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Dictionary of Artists' Oil Pigments: Their Chemical

and Physical Properties
R. Bruce Handlong '69
Illinois Wesleyan University

Recommended Citation
Handlong '69, R. Bruce, "Dictionary of Artists' Oil Pigments: Their Chemical and Physical Properties" (1969). Honors
Projects. Paper 2.

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RQ Bruce Handlong

Submitte d for Ho nDrs 'Jork

In the Department. of Art
Illi noi s \!Jes l eyan University
. Bl o olJ'1..ington,. 'Illino is

mInols Wesleyan Un:lv Librade1l
Bloomington,_ Ill.. 617.01


1-1 ;( ,310 d.

Ac cep ted by the Depar tment of Art o f Ill inois

vJe sleyan Uni versity in fulfillment of the requirement
for departmental honor s .




Da te


This work is primarily intended as a reference
for the artist w ho seeks to know more about the chemical and physical properties of oil pigments that he has
at his disposal.

By better understanding these proper

the artist can insure the durability and perma-

nency of his creations and,


give him a firm foun-

dation on which he may begin to develop an individual

In preparation of this dictionary, I was concerned only with the standardization of color names of
oil pigments.
of Munsell,

I was not concerned with color theories


or Young-Helmhotz.

Al l the color

terms that were ambiguous or irrelevant were omitted.

The substance of this work is compiled in encyclopedic

and to facilitate reference,

an index is appended.

Acknowledgment is due to tw o of my instructors:

Dr. Wendell W.




and Mr. Benjamin W.

With their personal counseling I was

able to write this paper.

April 27,

1 96 9

R . B.















Th e ir Chemic al and Phys ical Prop erti e s , C o mpos i t ion, Synon;lms , Characteri s t ic Distingui shing 'Ile s ts , Hist ory and Source .






It has frequently been observed that while Hubert
and Jan Van Eyck,

DU rer,

da Vinci,


and other mas

ter painters knew the capabilities of the pigments they


the artists of today d o not.

They are hesitant to

concern themselves too closely with this study.

Out of the need for a better understanding of art
ists' oil pigments--their chemical and physical properties
--has grown this present work.
study of all past authors,

It is based upon intensive

making free use of their best

points and acknowledging them for their labors and attempt

ing to avoid those points which have found to be impracti

The ideal has been to present,


a dictionary of artistst

in essentially usable

oil pigments,

to be used as

a reference for the artist.

Pigments are the coloring matter needed for paints.
They must be substances which can be powderized so that

they can be mixed with a liquefied binder.
sources of pigments are:
and inorganic.


The four



It is simpler to classify them as e arth

mineral (or metallic) c olors,

organic colors,

and chemical colors.

The earth colors are not really made of earth
but various oxides of iron.

Th e name was applied to

them when "earth" was believed to be one of the four elements constituting the earth.
were air,


The other three elements

and water.

The iron ore used for preparing the colors can be

obtained from practically anywhere on the surface of the

The prepared colors range in hue from yellow

through diverse shades of buff,

and violet.

brown, and green,

The colors may be used as they are,

but many

of them (like raw siena and raw umber) can be calcined to

produce darker hues (like burnt siena and burnt umber).
Earth colors are lowest in price in all brands and are

The mineral colors are obtained from metallic elements.


Various grades of white are made from aluminum,


and zinc..

The various grades are Trans-

lRalph Fabri, COLOR:

(New York:
1,.Jatson-Guptill Publications, 1 96 7 ) , p. 74.

parent t'Jhite (aluminum hydroxide), vJhi te Lead (lead car

Titanium White (titanium dioxide),

tihite (zinc oxide) .

Other elements that are used to

produce pigments are antimony,




and Zinc


and strontium.



The pigments produced

Naples Yellow (lead antimoniate),

Cadmium Yellow (cadmium sulphide), Chromium Oxide, Trans

parent (hydrated chromic oxide), Emerald Green (copper

Manganese Violet (manganese ammonium phos

phate), Vermilion (mercuric sulphide),

Yellow (strontium chromate).

Most o the colors made

rom metallic elements are permanent.


and Strontium

They are costlier

earth colors or they have to be mined and care

ully processed.
The organic colors are made rom animal and vege
table matter.

Many o these colors w ere used in

One o these colors is Indian Ye llow ,

and calcium

the past.

an impure magnesium

salt o euxanthic acid--c H Mg0 e5H 0 .

19 16

was developed in 1735.


It is prepared 'rom the urine o

cow s that are principally ed on mango leaves.

The ood

stimulates the secretion o bile w hich the excess o strong

ly colors the urine.

It is made at Monghyr in Bengal by

the tribe o people known as Gw alas.

The permanency o colors produced rom organic mat
ter is questionable.

Organic colors are being replaced by

mineral and chemical colors.

The reason or the replace-

ment is two- fold.


the quantity of pigments pre-

pared from organic matter is not sufficient enough to

meet the demands of the artist.

The production of In-

dian Yellow is restricted to the amount



only two ounces of Indian Yellow is

obtained daily from one cow producing

of urne.

of urine pro



of a gallon

the quality of pigments produced

from mineral and chemical substances are more uniform

in their permanency than are the pigments produced
from organic matter.
The chemical colors are produced in the labora

For a hundred years chemical pigments w ere un-


They looked fine when applied but later

faded or changed rapidly often ruining the whole w ork.

One chemical w ould react to another and destroy the
effect planned by the artist.

Before World War I ,

tain colors bore warning labels:


liDo not mix 'tvith such-

and- such color.1I

Chemically produced pigments are now more uniform
in color and quality than natural ones.
a notable case.

hey are artificial ochres derived from

the hydrate and oxide of iron.




Mars colors are

All Mars colors- - black,

and yellow- - are fully reliable.


does not necessarily imply brilliance.

If truly

D. Van Nostrand Company,
1923)" p. 67.

bright colors in reds and yellows are desired,

advisable to use cadmium colors.

it is


Until early in the nineteenth century,
prepared their own colors and

other art

had apprentices to do the ir work.


materials or

The number of colors

was limited because only natural pigments were employed.

Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods,
the fifteenth to the eighteenth century,
palette of six to twelve hues.

1 519)

worked with a

L eonardo da Vinci ( 1452 -

asserted that the artist needed only six colors:


the color of light;



the color of water;




the color of fire;


the color of earth;

the color of the air;

and black,

the color of total

used a real blue or green;

they preferred the golden,

warm tones which 'tV"ere in keeping with the luxurious

life of the fabled city on the lagoons.
Each school had its own special likes and dislikes
in color.

Very often this preference w as due to the fact

that certain colors were unavailable.

color used in a painting,




From a specific

we can often tell where a cer-

tain painting must have been painted.

The period can,

be recognized by the fact that a certain color-

not introduced until a certain date--is employed in the


All the materials were tested by the master.

The paintings,

as a result,

that have survived are still

in fine condition.
By the middle of the nineteenth century,


artists were producing small easel paintings for they

hoped to sell them

to "bourgeois" clients.

The days of

large paintings and mural commissions seemed to be over.

There was neither room nor money nor a demand for such
works on the part of the rapidly growing middle class,
Painters now went out

the new patrons of the arts.

doors to paint instead of painting in their studios.

The painters no longer had scores of assistants help
ing them.

They had no time,

no space,

no patience,


no inclination to bother with preparing a few tubes of


The labor of making paints was separated from

the art of painting pictures.

Craftsmen were,
For a while,



there was a deterioration of quality_

were not tested in regard to purity,




and mixa

Many chemically obtained colors turned dark or

light within ,a short time.


to produce paints.

Some colors dried faster than

and when a fast-drying paint was applied over slow

drying ones,

cracking was inevitable.

These reactions can

be observed by viewing any one or Albert



The paintings or his that have been col-

lected were painted primarily in the late l8801s.

Each painting has become dark and prorusely cracked.
As the deraand ror colors grew,
began to compete ror the artists!

manuract urers


They first

increased the diversification of hues to attract the

artists' eyes.



they introduced in

ventions that would ease the artists' labors.


roll-up metal tube 'C\!as invented to replace the clumsy


made of animal bladders,

marketed and kept.

With these introductions,


in which paint vJaS

there were d isas-

The biggest was the introduction of asphalt

(This should not be conrused with asphaltum

which was introduced as an oil in 1598).

was a beautiful,

warm black.


had a very low specific gravit y;


After a while,

of a painting.


it could float on

it would rise to the surface

The asphalt would discolor and turn

everything dark.

Many paintings,

the turn of the twentieth century,

black now.


executed before
have turned almost

A few white spots remain in the darkness

of the painting because there was no asphalt in them.

After a while,

. ,



the manufacturers and artists

real ized that this haphaz ard limy of produc ing paints
could no t c ont inue .

Today, ma jor manufactur ers guar-

ante e the purity, dependabil ity, and mixability of

their c o l ors .

Many of them list the ingredient s on

the lab e l of each tube .

Others lis t them in the ir

catalogs which are available to all art ists .

It is

now ent irely up t o the artis t to work i.iith the r ight

colors and mat erial s .


The artist int eres te d in determining qualitat ively the purity of any color s hould keep the nec e s s ary reagents for this purpos e and refer to the var i
ous tes t s f or eac h pigment in question, under its respective listing .



small wooden box should be kep t

in the s tudio , in which several bottles of nec e s sary

r eagent s may be s afely kept, ready for us e at any t ime .
A compl e te assortment to make the usual t e sts, should
c ompris e a bottle each of
Alc ohol
S odium Sulphide in tiater Solut ion
Hydro chloric A c id
Sulphuric Acid

Nitric Acid
Ammonium Hydroxide
Sodium Hydroxid e in 1ater Solution
L ime 1.Jater
P otassium Ferrocyanide in Water Solution
Ferric Chloride in Water Solution
Barium Chloride in Water Solution
Silver Nitrate in Water Solution
Red and blue litmus paper
About six test tubes with small glass funnel
Filter Papers
The technique employed in testing a color is as

Although some tests can be made with oil colors

without the oil or gums interfering with the reactions,

it is preferred that the pigment be in a dry powder form.
The dry powder pigment respond s to reactions more accurately and definitely than the oil color.
sary that the oils, gums,

It is neces

and wax be removed before test

ing the pigment.

T he oil- color pigments should be washed free of
the oil by squeezing a small amount,
of the color in a test tube,

about a thimbleful,

add ing turpentine in excess

and shake until the color and turpentine are thoroughly


allow the pigment time to settle,

If necessary repeat several times,

weber, ARTISTS' PIGJI1EU':(lS,

then filter.

adding fresh turpen-




tine , until all t he oil is re moved, leaving only the

pigment upon the ilter paper .

Any turpentine remain

ing with the pig ment s houl d be r e moved by using alc o

ho l in the s ame manner a s t he turpentine was used.


s hould now b e ob served whe t her t he turpent ine , or the

al c oho l , fil tere d off c ol orless; a c olored s olution
would indicate t he pre s enc e of s o lubl e dye - s tufs or
o t her s oluble subs tanc e s .

Some extre mely fine pigments

filter through with the first filtrate and the artis t

should not mistake this for a c ol ore d solution , indieating dye-s tuff s or o t her soluble c oloring mat ter , as
the s olution usually filters clear after c areully refiltering .

ihen dyes are pres ent t he filt ered s olut ion

will r e main colored even after reil tering s everal time s .
First , t he che mical compo s it ion of the pigment
rs t b e determine d in order to urt her tes t it s purity
and propertie s as a durabl e c olo r .

I the name of t he

pigment in ques t ion be kno wn , reference should be made

to the various t e s ts e mpl()ye d in it s dete c t ion, lis t e d
under its re spe c t ive name in the s e c o nd half o f this
paper .

If on t he othe r hand, the identity of the color

is not knm,m , referenc e s hould b e made to t he listing

of several c olors of s imilar appearance with t heir dis tinguis hing reac t ions .
To il lus trate t his more c learly, le t us , for ex8 Ibid . , p . 12.

ample, assume that we have four blue pigments, which
optically resemble eac h other very closely, and it is
desired to know which of the four are desirable as
durable pigments and of what they are composed.
Primarily, we are concerned with the composi
tion of the four pigments.
mine these factors first.

It is necessary to deter
After this is known, it is

a simple matter to refer to the chemical and physical

properties of each respective color as listed in this
Each sample is first washed in turpentine and
then alcohol.

If any of the four yield a colored fil

trate, this would indicate the addition of a dye-stuff

or other soluble coloring matter.

The turpentine fil

trate may also be tested for soluble salts.


salts are present should the pigment be insufficiently

lJashed when made, or they may have been added as adul

Detection :

allow the filtrate to evaporate

to dryness on a shallow crystal when more than a mere

trace of residue would indicate the presence of soluble
Next, reference should be made to the pigments
that are commonly employed.

These pigments are Cobalt

Blue, U ltramarine9 and Prussian Blue.

Up on comparing

the various reactions common to each pigment, vIe see

9Ibid., p. 13.

that upon the addition of a drop of dilute hydrochloric
acid to each of the samples, only Ultramarine will be
reacted upon by the acid for Cobalt Blue and Pruss ian
Blue are insoluble in dilute ac ids.

The Ultramarine

may be further affirmed by referring to the character

istic chemical properties of this pigment.

The Cobalt

and Prussian Blue are physically so different that usu

ally they are readily recogniz ed, however knowing that
Prussian Blue is reac ted upon by alkaline solutions,
the Cobalt Blue will remain unaffected upon the addi
tion of this reagent.

Each may be further definitely

recogniz ed by distinguishing reactions listed under

their chemical and physical properties.
The addition of any insoluble or inert extender,
such as whiting, clay, barytes, alumina, silica, etc. ,
may be detected by referring to the characteristic test
for these substances.

The tinting strength and colo r

value of the pigment i s greatly reduced when these are

present in any appreciable amount.

