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1. Ask Mrs.

Robinson to call me the

moment she here.
a. get
b. got
c. gets
d. will get
2. You can borrow my car as long as
you care of it.
a. will take
b. took
c. take
d. to take
3. Dinner will be served after everyone
.. here.
a. arrive
b. will arrive
c. arrives
d. arrived
4. We will set off as soon as Bill
a. calls
b. called
c. will call
d. call
5. She bought some flour and butter
. make a cake.
a. in order that
b. so as that
c. in order
d. so as to
6. The flight was delayed.. the bad
a. because
b. due to the fact
c. on account
d. owing to
7. She didnt get the job.she was
a. due to
b. because of
c. on account of the fact that
d. owing to
8. ..hes won the lottery, he is very
a. Now that
b. Due to
c. Because of
d. In spite of
9. We sold our old car . a new one.
a. to buy
b. buying
c. for to buy
d. for buying
10. She took a sharp knife .the
onion with.
a. for chop
b. to chop
c. for chopping
d. for to chop

11. He bought some chicken .for

a. for to cook
b. for his wife to
c. for cooking
d. to have
12. I dont like staying alone in the house
at night..someone might break
a. for fear of
b. due to
c. owing to
d. for fear that
13. This is a
a. for make
b. that make
c. for making
d. makes
14. He is idiot that nobody likes
a. so
b. such an
c. such
d. so a
15. It was .terrible weather that we
had to cancel our trip.
a. such
b. such a
c. so
d. so a
16. This film is exciting that I have
watched it three times so far.
a. such an
b. such
c. so an
d. so
17. There was ..traffic that we got to
the cinema after the beginning of the
a. so little
b. so much
c. such much
d. so few
18. There were ..people at the
meeting that there werent enough
chairs for everyone.
a. such a lot of
b. so few
c. so little
d. such many
19. Weve got time before the
class that we have to hurry.
a. such little
b. so little
c. such a lot of
d. so many
20. ..he enjoys being outdoors he
didnt go to the outdoor concert

a. Although
c. In spite of

b. Because
d. Nevertheless

21. They bought the tickets. ., they

didnt go to the football match.
a. However
b. Although
c. Even though
d. Despite
22. his poor eyesight, he drives a
a. Despite of
b. Nevertheless
c. Though
d. In spite of
23. the fact that she had
backache, she went to work.
a. In spite
b. However
c. Despite
d. Nevertheless
24. .you say, I wont come with
a. No matter how
b. No matter
c. No matter what d. No matter

32. The doctor advised me .to work

for a couple of days.
a. dont go
b. not to go
c. to not go
d. not going
33. He denied ..the jewelry.
a. to steal
b. stole
c. having stolen
d. to stealing
34. I apologized for late.
a. be
b. to be
c. that to be
d. being
35. I warned you in her.
a. to not confide
b. not confide
c. not to confide
d. not confiding
36. He admitted the crime.
a. to commit
b. commit
c. to not commit
d. to committing
37. My mum to take the
rubbish out.
a. said
b. told to
c. refused
d. told

25. She looks as if she .from

a. come
b. comes
c. came
d. had come

38. The teacher wanted to know what

they .about.
a. were talking
b. talked
c. had been talking d. had talked

26. He acts as though he this

place, which he doesnt.
a. owns
b. own
c. had owned
d. owned

39. She asked me why I .my bed.

a. didnt make
b. hadnt made
c. wasnt made
d. dont make

27. Last night they behaved as if they

.invited to the party but they
were most unwelcome there.
a. had invited
b. had been
c. were invited
d. invited
28. like. I wont bother any
a. as
b. like
c. as if
d. that
29. They were whispering
wake up the baby.
a. so as not to
b. so as to not
c. in order to not
d. not to
30. The general ordered the soldiers

a. fire
b. not fire
c. to fire
d. firing
31. He suggested the movies.
a. us to go
b. our going
c. to go
d. go

40. The police accused him ..the

a. to rob
b. robbing
c. of robbing
d. for robbing
41. He said that he .me if he .
a. will help, can
b. will help,
c. would help, can d. would help,
42. She said that her car a few days
a. broke down
b. would break
c. had broken down d. was broken
43. Chris told me that I .with him if I New York.
a. would stay, was b. could stay,
c. can stay, am
d. could stay,

44. I am surprised to see you. Mary told

me that you ..out of town.
a. were
b. had been
c. will be
d. would be

25. b

45. Our teacher told us that the

Earth round the sun.
a. goes
b. went
c. had gone
d. have gone

28. a

46. I answered that I the day after.

a. left
b. had left
c. was leaving
d. have left

31. b

47. They told us that they .live in the

a. got used to
b. used to
c. were getting used d. had
1. c
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. a
10. b
11. b
12. d
13. c
14. b
15. a
16. d
17. b
18. a
19. b
20. a
21. a
22. d
23. c
24. c

26. d
27. b
29. a
30. c
32. b
33. c
34. d
35. c
36. d
37. d
38. a
39. b
40. c
41. d
42. c
43. d
44. a
45. a
46. c
47. b

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