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The story bullied in middle school

I here want to scribbling a story that although rather are long gone, but still fresh in my
Life before entering high school is like a child that another man. During grammar school,
happy life. I have a friend crowded. Especially after three degrees, my academic decisions
rather good. During degrees 4, I got four numbers in a class that is categorized as a class of
students who have a good academic record. During the six degrees I got an A in all my
classes. I feel excited because can proceed to a middle school lessons escort, junior high
school 3 kota palu. But what I did not know I was going to face a dark episode in my life.
Moreover, it involves a friend in my class during grammar school. And I myself do not know
why he did all of this while I knew her since degrees 1 again. And we go in the same class as
degrees 5 and 6. I myself do not know whether my sin against him so that I was treated as
He's what I mean is zacky fahmi. I unfamiliarity since degrees 1. And certainly degrees 5 and
6. However, the meeting as I recall we were not friends. I and zacky fahmi victorious entered
the same high school. When the first day of schooling in tiers one I've met with him. I
approached him and tried to call it, but he tried to escape than mine. I even tried to call it but
he still escape than mine. I feel sad. I do not know why he treated me as such. What was my
fault to him.
We do not go in the same class during natural black level 1. The story of my schooling began
when I entered the same level 2. I class with zacky fahmi at level 2. When the first day at
level 2, I saw a male student had spit again and zacky fahmi times in a state of joking. But I
see the face zacky sad. He can only wiping saliva spit him. I have done something a man duly
did. I have rebuked the indecent treatment. But what I do not know what I did invite me.
Not long after that, then I know zacky a 'clique' collection of the male students. But he who
was forced to accept pengintimidasi and saliva than the men students. But he was still loyal to
the collection. This in my opinion zacky kerana afraid to be in solitude. This is because if he
is not with 'clique'nya, he was silent, like a man of good students.
I became prey turns to zacky. It's all because I 'entrance mix' and 'dishonesty' reprimand
misconduct leading zacky. I accept fate as zacky. Even zacky participate equally and
intimidating and my spit. Everything is done in jest kedaan to close the reality that their
actions are bad. They are doing the things that may make me disappear consideration. I was
intimidated by the various types of deeds, in saliva, disorok the goods, ridiculed beyond the
mockery, insult both my father's mother, issued a fact Porn to my brother and various again.
Sometimes I try to invoke sympathy zacky but he just looked at with such a cynical and
satisfied THAT all his troubles had been borne by others. All this forced me suffer for two
years, levels 2 and 3.
I just quieted down and sometimes only able to cry. I did not dare to complain to the teacher
and my father's mother. What I am powerless to do is pray to God that God will take care of
me and forgive me if it were all this happened kerana my sins. I also pray that God will repay
their deeds because I do not want to react to them.

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