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abduct (v)

abridge (v.)

= ,

abstain (v.)

= ,

accede (v.)

= ,

accelerate (v.)

= ,

accommodate (v.) = ,
accompany (v.)

accomplish (v.)

= achieve

accuse (v.)

= blame for wrongdoing

acquire (v.)

= get as ones own

adapt (v.)

= modify

adjust (v.)

= change or regulate so as to improve ,

admire (v.)

= look at something with pleasure

adopt (v.)

= take on ,

adore (v.)
= love someone very much and feel very proud of
them ,
adulterate (v.)

= corrupt , debase , or make impure ,

affect (v.)

= act upon ,

affiliate (v.)
= connect or associate with , accept as a member
affix (v.)

= attach or add on , fasten , ,

afford (v.)

= be able to pay for something

agitate (v.)

= stir up , disturb ,

aid (v.)

= help , support

alleviate (v.)

= lessen or make easier ,

allocate (v.)

= set aside , designate , assign ,

allude (v.)
= refer indirectly to something
alter (v.)

= make change in ,

amend (v.)

= add to or change (a proposal or law)

appeal (v.)

= have an attraction , make a request for help

appoint (v.)

= name , choose

approach (v.)

= near

ascend (v.)

= go up , mount , rise

assent (v.)

= agree , accept , consent ,

assess (v.)

= estimate the value of

assist (v.)

= help

attempt (n., v.)


= an effort to do something , try to do

augment (v.)

= increase or add to , make larger ,

bear (v.)

= endure

behave (v.)

= act or function in a certain way ,

bellow (v.)

= give a loud roar ,

betray (v.)

= turn against , be false to

bluff (v.)

= mislead by a false display of confidence ,

boast (v.)

= praise oneself or ones possession

burst (v.)

= break or cause to break ,

categorize (v.)

= classify

caution (v. , n.)

= warn, carefulness ,

challenge (v.)

= test the skills or abilities of someone or something,

choke (v.)
= cannot breathe properly because something is
blocking your windpipe ,
chronicle (v.)

= record (

circulate (v.)

= distribute ,

cite (v.)

= refer to ,

cling (v.)

= stick , adhere , remain faithful , ,

coerce (v.)
= force somebody to do something that they do not
want to do ,
collaborate (v.)

= work together , cooperate

collapse (n. , v.)

= fall ,

combat (v.)

= counteract ,

commence (v.)

= start

commiserate (v.) = fell or express pity or sympathy for

commodity (n.)

= product

compact (v.)

= compress ,

compete (v.)
= strive against another or other to win
complicate (v.)

= make complex , difficult , or hard to deal with

compliment (v.)

= praise ,

comply (v.)

= do what you have to do or are asked to do ,

compose (v.)

= write ,

compromise (v.)

= settle by mutual adjustment

conceal (v.)

= hide something carefully

concede (v.)
= acknowledge , admin , surrender , abandon ones
position , ,
confer (v.)
= give someone a title or degree as a reward
confess (v.)

= acknowledge or disclose ones misdeed or sin

confidence (n.)

= the state of trust in or reliance upon another

confiscate (v.)
= seize , take possession of (private property( by
official order ,
constrain (v.)

= force , compel , restrain ,

contaminate (v.)

= pollute ,

contravene (v.)

= act contrary to, oppose or contradict ,

correlate (v.)

= bring into mutual relation

corroborate (v.)

= confirm the validity

crawl (v.)

= move slowly on hands and knees

curtail (v.)

= shorten , reduce ,

decay (v.)

= rot

deceive (v.)

= trick someone by behaving in a dishonest

declare (v.)

= make know officially ,

deliberate (v.)

= consider carefully ,weigh in the mind

demonstrate (v.)

= prove indubitably ,

denounce (v.)

= speak out against , condemn


= portray , describe

deplete (v.)

= reduce , empty , exhaust , ,

depreciate (v.)

= lessen the worth of ,

determine (v.)

= form a firm intention to do something

disappear (v.)

= go away , vanish ,

disclose (v.)

= reveal

discord (v.)

= disagreement , lack of harmony

discriminate (v.) = distinguish , demonstrate bias

dismiss (v.)

