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Orks wargear list:
Weapons, armors:
Power klaw na nobach. 15 pts
Big choopa na nobach .. 3 pts
Mega armor: 2+ sejw, +1T +1W

Runts & Squigs:

Attack squig .. +1 A do profilu 15 pts
Ammo runts 2 pts

Orky Know-wots:
Cybork body (5++ inv).. 15 pts

Zasady gwne:
Mob rule : +1 FNP (6+ gdy brak ). Oddzia liczcy ponad 10 woundw jest fearless. Tabelka
kodeksowa dalej obowizuje.

Warboss: Ma zasad: Da Big Boss: If a Warboss is your warlord, he allows one Nobz mob to be taken
as a troops choice.
Mad dok grotsnik 160 pts: One Scalpel Short of a Medpack: Dok Grotsnik and any unit he joins have
the Fearless, rampage and Rage special rules. Once Dok Grotsnik has joined a unit, he may not leave
it unless he is the last remaining member of that unit.
Boyz zmiana sluggas na shotta jest darmowa. eavy armor za 2 pts. Dowolnej wielkoci oddzia
moe wzi do 3 ranged weapons za 5 pts.
Burna Boyz 12 pts za model, upg do mek 3 pts, upg do noba 10 pts (nie ma burny)
TankBustas 11 pts za model upg to Nob .. 5 pts

Nobz 16 pts za model, eavy armor za 2 pts, motorki za 25 pts, power claw za 15 pts, big choopa 3
Mega nobz: (uwzgldniajc armor: 5T 3W). Zamiana tl shooty na two killsaws 5 pts za model,
waaagh banner 20 pts, kombi bronie za free
Kommandos: burna po 10 pts
Boss snikrot: jego bro dostaje zasad rending
Trukk: 25 pts
Dakkajet: 70 pts, suppa shotas (s6 ap4 assault 4, rending)
Burna-bommer: 75 pts.
Blitza-Bomber: 95 pts:
Battlewagon: 90 pts
Deff Dread: 80 pts pancerz 13/13/10, A4 unit up to 3 models, 80pts/model
Killa Kans: 35 pts/model
Gorkanatu: (super-heavy Walker) ws5 6HP, Assautl vehicle, transport 10 modeli
Morkanatu: (super-heavy Walker)bs3 6HP. Assautl vehicle, transport 10 modeli
Flash Gitz: 20 pts/model, Snazzgun: 24; S5 ap d6, assault 5
Ghazghkull Thraka: (6t 5W, mob rule +2 FnP)
Looted wagon supa transporta: 35 pts, 11/11/10 3hp tank, transport open-toped. Pojemno 12
Big shoota/rokkit launcha/skorcha 5 pts. Deff rola 10 pts, Ard case -5 pts, Grabbin klaw 5 pts.
May takie items from the Orks Vehicle Equipment list. Fire points (jeli ma Ard case): 3 (2 po bokach
1 z boku). Acces points (jeli ma Ard case: jeden z tyu
Specjalna zasada: Dont press dat: w fazie shooting rzut k6 na 1 pojazd musi zrobi flat out.
Jednostka jest w slocie fast lub jako dedykt dla nobzw, lootasw, tank bustasw, flash gitz i burna
Looted wagon supa destroya tanka 130 pts 14/13/10 3hp tank/heavy
Turret mounted looted battle cannon 60 s8 ap3 ordance 1, 5 blast, twin-linked hull mounted big
Add two twin linked sponson mounted big shootas 15 pts.
Pintle-mounted shoota 3 pts

May takie items from the Orks Vehicle Equipment list.

Slot heavy support
1. Prophet of the waagh: The Warlord gains the Waaagh! special rule. If the Warlord already
has the Waaagh! special rule then, in addition to the usual effects, all friendly models with
the Ere We Go! special rule gain the Fearless special rule and re-roll all failed to hit rolls
(both shooting and assault ) when he calls a Waaagh!, until the start of their next turn.

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