The color may be

compared in tinting strength and color with a known

pure standard color.

A simple method of doing this is

to weigh off exactly the same amounts of each color and

mix with an equal amount of pure zinc white, using the
same quantity of oil for each.

Copare the tint obtained

from the sample pigment with the tint of the known stan

dard. O

Bu t if the artist does not want to employ this
type of testing, he may simply use the heating test.
It is practical and dependable.

The sample of the

pigment is taken up on a spatula and gently heated over

an alcohol flame.

The reactions that occur are char-

acteristic of the specific pigment.

vfuite lead turns

permanently yellow; zinc white turns temporarily yellow,

ocher red, and green earth a yellowish brown; vermilion
disappears completely; coal-tar and other organic pig

ments leave a colorless residue. l

The artist ma y, also, use the flame test to

determine another characteristic of the sample pigment.
The simplest way to


a flame test is to shape a piece

of fine platinum wire into a loop, dip the loop in HCl

solut ion and heat to remove volatile impurities, and

then use the loop to heat the samp le in a burner flame.12

The results obtained can be compared with the chemical
and physical properties of each respective pigment as
listed in this ,paper.
In order to determine whether or not a pigment is
lightproof, it is mixed with gum-water and a very thin


O LD lYL-1 STERS, trans. by Eugen Neuhas, Ph.D.h.c. , ( NevJ York :
Harcourt Brace and Company, 1 934) , p. 48 .
12Michell J. Sienko and Robert A. Plane, CHEMISTRY,
( New York: McGraw -Hill Book Company, 196 6) , 3rd. ed. , p.
3 97.

layer put on white paper whi ch wil l no t turn yel low;
haIr of the paper i s then covered up , perhaps by being plac e d in a book.

Arter the sun has shone on the

expo s ed haIr ror s ome time , this should show no change .

Mos t organic c olors are not l ightproof ; many bleach
a few hours , o ther s turn brown.


Vermil ion, when ex-

pose d to l ight , develops black spo t s , and madder lakes

fade when expo s ed to light.
A p igment i s oilproor ir , when mixed with oil ,
it does not di s s o l ve or change its hue .

Pigment s which

are not oilproor " s trike though, " they Itblee d , " that i s
to s ay , they p enetrate through superimposed coa t s and
come to the surrac e .
Newly deve l oped p igments should be re c eived with
caut ion, no ma t t er how t empt ing the ir color app e ars .
orten enough dere c ts become apparent whi ch were not at
rirs t evident , such as i t s s ens itivene s s to l ight and/
or lack or s tabili ty in oil . 1 3




To Adolr Wilhelm Kelia and the Deutshce Ge s ells chart zur Forderung ratione ller Halverrahren rounded
by him at 1ich, we are indebted ror our bas ic i de as
in the r i eld or col orQ

1 3Doerner ,

A normal color l i s t was s et up




p . 49 .

in 1 886 .1 4

1 .5

The original l i s t compris ed the fol lo't-T-

ing c o l ors :


Cremnitz whi te .


Z inc white .


C admium , l i ght , dark, orange .


Indian yellow

.5 .

Napl e s yell ow, l ight , dar k .


Y ellow and brown, natural and burnt ocher s ,

s ienna .

R e d o cher .


Iron oxide colors .


Graphite .


fJIadder lake .


Vermi l ion.


Umber .


C obalt blue .

1 .5 .

Paris blue .

1 6.

Oxide of chromium, opaque and transparent .

1 7.

Green earth .

1 8.

Ivory blac k .

1 9.

Vine b lack .

14. U l tramarine blue .

Today He should add t o thi s l i st cadmium red and

tit anium whit e .

The ab ove s e t of c o l ors enable s you t o

mix any pos s ib l e color and shade except spec ial chemical
color s . 1


On examining back through the years the subject
of color names as ident ifying c ertain color sensations ,
i t will be found that there exi s t s no authority to which
one may turn for an unqualified answer .

The cause of

this di s agreement is the lack of anything in the color

name to indi cate unerringly a specif i c color s ensat ion.
One of the wilde st c olor name s in the human language i s "Grass Green. 1I

in Old English.

It was recor ded as early a s

Gras s i s transluc ent and shows

c olor by transmis s ion and refl e c t ion of l ight .


color i s al tered by surrounding ob j e c t s and espec ially

by the blue l ight of the sky .

But beyond this , there

i s even a change of c olor c aus e d by the wind, which

b ends the b lade s about , so that they are now transmitting ,
now reflect ing light from various dir e c t ions .
To d eterm ine what color is meant by the t erm
" Grass Green, " a normal condit ion of asp e c t has to b e
created .

This gra s s plot would have t o b e in the t em

p erate zone at a pla c e not lower than thirty-six degrees

Latitude , of average good mixture of var i e t ie s , ob s erved

at a d i s t ance of from one to t en yards , during midday, in mi dsumm e r , on a day with no wind , away from
overshadowing tre e s , and with a low background , that
is , no t shut in by close , high tree s in the direc t ion
of s ight ( which could darken the color ) ; the charac
ter of light to be diffuse , wi ther an overcast but
not heavily clouded day, or in such shadow as doe s
not in any way alter the normal condi t ions out l ine d
above . 16
Conditions , such as the s e , can not always be
s e t up to exempl ify what is meant by an ambiguous
color t erm .

To arrive at the s tandard c olor t erm for

any pigment , it i s neces sary t o take the average from

general prac ti s e .
The t erm , "Ox i de of Chromium, Transparent , "
would b e a better sub stitute t o desc rib e the color of
grass than "Gras s Green . "

Oxi de of Chromium, Trans-

parent , i s hydrated chromi c oxide--cr 0 . 2H 20 .

2 3

It is

generi cally calle d " Emeraude Green" and/or "Viridian . "

I t i s a spec ific color s en s at ion.1 7
In other words , the only pos s ible authority by
which an a c c eptable s tandard c an be e stablishe d i s by
a cons ensus of opinion drawn from suffic iently wide sour c e s .
1 6Aloys John l'1aerz , and H. Rea Paul , A DICT ION
ARY OF COLOR , ( New York : McGraw-Hi l l Book Company , 1930 ) ,
p . 161.
171iJeber , ARTISTS ' PIGMENTS , p. 9 7 .

The name s appearing here are those of permanent
oil pigment s .

Each p igment is l i s t e d by its mos t c om

monly recogniz e d trade or s cient if i c name .

The syno

nyms and chemi c al compos ition of the pigment are in

c lude d along wi th a de scr iption of its etymology, his
tory , preparat ion, and chemical and phys ical propertie s .
The p igment s are arrange d in alphab et ical order, irre
spect ive of the ir var ious chemi cal and phys i cal prop
ertie s , the int ention be ing to fac i litate reference .

Al i z . Blue ; Ali z . C armine ; Al i z . Cr imson ;
A l i z . Green ; A l i z . Orange ; Aliz . S c arlet ;
Aliz . Ye llow; Rose Madder Al i z . ; Al i z .
Madder Lake ; Al i z . Burnt Carmine ; Indian
Lake Al i z . ; Permanent Violet ; Pe rmanent
Crimson; A l i z . Sap Green ; Aliz . O l ive
Gr e en ; Al i z . O l ive Lake ; Al i z . C r ap Lake s ;
Scarle t Crap Lake ; Viol e t C arp Lake ; Laque
dfalizarine carmios i e ; Lacc a d1alizarina
cremis ina ; Lac a de garanza cramois ;
Alizarin Farben


principle .

The coloring princ iple is , with few excep-

t ions , pre c ip i tated on a neutral base of Alumina Hydrat e ,

whi ch a s a pigment yiel d s , when ground i n o i l s , very
bril liant , transparent colors .
Before the development of the Al i zarin colors
from anthracene , a c oal- tar derivat ive , the madder roo t
was the source of thi s c olor extraction for many c entu
ries . 18 From the madder root ther e are two coloring
extrac t s , the perman ent ALIZARIN- - C 14H 8 (:1 --and the quickly
fading PURPURIN--C H e0 5 . 9 The A l i zarin extract yie l ds
the more permanent l ake s of br ill i ant cr imson, ros e ,
purpl e , violet and maroon hues , varying according to the
conc entrat ion, purity and base upon which i t is pre c ipitat e do
hue .

Purpur in yie lds p igment s more orange or re d in

The synthetic or artific ial Al i zarins are rapidly

dis p lac ing the madder extrac t s , b e ing of ri cher hue if

prop erly manufacture d and more permanentQ
Sodium Hydroxide entire ly d i s solv e s A l izarin and
Madder Lak e s ( on alumina bas e ) to a blue -violet solut ion
( Purplin yiel ds a cherry-red solut ion ) , whi ch, upon the
add i t ion of dilute Sulphuric A c id in exc e s s , lose s its
color with formation of a floc cul ent , colored prec ipitat e2 0
1 8 weber , ARTISTS ' PIGJYlENTS , p . 16 .
20 Weber , ARTISTS ' PIGJ'1E1IJTS , p . 1 6 .


76 .

of the dye - s tuff ( o rang e-yellow in color if Alizarin
and bright re d if Purpurin ) , leav ing the supernat ant
liquid prac t i c ally cOlorles s .

C armine or C armine Lake

are detected by the ir l eaving the acidified solut i on

mor e or l e s s intens ively red in c olor .
Al i zar in and Madder Lake are ins olub le in water
and alcohol ; a colored s oluti on would indi c ate the addit ion of dye s .
Al i zar in Madders and Madder Lake s are perf e ctly
durable and s afe in admixture wi th the cal c ined or burnt
earth pigment s , such as Bt . S i enna , Bt . Umb er , Bt . O chre s ,
Burnt Iron Oxide C o lors , and Burnt Terre Verte , but not
always wi th the natural earths , such as Raw S ienna , Raw
Umb er or Raw O chres , due to the presenc e of iron hydroxide .

The chemical colors such as the White Leads , Chrome

Ye llow, Naples Yell ows , Chrome Greens , have a tendenc y

to s omewhat b leach the Madder Lake s ; Genuine Vermilions ,
Cadmium Y ellows and the Black pigments do not aff e c t them.
The Alizarin Madder Lak e s yie l d brilliant and permanent
re sults if applied as a glaze over colors whi ch are thor
oughly dry . 1 Mix alizarin with l ins ee d o i l or c opal for
a glazing med ium.

Washed or glazed over any color , i t l ends

depth and pul l s large parts of a paint ing t ogethe r , with

out oblit erat ing de tail s .
Permalba with Alizar in or

l2 Ibi d . ,

p. 17 .

FaEri , C OLOR , p . 101 .

Madder Lake yie lds t ints of highe s t color value and de
pendable permanenc e and durab ility _

Bleu mineral , Bl eu dfAnvers a , A zul de
Amber e s , Antwerpener Blau
Antwerp Blue i s a product o f iron and zinc cy
anog en compounds and yie lds a c ol o r paler than Prus
s ian Blue .
Blue .

Ant'tverp Blue is a deri vative of Prus s i an

The color s trength i s weaker than that of Prus

s ian Blue for it has been reduced with A lumina .

The propertie s of this c olor are almo s t identi
cal with tho s e of Prus s ian Blue ( which s ee ) . 3

C obal t Y ellovJ , Jaune Indian Aureol in,
Aureol ina , Kobal tgelb
It is a yel l ow c rystall ine compound s alt of the
metal C ob alt .

It i s the Doubl e N i trite of C obalt and

The p igment i s a pure yel l ow color, transp arent ,

d s l ightly s o lubl e in water .

If it i s no t properly

washed of soluble s alt s , it i s no t abs olute ly dependable .

2 3 we b e r , ART ISTS t PIGl1ENTS, p . 1 9 .

It i s very fas t to air and l ight , and i s unaffe c t ed by
sulphuretted hydrogen, H 2S , although i t is b lackened by
sodium sulphide and/or c aus t ic soda .

Like many other

mineral pigments Aureolin when in admixtures wi th certain org anic p igments , such as lake s from co chineal , indigo , e tc . , cause s decompos i t ion of the s e ; the organic
colors b e come altered in hue as al s o Aureolin i t s elf b e come s a browni sh hue .
C o balt YellO'tv is c onverted into black cobalt
oxide by gently heating in a bunsen flame .

L ike all

cobalt c ompounds , a blue col or is formed when heated

with HC l on a plat inum wire .
duce d ab out 1861 . 4

This pigment was intro

Sky Blue , Bleu dlA zur , A zul C eles t e ,
Azurblau , Caeruleus
The t erm AZURE i s derive d through the Romanc e
l anguages and medieval L a t in ( l azur ius , l a zulus , azura)',
from Arab ic al- lazward, and Persian ljward, the preci
ous b lue rock or s t one , l ap i s lazul i ( medieval L a t in,
"blue s tone" ) , from which genuine ultramarine i s made .
, p . 22

25 Maerz and Paul , D IC TIONARY OF COLOR, p . 18 .


he term AZURE is , als o , a synonym for blue .
been a literary term.

F10r example , Tennyson

Azure has


Brook," had "her eye s a bashful a zure, " and Shake speare
in "The Tempe s t, " wrote "Twixt the green s e a and the
azur ' d Vault . "

The name Azure in the past has b e en

attached, for sales purposes t o e very kind of blue pigment in exi s t ence , but this prac t is e has di e d out .
Be c aus e of the very fre quent app l icat ion of the
term, in literature and poetry , to indicat e the s ky or
its color , A zure ha s b e c ome s ynonymous with "Sky Blue . 1l26
Thee-term "Sky Blue" fir s t app eare d in 1 7 28 . 7
Azure i s a mixed pigment c ons ist ing princ ipally
of Ultramarine Blue and Z inc Oxide or Permalba .


yi e lds a warm , l ight Sky Blue color , contra s t ing with

the cooler greenish C erulean Bluee
The phys ical and chemi c al properties are i dent i
cal with tho s e of Ul tramarine and Z inc Ilhi t e or Permalba .
Azure i s fairly opaque and i s permanent to light
. . 28
an d alr

Permanent Yel low, Barytgelb, j aune
d t outremer , Ye llow Ultramarine

Ib d. ,

p . 149 .
Ib ld . , p . 181 .
28 Weber, ART I STS ' P IGMENTS , p . 2 3 .

