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Assignment 3

1. Define business objectives

Why are you gamifying?
How do you hope to benefit your business, or achieve some other goal such
as motivating people to change their behavior?
Basically, if your gamified system does what you intend, what specific positive
results will it generate for your organization?
The first written assignment focused on this step of the process, so you may
wish to look back on your earlier submission and the peer assessments for
guidance. As you state your objectives, emphasize the end goal or goals
of your gamified design rather than detailing the means through which
you'll achieve this goal.
The main purpose in the matter of ShareAll would be to make the platform more
prone to turn visitors into active participants, who share the values of collaborative
consumption and, most importantly, who return on the website, as they would see it
as a common purchasing habit.
The success of the platform remains in its ability to cause a behavioral change in the
normal trade patterns, and later on in turning it into a habit, and this is where
gamification could have a meaningful part.
Where could gamification help?


In making users to try the new way of trading - past discussions on

collaborative consumption have underlined a problem in the onboarding of
participants: some feel quite reluctant when it comes to trying out the
system, as they are not sure about its safety. However, by adding a sense of
fun to it, the process of onboarding would become friendlier.
In creating a sense of community and sharing, which can as well act as
a motivational tool, as users would find themselves related to each other,
under a common purpose.
By enhancing the customer experience making the whole purchasing
experience more user-friendly.
Strengthening the position of the platform, and ultimately improving
sales for the company.

In increasing activity on the website striving to facilitate a formation of

habits, by using game elements.
Delineate target behaviors

What do you want your players to do?

And what are the metrics that will allow you to measure them? These
behaviors should promote your business objectives, although the relationship
may be indirect. For example, your business goal might be to increase sales,

but your target behavior could be for visitors to spend more time on your
website. As you describe the behaviors, be sure to explain how they will help
your system achieve its objectives. The metrics should in some fashion
provide feedback to the players, letting them know when they are
successfully engaging in the intended behaviors.
Spend more time on the website by spending more time, more assets
are exchanged, and consequently, the company receives more revenue
Recommend the platform virality is an important part of making the
platform widely used and perceived as a community
Come back if habit formation is to be achieved, an increase in the
number of daily average users is to be expected

Describe your players

Who are the people who will be participating in your gamified activity?

As the platform is one with a widely economic use, its principles may very well
apply to everyone. Therefore, the target group is made out of prospective
consumers, and it extends to a variety of social categories, with the most
essential attributes being access to and periodic use of internet, complemented
by the possession of gadgets such as smartphones and tablets, which make the
user more prone to return periodically.
The users would find a value-fit between their personal convictions and the
principles guiding the platform:

Sharing sharing personal belongings with other unknown people

Community the feeling of relatedness as being part of a community
Consciousness and continuity trying to use objects in a responsible,
money and time saving way, so that they dont get unused.
And what are they like? You can describe your players using demographics
(such as age and gender), psychographics (such as their values and
personalities), Bartles player types, or some other framework.
You should show that you understand what sorts of game elements and other
structures are likely to be effective for this population. For example, you might
discuss whether a more competitive or cooperative system would be better
for this player community.


Devise activity loops

Explore in greater detail how you will motivate your players using engagement and progression
describe the kinds of feedback your system will offer the players to encourage further action
explain how this feedback will work to motivate the players. (Remember: rewards are only one
kind of feedback.)
Second, how if at all will players progress in your system?
how the system will get new players engaged, and how it will remain interesting for more
experienced players.

Progress bar by completing the online profile, so that users would feel more
motivated to fill in information about themselves, just enough to ensure the safety
of other players.
Badges for different activities such as coming on the website, returning on the
website for the second time in a day, recommending the website for a friend, writing
a review abut an exchange etc.
Levels allow users to level up; it would be dependent on the content the user is
involved in on the website, either on purchasing or selling.
Intrinsic motivation will be stimulated at all times, by integrating the feeling of
autonomy (users make their own choices, and they are the ones in control) and the
one of relatedness (being part of a community which shares common values and is
united under the purpose of conscious consuming).


Dont forget the fun!

