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Abate subside or moderate


(Of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread.
The storm suddenly abated
: subside, die down/away/out, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease, diminish, moderate,
decline, fade, dwindle, recede, tail off, peter out, taper off, wane, ebb, weaken, come to an end,

Subside, decrease, slake, let up

subside, die down/away/out, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease, diminish, moderate,
decline, fade, dwindle, recede, tail off, peter out, taper off, wane, ebb, weaken, come to
an end, remit

decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, moderate, ease, soothe, dampen, calm, tone down,
allay, temper

slake, slack

let up, slack off, die away, slack

The increase in September over the previous year was a dramatic 61.5% and there is no sign of
this trend abating.
As the cast belts out the title song, fears are abated.
We did have, however, a small fuel leak, as I mentioned before, and it was abated using layers of
But victims complain that it takes a long time to obtain a noise abatement notice requiring their
neighbours to turn down the volume.
This action would not have been sufficient to abate the odour nuisance
A distinction is drawn between Abatement Notices which require works to be done and those
which merely require the recipient to abate the identified nuisance.
Surgery on the right ear diminished but did not completely abate her symptoms, so she
underwent surgery on the left ear.
When the storms abate , the uncertainties do not.
It is expected to be anchored there for a number of days to await the abatement of unusual
southerly headwinds.
During the mid section of the morning I was able to abate my longing for biscuits by eating a
slice of homemade fruit cake (courtesy of Welsh Dad Tony).
He was convincing enough to persuade Wall Street, thus abating the nervousness of the market.
An electrician arrived in a ladder truck and fixed the fault before the storm abated.

There are two approaches to abating these effects.

That path, that we have tended to follow in the past as in the present, has led us no closer to an
abatement of the widespread savagery of criminals.
The temperature dropped, the winds abated, and cool rains began to fall.
The challenges of rising health care costs and Medicare premiums will not suddenly abate.
And put simply, it translates into a party on the rise with no sign of that rise abating.
The spring saw the quick end of major combat abroad, while the threat of a widespread SARS
epidemic abated.
The storm has not abated, not at all, and I look out one of the windows, and see that the snow is
easily up to my waist.
A noise abatement order issued in November last year failed to stop the music.
November to April is the wet season but heavy tropical storms can abate as suddenly as they
Surely winning comedy's biggest prize in 1995 must have abated this self-doubt?
Patients should be observed in a closed ward setting until signs and symptoms abate.
Colchester Council slapped a noise abatement notice on the site.
There was no sign of the rain abating and already the trench was half filled with stinking brown
MSgt Samson's discovery set in motion the permanent abatement of this hazard.
As the economic recession abated, its relevance receded in popular culture.
The Committee gave instructions to the electrical engineer to have the nuisance abated.
Then, with your mind, think of calming the pain, easing it until it abates and is gone.
Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief.


snooze, doze, abate, drowse, slacken, flag

eliminate, extrude, eject, delete, weed, abate

paralyze, abate, enfeeble, melt, obscure, dim

abolish, rule out, invalidate, set aside, negate, abate

diminish, subside, slack, slacken, wane, abate

slow down, retard, dim, abate
be relieved, assuage, abate

become soft, relent, abate, give

minimize, shorten, cut down, diminish, reduce, abate

soothe, assuage, extinguish, mitigate, extenuate, abate

diminish, fall short, decrease, abate, fall, come down


reduce, abate, alleviate, assuage, curtail, lessen


abnormal or deviant


Departing from an accepted standard.

Indeed, it was aberrant of him to accept the job and downright silly of the government to appoint
: deviant, deviating, divergent, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, irregular, nonconformist,
rogue, strange, odd, peculiar, uncommon, freakish, quirky, twisted, warped, perverted

deviant, deviating, divergent, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, irregular, nonconformist,

rogue, strange, odd, peculiar, uncommon, freakish, quirky, twisted, warped, perverted

deviate, deviant

This is a system, not an individual's aberrant behaviour.

