the diagnos tic and Lucio had always blamed the failure of
his marriage to two and a half years that had dedi cate to fertility treatments.
At least, infertility was the first blow in his emotional stability.
Or maybe it was the final blow.
Lucio took Ana at shoulders and forced my rarlo the face.
But the fact that you can not conceive not mean you've lost the opportunity to be a mother.
There is always the adoption ...
-I Do not want to take when I have a son!
It did not seem willing to surrender. He was convinced that her son was.
He stroked her cheek and she looked at him with wide eyes, full of pain. That sentence
stuck in the cora zon Lucio. Ana felt sorry that that loss, that confusion. It was very unfair
and hurt you no longer enjoy what they had in the past.
Your love is true whispered, staring into the eyes of Lucio. -of Course.
She smiled slowly. A smile that was born in the corner of her mouth and transferred to your
face a dazzling beauty.
And again she felt a pang in his heart. Anabella Cruz Galvan was the owner of your heart,
your body, mind and soul.
Ana could not look away from the beautiful face of Lucio. He wore his hair down as she
liked, and bare torso. It was the picture of gau cho of your dreams. Hard, strong and
fearless. You could get it all. He could have anyone he wanted and that of seaba her ...
He felt a bubble of heat inside and joy lit up his face. He leaned forward and kissed her lips
in a very small gesture.
I'm glad you're back. Glad to have you home. I thought perhaps you had ENAMO rado
someone else jabbed shyly. You've been away a lot of time.
I did not want to get away, Ana said with intense black eyes fixed on her. I wanted to stay
by your side. You have to believe me.
'Where were you? She stroked his chest with those two.
I've been working affirmed.
Never went home visiting your family, do see dad? -what he looked into the eyes of a
abrupto- mode. Why? Did not want to meet me?
No, Ana snapped the air slowly. These things happen. And my father was not too good.
'Still sick? asked Anne, expec tant.
She died a few months make.
Oops! Ana felt a lump in my throat. Lucio knew how much he loved his father and how he
had admired. His father had been a legendary gaucho in the northern lands near the Iguazu
I'm sorry whispered and instantly felt much relieved.
Lucio had been with his family, with his father. It all made sense.
She curled up beside him, her cheek resting on her pe cho, above the heart.
-still I would like to introduce me to your ma father and your brothers. It would mean a lot
to me, Lu cio. I think we would do much good either.
And then she fell asleep, her lips pressed against his heart.
Lucio Ana slept under the duvet. Then he took a pillow and a blanket from the closet and sat
on the floor. It took forever to fall asleep, but when council sleep did not wake up until the
morning sun came through the window.
He opened his eyes and found that Ana was leaning on one elbow, watching him.
Hello greeted with a smile.

Hi Lucio replied while hair away from her face.

You look very handsome She reached and rested his chin on both hands without looking
away one moment. I never tire of looking at you.
Ana ...
-it's True. Have some features ... He paused who broke with the sound of a kiss in the air
per defects. This is your eyes. No, it's your voice. No, your lips. Have the best lips in the
Lucio stretched, he lay face up and rested his head on his arm. Ana was sweet, tempting
and is taba exciting him. And that was not the appropriate reaction.
And how do you know? said calmly as pro cure your body relax because I knew no occu
nothing-rrira. Have you kissed all the mouths of the world?
Always have been a jealous boyfriend -she laughed at this display of sarcasm. I'm surprised
you do not wear a loincloth skin and a baton.
Lucius smiled to himself and turned to face her. Ana lle vaba hair loose around her
shoulders. Painted pink mouth was like a ripe fruit. No one should be so attractive that
Well, the truth is that I have a club. But you should not know, 'he said. I use it only if there
is at guna emergency.
Did you ever killed anyone? He lowered the bed and sat on the carpet.
Well, you have a lot jabbed character.
I do not kill people, Ana.
But you participated in a lot of fights, right?
Never has gone badly hurt nobody lied, cons enough that she did not need the gory details
at that time.
You -Peleas with fists ...?
Ana Lucio took her wrist and pulled her until she lay down beside her.
'What's all this? Why are you so interested in fighting? Want me handle anything? You
expect me to take care of someone?
Ana shuddered. Do not know if it was the depth of his voice, his hand on his wrist. But I had
the absolute certainty that Lucio would do anything for her.
What would be willing to do for your child?
Ana sat very still. He felt a strange tingling in the crown, suddenly, was trans formed into a
series of mild chills. It was a pensa lie.
What's wrong, Ana? She stroked his thumb wrist.
The tone was so serious, so delicate, that Anne felt he was on the verge of tears. He blinked
and sacu gave head. He knew he was in his room, with Lucio. Then he cocked his head as if
listening to a distant voice inside.
What were you doing at that site? Why this ban in that bedroom? He frowned and looked at
the fombra, walls, window.
Where are we?
We're on the farm, in Mendoza.
But that made no sense. He tensed every muscle and crumpled gesture. She felt lost,
submerged in the depths.
Lucius, why are you here ... sleeping on this has bitacin me?
You were sick pushed aside a lock of hair from her cheek.
He frowned again as he tried to re membering that alleged illness, but his mind was blank.
He remembered nothing ... out of the everyday. Lucio was combing her long hair.
Do you remember the hospital? he asked.
Not replied, puzzled.
'You were in the hospital it about a month Ana gave Lucio.
That was quite a while. Ana rubbed his temples as if he felt an invisible pain.

I have examined will ya? Lucio -but only looked at her and Ana insisted the question. Am I
registered? You know, I've passed the final exams?
'Have referring to school? He lowered lashes of her great dark eyes. Yup.
Well sighed, relieved and happy about having him beside her.
But he had not yet felt. How was it possible that he was lying in his room? She knew her
mother would not tolerate it. And Dante would have called the police.
How did you come into my bedroom? he asked, lacing his fingers with it.
You were sick repeated. I had to stay by your side.
Liked that idea. He seemed convinced and genuinely concerned.
But how have convinced Mom? It is full of prejudices and hates everyone who does not per
belong to our social environment.
'I have not asked permission to your mother or -apret teeth. This house does not belong.
-Vaya! he thought that in that case, the estate would be his brother. And Dante has left
you to stay?
Yes, said in a choked voice.
Well He leaned over and kissed on the mouth Lucio. I'll take a shower and then we will have
breakfast, okay?
Lucio phoned Dante while Anabella du chaba. Dante was in his office in Buenos Aires.
I told you to call if appreciated a change to your sister said Lucio, who had comprome
direction with Dante. And there has been a change.
'Have you been good? Dante asked after going oscillation.
Yes affirmed, but did not want to get into the by menores-. Ana is more consistent this
morning. Remember the old Anabella.
'And memory?
-Still has not recovered from amnesia.
Neither said anything and, for the first time, Lucio felt a certain affinity with the brother of
Ana. She needed her memories. He needed his mistakes, his triumphs and his intimate
story. The Galvan family was a group com plex. They had lost little brother. The two older
sisters had left Argentina and Ana's mother was too busy drinking to spend ten minutes on
her daughter.
His family history was not simple nor was nice, but there were things that Ana had to recor
give. I could not face the future while not recov perase his past.
-has Several albums of his childhood Dante said cautiously. Could you ...?
Yes, neglected.
Tadeo was his best friend jabbed res Dante with pent-respiration. If it was too hard for her
Not will force the situation, you should already know -inte rupted, burdened by the weight
of a relationship of contempt that had lasted too long and had not contributed anything. I
will not hurt her. No per Mitire suffering any damage.
Lucio hung up and discovered that Ana stood in the doorway, her hair wrapped in a towel
and her slender figure cu ered by a bathrobe. Just out of the shower and moisture of your
skin tempted Lucio immediately.
Who was it? he asked, leaning against the doorframe.
What did he want now? said grimly.
Lucio approached her and took the towel ca head so that her long hair falling to the weight
of water.
Just wanted to make sure you were better-ex plained.
Tell him to send a card next time.
You're incorrigible Lucius pinched his nose.
Yes, but that you love-and Ana smiled pi face.
Ana gesture enraged entire body. I knew it was the wrong answer. He was a prisoner of
excitement I had not felt in years. Ana had awakened to two senses. Appeared to have

recovered these first weeks of mutual whim that everything was expendable unless other's
company. Just wanted to stay beside her, strip her and hug between Sa banas.
You're right -asegur with bramido-. I like it.
And a voice whispered in his head would do anything for her continued love with him
Later, after review of Dr. Do mnguez, it offered a very encouraging report.
He's improving, definitely he said. It seems that your presence feels good.
'And memory? he asked as he accompanied the doctor to the front door.
It -Recuperar memory gradually. Offer him pe QUENAS dose information. Do not abuse
sen in that direction. It is still too weak and too could resul counterproductive to their health
'What do you mean?
Nothing serious, but could face further gaps in memory. Would have mood swings, crying.
But of course after what happened. It is a remarkable woman and I am very satisfied with
his recov ery -he paused. And the nurse? Want to stay during the day?
I think it is not necessary, now that I'm home ... She got there and swallowed, aware that it
was a temporary return.
In that case, today is the last day of Patricia-Dr Lucio shook hands. Call me if neces sitas
something. Otherwise, I'll see my lady with consultation within ten days.
Sounds good, 'said Lucio.
But it was not a quiet day. Anabella not understand the presence of Patricia another day.
And tam little wanted to stay on the farm. He put his clothes in a bag before going down the
Let's go shouted from the lobby.
The heels black boots ringing in the terrazzo floor as he walked to the door. He wore a black
T-shirt and tight jeans. It had become a ponytail, but few strands fell loose around her face.
Lucio heard footsteps and turned. He had always had a soft spot for horses and cars. But
when Ana appeared at the door like a movie star, she realized she also had a weakness for
women s courage.
Anabella was unlike any other woman he had ever met.
-Nos We going? he asked and left the suitcase at his feet.
-Ana! Lucius took her hand and went back inside with her. You are not yet able to travel.
'That's ridiculous! He released while Lucio closed the door. I feel great. I'm better than ever.
You're much better -accedi-. But you're not com pletely restored and you have to take it
easy a little more.
'I'm an old woman, Lucio cried, breathless.
I've never said you were.
But, you treat me as if you believed! You got me re taken here prisoner. You act like Dante.
-Yo Am not like Dante! he replied impatiently. And if I behave like him maybe it's because
you're ac tuando like a spoiled and pampered child.
Ana gasped wordlessly fi and looked fixedly with tears in their eyes. Then he returned to his
room and locked career with a bang.
Lucio stood at the foot of the stairs. It was not pre stand for that. They had never had that
kind of re lation. They had always been accomplices equal.
Ana deplored the authority he exercised over her. And he despised the authoritarian role
was him mended.
He had always loved Ana freedom, strength and determination. At his side was optimistic.
But after several years of marriage, imagination had disappeared, the mystery was gone
and has been transformed into an ordinary bian couples with an anchored in routine life.
Exactly that was what he had never wanted for coexistence.
Anabella curled up on the couch upholstered in burgundy and wept as if his soul had
departed. Lu cio changed.

He had a glass wall between them. He could see it, but no longer felt the heat of his body.
It seemed that it had moving by inertia, faithful to a script. No longer spoke from the heart.
Ana breathed heavily and wiped her tears. He turned his head, supported the wet cheek on
his knee and looked at the snowy landscape of the Andes.
What happened exactly? Is it no longer taba love with her? Do your feelings have changed?
Does your love had become less physical?
They knocked on the door and entered the room Lucio.
Did I forget to take my medication? he asked and looked back to the landscape.
-Do Not. But surely find something you know ra yos, if you like.
'Are you laughing at me? He pointed, very dignified.
Yes, a little Lucius smiled.
Ana felt a rush of emotions inside. I felt an obvious desire. Lucio had perte I mained his
world for so long that no imagi naba life otherwise.
Why did you you angry with me? he asked and turned to face him.
I'm not angry said and walked to the back albums month in hand. I need sleep.
Well, go to bed!
'I can he smiled. I have to take care of you. Come on, girl, I know good and sit with me. I
want to look something together.
She wanted to be angry, wanted nudge in the ribs. But adored her voice caress and
tenderness he used to convince.
Dante and his mother had always wanted repri mirla, but Lucio had always given freely. She
craved that freedom. And Lucio knew.
He looked up, noted the strong jaw Lu cio, smooth chin and beard shadow. He had not
shaved that morning. Ana was glad. He loved his beard, long hair and broad shoulders. She
loved the muscles that tighten your thighs.
He pulled out and stroked the stubble. The roughness of the skin contrasted the softness of
their bios. That was Lucio. Hard on the outside but tender inside.
It would not be there if not wanted.
Encouraged by an impulse, a kiss on the corner of his mouth, his beard and lips.
Show me the pictures, darling. I am at your entire dis position.

Chapter 5

ABES who it is? Lucio asked mien after surrounding Ana arm and pointed to a picture of a
very serious teen with a rejuvenated version of Dante.
Photographs of the first album had already begun aging. It was full of images of be bs and
children, an imposing gated estate by large iron gates and a smiling parents that provides
ban the sun for the new day.
They had browsed those pictures in silence, but the snapshot of young dour had called atten
tion Lucio. The girl in the picture wearing a school uniform and, despite everything, looked
elegant, refined. His expression was a pain intelligence and time. His grim look entertained
no hope.
-Paloma Said Anne finger and brushed the surface of the photograph. Dante's sister. And
my sister.
What happened to her?
She escaped. Went to America Ana bit her lip. I do not remember much of it. She was only
seven when he left and I have not seen her.
Looks very unhappy jabbed Lucio.
My father and his mother agreed to an arranged marriage for her. Paloma refused. Her
mother locked herself in her room for several weeks. Tadeo was responsible for opening the
door. Paloma is that not escape che and dad disowned. He said that for him, she was dead.
They spent several sheets more until they stopped in a series of photos on the beach.
Is it the Mar de la Plata? he ventured to refe Lucio ferred to one of the most luxurious and
elegant areas of the country.
-We Had a house. we went every summer, after the New Year.
Ana smiled at a photo of her, Estrella Tadeo posed with their new swimsuits. He
remembered the trip. They were still very young, but they believed adults.
Every guy who knew that summer in love with Star. They did everything to conquer, but
Star had not noticed anything.
Estrella, at seventeen, so beautiful and so the gada, did not want a boyfriend. He wanted to
become a missionary and save the world.
-The Boys were crazy about her recalled Ana, who avoided mentioning Tadeo because he
never knew rado his death.
It's almost as beautiful as you said Lucio and kissed her on the forehead.
Much prettier than me. Model was made in Ita lia when our father did not allow him to join
the Peace Corps. Your daughter could wear the latest fashion, but could not get dirty Ana
tried to smile, but the accumulation of bittersweet feelings in his heart raced.
'So just quedais Dante and you in Argentina, with Lucio concluded.
Ana felt the burning in his eyes and swallowed. It was true. One way or another had lost his
entire family. Except Dante.
Except for the older brother had to die and had supported the family business, the name
and hardship.
I do not hate whispered as squinting eyes bloodshot. I love Dante.
'I know -asegur Lucio, who stroked her hair.
She closed the album and pressed against his chest, with his heart.

