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Present Passive Quiz
Student A
Write the correct present passive form of the verb in brackets. Then, read the
sentences to your partner. Your partner will guess if the sentences are true or false.
1. Diamonds __________________ (use) for drilling by dentists. TRUE
2. 10 million bottles of Coca Cola __________________ (drink) every day. FALSE: 110
3. 2,000 African elephants __________________ (kill) every year. FALSE: Every month
4. The New York Times __________________ (read) every day by 5 million people. FALSE:
1.5 million
5. The word cash __________________ (take) from the Indian word for tea. TRUE
6. No babies __________________ (born) in the Vatican City. TRUE
7. 3,000 million flowers __________________ (grow) each year in Hawaii. FALSE: Holland
8. Less sugar __________________ (eat) in Europe and the USA now than 200 years ago.
FALSE: 20 times more sugar is eaten now.
9. 6% of the Earths surface __________________ (cover) by rain forest. TRUE
10. A tornado __________________ (measure) on the Richter scale. FALSE: An

Student B
Write the correct present passive form of the verb in brackets. Then, read the
sentences to your partner. Your partner will guess if the sentences are true or false.
1. Ashtrays are the most common objects which __________________ (steal) from hotels.
FALSE: Towels
2. In the world, 11,000 babies __________________ (born) every hour. TRUE
3. More oil __________________ (import) by America than any other country in the world.
FALSE: Japan
4. Wood __________________ (use) by half the worlds population for cooking and heating.
5. Coca-cola __________________ (sell) only in the USA and Europe. FALSE: 157
countries all over the world.
6. The country in the world which __________________ (visit) by the highest number of
tourists is Italy. TRUE
7. 85% of Greenland __________________ (cover) by ice. TRUE
8. English __________________ (speak) as a first language by the largest number of
people in the world. FALSE: Mandarin Chinese
9. Seals __________________ (catch) and __________________ (eat) by crocodiles.
FALSE: Polar bears
10. Houses __________________ (heat) by hot water from under the ground in Iceland.
Written by Paul Adams for 2014

Present Passive Quiz
In this teaching activity, students complete sentences using the present passive form. Then,
they read the sentences to their partner. Their partner guesses if the sentences are true or
Before class, make one copy of the worksheet for each pair of students and cut as indicated.
Divide the students into pairs (A and B) and distribute the worksheets.
Students begin by filling in the gaps in each sentence with the correct present passive form
of the verb in brackets.
When all the students have finished, go through the correct answers with the class.
Answer Key
Student A

Student B

1. are used
2. are drunk
3. are killed
4. is read
5. is taken
6. are born
7. are grown
8. is eaten
9. is covered
10. is measured

1. are stolen
2. are born
3. is imported
4. is used
5. is sold
6. is visited
7. is covered
8. is spoken
9. are caught/eaten
10. are heated

Then, begin the speaking activity.

Student A reads each sentence to Student B. Student B has to guess if each sentence is
true or false.
Student A notes down all of Student Bs correct answers.
The students then swap roles.
When they have finished, students add up their partners score.
The student with the most correct answers wins.
At the end of the activity, ask the students to tell the class which facts they found surprising.

Written by Paul Adams for 2014

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