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SHITSUKE (Discipline)

Discipline means SHITSUKE or become habit employment and utilization of

established and standardized methods for order and cleanliness in the
workplace. We can get the benefits achieved with the first "S" for a long
time if it can create an atmosphere of respect for the established rules and
The four "S" above can be implemented without difficulty if in the workplace
discipline is maintained. Its application security guarantees that will be
permanent, progressively improve productivity and product quality is
Shitsuke involves the development of a culture of self within the company. If
the direction of the company encourages each of the members apply the
Deming cycle in each of the daily activities, it is certain that the practice
would have no difficulty Shitsuke. The Shitsuke is the bridge between 5S and
Kaizen or continuous improvement concept. The habits developed with
practice constitute a good model to achieve that discipline is a core value in
the way of doing work.
Shitsuke involves:
Respect for the norms and standards established to preserve the site
impeccable work.c Perform personal control and respect for the rules
governing the operation of an organization. Promote the habit of selfmanage or reflect on the level of compliance with established standards.
Understand the importance of respect for others and the rules under which
the worker has probably participated directly or indirectly in its production.
Improve respect for his own self and others.
A culture of sensitivity, respect and care for the resources of the company is
Discipline is a way to change habits.
Established standards are followed and there is a greater awareness and
respect among people.
Morale at work increases.
The customer will feel more satisfied as quality levels will be higher because
they have been fully respected procedures and rules.
The workstation will be a really attractive place to come every day.

Shitsuke practice aims achieved the habit to respect and properly use the
procedures, standards and controls previously developed. A worker is
likewise discipline to keep "alive" the 5's, since the benefits and advantages
are significant. A company and its managers encourage their practice
because it brings significant improvements in productivity and operating
systems management.
As regards the implementation of 5S, discipline is important because
without it, the implementation of the first four 5's rapidly deteriorating. If
the benefits of the implementation of the first four 5's have been shown, it
should be natural to assume the implementation of the fifth or Shitsuke.
How to implement SHITSUKE
Discipline is not visible and can not be measured unlike classification, order,
cleanliness and standardization. It exists in the mind and the will of the
people and only the conduct shows his presence; however, you can create
conditions that encourage the practice of discipline.
Shared Vision
The theory of learning organizations (Peter Senge) suggests that the
development of an organization is essential that there is a convergence
between the vision of an organization and its employees. Therefore, it is
necessary that the management of the company considers the need to lead
this convergence towards common goals of prosperity of people, customers
and organization. Without this identity goals will be impossible to achieve
delivery to create the space and respect standards and good working
5S is not about ordering a document mandated "Implant 5S" Time. You need
to educate and introduce each of the S's by training "learning by doing".
This is not to build "posters" with phrases, slogans and funny caricatures as
a means to raise worker. These internal marketing techniques will promptly
but quickly exhausted. In a company it had to be eliminated through actions
Seiri, "posters and ads" because they were unnecessary and had lost their
purpose because of the habit.
Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa stated that these processes of creating culture and good
work habits are preferably achieved by example. You can not ask a
maintenance mechanic who has ordered his toolbox, if the boss has
neglected his desk, cluttered with samples of screws, seals, parts and which
is pending buy.
Time to implement the 5S
The worker requires time to practice 5S. Quite often you will not allocate
time for production pressures and fail to perform the actions. These

behaviors do lose credibility and workers believe it is not a serious program

and lack of management commitment. You need to have the support of
management for their efforts in terms of resources, time, support and
recognition of achievements.

The role of the Directorate

To create the conditions that promote or favor Shitsuke Implementation of
management has the following responsibilities:
Educate staff on principles and techniques of 5S and autonomous
Create a promoter or leader for implantation in the whole plant equipment.
Assign the time to practice 5S and autonomous maintenance.
Provide the resources for the implementation of 5S.
Motivate and participate directly in the promotion of their activities.
Assess the progress and evolution of the implementation in each area of the
Participate in biannual or annual audits of progress.
Apply the 5S in their work.
Teaching by example to avoid cynicism.
Demonstrate your commitment and that of the company for the
implementation of 5S.
The role of workers
Continue to learn more about the implementation of 5S.
Assume enthusiastically implementing 5S.
Collaborate in the dissemination of knowledge using the lessons of a point.
Design and respect the standards of conservation workplace.
Perform routine audits established.
Ask the boss of the box support or resources needed to implement the 5S.
Participate in the formulation of plans of continuous improvement to
eliminate problems and faulty equipment and work areas.

Actively participate in the promotion of 5S.

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