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Tajweed Rules

Noon Sakinah:

Ikhfa: after noon saakinah or tanween if the letters of Ikhfa ( ،‫ ش‬،‫ س‬،‫ ز‬،‫ ذ‬،‫ د‬،‫ ج‬،‫ ث‬،‫ت‬
‫ ك‬،‫ ق‬،‫ ف‬،‫ ظ‬،‫ ط‬،‫ ض‬،‫ )ص‬appear you will make a slight nasal sound. Example: ‫اِ ْن ُك ْنتُم‬
Idghaam: after noon saakinah or tanween if the letters of Idghaam ( ‫ ن‬،‫ و‬،‫ ل‬،‫ م‬،‫ ر‬،‫)ي‬
appear you will make a full nasal sound. Example: ‫ِم ْن وّال‬
Iqlaab: after noon saakinah or tanween if the letter ‫ ب‬appears you will change the
noon saakinah into a meem saakinah and make a slight nasal sound. Example: ‫ِم ْن بَ ْع ِد‬
Izhaar: after noon saakinah or tanween if any of the throat letters ( ‫ خ‬،‫ غ‬،‫ ح‬،‫ ع‬،‫ ه‬،‫)ء‬
appear you will make no nasal sound. Example: َ‫اَ ْن َع ْمت‬

Meem Sakinah:

Ikhfa Shafawi: after ‫ ْم‬or tanween if the letter ‫ ب‬appears you will make a slight nasal
sound. Example: ‫َص ْم بِاهّلل‬
ِ ‫يَ ْعت‬
Idghaam Shafawi: after ‫ ْم‬or tanween if the letter ‫ م‬appears you will make a full nasal
sound. Example: ‫اِلَ ْي ُك ْم ُّمرْ َسلُوْ ن‬
Izhaar Shafawi: after ‫ ْم‬or tanween if any letter besides ‫ ب‬and ‫ م‬appears then there
will be no nasal sound. Example: ‫َعلَ ْي ِه ْم َواَل لضّآ لِّين‬


Madd Asli: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬if there is no ‫ ء‬or sukoon you stretch the
ِ ُ‫ن‬
letter for 1 harakah. Example: ‫وحيْها‬
Madd Munfasil: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬if there is a ‫ ء‬in the following word
you will stretch the letter for 2-3 harakah. Example: ‫فِي اَ ْنفُ ِس ِهم‬
Madd Muttasil: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬if there is a ‫ ء‬in the same word you
will stretch the letter for 2-3 harakah. Example: ‫جآ َء ُكم‬
Madd Aaridh: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬if there is a temporary sukoon you will
stretch the letter for 3-5 harakah. Example: ‫نَ ْست َِعين‬
Madd Laazim: there are 4 types of Madd Laazim -
Kilmi Muthaqqal: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫)ا‬with shaddah in a word. Example:
‫الضّآ لِّين‬
Kilmi Mukhaffaf: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬with a permanent sukoon in a word.
Example: ‫آلْ َءن‬
Harfi Muthaqqal: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬with shaddah in huroof. Example: ‫آلَ ّم‬
Harfi Mukhaffaf: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬with a permanent sukoon in huroof.
Example: ‫ٰيس‬
Madd Badal: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫)ا‬, when 2 hamza are together and the
second one is sukoon, you change the second hamza according to the first hamza. 1 st
hamza has a fatha, 2nd hamza will become a َ‫ا‬. If the 1st hamza has a kasrah, 2nd hamza
will become a ‫ي‬. If the 1st hamza has a dhamma, 2nd hamza will become ‫و‬. Example:
‫ِإيْمانَهُم → إءمانَهُم‬
Madd Iwad: after a letter of Madd (‫ ي‬، ‫ ُو‬، َ‫ )ا‬if there is tanween at the end of an ayah
you will read the tanween like a fatha and prolong it. Example: ‫َر ِح ْي ًما ← َر ِح ْي َما‬

Madd Silah Sughra: If a ‫ ه‬is at the end of a word and has a dhama or kasrah in
between 2 letters with vowels the reciter will not stop on it. Stretch it for 2 harakah.

Madd Silah Kubra: If a ‫ ه‬is at the end of a word and has a dhama or kasrah in
between 2 letters with vowels the reciter will not stop on it. Stretch it for 4-5

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