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Lesson Plan Outline for Teaching with Technology (Games)

Your Name
Academic Subject
Steve Roccapriore


Standards: State and/or Common Core

Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention
Subject(s) of the lesson
Preventing Skin Cancer

Prerequisite Knowledge: What do they need to know? What will

you have them recall?
Students will need to know what the dangers of to much sun exposure.
Identify the risks of skin cancer and the various types
I want them to recall both the benefits and risks of sun exposure and to identify
the various symptoms and signs of skin cancer.

Content Describe in a paragraph. You can also add an outline.

Teaching students to identify what skin cancer is and how to identify it by visual aids and examples using various
sources power point, online images, games, etc. To participate in a group activity that allows students to play a game
and review the causes of skin cancer, the benefits as well as the dangers of sun exposure, and a review to check for
mastery of material.

List the objectives for this lesson. They should include what the students will learn from your
Students will identify both the dangers and benefits of sun exposure
Students will identify both the symptoms of and causes of skin cancer
Students will participate in a group activity in which each group will play a game to learn about the effects of
sun exposure and skin cancer.

How will you teach the content? Details help. Include the game(s), what do you do before the
games and how do you follow-up.
Lesson starts with an open discussion about the effects of the sun. Using a KWL chart prior to breaking up into
groups to check for prior knowledge.
Groups will be created and lists made about what students compiled during the open discussion about the effects of
the sun and exposure using the KWL chart.
In groups, students will play a game called Skin Cancer Investigation, They will go through the game/activity until
they complete the lesson and take the review quiz at the end.
In groups, we will discuss the outcome of the game and what was learned, again using the KWL chart. Teacher will
check for mastery on material and review in groups what was learned.
Students will create a poster about the effect of sun exposure and skin cancer using a rubric

Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
Poster board, pencils, computer for images, colored pencils, white board.

Evaluation Strategies
Direct observation along with the student review of game printed version of each groups quiz when game is

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