Always wanted the best for me Lucius said nothing and Ana closed her eyes.
Despite how much I wanted to Dante, she missed Tadeo. Not a day passed without
remember him. Tadeo had been good, gene roso and a heart as wide as the plain. I had
never judged or criticized people. Had always been his staff and his best friend. And when
he died, she had also wanted his own death.
Dante lived in New York when Tadeo said died of overdose and furtive tears dried. Dante
had a partner, a good job and loved the ciu dad. But after the death of Tadeo, left
everything and went home. And since then it has com behaved as you know.
Just wants to protect Lucio pointed tenderly.
And you do not want to be alone because Ana felt invaded her grief and pain. And I can not
blame him. I do not want to be alone.
Lucio embraced her affectionately. She was crying, gripped by a major upheaval. But maybe
it was just that I needed. In the years that had compar direction she had never spoken of
his family. He had never mentioned Paloma and had explained the progress of Estrella to
Italy. He had hardly spoken of Tadeo on occasion and still did not know more than your
Now, for the first time, had offered him a pano ramic your family. A family had been close in
the past, but that time, anger and death had eroded mercilessly.
It was logical that Anabella had shown so much in strength of leaving him five years ago.
She was desperate and looking for something new.
As noted cradled Ana pressure was second album hip. It contained pictures of their life
together. He had weighed the idea to review it with Ana that afternoon, but realized that it
would be a good time.
Ana was still very delicate and recovering from a serious illness. It was obvious he is not yet
ready for Lucio taba take out the facts of his stormy relationship. First he needed time to
overcome all the pain of his family, the death of Tadeo. And he had to face his own pain,
and he had lost several pieces of her heart.
Soon after, his face buried in his chest Lucio, Ana assumed that no longer crying. Lu shirt
cio was soaked and she was calmer. He looked up at Lucius, who looked worried. And not
looking for that.
I'm fine -asegur tugging at his shirt. But I guess I want to move out of shirt.
Humph! He kissed the forehead of Ana and instantly, Angry smiled at her. Wow, I've
Sure She slipped from his arms and incorpor-. Excuse me, please.
Ana disappeared behind the bathroom door, washed his face, combed his hair and applied
some makeup on na riz and eyes.
I'm better, is not it? said while exhibiting its new image.
-I'm Not sure. I like the hysterical virgin -Lu cio rose and stretched.
-Virgen? -always was impressed with the impo nent figure of Lucio. I'm not a virgin since
you dealt with this issue for some time.
Ana had never forgotten their first night together. He had not confessed she was a virgin.
Lucio was not sa due she was only seventeen years and was a senior in high school. Nor
was the daughter of an earl. She had not said anything. And he did not have cho questions.
And it was the best night of his life.
Well, you'll always be my virgin said one are laughing so warm and cozy that she was sure
she remembered that night.
I -perhaps the collect?
No, just you affirmed interest me.
His gaze fixed on it so long that co gan aroused. The intensity of his black eyes was like a
caress on his cheek, a touch on his pe cho. It would have felt the same if he had pressed his
hands over his burning skin.
Lucio also knew how she felt. And she was convinced that she knew her body was li priate,
seized by desire.

When they had made love last? When had enjoyed each other's company, naked and free?
'Have you been a long time since ... He stopped, touched with the tip of the tongue against
the upper lip dryness of the mouth since RELATIO kept making?
He talked about sex. Why had not talked about love? They had never had sex. They had
always made love.
Ana watched squinted. He suddenly felt naked, exposed. And it had nothing to do with your
question or conversation.
There was something different between them. Was thing Lucio or she had changed?
Ago-quite some time. Yes Lucio said calmly.
Per or that calm was only a facade. She knew this because he saw the fire in her eyes. He
watched the emo tion in the depths of his eyes. It was a feeling that was new and familiar
at the same time.
He knew Lucius had missed, that was not his and he wanted to. What does it all mean?
Ana closed her eyes and thought he did not want to learn anything bad. If Lucio had found a
new love ... if there was remade his life ... would prefer not to tell at the moment. He
wanted a day and no s ches perfect beside her before they got the bad news.
'I seem to Paloma and Estrella, sad-the hoarse voice of Lucio broke the silence. But should
not tar sad, skinny, while I'm here.
She came, she placed her palms on her flat belly and slid his hands slowly upward.
Then promise me you'll stay with me forever said.
I'll stay until you ask me to go -with answered, so looking like a dream, a miracle.
Never ask you something like she whispered.
That's a long time Lucius swallowed, his black eyes glinted.
Yes-she caught her wrists so sostuvieran her face. And you said the same thing about
eternity. But I do not fear the passage of time and life. Only loneliness scares me, without
Lucio did not get oxygen into the lungs. He breathed hard, but that did not help. I had to
stop. I could not do it. It was necessary for her to know the truth.
It was his wife. She had hated her marriage. And he had divorced.
He thought of telling to save all that pain so unnecessary and so unfair. But Ana was
watching with so much love in her green eyes were so espe ancy in his eyes that could not.
She believed in force and thought that if they fought together, surpass all obstacles and
defeat the world.
He lowered his head and covered her mouth with a kiss. I knew I could not do it, but I
needed to kiss her once. Needed to feel, touch, taste, smell and stored in memory that one
He was in love. The words echoed in his head as he parted her lips and hoped his breath.
The door suddenly opened and Lucius looked up guiltily. The nurse was at the door with a
tray in his hands.
I've brought lunch lady announced.
Maybe leave it on the table Lucius turned away from Anabella.
She felt dirty and despicable. He could not aprove charse Ana that way.
Want me to turn up another tray, sir? -pre it GUNTO nurse.
-no Thanks.
But, sir, have not eaten anything all day. Give jeme you upload something.
I'm fine replied brusquely, malhumo rado.
I know hardly sleep at night, sir The nurse wrinkled brow. You must be exhausted. At least,
try to get some rest.
Thank you both women nodded and without despe Dirse, left the room.
What was he doing there? If you truly cared about her and loved her, would have to tell the
truth. Provide the facts objectively rather than participate in this distortion of reality.

Lucio spent the rest of the afternoon locked in his old office, working. He answered calls and
emails. He discovered that if concen lock at work could forget everything except his ne ness
of viticulture.
Still keen to work late when the office door opened.
-The Bad wolf has left said Anne with evi dent irony. We're safe. We are now free to play.
Lucio inside cheek bit her and leaned back in his chair. I knew that Ana was not limited to
the nurse.
'Who are we talking about?
'That nosy. Like most of you than she likes me.
I do not think that's true she said expression rena, glad to see her, and realized that not
loved anyone but her.
-Ah, No? And who am I? Ana put her hands on her waist and imitated the voice of the
nurse. Are you tired, sir? Sure is exhausted.
'You're jealous! and silently said a complaint with a finger over her lips.
She slid the tip of the tongue on the palm of her hand and body tensed Lucio. The h
language meda and fresh through her skin. It was very pleasing ble. Enjoyed, but could not
And then she cried when she bit him.
But what the hell? he muttered and took his hand from her mouth.
I'm not jealous said tenderly. I only say what I've seen.
You're a beast Lucius examined the teeth marks in his hand.
Yes, I know smiled and hugged herself, achu chndolo-. Now take me for a walk.
-Igual That if you were a puppy?
Not pitfalls first point to bite again. Like a panther on a leash.
Ana sighed pleased when they went outside to the covered terrace chaired by tall columns.
The breeze fluttered in her hair and she looked up at the sky.
I miss the fresh air he said. I would like to get out more often.
The sun was behind the mountains and the sky was tinged with mauve.
It will be a beautiful night, 'said Lucio.
The farm was located on top of a hill and offers an ideal view of the valley and the city. The
lights were coming on with its yellow flashes.
Everything seems the product of a dream Ana said with some regret. Something unreal.
Have you ever felt the same?
Yes, every hour nodded with some tension.
Perhaps it is this house, but I feel like Alice in Wonderland. The weather has been mixed.
Seem to see past and future simultaneously.
'And what do you see? Lucius looked askance.
Ana came over, put his arm around the waist of Lucio and buried his fingers in the back
pocket of his pants. She could feel her heart beat.
I see ... I see ... She caught her breath, but could not continue.
I was afraid to say what he felt. Know the facts, details. It was a kind of resentment, like
clouds on the horizon.
I see a ride said he released his arm and was glad to have put a jersey.
He was cold. There were things he had not told Lucio and unknown. But I knew I had to
take it easy. It was with Lucio and that was what mattered.
-Tendrs Enough coat? He interested Lucio.
He supposed he had seen shaking. Ana forced a smile and nodded. It was hard to hide his
-Yup. I have the jersey, thanks.
They descended the steps into the garden path marked trail boxwood.
The gravel crunched under his feet and the first roses bloomed. Its aroma permeated the air
and Anabella have said it was very romantic if you had not Lucio nest as grim humor.

Has something happened between us? asked how do they passed the little clock sun. Have
we fought? Anything related to our baby?
Not answered.
She watched his jaw clenched and adoption taba a defensive posture. I was sure that
something had happened.
Will ya angry with you because you were not with me when I lost our baby?
-Te Bother you that I was not next to you? -re plained.
'I did not bother to let me stay with my son,' she said.
-The Birth was premature. The baby did not survive.
'I do believe He shook his head. I think my son is alive, really.
Then they stopped a Lucio abruptly and stared.
How old are you? he asked.
She was outraged at the arrogance and brus be kept in that question. They were talking
about her baby and now, suddenly, are interested in your age?
Is it some kind of joke? Lucio -but are not laughed. What kind of question is that? Is there a
No, Ana His voice was rough and expression re sultaba cold. Answer the question.
I have eighteen and Stu is the question most asked to have me.
Lucio stammered something under his breath that she did not com lit and walked away,
back to the house, a large stringer days. Ana ran to catch up.
'What the hell is wrong with you? he asked, stopping under the arched entrance to the
A number of candles lit scattered outside. Rows of white lights shining on the branches of
'And do not release me another of your counts explanations descendants! I know something
is. You tell me, will you?
Lucius shook his head. Her eyebrows arched and his expression was tense. He said nothing,
but continued shaking his head.
'Is this me? Have I done something wrong?
No, Anabella. You better forget it.
-No I can! No, now that I know there are some pro problem ...
Yes, there is a problem. You were sick and I was worried. I was told that you could die. It
has been very hard, Anabella.
But I'm alive. I am here and I want to be together.
'That takes time.
-Acoplarse And -re used to this situation plained harshly. I'm glad you're better, but there's
a part of me that does not know how to behave.
'You have to do anything. I am improving day by day.
Lucio nodded and traits defined his face marked with exquisite care.
She reached out to pet and Lucio is tremeci at the touch of your finger.
I'm better every day Ana insisted.
Lucio nodded again, but did not look up and it scared Ana. He had the foreboding feeling
that touched on his past again head and fu ture.
Maybe follow ventured worried, but before the if lence of Lucio went on. I have experience
with death, Lucio. It is something definitive. The disease is not.
He bowed his head and orange cardigan buttoned.
-I Found Tadeo said, forcing each pa labra-. I never told you. But I found his body in bed. I
went for help. I stayed with him until the arrival of the ambulance because Mom has passed
Bia and dad ...
The memories surfaced in his mind. Paloma and Star were gone. The sport of his father had
left the road two years after Star moved to Italy. He had left a Sunday night of his hacienda

of San Antonio de Areco, city road. A bad move in the estre cho lane road and it was over.
The death of Count Tino Galvn.
And then Tadeo.
-The Funeral Tadeo kill nearly confessed, surprised by the firmness of his tone. But then I
met you. You retrieved the pieces ro cough my heart and recompusiste. I proportionate
naste hope. And you keep doing it.
Lucio grunted and turned away.
Why do you do that? he asked, his eyes reddening two-. Why do not you look at me? Why
are you so afraid to touch me? You treat me like a movie merchandise grosa, something
'You're toxic His voice was hoarse. You are far from it.
'There's no' but '. You're beautiful, intelligent, sexy, funny ... He stopped and looked at the
sky. I had an unhappy childhood. I grew up surrounded by felici dad. I felt lucky, blessed.
And then I found you.
'And that was the beginning of the end?
No, Ana. It was the beginning-the bitter tone in her voice struck Lucio. I realized that my
life had no meaning until I met you. I realized that I had only lived for me. You changed me
and opened to the world.
Lucio's expression was fierce, but the tone of his voice was sweet.
'I was taught how love life. I changed completely -esboz one ephemeral smile. And it was
all thanks to you.
Come on, Ana, you should know that. You, Anabella Galvn, showed me true love. He had a
pa father and mother, but her love meant nothing compared to what I felt for you. I nothing
compared to the love I felt for you He paused. Today I am a different person because of
'Is that good or bad? asked, the heart pounding.
It was good.
Looks great whispered.
Yes, it was.
Why not quite accept it? Why not taba that something was wrong? Something was missing.
But continually speak last. Would have we lost that relationship, Lucio?
- Do not. Yes He shrugged his shoulders. We both did and said things. We made mistakes.
'So we had a fight.
Not exactly a fight. It was ... we ... gestured, full of helplessness. Hell, Ana! I guess simply

Chapter 6

NA FEARED fear, but knew better than to re build their past and needed all standing puzzle
I had to know what had happened between them. And what had become of his son.
What about the baby? she asked nervously. Are you arriving we find? I know you do not
want to talk about it and do not want to listen. But we have a son, Lucio.
Lucio experienced an infinite tenderness and great sadness. Anabella had never accepted
the loss of her son nor the fact that he could no longer have it.
She had had an abortion when the pregnancy was well advanced. The effort to contain the
hemorrhagic gia had caused irreparable damage to your body, if they had either tried with
all his might. And Anabella had been a living hell while in tempting to enmendasen his
battered body.
Ana, you talk a lot of baby said calmly. But there is no baby.
Of course I do retorted bitterly. We have a son. And it's a boy.
Lucio tried hard to control. The doctor had planned to Anabella suffer mood swings and the
gunas. He figured it was a little relapse. He moved slowly parallel to the veranda. The moon
was out and the lights of the trees shone like fireflies in the night.
Lucius, am are you listening?
Yes -asegur, aware that he must support it despite how painful it proves the subject had
ele gido-. And where is our son, Ana? Do you live? Who cares about him?
I do not know said, trembling. So we have to find him and bring him home.
He settled into one of the chairs on the porch and pulled her to him to sit beside her. She
obeyed, so that his hip and shoulder brushed Lucio.
It was strange to sit that way. He remembered the feel of her skin when their naked bodies
afe rraban, prisoners of desire.
But he could not stop the things I missed. I had to help her.
-Negrita, If there really that child, our son, he noted, have told me. You know, Ana-bella.
You had not been able to hide it.
What if I had done? he murmured, the hu look medecida and lower lip trmulo-. What if
man had secretly and remorse was eating away at me inside until I was unable to sleep, eat
or sleep?
Lucio looked puzzled, perplexed. I was terribly confused Well, well he had kept hidden a
large part of his personality.
-Confiaba To find it before you back -entrelaz hands. I tried to look, but I lost his trail.
I think you push yourself dema, right now, TOO ...
'I'm not crazy!
I've never said such a thing estre Lucius was rocked by the idea.