So, it doesn't excuse the behavior but I think it explains the atmosphere that gives rise to the
aberrant behavior.
They were nothing more than the winners of a game we all wanted to play - a game that we knew
rewarded certain aberrant tendencies.
Cervical thymic masses are congenital lesions that result from aberrant thymic migration during
Removal of this aberrant chromosome from further calculations makes no change to the
inferences drawn.
Governments came to support these societal changes by adding penalties only late in the game to
enforce rules against what had already become aberrant behavior.
There's nothing, though, that would necessarily explain his aberrant fascination with dead
It's fun tearing apart this delusional woman's aberrant thought processes.
I don't think it's a sickness that causes somebody to engage in aberrant behavior.
This aberrant conduct should not be rewarded by making fundamental changes in the way
judges are nominated.
Indeed, it was aberrant of him to accept the job and downright silly of the government to
appoint him.
The reasons why the pattern is aberrant are not complex.
The frequency of aberrant metaphases in the controls ranged from 0 to 1.9%.
This year for some aberrant reason, I feel like watching, so let's all watch together.
In fact, it covers two of my many aberrant fields of interest.
The reaction to the murder case made it seem like the killers were degenerates, aberrant
psychos who were far removed from normality.
This was not an aberrant, deviant test thrust on the wife by an unusually suspicious husband.
Implicatory denial is when a state acknowledges torture but blames it on aberrant agents.

And that gives or takes a few sequences depicting extreme and aberrant weather conditions
around the globe, is it.
Cells containing any of these types of chromosomal alterations were considered aberrant cells.
Other aberrant gametophyte phenotypes were observed among the group of mutants that could
form antheridia.
Flow cytometric immunophenotyping did not reveal an aberrant T cell or monoclonal B-cell
We have noticed that multiple clones carried an aberrant chromosome III that was
indistinguishable by size.
Yet these men had invisible and aberrant thoughts and fantasies, and were constantly processing
their weird symbols and hatred in ways normal people will never fully comprehend.
Review of the flow cytometric immunophenotypic data failed to reveal a monoclonal B-cell or
aberrant T-cell population.
When a damaged cell is unable to repair itself, an aberrant cell line, or malignancy, may result.
It seems to me that this is just again reinforcing the conclusion that there were five or six
aberrant soldiers.
If you're successful, you've doomed your family to a somewhat aberrant, abnormal existence,
but its public service.
At later periods, extremely aberrant metaphases predominated.
But some fears are well-founded: fundamentalism has emerged as an aberrant, aggressive
phenomenon in all the world's religions.

stray, divergent, perverse, erring, aberrant, excursive




suspended action


a state of temporary disuse or suspension.

matters were held in abeyance pending further inquiries
: in suspension, in a state of suspension, in a state of dormancy, in a state of uncertainty,
in remission, pending, suspended, deferred, postponed, put off, put to one side, unresolved, up in
the air, in cold storage, on ice, on the back burner

in suspension, in a state of suspension, in a state of dormancy, in a state of uncertainty, in

remission, pending, suspended, deferred, postponed, put off, put to one side, unresolved,
up in the air, in cold storage, on ice, on the back burner


Counsel agreed to hold these actions in abeyance until the question of entitlement is determined
by this court.
The sixteenth-century precedents regarding female rule in England, however, remained in
abeyance until Anne's reign.
The issue of whether or not paranormal beliefs can be verified by scientific, empirical research
methods is held in abeyance as a secondary concern.
A measure that passed Congress and was signed by the executive might still be held in abeyance
on constitutional grounds by a court.
This meant escalation of the pain that had been held in abeyance .
The situation was left with Mr Johnson being advised to contact his solicitor further for advice
and being told that Social Services would hold his claim in abeyance .
The spokesman confirmed that there was an outstanding planning appeal which at present was
held in abeyance .
matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries
We may be living through an era of prosperity and calm in which politics has gone into
abeyance - and when a real crisis comes along politics will return in a new form we cannot
The poetry press I had run for about twenty years was in abeyance but submissions continued to
arrive and one day I got this.
This application is still held in abeyance until the athlete's indebtedness to the club has been
Matters were held in abeyance pending further inquiries
Manufacture of anti-retrovirals is being held in abeyance pending official government policy on
the issue.
Although repeated again and again this pledge has fallen into abeyance in the post-colonial era.
As to whether Nancy Cornelius was America's first Native American trained nurse, a definitive
answer remains in abeyance.
Organizational rules sometimes fall into abeyance.
Only your penitent suffering gives us leverage to keep those forces in abeyance.
In Europe atmospheric perspective remained in abeyance for 1,000 years, to be rediscovered by
the early 15th-century, Flemish painters.
I see that sanity has prevailed and this crazy and unnecessary idea has now been put into
The sad thing now is that railways have fallen into abeyance and the motor car's taken over,
despite the great efforts of Fischer and people like that.
For the most part, these questions should be held in abeyance until other researchers either
validate or disprove the hypothesis outlined in the present study.
The compromise sets aside disputes about sovereignty by putting territorial claims into abeyance
for the treaty's duration.
A lot of expansion plans were put in abeyance, he said.
As I read on, my doubts, if never resolved, were held in abeyance.
All property rights in the property to which the order relates lie in abeyance.

