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Hightower 1

Stephen Hightower
ENC 1101
Ashley Humphries
Paper 2
Word Count: 2116
Blink 182 and Depression

Blink 182s song and video Adams song portrays two completely different
views on how visual and textual analysis can give the viewer and or reader different
approaches to how they view their song. These techniques can come together to where
both influence one another to create one concrete meaning behind the song. Blink 182
used their popularity and knowledge of how to deal with depression and the thoughts of
suicide to send a message to their fans through the videos transitions in lighting and the
different scenes to show their fans that they arent alone which gives the band something
to connect with fans over. The that though it may be bad at the moment it will get better,
and there are many memories to be made for the future and through the bad times in the
past there is still good things to take away from it.
It is said that on tour and the majority of the band members became somewhat
depressed from being away from their friends and family for so long and after awhile the
touring took a large toll on them. Blink 182 read the suicide letter of a boy by the name of
Adam and as they were going through the same process of depression they decided to
write Adams song as a way to let their fans know that everything will eventually be
alright. This can be seen in the music video as the video starts out very depressing as in

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the beginning the man is getting rejected by the women and at the end it is showing how
the band is having a good time together and through some time everything turned out
alright. Through the huge popularity of Blink 182, people who arent even fans of them
would eventually hear the song and possibly help them in a time of need.
The symbolism in the music video starts out with videos of situations where
people are put into a depressing mood. This most likely symbolizes how at the moment
your life might not be going to plan. As in the video, it starts out as very dark,
symbolizing the band was at a dark place in their lives. The bands message through the
video is symbolized when the video shows the band spending time together by easting
out. This is showing that finding people who care for you will help you make it out of
that dark place youre in. There are more memories to be made and there is going to be
something better than committing suicide. The lighting also plays a part in how the
viewer perceives the message of the video, the dark lighting adds to the depressing mood
the video starts out on, with some of it being in black and white and the low lighting
creates that same depressing and or eerie feeling they want the video to start out with, but
later gets brighter as the scenes get a little more pleasant. This plays a huge role in
explaining the message Blink 182 was getting across to their fans, and that was when the
lighting transitioned from light to dark in the scene with the band eating together, like I
said before the bands connection to their fans through this song is that they had gone
through depression as well. This change in lighting symbolized how they got out of their
own stages of depression and if they can do it so can their fans.
The audience that Blink 182 is trying to appeal to is the people who are struggling
with depression and contemplating suicide. With the use of the lyrics, they really were

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appealing to the more personal problems of the fans, as they wrote the choice was
mine(Blink 182), this is most likely something that runs through the heads of many of
the people struggling with depression, and they can relate to this. The video however
gives a more personal view of the bands struggles with depression. Bass player Mark
Hoppus wrote this when he was in a state of depression about being on tour and away
from his family(Hoppus, Mark and Delonge). This shows the credibility of how the
band got the purpose to writing the song and how the progression of the music video goes
from somewhat sinister to giving clips of the band members as children. Giving the
underlying meaning to the song and video as a whole of at the end of it there's a better
way out, there are better things to do than kill yourself(Hoppus, Mark and Delonge).
By making the video the band had a way to connect with the audience and grow closer
with them. This really emphasizes what they are trying to get across to the fans.
The textual analysis of Adams song takes a different approach when listened to
without the music video that goes along with it. If one was solely listening to the song, it
sounds to be fairly depressing as it starts out by saying I never thought id die
alone(Blink 182), which for the opening to a song it sounds as if the person has
already gone to the worst possible solution, but is also not extremely clear cut. They
either could have literally died somewhere by themselves, or the real meaning behind it
which is that of suicide. The lyrics continue to stay daunting by saying Im too
depressed to go on(Blink 182), so as the song progressed it clarifies the two ideas
people could take away by listening to this song. The idea of just listening to the song
without the video leaves room for ones interpretation to kick in which is most likely what
Blink 182 was trying to send out to their fans because, their depression was based off of