It i s c ompos e d of barium chromate .

In app e ar-

anc e barium ye llow i s very lit tle different from z inc

yellmv , only bright e r ; under artif i c ial l ight it i s lu
It i s readily soluble

minously bright , almo s t white .

in dilute hydrochlor ic ac id, and at the same t ime turns

a re ddish yellow.

vlhen heated , i t become s reddish , and

when cold again, it i s pure ye llow again .

dis t inction from zinc ye llow ) .

( This i s a

Barium yellow is s light

ly poisonous , and it i s superior t o zinc yellow in per

manence . 29

Charcoal Blac k, Vine Bl ack, Frankfort
Black, No ir de Vigne , Rebens chwarz ,
Drop Black, Noire bleuatre , Nero
bleus tro , Negro azulado ,
Fran1r..furter S ch1-Tar z
The ac t ive c olor ing pr inc iple is Carbon, in the
form of charcoal .
By dry or de s tru c t ive dis t illation of grap e hus ks ,
vine twigs , v ine wood and other s imilar mat erials , various quali t ie s of Blue-Black are obtaine d .

The fine s t is

Fankford Black, obtained from spent wine yeas t , whi ch,

29Doerner, MATERIALS O F THE ..lillTIST , p . 64.

aft er carboni z ing , i s thoroughly washed, to free i t

from qunt i t ie s o f potash and c alc ium carbona t e derive d from the " Tartar" in the wine yeas t .


Blac ks have l i t tle opac i ty as p igments but are perma

nent .

They are soluble in ordinary solvents and only

oxi d i ze at high temp eratures , and resist ac i ds and

bas e s l ike all carbon p igment s .
The s i gnificant p e culiar property of all charcoa l s in that they withdraw the ma j ority of organi c
coloring matt ers from suspens i on and from s o lutions
in water , is e videnc ed when a smal l quant ity of BlueBla c k is added to a pal e tint of R o s e Madder in wat er .
The t int b e comes rap idly decoloriz e d although not real
ly de s troyed, the pigment being c ompletely absorb e d by
This property i s some t ime s made us e
the Blue-Black . 3
of in the pur i fi cati on of polluted water .
Charcoal Blac ks are ment ione d by Pliny in his
IlHi s toria Naturalis , " A . D. 7 7 , and were perhaps the
fir s t pigments used by mane 3


These very permanent and bril l iant b lue- green
pigment s are produced by s trong c alc ination of Chromi c
3 0 He ber, ARTISTS ' PIGMENTS , p . 24 .
3I Ib id. , p . 25 .

oxide--c r 20 , Aluminum oxide --A1 2 0 , and Cobaltous
Oxide--CoO . The greater amount of Chromic O xide
pres ent will produ c e a more greeni sh hue .

If a

greater quanti ty of Aluminum Oxide and Cobal tous

Oxide ar e adde d to the mixture , the color wi ll b e
more bluish.

They are p ermanent to l ight , durabl e ,

unaffe c t e d by alkalies o r ac ids , have no act ion on

other p i gments in mixtur e s , 3 and are non-po i son
ous . 33


Jaune Brill iant , Amarillo Br illant e ,
Br i llantg elb
Brilliant Yel lmv resemb l e s Naples Ye llo1-! in
hue and is prepared by a mixture of Cailiaium Yellow ,
Vermilion, and Permalba .
permanent . 34

It i s opa que , durab l e , and

Cadmium Yellow Lemon or C i tron, Light ,
Hediv.1U and Dee p , C admium Orange ,
Aurora Yellmv , Ori ent Ye llow , Daffodil ,
3 2 Ibi d . , p . 98 .
3;3Doerner , r1ATERIALS OF THE ARTIST , p . 84.
34\ie b er, ARTISTS ' P IGHENTS , p . 25 .

Sulphide o C ailiuium, Jaune de C adium,
Giallo di cadmio , Amarillo de c amio ,
All hue s are o the one compound of C admium
and Sulphur , namely Cadmium SulPhide--C ds . 3
The pigments Cadmium Ye llow medium, deep
and orange c ons ist only of the Sulphide o C admium
and are the mo s t permanent of the Cadmium Ye llows .
The lemon or c itron and l ight t int s o C admium Yel low
are usually no t the pure s ulph i de , but the s ame in
comb ination wi th flowers of sulphur , zinc or white
p igments , and are invari ably not quite a s permanent
as the medium or deeper hues.
1e me tal Cadmium was d i s c o vered by S tromeyer
in 181 7 and ab out 1846 the sulphide o C admium became recognize d as a us e ful pigment .
By inje c t ing a s tream of hydrogen sulphide gas

into an ac i diied s o lut i on o a C admium salt ( Cadmium

Chloride or Sulphate in soluti on ) a pre c ipit at e o
yellow Cadmium Sulphide is obt a ined, whi ch must be
thoroughly washed o any s o lubl e impurit i e s .

It is e s -

s ential that there be no ree sulphur pre s ent in the

pigment .

If the pigment ha s no t been obt a ined by pre-

c ipitat i on , but by heating Cad..m iwrl Oxi de in a c overe d

35;rb i d . , p . 28 .

crucib l e '[,Jith pure Sulphur in exc e s s , an exce s s of
Sulphur is l ikely to o c cur .

It i s ne cessary that

all the chemical s use d in making the pigment be abs o lut ely chemi cally pure , as trace s o f iron, l e a d , bis routh, copper or any other metal , giving a colored sulphide , would mat erially al ter the hue and bril l iancy
of the des ired c olor .
The wet process i s in favor indus tr ially in the
manufac ture of C afuaium Yellows .

The Sulphide of Cad

mium irJ ill vary in hue from l ight yellow to a f iery

orange according to the concentration or s trength of
the s o lution of the Cadmium salt , the termpera ture and
the l ength o f time. the s o lution i s diges t e d with the
hydrogen sulphide gas , and l-lhether the s o lution be
neutral or s l ight ly a c idifi e d .
The darker types of Cadmium, l ight , medium,
dark, and orange , have mor e covering power and are
perrnanent . 3 7 The paler Ca dmiums are mor e like ly t o
fade s lightly ..
Cadmium Y e llow dis s olve s in c onc entrate d , hot
hydrochlor i c aci d , g iving off hydrog en sulphide .

yellow s olution woul d indi cat e the pres ence of Chrome

Yellow , and a re ddish

solution woul d indicate the

pres ence o f Zinc Ye l low .

hlhen heate d o n a spatula ,

36 I b i d . , p . 2 9 .
37Doerner , ITERIALS OF THE ARTIST , p . 65 .

it turns red ; upon cool ing i t re turns to yello't-l .
He ated Oadmium Leomon turned orange wi thin a year .
ca dmium Yell o1-l is not c ompat ibl e with c opp er col ors
such as Emerald Gr een; in mixture with the s e it turns
permanent ly black.
C admium Ye llow i s perfectly s afe
in admixture

ltd th

Whi t e Lead .

Owing to the c o s t of chemi cally pure Cadmium

Ye llow p igments there i s gre at t emptat ion to adulterate it with e ither Chrome Ye llow , Strontium, Z inc or
Barium Chromates .

Chrome Ye llows being the leas t ex-

pensive are mos t c ommonly employed.

They can ea s ily

be detec ted by the pro duction of black lead sulphide

if the p igment under o b s ervat ion is treat e d with hydrogen sulphide ga s , or a s o lut i on of s odium sulphide .
Di s c oloration will not take plac e if the p igment be
pure Cadmium Sulphide .
C admium Yel l ows when mixe d with Permalba or Z inc
1mite yi e ld t ints clos e ly re s emb l ing the true Naple s
Ye llows and are permanent . 3 9
CADMIUM RED is a mixture of Cadmium Sulphide
and Cadmium Seleni de .
l ight .

It is perfectly permanent to

Fre quently , it is us e d in plac e of genuine

mercury vermilions on account of its p ermanency , but

it is no t as brill iant as the true vermili ons .

3 Ib i d . , p . 65 .
3 t'leber , ARTISTS ' P IGNENTS , p. 30 .

Cadmium Red dis s olves to a c olorles s solut ion
in c oncentrat ed hydro chloric acid 't-Jith the evolut ion
of hydrog en sulphide and hydrogen selenide .

Adul t era

tion with barytes would be indicated by an insoluble

re s idue of the same . 40

Gas Black , Ga s Soot , Ve lvet Black
No ir de charbon " Nero C arbon, Negro de carbon ,
Kohlens chwarz
It cons is t s chemically of the element C arbon.
Carbon Black is in all phy s ical resp e c t s s imi
lar to Lamp Black but i s more int ens e ly black in color .
Although not crys talline in s truc ture , it has the appearanc e of such , being granular in form.
In the manufacture o f it , Carbon Black differs
from the true Lamp Blac ks , which are obtained from the
c ombus t ion of oil s , by being made from the c ombustion
of gas .

In Amer i c a , pr inc ipally in many of the oil re-

gions , the natural gas , which flo ws out of the ground

is utilized f or thi s purpos e .

The flame s are coo led

by iron plat e s on 'tJhich the s oot or carbon black bec ome s dep o s i t e d and is c olle c ted.

Carbon Black is the pur e s t form o f the Carb on
Blac ks , e . g . I vory Blac k , Lamp Bla cks , and Charcoal
Blac ks , and l i ke the s e r e s is t s ac i ds and bas e s , is
abs olutely permanent and adaptable to all t e chni que s . 4l
Only at exc eedinly high t emperature s the carbon unit e s
with oxygen in the a ir, yields the gas , c arb on dioxide ,
and leaves no ash re s idue .

Be ing an extreme ly poor

dri e r in o i l , it retards drying of admixture s with

other colors .

On ac count of i t s t inctorial s trength,

Carb on Bla c k s tains every other c o lor wi th which i t may

be m ixed. 4

Coeruleum, Bleu c e le ste , C o e rulium,
Coel inb l au, Blue c eruleum,
Azul c e leste
I t cons i s t s of a c ompound of Cobaltou s Oxide-CoO- -and Tin Oxide - -Sn0 2
Thi s l ight greeni sh-blue pigment is p ermanent ,
almo s t opaque , and adaptabl e to all te chnique s .

It is

safe to mix wi th any pigment but has a limi t e d t inting

power .
I t is usually obta ine d by precipitating a solu-

t i on o f Cobalt Chloride--C oC1 2 --vdth potas s ium s tannat e , thoroughly washing the pre c ip i tate and them
mixing it wi th pure s il ic a and heat ing .

Another method

is to moisten Tin Oxide--Sn0 2 --with a C obal t N itrate

s o lut i on, s trongly heat ing , then powder and wash the
greeni sh-blue mas s whi ch i s the var i e ty of Cerulean
Blue known a s C OERULEUH . 3
Cerulean Blue doe s not acquire a violet cas t as
other c obalt blu e s do .

A permanent imi tation of C eru

lean Blue c an be made by mixing Cobalt Blue , Viridian,

Z inc \ite or Pe rmalba tog e the r .

It i s practi cally un
affect e d by weak ac i ds and alkalies .
It 11'JaS introduced a s a p igrl1ent in 1859 . 45

Chrome Green l ight , me dium, and deep ,
Z innober Gr een, C innabar Green,
Z inc Gr een , Green Vermilion ,
C i nabro Verde , C inabre vert ,
C inabrio verde
Chrome Gr e en is a mixture of Prus s ian Blue and
Chrome Ye l l ow pigments .

By varying the amount s , the

43 I b ide , p . 3 5 .
44Y5Id ., p . 36 .
45Maerz and Paul , DICT IONARY OF COLOR , p . 181 .

hue obtained 'tvill range from pale yellm-J-green to deep
These Chrome Greens should not be confused with
Chromium Greens, namely the transparent hydrated Oxide
of Chromium ( Emeraude Green) or opaque Oxide of Chro
mium. 46

Chrome Green is opaque and fairly permanent to


Acids cause the color to become more blue in

The acids dissolve out the c hrome yellow.

lies turn it orange.


The alkalies change the blue col-

oring of the pigment to a reddish-brown and the yellmv

coloring of the pigment to an orange.

Sulphurous gases

or sulphur darken the Chrome Green considerably. 47

Chrome Green was introduced as a pigment in 181 5. 48

Chromrot, rouge de chrome

It is basicly Lead Chromate--PbCr0 J1lbO.

It is similar to Chrome Yellow and dries quickly.
Acetic acid changes it to yellowo
example for showing the effect
on the character of the coloro


Chrome Re d is a good
the size of the grain

fuen finely ground, the

color becomes lighter and more of a y@.llowish red.

ft6 \ve e r,



J,Ibd., p. 38.
4 Maerz and Paul, DICTIONARY ON COL OR, p. 1 9 2 .

should be 't;J'orked only with the spatula and jus t before
being use d .

Chrome Yellow l i ght , medium, and dee p ,
Chrome Lemon , Chrome Orang e ,
Chrome Re d , Par i s Ye llow,
Kings Yellow, Jaune de Chrome ,
Giallo d i cromo , Amarillo de cromo ,
The pure r i ch chrome yellow hue i s Neutral
Lead Chromate--PbCro4 ; the paler tint s and lemon or
c itron chromes are mixtures of Lead Chromate and Lead
Sulphat e ; the orange hues are Bas ic L e ad Chromate-Pbcro PbO .
The Chrome Ye l lm-Js ( neutral l e ad chromat e ) are
all obt aine d as prec ipitate s by the addit ion of a s o
lution of a solub l e l ead salt to a solut ion of a s o luble
chromat e or bichromat e .

