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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 11
12th September 2014
On Wednesday (10th September), 15 members of our Year 6
class, sat the Kent 11+ test. This is by any reckoning a
demanding trial, when qualities of calmness and
determination are needed in equal measure. Results will be
posted to parents on 15th October. For now, the papers
safely despatched for marking, Year 6 return to a more
normal routine, as they continue their academic lives, their
sports, music and other activities, and their roles as the
senior pupils of the school.
I have very good hopes for our candidates, and feel confident
that each of them will have done their best and themselves
The Medway and Bexley Tests, being sat by a few children,
take place respectively on 16th and 20th September.
The start of an academic year is always an exciting time. We
welcome the new Reception class. For the first time,
Reception children have started off with mornings only, so
that they can get used to the routines of big school step by
step. This has proved successful, and next Mondays move to
normal school days will I am sure happen very easily. I will be
interested in feedback from Reception parents about this

In the sunny days of July and August, the newly-formed

Bronte Summer School proved a great success. The
director, Emma Wood, has been looking at 2015, and we
are offering Summer School courses over three weeks in
July and August summer and also an Easter week. The
dates are:
Easter Week (2 courses) Tues 7 Apr Fri 10 Apr 2015
Summer School Week 1 (3 courses): Mon 27th July - Fri
31st July 2015
Summer School Week 2 (3 courses): Mon 3rd August Fri 7 August 2015
Summer School Week 3 (11+ course) Mon 24 August Fri 28 August 2015
There is also the possibility of a Christmas Pantomime
Workshop. This is to be confirmed, and would take place
over 18, 19 and 20 December 2014.
Confirmation about the pantomime workshop (I am NOT
volunteering to be an ugly sister!) and full details about
the Easter and Summer courses will follow shortly.
Looking Ahead

We also welcome three new children to the rest of the

school: Isabella Okunula (Year 1), Jayden Sebok-Rose (Year 2)
and David Obi (Year 5). The school total as I write this
newsletter is 131.
In Julys end-of-term letter, I mentioned the Parents Council
and how grateful I am for their work. I had hoped to continue
with last years council, but in fact we are looking for two
more volunteers. Mrs Dhaliwal (who represented Years 1 and
2) has asked to stand down, because of family commitments,
and Mrs Chhabra (who represented Years 5 and 6) is no
longer a Bronte parent, Kabir having of course left last term. I
am very grateful for all that they both did.
At present, Mrs Singh is undertaking representation for
Reception and Year 1 and Ms Curran for Years 5 and 6. We
are looking for two parents to cover Years 2, 3 and 4. If you
are interested in being on the Council, do please contact me
at or give me a call if
you would like to talk about what is involved.
In the event of the number of volunteers exceeding the
number of new Council members sought, a decision will have
to be made of course. This will be done in consultation with
senior teachers and existing council members, with the aim
of achieving a Council whose combined abilities can best
represent parental views and make suggestions about the
school. I hope parents will feel happy with that please
contact me if you feel we need something different.

Tues 23rd /Wed 24th September

District Football Trials

Friday 26th September

MacMillan Coffee
Morning and Tea
9.30 - 11.30am Coffee
2.15 - 3.30pm Tea

All parents and guests welcome. Donations of cakes

much appreciated. Please deliver to June Egan at
Reception or bring on the day. Further details next

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