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Different though the sexes are, they intermix. In every human being a vacillation from one sex to
the other takes place, and often it is only the clothes that keep the male and female likeness, while
underneath the sex is the very opposite of what it is above. (Chapter 4) One of evidences about sex and mixing why it could be taken as a intertextuality thing?
Well. We know some works involving Shakespeare change of gender, if those there the purpose is
different. Viola and Rosalinda are in need to change their sex. Its a thing that is viewed in the
firsts chapter when he is put in front of your most brightest Queen Elizabeth . the cross dressing
theme are also seemed in the Archduke Harry before named Harriet

Could it be Orlando? kissing a girl who in the Devils name was the brazen hussy?
Snatching at her golden-hilted sword she struck violently at the mirror.
Intertextuality explanation 2: 1 Bess Raleigh about his favorite in court. 2 - (Seemed to us
a playful joke with the critic present in the book that talks about the history. The book criticizes
the acts of faith in documents and straight views. We thought that exist a resemblance with the
historical fact of a outrage that Anne Boleyn had when he figures or that Catherine, Henry the VIII
fist wife, keep sewing his shirts. She have a giant jealous rage and though them and scream.
Imagination and facts are linked.

Nothing thicker than a knife's blade separates happiness from melancholy.

Allusion to Lucrecias rape or even Shakespeare work Romeu and Juliet, why? Lucrecias
lived in happiness and after a rape, to protect her and her family of shame she killed herself, R&J
A dagger separates in this case would unite her to her lover...

Thoughts are divine. Empedocles a pr socratic philosofer reafirming this schoalr and status

Lovers names: Euprosyne(greek meaning Joy) / Clorinda greek green leaves/ Favilla is latin but
means cinder and ash, something that was burned and destroyed, as he love for her. Sasha S sound
sybilations sensuality, the love whisper and its were it hurtes( masculine and feminie name) allusion
in the incapacity of Orlando to perceive her gender) Came from Alexandros also greek and it means
defend and help. The ancient its brought in the firsts charpters so the importance of education. This
is reflected in behaviours and names. Shel(Shell) It seems a joke to us, Shell its something that covers
another, to protect, once shes in need to bend of the pressure of her status as woman and landlady to
be marry.

Love, the poet said, is woman's whole existence. Seeemd to us to talk between two things.
First. Ovid and Calimacus works. And also a contemporary work from Tom Hardy who written a
poem known as I Said To Love

Orlando naturally loved solitary places, vast views, and to feel himself for ever and ever and ever
alone. All extremes of feeling are allied with madness.
Intertextuality with The Misanthropist by Moliere. Also remind epicurism/estoicism feelings
where the poets thought the moderation would prevent them from suffering. Or that excess its the life

By the truth we are undone. Life is a dream. 'Tis the waking that kills us. He who robs us of our
dreams robs us of our life.
Our researchs ended in this information is a Spanish-language play by Pedro Caldern de
la Barca. First published 1635 that I particularly do not known. But treats about the mysteries of
life, and Orlandos remaing is a itself

() madam," the man cried, leaping to the ground, "you're hurt!" "I'm dead, sir!" she replied. A
few minutes later, they became engaged.
Another intertextuality that we believe its linked with the urge of the century. Be a married

It would be a comfort, she felt, to lean; to sit down; yes, to lie down; never, never, never to get up
In many moments we could see influences of Werther,, were the passion and love lead to
sorrow and as she phase Death as confort.

Her ankle was broken. She could not rise. - Aquilles Heel once now she would be marriage and
bend. Passion, Poetry, Nature that would be the woman weakness.

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