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Vaani Most teachers take the job of teaching for security of govt. pension but for Vaani
its about passion to make a difference in younger generation. She teaches the virtues of
morality, truthfulness, valour and duties of ideal citizen. She does this not like boring
preacher but with elated joy and enthusiasm and thats why she is the favourite of all the
students. Everyone respects her because she lives her life with the same code of conduct and
simplicity. After her husbands death she is the sole earner of the family, taking care of her
son, daughter and mother in law. Her son Nimai, was born after years of prayers and
medication. She regards him as a boon from god and that is why she cant refuse any of
Nimais requests. When Nimai tells her about his budding love with Sayali, daughter of
political giant, deep down she knows that in an ideal world its possible but in her world, its
impossible and could cause problem for Nimai and family. But she caves in on Nimais desire
to marry Sayali. When Nimai is murdered, her life shatters but she girds up and resolves to
fight for justice against the odds of powerful oppressor, against peer pressure from family and
society. She transforms from meek, soft spoken ordinary school teacher into an epitome of
will power and strives to bring justice to her deceased son.
Sayali She is born with silver spoon inside vast mansion and grew up under shadows of her
powerful father, callous mother and hot headed brother. Joy, pleasures, adventure were just
the words she knew dictionary meaning of, but never experienced them. Like a princess
trapped inside a castle, she survived silently all these years, till she met Nimai, her soul mate.
Every day of the every moment she spent with Nimai was more precious to her than Aztec
Gold and to live those moments she started telling lies at home to sneak out and meet Nimai.
Being a rich girl she has a way of weighing money with care sometimes, but spending time
with Nimai changes her, transforms her, elates her. When Nimai is murdered, she gathers
courage to stand up to her own family for the sake of Nimais family. She silently endures
hatred, anger and her forced marriage to a lawyer by her family but not even for a second her
resolve to bring justice to Nimais death dawdles. She always tries to help Nimais family.
When called upon stand as witness to give statement against her family, she is proved by
family a consistent liar. The pangs of guilt sweeps her as she realises her small lies has
weakened Nimais case. But throughout her struggles, she becomes more mature and strong
willed person.
Rajkumar Tyagi (Rajjan Bhaiya) Rajjan Bhaiya is the supreme godhead in the Lucknow
as well as state political realm. From cops, lawyers, businessmen to the humble denizens of
the city, everyone has heard of him. Of course, each one has their own set of tales about
Rajjan Bhaiya. But one thing they all know, never ever cross his path, or second guess his
decision. He is not well literate as far as bookish knowledge is concerned. But he is good at
reading people, plays people and their emotions without them ever suspecting, like chess



