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PostGIS 1.5.

1 Manual
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A.22.3 Improvements
Documentation improvements
More robust selectivity estimator
Minor speedup in distance()
Minor cleanups
GiST indexing cleanup
Looser syntax acceptance in box3d parser

A.23 Release 1.0.3

Release date: 2005/08/08
Contains some bug fixes - including a severe one affecting correctness of stored geometries - and a few improvements.

A.23.1 Upgrading
Due to a bug in a bounding box computation routine, the upgrade procedure requires special attention, as bounding boxes cached
in the database could be incorrect.
An hard upgrade procedure (dump/reload) will force recomputation of all bounding boxes (not included in dumps). This is
required if upgrading from releases prior to 1.0.0RC6.
If you are upgrading from versions 1.0.0RC6 or up, this release includes a perl script (utils/ to force
recomputation of geometries bounding boxes and invoke all operations required to propagate eventual changes in them (geometry statistics update, reindexing). Invoke the script after a make install (run with no args for syntax help). Optionally run
utils/ to refresh postgis procedures and functions signatures (see Soft upgrade).

A.23.2 Bug fixes

Severe bugfix in lwgeoms 2d bounding box computation
Bugfix in WKT (-w) POINT handling in loader
Bugfix in dumper on 64bit machines
Bugfix in dumper handling of user-defined queries
Bugfix in script

A.23.3 Improvements
Small performance improvement in canonical input function
Minor cleanups in loader
Support for multibyte field names in loader
Improvement in the script
New util script

A.24 Release 1.0.2

Release date: 2005/07/04
Contains a few bug fixes and improvements.

PostGIS 1.5.1 Manual

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A.24.1 Upgrading
If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 or up you DO NOT need a dump/reload.
Upgrading from older releases requires a dump/reload. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

A.24.2 Bug fixes

Fault tolerant btree ops
Memory leak plugged in pg_error
Rtree index fix
Cleaner build scripts (avoided mix of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS)

A.24.3 Improvements
New index creation capabilities in loader (-I switch)
Initial support for postgresql 8.1dev

A.25 Release 1.0.1

Release date: 2005/05/24
Contains a few bug fixes and some improvements.

A.25.1 Upgrading
If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 or up you DO NOT need a dump/reload.
Upgrading from older releases requires a dump/reload. See the upgrading chapter for more informations.

A.25.2 Library changes

BUGFIX in 3d computation of length_spheroid()
BUGFIX in join selectivity estimator

A.25.3 Other changes/additions

BUGFIX in shp2pgsql escape functions
better support for concurrent postgis in multiple schemas
documentation fixes
jdbc2: compile with "-target 1.2 -source 1.2" by default
NEW -k switch for pgsql2shp
NEW support for custom createdb options in
BUGFIX in pgsql2shp attribute names unicity enforcement
BUGFIX in Paris projections definitions cleanups

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