No, but has suggested that possibility. And I'm telling you the truth She grabbed his hand
tightly, des is perada-. We have a son. He did not die in childbirth. You were bound to give
it back, but never did. They took him and ... they sold.
Lucio gagged and rose. The incongruity of Anabella was affecting him. The per imagination
troubled Anne was out of control and did not think it could help if he spoke that way. He had
said some terrible things.
A baby. A child snatched from the hands of his mother to sell.
Perhaps Anabella had lost his mind.
Lucius pulled the collar. He was dema TOO tight and unbuttoned to relieve air pressure. He
felt a lump in the throat.
Lucio, who realized he had left Ana, entered the house, crossed the hall and went to the
main entrance. Would go to your car and give it a spin.
The voice cut through the hall, lit with candles old bros. Do not want to stop. He tried to
ignore that scream, but could not.
He hesitated, but part of him wanted to get away.
It's the truth, Lucio repeated with the more subdued voice, but clear in his brain. And you
have to help me. I need to find it, please.
Lucio turned slowly. It was very near the door, freedom. I needed to get away a little.
The truth was that aspect of it surpassed Ana disease. He could face scars, broken bones ...
but the confusion in his head ... it was too much for him.
Just going to give back said. I will be back for dinner. I have to fix some issues in the office
and ...
I have a test said voice trembling with indignation. It is true.
Lucio led to his bedroom and stopped in the middle.
Where are you my stuff? And baby things? he asked.
I've never seen anything like that through your stuff.
Ana's hand went to the temple. I had a bad headache. Nothing made sense. He knew that
he kept to two documents in a blue box.
-I Know. I always saved, hidden. It is a shoebox. Perhaps Mary has rearranged my stuff.
'I have not seen any box blue shoes.
Well He felt tears in his eyes, neither know everything.
-Ni You! Lucio cried.
Both were breathing hard and looked from one end to the other room. At that moment he
hated Lucio. It was so arrogant and was so sure of himself. But what did he know?
'And what do you not know? asked Anne.
'It's been a long time pointed Lucio.
How much? she asked, her heart racing mien behind closed fists.
Five years.
Ana swayed and believed that the legs were going to do deed talk. If Lucio had not reacted,
des would MAYADO. But he held on time. Despite his protests, Lucio clinched in his arms,
lay on the bed and took the phone.
-Not're going to call the doctor, right? His voice refle jaba. No reason. I have ma reated ...
Yes, Stephen, has fainted before me said, ignoring her.
-No I fainted! cried Anne. I lost my balance. I have not subsided. Stop it! There is TAs in
-Ya Believe what I am! He replied crabby before retrieving the conversation. Yes, I was
recupe rado away. No, he has not lost consciousness.
Ana insisted I'm fine.
Lie down and said he ordered the pillow.
I'm not sick said haughtily and tried has CERSE with earphone, without success. I was
shocked. And I still am. Give me that damn phone!
He managed to steal the device and remove it from hand to Lucio.

Hello, Stephen. Yes, it's all good. I just lost my balance. And I did not lose consciousness.
There has not been anything. Tell my husband ... -then his voice cracked, horrified, and
looked at Lucius.
She could feel her heart pounding, pounding. It hu medeci lips.
Tell my ... husband ... I'm fine concluded.
Dazed, she replaced the receiver to Lucio before sitting on the bed. She was married.
How did you know? How he had remembered?
She was married to Lucio. How Come? When? It was impossible. But had he said that they
had been five years ... Is it possible?
He heard the doctor said goodbye Lucio et al gaba. The room was plunged into a long dark
'You've pointed Lucio agreed after one minute.
She sat, transfixed, his thoughts were like leaves in autumn. He could not retain nor
If five years have passed ... Her voice weakened and bit her lip.
Five years than he remembered nothing except that Lucio was her husband.
You're about to meet twenty-three years -prosi led Lucio.
Ana grateful that the room was a Dark flush. It felt like a stupid, extremely vul nerable.
Lucio approached the table and lit the lamp with golden brass screen. Ana turned away the
golden reflection. Do not want to face anything at that time.
'Could not we talk later? I need some time.
We have to discuss it.
Not He pressed his fingers on his knees. Not now.
You wanted that we spoke a moment ago. In sististe, on the stairs, so ...
'That was before! cried the voice rotation. Then pen saba ... thought ...
What were you thinking, woman? he asked gently.
Ana noticed an itchy eyes, but there remains will ban tears. She was nervous, intemperate.
She was married to Lucio ... It was too overwhelming.
Lucio noticed stiffness Ana when he walked around the bed. Clenched hands against knees
were shaking so hard. He noted the tension in your neck. Funny how his whole world could
be upset without one iota the intensity of your letter be modified physical tion for her.
It was something he had felt the first time. It was like a blast of fire, an ice bar, a stone on
the head. And Ana had thrown a stone at the head in one of his early fights. Then he
learned that he had a good shot and a powerful arm. The blow breached and bled.
His bold was an unruly girl.
Not to smile said, kneeling.
-why Not? You make me smile.
Suddenly he felt the force of desire burning entrails. How had such a tragedy happened?
They were made for each other. Why was bian divorced?
At least, you made me smile in the past said through clenched teeth.
Ana looked up at him. Those green eyes like emeralds ran into the dark eyes of Lucio.
'I loved to provoke continued. I've always liked the challenge. You were very stubborn. Get
bas crazy your family, especially your brother. Dante was always worried about you.
'I do not remember confessed after a long silence. Maybe I never remember.
She buried her face and her long raven hair was des parram on his back like a waterfall of
liquid ebony.
Lucio felt a terrible heartburn. More Horse concern.
In that case, start from scratch said.
She did not answer. It stared at him with her big bright eyes and mouth that took hours
without a smile. Suddenly he realized he could not bear another second of that talk. Do not
want to hear another word. I was overwhelmed and needed time to digest it all. It required
some quiet time to face his own feelings.
It's late, right? said while looking out the window into the dark night.

It was near tears, but did not understand why. Immensely faith should have felt liz at the
news of his marriage with Lucio. Siem pre'd wanted to become his wife. Why was not happy
or relieved?
Lack bit for dinner, 'said Lucio.
I'm pretty tired said as he struggled to keep his voice from the traicionase-. Do you mind if
I have dinner tonight alone in my room?
Lucio faltered and she looked over her shoulder. His expression was serious. It seemed as
angry as she. But his answer sounded relaxed, too quiet.
No, of course not. We will do exactly what you want, dear.
Lucio dined alone on the porch. He ate at Dusk dad, lit by candles.
Silence and darkness brought to his memory his old life. It had been a free gaucho without
responsi bilities or commitments. He always did what he wanted.
Then came Anabella and changed his freedom for a life with her. He left the things he had
enjoyed for things she would recognize. Money, power and good position. He had assumed
she would need those things.
He lit a cigar after dinner and inhaled the aroma of snuff. There was a heavy smoker but
ado raba the aroma of dry snuff. Remembered her ami gos, his father and brother. He
remembered the night he had slept under Llas l l as estre as endless days riding across the
plain with cattle.
Had always liked living in the mountains and life in the pampa. It had been enough for him
until the appearance of Ana.
Lucio killed the pure and stepped away from the table. He entered the huge stone house
and found it ironic that po seyera all those things that had never wanted and did not have
to Anabella, who had been his only desire.
The house was dark. Had been so long on the porch that Mary had off all lights and gone.
Lucio closed the door and up the stairs to face col to the second floor. And every step was
aware of the presence of Anabella.
They were two halves of the same whole. And I knew that Ana was lonely. He assumed that
he could not lie down without talking to her. His conscience would not allow it.
He opened the door of his room carefully. This is taba dark and the moon shining in the
window with a yellowish beam emerged from behind a cloud. He watched the body of Ana
huddled in their half of the bed. She did not move, but his eyes were open and he was
Miran intent stare.
I wanted to apologize if I've hurt He cleared his throat. Forgive me, Anabella.
'What I have to forgive? he replied in a tone fr volo, but that did not fool Lucio, aware that
she had been crying.
He went to bed. Her head was covered with sheets. He hid his entire body except the
fingertips that held the quilt. Lucio smiled.
I wanted to come down the sheet. He wanted to look at her beautiful face. He leaned down
and kissed her, one by one, all the fingers. She felt his knuckles became white. It was a
Lucio stroked a knuckle to the tip of the tongue. She gasped. Lucio smiled before getting
the knuckle in his mouth. He sucked slowly and then a theme sis mode. He watched
squirmed under the covers.
It did the same with the other fingers, but Anabella remained hidden.
Well, said good night and got up.
'Do not go.
Lucio turned. Now he was sitting on the bed. It was so dark he could hardly see anything,
but recog tio its wide open eyes and chin profile.
We're really married Lucius nodded and said, how long you were married?
He indicated More than two years while the room is dark at times.
Why do not you tell me before? His voice was his surro.

Not eras yourself. When I came, after lla mada your family, you were very weak and very
violates ble explained.
'And this house is ours? he asked as asimi laba everything with effort. I do not think that is
our home. We can not imagine here.
We've been here about four years Lucio said.
Her lips parted, but made no so nest. I was puzzled.
I've spent all afternoon trying to remember something, but can not. My head is empty. Not
a single image.
I have more pictures in albums. The day of our wedding. If you want ...
No, not tonight. I can not think of anything. This is toy so ... empty.
She looked exhausted and looked very small in that big bed they had shared in other tiem
pos. Lucio wanted to safeguard it from all evil.
I'm sorry, I appreciate bold the tremor in his bio. I'm sorry I hurt. You know I would never
do anything that could hurt you.
Then, come and hold me whispered.
Lucio gasped. He wanted it more than anything in the world but did not trust his instin
cough. She needed tenderness and was not sure he could control himself if he ever touched.
They had spent a lot of months since he has bian made love for the last time.
Not I said, knowing she must fre narse-. Do not know if I can keep my hands up if you hug.
Then do not do it answered Ana.
Those few word s enough for the desire grew in containable within himself a violation cia
dangerous. I knew I had to restrain. But he could not move. I felt I had molasses in the
That heat in his veins was produced by Ana. His excitement was unbearable. If he was not
careful end pouncing on it to possess.
You said you're married Ana recalled.
Yes, but it's been a while ... he muttered.
Well, you came to see me in my room jabbed her.
Her voice floated in the dark. Just see anything, but I could feel it. Just wanted a caress,
nothing more. But they were no longer together and she could not remember who had filed
for divorce. Making love to be unbearable, but leave was quite impossible.
Stay-the hoarse voice was pleading. I will not bite.
-and I'll do what he said with a fake smile.
Often he had bitten and scratched while it has cyan love. Some scars that had disappeared
with time. They had been too long between gated in a wild way in each other's arms.
You've suffered much, Ana said, her voice tinged with desire. You are still weak.
He could feel the tightness of the pants, skin. Sa Bia your body would betray him. He heard
the sound of friction between different tissues. She was out of bed and approached. He saw
a golden shimmer and suddenly stood before him.
You are very stubborn Ana said mockingly. You are determined to behave like a good boy,
but I'm tired. I have been good all my life and there is nothing more boring.
You have never been good replied Lucio.
Thank God he laughed with a compelling cover letter tivo-. I would not be boring.
It was succumbing under the weight of a lot of dreams that had troubled her lonely nights in
recent months.
Touch me, Lucio -solicit-. Only you can make me feel real, alive. And that's what I want
most in this world.
I was in paradise and apple sin has Bia tempted.
Not cried choked, torn den tro-. I can not do it, Ana.
I knew she would never forgive him if he made love in those conditions. He remembered
resentment and disdain of the woman who had divorced him.
I also hated behave. It was not his style.

She wrapped it around her waist. He clasped his hands behind his back and put his face in
his chest. The moon apare tio behind a cloud and lit the sky with its whiteness. In this
sudden clarity he saw the face of Anabella and her big green eyes full of passion. Unable to
resist such beauty, kissed her lips.
He thought, as he kissed her, he loved her beyond any horizon. And Anabella body
trembled, clinging to his.
She was begging to embrace her, but that desire would be his undoing. It spread very
slowly and you VANTO head. Ana blinked and opened his eyes. I was looking at it and Lucio
warned reflex tears in her green eyes.
Before you kiss loved inocen said with a devastating cia.
And still so he assured, knowing she needed a dose of rationality rather than more fantasy.
But you do not want me, right?
You've been very sick he stroked her cheekbone. Your body needs rest.
-and I restored protested. Look At Me! My sa lud is enviable.
Yes, his body seemed in perfect condition. And it was great. I could not look away from her
breasts and nipples contour against silk nightgown.
I imagined her naked body, smooth belly and dark curls on his crotch. I loved the contrast
of the dark hair against her white skin and the differ ing textures. It was soft, moist and
Women were made with care and Anabella was the best ever. And he wanted her in his bra
ef- naked under his weight. He longed that breast in his mouth, his hands on her hips.
But that did not happen.
Good evening, Anabella She forced a smile to ease the intense pain. I'll see you in the
Once in his room, he leaned his forehead against the door. His dream was to have her back
and has Bia renounced that. I felt a terrible urge to break the distance between them, but
could not.
He decided to count to ten so that your mind does not think of the satisfaction that required
his body. Then count to twenty and would begin.

Chapter 7

NABELLA woke up early after a bad night. He had had erotic dreams, but had risen
exhausted and frustrated.
Why? Your gaucho wanted did not want to touch it! In fact, last night had fled their room.
What was happening?
And why slept in separate rooms? It was an uncomfortable situation. He wanted Lucio. And
I knew it was reciprocal. They had always had a great sex and wanted to recover that
Ana got up and went to the shower. He had a goal for the new day.
He found Lucio on the main floor, front of sayuno.
'I greeted're up early and got up to take a seat.
He sat and smiled at Mary, who poured a cup of coffee and a chocolate gingerbread.
I've decided I want to retrieve a routine He spooned sugar into his coffee. Especially if I
aspire to recuperate physically. I want to make absolutely rarme that my recovery is
And with a smile, he took a bite of the cookie. It was stuffed with dulce de leche, very
sweet, and a bit hit in the lip. Lucio knew was ob servndola. He stuck out his tongue and
lip very gently wiped.
I do not want to follow said ill and took another pe Dazo of gingerbread in slow motion.
Lucio made a strange guttural sound and Ana pouted.
He's delicious and said, taking the cup in one hand, rose from the table.
He looked at Lucius with a quick smile, delighted at his grim expression.
I hope a good day at the office, Lu said cio. Hope to see you tonight.
And also hoped that you would burn with desire to nerla throughout the day.
Lucio became restless all day. And the concern cre tio with increasing temperature. He
removed his jacket and shirt unbuttoned, but that did not help. He tried to distract himself
with some calls, but just wanted to hear the voice of Ana.
He closed the blinds, but even in the darkness only thought Anabella. He saw in his mind
the image of the previous night and recalled the breakfast scene.
God, he was crazy about her! It was a torture acos Tarsus alone every night in the same
house. He left his desk with an angry gesture. What was born back in the hacienda? She
had got rid of him. His family had thrown and children against time, had sought his help to
recover on Anabella.

