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Reaction Paper: The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo is a remake of the Alexander Dumas tale by the same name.A
young man,falsely imprisoned by his jealous friend because of the success of Edmond and
having a secretely love for the girlfriend of Edmond,it's Mercedes.Escapes and uses the
treasure that he found and use it to his enemies in exact revenge.

Edmond Dantes a sailor who is falsely accused of treason by his traitor friend Fernand
Mondego,where he wants Dante's girlfriend, Mercedes for himself.Without the enough
knowledge Edmond Dante doesn't know what really the content of the letter that was given by
his ill captain,that he will give it to someone in Paris.Knowing about this incident,the
authorities capture Edmond, taking away to his wedding with hus beloved Mercedes. Edmond
meets Monsieur Villafort, an assistant district attorney that will help to be free from the
injustice crime,but surprisingly not Villafort will help to the poor Edmond because the content
of the letter was related to his father, Villafort destroys the letter in order to protect his father.
So Edmond was in prison for almost 13 years at Chateau d'If,a a place where no one can easily
escape.He met there an innocent prison priest named as Abbe Faria.Abbe educates Edmond
about all kinds of things and the two figure out a way to dig an escape route out of the
prison.But Abbe becomes very sick and dies, but before Abbe dies he told to Edmond the
directions to a buried treasure on the island of Monte Cristo. Edmond escapes Chateu d'If by
pretending tobe dead Abbe and after that he swims to safety on a ship and eventually find his
way to the island of Monte Cristo with his new found friend name Jacopo where his the one
that help Edmond to plan for the revenge he will make to Edmond's enemies.
With the treasures that Edmond have, ge reinvent himself as The Count of Monte Cristo, take
the plot of revenge to Villefort and Fernand Mondego and he was successful to that plan.The
counts revenge plot gains momentum around Paris where he gradually ruined the lives of each
of his enemies.
At the end of the story Edmond Dante finds ultimately happiness when his back to his beloved
Mercedes and his children living in a peaceful life.

This movie was an eye- opener for the viewers that the justice sometimes wasn't easy to be
given to the poor one or seeking for it. The process takes time and sometimes it would be
forgotten.There are some factors that affect when someone wants a justice,power,connections
and money perhaps. Not all the criminals deserve to be in prison because they don't have the
right sometimes to tell the truth because of the circumstances that they may have.
With that kind of movie, it can be recommended to watch because all the scenes was related in
the reality set-up. Especially the treatment to the criminals that was so cruel for those in the
government that use their power to suffer someone.
Everybody deserves the revenge that Edmond take, for the reason that all the sufferings when
he was at the prison, all the cruelty that the government did to him, he has the right to take
some actions regarding what happened to him at the prison. And except for the priest because

he's the one that help Edmond and make a way to escape from the prison he was the one also
that educate Edmond.
The ending for all the characters was appropriate especially to those who made Edmond suffer
at the prison and was involve to it, not all you trusted person can be rely on because there are
some incident that the one youve trusted will make you suffer at the end because of the
success or achievement that you have, they are secretly hiding some plan that will make you

(The Count of Monte Cristo)


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