But since it is rare in any book aimed at children to see a discussion of economics, let alone
imperialism and militarism, that criticism might be held in abeyance.
However, there were times when east himself was publisher as well as printer, in particular
during the periods when the patent was in abeyance.
Have reserves of force, impoverished and abeyant under an older-fashioned up-bringing, been
called into activity and use by new regimes of thought and training?
So I believe that this ancient and storied office is once again abeyant.
In 1986 Her Majesty agreed to comply with the advice proffered to her by the Lords regarding
abeyant peerages.

delay, abeyance

postponement, abeyance


depart secretly and hide


Leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such
as theft.
She absconded with the remaining thousand dollars
: run away, escape, bolt, flee, make off, take flight, take off, decamp, make a break for it,
take to one's heels, make a quick getaway, beat a hasty retreat, run for it, make a run for it,
disappear, vanish, slip away, split, steal away, sneak away, clear out, duck out, cut and run,
skedaddle, skip, skip town, head for the hills, do a disappearing act, fly the coop, take French
leave, vamoose, take a powder

run away, escape, bolt, flee, make off, take flight, take off, decamp, make a break for it,
take to one's heels, make a quick getaway, beat a hasty retreat, run for it, make a run for
it, disappear, vanish, slip away, split, steal away, sneak away, clear out, duck out, cut and
run, skedaddle, skip, skip town, head for the hills, do a disappearing act, fly the coop,
take French leave, vamoose, take a powder

make off, decamp, absquatulate, bolt, run off, go off

He said that a person with outstanding warrants is more likely to abscond from bail, wasting
more police and court time.
In Britain around 2/3 of failed asylum seekers abscond and disappear into the black economy.

What will happen if these fellows escape or abscond tomorrow?

All the children were aged between 11 and 16 years and highly unlikely to abscond or resist
I will not abscond in order to avoid extradition to Mexico.
While AHBs do make honey and pollinate plants, two traits make them undesirable for
beekeepers: Colonies regularly abscond from hives, and they are often too defensive to be easily
These may be needed in order to, for example, examine the person applying for admission, or to
make sure that they do not abscond when a decision to deport has been taken.
The network of centres house those applicants who are reaching the end of their legal battles to
stay in the UK, yet are identified as the most likely to abscond in order to avoid being deported.
Though men brewed the arrack, police arrest women as the men abscond the moment police
arrive on the scene.
One understands the concern that the public authorities have about the public reaction if a
prisoner in those circumstances were to become violent or if a violent prisoner were to abscond.
She is enjoying significant unescorted ground leave and has not endeavoured to abscond.
Also, Africanized bees abscond, leaving no queen, workers, or resources.
I cannot abandon my family nor abscond from my newspaper just like that, he said.
Such a trial can only be contemplated if a defendant absconds; and, as that is so rare an
occurrence, there is no public interest in permitting such a trial.
The situation was compounded when some owners emigrated or absconded, some sold to
slumlords, and others abandoned their buildings, leaving squatters to take over.
If a client absconds, and the solicitor has clear instructions as to how to proceed, then it could be
argued that he has either express or implied authority to continue to represent him.
The man who had ruled his country with a brutal and inflexible religious law was now an
absconder, a fugitive from justice he said.
The wrong way meant avoiding paying taxes and cooking the company books before
absconding to Brazil and Africa.
The spokesman said: Since his conviction for both offences he absconded from bail and his
current whereabouts are sought by the police.
He refused to accept medication and absconded, being re-admitted in November of that year,
again with self neglect, hallucinations and threatening behaviour.
The other one, seemingly in possession of a larger vocabulary, proceeded to explain to my
mother, that their job was to make sure we were not absconding with any national treasures.
With gossip raging more quickly than a bush fire, Leonie fled for South Africa while her lover
absconded to Peru.
In May he was arrested in Luton for attempting to steal a car, but absconded from the
magistrates' court while under secure supervision from the local authority.
The husband then absconded with the proceeds of sale, and on her return from hospital the wife
was excluded from the house by the purchaser, so that she was not physically present on the
property when he was registered as proprietor.
Indeed, it seems that an attempt to arrest the real absconder on the basis of this warrant would
have been unlawful, since he was not the person named in it.
He was arrested for absconding and taken to Westlea police station where he was charged with