Lucio bent over the table, closed his eyes and looked for a way out of this situation.
He returned quite late, but Ana met him at the entrance with a smile. He wore jeans, boots
and a tight white shirt that marked the curves of her prominent bust. He warned that no lle
vaba bra and dark nipples were defined per fectly against the garment.
He was decidedly condemned to hell.
'Would you like a drink? he offered with a smile while holding his coat.
Not replied honestly.
'Was it a hard day? he asked with false inocen cyano. Any emergency?
Not Lucio insisted.
Ana was delighted with that game. Steps were heard in the hall.
-The Dine be ready in an hour 'said Mary, the housekeeper.
-No Problem replied and handed Ana Maria Lucio coat. That will give Mr. and me ... time to
relax together.
I do not think anything you have planned will relax Lucio said while Ana was leading the sa
lon that she had furnished.
They came together in the large room decorated with antiques, paintings and carvings
beautifully sculpted wood das.
-Te Afraid to be alone with me? he asked, malicious, next to a couch.
It was an imp and a shrew. It was very hard to deal with it. Lucio barely control his emo
tions. How to hide his love, his desire, his pain?
She ignored all they had suffered in the slightly m thymus year.
No, I'm not afraid -avanz behind her. Maybe item for you. You're so vulnerable ...
'Please, sir interrupted, leaning against the couch and malevolent expression. Do not make
this a com bat. I know a couple of keys that will immobilize instantly.
I guess that will be a prank, bold -re plained with some indulgence.
'Are you challenging? He walked with sparks in her green eyes.
She wanted to play with fire and Lucio was left Parali Zado when she stood in front of him
and slid his hand along her thigh, above the hip. Lucio ran out of air. His body was kindled.
Mo could not have seen if I had tried.
-Deca Something, sir? she asked as she placed her hand on his crotch.
Forget that stupid and calling me "sir" he said as he took her hand, kissed her palm and re
Primia the urge to kiss every inch.
He was not as controlled as a minute before. He was very excited and afraid she might do
something to regret later.
Maybe we should take a walk or take a couple heading of cards ...
You hate the games.
Yes, but remember that you liked yourself.
-it's True. But only if we play strip poker.
Ana, you're supposed to rest, relax and calmly insisted tomrtelo with the edge of the
Come on, Lucio -she gave a sudden laugh and hit him. Laugh a little. Have fun with me. Can
we not fun for a while? Come on, Lu cio, it's me.
That's what scares me said.
Their eyes met, Ana raised his eyebrows and gave a new laugh, much more serious. She sa
Bia exactly what I was thinking and how she felt because she felt exactly the same.
Ana broke that proximity and headed red lacquered cabinet that served liquor cabinet
functions. Lucio watched prisoner of lust. Ana opened the door. Two years ago he had lined
inside with mirror and had added a halogen. He hesitated in front of the range of bottles,
decanters and glasses.
I just realized that I do not know what you drink Ana said.
Lucio did not answer immediately, fascinated with the presence of Ana. I loved the way her
hair caressed his cheek, the little back and waist curve. Women were like waves shaped by
the sea and Anabella had that sweetness.

What would you like? he asked, looking down on top of the shoulder.
She was everything he wanted, but said nothing. She swallowed and sucked those wild
emotions. It made her feel alive.
I'll take one said red wine.
Here we do not store wine, right? jabbed while examining the furniture.
-Do Not. There is a cellar in the basement said, happy with the direction the conversation
had taken. Of I to brownish you did not know, right?
Not He closed the closet door. It is a very big house.
'I personally took care of the decoration.
-De Really? He frowned. And what do you do? How we paid all this?
I've had success he said. You have an antique.
'It's not easy to believe he said as he took the in training-. None of this is me ... familiar.
-and Go remembering, Ana -asegur no emotion in his voice.
-ramos Happy, Lucio?
It was completely stopped and Anne unnerved at his long silence. He gave a faint smile very
slowly while his black eyes lit ban. She thought she looked like an angel in flames.
'What do you think? he asked.
The intensity of his gaze decentered Ana. I was sure that Lucius wanted and loved. But
there was something more between them that was not pleasant nor ed mode.
Not had a good marriage, right? He Nalo with constricted heart.
Neither was so badly.
'What time went well? he asked, an gustiada-. At what point we were happy? Lucio!
-In The bed he replied staring at her green eyes.
The words of Lucio accompanied Ana as she changed for dinner. I needed something more
elegant, as was the custom in your country. He chose a red dress embroidered chiffon with
black flowers and buds before combed hair up in a ponytail. Gold hoop earrings and a little
put colo nia ears, wrists and behind the knees.
Lucio waited at the entrance of the room. It was the first time I had dinner in the dining
room and liked the dramatic look featuring the room at night, lit with candles and
Before being served dinner, Lucio put some music that will liven up the evening.
Mary was an excellent cook and prepared a varied Anabella's favorites menu. After the
dinner were installed in the room where they would take coffee and would enjoy the music.
Ana legs folded under her mien after sipping coffee. Despite its blurring of reality, he was
happy. How was it possible?
Maybe it was because harbored no expectations for the future. I did not think about
tomorrow or the search for his son.
There would be time for all that. For the moment as piraba to enjoy the evening with Lucio.
Anabella approached the china cup to his lips and inhaled the rich aroma of coffee. Those
little pleasures with Lucio proved intoxicating. It was something decadent, even.
You're a beautiful woman, Anabella.
The deep voice of Lucio downloaded intense hor migueo along his back, followed by a pinch
of pleasure. It was like a caress.
She looked up, looked at him and said Lucio its my harbor during a long silence. It seemed
that the time had stopped. That was the first thing that had atrai do Lucio, before meeting
him. That serene presence, full of wisdom.
The attraction he had felt was pure energy, intangible but addictive.
-still Have to discuss many things calmly said and left the coffee on the table. There are
more co sas that I have to tell you.
Isn't we could do it tomorrow? he pleaded, afraid, sure that would not be good news.
You live in a world of film Lucio said with a smile.
She felt a stab in the heart. It was true. He had always been very good at the art of eva
sion. He had always preferred fantasy to reality.

'I know too well said with a repen tino Lucio love, knowing that their lives have been united
bian for many years.
And for that reason we need to talk, Ana. A part of me would rather avoid it and us to
continue as before-his black eyes seemed velados-. But this situation ... For years we do not
keep such a close relationship.
Then it may be that what we need ventured.
-Vivir On lies? No, I do not think it's a good idea.
Maybe it's not that. Maybe ... maybe dispongamos a second chance so that everything goes
well between us.
There's the trap, bold. It has always func swim for me -the shadow in his eyes had acen
tuado-. You've been unhappy with me. You wanted our marriage did not go ahead.
Ana wanted to cover her ears. That conversation would sadden and would not be sad
tonight. It was a fabulous evening. The night breeze cooled the atmosphere and the scent of
garden flowers filled the house.
There was no reason for discussing primarily. This ban together. That was all that mattered
and all I wanted to know, for now.
Ana stood up and walked over to the chair Lucio. He stood in front of him, one hand
outstretched and the other at the waist.
Dance with me Lucius looked at her incredulously. What? Already not dance? You will not
tell me we've never danced. You're a great dancer. Or am also equi voco that?
Yes, I like dancing admitted with a suggestive smile. You have not forgotten.
Then teach me Lucius whispered and took her hand.
He noticed how fast your pulse at the wrist and body temperature. The energy circulating in
their bodies tre was so intense that stung. I had not remembered that the pleasure of
contact is matched with pain.
It sounded a slow song. A female voice, Breast Cancer lida and sensual, the tucked into the
hand of the night.
Lucio Anne put her hand on his back, pressed his body against her. Her breasts were
crushed against his torso and hips amoldaron his waist. He was taller than I remembered
and put his face in his chest. He felt his heart on the cheek, but it was not a sensa tion nice.
He was feverish. Was consumed in a blazing fire.
'You heart is a thousand Lucio said. And has not started dancing.
I'm perfectly replied to this gesture of arrogance.
Yes, of course -corrobor with eyes like two coals.
Hannah's heart sped up a little more. His mouth was dry. It was looking like the sweetest
You're smiling said and put his lips on her hair. What's up?
I thought that I have not forgotten this said, estreme cide.
Lucio took a breath and she felt his chest expanded. The outline of his body against her was
one of Lycia. It was amazing to feel like a woman again.
Me neither I have forgotten whispered and kissed her cheek with a slight touch.
Have you always worn long hair? he asked and reached.
Always he assured with a half smile, but her expression was not sweet. I would not let me
cut it. You told me not you come back to make love if you cut my hair.
His tongue traced the outline of her ear and she estreme tio. He groaned as the heat
accumulated in between her thighs. They both wanted and energy flo taba in the
atmosphere was so brutal that baffled.
Let's go up to the room -roz his lips chin beard. Let's go and let's stay together.
Lucio felt her lips parted and nibbles ba her chin. He drew invisible lines along the neck to
the tip of the tongue moist and that enarde nounced his body to the point that only bare
tree thought to be.
I can not do, Ana She rested her hands on her bare shoulders and stroked the silken skin. I
do not trust my instincts if I stay alone with you.

He crossed his mind the idea that I had always thought that way. I had never been with her
without desiring. And now it was as if in a ho hose.
Me-not you come with that story picked up his hands and carried them to her breasts.
Lucio grunted. Ana wore no bra and her hands held the gentle firmness of their breasts. I
could not hold back a second time. He had exhausted his strength last night.
-Ana! he muttered, but did not disclose that he was suffering torture.
'Yes, my love? she said as she dug her nails into his chest gently.
Lucio tensed and his erection was so powerful it hurt. He could not contain himself and
reject two non ches row.
He yanked down the front of her dress and former Ana made her look her breasts. It was
awesome. Her nipples had hardened like wild seeds.
She arched her back and covered Ana one of the pezo tions with the mouth and the other
hand. It was ham gry, desperate. He circled her nipple with his lips, licked and sucked hard
Aura insistently, unable to satiate your appetite.
He reached his back with his hand and pressed into his hand a buttock. And every body
contact with skin burning Ana caused tremors in it.
Lucio closed his eyes and let his hand aventu rase which had not yet gone. He felt her soft
folds under her skirt and panties. It was hot and humid. Introduced a finger and heard the
cry love Anne tiguado against his shoulder. He retired at once, afraid of hurting her.
Touch me again, Lucio implored. Make me feel good.
And there was no way I could retire. He kissed her earlobe, neck and his sensual mouth.
Ana moaned as Lucius pulled the panties and in troduced a finger, then another, moving as
if it were your body.
Ana howled against his chest and his lips found her bare skin. He was stroking in a way that
only acrecentaba the fire in his gut.
He thought it would not be enough. I wanted to feel everything.
Let's go up he said in a gasp. Come up for fa vor. Now.
Lucio pulled away reluctantly and adjusted clothing inte rior of Ana. Then she smoothed her
skirt and put the neck in place.
His breathing was hectic. Ana kissed him again.
'We have not finished said, after another kiss.
They went upstairs. Every step was a tor ture. He was anxious to possess. His desire was
beyond any limit. There was a whole world out there with millions of women, but only
wanted to. I just needed one.
Ana felt the chemistry. They did not speak, but the cone tion was evident. It was really
explosive. But what sen Tian love or hate?
She looked over her shoulder. He decided he had to be treated with love, aware of the
things that mouth caused in your body.
Or would hate? Ent nces looked into his eyes and advir ti an expression of remoteness.
Nobody would have guessed that just caress her in her most intimate areas.
She turned to face him at the door of the room. Their eyes met and she appreciated a
glimpse into the depths of her eyes.
Would you rather be somewhere else tonight? -pre it GUNTO in the darkened hallway.
Not answered.
Would you prefer the company of another person? -pre it GUNTO with a fake smile.
Never answered.
I want you to make love to me, Lucio. I want you to love me how you loved me once, in the
past said staring at him. Please!
I can not, Anabella. You've been sick ...
No, no, Invent something new, Lucio! I'm sick of that damn excuse.
He bowed his head. His eyes were closed and his fac tions reflected an intense regret.
'This is hard for you, right? Ana swallowed and stroked her cheek.
I have hurt you so afraid ... I want you, ne shouts, but never forgive me if I hurt said.

She swallowed that disappointment. Your heart understood the reasons for Lucio, even if
your body did not.
In that case, do not make me love. Simply stay. Sleep with me ...
Never happen. I could not stay away from you.
Not be needed. You can hug-his green eyes twinkled mischievously. Do not think that will
excite the masiado.

Chapter 8

E undressed in the dark and slides rum under the sheets. Lucio only wearing lime zoncillos
and Ana, the golden chemise. She curled up beside her and laid her head on his chest. It
mantuvie rum in silence. After that time, Ana Lucio away arm for better viewing.
The moon lit up his face and was reflected in his pu batteries. Lucio was the kind of person
that came alive at night. He thought it would be the legacy of his Indian blood and birth
among the mountains.
Do you remember the night we slept outdoors, under the stars? He tenderly stroked his
pectora les-. Do you remember the stillness around us?
Yes -the Lucio hand covered his head and his fingers tangled in her hair.
That night looked a lot of stars added Anne. We saw the shadow of the mountains and the
moon. Pa REECE we were the only people alive on earth.
It was a beautiful night nodded.
'I wish we could recover that sensa tion jabbed.
How we felt?
-Insurance Affirmed while Lucio continued acari cindole hair. At least, I think so. No I can
figure. You know I see the past in a blur. Sometimes it seems like a dream. And I wonder if
this is real ... But then, to touch and feel so close to me, I know that everything is in order.
He closed his eyes, he pressed his lips to her torso and inhaled the scent of his skin. He
stroked her belly with fingers and felt abdominal muscles tense. It was a very nice, family
'I know you've been sick. Forgotten five years of my life. But whatever it is that has created
distrust between us is ... ... I think I can fix it.
But, Ana, how you gonna fix it if you do not remember what problem you had with me?
Maybe you you were not the problem, but I do. In any case, there is no reason for us to
return to in tempt. We forget about the old memories and create new ones He leaned on
one elbow. I mean ... do not you feel at ease as well as this we now?
You're damn optimistic -esboz a smile.
-what About u? -what he looked into her face. Are you pre stopped for adventure? Come on,
think like a gau cho. Escape from this site. Let's start again you jos here, you and me.
'Where you want to go?
I do not care as long as we're together.
'What shall we do?
Ana was angry at times. Lucio had become so ... cautious, so serious. He was worried about
the details. What had happened to her free spirit and salt vaje?