= refuse to accept that something might be true

display (v.)

= show

dispute (v.)

= argue about , debate

disrupt (v.)

= interrupt something and make it stop

dissolve (v.)
distinguish (v.)

= differentiate

donate (v.)

= bestow as a gift , especially for a worthy

dwell (v.)

= reside

eliminate (v.)
= completely get rid of something that is unnecessary
or unwanted
emerge (v.)

= come into prominence

endorse (v.)

= support , approve of , recommend ,

endure (v.)

= survive

enhance (v.)
= improve , compliment , make more
attractive , ,
enrich (v.)
= improve the quality of something , especially by
adding things to it ,
establish (v.)

= bring into existence , create

estimate (v.)

= calculate ,

evoke (v.)

= call forth , provoke ,

exceed (v.)

= surpass ,

exhaust (v.)
= empty by draining off; the; contents

expand (v.)

= increase in range or scope

expedite (v.)

= hasten the action of

explode (v.)

= burst

extinguish (v.)

= make a fire or light stop burning

feign (v.)

= pretend

flee (v.)

= run away

fluctuate (v.)

= change

forecast (v.)

= predict

forgive (v.)

= pardon , excuse , remove guilt

forsake (v.)

= abandon

foster (v.)

= promote , encourage , bring up , rear ,

giggle (v.)

= laugh

glimmer (v.)

= shine erratically , twinkle ,

glimpse (v.)

= see in a very short time

grin (v.)

= smile broadly

hamper (v.)

= interfere with , hinder ,

harbor (n. , v.)

= a place of safety or shelter , give shelter or
protect ,
harness (v.)

= control

haul (v.)

= pull or carry with effort ,

hesitate (v.)

= hold back especially when in doubt ,

hibernate (v.)

= sleep throughout the winter

hinder (v.)

= obstruct

ignite (v.)

= catch fire

ignore (v.)

= pay no attention ,

illustrate (v.)

= represent ,

immerse (v.)

= absorb , put under the surface of ,

impair (v.)

= damage , weaken ,

impale (v.)

= pierce (with a sharp point)

impede (v.)

= hinder ,

imperil (v.)

= endanger

implement (v. , n.) = carry into effect , something used in a given

activity ,

imply (v.)
= suggest that something is true withoutsaying this
infer (v.)

= form an opinion , conclude ,

inhale (v.)

= breathe in

inhibit (v.)

= restrain , prohibit , retard or prevent , ,

inspect (v.)
= examine something carefully in order to find out
more about it
insult (v.)
= say something that makes another person angry or
dishonored ,
interfere (v.)

= hinder ,

interrupt (v.)

= stop while in progress ,

intervene (v.)

= come between , interfere ,

invent (v.)

= create ,

invoke (v.)

= ask for , call upon

involve (v.)

= entail

knead (v.)

= mix , massage ,

launch (v.)

= start to carry out ,

manifest (v.)

= show clearly , appear ,

manipulate (v.)
= operate with ones hands, control or play upon
artfully ,maneuver , ,

miserable (v.)

= not happy

misplace (v.)

= put in the wrong place

mitigate (v.)

= alleviate , lessen , soothe

mock (v.)

= imitate in a way that insults ,

moderation (n.)
= quality of being limited , not extreme

modify (v.)

= change

modulate (v.)

= regulate or adjust , vary the pitch ,

multiply (v.)

= reproduce ,

muse (v.)

= think or speak meditatively

neglect (v.)

= fail to give proper care or attention to ,

obliterate (v.)

= destroy completely

obtrude (v.)

= thrust forward , eject

occupy (v.)

= inhabit ,

occur (v.)

= happen

outwit (v.)
= outsmart , defeat by behaving more cleverly
overstate (v.)

= exaggerate

palliate (v.)

= mitigate , alleviate , ease ,

paraphrase (v.)
= restate a passage in ones own words while
retaining thought of author

peek (v.)

= look at something without anyone knowing

perish (v.)

= be destroyed , decay , ,

permeate (v.)

= spread into every part of ,

persist (v.)

= continue steadfast against opposition ,

persuade (v.)

= belong as a part , have reference ,

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