A s olut ion of l e ad ace tate is

brought tog ether with a solution of pota s s ium chromate

or bichromate , yielding a prec ipitate of Chrome Ye llow.
49Do erner , KTERIALS OF T ART IST , p . 75.


This must be thoroughly washe d fre e of pota s sium ace

tat e , which i s formed and stays in SOlution . 50
During precipita tion o f le ad chr omate , an addi
tion of sulphuric acid yields paler lemon or citron
hue s .

Alum and Bl ac Fixe ( BaS0 ) are , al s o , us e d to


make pal er Chrome Yell ows .

By treating yellow l e ad chromate with a weak
s o lution of sodium or potas s ium hydroxide ( caus tic
s o da or pota sh ) , which removes s ome of the chromate
radical of the lead chromate , ba sic lead chromat e ,
which is orange ye llow to orange red in hue , is formed .
Chrome Orang e and Chrome Red can b e ob tained by pre c ipita tion from s olutions of lead ac e tate , litharge , and
neutral pot a s sium chromate ; s ome times , with the addi
tion of caus tic po tash a deeper , redder hue is obtained. 51
Chrome Yellow c olors are brilliant and inexpensive .

I t co vers and drie s well .

when us e d g o e s a l ong way.

A little bit o f it

The lighter tone s do not

stand up wel l under light ; even as a powde r they turn

a dirty leather c o l or and in oil a dir ty greeni sh brown .
The darker shades of Chrome Yell ow are , ac cording to
their degre e of darkne s s , more p ermanent .

It mu s t b e

given an addi tion of wax, 2%, or it is apt to harden in

the tub e . The pigment is mixed with 2 5% poppy o il . 5
5Oweber , ARTISTS. P IGMENTS , p . 39.
51 Ibid . , p . 40 .


63 .

When mixed with pigment s of organic or igin ,
espec ially tho s e which thems e lves are prone t o oxi
dize , Chrome Ye llow has a tendency to undergo reduc

the loss of oxygen by i t s chromate radical ,

yielding the gre en or lower oxide o f Chromium .

Hydrochl ori c acid dec omposes Chrome Ye llow ,
yielding a solut ion , redd i sh-yellow in c olor ( fre e
of chromi c acid ) and a re s idue of white lead chloride:

2HC l


H 2cr04

PbC1 2



L e ad Chlor

Ye llow

Ac id in


So lution
The diluted solution of reddish-yel l ow Chromi c
Ac i d , if alc ohol be added, will turn green in co lor
upon warming , and produce an agreeable aldehyde o dor:
the smell of apple s .

The whi te prec ip itat e of L e ad

Chloride wi ll dis s olve in an exc e s s of ho t water , in

which the pres enc e of lead can be det e c t e d with s o d ium
sulphide ( the format i on of bla c k lead sulphide ) .
Lye s decomp o s e Chrome Ye llow with the format ion
of yell ow c olored solutions of alkali chromate s .


monia d i s s o lves Chrome Yell ow, yielding a yellow s o lution .

C aus tic s oda , not in exce s s , changes Chrome Yel low t o an
orange c o lor .

Hea t e d with carbon, it i s convert e d into


metallic lead.53

When heated, Chrome Yellow becomes

a reddish-brown.

men cold again, it is a dirty yel


Impure pigments containing free sulphur will

darken Chrome Yellow to a dark brown or gray color.

Chrome Yellow was discovered about 1 797 but

evidence of its use as a pigment does not appear un

til early in the nineteenth century.55
Blue de Thenard, Kings Blue,
Bleu de cobalt, Bleu Cobalto,
Azul de Cobalto, Kobaltblau
It is a compound made of Cobaltous O xide--CoO ,
and Aluminum oxide--A1 0 --in the presence of phosphoric
2 3
acid; arsenic acid or Ainc O xide, to yield different
According to the method employed in its manufacture, Cobalt Blue is a mixture of either oxide,
phosphate or arsenat e of Cobalt with aluminum oxide
yielding a deep blue tending towards a violet colorQ
Optically Cobalt Blue reflects a considerable amount
of green and violet light, in consequence of which it
acquires a purplish hue when examinad by artificial
53weber, ARTISTS ' PIGMENTS, p. 4 1 .
Doerner, TERIALS OF THE ARTIST, p. 6 3.
Weber, ARTISTS ' PIGMENTS, p . 42.

light, particularly by gas or candle light.

The usual Cobalt Blues of violet hue are compounds of Cobaltous Oxide and Aluminum Oxide.


amounts of Zinc Oxide added to the admixture yield a

pure greenish-blue.

This hue varies according to

the quantity of Zinc Oxide present.

By heating at high

temperatures an intimate mixture of Aluminum Oxide, or

Alumina ( Aluminum Hydrate) with Cobalt carbonate, phosphate, or arsenate, the pigment Cobalt Blue is obtained.

Alumina in excess will produce lighter tints.5 6

It is a non-poisonous metal color that is unaffected by acids, alkalies, and heat.

proof and permanent.
but dries quickly.

It is light

The color requires 100% oil

Because of this drying power cobalt

often causes cracks in paintings when put over coats of

paint which are not yet sufficiently dry.57

Cobalt Blue first appeared as a pigment in 1777c58

Rinmannts Green, Vert de Cobalt,
Verde di Cobalt, Verde de Cobalto,
Kobalt Gruen

56Ibid., p. 46 .
57Doerner, }TERIALS OF THE ARTIST, p. 80.
58rvlaerz and Paul, DICTIONARY OF COLOR, p. 193.

It is a compound of Cobaltous Oxide--CoO, and
Zinc Oxide--Zn O.
It is formed when Cobalt Oxide and Zinc Oxide
are heated at high temperatures.

Paler tints require

greater amounts of Zinc Oxide.

Genuine Cobalt Green is permanent, semi-transparent pigment.

The deeper shades are more transpar

It 'tvill not decompose at moderately high temp

eratures .5 9

The color appears in the trade in yellowish and

bluish tones.

It has not much coloring strength, is

somewhat gritty, and does not adhere well.


Green dries quickly; despite its poor coloring strength

but because of its fine, cool tones, it is used for
flesh tints.6

Hydrochloric acid dissolves Cobalt Green to a

rose-red solution and forms chlorides of cobalt and
z inc.
Cobalt Green was discovered by a Swede, Rin
mann, in 1 7800
Cobalt Violet light and deep,
Cobalt Red, Violet






Violetto cobalto, Cobalto violeta,

Kobalt violet
The dark cobalt violet, Anydrous Cobalt Phos
phate--co ( P0 ) --is very permanent, transparent and
4 2
has little tinting strength or brilliancy.
It is not acted upon by acids or bases, and heat
will not destroy it.

It is insoluble in ordinary sol-

vents d is not discolored by sulphurous gases.

By precipitating a solution of any soluble
Cobalt salt with a solution of Disodium Phosphate--

precipitate and heating it to a high temperature, yields

the pigment Cobalt Violet.

Pigments consisting of Co-

baIt and Hagnesium Oxides prepared at high temperatures

yield a more reddish hue, Cobalt Red. 6

Cobalt Violet was introduced as a pigment in

1859 by Salvetat.62

Cyanine, Leitch1s Blue
The term CYANEOUS is derived from ancient Greek,

Homer was one of the earliest users of this term,

6 1Weber, ARTISTS' PIGI1ENTS, p. 48.
62Ibid., p. 49.

employing it i n various forms, forty-five ti mes i n

the ILIAD and the O DYSSEY, wi th the general meani ng
of " dark blue, 1I and sometimes, poetically, of merely
" dark . 11 6 3

Today C yaneous i s referred to by the term


It is a mixture of C ob alt Blue and Prussian

Blu e .
Thi s semi-transparent c olor is prac tically

The Co balt Blue c onsti tuent by the admix-

ture seems to protec t the Prussian Blue fro m change,

by absorbi ng some of the ac ti ve ( ac tini c ) rays of
light. 64

The name is due to the fac t that the potters
i n the city of Delft, Holland, about the beginning of
the ei ghteenth c entury, fi rst suc c eeded i n imi tating
this parti cular c olor, found i n chinaware imported
from C hina.

It was then c alled 1I 0ri ental Blue . n 6 5

It is a semi-opaque hue obtai ned from the ad

mixture of Pru.ssi an Blue ( or A ntwerp Blue) , Lamp Black,
and Ultramarine.

It is permanent. 66

6 Maerz and Paul,

weber, A RTISTS'
;;;rr'1aerz and Paul,
66weber, ARTISTS'


PIGI NTS, p .5 1 .
PIGME NTS, p . 52 .

Paris Green, Vert Paul Veronese,
Sc hweinfurt Green, Mitis Green,
Veronese Green, Cenere verde,
Vert c endre, Verde c eniz a,
Mineral Green, Swedish Green,

Sc heeles Green, 6 7 Smarg dgrun,

Smarag d J.nus 8

Emerald Green c onsists of Cupric Ac eto-Arsenite

In 1814 while experimenting to improve Sc heeles

Green ( copper arsenite ) ( also c alled Mitis Green and
Veronese Green) named after its disc overer, the eminent Swedish c hemist Sc heele in 1778 , the much more
brilliant and more permanent Sc hweinfurt Green (Emer
ald Green ) was developed at the color works of



ler at Sc hweinfurt, from whic h it rec eiv es its name. 6 9

It is the most poisonous and dang erous of all


The c olor is a luminous bluish and/or yel-

lowish green.

It is permanent, but incompatible "lith

sulphur colors, suc h as c admium yellow, vermilion, and


Discoloration ensues quickly, and the

paint becomes black ..

It requires but lit tle oil, 3 0% ,

6 7Ibid. , p .5 3 .
68Ma"e'rz and Paul, DICTIONARY OF aOLOR, p. 19.
6 9ljleber, A RTISTS ' PIGl''IENTS, p .53 .

L 3
in preparation as an oi l pi gment.

It dries well . 70

Emerald Green is entirely soluble in boi ling

hydroc hloric ac id or ni tri c ac id or ammonia.

I t should

have no prec i pitate when barium c hloride is added to

the clear solution.

When treated with Ac id Potassium

Ferrocyanide, Emerald Green will discolor brownish.

Hydrogen Sulphide gas, H S, as also Sodium Sulphi de
will decompose the copper green with the formation of

black copper sulphi de.7

Ammonium hydroxi de dissolves Emerald Green to

a deep blue c olored solution.

Th i s is a c harac teris-

ti c test for all copper pigments.

If a small piec e of metallic zinc i s added to
hydroc hloric ac id whi c h an amount of Emerald Green has
been dissolved, evolves the extremely poisonous gaseous
ARSIlm (ASH ) , whi ch can be recogniz ed b y i ts garlic3
like odor.

If this test must be made, use extreme c au


Rouge i ndien, Rosso i ndiano, Ro j o indiano,
Indischrot, C aput mortu m, C olcothar,
Rouge, Iron Oxides deep



70Do erner, Iv1A.TERIALS OF' THE ARTIST, p. 83.

7lWeber, ARTISTS' P IGMENTS, p . 5 4.
72.!Ei., p. 55.

Persian Red, Tuscan Red, Po mpeiian Red,

Venetian Red, Rouge de Venise,
Ro sso di Venezia, Ro j o de Venec ia,
Venez ischrot, Terra Po z z uoli
It is Basic Ferric OXide--Fe 0 73
2 3

The native mineral H aematite ( Red Iro n Stone

or Blo o d Stone) o r red o c hre has b een the sourc e of
supply of Ferric Oxide since anc ient times.
Oxide is nearly c hemically pure in this.


It is com

posed o f 95% Ferric Oxide .

The natural red iron oxides are dark in hue
when pure.

They are as equally as permanent, and de-

pendable as artific ially prepared sub stitutes.

It is obtained b y two processes : the Dry Proc ess and the wet Process.

In the Dry Proc ess, C op

peras ( Ferrous Sulphate--FeS0 - 7H 0 ) is heated to

yield pure Ferric OXide--Fe 0 - By reg ulating the temp 2 3
erature at Hhich c alc ination is carried on and its duration, the hue will vary from bright red by moderate heat,

to a deep purplish hue by white heat.74

To test fo r the presenc e of iro n sulphates in

the pigment, mo isten the pigment "lith 'VJ'ater and heat it
to glowing in the test tube.

The moisture whic h c o n-

denses o n the coo ler Hall o f the test tube, sho uld no t
73Ibid. , p. 64.
74Ib id., p. 6 5.


turn blue litmus paper red.

In the Wet Process, by-produc ts of iron compounds

are utiliz ed.

I ron is prec ipitated from solution and

calcined and yielded, as in the Dry Proc ess, varying

hues of Iron Oxides red.
I n the hydrated form, F erric Oxide represents
the ac tive coloring principle of native oc hres, sien
has, and umbers, 1tlhich 1tlhen c a lc ined give up their 1tlater
of hydration to yield the Ferric Oxide, c hanging in hue
from yellow or brO'tVll to a Harm red.
Red Oxides are not alterated by moderate heat
and should not yield a tarry distillate on the walls of
a test tube Hhen heated to glowing.

It is insoluble


water and alcoho l, is safe, permanent, and indifferent

to alkalies.
ac ids.

The deeper hues are more resistant to

A mixture of Zinc lihite or Permalba and Indian

Red yilds a reliable flesh tint. 75

If the pigment is ground too fine in oil, lI bleedngI I -viill occur.

I t requires from 40- 60% oil.


Red possesses good c overi ng power and dries fairly 'trJel1 7 6

Piur i, Purree, Jaune indien,
Giallo indiano, A marillo indian,
75Ibid. , p. 66 .
76noerner, TER IALS OF TH ARTIST , p. 71.

Indian Yellow is a natural organic lake.