Why, I know that look! Lucio said. It ave ce a storm. I feel the energy.
When did you start to worry so much about everything? It -amag a smile.
Maybe when I realized I was going to miss closed her hands on her arms and pulled her. I
did not like that feeling.
-Do You Know? It -aspir the scent of her skin. I do not I remember feeling unwell.
-No Need. You are much better and that's all that matters.
Isn't were here when I was admitted to the hos pital? His lips brushed her nipples Lucio.
-Do Not. Got sick in China. Surely you stung the gun mosquito, but do not diagnosed until
vol dresses home.
'Where were you?
-In France said. And later, California.
'Why work issues? He interested.
Yes, indeed.
'And when they told you to you to come?
Only when assumed you needed me. As I knew you were sick, I came directly -asegur.
'And my mother? he asked. Have you come to me? Well, forget it. Do not answer. I know
you never see DRIA.
-Despite how much I want to Dante, is no longer part of my family said with a strange
tingling in her head. You are my family and I care only you ...
Ana, we're not married mien said softly after sitting on the bed and the sheets fell to her
'What do you mean that we are no longer married? This house is ours.
-simply, Occurred.
What happened? -but in his head and floated the idea of divorce. Divorce? Are we after two
years, got married and then divorced?
Yes, more or less, 'said Lucio.
-Do Not! -the disbelief on his face ba nied by the moon. If you are divorced, where vi see?
I have an apartment in the city, in Mendoza.
Not possible. I would never do something like that. We never ... Her voice broke and Lucius
stared at her with an expression taciturna-. Explain it!
'I have all the answers.
-All Right. What answers do you have? was breathing with di ficult, puzzled. Did you fall for
another mu jer?
-The Idea of divorce was not mine -emiti one gru unconstrained hoarse. Wish I could tell
that there was another mu jer, but I did not take the decision. He disagreed.
-Yo Did not want a divorce!
Yes, Ana said quietly. And I I granted by that wanted you happy.
-Feliz, Away from you? He shook his head, no air, and felt a growing pounding in his head.
No way! You're making it up.
No, you've forgotten.
'Recalled something -asegur with tears in their eyes.
And that day will come. Gradually you are remembering loose fragments of your past.
Perhaps afternoons few days, a couple of weeks. But soon remember everything.
They looked into the face through as large as the Patagonia empty. Ana had red eyes and
was freezing. I felt that froze inside and a glacier.
-I Love you, Lucio.
Yes, but not enough so tenderly replied that nearly broke her heart.
Forgive me, Lucio-what hugged and buried her face in his chest. Give me another chance.
Let's work this time.
But not even know what went wrong slightly m esteem once stroked his nape. I think we
need to gunas answers before committing to anything. Everything will be fine, Anabella. You
will have a full life ...

-No Be worth it if you're not! said between sollo zos, hurt and vulnerable-. I can not stand
these gaps in my memory, surrounded by darkness.
'I remember all -procur reconfortarla-. And you know the worst part. No more surprises,
unless you have some secret I known.
Good God, no! No more secrets bear no more surprises. I just want a bit of normalcy He
raised his moist eyes toward him. Could not we have a normal life, Lucio?
Never you liked that kind of life He pointed.
Maybe not know the kind of life he led She covered her face with both m years. I'm scared
of myself.
Lucio laughed. He could not help it. There was a lot of her an tigua personality. It sounded
like the young rebel who fell in love.
You're a very special woman, Anabella Cruz said as she stroked his face.
'I have called Anabella Cruz She grabbed his finger with his fist. Are we still married or have
been a slip?
Well, a bit of everything admitted following a doubt. You asked for divorce, but they still do
not have conce Dido. I guess it will be fixed soon.
So we're still married.
Yes, continue -admi married a couple of weeks ti Lucio.
In that case, renew vows! Forget the divorce exclaimed.
-Ana! She looked at him puzzled. That's not possible. Just explain. You had reason to
separate you from me and those reasons have not changed. The problem is that there still
remember those reasons, but ...
Just want you to forgive me and we fight so that everything goes well said. I know we can
Lucio was divided. I felt an indescribable in enthusiasm, but was also worried. The joy of
Ana was contagious, but he knew that his promises would not be final until you recover
memory. And so ...
Let's try you once, will you? She looked at him with so much hope and trust that broke his
cora zn-. Do not reject that possibility. At least think about it.
All right said, surrendered to her. I'll think about it.
-of Said agreement and crouched beside the pier nas intertwined with Lucio.
Ana slept, but Lucio council not sleep. It was all too aware of the presence of Ana and her
ca head operating at full speed. How to begin again? It was impossible. He could not
undergo such its fering again. Maybe he was in love with Ana, but was not crazy.
Of course her in his arms was a bendi tion. I was beginning to regain his memory, but he
had not forgotten a single detail of his life in co bad.
He was twenty years old when he met her at the ba neigh- La Boca, Buenos Aires. He was
in a outdoor market, haggling over a trinket, and ob Servo how the price could come down
a little each time. She was dressed like a bohemian. She wore a pa uelo head, a long skirt
and a blouse with short sleeves. After five minutes, Lucio had bought gold pendant and had
given it.
She was not grateful. Just had my rado, serious. Lucio had bowed his head in a polite
gesture and retired.
She had left behind him after asking him where he was going. Lucio felt a warmth in your
body to re cordarlo. A beautiful and rebellious girl who did not want to join the Galvan
family. Something that Lucio had not known until after their first meeting xual. Then, after
Ana betray him her body and her virginity, she realized she was Earl swim.
They were not equal, would never and will never be accepted.
Ana Lucio kissed on the neck. It had been a aven ture. He had done things that a poor
gaucho never have dreamed of. And above all, he had loved Ana.
Ana woke with a start, bathed in sweat, agi tada. He opened his hands to hold in the fall.
But then he opened his eyes and realized he was in bed, his back, with Lucio.

She turned to him. The sheet covered part of his torso and slept with one hand behind your
head. He noted the lines sketched arm muscles.
And looking at him, he felt a shudder.
He remembered everything that had talked the night before rior and more.
She had filed for divorce. It was his choice. I wanted to run away from their life together.
But there has Bia stopped loving him. On the contrary, their love was so great that he had
not endured the pain.
They had a son. But they had lost their child and his body had suffered so much that had
been in able to get pregnant again.
Ana had a lump in my throat.
The loss of the baby had been a genuine trage day for her, more than he had never shared
with Lucio. He did not remember how he had affected the abortion until someone had given
him hope that his son was still alive. But he had been in deception. And that had shattered
his life. He had conceived hopes and had wished with all his might that his son was still
alive. But he had only gotten a huge void in his life.
He had wanted so much that son who had far ciated with Lucio. He turned in bed and
studied the face of her husband. He was very handsome and, at a time distant. She had
suffered greatly at fault. He missed his old intimacy.
He pulled the covers and left only the sheet over the body of Lucio. His whole body was
marked under the white cotton fabric. She put her hand to her belly, which contracted when
he noticed the slightest touch. He remembered the intensity of his relationship with absolute
He felt his heart racing. She wanted to feel it and a flood of desire invaded his entire body.
Just kiss him above the sheet, nothing more. He brushed his lips and stomach muscles
reacted area.
Ana mouth was dry. He sat up a little, I apo yada elbows, and leaned on her hips. He played
very delicately erection of Lucio above the sheet and, as he released the air, erection cre tio
some more.
Ana was thrilled. It was ridiculous, but felt he was in command of the situation.
He lowered his head and returned to touch it with his lips. He pressed lightly to Lucio felt
the hume dad of his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and slid the tip on the contour of the
penis. That increased the hardness of erection a little more.
Member pressure against her mouth swelled the body of Ana. Longed energy Lucio. I
wanted some of that fire. Petting above the sheet had been a good idea, but needed more.
That would feel everything.
Passion, love, and desire. Desire and love. Desire.
Ana sat down, pulled the sheet and exposed erection before their eyes. I knew I could do it.
Just had to move carefully.
He knelt over him and shuddered as he brushed his body. He felt the tremor in her thighs.
Slowly declined until the erection of Lucio contacted her most sensitive area.
Lucio had been contrary to sex, but she had consulted with the nurse and Patricia have you
ensured that only Bia should take it easy.
Ana hesitated, but noticed the erection of Lu cio pressed against his thigh. He moved slowly
until they felt the penis width member lock on it.
It was lovely. He held his breath and pre sion to feel it deep inside. He wanted more. He
hun yield down. He enjoyed the fullness, but was afraid to move. But she felt overwhelmed
by in intensity of that feeling.
And, while it was decided, Lucio felt the hand on her buttock.
Well, bold. What will be your next move? He smiled sleepily with air. I heard something
about extreme sex. But do not think this is dema TOO?
But as she spoke, she arched her hips and sank into it with a single blow. Ana groaned. He
began a gentle movement that sparked a host of dormant feelings. The heat radiating from
his erection made tense muscles. He felt a shock to your navel.

Wait said and put his hands on his chest Lu CIO. Do not want it to end yet.
Lucius smiled and continued with the same gentle pace.
Ana assumed that Lucio was an expert and which now tempted control. Pulled her down,
pinning her against his body, and took care of rhythm. Ana inner muscles not stop their
contractions. -Prate Choked voice shouted.
Impossible replied.
He continued to move until Ana felt a layer of liquid fire coursed through her skin, on her
belly and between her legs. Ana gasped as they followed the attacks, increasingly insistent.
She dug her nails into his skin Lucio, wanting it to end with that exquisite torture.
Clinging to her, Lucio lunged again to the bottom and she screamed his name. All staggered
around and watched sparks flew. Lucio's body swelled inside and final onslaught was wild. I
was with her, sharing that pleasure and clung to her body while it is happening between
spasms tremors.
Thank you, sir, exhausted, slumped on his chest.
-nothing He replied with a smile.
Ana relaxed, its molded bodies. Grateful and calm, closed his eyes.
You remember our big plans? he asked.
'What do you mean?
Neither had many, Lucio. Think about it-his hand stroked his chest drenched in sweat. We
had several, but always thought we would escape together. We would see the world
together. Your World.
-Mi World? His voice was thick.
-Yup. We have two weeks before the divorce is effective. Why do not we go away? It would
be our honeymoon farewell.
'I think a crazy idea, girl.
'Just like a marriage between a gaucho and an aristocrat.
It's true he admitted with a smile.
What do you think? He kissed her naked-torso. A slightly m esteem adventure?
-it's Okay. Let's do it.

Chapter 9

UCIO was gone when Anabella is des PERTO, a few hours later. The sun was in the sky and
the breeze coming through the open window.
And the next two weeks would not be his last two weeks. They would live a great
adventure, but it would be a farewell. It would be a new opportunity.
I knew it was feasible. Everything was possible if it was them.
-The Lord wants him to stay in bed and des tired Mary said as she stood in the doorway.
The of sayuno be ready soon.
Ana leaned against the pillow, obedient. He wanted to stay in bed a little longer, reliving the
incredible characteristics ble night they had shared.
It was not amazing. It was natural, captivating and sensual result. And do not be the end of
its relations sexual nes! It was the beginning. The beginning of everything:
Even if Lucio still did not know.
Lucio would rather stay home with Ana, but had to attend some business in the office if they
would run away together a week in his last great adventure. Back to their vineyards, Lucio
drove with the windows down and let the afternoon sun flooded his car.
Ana wanted to recover. He wanted another chance for marriage. I knew I had everything
against them, but had met his fortune in a afortu night nothing.
He had won a million dollars in one night with dice.
She had turned a bet after another. And so he had collected half a million, who had played
in a ac tion worthy of the last Daredevil southern hemisphere.
I knew I could lose everything and was made up my mind. You could end up with nothing
and do not affect. He would not mind coming back to your land, where people were po bre
and happy.
Poverty had its advantages. Daba freedom and liked that kind of life, outdoors, untethered
What meant the money? Of Cottages and cars? It has only Bia desired a great love.
Lucio parked in the cellar. He had to deliver some documents to his assistant before
returning home. But he sat in the car, thoughtful, Tambori Leando on the wheel with your
Ana was this great love. But what now?

He sighed and got out. Bode had one of the oldest in the valley gas. The stone building and
wineries were from 1880. cons had been erected at time of immigration that had come to
Mendoza from France and Italy. That land had receiv due the blessing of the Malbec grape,
later, has given rise to Bia renowned Argentine red wine.
The door opened suddenly and Lucio nearly colliding with Dante. But he pretended not
surprise to see him there.
Do you have business in town? he asked and accom nied Dante to one of the most remote
Yes nodded and sat on a barrel ro ble.
-Anabella? suggested as he poured two glasses of wine, and Dante smiled wryly.
Dante's good after saborearlo- said. Very good.
Yes, I too like he said, aware that he had become accustomed to life in the city despite his
initial reluctance.
'Is your crop? Dante asked.
It's our latest product.
The silence between them was installed. They drank their respective cups calmly. Lucio ca
repeated in his head that it was a good life and Mendoza had to pour in their new home.
And I knew that it could no longer re regain his old life, much as Anabella insisted. In these
circumstances, what was the point that last trip? Was there any hope for them?
Maybe it was just a fantasy. But that was not bad. Ana had been his dream since the first
time he had seen. It was a challenge and he remained a ju charger. He had never been
afraid of defeat. What would be successful if it did not involve some risk? If she left with her
a week, what would be the worst that could happen? Had already given her heart. Did you
also lose his soul?
How are you? Dante asked. Have you re cuperado some memory?
Not so much how you'd replied Lucio.
-what Does that mean?
He knows that he has forgotten the past five years -apun total. And remember this is my
'And the divorce? He frowned.
-Also I have told, but do not believe me.
Isn't believe it? Dante sighed with asom outbreaks. It was her idea!
Perhaps it is more accurate to say I do not agree. To Davia has many agunas l and still
think that for Mamos one partner said to the astonishment of Dante. Do not remember the
bad times, Dante. Only our love.
He recalled that a year earlier had desenamo rado. How was it possible? Never happened. I
had always loved, nothing more. But Ana recor only gave his love and wanted a new
opportuni ty.
Not pretend that you return to live together, right? Dante asked uneasily.
Lucio felt fire in the stomach and pushed the wineglass. They had never had any hope
against stiff opposition from his family.
And still against it. But who they think they were? How could even imagine that his nom
bres, his fortune and his position mattered more than faith licidad Ana? He looked up into
the hills.
'You know that Ana makes its own decisions.
He agreed.
'I know He turned to face him and an outdoor vered sympathy in the eyes of Dante.
A sympathy until ciert or point, it was more harmful than anger.
I have a thing for Ana He pulled the keys of co che-. I did not know I had it. I think I forgot
to hospital.
Lucio followed Dante to his car. He took a cardboard box.
-Contains No big deal said. Papers and a couple of pictures. But Ana insisted much to take
him to hospital. I imagine you'll want it back.

Lucius stared at the blue box. It was a shoebox. The box baby I had lost. So it was real. Did
that mean the baby ...? But he cut that line of thinking. There had never been any baby.
You want to reach out and give it in hand? -ofre tio Lucio.
I prefer to wait until you have completely recovered memory She shook her head. I do not
like the role of evil. Just FYI, I was not part of the plan Anabella Marquita to bring back
home. I found out when I lla maron and was told that Ana had changed opi nion. Sorry.
'It was not your doing Lucius shrugged.
Yes, but you turned out badly wounded. I heard that ...
'That's water under Lucius grabbed the box. Now only care about the future of Ana.
Yes, said gravely. Dale memories, will you? Tell him I think a lot about it and Daisy and
children are eager to see it.
Lucio drove to the ranch with box za ducks on the seat beside him. I wanted to open it to
exa mine their content, but belonged to Ana. It's between Garia and she would take the
most appropriate decision.
Ana had spent part of the day reviewing ar marios and cupboards. It was about five when
he sat in the studio and discussed some things he had recovered, nostalgic. There were
postcards Travel, folle cough plays, airline tickets and photographs. I was checking the
postcards when Lucio appeared.
Hello greeted Anne, I have been reviewing photographed PHS and other memorabilia, but
nothing found our wedding. Did not we do photos? I could have sworn we made our
wedding photographs.
They're in my apartment He leaned against the doorframe with one hand on the back. He
feared that pu Dieras rid of them, so I took them.
Never have thrown those photographs replied with t ernura-. Despite my confusion and my
depression, I never stopped loving you.
Why were you depressed? What did I do wrong, Ana?
Not do anything. I was said and put things in the bottom desk drawer.
But do not remember a single thing? insisted. It has I Bias said the baby ...
Yes, but is not logical. And if I try to explain you believe I'm like a goat.
-Prubame Lucio said.
Ana closed the drawer, rose and beige linen trousers shook. Finally he recognized his
clothes. Gradually pieced the puzzle of his life.
Are you sure you want to hear?
-More Than anything else.
And if I tell you what, you promise to keep your word and you will leave me? Will not you be
angry and you shall drive them back?
'I will not promised.
Sit said and offered him a place beside her on a sofa leather-. It's a long story, rambling
something ...
He was speechless when Lucio sat beside the box in his lap.
-La Box baby! Where was I?
Dante did. It seems that you took the hos pital.
Have you looked inside? he asked as he removed the lid with trembling hands.
-Do Not. The box is not mine.
He took an envelope azure and inside, Encon trophic a rather clear picture of a guy. In spite
of the poor image quality was clear that the boy had dark hair and olive skin.
-who Is it? asked Lucio and took the picture.
-Thomas. At least that Alonso said he replied.
And who is Alonso?
-Alonso Huntsman. The man who stood in touch with me.
Lucio heard the explanation of Ana, but looked away from the picture. The boy seemed to
ex treme poverty. He wore shorts dema TOO wide and too narrow a tattered shirt. He was
barefoot and wore short hair.

