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Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn

Well, someone has to actually say it. Obama is out to destroy America. It has to be
obvious to anyone with an IQ above seaweed (which of course disqualifies those
with law degrees from Harvard, Columbia and Occidental College as well as most
of Congress). This is a man on a mission from god…whoever his god is. It
certainly isn’t the God of this nation.

The “yes, we can” mantra that drove the “change we need” euphoric high called
the Obama 2008 election campaign is wearing off and like the crash and burn
after too much dope combined with too much alcohol, dazed voters everywhere
are coming out of their quasi-intellectual stupors and asking all too regrettably,
“What were we thinking?”

Well, the truth is those of you who voted for this clown weren’t thinking. You
were actually trying to escape from having to think. You were looking for an easy
fix because you have become persuaded that the inalienable rights to life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness that our forefathers penned in our Constitution are
entitlements that come solely from being American citizens and not privileges
associated with being a creation of God.

In a very biblical sense, instead of “tending the garden and keeping it” you have
been deceived into believing a paid gardener (especially at someone else’s
expense) is a better idea and therefore justified. Obama knows this. He was
taught during his adolescence (that immature phase everyone but liberals
outgrow) God doesn’t work and learned how to convince you he could do better.

Like Satan tempting Jesus, Obama promised you the world if you “only fall down
and worship me,” so you voted for this gangster and his cronies because you no
longer want (or in the case of the 4th and 5th generation welfare generation never
want) to be responsible, much less accountable for your choices. Giving up your
individual freedom seems a small price for having everything given to you in

After all, who needs freedom if you have everything you believe defines it? Or if
you believe you have never had it to begin with? You took the bait, hook, line and
sinker. Problem is, just as Satan’s deception toward Eve in the garden and his
promise to Jesus while overlooking the wealth of the world from that high
mountaintop, Obama’s freedom is a lie in every sense of the word.

Kris Kristofferson once penned the words, “Freedom is just another word for
nothing left to lose” in his song “Bobby McGee,” a song made famous by Janis
Joplin during the rebellious sixties because, along with many other songs of that
era it carried the promise of real freedom, peace and happiness if we just tuned
in, turned on and dropped out. A beautiful song with a beautiful intent, sung by a
truly beautiful human being.
Janis Joplin died just days after recording this song from a drug overdose. In a
very prophetic fashion Janis proved that artificially produced happiness, peace
and freedom is fleeting. Conservatives know this. Some of us know because we
lived the “free life,” free from responsibility and accountably but a slave to the
self-destruction it produces. In the long term Obama’s idea of freedom will steal,
destroy and kill in much the same fashion. (Warning: College students need to
swear off Bruce Springsteen, Bono and Sting like a bad church experience or risk
a similar fate).

Others of you voted for Obama because of your hatred for George Bush. You
believe Bush is the devil because of his ties to Saudi oil, his aristocratic heritage
that may or may not have kept him out of Vietnam, his obsession with destroying
Saddam Hussein because he threatened his father, his Texas demeanor, his
choice of friends (Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ashcroft, Gonzales), his crooked
smile, his dopey way with the English language (I miss Bushisms if not the man).

You were so intent on letting everyone know how much you hated “Dubya” that
you actually chose the “…greater of 2 evils” simply out of vindication. Given what
we now see today would it have really been that bad if McCain had won…or even

The worst that could happen with McCain in office is a political stalemate, which
is actually what we need in government now instead of letting them try to fix
something they actually broke to begin with. If Hillary were there she would be
spending her time keeping an eye on the interns in the White House…away from
Bill in between heart surgeries. Oh, she might join Al Gore in the climate change
fiasco but otherwise she would be harmless. She has already learned the political
pitfall of healthcare reform. But you had to let your anger get the better of you.

Obama recognized this anger in you because he too knows anger and hatred. But
unlike you he has been taught by his Pastor and socialistic mentors how to go
beyond vetting and learned to channel his anger and hatred toward an end. Using
the false religion of Black Liberation Theology he has convinced a majority of
Godless Americans that Jesus and Obama have the same righteous intent in
mind, to redistribute wealth and eradicate racial hatred in the world. And he
would do it at the expense of the Sadducees and Pharisees of our time, white
corporate America, represented of course by the evil George Bush.