It is

an impure Magnesium and Calcium Salt of Euxanthic Acid

--C1 H1 Oll 5H 2 0 .
9 6
Genuine Indian Yellow is obtained from the urine
of C 01-1S that are principally fed on mango leaves.


food stimulates the secretion of bile, and the excess of

which strongly colors the urine.

The bright yellow urine

is boiled down in earthen vessels, yielding a yellm'; mass,

which is strained through material, e.g. calico, and
formed into balls and put on the market in this shape.
The crude round balls of pig ment are about three or i'our
inches in diameter, are of a dirty greenish to brovn col
or externally and internally of a bright yello'lrJ hue.


has a ammonical, urinous odor and is non-poisonous.

About two ounces of Purree is obtained daily
from one cow producing three-fourths of a gallon of

It is made exclusively at Monghyr in Bengal by

the tribe of people known as Gwalas.

The coloring principle, the s alt of euxanthic
acid, is not present alone in the natural pigment.


eign mineral and organic matters are, also, present.


raw material, Purree, is first freed from the brown earth

ly crustation and is ",rashed thoroughly in boiling water
until the water filtered from it comes off clear showing
no br01,mish discoloration.

1!Jith this t reatment the brovm

colored impurity and odor are lost.

It is the n dried,

powde red, and used in this condition. 77

It is a b eautiful golden yellow glaz ing color

which is quite pe rmanent.

If a small piece of Indian

Ye llow color, is boiled in wate r and hydrochlori c acid

is the n added, the yellow color will immediately disappear.

Like many organic sub stances, it should le ave

an ash whe n burned, but this should be white .

ne ash

that i s left is completely soluble in hydrochloric acid.

Indian Ye llow is a very e xpe nsive pigme nt. 78

173 5. 7 9

Th e earliest record of its use as a pigme nt is

Noir de bougie, Ne ro fume,
Ne gro de humo, Lampensch-vlarz,
Vege table Black
It is a flocculent b lack form of commercially
pure Carbon--C.
Lamp Black is a fine flocculent ki nd of soot
ob taine d from -vrick lamps in 'tihich oils ri ch in carb on
are burnt vTith insuffi ci e nt ai r for complete combustion.
The soot, wich is de posited on plates "'he ld into the flame,
77We ber, ARTISTS ' PIGME NTS , p. 6 7 .
78Doerner, J.'.'f.ATERIALS OF THE ARTIST, p. 66.
79Naerz and Paul, DICTIONARY OF C OLOR, p. 1 9 7.

is ocl lect ed and is ready for cOlumercial use.


better varieties are obtained from fluid fatty oils.

Lamp Black is of st rong black color with con
siderable opacit y, is permanent , is unaffected by
impure air, gases, acids or alkalies and is insoluble in all usual solvents.

It is a slow drier in oil. 80

Green Verdit er, Green C opper Carbonate,
Mountain Green, Green Bice,
Vert de Mout agne, rvIineral Green,
Verde minerale, Vert mineral,
Berggruen, Malachitgruen, 8

Verde Azuro82

This pigment has been in use for over 3000

It is the oldest know GREEN pigment.



of it have been found in ruins in Pompeii, Rome, and

Egypt. 83

F rom ancient t imes to t he Renaissance, it

bore the Greek name CHRYSOCOLLA . 84



Ib id. , P 87.
8 2Cennino D I Andrea Cennini, IL LIBRO DELL I ARTE,
( The Carftsman1s Handbook) , trans. by Daniel V. Thomp
son, Jr. , ( New York : Dover Pup lications, Inc. , 1933 ) ,
p. 31.
83tve ber, ARTISTS t PIGMENTS , p. 88.
84Maerz and Paul, DICTIO NARY OF COLOR, p. 1 6 5.

It is c omposed of Basic Copper Carbonate-
CUC0 e CU ( OH) .

It is found native in Amer ica, A sia,

Africa, and Europe.

Malac hite-- cuc0 . CU ( O H) - -is formed gradu
ally out of blue c arbonate, Azur ite--2CuC0 e Cu ( O H) .
The two are often found blended into a single sample
of ore.
It is readily blackened when it c omes into c on
ta c t with sulphurous gases or sulphur compounds and
fa des slightly when exposed to strong light. Admixtures with Cadmium Yellows, Aurora Yellow, Ultramarine,
and genuine Vermilions should 1) e avoided .
A s an oil i t is permanent, espec ially if it

is protec ted by a strong varnish film. 8 5

It is soluble in ac ids, with eff ervescenc e to

a c lear solution, and will turn to a deep blue c olor
upon addition of ammonia water in excess o
Heat destroys the pigment and forms black c opper
I<1ineral Violet, Permanent Violet,
Nuernberg er Violet
8 5Weber , ARTISTS' PIG:ME: NTS , p . 87 .

It i s a doubl e salt o f Phosphuric Acid with
Iclanganese and .Ammonium.
Its violet hue is more true than the reddish
Cobalt Violet .
The three principal permanent viol et pigments
are :

Mang anese Viol et, Cobal t Violet, and Viol et

Ul tramarine.
To obtain the pigment Manganese Violet, mel t
Manganese Dioxide and Ammonium Phosphate together.
The Ammonia will evolve and yield a fused mass of vio
let co l or, which is digested 'trJ'i th Phosphoric A cid and
heated until a rich violet hue is produced.


cooling, tvash wi th water and Phosphoric Acid, until the

residue pigment which remains is no long er soluble in
vJater .
Manganese Violet is sol uble in hydrochloric acid;
chlorine will evolve .

safe.8 6

It is permanent to light and is

A test for this pig ment is made by melting a sampIe of the color in questio n w ith soda on a porcel ain
dish, or a platinum wire .

A bright green mol ten mass of

Sodium langanate ( Na 1Jh0 ) is produced.


It is sol uble

in water and discolors the sol ution green .

After stand-

ing for some time this bright green color wil l change to

Sodium Permanganate--Namo --i s or med . 8 7

The earl i es t record o its us e as a pigment was

a viol et color.
in 187 3. 88

Mar s BrO"t.J'n, Mars Or ange,
Mars Red, Mars Viol et,
Mars Yellow
They are ar tii c i al ochres .

Their color is

derived rom the H ydrate and Oxi de o Iron.

lifars YellO"t'T i s obtained by prec i pi tating a s al t
o iron i.J'ith alumi na by means o either caus tic l i me,
s oda" or potas h.

The more alumi na us ed the paler the

Mars Yel l ow 't'lhen s ubjected to cal c ination

yi elds depending upon durati on and degree o heat un der which the proces s i s bei ng carried on, dierent
hues are obtained :

Mars Brown, Orange, Red, and Vio-

l et.
They are no mor e permanent or brill iant than the

native ochres or natural iron reds . 8 9

lifar s colors are

more trans parent becaus e they contain l es s clay and are

di s proportionately expens ive.
col or than natural ochres . 90


They ar e more uni orm in

and Paul , DICTIONARY OF COLOR, p. 1 98 .

Weber, ARTISTS' PIGmNTS, p. 89.
90 Doerner, MATERIALS OF THE ARTIST , p. 69.

18 3 5. 9

Mars Colors were introduced as pigments in

Jaune de Naples, Jaune d l Antimoine,
Giallo di Napoli, Amarillo de Napoles,
Naples Yel low consists mainly of L ead Antimoni
ate--PbSb 0
2 6
It was used as an enamel and on decorated pot

There is record of it being secretly manufac

tured in Naples about 1 760.

Naples Yel l ow is obtained by prolonged roasting

of finely mixed oxides of l ead and antimony with the

addition of tin oxide to the mixture before roasting.


will yield a Naples Yello of a rich light yellow hue.

It is permanent to light and air, is very opaque,
has l ittle tinting streng th, and dries well in oil.
When it comes into contact with a metal lic iron
or tin or zinc, Naples Yellow becomes g ray.

It is ad

visable to use a horn or wooden spatula in preparing

and/or mixing the pigment.
Hydrochloric acid and nitric acid slowly dissolves
the pigment.

The resultant solution is colorless.


9lMaerz and Paul, D ICTIONARY OF COLOR, p. 1 98.

li es decompos e i t.


Today, Naples Yellow is i mi tated.

The admix-

ture of Cadmium Yellow, Permalba, Zi nc Whi te, and

li ght Red or Venetian Red yields a color of Naples

Yellow and of excellent permanency.92


Ochres are a var iety of natural earths ; the
bas ic coloring principle is Iron Oxide--Ferric Ox
ide--Fe 0 --and various iron hydroxides .
2 3
The word Ochres is from ancient Greek OCHROS.
It was us ed i n Homer, along with the word CHLOROS to
expres s the pallor of the face from fear in battle.
CHL OROS i mpli ed a g reeni s h ti nge and later came to de
note a bright green.
yellowish tones.

OCHROS was us ed s trictly for

Soon after the time of Homer, the

term OCHROS was applied to the yellowi s h native earth

containing s i lica, alumina, and ferric oxide, better
known as CLAY rather than EARTH.

It is one of the old-

es t pigments known.
The word Ochre i s a generi c term, and in cons equence, many defini ng adj ecti ves have been prefixed to
it in order to identify certain d i s tinctive grades ,
us ually a c cording to variation in color .
92Weber, ARTISTS . PIGMENTS, p. 91.

F rom the very

early days, the word OCHRE was sometimes used alone,
but was practically always intended to refer to the

pigment more exactly known as Yellow o chre. 93


The yellow and brown ochres derive their colo r

from the presence of iron hydroxides.

There are sev-

eral iron hydroxides, which exist as mineral species.

The Yellow and Brown Ochres derive their color, principally from three of these, Yellow Haematite, XANTHO
SIDERITE- -Fe 2 0 . H 20; Brown Haematit e, LIMONITE-- 2Fea 0
3H 20 and Bog- iron ore, LYl\1NITE--Fe2 0 . 3H 20.


ochres are composed of either or several of th ese hy

droxides in varying amounts, together with more or less
clay, sand, chalk, gypsum, barytes and occasionally silica, diatomaceous in nature.

This varying composition

greatly influences the color, tinting strength, opacity

and purity of the ochre.

The ochres selected for artists '

pigments are from France, Italy, Germany and Spain even

though ochres are found in every country of th e 'toJ'orld .
The ochres with the larger percentages of iron hydroxides are more transpar ent and of stronger color than
those which contain large amounts of clay or other bituminous organic matter.

Th e ochres that contain large amounts

93Maerz and Paul, D ICTIONARY OF CO LOR, p. 169.

or clay and bituminous organic matter are opaque,
dull and or weak c olor.
It is nec essary to thoroughly wash and levigate natural oc hres berore their use as artist pig
ments thereby washing the c olor rree or sand and any
soluble salts, whic h would otherwise be or considerable detriment, arrec ting their durability as pigments.
tfuen pure, all ochres rank high with the most
durable and permanent pigments.
Hydroc hloric ac id dissolves the iron rrom
oc hres yielding a yellow solution ( iron c hloride) , the
remaining undissolved sediment is c omposed or c lay and

other earthly substanc es.94

Oc hres to which dyes or

lakes have been added to brighten the color, usually

bleed these admixtures


alc ohol to 'tv-hic h a little

ammonium hydroxide is added.

Ochres when heated in

a test tube should not yield a tarry c ondensation on

the c ool side or the tube"

Oc hres should be insoluble

in boiling water.
Mixtures or the natural ochres with organic
pigments and lake c olors are best regarded as or unc ertain stability, the iron hydroxides have a tendenc y to
reduc e the se colors.
The Yellow and Brown Oc hres appear under the rol94tveber, ARTISTS' PIGME NTS , p . 93.

lowing names :

YELLOI/J OCHRE, Ocre j aune, Ocria gialla,

Ocre amarillo, Lichter Ocker, Transparent Golden Ochre,

Ocre d 1 0r transparent, Ocria dorata, Ocre de oro, Goldocker, Golden Ochre, Roman Ochre , O cre de Rome, Ocria
di Roma, Ocre de Roma, Ocker roemis,Qn, Brovffi O chre, and
Oxford Ochre.
The natural red ochres are of similar composition containing a greater percentage of iron oxide.
The additional iron oxide gives the characteristic
red color to the ochre. 95

The natural red ochres are prepared in the

same manner as the natural yellow ochres.

The most

durable and permanent pigments are obtained by thorough vlashing and leviga tion of the minerals.
To these colors belong the genuine Indian Red,
Ve netian Red, Terra Poz zuoli, Terra Ros a, Red Chalk,
Bole, Ruddle, Red Iron Ore, Red H aematite, and Bolus.
Sinopis and Rubica were red ochres that were used in
ancient times o
vfnen natural ochres are roasted, the iron hydroxides lose their water content and are converted into


iron oxi de,

thereby c ausing a c hange of colo r from yellow to red.

The different varieti es of yellow oc hres yield
upon calc ination produc ts varying in c olor from orangered to deep red-brol.

The resultant hue is also af

fec ted by the temp erature during roasting.

The c al-

c ined oc hres are as permanent as the raw oc hres.

The following c olors belong to the burnt oc hres :
Li ght Red, BrVLn rouge, Bruno rosso, Pardo roj o, Burnt
O c hre, O c ria bruc i ate, Ocre brule e, O c re tostado, Ge

brannter O c ker, Burnt Roman O c hre.96


Chromi c Oxi de, Oxyde vert de c hrome,
Ossido di c romo verde,
Oxido de cromo verde,
Gruenes Chromoxyd
It c onsists of the green oxide of Chromi um,

It was first introduc ed by Vauquelin in 17 97.

It i s of dull green c olor varying in hue, depth
and opac ity ac cording to the process, wet or dry, and

condi tions under vthich i t 'toTas produced .

I t is very stable and inert in mixtures, permanent, and employed as a vitrifiab1e pi gment in the enam
eling of pottery. 97

It requires 3 0% o i l and dri es no

faster than Oxide of Chromium, Transparent.