He's a very handsome boy said hoarsely.

'I know. And for a week I thought it was our son pointed at the photograph. It has a little
green eyes and age matched.
Lucio did not believe what I was hearing. Ana had suffered an abortion. The words danced
on the tip of the tongue.
-Explcamelo Said quietly. What makes you pen sar that could be your son when you know
you aborted at six months pregnant?
Because that was not what happened said nervously and licked his upper lip. She was eight
months pregnant and had a premature birth. I already cone ces, Lucio. You know I'm no
good face with misfortune. I prefer to ignore ...
You had a natural abortion.
-Do Not. It was a premature birth and had my son.
Never tell me.
'You were not there He pressed his fists and looked at him with eyes llorosos-. She was
alone in the boarding cursed. She was eighteen and had given birth. The pain was
unbearable. I know there was a baby. I could have sworn I heard her crying. But later they
said they had Bia dead. I needed to see a flash, but had lost a lot of blood and was taken to
the hospital for a transfusion.
'Do not you were in the hospital?
'I had our son in college. Wine midwife. It was routine procedure.
'And most babies were dying? Lucio said.
-I Do not know. Pregnant girls and girls who had already given birth were housed in
separate areas explained. They said that mothers had NEEDS other ties. There was a
nursery ...
Did you see that ever care? -interrumpi-. Did you see the kids?
-Some He shuddered. A few.
I wanted to shake her and ask her why she had not counted but was paralyzed. It was an
amazing story.
Maybe the baby was stillborn Ana swallowed. But they did not let me say goodbye to my
son. Never lle gu aver l o. And that ...
'And Thomas? he asked, knowing that Ana had never shared the pain.
'Last year I received a call from this man, Alonso Huntsman He stood up. I did a lot of
questions about my education, my school and I pre asked if she had been pregnant.
Why did he call you? What would win it all this?
Said it was related to my family and had felt obliged to prove those ru talking mores of
Galvn in the market.
-Un Baby for sale? Lucius took a deep breath.
Yes, in the black market closed her hands on the back of the chair. I heard nothing more
from him and, after a few days, I received the photograph. Do not know what to think. It
was very strange. The child had a familiar air, but he could be the son of anyone. Lots mez
cla in these lands and all Argentines crios are cute. Mr. Huntsman called me a few days later
and apologized for giving me hope. He was very friendly but blunt. He said he had learned
that the child could not be mine. Thomas was too small.
'And that was that?
Yes, more or less.
'And if it were really our son? He looked again child portrait.
I do not want imagine said shakily. We do not have any children. And I will never be a
mother. That is the only reality.
I wish I'd told me He left the photographer in the box. It would have tried to help somehow
in even if it was not ours.
No, please! Ana ma face with covered us.
'I was just saying ...

I know what you were saying. You would have tried to help the boy. You think I have not
thought a thousand times? -he was pale, acongojada-. I decided I hide telo purpose, Lucio.
No I told you not wanting your help. I was selfish!
-I Do not understand -amusg eyes.
Yes, I understand very well. You know I'm not a saint, exactly. I'm selfish and petty Her
voice weakened between sobs. And I hate myself for having left. I wanted to help and I did
not smite.
I've been mad at you forever, Lucio She pressed her fist to her mouth. I did not realize how
much was furious until I realized I could not give a hand to this poor child.
Why were you angry? Lucius was perplexed, puzzled.
She was so embarrassed I just could ex presarlo words. She wiped her tears and took a
'I blamed the abortion said, shuddering.
Lucio was hit by the news and stepped back in disbelief.
-The Story left me so deep as you, Ana.
If you had not abandoned me in the square ...
-I Did not! They took me by force ...
My head accepted that reason, but my heart confident that you rescue me from this horrible
inter swim Uruguay said.
I did not know where you were said, inflamed, but added that was immobilized months after
the beating.
She paused and swallowed bitterness of pa sado. I felt nauseous.
'Why have you waited so long to tell me?
I remember that terrified me the idea that something bad happened to Thomas if it were.
Not jaba thinking about him. I knew you would help me if I came home.
Oh, Ana! I can not believe what I'm hearing. I do not think that was the reason for our
divorce said.
I did not want a divorce replied.
Isn't wanted a divorce? She confronted her. Do not kid yourself, dear. You were so mad at
me that you stopped talking to me. You refused to sleep with me. You asked me to go to
the guest room. Everything was your idea.
But did not want to leave you -along hands in a pleading. Just did not know how to stop
what he had started.
Ana, this is killing me.
It's the truth. She was scared at what he felt. Yes, I was angry. But I realized, over time, I
was not mad at you. She was angry with life, against everything and everyone ...
'I can not do it held up a hand. It's been a long week, very hard. Your illness has led us to
the limit.
Forgive me, Lucio.
'It's not as simple replied.
All right he breathed and lifted her chin. I do not ask an exit. I just want an opportunity to
-Una Chance? You've had plenty of oppor tunities.
'What matters more? l asked haughty with tears in his eyes.

Chapter 10

UCIO was deeply angry when Mary announced that dinner was ready. He completely
ignored Ana on the table and as soon as Mary dropped the dishes, got up and left the room.
Ana watched as he walked away. She was devastated. He had not explained well and was
not sure he could do if he had another chance. Re Primio a sigh, he got up and went to
meet Lu cio. It was in the office, on the phone. He did not look when Anne opened the door.
Ana stood, waiting, while finali zaba the call.
What do you want now? he asked with absolute des price.
Will ya give find, Lucio? he ventured with the image of Thomas in mind.
'And for what? He swung the chair. Are you going to send a Christmas card?
No, but I have to know how she is. I want to know if a good family ...
-I Can guarantee you, sure enough, that's not the case.
Then He shuddered, maybe we can ayu give.
Did you think to ask more information to Mr. Huntsman?
'I could not locate it. The number faci me Lito is down.
'And you tried to look for the name?
-Yup. I spent weeks tracking him. I even hired a detective, but got nothing.
Was that when you decided to get away from me? said with grim look.
Ana'm sorry he apologized.
-it's Okay. Now I have said work and pointed to the door with a gesture. We'll talk about all
this for the ma ana.

He stared at the door for several minutes after the departure of Anabella.
He was confused. Anabella was visibly preo cupada for that kid, but I never accepted the
idea of adoption during their marriage. What were you looking at Thomas? Did he have a
Lucio spent half the night awake, at the computer, sending messages to all organisms
official mos and humanitarian organizations. Each message mentioned Alonso Huntsman
and recal Horse physical appearance of Thomas.
He went to bed late and Ana, half asleep, settled into his arms. Lucio lowered his head and
inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. He felt the curves of her body in perfect harmony with
its position. It was a very painful situation. I knew from the very day when he first saw that
was made for him.
He had never wanted anyone else with that animal passion.
Kiss me Ana whispered and hugged him so that her breasts were crushed against his body,
between the tor ment and ecstasy.
Not simply a single warned kiss.
'I hope she replied.
They made love with a primitive despair and slept cuddled. Lucio woke up first. He had not
yet dawned. He carefully separated and returned to Ana office. Coffee was prepared and
Cendio computer. But no one had responded to their requirements. So began a new round
of messages, determined to get a clue.
He dialed Dante while eating of sayuno in the office.
Good -salud- days. Sorry to bother you in the office.
Is there a problem with Anabella?
Not exactly said, aware that his rela tion with Dante still was somewhat distant. Nece site
information about the internship Uruguay where he was Ana. Have you ever talked to the
doctor who attended?
-Do Not. Why?
Are you absolutely sure that suffered a natural abortion?
I spoke to the headmistress was recalled after a pause with incredulous tone. I called from
the hos pital to tell me.
Did you ever mention the baby?
-Do Not. What is it?
A man named Alonso Huntsman will contacted your sister about a year.
Never heard that said name.
Lucio already had supposed. It was getting irritated. Had they tried to blackmail? Would
they have pretended that Thomas was his son? Or maybe someone had thought it really
was the son of Anabella?
But you're not sure that suffered an abortion, right? Was it possible that she gave birth to a
healthy child.
Not possible. Ship to Ana to boarding school for young ladies insisted Dante, his versionconvinced. And finally graduated.
Lucio was irritated a little more. Dante was behaving in an obtuse way. Anabella could have
you nest a healthy child and graduate. It was a pretty woman in teligente. And it grew
under pressure.
Not really believe that had this child, right? Dante pointed.
We're interested in a guy 'he said. This is Ana safe toy that will provide more information if
we can find it.
Lucio spent the rest of the day in the office of the bo dega. Continue investigating until he
gave some information. But at the end of the day, he felt a tre menda frustration that was
not a single track.
It was dusk when he reached the hacienda. The house is quiet taba and then heard laughter
coming from the kitchen. He entered and found Anabella on a stool with a sapling in his lap.
It was ju gando with the creature and his green eyes were intense love.

Sir! cried Maria. Look who's here! This is my grandson, George. You will stay with me this
weekend. Is not it lovely?
-and I think Ana murmured and kissed the moflete the child. It is very good and very
sociable. Want soste I nerlo, Lucio? Never cries.
He's happy you said and took the little hand of the child.
Lucio looked into the kitchen and saw that there was nothing in the oven. Mary cheered and
held out his hands to his grandson.
Do not bother to prepare dinner, Mary. Your family has come to see you. Go with them and
have fun. I think we will go out to dinner.
Later, on the stairs, he realized that he had not asked Ana.
I'm sorry he apologized. I did not ask. Would you like to go out?
Ana did not need an answer. Lucio warned faith licidad in his eyes. And if she was happy,
the world revolved happy.
An hour later they were installed on a table in a French restaurant in downtown Mendoza.
The cook was excellent and there was always queue but the manager found a free table for
Ana was radiant with a simple lace long dress with straps. The dress fit her figure and Lucio
did not take his eye. It was gorgeous. He had a great smile. And his laughter was
contagious. He was res plandeciente the candlelight.
As in the day of their wedding.
'It was an adventure have met Lucio said with a smile, grateful despite all the problems.
I hope not finished he said with an air of suspicion. You said we had one last wild ride.
I do not remember we talked about nothing wild. Pen knew we would do something
together, nothing more. Maybe a week at the beach or in Buenos Aires.
-Also Could approach the Perito Moreno in Patagonia.
Why would we go back there? she asked as she remembered the day of your wedding.
-To Renew our vows, of course.
Now yes I'm sure you've lost ca head said with a laugh.
Ana noticed the sarcasm, but still happy. This is taba delighted with the way he Lucio my
rarla and, above all, with the memory of your wedding.
It had been a very exciting experience. It has been bian declared his love in the midst of a
sea of ice. It was like a wedding at the Cathedral of Mother Nature. He thought that
penguins dressed in tails, and ran the choir. And the seals, whales and swans ne
represented gros guests.
You were dressed in beautiful girlfriend, Ana Lu said CIO. There are things that I regret, but
my wedding you not on that list.
'What you sorry?
-The Years dedicated to the methods of Chemic dad He tense. Perhaps all that wasted
energy in finding a child would have saved our relationship.
It's probably nodded.
'I can not believe you'll agree with me jabbed Lucio.
'I took a long time to accept, but now I understand. And I'm ready to get over it and get on
with my life.
But the phone rang Lucio before dispute.
I have to respond to this call and rose said while bringing the food. Do not wait, Ana. Start
without me. I'll be right back -Return to twenty minutes. Sorry for the absence. But it was
important. Fancy a coffee?
No, I'm satisfied. Thank You.
Let's go home, -and asked for the bill.
Ana thought Lucio was concerned. Aparen taba normal, but I knew that call had disturbed
Why was it so important that call? -pre it GUNTO as they left the restaurant.

Maybe you have to be away a few days said as he opened the car. I have to take care of the
'Where are you going?
'North. A Skip He pointed Lucio.
Ana got in the car and waited for Lucius sen tara behind the wheel.
May I join you?
-Do Not.
-why Not?
Lucio did not want to discuss it. He shook his head, he Cendio the engine and drove off.
That night he had received a call from Alonso Huntsman. He had heard that Lucio was
looking for and had been in contact with him. He had accepted an appointment to be seen
opposite the Cathedral High S, in three days. Huntsman seemed to know much about him
and that it uneasy.
Anabella was changed in her room and her nightgown. The dinner had been promising but
ultimately had been a disaster. What stood between them? Why they could not all func
He went to the window and looked the mountains. It was so dark that hardly distinguishable
from the black sky.
He heard a sound under the window and looked out. He discovered Lucio on the porch. Ana
put on a robe and went downstairs to meet him.
Lucio heard his footsteps and turned to her.
Why do you never considered the alternative of adoption? asked by surprise.
We were striving very hard to have a son replied. But I do not feel the same. And if we
found Thomas ...
'And otherwise?
I suppose we could think he admitted.
Always to stay together, of course -re Lucio scored.
But let's stay together he affirmed it, asus tada for a possible separation.
'I can tell. I do not think that's true.
Only're tired. That call made you angry.
Yes, I'm tired. But that's not the problem, Ana. I wish I'd been by your side when you
turned eighteen. I wish I'd rescued from the inter swim and had saved our son. But was not
there -apag cigarette violently. And you lost the baby and that wound is still open. Frankly,
Ana, I think we've made too many mistakes ...
But if there is love, everything can be overcome.
Spare me all that -inte Milonga Sentimental rrumpi-. I do not believe that and you, either.
- No let you do said, proud and tiva-. I'll find a way to make our relationship work.
I said 'That same little more than a year he tugged his cigarette in an ashtray de Lozada. I
fought with all my strength and did not care. No wanted a reconciliation.
I was wrong.
'God, Ana! He gave a dry laugh furiously. You're amazing. You drive me crazy. Even you
manage to doubt myself.
Ana came and warned that Lucio shunned. This ban playing an endless game of chess. And
in this game, the queen had all the power. Just had to stand firm, calm.
I want you to doubt yourself, skinny-his eyes cruzaron-. I want you so many doubts assail
you can not leave without granting us a new opportu nity.
That does not happen.
How can you be so sure?
I know you and I know she said with a smile. You are fighting for us. But you do not love,
but out of fear.
She did not answer. Lucio said he had injured Ana with his words and his expression
softened a little, warmer.