A simple task actually. As a scapegoat Bush was readily available. He seemed

oblivious to what others thought of him which allowed too many in America the
time to be conditioned to hate him. Bush was a ready made effigy for Obamania.
And you gave him the matches. And like the eternal flame that stands over the
grave of JFK, Obama keeps Bush’s effigy burning whenever questioned on the
seemingly ineffectiveness and ulterior motives of his administration and policies.

All this in such a short span of time. This is another thing Obama knows - the
effectiveness of moving fast. He has been taught well by academia that Americans
are slow to respond to political strategies because we are too busy working,
raising children and watching American Idol. Talk fast and move quickly before
someone figures it out, because once the sleeping giant is aroused death is quick
and certain.

Even as you Obamaniacs realize his party is over and it's time to get up off the
floor and go home, Obama, like a designated driver continues to try to get you to
trust him, prodding you to quickly get in the car with him, to take yet another
shot of his spiked Kool Aid, hoping you stay dazed just long enough for him to
drive you to a destination other than where you think you are going. There's a
reason Obama is the only one who doesn't drink at his own party.

The destination is Obamaland, the land of socialist ideals and order. The land of
economic reparation for the culturally challenged, where individualism is
irrelevant and therefore surrendered in the name of the common good of all.
Utopia complete with everything guaranteed to keep you dumbed down and
doped up. Just the way liberals like it.

I know the liberals, activists and race baiters will screech from the highest perch
of their padded cells that I am an elitist, racist, ignorant white supremacist who
only wants the rich to get richer, the poor to get poorer, the unsaved to convert to
Judeo Christianity and George Bush to become our king. To that I say,
“Whatever blows your skirt up”.

That doesn’t change the fact Obama wants to destroy America. And that you who
voted for him did it out of your own selfishness, ignorance and/or disregard. You
gave him license. You bought the scam.

“And what proof do you have, you racist moron, you doomsayer, that what
Obama wants to change is not for the better, that his motives nothing but
honorable, his methods nothing short of ingenious?” I hear the self proclaimed
intellectuals ask smugly as they polish their Obama idols. “To what end and for
what reason would Obama want to destroy America?” Well, to answer that
simply take a look at his actions.

Change Rather Than Reform – In the preamble of the Declaration of

Independence the authors felt it necessary to address their reason for wanting to
“change” their government.

“…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends

[inalienable rights], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their Safety and Happiness.”

Note our founding fathers listed 2 options here regarding their consent to be
governed; “…to alter or to abolish”. There was nothing that gave them hope as to
being able to “altar” or reform government in a more amicable fashion with the
British Empire. This was because they had no voice, no representation, nor any
forum in which to address their grievances regarding their rights not only as
British citizens, but as individuals. There was no longer any reason to consent to
British government. So they chose to abolish or “change” their government to one
of self-rule. That is not the case of our government. We are not without recourse.
Yet. That will change if Obama has his way. Obama can’t afford reform, he must
have change in order to accomplish his agenda.

You see, Obama tries to sell us the idea that this is the state of our government
today and that is why he is out to “reform” government when in fact he is out to
“abolish” or “change” it simply because he does not like it. A better word for
“change” is “destroy”. He claims that our rights as individuals have been taken
from us by forces much bigger than ourselves, or in some cases never existed at
all. But in actuality Obama believes the rights of the individual are only valid as
they pertain to the common welfare of the whole. This is a valid argument when
speaking of the necessity of moral law. But not the inalienable rights in our

If enterprise or merit puts one person or group over another it needs to be

regulated or dismantled and replaced with something that keeps everyone
“equal”. This is his whole argument behind his redistribution of wealth
philosophy, a philosophy I refer to as a “reparation mentality”, nothing more
than his own brand of racism and hatred.

Unfortunately if this type of equality is embraced, there is no longer a need for

anyone to strive to better themselves. Society will indeed become equal – equally
ineffective and equally enslaved. Healthcare and Financial Institution “reform” is
not reform but the destruction of a system (good though not perfect) to be
replaced with another (proven historically to be neither good or perfect).
Nationalism replaces free market, socialism replaces capitalism. To what end?