The Oxi de of Chromium greens can be distin
guished from i ts substitutes for their ability to with
stand the acti on of acids and a1ka1ies. 98

Sodiun Sulphide and H ydrogen Sulphide do not af

fect thi s pigment. 99


Emeraude Green, Vi ridian, Vert emeraude,
Verde smera1do, Verde esmeralda,
Feuriges Chromoxyd, Guignet Green,
Emerald Oxi de of Chromium,
Panneti ers Green, Mi tt1ers Green
It is composed of Hydrated Chromic Oxide- -

In 1 8 34, Panneti er produced by a secret process

the brilliant Chrome Green, whi ch several years later
viaS manufactured by the patented process of



97Ibi d. , p. 96 .
I-Jeber, ARTISTS ' PIGMENTS, p e 97 .

whose method is still in use today.
This pigment is produced by thoroughly mixing
and calcining eight parts of boracic acid with three
parts potassium bichromate, treating the resultant
fused mass of green color with cold water, washing it
by decantation, grinding the wet decantant, washing
it with hot water to free any soluble salts ( potas
sium borate) and then carefully drying it.
Oxide of Chromium, Transparent is the one of
the most desirable and valuable pigments :


tinting strength; color depth; transparent; durable;

unalterable in all techniques; unaffected by sulphurous gases, dilute acids or alkalies; and is permanent
to light.lOO

It is non- poisonous.

It dries well and should

not lose any of its color in water, alcohol, or ammonia.

If it does, it shouws adulteration with a coal-tar dye.
The color o the Oxide of C hromium, Transparent, requires much oil, 100% , and must be allowed to stand for
a few hours after grinding, when it will again almost
absorb as much pigment as before.

'Ilwo percent of wax

is needed and should be added to the color in its prep

aration as an oil.

l OOIb l O . , p. 98
101noer ner, YTERIALS OF THE ARTIST, p . 8 .

Permalba is a true composite pigment consisting
essentially of a compound of Barium Sulphate.
Permalba is an artists 1 Permanent \\1hite introduced by F . W. Weber Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
It is absolutely permanent to light; is unaffected upon exposure to impure air, dampness, and
gases; is most opque white pigment with the greatest
tinting strength; will not discolor with age; is chemi
cally stable and inert towards other pigments; is not
acted upon or does not react with any vehicles or me
diums used in painting; does not contain lead or z inc;
is non-toxid; is acid and alkali resistant; is not discolored by sulphur gases or compunds; yields tints of
exceptional brilliancy; has tvue color value when mixed
with any color ; withstands high baking temperatures
wi thout discoloration; photographs white; and is not
acted upon or altered by actinic light rays.
Permalba, when ground in pure oil, yields upon
oxidation ( drying ) , an elastic film which has no tend

ency to crack, to become horny, or to become brittle. 02
Bleu de Prusse, Bleu di Prussia,
10Jeber, ARTISTS' PIGMENTS, p. 9 .

A z ul de Prusia, Preussischbl au,
Paris Blue, Chinese Bleu, Milori Blue,
Bronze Bl ue, Steel Blue, Mineral Blue,
American Blue, 103

L ouise Blue, 104 Berl in Blue

Berl in Blue was the original name; Prussian
Bl ue came much later.

The substance was discovered

in 1704105 by Diesbach in Berlin. l0 6

It was first

introduced in G ermany in 1710, under the name of Ber

lin Blue, and in Engl and in 1724.

10 7

It is composed of Ferric Ferrocyanide - -Fe ( Fe4

( CN ) ) --a complex compound of iron and cyanogen.
6 3
CYANOGEN is composed of carbon united with nitrogen- CN-- and is known to constitute one of the most powerful poisons when in the simple compound of Potassium

Prussian Blue is not poisonous.

vmen solutions of Yellow Prussiate of Potash

( Potassium Ferrocyanide) --K Fe ( CN) -- and iron ( Ferric
salts) are brought to gether, keeping the iron salts in
excess, Prussian Blue ( Ferric Ferrocyanide) is formed

iglIbid. , p. 100.
Maerz and Paul ,
lO Ibid. , p. 1 7 .
ig 71I1Te'ber, ARTISTS


I PIG!1ENTS , p. 100.
Maerz and Paul, DICTION A RY OF COLOR, p. 1 75.

as a deep blue insoluble precipitate.
If during precipitation the potassium ferrocyanide is kept in excess, a deep blue precipitate is
formed which is soluble in water.

This compound is

composed of iron, cyanogen, and potassium.

called Soluble Prussian Blue.

It is

By treating the in

soluble Prussian Blue with Glauber Salt ( Sodium Sulphate) and Oxalic Acid, a soluble Prussian Blue i s
Ferrous salts,' e. g. Iron Vitriol--F errous Sulphate-''1 and Yellow Prussiate of Potash form a vJhi te

' 10
preclpl t ae 8

h en exposed t0 alI' or 1O f treated WlO th


Nitric Acid and is oxidiz ed thereby developing Prus

sian Blue.

OvJing to the cheapness of Iron Vitriol

( Copperas) this method is usually employed for commercial manufacture of Prussian Blue .
Chalk, Gypsum, Clay, and Starch are often added
to Prussian Blue as adulterants and to lighten the col

or and VJe aken its tinting strength. 9

Antwerp Blue

and Milori Blue are adulterated products of Prussian



Prussian Blue is a very transparent color and

has a pm,rerful tinting strength, is insoluble in water,
has a bronzy appearance when dry, has a tendency to fade

1 1rjeber, A RTISTS' PIGJlENTS, p . 101 .

1 Ibid, p. 102.
11 0nerner, lTERIALS OF THE ARTIST, p. 81.

slightly when put into the sun but regains its c olor
when restored to the dark, and is sensitive to alka-


Prussian Blue is a beautiful deep blue c olor

es pecially when it is mixed with white, but it is so
povJerful that it " kills" every c olor with which you
mix it, even though it is transparent.

L ike asphal-

tum, it rises to the surfac e gradually, and where you

had intended to have a slight Prussian Blue tone, you
.f 1. nd a dark blue spo t.

Th 1.' S

p1. gment 1.' S h ard t0 use. 112


Prussian Blue is almost instantaneously disc olored by potassium hydroxide.

Although it dries well

as an oil, the pigment takes up a lot of oil, 8 0,10, in

preparation. 113

By roasting Prussian Blue, it is oxidized to

brolm iron oxide and is known as Prussian Brown.
ac ids do not affec t Prussian Blue.


Solutions of Red

Prussiate of Potash ( Potassium Ferric yani de) --K Fe ( CN )

--'t-Jhen added to solutions of ferrous compounds , yield
a blue insoluble prec ipitate, Ferrous Ferricyanide-Fe ( pe ( CN ) ) --Turnbull l s Blue.
6 2

Blue Prints owe their

c olor to the formation of Turnbull' s Blue.


111,[1e ber, ARTISTS t PIGlJIENTS, p o 102.

112p abri, COLOR , p . 103.
3 Do ernenr, TERIALS OF THE ARTIST, p. 1.
4Weber, ARTISTS t PIGMENTS , p . 103 0


Hinium, Orang e Mineral ,
Saturn Re d , Paris Red,
Ros s o di Saturno ,

, Mlennge , 11.5

tus ,


Bl e imennige l 1 7
It cons is ts of a bright red Oxide o f Le ad--

Red L e ad is pro duce d by heat ing Litharg e ( lead

monoxide--Pb O ) in the pre s ence o f air .

Th e finest

variety of O rang e Mineral i s obtaine d by c arefully

he ating pure fui t e Lea d , which i s c onverte d into Lith
arge and then into Red Lea d .
In dry powder form, R e d L e ad soon turns black
up on exposure to l ight .

Darkening i s due to the re-

duc t ion of R e d Lead to Lea d Monoxide and dark brown

Le ad Peroxide :

Pb 3 04- - 2Pb O

Pb0 2

Th is r eaction

is not produced by oxi dat ion, it wil l occur in a vacuum

tub e e xposed to l ight .

When the pigment i s ground in

an oil or re s in , this darkening does not take place . 11
Red L e ad is very p o i s onous , s ens itive t o Hydrogen
11.5\e b er , ARTISTS ' P IGMENTS , p . :L0.5 .
Maerz and Paul , D ICTIONARY OF' COLOR , p . 1 9 .
Do erner , }TERIALS OF THE ARTIST , p . 74 .
11 S\e ber , ARTIS TS I PIGl'1El'JTS , p . 10.5 .


Su lphide , is attac ked by hydrochloric acid , but i s
indifferent to alkal ie s .
al cohol .

Re d L e ad should not di s col or

If it do e s , it has been adul t erated with a

c o al-tar dye .

Like white lead, this c olor requires

very little oil , 15% .

i s fairly permanent .
L e a d , it fade s .

lfuen i t is mixe d Hi th oil it

1tJhen mixed in o i l Ifi th lrJhi t e

R e d L e ad can be used only as an o i l

c o l or ; a s a powder o r in a fres c o , i t eventually turns

black. 1 1 9
vJhen R e d L e a d i s ground i n lins e e d oil , i t
hardens quic kly and yi elds a qui ck-drying color .


ing to i t s excepti onal cover ing and we ather-res i s ting

properti e s , it is used frequently as a heavy-paint
for underpaint ing on metals and as a prote c t ion agains t
rus t .
D"Jhen Red Lead i s produced under insuffici ent heat ,
a red-ye llow oxide forms , 'tolhich i s not permanent .
1 21
can be . e l iminated by washing with sugar-water.

Thi s

D i lut e Nitr i c A c id de c omp o s es this pigment to

Le ad Nitrate


s o luti on and a dark brown Lead Peroxide .

This rea c t ion yiel ding the dark brown peroxide d i s t ingu ishes Re d Lead from p igment s of a s imilar color, e . g .
Ve rmilion, Chrome Re d, and C admium Red .
R e d L e ad was


by the ancient R omans and Greeks

1 1 9Doerner , }TERLLS OF TlIE ART IST , p . 74 .

1 201,\Te ber, ARTIS TS ' :1P IGT1ENTS , p . 1 05 .
1 21Do erner , Mi'-;.TERIALS OF THE ART IST , p . 74 .


as 1'liniutr'l, the Latin i'o r Vermilio n. 22
The term SIE}mA is derived from the Italian
town of Siena .

The pigment was first used here as

It was then called " Terra di Siena" --

a c o lor .

earth of Siena--with a single I n l , the Italian

spe11 lng

Raw Sie nna is a natural var iety of Oc hre.

It c o ntains a larg e perc entage of iron hydro xide s
in it be sides silic ic ac id.

It is princ ipally obtained

from Tusc any, the Harz mountains.

and has good c o lor s trength.

It is transparent

It wo rks 1-1ell in o ill24

eve n though it requires up t o 200% or more o il in its

. 121:'
preparatlon as an o' ll.
Its pro pe rties are the same
as the Ochres.
The sJonyms for Raw Sienna are :

Terr e de Si

enne , Terra di Siena, Tierra de Siena, and Ro he Siemia 12 6

Ra1-1 Sie nna is a c o ol, grayish brown. 127

Burnt Sie nna is a c alc ined o r burnt natural

Raw Sienna.

The iro n hydrate, vJhich is the yellO't-1 colo r

giving princ iple of Raw Siennas, is c onverted by calcina1221rJebe:: , ARTISTS PIGI'1ENTS,

l23Fabrl , COLOR, p . 103 .
i weber, ARTISTS' PIGmNTS,
l2 6Weber , ARTISTS' PIGlliNTS,
12 7Fabri, COLOR, p. 103 .

p. 10I:' .

p. 103 .
ARTIST, p. 69 .
p . 103.

t ion into red iron oxide , Fe 20 , changing the trans lu3
c ency and deepening the hue of the pigment .

It is an

inexp ens ive p igment and i s not l iabl e to be adulterated .

Hydrochloric a c i d dissolves the iron of ochr e s
and s iennas and forms a y ellowi sh s olution o f iron
chlori de . The e arthy and clay c ons t ituent s remain as
r e s i due . 128
It i s a fiery glaz ing color and re quir e s a l o t
o f o i l , 18010, and a s an o il is apt t o jelly .

This may

b e remedied by washing , but the s ienna l o s e s much of

its f ire . 9
The synonyms for Burnt S i enna are :

Te rre S i en-

na brulee , Terra di S i ena bruci ata , Tierra S i ena to s

t ada , and G ebrannte S i enna . 3
Burnt S i enna i s a mahogany b rovffi c olor and i s
good for warm shadows on the human figure . 3l

Gr een Earth, Terre de Verone ,
Verone s e Green, Verone s e Earth ,
Terre vert e , T ierra verde ,
l 2 8t'lebe r , ARTISTS I PIGl"IB.1:JTS , p . 2 7 .
l 2 9Doerner , }1ATERIALS OF THE ART IST , p . 7 1 .
l 3 \'lebe r , ARTIsrrs t P IGNENTS , p . 2 7 .
1 3 Fabr i , C OLOR , p . 1 0 3 .

As its name " GREEN Ef-;.RTH , s ignifies , it is a
sub s t anc e that is found in nate , a c lay co lore d with
green hydrated oxide of iron .
earth .

It i s found all o ver the

The be s t variety is of a deep olive- green color ,

and i s f ound at Monte Baldo , near Verona .

Terre Verde is a produc t of natural dis intergration of c ertain minerals and is compos e d of s il i cates
of iron and other element s .
main coloring princ ipal .

The iron s ilicate i s the

The best var i eties are s e-

lect e d , treate d wi th dilute hydrochlor ic aci d to re

move any calc ium c arbona t e ( whiting ) and ochre s , and
Hashe d thoroughly .

It i s ready for us e .

I t is dependable in o il , is s emi-opaque , and

has veak tinting s trength . 1 3 2 It requires 1 0CY',k o il
but drie s normally .

It is not poi s onous .