You talk a lot, dear. But beneath that facade there is only one female experience. No fear
per derme. You scared face life on your own.
Ana was dazed and my head was buzzing with zum due. He approached the garden and
leaned against the porch railing.
Maybe I lack experience and may have lived very sheltered. I grew up in a very different
environment yours. You have done what you wanted, you traveled ...
I would not say that riding tour the pampa is a journey, just interrupted Lucio. And I think
you've always done what you wanted. You're the most fickle woman I've ever met. Change
your mind continuously. You like the idea of the simple life, but you could not live without
this. You were born to this kind of life, bold. You belong to this world.
-No Know anything about me! Ana replied, full of anger.
Lucio know too replied.
Ana stood still, by the railing. I felt I was on edge. But he was atena Zada. The silence
became so thick between them that Anne could feel the tears gathering in his gar ganta.
Lucio did not like.
He hated that silence. He hated the emotions running through your mind and body. I felt
that everything has been a farce Bia based on pure physical attraction. Everything was
based on the chemistry of sex?
Ana looked past Lucio. The mansion high walls stood at his back and the sound of water in
the fountains stroked his ears. But Lucio had no ra zon. Their relationship was genuine and
full of senti ment. And that was love.
He closed his fists, determined to hide his fear.
It's very easy to criticize. You know my life and my pa sado. I, however, do not have that
advantage. I know nothing of your home, your family and your world. Just know that
renuncia ciaste your freedom to marry me. I wish to know your past.
'It's not life for a woman.
Maybe not belong to india and mountains said Anne. But I'm not a weakling. Be riding, I can
camping and outdoor cooking ...
'Our life is not to go camping.
You're going to wear it difficult, right?
'You are the mistress of the challenges pointed with a car cajada-. Everything has to be
difficult, intense, demanding.
Always has been a player, Lucio. Bet on me said, determined to give everything to
recuperarlo-. Ll vame you when you return to your land in two days. Show me where you
were born and where you educated. I know you better and I would like introduce me to
your family. It would mean a lot to me. I know that your father passed away last year, but
would like to know your ma father, your brother ... and your friends.
-and There is almost nobody in the village said. It is a poor, small, boring place.
-Dejars you to judge him for myself?
-Access Is complicated and are recovering.
'You know I'm much better. Call Dr. Dominguez suggested, knowing he had the lost-battle.
Do not ask the moon, Lucio. I just want accom Panarte. It will also be fun. There will be new
Then go on a cruise. There are very boni boats sail by coughing and very safe harbors. No
movie gro and no problems.
That's very cruel.
Just trying to be honest jabbed Lucio.
Ana had no arguments. There was only one last trick, desperate.
If you love me, Lucio. If you've ever loved me ... he warned the threat in the grim
expression of Lucio. If you loved me, you take me with you.
Lucio looked up slowly. His gaze was so intense that he saw his own reflection in the
blackness of his pupils.
You want to join me? The voice sounded caustic. Okay, you go. We leave tomorrow.

Chapter 11

WHAT TIME we leave? he asked impa science. -Early Announced in intimidating tone.
Well said, more excited than ever. I'm an siosa.
Me too jabbed Lucio, who had always ce brated that childish enthusiasm Anne. You will have
to prepare tonight. Only a backpack filled with clothes and lie essential. We will march we at
Ana was the suitcase in his room. He chose ed clothing fashionable and cool. Once in bed
she emerged in hope. Despite what he thought Lucio, would have another chance to start
over, banish bad memories and regain the freedom they had shared in the past.
She had to be positive. Everything was to maintain a good attitude.
The knock on the door of his room he sounded very janus. Then another stronger it
happened. Ana opened her eyes and looked at the clock. Scored three thirty. There had to

be a joke. He stood up and sat on the bed edge. It was possible that the sea would charse
so early.
Ana mane face turned away and walked to the door. He opened it and found that everything
was Dark flush. Barely make out the figure of Lucio in the Dark authority.
'You're taking the hair yawned and rubbed her eyes.
'Are not you ready? he asked gravely. It is time.
-Nos Left? He leaned on the doorframe. What three thirty?
-Do Not. We left three forty. That gives you ten minutes to prepare and meet me at the
stables. And if you are late one minute, I'll go without you.
Lucius whispered, knowing he was speaking in rio.
Not pressures me, Ana. Not the best day-his black eyes defied the night. I have the
impression that I have spent a lifetime waiting and tired. We will go on this trip, go home
and des later, I'll leave.
-Te Be leaving? he repeated, demudada.
Yes, ma'am-and his white teeth gleamed in the hallway for a moment. I follow my path.
Lucio went downstairs with a knot in this wizard. He went into the kitchen and took the
saddlebags were filled with food. It had been very hard on Anabella and he did not like. He
was angry, of course. But what was the pay her?
Nothing had happened was because of Ana. She had not wanted the abortion. Nor was
there with tactado with Alonso Huntsman nor had sought the photo of the boy. That man
had fed their hope. And I could not blame her because she had not come to him. He
understood his disappointment. I felt something.
He left the house and went to the barn. It was still cold and thought Anabella need a jacket.
But at noon would rather warm on the mountain. He hoped that he had decided to wear
Anabella appeared dressed in jeans, a shirt, a poncho and boots. She'd pulled her hair and
red poncho made it look Indian. No one would have recognized the daughter of Count
Are you ready? asked Lucio, who had ensi oped the horses. Upload and see how you feel
your temper.
Ana felt the warmth of his hand on the fabric you wanted pants while aupaba to the chair.
One hand brushed his cheek at the time he sat on the thick sheepskin.
Slowly, skinny warned Anne. You do not want me to sit on your hand.
-Eso Should scare? he asked with a neutral expression.
A little said and grimaced.
'You're very different from your temperamental mare Lucio said. And I assure you I have
never had proble more with that horse.
She smiled, amused at the prospect. Lucio had raised this horse since he was a foal. And he
had given it as a wedding gift.
Now checking that everything was in place.
'Have you find comfortable? he asked, Slipper zaba hand along her leg to pantorr i lla.
Ana shuddered at that very light touch. He noticed a shift in the stomach. He wanted to feel
against your skin, hug him tightly. The force of desire was abrasive and seemed a eterni
had elapsed since the last time dad who had enjoyed a full day in bed.
Are you all right? Lucio repeated.
That depends on the hue of the questions answered fully sensitized.
This morning you are very warlike, bold said and wrapped the reins in his hand.
I do not know what happens jabbed me without hiding the burning desire in his voice. I
guess I have not slept mu cho tonight.
You ought to I sorry you lying earlier.
The tone of his voice was distant, but cons taba with the fire of his eyes. He could not hide
from seo. It was an open secret.

'You should have let me longer replied while trying to break free of his hand. You know how
I get if I sleep less than seven hours.
It crossed her mind that Lucio still enjoyed the tension between them. No woman had
opposed much resistance to his charms.
I remember when you were sleeping just over four ho ras said and pulled her face towards
him, inches from her lips. I remember when you made love and pa We knew all night. You
were full of life.
Ana could not breathe. The blood rushed to his head and felt a heartbeat in the womb. It
was sensual and perverse. It had been his. Lucio had loved so intensely that she had been
marked by the fire of his passion. I could never sleep with another man. Lucio was her
But there were some problems between them and the so lution required patience. And a
great sense of humor.
That was in the past replied breathlessly. You were much younger. I doubt you can now ...
maintain that level of efficiency.
'You must not worry about my ability he replied, wounded in his pride. I'm stronger and I
have more in control of my body. I can stop whenever I want. Or if you what you ask.
She opened her eyes and felt a tingling in the body. He felt the gaze of Lucio rested on his
lower lip. She wanted a kiss with all his soul.
But I guess you'll never know, right? - Said and retired after slap on the thigh. You can
saste me. So you should be happy, Anabella. You're about to get rid of me forever.
Said 'I'm not free, boots in estri bos, upright on the chair. And neither are you skinny.
Lucio gave him a scathing look. Hat was placed and took the reins of his horse. Ana looked
at him, rapt, while riding his sorrel. He was more muscular than five years ago. He thought
that time the city had not spoiled her figure. It has Bia acquired a sensuality that did not
interfere with their primitive sexuality.
The first time we made love and had lost her virginity in her hands, Lucio had ex plorado his
body as if it were a property.
But now he trotted away from the stables and Ana, despite the fury of desire that gnawed,
had no choice but to follow.
I had asked one last adventure and Lucio would grant it. And maybe that trip encontrase
the ca mino back to the heart of Lucio. It had been many months since the last time I had
ridden and by noon had sore thighs. At three is taba exhausted.
How much further? he asked as he stopped at a stream for the horses to drink, sunscorched mountain.
-Ya You had enough? Lucius leaned on his stallion.
No, 'said and smiled tough girl.
'I have a headache, right? he ventured with expression sion.
'It's nothing, Lucio -asegur, but downgraded the wrinkle on his forehead. I'm fine. I want
to move on. Please!
All right nodded reluctantly. Come on.
They followed in the wake of the stream between guns and scattered shadows of the trees.
It was dark when Lucio dismounted.
We'll spend the night here He walked over to her to help her get off the horse.
Desensillaremos horses to rest a little.
Atas isn't horses? asked Anne.
-why? They will not leave. They, unlike you, they respect me.
Ana took the saddle of his horse and stroked his back with his hand. He checked, satisfied,
which was in per fect condition.
Not having any bruise said.
Of course not. A gaucho abusing a horse is not a real gaucho pulled a towel and wiped his
animal-. There are three sacred things for a gaucho. His horse represents freedom. His
weapon is his best friend and protector.

'And the third?

His wife replied.
They ate meat, cheese and onion pasties that Mary had prepared the night before his
Where are we? asked Anne. I just want an approximate answer.
'About five miles from San Juan will reckon with a smile. Not appear to have advanced
much, right?
I thought we'd be further admitted Anne. But I'm very happy. This is fun.
Yes, ma'am. It's an adventure.
She closed her eyes and ignored the taunts Lucio. I knew I was going to have a wonderful
time making her suffer. Suddenly he felt a blow to the arm. Ana opened her eyes and found
a chocolate bar on the blanket.
-The Dessert Lucio said. Enjoy it.
And so it was. He lay sob re blanket, looked Starfish and nipped the bar with delight. He
recalled giving rides with his father in the neighborhood of Belgrano. Sunday afternoons
were reserved for dad and Anabella. Everyone knew his pa dre and walked among the tents
until terminated in the corner shop.
And every Sunday, week after week, month after month, year after year, his father held the
door as she chose her favorite sweet. And every Sunday chose a bar of Swiss chocolate
wrapped in paper do rado. Every Sunday his father offered him an ounce and he, very
polite, always rejected the offer.
My father could be very affectionate said, lying sideways, pushed by the vividness of the
No one is all bad, 'said Lucio, lying on petate-. Not even you.
Thank you, skinny she said with a smile.
-No Problem, skinny. Good night.
Just a few minutes later he noticed how the buffeted Lucio.
Open your eyes, sleepyhead. It's time.
-Ya? with said fixed in the blue sky look.
We have a long way ahead before sayuno. We better get moving. I have an appointment in
Famatina and I can not miss.
After two hours they left the stone path and entered Famatina Valley, populated by cac
your. They arrived in Famatina at noon and stopped in front of a simple coffee. While tying
the Horse ground rolls to the branch of a tree, Lucio told him to ask Ana coffee and a
They sat with their mugs on the terrace. Lucio looked at his watch a couple of times while
breakfast now Naban.
'Who are you waiting for? asked Anne.
I'm meeting Alonso Huntsman said and emptied his cup.
She choked and repeated the name in disbelief. This is taba bewildered. They kept waiting
and Ana em Pezo to feel nervous. Lucio pulled a knife and began to carve a piece of wood.
He suddenly pulled to the cafe car and a woman in beige dress. His expression softened
when he recognized Lucio on the terrace.
'Mr Cruz? he asked and held out his hand.
-Yup? She rose, cautious.
Sorry to say that there has been a setback on the agenda of Mr. Huntsman said the girl with
some difficulty to express themselves in Castilian. It has me in viado on your behalf. He
asked me to give you this. Good luck!
The woman returned to the car and, as they walked away, Lucio opened the envelope.
At least we know that Huntsman is not a crimi nal said as he held the document so that it
examinara- Ana. It is an intelligence agent Brita unique.
-How? Ana looked at the paper.
It's a spy.

Chapter 12

N SPY? Anabella repeated, prey exci tacin-. Do I still James Bond? Well, I guess it will not
be as seductive as James Bond. But, of course, works for the government replied Lucio.
He checked the rest of the papers. There was a list of names, addresses and telephone
numbers. Figure ban everyone who ever had rela tion with Thomas.

Everything are clues that lead to Toms Ana said as he read the names. I think we are not
far from his last stop.
They're old tracks Lucio corrected while reading the limits-. Apparently, the guy has disap
acid orphanage.
I -Desaparecido?
-Alonso Says he has left and that there nin guna track.
Not possible protested Ana, rigidly. The orfana cough keep track. Have recorded his last
direc tion. They would not let a stranger carry a kid. The boys did not vanish into thin air
without a trace! Where was this orphanage?
-In The outskirts of San Salvador de Jujuy Lucio said.
Not far away, Lucio. Are just two hours drive from Salta She grabbed his arm. Let's rent a
car and go. We could introduce there late in the afternoon.
Lucio did not answer, absorbed in the notes Alonso. It seemed that the course orphanage
was not registered. Missing children was not unusual. In the last year there had been four
directors dif ferent. The building was in the mountains and deduced that it was a small
establishment. Ma house a maximum of twenty children, descendants of the Incas mostly.
And if such a small center not remember Thomas meant that something was wrong.
Come on, Lucio. Seek a car. We're wasting time.
-For A little, Ana. We have horses and there are still many loose ends.
Maybe Alonso He pointed erred search Ana, fre ntica-. Maybe did the right questions. San
Salvador de Jujuy is removed from the world and is a former trano. It makes sense that
people do not trust him. But you have Indian blood. People trust you. This is safe toy.
He spoke with great passion. Lucio knew the child had not evaporated. Something had
happened. But what?
He recalled that five years ago, a border band had alarmed the population with robbery,
kidnapping and blackmail. They had kidnapped many children they had sold, rumored
wealthy families from other continents. But they had arrested two years ago and since then,
life on the frontier had normalized.
Lucio gasped. Alonso was a secret agent. How he had learned of the case of Thomas? How
had discovered the relationship with Galvan family? It crossed his mind that maybe it was
something much bigger than the disappearance of a child. He recalled that Ana had
mentioned the black market.
Perhaps Alonso knew the whereabouts of Thomas, but did not want to reveal that the
operation did not see babysitter below.
Alonso had to meet. Something in the infor mation containing the envelope was highly
So you're not going to do anything? Ana stood before him. Are we going to sit idly by while
we wait?
-Actuaremos Said very carefully to save storage.
'And what does that mean? he asked angrily.
I'll do some research before we are moving towards the north replied calmly. I want
estrechramos search.
-that's It? She shook her head while muttering something between his teeth. Do we go back
home for you to make a call?
Not going home and I will make some calls. We will continue our way and stop occasionally.
I have friends on the way.
I do not want to follow -manifest- horse. I'm not interested. I want a car to take me to
Jujuy. I want to go to that orphanage and meet with the director ...
-has Been replaced Lucio interrupted. The center has had four different directors over the
past year. You said you wanted to know my world, my fami lia. And that's what I intend, if
you let me ...
But Thomas ...