Our goal is to stabilize the ratio of people who are now becoming absconders or fugitives and
the number of people we're removing from the country.
She absconded with the jewellery and the question was whether the loss was covered by the
insurance policy or fell within its exclusion clause.
In a fuller statement given on 23 March 1985, Davis said that he had absconded from a local
authority home in Newcastle.
It attracted many members but few funds, and the secretary absconded with what there were

run away, flee, escape, abscond, make off, decamp

be missing, abscond


sparing in eating and drinking; temperate


Not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking.

We only had a bottle. Very abstemious of you.
: self-denying, temperate, abstinent, moderate, self-disciplined, restrained, self-restrained,
sober, austere, ascetic, puritanical, Spartan, hair-shirt

self-denying, temperate, abstinent, moderate, self-disciplined, restrained, self-restrained,

sober, austere, ascetic, puritanical, Spartan, hair-shirt


New England in the 19th century was the apex of conformity: staid, stuffy and abstemious.
I would follow the same abstemious regime, but unlike him I don't have an accommodating
Left to my own devices, I am an abstemious person, as innocent as a baby and jaw-droppingly
Both were abstemious by nature, but knew how to enjoy themselves and were interesting

He took seriously his pledge made at the outset of the war that he would live a frugal and
abstemious existence as long as the war lasted.
When he sits down to celebrate his 40th birthday next Wednesday, this most abstemious of
professionals can raise a glass to himself and genuinely declare he could not have done any more
or any better.
However, it was the abstemious Chartist family, the Cranstons, who really put the coffee houses'
adversaries, the Glasgow tea rooms, on the map in the 1890s.
Taylor portrays Hitler as a sour, arrogant, abstemious spoilsport and friend to small animals.
The bill for our relatively abstemious meal worked out, with a tip, at nearly 40 leva a head.
Dalton was said to be abstemious but did indulge in a game of bowls on a Thursday.
There is a trend for alcohol limits to become tighter - a trend more related to the increasing
sobriety of the wider political climate than to the emergence of epidemiological evidence
justifying a more abstemious policy.
Judged alongside their abstemious Anglo-Saxon counterparts, they were seen as unruly,
belligerent and not to be relied on, a slur that was extended to generations through media
distortion and police discrimination.
Josiah Harlan was a pacifist, abstemious Pennsylvania Quaker stricken with a profound case of
In personality they were frugal, abstemious, shrewd, accumulative, and solitary.
There is no evidence, however, that a single drinking bout in an otherwise abstemious person
will lead to pancreatitis.
Robinson, famed for his Christian beliefs and his abstemious lifestyle, also found time to have
lunch with his mother, who still lives in Leeds.
A close family member confirmed that she lived a fairly simple and abstemious life, and spent
some years in a nursing home before her death in May 1998.
I considered a 48 hour fast, however decided that any gain that would be attained from this
abstemious behaviour would be completely off-set by the onslaught of DT's that this effort
would inevitably induce.
On the other hand, I have hardly seen any pals because they are down the pub, so my main
support now is Phil, an abstemious, gay, Welsh dancer who seems quite pleased that I share one
of his lifestyle choices.
There's still the same warm smile and shock of black hair, and there's clearly something to be
said for her abstemious lifestyle for she looks a decade younger than it says on her birth
It turns out Fields was a huge admirer of hers, but their approaches to comedy, and life, were
poles apart - Fields being a master of excess and West a paragon of abstemiousness .
The Cardinal lived abstemiously in a top-floor apartment, worked on his memoirs and a history
of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary.
He does not seem to smoke or drink, although he has downplayed his abstemiousness since
joining the drinks group.
You see him sip abstemiously, after using the small reading glasses he keeps in his pocket to
read the label.
Sims abstemiously declined anything alcoholic but before she knew it three Martinis were
whizzing around my bloodstream.
That is not to suggest that I am a model of abstemiousness who has never made an idiot of
himself after five too many.

Jake made up for any parental abstemiousness though.