Terre Verde diss o lves parti ally in hydrochloric

acid and discolors to a yell oHish-green hue .

It does

not dis s olve in alkalies nor does it d i scolor in water ,

ammonia , or al c oho l . 1 33 vmen cal c ined , it i s converte d
into an ochre-broHn color--Burnt Terre Verde .

I t is p er-

manent and durable .

Terre Verde is imitat ed by the mixture s of Yellow
Ochr e and Is s ian Blue .

Alkalies de s troy the Prus s ian

Blue in such mixtures and turn the same broVJn c olor .

Green U l tramar ine is us e d as a sub s t i tute for Te rre Verde .
1 3 2"[;le ber , ARTISTS t PIGIvTI1'NTS , p . 110 .
1 33Doerner , MATER IALS OF THE ARTIST , p . 8 6 .

It can be det ected by the addition of hydro chlori c
aci d . Hydrog en Sulphide i s forme d .

Lap i s Lazu l i Blue , Bl eu d lAzur ,
outremer , Oltremear e ,
Ultramar , Lasur s t e in, Ul tramarine Ash ,
C endre d ' outremer , C enere d 1 oltremare ,
C eniza de ultrarcar
'l"'he s tone Lap i s Lazuli from 't'Jhich the genuine
Ultramarine is obtaine d, was kno't to Romans and Gr ec ians , as SAPHIR ( SAPPHIRE ) but ment ion o f it s use as
a color source for the pigment , ultramarine , dates
b etwe en the thirteenth and fourteenth centuri e s .


f ine s t vari etie s of Lapis Lazul i are found in Tibet .

It is also found in S iberia , Per s ia , and China .


natural Ultramarine i s usually found to have gold-l ike

specks cons i s t ing of Iron-Pyrit e s , FeS 2 ( Fool l s Gol d )
s catt ered through the mineral .

The mineral i s com-

p o s e d of s i l i con, aluminu, sodium, sulphur and oA7gen .

The molecular c ons truct ion of the c ompound is not definitely known .

It is mos t pecul iar that such a strong c olor

shoul d be produ c e d from a compound of element s "VJhich of

thems elves have no c o l or ( v-rith the except ion of sulphur ) .
13'Jeber , ARTISTS t PIm'1ENTS , p . 11 0 .

The metho d of extrac t ing the blue color from
the s t one cons is t s in sele c t ing the pure s t pie c e s ,
which afte r having b e en finely ground , l evigat ed,
and washed , are knea ded together
dough with a lit tle



the form o f a

r o s in , and l ins eed oil added

in a 'tVeak s olut ion of potash or soda lye .

The fine s t

part i c l e s o f col or are withdrawn by alkal ine water

and s e ttle out when l eft s tanding .

The dough re
tains the foreign mineral subs tances . 135
The second and cons e cut ive extrac t s from the
same dough become more gray in color .

The fir s t ex-

tracti on i s of the purest and deepe s t blue col or .

The la s t extract ion, a blue gray, contains a l o t o f
foreign mat erial s and i s the l east valub l e .

The s e

last extrac tions are known a s Ultramarine Ash .

Genuine U ltramarine is permanent t o light , moisture , and is unaffe c ted by hydrogen sulphide .

It is

more transparent than artific i al ultramarines .


ultramarine is appli e d in heavy appl i cat ion ( impa s to )

in oil , s ome var i e t i e s have a t endency t o go b l ind or
become gray in c olor 'Hi th age .
marine s i c knes s . 1I

This is knot-m as "Ul tra-

This phenomenon i s very rar e and never

occurs when whit e ha s been mixed vii th it .

I-leak and s trong

organi c and mineral ac ids , exc ept carbon ic aci d , r eadily

decomp o s e ultramarines and de s troy the c olor "tdth the
135 Ibid . , p . 11 2 .

1 6
evolut ion of Hydrogen Sulphide . 3
re adily des troye d by heat .

The color i s not

The addi t ion of dyes to

br ight en the color is dete c ted by shaking a sample of

the pigment vlith water or alcoho l , the ultramarine
is ins oluble and will s et t l e to the bottom as a pre
cipita t e .

C aus t ic alkalie s will dis c olor them to a

browni sh hue if Pruss i an B lue is pre s ent .


hydroxide "Jill produce a b lue soluti on if copp er blu e s

are pre s ent .

Gypsum, b ariun sulphat e , chalk, china

c l ay , magnes ium, and c arbonate are s ometime s added t o

cheap en the product but re duce the t inting s trength of
the color . 3 7


Umbers are varie t ies o f ochres c ontaining manThe c olor becau s e of
1 8
its mangane s e content , is an exc e llent dryer . 3

gane s e oxide and iron hydroxide .

The bes t kinds of Raw Umber is obtained from

the i sland of Cyprus .

I t is durab l e , permanent , and

adap tab l e to all t ecnique s .

It re quire 80% o il .

l'lhen Umb ers are treat ed with warm hydrochloric

aci d , chlorine gas is evolve d and is r e cogni z e d by its
charac t er istic disagreeab le and piercing odor . 3 9
l 3 6 Ib id . , P
- . 11 3 .
1 37 Ibid . , p . 114.
l 3 8noern er , MATERIALS OF T ART IST , p . 8 7 .
l 39'leber , ARTISTS t PIG1-1ENTS , p . 1 04 .

hlhen Umbers are t:!:" e a ted "V-T i th alkal i e s , they
di s col or a l ittle and when heate d they bec ome a red
di sh bro-vm.



This brown red p igment is call e d Burnt Umber .

It s co lor is obtained from large amounts of iron hydroxide and oxides of manganes e .

Through roas t ing

there is a c ons e quent l o s s of wat er , resul t ing in a

convers ion o f iron hydroxi de to iron oxide .
It is an inexpens ive pigment , is permanent ,
semi- transparent , and has been in us e sinc e c l a s s ical
t mes
The s ynonyms for Raw Umbe r are :

Cyprus ' Umber ,

Turkey Umber , Te rre d 1 ombre , Terra d 1 ombra , Ti erra de

sombra , and Umbra .
The synonyms for Burnt Umber are :

Terr e d '

ombre brulee , Te rra d t ombra bruc iata , Tierra de sombra

to s tada , and Gebrannte umbra . 143

Engl ish Vermil ion, French Vermilion,
Chinese Vermilion , Orange Vermil ion,
S c arlet Vermil ion, C innabar ,
14?no erner , MATERIALS OF THE ARTIST , p . 87.
vebe r , ART ISTS t PIGHENTS , p . 28 .
I b id . , P . 1 04 .
143Jbid . , p . 28 .

Quicks ilver Vermi l ion , Sinopis ,
Vermiglione , Ve rmellon,
Z innober
All hue s are pure He rcuric Sulphide - -HgS .
I t is found in the mineral C innabar ( a mercury
blend ) in Spa in, China , Japan, Mexico , Peru , Ge rmany ,
Aus tria and C alifornia .

The Natural mineral is rarely

pure enough to be used as a pigment .

It is manufac

ture d from the el ements , mercury ( qui c ksilver ) and

sulphur , by e ither the Dry Method or the We t He thod.
In the dry metho d , the raw mat erials us e d are
in a dry condition . 44 Eighty-four p arts by we ight of
mercury are mixed with s ixt e en parts by we::i.ght of sul
phur , until an araorphor ous black pOi"lder ( Ethiop I s
Mineral ) is forme d .

Fr om this powder vermil ion is

obt aine d by subl imation .

The Ethiop is pur e mercuric

sulphide and is unchang ed chemically during the sublimat ion proces s .

The c o l or change is entire ly due to

the phy s i cal change that has taken place .

It is then

tre ated with hot alkaline s olutions , in order t o remove any free sulphur , washed, and ar e ready for use .
Brighter and purer colors are obt aine d 'tvhen the pigment
is 1vashed than 1'ITh en it i s not .

The r e sultant c olor will

vary from dark red to l ight red hue .

In Ho lland of

Red Lead or f inely divi ded me tall i c lead is added to it .

In 168 7 , G . Schulz e publ ishe d the firs t proc e s s
f o r preparing Vermili on by the l,ie t T(lethod .
In the "Het metho d , the quicks ilver and sulphur
are ground toge ther in the pre s ence of wat er .


the b lack mixture is s t irred for many hours l,V" i th a

"tor arm solution of caus t i c potash or potas s ium sulphi de ,
the p igment develops the des ire d vermilion co lor .
i s then washed and dr i e d .


Colors obtaine d from the dry metho d and the

nativ e product , shm"J a gr eater s tab ility under expo
sure to dir e c t sunlight .

Vermil ion inclining towards

a blu i sh tinge has a greater permanence than those of

orang e or s carl e t hue s .

As an o il color , pure Vermilion. ,

1;i!here properly protec ted b y a f i lm o f oil and varni sh

i s permanent if not expos e d to dire c t sunlight .


overglazed with alizarin madder , Vermilion is very

l ikely to undergo any change in color .


I t is opaque

and is a s c arle t color .

The pigment do e s not re quire much oil in its
preparation ; it is a s low drier fud must be c arefully
ground to prevent the s ep aration of the o il from the
p igment .

Impur e air , sulphurous ga s e s , and moisture

have no affe c t on Vermilion .

durab le pigment s .

I t is stable vri th other

It l,iill dis c olor when impure and

when mixed l,V" ith lihite Le a d .

Pure Vermilions are insoluble in wa ter , a1coho1 , alkal ies , and in di lute a c ids .
do e s not rea c t with Ve rmil ion.

Ni tric acid

The presence of Red

Le ad shows a brown dis c oloration .

A s o1ution of so-

dium sulphide , with the addition of s odium hydroxide

wi ll d i s s olv e vermilion re adily .

Dy es can be de-

te c ted with wat e r , alkal ie s or alcohol ; the l i quid

be come s colore d .

When vermilion i s heated , a change

takes place in the col or .

It change s from a bluish

to a brown and e ventually to a b lack hue .

If it is

s t ill heated onc e it turns b:l,ack in color, the mas s

wi ll burn wi th a bluish fl ame and l e ave only a trace
of ash . Sodium Sulphi de will blacken vermi1ions . 14
A mixture of nitric and hydrochl oric ac ids wil l dis so lve vermil ion to a c olorless s olut ion.
t i on will be of mercur ic ch1oride . 1 47

The s olu

Vermi lion was known o f at least 2500 yeat s ago .

It 'TrIaS ground from the mineral mercuri c sulphide , C in
nabar , and was somet imes referre d to as C innabar Re d . 14
It vas used by the Eyp t ians in 4 00 B . C .

I t was used by

the anc i ent Hebrews as early as 6 00 B . C . and was called

It i s thought to have be en u s ed by A s s yrians
1 49
and Chine se even e arlier than this .
" s chaschar" .

itt* Ibi d ,

p . 11 9 .
Ib id- , p . 120 0
1 48Maerz and
Paul , DICT IONARY OF COLOR , p . 154 .
149 {eber , ART ISTS ' PIGMENTS , p . 1 20 0


C remnit z tm ite , Flake 'ttJhite , Le ad 1tJhi t e ,
S i l ver whlte , Dutch \mi t e Lead ,
Blanc d 'Argent , Blanc de Pl omb ,
Bianc o di p ilmo b o , Bl anc o de pl omo
( albayalde ) ,
B l e iwe is s , Ceru s s a Al ba,
C e ruse , I\:rems er lV'e i s s ,
Blanco de Cremnit z
It i s c omposed ob Bas ic Lead carbonate - - 2PbC 0 _
Pb ( OH ) 2 Vhit e Lead lIas Imovffi to the ancien t s by the
name of CERUSSE .
gar _

It was prepar e d from lead and vine

After the fall of the Roman Empire , it was first

prepared at Venice , l ater at:"'Dr ems in Aus tria , then

Holland, England, Germany and Franc e .

To day the

Unite d Stat e s i s the larg e s t pro duc er .

I'Jhit e Le ad is made by many different proces s e s .
In the Dutch Pr oces s , C arbon Di oxide , oxygen of the air ,
and 'tva ter vapor ( mois ture ) reac t on metall i c lead in the
pres ence of ac e t ic ac id fumes ( vine gar ) .

Rea c tions are

brought about by stac king c lay pots containing dilute

ac e t i c acid and flat metal l ic l ead buttons , c o ils or
buckl e s , in tiers and covering them with ferment ing tan
b ark, spent tan or fermenting dung c

Later during de com

p o s i t ion carbon dioxi de and hear are evol-ved, thereby

evaporat ing the ac e t ic ac id and forming Lead A c etate
( Sugar of Lead ) on the surfac e of the l ead.

The Lead

Acetate i s conv erte d into i t e Lea d by the c arbon dioxide .

About n inety days are re quired for comple t e

corro s on .
A t e s t exper iment can be performed on a small

s cale by pouring a l ittle ac i d into a b owl and fas ten

ing a lead plat e over the top in such a way as no t to
touch the ac id.
on the lead.

Very soon a thin ifhi t e coating i s formed

This c oating is tite Lea d .

If ac i d come s

into dire c t contact vlith the l ead, c olorless c:t'ys tals

are forme d .

If the s e cry s tal s are in small quant ities ,

they are not harmful to the p igment .

But if they are

present in larger quant it ie s , 1mite Lead turns brovrn.

and e ffloresces .

This can be eliminate d by washing . 15l

In the Quick Proc e s s , heate d vap ors of dilute

aceti c ac id and c arbon di oxide act upon atomi z e d metallic l ead, is bl ovrn. with s team into a large revolving
i'ITooden cyl inder s , and pro duc e s Ivni t e L e ad vJhich i s more
amorphous in charac ter and le s s cry s tall ine in structure
than the 1mite Lead produ c ed by the Dut ch Pro c e s s

In the Mil d Proces s , f inely div i ded me tall ic lead

p01'ITde r is mixed vli th air and water and form b a s ic hydroxide o f l e ad t'ITh ich i s act e d upon by the carbon dioxide gas
to produc e 1'\111 it e Le ad.