The argument as to whether these “reforms” will be more effective and less
expensive thereby more accessible to more is mute. The real argument is whether
the change Obama proposes will enslave because eventually there will be no
individual choice or merit allowed. Individual choice, free enterprise, open
disagreement and right to personal wealth must be sacrificed. This is true
regardless of how many times or how many ways he and his comrades try to
convince us otherwise.

Division rather than unity – In order to perpetrate Obama’s “change” toward

socialism he must have an enemy that unites the masses. Though he claims to be
a unifier it is obvious if you really listen to him, he is actually a divider, a hater
who claims to be a lover. White, gun toting Bible pounders are out of touch
elitists and racists, Republicans and conservatives are equally resistant to
progressive change, desiring only to keep the poor and minorities in their place
(with a personal vendetta to destroy Obama), the rich want to get richer at the
expense of the poor, American government has too long bullied and occupied
other nations rather than embrace everyone’s diversity and way of government.
And corporate America is the enemy of all.

The media is the avenue by which he creates his enemies and fights his battle.
And make no mistake…it is about him and him alone. Take for example the latest
from Marvel Comics. Not the Situation Room for sure but mainstream press just
the same. From a recent article I pull this quote:

“Issue 602 of the comic [Captain America]

features Captain America investigating a right-
wing anti-government militia group called "the
Watchdogs". Hoping to infiltrate the group,
Captain America and his African-American
sidekick The Falcon observe an anti-tax protest
from a rooftop. The protestors depicted are all
white and carry signs adorned with slogans
almost identical to those seen today in Tea Party
rallies like, ‘Tea Bag Libs Before They Tea Bag You’ and ‘Stop The Socialists.’
The Falcon mentions that the gathering appears to be ‘some kind of anti-tax
protest’ and notes that ‘this whole 'hate the government' vibe isn't limited to the
Watchdogs.’ He then tells Captain America that he doesn't think their plan will
work because ‘I don't exactly see a black man from Harlem fitting in with a
bunch of angry white folks.’ "

Accidental you say? Forgivable you claim? Perhaps. And the again perhaps not.
In today’s political environment much more than any previous age the media
brands, typecasts and passes judgment on any opposition to the liberal agenda in
general, Obama’s agenda in particular. This is not by accident and not without
reason. Today the media is more about gossip than news. And gossip begets

Second, the media today is owned and run by the very same people who own and
run Obama. The very same people Obama claims are the enemies of America, big,
racist bent, powerful corporations. Not the type he speaks to us about. His are the
crime syndicates and non-profits that dot our urban skylines throughout

The question I asked mid-blog here was “To what end and for what reason
would Obama want to destroy America?” Why does he continue to pursue his
agenda in spite of the fact America is not only waking up from their stupor but
noticing they are going somewhere they don’t recognize or want to go and are
beginning to question him and in some places taking action to stop him. What
makes this guy tick in the face of inevitable failure?

In the movie, “The Dark Knight”, there is an exchange between Bruce Wayne and
Alfred, his butler. Wayne is going through computer banks trying to piece
together the motivation behind the Joker’s reign of terror. The exchange goes like

WAYNE: “Criminals aren't complicated, Alfred. We just have to figure out

what he's after.”
ALFRED: “Respectfully, Master Wayne, perhaps this is a man you don't fully
understand, either. I was in Burma. A long time ago. My friends and I were
working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal
leaders, bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being
raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. We were asked to take care of
the problem, so we started looking for the stones. But after six months, we
couldn't find anyone who had traded with him.”
WAYNE: “What were you missing?”
ALFRED: “One day I found a child playing with a ruby as big as a tangerine.
The bandit had been throwing the stones away.”
WAYNE: “So why was he stealing them?”
ALFRED: “Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't
looking for anything logical, like money... they can't be bought, bullied,
reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

The truth is that as bad as Obama is proving to be, as ineffective and corrupt
Congress has become, in the end we are the ones responsible, we the citizens of
this Republic, because we are the ones who put them there. We put them there
because we didn’t want to be bothered with protecting our liberty. We were more
concerned with protecting our own little worlds.

What we forget is there are those who are willing to take whatever they can
without thought of conscious, prudence or gratitude to those who have given it to
them. There are those who just want to watch the world burn. In light of Obama’s
arrogant unwillingness to represent those who elected him it makes one think,
doesn’t it?

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