We only had four bottles of wine - due to the wine service rather than any abstemiousness on
our part.
We'd ordered a bottle of Tiefenbrunner Pinot Grigio 2001 for 21 from a range of interesting and
well priced new and old world wines, which we managed to sip abstemiously for the entire
They subsist abstemiously upon wild herbs and fruits and roots and leaves of diverse kinds.

temperate, abstemious, continent, abstinent

continent, abstemious, temperate, self-restrained, self-disciplined

temperate, abstemious


abstemious, temperate
abstemious, self-restrained


abstemious, abstient, continent

warn; reprove


warn or reprimand someone firmly.

she admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven
: reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, reproach, upbraid, chastise, chide, berate, criticize,
take to task, read the riot act to, rake/haul over the coals, dress down, bawl out, rap over the
knuckles, give someone hell, chew out, castigate, reprehend

reprimand, advise, warn, caution, reprove

reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, reproach, upbraid, chastise, chide, berate, criticize,
take to task, read the riot act to, rake/haul over the coals, dress down, bawl out, rap over
the knuckles, give someone hell, chew out, castigate, reprehend

advise, recommend, counsel, urge, exhort, bid, enjoin, caution, warn, adjure

warn, monish, discourage

caution, monish


When they reached the Squad's room, they all turned to either glare at or admonish Vi.
When Stephen King won the National Book Award he used the opportunity to admonish critics
for not reading more John Grisham.
It is important that you don't chastise or admonish yourself for your feelings.
Shortly after this incident, his accusers noticed that he posted a memo on the law school's Web
site admonishing them in what seemed to be an act of spite.
Indeed, the Supreme Court has admonished us to leave such matters to Congress.
Try admonishing a cat and it just purrs, looks cute and goes to sleep, confident in the knowledge
that it has won your heart, again.
And those who are admonishing us to harden up, toughen up, I think we need to listen to that.
He claims to be a compassionate, caring man, often admonishing people to love your neighbor
like you would love to be loved yourself.
Alan Hansen would recall that, despite having won the European Cup, the taciturn Paisley still
admonished his men it's winning the league that's important.
He publicly criticised the Government's non-performance, and admonished the police and the
judiciary for their inability to produce significant results in the war on crime and corruption.
They thrust them on me, admonishing me to be sure to boil them well before eating, as they
were rock hard.
That is why the Bible admonishes us in 1 John 2: 15, 17 to love not the world, neither the things
that are in the world, if any man loves the world, the love of the father is not in him.
Keep in touch, old Mataji admonishes me, at odd hours of the day and night.
So we were taken aback the other day when an email we had sent to a York PR firm bounced
back, accompanied by a strict admonishment .
The traditional critical admonishment to distinguish between a writer and his or her work is
You know, there's so much air time spent in this city on admonishing people to get out of their
cars and take transit, cycle or walk.
It stresses throughout the narrow line separating righteousness from self-righteousness, and
admonishes believers to be humble in the knowledge that no person nor even any creed can
claim to have the full truth.
Here's a video clip from MoveOn that shows him admonishing some TV show hosts.
From government-supported advice guides to the problem pages of women's magazines, our
culture persistently admonishes us to leave romance to the novels, and to be realistic in our
dealings with our chosen life partner.
Mallman admonishes the musicians: You got to keep going.
He admonished them for stealing and told them it was a great sin to steal apples from his
In an editorial statement in Asian Voice Mr Patel admonishes Mr Livingstone for ignoring nonEnglish language media in the publishing section.
Sports writers have filled countless lines of copy answering questions like these by admonishing
the team to work harder.
Each of the moral rules admonishes us to avoid causing a harm
And Lloyd Best in rebuttal admonished us never to be cautious about criticising leadership.

Do you sir, agree with this punishment which would involve the admonishment of a member of
your own party?
When there were no more bottles to be thrown, laughter echoed on West 107th Street, along with
the sounds of dog owners admonishing their pets to be quiet and get back to sleep.
However, enforcement of the dress code regulations has been uneven and, when it occurred,
generally consisted of verbal admonishment by security forces.
Then there's the cut-out-and-keep card for your wallet, admonishing us all to be alert but not
St. Paul admonishes us: Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather
expose them.

admonish, caution, tip off, check

blame, censure, reprove, reproach, admonish, complain
strafe, admonish, chew out, upbraid, rebuke, reprehend


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