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Dante Inferno Canto 8 translated by D. B.

Continuing, I must say, ere we came
Below the lofty tower, long our aim,
We`d seen upon its top a small twin flame
And, so far off the eye could scarce divine,
Another burning brand flashed back a sign.
I begged my sea of lore: "I`d understand
The source and meaning of each burning brand".
And he: "You should already see what flies
In answer o`er the mire; there`s no disguise,
Unless the marsh mists hide it from your eyes".
No bowstring ever shot a slicing shaft
More fast than what I saw just then, that craft,
Its one sole steersman shouting at the pole:
"Aha, I've got you now, you wretched soul!"
My guide: "Not so, your lordship shall but last,
Phlegyas, till this mucky mire is past".
As one who learns of some prodigious trick,
He seethed with anger, since he thought it sick.
My leader stepped in ere me; I was late
And only then it seemed to carry weight.
When we were in, it seemed to sink far more
Than what it had at any time before.
And as we sailed the course so full of grime
There rose a shape all covered o`er in slime
Who said: "Who are you who come ere your time?"
Then I: "Though come, I`ll go; But you`re so cheap!"
And he: "I`m one who can do naught but weep".
And I: "E`er weep, damned soul, that`s what you`ll do,
Since, filthy though you be, I still know you".
He`d board the boat, but it was out of bounds.
My teacher shoved him: "Go back to the hounds".
Neck held, face kissed, he said: "Blest is she whom
You call your mother, nesting in her womb".
Above, he was a swank snob I could slate;
Hence here below his Shadow`s filled with hate.
Above, full many think themselves a name,
But here, like pigs, they find the mud their shame,
Leaving behind them their reputed fame".
Then I: "My master, I would like to take
And dunk him in slop ere we leave the lake".
And he: "Ere this, you`ll surely have your will.
A wish like this is one I must fulfil".
Soon he was mangled by muddy men`s might;
I thank the Lord and praise Him for the sight.
They: "Filippo Argenti must be had";
And, at these shouts, the Florentine went mad,
Turned on himself and bit his body bad.
We left him there, as does this tale of mine.
`Twas then my ears were wounded by a whine.
I strained my eyes to understand the sign.
"And here, my son" I heard my teacher say,
"Is Dis, with its fierce men and vast array".
I: "Master, I see mosques right up there, higher,
As red as metal just drawn from the fire".
He: "Red fire ever burns, as you see well,
Its glow diffused right through this nether hell".
We reached the moats of this haunt without weal,
Whose gates, it seemed to me, were made of steel.
We sailed until we heard our boatman shout:
"Here is the entrance; you must now get out".
A thousand gate~perched screaming angels said:
"Who, undead, dares the kingdom of the dead?"
`Twas then my wise wise teacher, with great art,
Made signs that he would speak to them apart.
"You but not he may enter this menage".
So they, with bare repressal of their rage:
"You, leader through the dark, you`ll stay right here,
While he can go right back and disappear".
Think what I felt when told my fearful lot,
Certain my own world must now be forgot.
"Seven times my rescuer from perils past
That blocked my way, leave me not at the last"
Said I, "If progress is beyond our powers,
At least let journey quickly back be ours".
Then that lord who had brought me all this way:
"None can prevent; he speaks whom all obey.
Wait here; hope feeds your weary spirit well;
Be sure I shall not leave your soul in hell".
I see, with doubts, the gentle father go
And battle with my thoughts of "yes ~ but no".
I could not hear the war he waged to win;
Full soon they raced each other back within.
My lord, eyes down, sad, turned with plodding pace,
Since they had slammed the great doors in his face.
"Be not disturbed", said he, "since I shall rout,
No matter how they plot to keep us out!
This insolence of theirs is nothing late;
They used it once at a less secret gate,
Which can, both now and e`er, accomodate.
The deadly words engraved above you know.
And now, already past it and below
You see one cross the circles, down the steep,
To ope the now closed entrance to the keep".

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