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being away from friends and family for extended periods of time. The fans and ones
listening to the song could be going through completely different situations and without
seeing the video it gives them that room to take the song for what they want to.
The differences that the video has towards the song and lyrics alone is the fact that
the video doesnt leave room for interpretation, it gives the clear, cut facts about what the
band is wanting to send to the fans and the people hearing the song. If not watching the
video the audience has their own opinion and they listen to it for their own reasons.
Although the video gives a concrete answer about what the song is about, the lyrics to the
song often have more meaning behind it than the video. It can mean so many different
things to so many different people. The video has the story behind the bands experience
and is used to connect with the fans on a completely different level, rather than the lyrics
alone. The lyrics give the listener the ability to apply the lyrics to whatever meaning they
want to. The lyrics really appeal to the pathos side of the viewers feelings. As Blink 182
has millions of fans worldwide, and their image is that of a rebellious teen era, it appeals
mainly to the feelings and addresses the main problem at hand, which was depression in
this case.
The main difference that the visuals have over the lyrics in Adams Song, is
again the need for ones own interpretation. This really comes into affect when it gives the
point of view of the bands own personal experience with depression. Though both the
lyrics and the video deal with depression and how in the video it shows what the band
went through unlike in the lyrics when it says The choice was mine I didn't think
enough(Blink 182), this targets the audience in a more personal level with them.
Rather than the video showing the audience what the band had to go through by showing

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clips and pictures of their time away from home. The videos of the parties they attended
show that this was just a mask of what was going on behind the scenes. The videos
purpose was really to show what can come out of not committing suicide, and that is
there are many people out there that care for you and that is really shown when the
women in the video seems to be upset at the fact she couldnt reach who she was trying to
contact. This differs from the lyrics because the lyrics just go into detail on a more
personal level for an individual as the video shows how it affects the ones around you.
Blink 182 uses a lot of rhetoric in their music video to show their credibility on the topic
at hand. By using their obvious credibility through the use of their popularity the videos
purpose it to show the viewers that if they can overcome whatever it is that is, than they
can as well. This is used throughout the video and is most likely the main reason for the
band creating the video.
Although both types of rhetoric are different they come together to emphasize one
meaning, but appeals to multiple different groups of people. The video deals on a more
personal level with the band and the lyrics appeal mainly towards the fans emotions, as
there can be a wide range of what could possibly be leading these people into depression,
and or committing suicide. However, these two different styles work together to better
emphasize one anothers meaning and purpose. The ultimate meaning of the song and
video is to show that there is more to life than committing suicide and taking the easy
way out. The videos purpose was to really emphasize how to make it through to tough
times, by using the experience of the band and how they managed to make their escape
through the dark times and make it out much stronger than before. This shows that if
Blink 182 can do it maybe the fans can too. as and the pictures go just let the viewer

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know that you need to let life surprise you, though it may be tough it will get better. The
use of the lyrics and video together really emphasize this. This combination of the video
and the lyrics really helped the band get a better connection with the fans. Blink 182 used
their personal struggles to give a beacon of hope to the fans who may be depressed
themselves by creating Adams song. Though one meaning to the song is based off of
lyrics alone, and the other based off of the bands experiences; it creates one meaning and
that is to fight through whatever is dragging you down and that everything will be alright.
There are better solutions to depression than the worst possible solution.
The video and lyrics to Blink 182s song Adams song brings upon two
completely different approaches to how people view the song as a whole. The lyrics
along bring out the inner emotions to that of the viewer rather than the bands personal
experience with depression in the video. Some might listen because they like the song in
general, or the individual can apply the lyrics to their own personal experiences of
depression. However, the video gives a more personal view of how the band came about
depression and how they dealt with it. Through the pictures and videos the underlying
message that the band is trying to relay to the fans is that everything in the end will be
okay, because if they can get over depression than their fans can too. This was brought on
by the change in lighting mid way through the video to show that the band had to deal
with their own issues and it gives the viewers something to relate to. Though both of
these views are different approaches they come together to give a better, clear cut
understanding of the meaning behind the song. Through the huge popularity of Blink 182
they used it as a tool to get their message across to the fans and people listening that in
the end everything will be okay.

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Works Cited
Blink 182. ""Adam's Song" Lyrics." BLINK 182 LYRICS. Azlyrics, n.d. Web. 05 Mar.
Henning, Martha L. "Ethos, Pathos, and Logos." Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Durhamtech,
Aug. 1998. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Hoppus, Mark, and Tom Delonge. "Adam's Song by Blink-182 Songfacts." Adam's Song
by Blink-182 Songfacts. Song Facts, n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.
Natalie. "Rhetorical Analysis Report - Natalie's Reflection." Rhetorical Analysis Report Natalie's Reflection. Google Sites, n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.

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