pieces... that too with a cheerful smile. His stately Tyagi Mansion is the place where his
words are the law... his whimsical nature and love for old songs and poetry is well known...
whether its a heart crunching serious situation or joyful occasion, Rajjan Bhaiya hums a song
while making a point with insightful dramatic lingo... His affairs are not always strictly
speaking legal... but he makes sure that his involvement remains clandestine... He takes care
and provides for his family in his own way... his family name, his caste, his status, are the
things he takes pride in... Rajjan keeps advising his hot headed son to control his emotions...
never let anyone know what you are thinking! Rajjan spoils his wife Shyamali and Sayali
with materialistic riches... but there are certain restrictions about how women of his family
behave... when Rajjan learns that his daughter Sayali has fallen head over heels in love with
some clerks son, Nimai... instead of exerting anger and forced will on Sayali... Rajjan
manipulates his own daughter... first makes her think that he is very happy for her... arranges
engagement... but at the last moment, Rajjan gets Nimai killed... at the same time provides
sympathetic shoulder for Nimais family and Sayali... In Short, Rajjan can be called a
manipulative shark with abundance of power, money and wise mouth with even wiser and
sharp mind.
Nimai - Nimai is cheerful young lad of todays generation modern, but his set of values,
about truth, self respect, honesty and culture are grounded, just like his mother taught him.
He lost his father at an early age, instead of being drowning in self pity, he thrived at studies,
appreciates how much hard work his mother has put in to meet his fees... after he lands a job
with opulent pay check, his dream is to look after his mother, naani and meet wishes of his
kid sister Paankhi... He shares a friend like bond with his naani... He falls in love with Tyagis
daughter Sayali... instead of eloping her against Sayalis parents wishes, he decides to stand
ground and ask for approval... he is fearless, down to earth... helps out his mother in kitchen
chores... but underneath the smiles and cheerfulness... he misses his father... so he tries to be
very supportive of Vaani... but like any other son he knows, Vaani couldnt say no to him...
still instead of telling Vaani about Sayali directly he lets his pal (naani) to break the news... he
dislikes taking favours... has a deep fervour to be self made man...
Rankesari Devi Rankesari Devi is Vaanis mother, shares her time between Vaanis house
and her son Maheshs house... but she is fond of Vaani and her children Paankhi and Nimai...
she is fearless and bold in her lingo... always ready with quip up her sleeve... she understands
Vaanis insecurities as widowed mother... so from time to time she weighs in her decision...
telling Vaani to relax... to worry less... Rankesari is member of laughters club... she has
cheerful and fighting spirit, but underneath she is emotional and caring... Rankesari acts like a
kid with kid and as mature and learned person when situation demands... she sometimes on
purpose acts like kid, to bring upon smile on Vaanis tensed face... she indulges herself with
sherbet bottles and chocolates... she is very proud about Nimai and first one to approve about
his wish to marry Sayali... Ever since Vaani lost her husband, Rankesari has always been
there for Vaani and her children like a backbone.
Paankhi Paankhi is young, cheerful and little immature, which normal for girl at her age...
she adores Rankesari for her fearless approach towards life... her brother Nimai is her go to



guy whenever she needs something, and has already prepared long list of things she will buy
after Nimai gets the job... she is playful, knows Vaani is little strict... thats why sometimes
enjoy teasing her... she tries to be like her mother, but couldnt match Vaanis methodical and
meticulous ways of doing things... her world rocks when Nimai dies... deep down she blames
Sayali for it initially... this fatal mishap changes her... first she becomes an emotional wreck
but when she sees Vani determined to get justice for Nimais death... she too joins her mother
in fight for justice... as the story progresses she becomes mature and responsible.
Samar First thing people will notice about Samar is his pride and prudence behaviour
towards lower class people. He is famous for his hot headed behaviour for which his father,
Rajkumar Tyagi keeps warning him... Samar handles Rajkumar Tyagis affairs, which are not
strictly speaking legal... he despises her sister for falling in love with clerks son... and on
Tyagis approval, he kills Nimai... He was brought up under the powerful and protective
blanket of Rajkumar Tyagi, so he doesnt have much respect for law and as far as people are
concerned... doesnt give much damn about their emotions... there is only one person he
obeys completely his father... though, sometimes his male ego tells otherwise, deep down
he knows Rajkumar Tyagi is the alpha male in the family, not him...
Shyamali Devi Shyamali is Rajkumar Tyagis wife, mother of Sayali and Samar... she
knows her husband his very powerful man... Shyamali takes pride in it, looks after household
and keeps hawk eyes on the expenditure given to servants... she too like rest of the family
despises Sayali for falling in love with Nimai... but once, Rajkumar Tyagi announces that he
will get Sayali married to Nimai... Shyamali puts her discomfort aside, follows through his
decision... like she has been doing for the rest of her life... she is aware of Rajkumar Tyagis
nature... initially when Nimai goes missing, she suspects her husband has something to with
it... but for better or worse, she remains quiet... in her book, sons are allowed unlimited
freedom but as far as her daughter Sayali is concerned... she believes in orthodox method of
keeping daughters on short leash... for her as well, family name is more important than her
daughters emotions... though she is Sayalis mother... Sayali never feels emotionally attached
to her... as she feels with Vaani.


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