He's gone. You better let my people give us a hand. Achieve nothing if we turned up at the
city arming stir. Just get up suspicions.
you really think your people can help us?
-Yup. But be patient. You have to realize that you are now on foreign soil. And as we move
into the mountains, you will meet people who will distrust you as much as your family siem
pre been wary of me.
Ana closed her eyes and let out a tear. Lu cio felt his heart contract and wiped his tears with
the tip of the index finger.
I know you will not be easy, Ana, because whenever you like getting your way. Like
supervise everything, but here it has to be done my way. Can you have SLORC? Why us?
He hesitated a moment. Why me?
She clenched her jaw. He swallowed hard and blinked. His eyes were wet, but stared Lucio.
Yes, said.
Satisfied, Lucio returned the documents to so bre, kept everything under the leather belt
and went into a store to stock up with food. He put everything in the saddlebags and left
the city mountains road.
They rode for several hours. Anabella, alien landscape, only thought Thomas. Who would
have sa ed the orphanage? According to the documentation of Lucio, someone had taken
between September and Decem ber last year.
But maybe it was good news that would of xed the orphanage. Perhaps he had found a good
family. Or maybe it had returned to their pa ents. But Ana knew that actually was cheating
Nando. Heated and irritable, took off his poncho and tied it around his waist. She was tired
and wanted RESPONSE tas.
But Lucio had asked her to trust him. Ana suppressed a groan. He hated the prospect that
bird cinaba.
-and Little lack Lucio said, animoso-. Stay close to me.
'That attempt said with a frown.
I know it's a very steep hill, but he's effort worthwhile. Are not you having fun, skinny? he
asked gently.
'On the contrary, sir. I'm really enjoying the ride.
After one hour, after crowning the top and descen der to the valley, Ana is encouraged.
'Is that smoke? he asked.
-my Friends. We camp here tonight.
There were half a dozen gauchos gathered at the edge of a lake. They were dressed in jeans
and white shirts. One prepared matte when Lucio dismounted. He was received with
enthusiasm. To They both hugged. Then all salu silenced two turned in unison toward Ana.
-This Is Anabella said quietly sum. My wife.
And immediately, gauchos forgot it and were interested in horses. Then they sat alrede dor
campfire and shared a cup of mate.
Ana was left alone for more than an hour mien after the men chatted and laughed. No
conceived that Lucio had forgotten her. The ceremony of mate could be extended several
hours and looked to take them all night.
Perhaps she had been invited? No. Did Lucio had told her? No. I had forgotten existed.
Finally, he got up, dusted himself off and approached her.
You want to swim? he asked. There are a source of thermal water behind the rocks. It is
protected and nobody will bother you. You will have complete privacy.
'I have not brought a towel said, unable to recog cer insecurity in this area.
'I do,' said Lucio and unpacked the towel he kept in his backpack.
Ana followed, spent long campaign by the Parliament and came to the hot spring. It was as
has Bia said. He bent down and saw that the water temperature was ideal.
Are there many pools like this? he asked.
A couple of her in the said area. And many more if you go north. It is a consequence of Ojos
del Salado volcano.

She shuddered when she felt his fingers behind his head. It was very simple surrender to
his touch. It was Aug tada and his hands were strong. She loved the confidence of his
movements when touched. They had never exis direction doubts among them.
Are you going to swim with me? she asked, facing him, anxious to retain it.
Not I can, bold. I have to meet with my people. It is important. I sit with them a while ...
-Ya You did! She pressed against his chest. You've spent an hour with them.
'You have to be angry said while trying to calm her. One man, Victor, comes from the area
of Jujuy. They are people who know these lands, Ana. We have come to learn. Perhaps PUE
give help.
But I want to be part of the search protested.
'Things are different here, Ana. The gauchos vi are separated from their wives for long
season days. They are very independent people. I can not pe dirles help if you sit with us.
She nodded. In those moments, he began to com ignite Lucio how he felt being excluded by
his family.
After the bath and a hearty dinner typically gau cha, people are divided into small groups.
Some ju gaban cards, ot ros chatted and one to Horse guitar. The music bouncing off the
rocks and as cenda to heaven.
'Do not be angry with them Lucio whispered in his ear so you do not hear. Not displease
them, Ana. But to Davia not know you.
Yes, I understand he assured. I know I only want the best for you.
'You're the best He bent and kissed her meji nal. The best ever.
Isn't we can retreat to a secluded place? he asked. Staying alone?
'You can not live without a little sex, right?
'I do not need the sex, Lucio replied, blushing. I will miss you.
Lucio lashes lifted and she watched the fire in his eyes. I knew that was exactly what she
Come said. We have outstanding things.
They left the group. They crossed the hot springs and came to a clearing. Then he pushed
the body of Ana against a rock and she inhaled deeply the night air.
She was hungry and longed contact with your body. He slid his fingertips on the wet torso
of Lucio. He circled his finger mo xed around one of her nipples and sucked Lucio violently.
I do not think you want to do he said hoarsely.
Of course I want, 'said Anne, pleased at his reaction.
No woman caresses me that way and be warned.
He wanted to possess her. He wanted a life with him, unconditional surrender.
Ana rubbed his hands gently on her mus the back and kissed his chest.
'You know what I want.
Not employ many subtleties Lucio admitted.
-It Should? he asked slyly.
You're playing with fire, bold.
Lucio sought under her blouse and pulled the garment above. Ana had not worn a bra and I
was half naked. Lucio emitted a guttural growl, cu vered her breasts with his hands and
pushed hard until he was pinned against the rock. He lowered his head and brushed his
mouth curve of one of its pe rights. She felt the rough stubble on his skin and the
sweetness of his tongue on the nipple. She moaned as Lucio mor day erect nipple with his
lips. He sucked hard and awoke inside an infinite pleasure.
Ana shuddered when Lucio switched to another pe cho. He traced his tongue nipple areola
and she's had to faint.
'Do not move Lucio ordered. Now you're mine. You belong to me.
He reached down and undid the buttons of her skirt. He watched the garment fell at his feet
and celebrated the vi sion that was offered to her eyes.

He placed a kiss on the inside of her thigh. She ran out of air while Lucio took away her
panties. Ana felt totally exposed violates ble. But it was also incredibly sensual. I knew
belonged to Lucio body and soul.
Lucio kissed the crossroads of her thighs. Was used with all the tenderness she could to be
melt with sos. Ana could not resist long. She felt his desire grew and forgot inhibitions. He
knew that whatever he did, was to enjoy it. He could co mrsela alive and ask for more. He
placed his hands on the ca head of Lucio and began to tremble. Tongue moved so gently, so
patiently. She estreme it tio ng when the excitation was concentrated under his om bligo.
He moved his fingers and his hair matted with every thrust of his tongue. He gripped fears
rose that fail legs.
This is too said, breathless.
Never is too much for you Lucio replied with a slight laugh.

Chapter 13

A EXCITEMENT was so great that Ana did not understand how he had not reached the
climax yet. His heart was beating so hard that barely breathing.
Suddenly he reached the sky and your body is oped while molten lava coursing through his
veins. She dug her nails into his shoulders Lucio, for support.
He had barely recovered when Lucio will VANTO in the air, he put her legs around his waist
and buried in it. Ana gasped and felt the contraction of your muscles. She buried her face in
his chest Lucio. He was in heaven. Felt were one body, one person.
You're so hot Lucio said. I've never felt so hot.
I've never been so in love she said.
They began to move in a rhythmic way, DESPA cio. Ana felt they were part of nature. They
were creatures of the night. I never imagined that life could provide greater happiness.
And when Lucio was discharged into it, Ana also surrendered. Lucio embraced Anabella until
their bodies relaxed. He brushed the hair from her face tenderly as she held her naked, wet
I'm leaving in the morning and said put noticed how tense. I'll be away with Victor and me a
couple of days. Three at most.
Are you going to leave me here? he asked, puzzled.
I want you to stay here. You'll be safe -ex plic-. The others will watch over you.
But why go with Victor? And where are you going?
Let's Jujuy announced. We will go faster without you.
But you assured me that we would go together. You said you would do this trip together ...
-want Find Thomas, right? -she not answered, so but Lucio knew the answer. Victor knows
some people. Has contacts with dangerous types. This is toy willing to risk. But I will not let
you co rras without risk.
I do not want to do anything dangerous. Maybe should laugh contact Alonso.
Come on, do not be a coward. You know we can not wait. Both are concerned about the
boy. And we want to ensure that you are safe. Come on, di jiste to trust me.
-Se Supposed to form a team!
And it is true.
-A Team does not abandon half its people when the other half is in danger.
Lucio wanted to smile, but did not dare. She was very angry, but he was excited his
insistence. But never endanger their welfare.
We're a team. But sometimes, the roles are not equivalent. If you think you have taken the
lead during our stay in Mendoza. Our life was adjusted to your needs He saw him open his
mouth and VANTO hand. And I accepted it. I never regretted my deci sions. But this is my
land and I'm in charge here.
But I'm strong, Lucio. And I'm ready. You do not have to let me in the background pleaded
with her big green eyes, eager to accompany him.
You have to trust me because no one will love ja 's as much as I said.
-Still love me whispered tearfully.
-of Course. My life is yours to l He leaned kissed. Trust me. Never
I leave you, never betray you and never will put you in danger. And I'll come get you when
I know something.
It's okay, 'said Anne with the gasped. You can leave in the morning. But you must have
CERME love tonight again.
Lucio was gone for two days.
One of the men rode to her. He thought for a moment, it was Lucio and sat up. But there
was another gaucho.

She narrowed her eyes, but she was blinded by the sun. The gaucho was drenched in sweat
and his shirt clung to her body. Ana did not know him, but stops ca Lucio.
Madam Cruz gaucho-the dismounted from his horse. You must come with me. We go away.
Lucio wants to meet with him in the morning.
Are we going to travel all night? he asked.
It's simple carefree said.
-Los Two of us? Ana did not hide his fear.
No, the others will come with us said and gestured to the two riders who waited beside the
lake. Do not worry. You will not be alone with me.
-Do Not. I'll be alone with three strangers.
-Do Not worry about it. Lucio's in love with you. He has entrusted this mission because I am
as strong as he said.
I suppose you know well ventured Ana.
-and Believe it gaucho -the she held out her hand. I am Or lando Cruz, little brother. And
that makes her my sister.
Lucio's brother. Do not know whether to laugh or mourn. He shook hands with Orlando.
Hello, Orlando.
Hello, Anabella. Collect your things. We must go.
They rode all night. Ana dozed part of the way, supported in Orlando, and took a moment to
realize that they had stopped. He felt strong hands and blinked sleepily.
Yes, it's not a dream he said. You're with me.
Whether it was morning. He looked around and assumed that it is Taban in a small town,
facing a nondescript building.
What time is it? he asked.
Just over seven o'clock the -inform Lu cio.
Have you learned anything of Thomas? he asked.
Yes, said and, without saying anything more, pushed Anabe lla to the door of the building.
It was dark and Ana Lucio felt the hand on his back. I was scared. He squinted and saw the
presen ence of two people inside the house. There was a tall, brown hair, and a child.
Good morning, Anabella.
I -Alonso? He admitted the voice instantly.
I said I'm glad to see you. You espe we were rando.
Who do you mean? He looked Alonso and the boy. Ana felt cold, then heat. He began to
tremble. Vol saw back at the boy. It was Thomas.
He gasped. It was not a baby. Was a boy with black hair, golden skin and eyes see des.
Ana was blinded by tears. He turned and buried her face in his chest Lucio. Trembling
between strong spasms.
-Anabella Said Alonso. I present to Thomas. She has five years and would be happy she
could we provide a bed, a home and parents.
Ana was in a cloud. He turned and opened his eyes. The boy was still there, watching her.
Ana Lucio said. He is our son.
Are you sure it is ...?
Yes, completely.
Ana felt he could not breathe. Not reach oxygen to your lungs.
How do you know? he asked.
We've done DNA testing Alonso said. The results came last night.
But you told me ... that Thomas could not be ...
-I Was wrong. He was so thin, that calculates mos evil age. The doctor working for us told
us it was smaller than it was in reality year.
Who was that doctor ?, Ana asked.

-Alonso Had not left the country -the Lucio said, pulling her toward him. He has been
working with the government, doing the paperwork for devolvie we ran the child, but did
not want to meet us until we had all the answers.
'And when you did an analysis for DNA testing?
-In Mendoza. After talking with Alonso, I went to the doctor's office Dominguez and I
became a analy sis of blood. Alonso and had a blood sample from Thomas.
Why did not you tell me all this?
Because I do not want to create you false hopes and fran cally not know what to believe.
Ana did not understand that Lucio was so tran kilo. She was trembling. He looked again To
most, still very serious. But I was not scared. The boy smiled and she returned it, despite
everything I was feeling. She wanted to hug him. But I was afraid to touch it.
And what happens now? he asked.
You'll have to fill out some papers in co Alonso said police center this afternoon. Then you
can sea charse with his son home.
-that's It? said, puzzled.
Not exactly, 'said Lucio. Ana, there's something else you should know before you emotions
You're not going to tell me that they have mistreated?
No, it is not that. Sure he has not had an easy life, from home to home and orphanage
orphanage for the past four years.
Ana felt a stab of pain. The boy had his fered a torment. I had a lot of questions in my
head. But it was not the best time while Thomas waited, standing like a soldier.
Lucio Alonso nodded and moved about me ters. He reappeared instantly with another child
pe Queno. Ana gasped at the presence of another child.
-This Past year, as they settled in the new orphanage, Thomas took a mate Lucio's voice
was serious undertone. Thomas believes that Tully is like his brother. They are inseparable.
Nobody said anything. Hannah's heart was pounding.
'I do not like to separate Lucio said. But I will not impose my view. It's your decision.
In that case, we have two boys sighed Ana.
I do not want you to feel obligated. I know you've never been in favor of adoption and not
want you to decide now, so tired ...
-For She grabbed his arm and shook his head at such a stupidly discussion. There is no
difference between them. Perhaps Thomas is our son, but is a former trano for us. And if
you want to Tulio, should they occur together. Come with us as brothers.
'We have to decide now' said Lucio.
But they did because both were convinced of his position.
Lucio wanted her to be happy and Ana felt your love as a continuous tide.
'This will change everything said and looked at the boys, so scrawny.
-and So has admitted Lucio.
Her green eyes filled with tears. It was true. The appearance of Thomas in their lives had
changed everything. No longer was two of them. It was not just about romance, passion.
Now it was a cue ment family. It was stability, courage and expectancy. And above all, was
to keep the faith for the future.
Ana knelt trembling hands on mus 's, and studied the faces of two children, solemn eyes.
She smiled through her tears.
Hello, Thomas and Tulio. My name is Anabella Cruz. I am your mother.


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