In this pro c e s s no ac ids , alkal'i es

l O Ibid . , p . 2 .
1 1
l lnoern er MATERIALS
OF Trm ART IST, p . 5 1 .

or chemical s ar e neede d . 152
A good variety of mite Lead shoul d be cOMpo s ed
of 70% carbonate of l e ad and 3 0% of lead hydroxide .
Varying per centages of lead carbonate and hydroxide
affec t opac ity , cons i s t ency and durability .
tmit e Le ad is one of the mos t opaque white p ig
ment s and is e qualed only by Permalb a .

I t is s ens i -

t ive t o hydrogen sulphie and forms b lack l ead sulphide .

A s an oil i t b e c omes yell ovlish in c olor upon aging and
l e s s opaque .

"Lm en it i s expos e d to the e l ement s , Vlhite

L e ad become s chalky after long expo sure .

It is perma-

nent , espec ially so vJ"hen prot e c t e d by a c oat of oil or

varni sh .. 153
Its solubility in s odium chl oride c aus e s dis integration of the pigment 1fhen it i s exp o s ed to s e a
a ir . Carbon Di oxide in the air att acks 'lrill i te Lead . 154
\till i te L e ad i s very p o i s onou s ..

Even the inhaling

of the dus t containing i t can caus e s erious cons e quenc es .

tfuen grinding 1JJhit e Lead '!rlith a me dium , the greatest
caut ion is adv i s ab l e , and the hands should b e very car e
fully i'la shed . Thi s dang er should not b e underes timate d . 155
h1hen heated, lill i te Lead l o s e s carbon::: d ioxi de and
!''later and is s lm'lly converted int o lead oxi de--Pb O , ( L i:bharg e , a yellowish-red c olor ) ..

l'1a s s icot is a l'ftodification

15 2Heb er , ART ISTS r PIG}1ENTS , p . 1 21 .

Ib i d . , p . 122 .
c iA. , p . 1 23 .
l';;c ';';Do
e rner, /1A TERIALS OF THE .ll...).'1 T IST,


53 .


of lead oxide , a pale yellow c olor , "tvhi ch is obtained

By prolonged heating l e ad oxide

in the same manner .

thus formed c ombine s Hi th additional oxygen and forms

the bright re d oxide


as Ninium--Pb 3 04

'I,m en

hea ed 1.;i th c arbon, lffii te Lead b e c omes yellO'tv in c olor

and upon further he ating it is converte d into met allic
l ea d .
vfu ite Lead i s insolubl e in water and any sugar
of l ead if pre s ent i s b rought int o s olut ion and the
det ection of vJhich may be made by adding s o dium sul
phi de ( format i on of black lead sulphide in the pre s ence
of lead in s o lution ) or by sulphuric ac id ( format i on
of insolubl e white lead sulphate ) .
Hydrochloric ac i d prec ipitates insoluble l e ad
chl oride from s olut ions of T'Jh i te Lead and i s s oluble
in boiling 1oJat er ..

Sodiurll carbonat e pre c ipi tates lead

carbonate from s olut ions of Tdhi t e Lead .

C austic soda

dis s olves M:li t e Lea d .

Up on the addition o f p o tas s ium b ichromate to a
neutral s olut ion of \IJhi t e Lea d , a yellow pre c ipitate of
ins oluble Chr ome Ye llO'tv ( Lead Chrornate ) is forme d .
tV'n i t e Lead 1vhich has b ec ome disc olored i s bleached
( oxidized ) to "tvhite lead sulphate Hhen it is treated


Hydrogen peroxide--H 0 2

cheap subs t i tu t e for \'Jhi te Lead is Bas ic Lead

Chl oride--PbC I 2Pb ( OH ) 2 - - ' but it is not durable in mixture s .

It can be det ected by i t s s olubility in hot dilut e ni tric

acid 'Vdthout eff erve s c ence . F6

The addi tion of a drop

of s.ilver nitrat e forms a i'lhit e floc culent pre c ipi tate . l ,57

Zinc Oxide , Chine s e l'llii t e , Fr ench Z inc ,
Blanc de Z inc , SnO't'v 'iJhi t e ,
Bianco d e Zinco, Blanc o de Z inc ,
Zinla-le i s s
Z inc Nhite is c omposed o f Z inc oxi de--Zn O .

l,5 8

Not until early in the e ighteenth c entury ivas

there suff i c ient interest manife s ted in metal t o endeavor to produc e it from ore .

A traditi on rec orde d

by BerYJaan s ays that an Engl ishman vi s it e d China to learn

the art of making Zinc .

He attained his knO'toTl e dge , re-

turned i'lith the s ecre t and s o on after'tv-ards erec ted a

Z inc plant at Bri s tol , England for the pro duct i on of
Spelter .

This pl ant 'tv-as ere c t e d


1 743 .


after the e s tabli slkment of this Spelt er p lant a t Br istol ,

the pro duct , Spel ter , Ivas used to coat iron she ets to
prevent them from rus t ing .
Galvani zed Iron .

Thi s 'tm s the beginn ing of

An operat or of this pro cess notic e d

that a fine Hhite pOiv-der colle c t ed ab out the edges of

his melted z inc b ath.

This pro ved to be Z inc Oxide .

ARTISTS f P IGJ.'vIENTS , p . 124 .

p . 1 2,5 .
p . 1 28 .

The coercial production of Ainc Ox ide as a
pigment was started


France in the latter part of the

eighteenth century by Leclair and Sorel ..

paint grinder and master painter.

L eclair 't'V'as a

He made elaborate

and conclusive tests 't'V'ith Zinc Oxide.

I nvestigations

of Leclairst clali1s that he had found a pigment t hat

produces a -vThiter and mOl'>e desirable paint, by the
};l'rench Government, led them to specify Z inc Oxide to
be used in all Government -vrork .

Later vJhite Lead 't'V'as

prohibited above certain percentages and Z i nc Oxide was

specified in its place.
It 'tvas made by burning spelter -vrith an excess

amoUlt of air. 59

I t is now made by the French Process.

The zinc ores are S Tllel ted, the z inc being distilled off
and collected as molten zinc .

The metal lic z inc is cast

in slags which are again melted in different kinds of

furnaces and the melted z inc upon further heating vaporiz es.

The fumes upon meeting the air burn with a bright

greenish-yellow flame to produce Z inc Oxide.

After it

is cooled and blown through large pipes, it is collected.

It is sa:l11pled, graded, and packed ready for use.1 6 0

Z inc Hhite "tom s first introduced as an artist' s




As comp ared Hi th Cremni tz 1rJhite, it is

much looser, bulkier pOHder.

and covers "t-rell.

I t is colder in appearance

Z inc VJhite is very . conomical t o use

and is practically non-poisonous.

1 5 9Ibid., p. 129 .
0 . , p. 130.

For this reason it is

preferred to ,n.'1i te Lead in gr 01.,mcis .

Z inc tTh i te i s

perma..'Ylent to light , do e s not yell oVJ, and a s a bas ic

mineral c olor has l e s s than i'.lh ite Lead a s o l idifying
Hydrogen Sulphi de acts upon
Zinc irJhit e and produces a 1'1)'h i te Z inc Sulphi de . 1 l
eff e ct up on fatty o ils .

llJh en exposed to the air , Z inc lfu ite become s

gri t ty and through the absorp t ion of carbonic ac i d
turns int o ba s ic Z i nc C arbonat e .

It should therefore

be kept in t ightly clos e d gla s s j ars .

lvhen heat e d ,

i t vrill again turn t o p o"tider .

If Z inc 1'\111i t e is heate d , i t turns lemon ye ll01'1
and in c o oling 1'1)'hi t e .
I"Jh i te Lead .

It differs in this r e spect from

Pure Z inc '.1hite dis s olves in alkaline s o -

lut ions , arati1onia, and a c ids , i n the lat ter wi thou t

efferve s c enc e .

Efferve s cence indicates chalk and an

o dor of hydrog en sulphide is pres ent .

and blruc f ixe remain a s residue s .
Z inc Nhite .

L i thopene , clay ,

Ace t i c acid at tacks

Z inc tr.:.'l ite disint egrates quickly out of

door s , and it increa s e s in volume and caus e s cracks .

Ground in oil , Z inc lfui t e drie s s l owly, e sp e c ially s o
if i t ' is ground in p oppy oil .

Thi s retarded drying is

\Jel c orned by many painter s , but the color never dri e s as

s ol i dly as t,fu i te Lea d .

Zinc t,Jhite is no t suited t o un-

derpainting in oil f or c racking vJill fol low .

J?ormerly Zinc \fui te pos s e s s ed mor e gl azing qual i
t ie s , but today i t is u s ed by art ists for opaque paint1
1 6 Doerner

.5.5 .

ing b e cau s e it doe s not turn yellO'tv in o ils as do e s

16 2
liJh J..
L>e I_,e a d
Z inc \it e is s o transparent and s o

iv-eak in c overing pOl.v-er that you nee d a great deal of

it to make a color l ighter . 1 3

1 6 2 Ibid . , p . 56 .
1 6 3Fabri , C O LOR , p . 105 .

Alizarin Lakes , 1 8 , 1 9 , 20 ,
21 .

Cyaneous , 40, 41 .
Delf't Blue , 41 .

Antwerp Blue , 21 .

Eraeral d Green, 3 , 42, 43 .

Asphalt , 7 .

How C o l ors I'lade , 5 , 6 , 7 ,

Aureolin, 21 , 22 .
A zure , 22, 23 .
Bariura Yell ow, 23 , 24 .
Blue-Bl ack, 24 , 25 .
Blue-Gr e en and Gr een-Blue
Oxide , 25 , 26 .

Indian Re d and R e d Iron
Ox ide s , 43 , 44, 45 .
Indian Ye llo't-l , 3 , 4 , 45 ,
_6 , 47 .
Lamp Black, 47 , 48 .

Brilliant YellovJ, 26 .

List of' C olors , 14, 15 , 16 .

C admi"Lll11 Yel lovJ, 3 , 26 , 27 ,

Halachit e Green , 48 , 49 .

28 , 29 0
C admium R e d , 29 , 3 0 .

Manganes e Viole t , 3 , 49 ,
50 , 51 .

C arbon Black, 30 , 31 .

Nars C olors , 4, 51 , 52.

C erulean Blue , 31 , 32 0

![etho ds t o Te s t Pigments ,

Chrome Green, 32, 33 .

8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12, 1 3 ,

Chrome Re d , 33 , 34 .

14 .

Chrome Yell Oi-J, 34 , 35 , 36 "

C obalt Blue , 37, 38 .
C obalt Green, 38 , 39 .
C obalt Viol e t , 39 , 40 .

Naple s Ye llo't'l, 3 , 5 2 , 53 .
O ce s , Natural and C alc ined,
53 , 54, 55 , 56 , 57 .
Oxide of' Chromium, Opaque ,

Ox.ide of Chromium, Trans parent , 3 , 58 , 59 .

Permalba, 5 9 , 6 0 .
Prus s ian Blue , 6 0 , 6 1 , 6 2,
R e d Lead, 6 4 , 65 , 66 .
Siennas , Natural and Cal
c ined, 2 , 66 , 6 7 .
S our c e s of Pigments , 1 , 2 ,

Standardiz at ion o f C o lor

Name s , 16 , 17 .
S tront ium Yell ovJ, 3 .
Terr e Verde , 6 7 , 68 , 69 .
Ti tanium "Lill i t e , 3 .
Ultramarine Blue , 69 , 7 0 ,


71 .
Umb ers , Natural and Calc ined, 71 , 72 .
Vermilion, 3 , 7 2 , 73 , 74 ,
75 1'
VJhi t e Lead , 3 , 76 , 7 7 , 7 8 ,
79 , 8 0 .
Z inc 'tmite , 3 , 8 0 , 8 1 , 8 2, 8 3 .

The b ooks in the foll o"t-Jing list 'tvere the main
l i terary s ources u s ed in s tudying art i s t s ' pigment s .
}lany wer e us e d in trac ing the exact meanings of obs cure co lor names and in clearing up e rror s in r egard
to synonymous terms .

Many o ther books wer e als o re-

ferred t o , but as they v-Iere found mere ly to dupl i

cate mat erial already well authenticat ed, they were
excluded from this lis t .

The l i s ting of these b ooks

"t-lOuld serve no purpose but t o pad the l is t .


b o oks were u s ed in det ermining the fir s t l iterary

appearance of color names .
Cennini , C ennino D t Andrea . IL LIBRO DELL I ARTE ( THE
C RJIFT SIVJL\N t S F..:.ANDBOOK ) . rr ranslat ed by Dani el V .
Thomp s on, Jr . New York: Dover Pub l i cations ,
Inc . 1933 .
Do erner , I1ax . TI-m 1/J11 TERL\LS OP THE Jill'r rST AND THEIR
OP THE OLD }ll'>.S TERS . Trans lated by Eugen Neu
haus , Ph .D . h . c . Ne'tv York : Harcourt , Brac e and
C ompany . 1 9 34.

Pabri , Ralph . C OL OR , 11. C OMPLETE GUIDE POR ARTIS TS .

NeH York: Hat s on-Guptill Publ i cat ions . 1967 .
I1aerz , Aloys Jolm , and Paul , N . Rea . A DICTIONARY OP
COLOR . Ne'tv Yor k : JJ[cGrm,r-Hill Book Company .
1930 .
Plane , Robert A . , fu"ld S i enko , Hi chell J . CHEHIS TRY .
Hew York: IvIcSra.i;'T;,.H i ll Boo k C o mpany . 19 6 6 .
Third Edit ion.

Heber , F .

H . AR T IS T S '




trand Company . 1923 .



He'1'l Yo rk:

D . Van No s

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