Although more abstract than some of the other elements, ensuring that your
gamified system is fun remains as important as the other aspects. In order to fully
explore this aspect of the design process, consider how your game would function
without any extrinsic rewards. Would you say it was fun? Identify which aspects of
the game could continue to motivate players to participate even without rewards.

The platform is ultimately fun as it allows users to feel part of a community, share
and trade content and assets as nowhere before. It promotes social engagement in a
friendly, user-inspired environment, all added up to enhance and take to a next level
a daily life process, the one of purchasing and trading assets.

Deploy the appropriate tools

The gamified system would consist of an app, available on smartphones and tablets.
Every user would get a baby avatar, symbolizing its progress and its profile. The
avatar would grow as the user spends time on the website, purchasing or selling
objects. For different actions, there are different rewards in the form of badges or
extras for the character.
Every time a change occurs in the character, it would send a level up message to
the user, in order to encourage him. Also, the character would need to be fed every
once in a week, in order to make sure the users come on the website quite often.

1. eploy the appropriate tools. By this point, you've probably identified several of the game
elements and other specifics of your gamified system. If you havent already, you should
explain in detail what your system would look like. What are some of the game elements
involved and what will the experience be like for the players? What specific choices
would you make in deploying your system? For example, you might discuss whether the
gamified system is to be experienced primarily on personal computers, mobile devices, or
some other platform. You might also describe what feedback, rewards, and other
reinforcements the players could receive. Finally, think about whether youve tied your
decisions back to the other five steps in the process, especially the business objectives.

The main purpose in the matter of ShareAll would be to make the platform more prone to turn
visitors into active participants, who share the values of collaborative consumption and, most
importantly, who return on the website, as they would see it as a common purchasing habit.
1. Business objectives

The success of the platform remains in its ability to cause a behavioral change in the normal trade
patterns, and later on in turning it into a habit, and this is where gamification could have a
meaningful part.
Where could gamification help?

In making users to try the new way of trading - past discussions on collaborative
consumption have underlined a problem in the on boarding of participants: some feel
quite reluctant when it comes to trying out the system, as they are not sure about its safety.
However, by adding a sense of fun to it, the process of on boarding would become

In creating a sense of community and sharing, which can as well act as a motivational
tool, as users would find themselves related to each other, under a common purpose

By enhancing the customer experience making the whole purchasing experience more

Strengthening the position of the platform, and ultimately improving sales for the

2. Target behaviors
In order to achieve the goals of the gamified system, following behaviors would be needed from

Spend more time on the website by spending more time, more assets are exchanged, and
consequently, the company receives more revenue.

Recommend the platform virality is an important part of making the platform widely
used and perceived as a community.

Come back if habit formation is to be achieved, an increase in the number of daily

average users is to be expected.

Actively participate in trade activities - improving the amount of content users provide
and interact with on the website.

3. Players
As the platform is one with a widely economic use, its principles may very well apply to
everyone. Therefore, the target group is made out of prospective consumers, and it extends to a
variety of social categories, with the most essential attributes being access to and periodic use of
internet, complemented by the possession of gadgets such as smartphones and tablets, which
make the user more prone to return periodically.

The users would find a value-fit between their personal convictions and the principles guiding the

Sharing sharing personal belongings with other unknown people

Community the feeling of relatedness as being part of a community

Consciousness and continuity trying to use objects in a responsible, money and time
saving way, so that they dont get unused

4. Activity loops

Intrinsic motivation will be at the center of the system, and will be stimulated at all times, by
integrating the feeling of autonomy (users make their own choices, and they are the ones in
control) and the one of relatedness (being part of a community which shares common values and
is united under the purpose of conscious consuming).
Moreover, the following game elements will be included:

Progress bar - when completing the online profile, the users will be shown their progress
by means of a progress bar. This way, users would feel more motivated to fill in
information about themselves, just enough to ensure the safety of other players.

Badges for different activities such as coming on the website, returning on the website
for the second time in a day, recommending the website for a friend, writing a review abut
an exchange etc.

Levels allow users to level up; it would be dependent on the content the user is involved
in on the website, either on purchasing or selling.

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